Metallocene Linear Low Density Poly (Ethene) (mLLDPE)

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Metallocene linear low density poly(ethene)

This poly(ethene), known as mLLDPE, is produced by a new family of catalysts,
the metallocenes. Another name for this family is single site catalyst. The benefit
is that the mLLDPE is much more homogenous in terms of molecular structure
than classical LLDPE produced by Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Each catalyst is a
single site catalyst which produces the same PE chain. Chemists have compared
the structure of metallocenes to that of a sandwich. There is a transition metal
(often zirconium or titanium) 'filling' a hole between layers of organic compounds.
The catalysts are even more specific than the original Ziegler-Natta and it is
possible to control the polymer's molecular mass as well as its configuration.
Either the slurry or solution processes are usually used.
Poly(ethene) produced using a metallocene can be used as very thin film which
has excellent optical properties and sealing performance, thus making them very
effective for wrapping foods. The real plus for the metallocene catalysts are the
enhanced mechanical properties of the films made out of mLLDPE.
Ethene forms co-polymers with propene which have very useful properties.

Slurry Process:
The slurry loop reactor is a long tube, about 600 mm in diameter and a few hun-
dred metres long, of which the ends are connected to make it one closed loop.
Its volume is of the order of 100m3. It is totally filled with the slurry, which is
circulated through the loop by one single circulation pump. The larger part of
the reactor consists of an even number of vertical tube sections, or legs,
connected by short horizontal elbows at the top and the bottom. The outer
aspect of the reactor is that of a tubular reactor, one of the two main model
reactors known in chemical reactor engineering, where the reagents are fed at
one side of the tube and leave it at the other end. However, since the loop is
closed, and the reactor contents are circulated through the loop at a high speed,
the behaviour of the reactor is very close to that of the continuous stirred tank
reactor, that other model known from reactor engineering textbooks. Actually,
the loop reactor can be regarded as a stirred tank, where the circulation pump
has taken over the role of the agitator, and where the vessel has been lengthened
to obtain more external cooling surface, and a higher production capacity.
Indeed, the heat of reaction of the polymerisation of ethylene is quite high¹, and
the cooling surface of the reactor is one of the limiting factors to its production

Difference Between Slurry And Gas Phase:

In gas-phase processes, no mass transfer limitation gas-liquid can occur, and
Therefore, there is no polyethylene, monomer, co-monomer and hydrogen
solubility concern in the solvent medium during the polymerization [18].
Therefore, more soluble PE, for example most medium density (MDPE) and
linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), are produced in gas-phase
processes. These advantages allow the operation of gas phase plants as
multipurpose plants for producing a wide range of polyethylenes with different
densities and melt flow indexes (MFI). In addition, gas-phase processes create
no wall sheeting or fouling due to the polyethylene’s solubility in the solvent
medium which is the main problem in slurry processes. However, wall sheeting
is also a major problem in gas phase reactors, as described below. Still, there
remains a significant demand for slurry processes in the market, especially
because of its advantages:
• mild operating conditions
• high monomer conversion
• ease of heat removal
• relative ease of processing.

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