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Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc.

Brgy. Piot, Sorsogon City
AY: 2021-2022

Course Code: THC6/THC7

Course Descriptive Title: Professional Development and Applied Ethics
Week: Week 5: Module 4
Deadline: September 10, 2021

Nicole B. Dapyawin BSHM3A


1.What values and work ethics you would like to develop within yourself? Why?

Work ethic is a belief that work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue
or value to strengthen character and individual abilities. It is a set of values centered on importance
of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard. Ethics serve as a guide
to moral daily living and helps us judge whether our behavior can be justified. Ethics refers to
society's sense of the right way of living our daily lives. It does this by establishing rules,
principles, and values on which we can base our conduct.
The values and ethics that I want to develop within my self is Professionalism it
means communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive.
Employers want new workers to be responsible, ethical, and team oriented, and to possess strong
communication, interpersonal, and problem solving skills. One reason professionalism is so
important is because it's an outward display of your attitude toward your job and your company.
A lack of professionalism suggests a lack of respect towards an employer, which can impact your
ability to land a job. But being professional is not just needed to any kind of work place but also
to us an individual who also need it in any aspects in our life we always need to be professional
specially when we are in an adult stage being professional in life has a big impact just an
example is it will help you to improve your skills and talents that you have, in addition is it will
really help you to get a great Job.
Being professional also recognize the way you look and dress. Dressing well will not only
increase your self-confidence but it will also impress and attract other people. Proper
grooming and a professional appearance are important to gain respect in the workplace. The way
you look and carry yourself creates an impression on the people you work alongside. I want to
develop professionalism because not just for being ready to any work that will come but also for
my self to be able to recognize as a professional and good looking person because I know being a
good looking is one of the key to attract other people and for other people it was a sign of being
The second one is Strong Self-confidence because when we're confident, we're more likely to
move forward with people and opportunities not back away from them. And if things don't work
out at first, confidence helps us try again. Strong self-confidence also makes us attractive and it
also help us to make right decisions in life. by developing your self-confidence, you will be able
to achieve your goals, take opportunities that come your way and also have the strength to
overcome any obstacles. Self-confidence is very important for having a successful career. I want
to develop my strong self-confidence because I want to prove to my self that I can do things that I
know that I can. I want to challenge and prove to my self that I can do what other people can.

2.What are the negative attitudes of Filipino workers that you will not try to practice. Why?
There are so many negative attitudes of Filipino workers but one of the negative attitude that I
really don’t want to try is the” Bahala na” Tendency to leave things to chance. because for me if
you really want something to happen you always need to make things or make things for it to be
happen, you are the own that responsible to make things happen. You should always find ways to
prove to your-self that you can. The second one is the Shyness, because it can hamper learning
from speaking up. And it will cause to other people to not being comfortable to you, and it can
prevent someone from taking advantage of opportunities or trying new things. and the next one is
Looking for someone to put the blame on. I really don’t want the attitude of putting or blaming my
mistake to other people we always need to take the consequences of our actions, accept the wrong
things that we did and always find the way to make that mistake right. We don’t need to blame our
mistake to other people. also one of the negative attitude of Filipino is Hiding the truth, because
for me hiding the truth is also the same as lying why you need to lie or hide the truth if you know
that the truth will help the situation easier.
Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc.,
Brgy. Piot, Sorsogon City
AY: 2021-2022

Course Code: THC 6/7

Course Descriptive Title: TOUR & TRAVEL MANAGEMENT
Week: 7TH WEEK
Deadline: SEPTEMBER 26, 2021

Name: Nicole Brin Dapyawin Course/Section: BSHM3A


Research Activity: Collect from the newspapers, or in other correspondence – ETHICAL AND
UNETHICAL ISSUES OR PRACTICES – that individual, groups of individual, or companies, or
government entities known locally or internationally.

Take a screenshot of the article/s or cut from newspapers and past them in this document.

Submit on the link provided in our G-Classroom.

Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc.,
Brgy. Piot, Sorsogon City
AY: 2021-2022

Course Code: THC 6/7

Course Descriptive Title: TOUR & TRAVEL MANAGEMENT
Week: 9TH WEEK
Topic: Module 8: Interpersonal Skills
Deadline: October 17, 2021

Name: Nicole Brin Dapyawin Course/Section: BSHM3A



I. LIST at least 5 of your interpersonal skills that you need to improve or develop. Explain why.

Patience - one of the skills that I know that I need to improve is patience because we all know that
it is one of the needed things in this world full of toxicity, we always need to be patience in any
aspect in our life, It also gives us inner peace and ability to keep smiling despite challenges in our

Leadership - second is leadership we need to improve leadership for us to be able to bring the best
abilities to other team members and to help them to be motivated in doing a job or achieving a goal
in a workplace.

Teamwork - teamwork it is one of the skills that we need to improve to be able to work together as
a team and to achieve one goal because when we work as a team, we can solve so many difficult
problems that shared by each of everyone in a team so it will be productive when we have teamwork
in achieving goal.
Flexibility - next is Flexibility it allows employees to make arrangements about working conditions
that suit them. This helps also to the employees to maintain a work / life balance and can help
employers improve the productivity and efficiency of their business.

Responsibilities - It is one of the important skills that we should improve because it helps us to
have a purpose in life or in workplace it helps as to identify what things we should be focused on.

II. From the website below, choose 5 interpersonal skills that you think is important in your
future career. Explain your answers.


- Control your emotions for me it is really important in our future career because it is
different when we are in a work-place we always need to be professional in any aspect
even you are not in a good mood or you have a personal problem in life we need to
control our emotions so that we can make our work or goal done. We always need to be
professional always express your feelings in well-mannered way.

- Acknowledge others’ expertise is important in our future career because it will teach
us to learn how and appreciate other people's expertise for them to be able to also feel
comfortable with you and for them to give their trust to you.

- Practice empathy skills is also important in our career for us to be able to know other
people's experiences. And putting yourself to other people's shoes will help to more
understand the other people thinking or let’s just say other people's knowledge or
experience so that if you know other people's feelings it would be easy because you
already know the solution that maybe good or bad for other people.

- Practice active listening it is important in our career that we know how to be active
listener to other people's saying, it is also showing some respect to other people while
talking and it helps you to be more knowledgeable because you are actively listening to
someone who is talking it has a big impact you us in our career it will help us to have a
good relationship to our co- workers.

-Cultivate a positive outlook for me it is the most important thing in our career because
at this way you are the one who will help your-self you are the one that making positive
things in your life, cultivate a positive outlook you just need to teach your-self to always
be positive in life always think that there is always a reason to be positive in life.

- Listening is just a simple word but it has a big impact to our career in the future, we
need to learn how to listen other people's opinions so that we can improve or change it
and maybe we can get new learnings from them that we can apply to our self so listening
is important sometimes they say negative things about you but try to listen to them
because sometimes they are the person who see the right thing for you, you just need
to accept and listen to them. But sometimes they have a lot to say when you’re doing
good and also they have a lot to say when you’re doing bad you just learn how to listen
to the ones that matter.

- self-confidence one of the important skills in our future career because it will always
help us to make a work with confidence in it, and it shows how confident are you in
doing a job how you handle it with a high confidence.

-Relationship Management it will help us to our career in many ways, when you have a
good relationship with your co-workers you will be able to help each other. And also
when you have a good relationship management with you co-workers you will gained
high respect from them and it will be easy to work with other people because they will
see that you have a good relationship with them.

- Positive attitude you just need to be positive in any situation maybe we are in the
moment of failure but we always need to be positive because all of happenings in our
life has a reason you just need to take it with positive attitude and make a solution to it.
Having positive attitude in a workplace can help the people in the workplace and also
can help the whole environment to be positive in any situation.

- Receptiveness to Feedback sometimes you just learn how to listen what they say and
learn from it. Always look other people's feedback as a learning and just listen to it.
Appreciate their feedback when they say bad things to you just learn to relax and
appreciate and think about they say to you and apply it to your-self.
Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc.,
Brgy. Piot, Sorsogon City
AY: 2021-2022

Course Code: THC 6/7

Course Descriptive Title: TOUR & TRAVEL MANAGEMENT
Week: 10TH WEEK
Topic: Module 9: Hard Skills & Soft Skills
Deadline: October 17, 2021




I. Read the articles in the followings links:


II. After reading the above articles, choose hard skills and soft skills based on the items
A. List at least 5 HARD SKILLS from the articles that you can learn, acquire & train that would
add to your qualifications. Explain why you chose them.

- Communication it is one of the important skills in workplace you needed to learn how to
communicate to other people and learn how to use your words through writing or in communication
to your co-workers. Communication also includes handshaking that also show how you respectfully
talking or how you communicate to your co-workers. I choose communication because for me
without good communication to your co-workers will lead to a very difficult situation because
communication is the key to a success in everything.

-Teamwork also a skill that we need for us to make a work done well, it also help us to have a good
relationship to our co-workers it was the time that all of the person involved in the team can share
their knowledge or opinion to a group everyone can give their feedbacks so by the use of that it will
also lead to success of everyone. I choose communication because i believe it is one of the biggest
impacts in workplace that can help the company to achieve success.

-Time Management is one of the things that you need if you want to be professional in your work in
this case time is very precious you need your time to be always useful, you always need to be aware
of your deadlines and always be ready to the things that needed on time. I choose time management
because for me time is gold and we always need to use it in very productive way and never waste
even seconds counts.

- Leadership is important in a team or in an individual you can also show your leadership by yourself
and by helping other co-workers to do their job by the use of that you show your leadership to other
people and it has a big deal with it specially in that workplace. I choose leadership because we
always need leadership in any ways so many things will be productive every time that you show
your support or being there to join the group to work.

-Public Speaking at this part all we need is confidence to communicate to many people in very
professional way for you to be able to deliver the things that you want you discuss to your workers
you need to be clear in speaking and have the ability to discuss things in very effective way. I
choose public speaking because I really want to be one of the public speakers of my future work, I
really want to be a role model in my future work I wanted to show how professional I am when in a

B. List at least 5 SOFT SKILLS from the articles that you can start developing within you.
Explain why you chose them.

- Creativity I want to develop creativity now because I know that it can totally help me in the
future to be creative in many ways that can help in my future job someday. I choose
creativity because it will be very useful when the time is right.
-Persuasion is the act of trying to convince someone of something. It was also needed
because maybe when the time come and I've been assigned as a sales marketing it can help
me to convince customers to buy a product so it will be helpful.

-Collaboration, we all know that business is all about collaboration and it will be useful to
do a task or a work it will be so productive when many people are collaborated and it will be
easy to make or to do something. I choose this skill because I always love to see many
people are working together as a team to make the work done.

-Adaptability one of the skills that we need in a workplace because in this part we need to
easily adapt changes in a workplace and it is very useful when you have this kind of skills
to easily adapt new conditions in a workplace. I choose adaptability because for me all of
us are needed to learn how to adapt things easily because in this world full if changes.

-Emotional Intelligence this skills is also important for you to be able to understand and
manage your own emotion it is important that you can control your emotions at the
workplace it is also showing some respect to the people around you. So I choose this
because it really a good thing that we are aware and know how to manage our emotions

C. List at least 5 Hard Skills that you already have. Indicate the training or instances that you
acquired them.

- Food and beverage management ( NC2 holder)

- Competency in all areas of hotel operations

-Sales and marketing skills,

-Competency in all areas of hotel operations,

-Human resource management

D. List at least 5 Soft Skills that you already have but needs to be improved. Explain your
answer. State how you will improve them.

-Team leadership because sometimes I'm lacking of team leadership sometimes I wanted to be

alone while doing a job, I will improve my team leadership by practicing it always to my co-workers

- Problem solving it is one of the skills that we need to learn how to solve the problems in a right
way. i will improve my problem solving by always ask to other people help for me so that I can
improve my work.

- Influence to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something,

or the effect itself. I will improve myself by asking help to other people to help me.

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