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Pabillaran, Jecthel C.


Colombo is the largest city and former capital of Sri Lanka. It is located on the west
coast of the island and adjacent to Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte, the capital. Colombo is a busy
and vibrant city with a mixture of modern life and colonial buildings and ruins and a city
population of 647,100. The Colombo Metropolitan Region, defined by the districts
of Colombo,Gampaha and Kalutara, has an estimated population of 5,648,000, and covers an
area of 3,694.20 km².
Due to its large harbour and its strategic position along the East-West sea trade routes,
Colombo was known to ancient traders 2,000 years ago. However it was only made the capital
of the island when Sri Lanka was ceded to the British Empire in 1815, and its status as capital
was retained when the nation became independent in 1948. In 1978, when administrative
functions were moved to Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Colombo was designated as the
commercial capital of Sri Lanka.
History. As Colombo possesses a natural harbor, it was known to Romans, Arabs, and
Chinese traders over 2,000 years ago. Traveller Ibn Batuta who visited the island in the 14th
century, referred to it as Kalanpu. Arab Muslims whose prime interests were trade, began to
settle in Colombo around the 8th century AD mostly because the port helped their business and
controlled much of the trade between the Sinhalesekingdoms and the outside world. Their
descendants now comprise the local Sri Lankan Moor community.
. Like many cities, Colombo's urban area extends well beyond the boundaries of a single local
authority, encompassing other Municipal and Urban Councils. The main city is home to a
majority of Sri Lanka's corporate offices, restaurants and entertainment venues.[6] Famous
landmarks in Colombo include the Galle Face Green, theViharamahadevi Park as well as the
National Museum.
Demographics. Colombo is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural city. The population of Colombo is a mix
of numerous ethnic groups, mainly Sinhalese, Moors and Tamils. There are also small
communities of people with Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Malay and Indian origins living in the
city, as well as numerous European expatriates. Colombo is the most populous city in Sri
Lanka, with 642,163 people living within the city limits.
National capital. Colombo was the capital of the coastal areas controlled by the Portuguese,
Dutch and the British from the 1700s to the 1815 when the British gained control of the
entire island following the Kandian convention. From then until the 1980s the national
capital of the island was Colombo.
Economy. The great majority of Sri Lankan corporations have their head offices in Colombo.
Some of the industries include chemicals, textiles, glass, cement, leather goods, furniture, and
jewellery. In the city centre is located South Asia's second tallest building - The World Trade
Centre. The 40 story Twin Tower complex is the centre of important commercial establishments,
situated in the Fort district, the city's nerve center. Right outside the Fort area is Pettahwhich is
derived from the Sinhalese word pita which means out or outside as it is outside theFort.

Culture. Colombo's most beautiful festival is the celebration of Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment
and Death all falling on the same day.[50] In Sinhala this is known as Vesak.[50] During this
festival, much of the city is decorated with lanterns, lights and special displays of light(known
as Thoran). The festival falls in mid May and lasts a week when many Sri Lankans visit the city
to see the lantern competitions and decorations. During this week people distribute, rice, drinks
and various other food items for free in places what is known as Dunsal which means charity
place. These Dunsal are popular amongst visitors from the suburbs.

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