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UCSP MELC 10 & 11


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. D


1. What did the young Karl Marx notice with the people around him?
Karl Marx noticed with the people around him that they are starving while others are
enjoying their luxurious lives. Also, that these are separated into classes, and that there were
injustices between impoverished people. As in how some people are privileged while others are
not. That is why he developed the theory that discusses the conflicts between capitalism and
the working class. Obviously, discrimination exists and there is inequality among the social
status of the people.

2. List down all the things that Karl Marx would have wanted to end with his plan.

 The Family
 Individuality
 Eternal Truth
 Nations
 The Past
3. Do you agree with the songwriter that the world is not fair?

Yes, I agree with the songwriter that the world is not fair because there are differences
when it comes to the treatment and the way of living of the people. For instance, those people
who are underprivileged are more likely to be treated poorly.

1. The situation shows social inequality. The government must address this issue by giving
equal privileged to the people no matter what is the social status in the society. Those who
are people must also be treated right in terms of the opportunity to acquire immediate
health services and should not be neglected just because they can’t afford to pay for the
services. And this is why, as a lawmaker, I want to uphold the law so that we all respect each
other fairly, whether we are impoverished or wealthy, powerful or powerless. As a result of
the epidemic, we shall all work together without disparaging one another.
2. Every illness that affects everyone necessitates enough financing in order to be anticipated.
As a result, there is prejudice in this discourse since there is no compassion for one another.
As a lawmaker, I would like to emphasize the importance of not stereotyping against the
3. Presently, several members of the government steal from the funds of the poor. It is vital to
supply finances to the needy as stated in the situation. This is something I intend to
emphasize as a lawmaker. Properly allocating and distributing monies to the underprivileged
is significant because everyone has the right in terms of this.


Today, I have learned that the government’s programs, projects and initiatives are vital to the
development of our community. It should be equal to everybody and discrimination should be avoided.
Once the government will give more focused to the welfare of those who are less fortunate and be
prioritized to their programs, there is a huge possibility that other people will somehow live a greater
life. Moreover, the government must always consider the situations and arising social issues for them to
immediately adhere to it.



There situations in our lives that we may encounter discrimination or being treated unequally.
As we have observed, social inequality is rampant in our society nowadays. I consider myself and my
family belonging to middle class since my mother has an enough income to sustain our daily needs and
other wants. I can also buy some important things that I wish to have. However, there are times that
inequality really do exist.

In connection, coming from a well-known family and having a mother who is also a government
official is quite challenging because as her daughter I must show right manners and good character.
However, we are all unique, we have differences and we are possessing qualities that correspond for
who we really are. I used to not the person who pleases everybody because I only wanted to act normal
and true to myself. In educational setting, I may not be always on top but I am striving so hard to have
good academic records. But, we can’t deny the fact that discrimination may exist if the expectation of
others will not be fulfilled. It doesn’t mean that you have more than what others have, you must also be
great in all aspects.

For us to avoid this situation, let us be careful to how we treat people. We must always take
consideration on the feelings and welfare of each other. If we will just let this concept exist, we can’t
move forward and we can’t contribute to the development of our community. Thus, let us always
choose to do goodness to everyone. Indeed, the government is the one who can somehow help in
addressing social issues. There must be proper spread of information advising the public to always treat
one another properly especially during this time of pandemic. As we all know, we can help one another
if we avoid doing something wrong to others.


1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. A


Title of suggested advocacy program: Gender Equality at All Times

Beneficiaries: Men, Women and LGBTQ++

Program Description:

 An advocacy program can be arranged to highlight the issue of gender inequality in society.
 This program will spread awareness regarding avoidance of discrimination through seminars,
public speeches, media coverage, articles, and pamphlets, etc.  
 The program will conduct surveys to bring the correct data about inequalities in society.

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