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Purposive Communication (GEC 05)

CHAPTER 4 Evaluating Messages and/or Images E-Learning

Activity #1

Analyze critically each of the following signs. Be guided by the following questions:

1. What kind/s is/are the sign/s?

Sign no. 1 - Infrastructural Sign
Sign no. 2 - Regulatory or Transgressive Sign
Sign no. 3 - Transgressive or Regulatory Sign
Sign no. 4 - Transgressive Sign

2. What is/are the message/s?

Sign no. 1 – It indicates that it is a ladies area and notifies that the certain area can be
slippery when wet.
Sign no. 2 – The cockroaches are getting cancer when we throw away cigarette ends
which is unlikely to occur.
Sign no. 3 – There is only a one way entrance and no one is allowed to enter which is one
of the semiotic system where there are two phrases on the same plate.
Sign no. 4 – Showing a joker with a serious face looks like they are making fun of him.

3. What is/are the purpose/s of the message/s?

The purpose for sign no. 1 indicates that it is only for the women’s restroom and there is
a signage for wet flooring.
Sign no. 2 is indicating a government warning that throwing such cigarettes would harm
the cockroaches and would result to cancer.
Sign no. 3 has wrong indication of the signs and would confuse the people of the reader.
People are provoking or making fun of the joker in sign no. 4.
4. How is/are the message/s conveyed by the text and/or image?
Sign no. 1 is conveyed through the use of vibrant color to attract the viewers.
Sign no. 2 uses bold and large font sizes and color to indicate the need of attention and
Sign no. 3 uses a big signage near the road or mounted on that certain area with big
letters to indicate attention.
With the use of graffiti Sign no. 4 conveys the message through the use of both neutral
and vibrant colors to emphasize the message.

5. Who is/are the target audience/s of the message/s?

Sign no. 1 are for the people within a certain establishment and to avoid confusion of
such warning.
Sign no. 2 targets the people within that nearby area.
Sign no. 3 are for the people who go to that certain direction or even for people who are
just passing by.
Sign no. 4 targets possibly around the slums or the disempowered people who has the
same kind of feelings towards graffiti.

6. What other way/s of better presenting the message/s are there?

Other ways of presenting the messages includes the placement and size of the letters,
signs placed on location relevant to the message delivered, the type faced used, color, images
that create and communicate such meaning. The use of symbols and signs. Lay-outing of the
phrases can be an example. From what you can see is that among the signs given in the activity,
there was no commercial sign according to my understanding of this topic. The use of landscape
is another way of presenting it.
Chapter 5 Communication Aids and Strategies
Choose on one of the following organizational patterns and make a research using your chosen
pattern about COVID 19. Please be guided by the sample given on module 2 page 51 of 78.
a. Chronological e. Problem and Solution
b. Spatial f. Criteria Satisfaction
c. Topical g. Comparative Advantages
d. Cause and Effect h. Motivated Sequence

Problem and Solution Organizational Pattern

I. Problem: COVID-19

1. Origin and Transmission of the Virus

According to an article from a website called, the
coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a highly transmittable and pathogenic viral
infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
2), which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread around the world. Genomic
analysis revealed that SARS-CoV-2 is phylogenetically related to severe acute
respiratory syndrome-like (SARS-like) bat viruses, therefore bats could be the
possible primary reservoir. The intermediate source of origin and transfer to
humans is not known, however, the rapid human to human transfer has been
confirmed widely.

2. Economy
The first country to suffer from the impact of Covid-19 is China, the second
largest economy worldwide. Fortunately, as China has been able to stop the spread
of the virus, Chinese manufacturers have returned to full capacity. However, with
the rest of the world going through a similar form of lockdown, the country's
economy is undergoing a second hit with overseas market shutting down.

3. Insufficient Equipment
( reveals that since the COVID-19 outbreak, the supply chain for
personal protective equipment (PPE) has not adequately functioned to meet the
surge in demand. Constraints in supply and logistics, including export bans for PPE
and key materials, have come into stark focus. The World Health Organization
(WHO) estimated that 89 million medical masks are required for the COVID-19
response each month, along with 76 million examination gloves and 1.6 million
medical goggles (WHO 2020). WHO itself has so far shipped nearly half a million
sets of personal protective equipment to 47 countries, but supplies are depleting
rapidly. To meet rising global demand, WHO estimates that industry must increase
manufacturing by 40% and urges governments to act quickly to boost supply.

4. Discipline
( states that he Public Health Ministry today (Mar 18)
reported 35 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus, raising the number of national
infections to 212, and warned that lack of personal discipline could make the
outbreak uncontrollable. Countries like South Korea and China have managed to
handle the Covid-19 pandemic better than others like the United States and Europe
as they are more disciplined, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

II. Solution

1. Strategies
( states that there are strategies called T H E
Pillar 1:
Emergency support for vulnerable groups and individuals (initial estimate of P590

Pillar II:
Expanded medical resources to fight COVID-19 and ensure the safety of front
liners (health insurance coverage for all COVID-19 patients; special risk
allowance, hazard pay, and personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline
health workers; increased testing capacity; etc.)

Pillar III:
Fiscal and monetary actions to finance emergency initiatives and keep the
economy afloat (P610 billion, which includes standby financing for Pillar IV or
the economic recovery plan, and P233 billion liquidity infusion into the economy)

Pillar IV:
An economic recovery plan to create jobs and sustain growth.
2. Prevention

In accordance with the public health information:

1 STAY at home as much as you can

2 KEEP a safe distance

3 WASH hands often

4 COVER your cough

5 SICK? Call ahead

3. The Vaccine
To date, there are no specific vaccines or medicines for COVID-19. World
Health Organization

Self care
If you feel sick you should rest, drink plenty of fluid, and eat nutritious food.
Stay in a separate room from other family members, and use a dedicated bathroom
if possible. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Everyone should keep a healthy lifestyle at home. Maintain a healthy diet,

sleep, stay active, and make social contact with loved ones through the phone or
internet. Children need extra love and attention from adults during difficult times.
Keep to regular routines and schedules as much as possible.
It is normal to feel sad, stressed, or confused during a crisis. Talking to
people you trust, such as friends and family, can help. If you feel overwhelmed,
talk to a health worker or counsellor.
Chapter 6 Communication for Various Purposes

Write short informative, persuasive, and argumentative paragraphs on topics given below, with a
minimum of 200 words EACH OF THE TOPICS. You will NOT choose only one, instead you
will make short paragraphs for ALL THE TOPICS.

a. Informative Topic: Significance of STAYING AT HOME amid CoViD 19

b. Persuasive Topic: Being productive while staying at home amid CoViD 19
c. Argumentative Topic: Flexible and Online Classes amid CoViD 19

A. Informative Topic: Significance of Staying at Home amid COVID-19

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a fast infecting disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus. Most people who infected with the virus experiences mild to
moderate respiratory illness and are possible to recover without requiring special
treatment. However, older people, and those with underlying medical problems such as
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to
develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about
the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it could spread. As citizen we are to
follow the Stay-at-home orders. Staying at home orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic
have gone into effect in different areas in many nations. This will then help to better
monitor the citizens and while the hope that everyone voluntarily complies with these types
of orders, having a formal executive order allows some ability for governments to regulate
movements of people and closure of businesses in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

According to medical experts, it is important that COVID-19 guidelines and

restrictions are followed by everyone in order to successfully flatten the curve, or slow
down the infection rate, in an effort to avoid overwhelming the health care system. Even
at this time, there are still no specific vaccines or treatments for the virus. However, there
are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating such potential treatments. The WHO will
continue to provide an updated information as soon as their clinical findings become
B. Persuasive Topic: Being productive while staying at home amid CoViD 19

To begin with, the best way of being productive is being able to manage your time
wisely. In the first place, whether by choice or by decree, we should do our civic duty and
self-isolating in our house. Maybe that means that some have to work from home, or, in
worse cases, it means they are unable to go to work at all.

You might want to organize your time by making schedules for the days, in that
way would utilize your time making you productive at home. Here are some examples
taken from an article at Be kind, read a book, Meditate and/or pray,
Indulge in a passion project, Learn a new skill, Exercise at home, Go for a walk or run, Do
a brain-stimulating activity, Practice self-discipline and Limit your social media intake.

Most of us have a list of things in our head that we would do if only we had the
time. Go and write down things you’d like to accomplish in the coming days. Maybe we
are all homebound for a few more weeks, maybe it lasts much longer, but no matter what,
we all want to be free from this pandemic as healthy, as happy, and more ready to get back
to doing the work that will need to be done in our families, communities and companies.

C. Argumentative Topic: Flexible and Online Classes amid CoViD 19

To begin with, the government or private institutions have moved classroom

learning online during the COVID-19 Pandemic where in the first place, they want to
ensure the safety of the students from the virus to be able to provide learning through
flexible online classes.
Firstly, online learning makes it possible for anyone, anywhere, to learn something
new. It also makes it possible for anyone, anywhere, to provide false information and fool
people into thinking it is real. Additionally, here are some citations to the advantage of
flexible online classes. There are high levels of availability. There is around-the-clock
access. There are fewer travel requirements. It offers multiple formats.
Another reason is that not every students are on the same page, some have better
access to online learning and some do not because they may live in remote areas with no
access whatsoever. Some additional reasons about this online learning are that you will be
missing out on networking opportunities, getting to know the school culture and attending
the school’s activities. Some will have to motivate yourself not to miss any classes and stay
much disciplined when it comes to extra assignments.

In conclusion, taking online classes might require time, money, discipline and
dedication, and is hard for people who would prioritize food and health first like the poor,
but if this is not a problem, you will find it to be a great solution, especially if you have
less time on your hands. You will end up acquiring the same knowledge and recognition
you would in a classroom course, with greater flexibility and at your convenience.

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