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Good Shepherd Lutheran College

MYP Unit Planner

Teacher(s): K.Battel B. Holland, Subject group and disciplines: Physical and Health Education

Unit Title: Game Creation MYP Year: 3 Unit Length: 18 hrs

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key Concept Related Concept(s) Global Context

Development Choice Identities and Relationships

Area of Exploration

Health and wellbeing; lifestyle choices

Statement of Inquiry

Personal positive choices and a balanced lifestyle enhance development.

Conceptual Inquiry Question(s) Debatable Inquiry Question(s)

Factual Inquiry Question(s)

Who/What? (factual question) Why/How? (conceptual question) How/Is/Does/If? (Debatable question)

What equipment do I have available? How will I start, finish my game? How do I provide clear instructions so participates can
What space might be appropriate? How will players score/win?
Does clear communication help decision making?
Who will I work with in this activity? How will my participants develop?
Is it important to involve everyone in the activity so
What structure can I use to play my game? How can I help my participants to make effective choices? development occurs?

If I provide clear choices will it help my participants

What is the aim of the game? develop?

What am I trying to develop in the players?

What choices will the players have?

Objectives Summative Assessment

Criterion B: Planning for Performance Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
B1 Outlines goals to enhance performance. assessment criteria: and the statement of inquiry:
B2 Designs and explains a plan for improving physical
performance and health. Students work in pairs to set goals to enhance Students will have the choice on how they wish to
performance of their participants. Students design a structure their game and what areas they would like to
Criterion D: Reflecting and Improving Performance develop participates when implementing their game.
plan (create a game) with the aim of developing their
D1 Describes and demonstrates strategies that Students game is based on increasing students health
participants in some way. Students will utilise their
enhance interpersonal skills and fitness levels, in order to promote healthy and
interpersonal skills when working with their partner active lifestyles.
D2 Explains the effectiveness of a plan based on the
and class mates. Students will evaluate the
effectiveness of their plan and their own individual
D3 Explains and evaluates performance.

Approaches to Learning

IB ATL Skill Category and MYP Skill Cluster ATL Skills Learning Experiences


ix. Creative thinking Skills Brainstorming, mind mapping -revise understanding of nutrition and health based
on new information and evidence
Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives
Collaboration and group work activities: whole class and small group discussions,
Question - How can students be creative? think pair share. Actively listening in class.

Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes SELF MANAGEMENT

THINKING Students will come to theory and practical classes with all required materials
needed to participate in the lesson including correct uniform.
x. Transfer skills
Utilizing skills and knowledge in multiple contexts
Students will use a variety of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication
Question - How can students transfer skills and knowledge among disciplines and throughout games and activities and provide meaningful feedback to peers
subject groups?
Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
Engage in physical activities and interact and communicate with peers in a positive
SELFMANAGEMENT and healthy manner

iii. Organisational Skills Encourage others to contribute

Working effectively with others Students will play by the rules to make fair and equitable decisions and when
necessary negotiate effectively to formulate an outcome.
Question - How can students manage their own state of mind?
Students will also contribute to group activities and encourage one another and
Bring necessary equipment and supplies to class provide meaningful feedback to improve performance and outcomes.


i. Communication Skills

Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction

Question - How can students communicate through interaction?

Give and receive meaningful feedback

Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication


ii. Collaboration Skills

Working effectively with others

Question - How can students collaborate?

Take responsibility for one’s own actions

Make fair and equitable decisions

Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas

Negotiate effectively

Encourage others to contribute

Give and receive meaningful feedback

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learner Profile Focus

Strand - Movement and Physical Activity Knowledgeable: We proactively seek new knowledge, ask questions and solve
Sub strand 1- Moving our body problems. We explore sports, games and activities, some of which may be new to
● Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing us, in increasing depth in terms of safety, skills, techniques, rules, strategies and
specialised movement skills (ACPMP080) tactics.
● Participating in activities where vision is compromised to demonstrate the
importance of auditory feedback Inquirer: We seek knowledge of ourselves and others when exploring and
● Participating in activities requiring collaboration and various forms of developing an understanding of physical skills and abilities. We inquire into how
communication. various aspects of Health, sport and fitness impact positively on our wellbeing.

Communicator: We can communicate ideas effectively in team situations. We

speak positively, in an encouraging and supportive manner that demonstrates
sportsmanship. We communicate using a variety of verbal and nonverbal forms of

UNDERSTANDING: What is the nature of the issue or task? Formative Assessment Differentiation
- Identify the issue or the task
- Re-present the issue or task
Go over the MYP Concepts and outline for the upcoming weeks. Reflections
Teacher observation and questioning
Key concept: Development Class Discussion
Related Concept/s: Choice Answering MYP inquiry  questions
Global Context: Individuals and Relationships Debates
Statement of enquiry: Personal positive choices and a balanced lifestyle enhance Peer and teacher feedback
development. Participation
Body language
MYP questions:
Who/What? (factual question)

● What equipment do I have available

● What space might be appropriate
● Who will I work with in this activity
● What structure can I use to play my game?
● What is the aim of the game?
● What am I trying to develop in the players?
● What choices will the players have?

Why/How? (conceptual question)

● How will I start, finish my game?

● How will players score/win?
● How will my participants develop?
● How can I help my participants to make effective choices?

How/Is? (Debatable question)

● How do I provide clear instructions so participants can develop?

● Does clear communication help decision making?
● Is it important to involve everyone in the activity so development occurs?
● If I provide clear choices will it help my participants develop?

Play range of games over the first 3 weeks that develop students’ knowledge of the
structure of games, how to deliver instructions, how games can be modified,
explaining rules and the aim of a game, setting up equipment.
Week 1:
Team tail tag
Line tag
Week 2:
Raid the nest
End Zone
Week 3 : Students will deliver golden child in pairs to the class.
Golden Child

When delivering to the class, emphasise the importance of delivering clear rules of
the game, giving clear instructions, class positioning when presenting information.
Ask students what they noticed the teacher doing when explaining the activity to
the class. Students will become more alert to what the teacher does during
explanation time.

Give students the opportunity to explain the aim and rules to the class to allow
them practice time and develop confidence.
Rotate students through umpiring a variety of games using a whistle to gain
confidence in this area prior to the AT. Debrief after each student performing the
role on what they did well, what they need to improve on for next time.

PLANNING - What can I do about it? Formative Assessment Differentiation

-assemble the information
-analyse and evaluate the information
-decide on an action plan

In week 4, practice creating a game with selected pieces of equipment.

Eg: the coloured baskets and soft balls in the grey container.
Place students into teams of 4 and provide the team with random equipment.
Students are to come up with an aim and rules on how the game is played.
Emphasis the ATL’s of communication when students are giving their opinion and
asking questions.
Can start putting students into teams need more time to complete their
assessment game.

Week 5 start create a game AT

Read through the AT sheet
Students/teacher selects pairs
Students choose their piece of equipment randomly from a hat and begin planning
their game. Students may add any additional equipment to their game, but their
selected piece of equipment must be used.
Bring out game plan template, students are to write down their rule, equipment
needed and to draw a diagram of the activity to present the next following weeks.

Acting - do it! Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Act to address the issue or perform the task
- Monitor the action/s
- Adapt the action/s

Week 6, 7, 8, 9 pairs are presenting their games they have created to the class.

All students are to participate in each other’s game and give constructive feedback
at the conclusion of the activity.

- What they enjoyed?

- What went well?
- What they can work on for the future?

Reflecting - How did it go? Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Consider what has been learned

When each pair has delivered their game, they are to complete a reflection on their Brainstorm as a whole class on the
plan and their own individual performance. whiteboard, things they could reflect
upon. Students can either write down
notes or take a picture.
Check in on students and individually
assist those that are having difficulty
reflecting, by giving them prompting


Aussie Sports Resource

Sports equipment
Additional whistles

Standardization Notes

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

In 2017 this unit took longer than anticipated Some of the unit book pages were not used. The unit student book needs to be updated.
therefore we are completing the theory (nutrition) unit The unit book is very old and is fading due to Potentially to an online version.
first to enable enough time for the create a game unit photocopying.
and this can flow into term 2 if required. Students need room to write answers and to take
Students really enjoyed this AT and saw the clear link notes from white board.
between organization and performance. New nutrition label reading activity was used instead
Students required more structure in how to deliver a of the one in the book.
game, umpire a game and potential structure options
when creating.

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