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Devkatte haridas
Kashikar kunal
shelke dipak
Chavan swapnil

Under the guidance of

Dr. Pradeep kumar Ramancharala


(Deemed University)
April 2007


This is to certify that the project entitled “ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF FLAT SLABS USING
VARIOUS CODES” submitted as partial fulfillment for the award of Masters of Technology
in Computer Aided Structural Engineering, IIIT -Hyderabad is a bonafied work done by
M.Anitha, B.Q.Rahman, JJ.VIJAY
First year second semester students during the year 2006-2007.

Mr. Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar
PhD (University of Tokyo)
Assistant Professor
IIIT Hyderabad


We sincerely acknowledge and express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Ramancharla

Pradeep Kumar (Assistant Professor) the guide of this project. As a guide he gave a
maximum help and coordination in finishi ng the project work. With his past years of
experience and teaching steered me to come out with success through the most difficult
problems faced by me. We would like to place on record our deep sense of gratitude to our
guides for their cooperation and un failing courtesy to me at every stage.


Page No
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………. 05

Chapter I: Introduction…………………………………………………………... 06

Chapter II: Design of flat slabs by IS: 456 ……………………………... 07

Chapter III: Design of flat slabs as per NZS: 3101 ….………………………. 21

Chapter IV: Design of flat slabs as per EURO CODE….…………………... 30

Chapter V: Design of flat slabs using ACI-318……………………………. 40

Chapter VI: Results………………………………………………………... 51

Chapter VII: conclusion ………………………………………………………… … 52

Chapter VII: References………………………………………………………… 53


Flat slabs system of construction is one in which the beams used in t he conventional methods of
constructions are done away with. The slab directly rests on the column and load from the slab is directly
transferred to the columns and then to the foundation. To support heavy loads the thickness of slab near the
support with the column is increased and these are called drops, or columns are generally provided with
enlarged heads called column heads or capitals.

Absence of beam gives a plain ceiling, thus giving better architectural appearance and also less
vulnerability in case of fire than in usual cases where beams are used.

Plain ceiling diffuses light better, easier to construct and requires cheaper form work.

As per local conditions and availability of materials different countries have adopted different me thods for
design of flat slabs and given their guidelines in their respective codes.

The aim of this project is to try and illustrate the methods used for flat slab design using ACI-318, NZ-
3101, and Eurocode2 and IS: 456 design codes.

For carrying out this project a n interior panel of a flat slab with dimensions 6.6 x 5.6 m and super imposed
load 7.75 KN / m 2 was designed using the codes given above.


Basic definition of flat slab: In general normal frame con struction utilizes columns, slabs &

Beams. However it may be possible to undertake construction with out providing beams, in

Such a case the frame system would consist of slab and column without beams. These types of

Slabs are called flat slab, since their behavior resembles the bending of flat plates.

Components of flat slabs:

Drops: To resist the punching shear which is predominant at the contact of slab and column

Support, the drop dimension should not be less than one -third of panel length in that


Column heads:

Certain amount of negative moment is transferred from the slab to the column at he support.
To resist this negative moment the area at the support needs to be increased .this is facilitated
by providing column capital/heads

Flat slab with drop panel & column head

Design of flat slabs by IS: 456

The term flat slab means a reinforced concrete slab with or without drops, supported generally without
beams, by columns with or w ithout flared column heads (see Fig. 12). A flat slab may be solid slab or
may have recesses formed on the soffit so that the sof fit comprises a series of ribs in two directions.
The recesses may be formed by removable or permanent filler blocks.

Components of flat slab design:

a) Column strip :
Column strip means a design strip having a width of 0.25 I,, but not greater than 0.25 1, on each side
of the column centre-line, where I, is the span in the direction moments are being determined,
measured centre to centre of supports and 1, is the -span transverse to 1,, measured centre to centre of

b) Middle strip :
Middle strip means a design strip bounded on each of its opposite sides by the column strip.

c) Panel:
Panel means that part of a slab bounde d on-each of its four sides by the centre -line of a
Column or centre-lines of adjacent-spans.

Division into column and middle strip along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

( i ) column strip ( i ) column strip

= 0.25 L2 = 1.4 m = 0.25 L2 = 1.65 m
But not greater than 0.25 L1 = 1.65 m But not greater than 0.25 L1 = 1.4 m

(ii) Middle strip (ii) Middle strip

= 5.6 – (1.4+1.4) = 2.8 m = 6.6 – (1.4+1.4) = 3.8 m

1.4 m 1.4 m

3.8 m 2.8 m

1.4 m 1.4 m
d) DropsC.S
: C.S
Fig 1:
5.6 m 6.6 m

The drops when provided shall be rectangular in plan, and have a length in each direction not less than
one- third of the panel length in that direction. For exterior panels, the width of drops at right angles to
the non- continuous edge and measured from the centre -line of the columns shall be equal to one -half
the width of drop for interior panels.

Since the span is large it is desirable to provide drop.

Drop dimensions along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

Not less than L1 /3 = 2.2 m Not less than L1 /3 = 1.866 m

Hence provide a drop of size 2.2 x 2.2 m i.e. in column strip width.

e) column head :

Where column heads are provided, that portion of a column head which lies with in the largest right
circular cone or pyramid that has a vertex angle of 90”and can be included entirely within the outlines
of the column and the column head, shall be considered for design purposes (see Fig. 2).

Fig 2:

Column head dimension along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

Not greater than L1 /4 = 1.65 m Not greater than L1 /4 = 1.4 m

Adopting the diameter of column head = 1.30 m =1300 mm

f) Depth of flat slab:

The thickness of the flat slab up to spans of 10 m shall be generally controlled by considerations of span
( L ) to effective depth ( d ) ratios given as below:

Cantilever 7; simply supported 20; Continuous 26

For slabs with drops, span to effective depth ratios gi ven above shall be applied directly; otherwise the
span to effective depth ratios in accordance with above shall be multiplied by 0.9. For this purpose, the
longer span of the panel shall be considered. The minimum thickness of slab shall be 125 mm.

Depth of flat slab:

Considering the flat slab as a continuous slab over a span not exceeding 10 m

= 26  d 
d 26

Depth considering along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

L 6600 L 5600
d  =253.8 mm d  =215.3 mm
26 26 26 26

Say 260 mm Say 220 mm

Taking effective depth of 25mm

Overall depth D = 260 +25 = 285 mm  125 mm (minimum slab thickness as per IS: 456)

 It is safe to provide depth of 285 mm.

g) Estimation of load acting on the slab:

Dead load acting on the slab = 0.285 x 25 = 6.25 KN / m 2 = wd 1

Floor finishes etc. load on slab = 1.45 KN / m 2 = wd 2

Live load on slab = 7.75 KN / m 2 = wl

Total dead load = wd 1 + wd 2 =7.7 KN / m 2 = wd

The design live load shall not exceed three times the design dead load.

wl 7 .7 5
Check:   1 .0 0 6  3  o k
wd 7 .7

Total design load = w d  w l  15.45 K N /m 2

h) Total Design Moment for a Span

The absolute sum of the positive and average and is given by negative bending moments in each
direction shall be taken as:

W ln
M 0 

M 0 = total moment.
W = design load on an area l 1 l 2

ln = clear span extending from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets or walls, but not less than
0.65 l 1
l 1 = length of span in the direction of M 0 .
l 2 = length of span transverse to l 1 .

Circular supports shall be treated as square supports havi ng the same area.
Equivalent side of the column head having the same area:

 2 
a d  (1.3)2  1.152m
4 4

ln 1 1
Clear span along long span = = 6.6  (1.152)  (1.152)  5.448 m  4.29
2 2
(Should not be less than 0.65 l 1 ) ok
ln 1 1
Clear span along long span = = 5.6  (1.152)  (1.152)  4.44 m  3.64 m
2 2
(Should not be less than 0.65 l 1 ) ok

Total design load along:

Longer span Shorter span

ln =5.448 m , l2 =5.6 m ln =4.44 m , l2 =6.6 m

W  w l2ln W  w l2ln

W  1 5 .4 5  5 .6  5 .4 4 8  4 7 1 .3 6 K N W  1 5 .4 5  6 .6  4 .4 4  4 5 2 .7 4 K N

The absolute sum of –ve and +ve moment in a panel along:

Longer span Shorter span

ln =5.448 m , l2 =5.6 m ln =4.44 m , l2 =6.6 m

W ln 4 7 1 .3 6  5 .4 4 8 W ln 4 5 2 .7 4  4 .4 4
M 0   M 0  
8 8 8 8

M 0  3 2 0 .9 9 K N m M 0  2 5 1 .2 K N m

(i) Negative and Positive Design Moments :

The negative design moment shall be at the fac e of rectangular supports, circular supports being
treated as square supports having the same Columns built integrally with the slab system
area. Shall be designed to-resist moments arising from loads .

In an interior span, the total design moment M 0 shall be distributed in the following proportions:
Negative design moment 0.65
Positive design moment 0.35
In an end span, the total design moment M 0 shall be distributed in the fol lowing proportions:

Interior negative design moment: 0.75

Positive design moment: 0.63 1

Exterior negative design moment:
 c Is the ratio of flexural stiffness of the exterior columns to the flexural stiffness of the slab at a
joint taken in the direction moments are being determined and is given by:

c 
K c =sum of the flexural stiffness of the columns meeting at the joint.
K s =flexural stiffness of the slab, expres sed as moment per unit rotation

It shall be permissible to modify these design moments by up to 10 percent, so lon g as the total
design moment M 0 for the panel in the direction considered is not less than that required by:

W ln
M 0 

The negative moment section shall be designed to resist the larger of the two interior negative
design moments determined for the spans framing into a common support unless an analysis is
made to distribute the unbalanced moment in accordance with the stiffness of the adjoining parts.

Column strip :
Negative moment at an interior support: At an interior support, the column strip shall be
designed to resist 75 percent of the total negative moment in the panel at that support.

Negative moment at an exterior support:

a) At an exterior support, the column strip shall be designed to resist the t otal negative moment in
the panel at that support.

b) Where the exterior support consists of a column or a wall extending for a distance equal to or
greater than three-quarters of the value of l 2 . The length of span transverse t o the direction
moments are being determined, the exterior negative moment shall be considered to be uniformly
distributed across the length l2 .

Positive moment for each span : For each span, the column strip shall be designed to r esist 60
percent of the total positive moment in the panel.

Moments in the middle strip :

a) That portion of-the design moment not resisted by the column strip shall be assigned to the
adjacent middle strips.

b) Each middle strip shall be proportione d to resist the sum of the moments assigned to its two half
middle strips. cl The middle strip adjacent and parallel to an edge supported by a wall shall be
proportioned, to resist twice the moment assigned to half the middle strip corresponding to the fir st
row of interior columns.

Stiffness calculation:

let the height of the floor = 4.0 m

clear height of the column = height of floor –depth of drop – thickness of slab –thickness of head.

= 4000 – 140 – 285 – 300 = 3275 mm

Effective height of column = 0.8 x 3275 = 2620 mm

(Assuming one end hinged and other end fixed)

stiffness coefficient

 K c su m o f flex u ral stiffn ess o f co lu m n acti n g at th e jo in t

c  
Ks flex u ral stiffn ess o f th e slab
Longer span

 4 E   50  2  4 E   520 10 
 4 EI   4 EI   4 EI 
Kc       2    2    
 L  BOTTOM  L TOP  L   L   12  327.5

4 E   660  28.5 3  K c 2  4 E 1587.73

KS   C    1.39
12  560 Ks 4 E  2273.5
From table 17 of IS: 456-2000

L2 W
 0 .8 4 8 & L
 1 .0 0
L1 W D

  c ,m in  0 .7
 c   c ,m in

Hence correction for pattern of loading in the direction of longer span is not required.

Shorter span

2  (50) 4
Kc   3975.8
12  262
560  28.53
Kc   1421.4
12  760
 c  2.79

From table 17 of IS: 456-2000 for

 1 .1 7 &  1 .0 0
 c , m in  0 .7 5
 c   c , m in  o k
Hence the correction for pattern loading in the direction of short span is not required.

From table 17 of IS 456-2000

Ratio 2
Imposed load/dead load l1 Value of  c ,min

(1) (2) (3)

0.5 0.5 to 2.0 0
1.0 0.5 0.6
1.0 0.8 0.7
1.0 1.0 0.7
1.0 1.25 0.8
1.0 2.0 1.2
2.0 0.5 1.3
2.0 0.8 1.5
2.0 1.0 1.6
2.0 1.25 1.9
2.0 2.0 4.9
3.0 0.5 1.8
3.0 0:8 2.0
3.0 1.0 2.3
3.0 1.25 2.8
3.0 2.0 13.0

Distrubution of bending moment across the panel width

It is an exterior panel.

Longer span

column strip

   
    0 .6 5  3 2 0 .9 9 
-ve B.M at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M   1 .0     1 .0   1 2 1 .3 4 K N m

 1 1   1

 c   1 .3 9 

   
   
+ve span BM =  0 .6 3  0 .2 8   M 0  0 .6 0  0 .6 3 
0 .2 8
  3 2 0 .9 9  0 .6 0  9 0 K N m
 1
1   1

 c   1 .3 9 

-ve span BM at interior support =

   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5    0 .7 5    3 2 0 .9 9  0 .7 5   1 6 6 .5 0 K N m
 1
1   1
1 
  c    c 

Middle strip

 
 
-ve BM at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M 0   0 .0  0 .0 K N m
 1 1 
 c 

   
   
+ve span BM =  0 .6 3  0 .2 8   M 0  0 .4 0  0 .6 3 
0 .2 8
  3 2 0 .9 9  0 .4 0  5 9 .9 6 K N m
 1
1   1

 c   1 .3 9 

-ve BM at interior support =

   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5    0 .7 5    3 2 0 .9 9  0 .2 5   5 5 .5 0 K N m
 1
1 
 1

  c   1 .3 9 

Short span

column strip

   
   
-ve moment at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M   1 .0  
 0 .6 5  2 5 1 .2
  1 .0   1 2 0 .1 9 K N m

 1 1   1

 c   2 .7 9 

 
 0.28 
+ve moment   0.63   251.2  0.60  63.88 KNm
1 
 1 
 2.79 
-ve moment at exterior support =
   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5   0 .7 5    2 5 1 .2  0 .7 5   1 2 7 .4 3 K N m
 1
1   1

 c   2 .7 9 

Middle strip

 
 
-ve moment at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M 0
  0 .0  0 .0 K N m
 1 1 
 c 

   
 0 .2 8   0 .2 8 
+ve mid-span moment =  0 .6 3    M 0  0 .4 0   0 .6 3    2 5 1 .2  0 .4 0  4 2 .5 9 K N m
 1
1   1

  c   2 .7 9 

-ve moment at interior span =

   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5   0 .7 5    2 5 1 .2  0 .2 5   4 2 .4 4 K N m
 1
1   1

  c   2 .7 9 

j) Effective depth of the slab

Thickness of the slab, from consideration of maximum positive moment any where in the slab.

Maximum +ve BM occurs in the column strip (long span) = 90.91 KNm

 factored moment = 1.50 x 90.91 = 136.36 KNm

M 0  0.138 f ckbd 2 (b  2800 mm)
136.36 10 6
d= (M-20 grade concrete)
0.138  20  2800
d=132.83 mm  140 mm

Using 12 mm  (diameter) main bars.

Overall thickness of slab = 140  15   161 mm 170 mm
 Depth (along longitudinal direction) = 170  15   150 mm
 Depth (along longitudinal direction) = 150  12  138 mm

k) Thickness of drop from maximum –ve moment consideration

Thickness of drop from consideration of maximum –ve moment any where in the panel.

Max –ve BM occurs in the column strip = 166.6 KNm

M u  0.138 f ck bd 2
1.5 166.6 10 6  0.138  20 1400  d 2
d  254.3 mm
Say 260 mm. Use 12 mm  bars

Over all thickness of flat slab: D  260  15   281 mm

2340 mm
1300 mm


450 300 mm 5.6 m

1.3 m 2200 mm


mm d/2

6.6 m

l) Shear in Flat Slab

The critical section for shear shall be at a distance d/2 from the periphery of the
column/capital/ drop panel, perpendicular to the plane of the slab where d is the effective
depth of the section (Fig. 2). The shape in plan is geometrically similar to the support
immediately below the slab.

check for shear stress developed in slab

The critical section for she ar for the slab will be at a distance d/2 from the face of drop.

Perimeter of critical section = 4 x 2340 = 9340 mm

V0  1.5  15.45  [ L1  L2  (2.34)(2.34)]

Total factored shear force: = 1.5 15.45  [6.6  5.6-(5.47)]
= 729.78 KN

Vu 729.78 10 3
Nominal shear stress =  v    0.55 N/mm 2
bd 9340 140
shear strength of concrete =  c  0.25 fck =0.25 20=1.11 N/mm 2

Permissible shear stress =  v  ks c

k s  (0.5  c ), c  0.848
k s  (0.5  0.848)
k s  1.348  1 1
 1 1.11
 1.11 N/mm 2
 v   c  safe design ok
if  v  1.5 c then the slab should be re-design ed

m) check for shear in drop

b0   ( D  d 0 )   (1.3  0.26)  4.89 m

V=1.5 15.45[5.6  6.6- (1.3  0.26) 2]
V  812.27 KN

812.27 10 3
v   0.683 N/mm 2
4890  260
Nominal shear stress :  c  0.25 fck  1.11 N/mm 2
 v   c [safe in shear]

n) Reinforcement details

Longer span
-ve exterior reinforcement:
M u  0.87 f y Ast [d  0.42 xu ]
1.5 121.34 10 6  0.87  415  Ast[150  0.42  0.48 150]
Ast  4209 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  38 No.s
1.4 1000
 c/c spacing is =  36 mm c/c
+ve steel:-
1.5  90 10 6  43239.3  Ast
Ast  3122 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  28 No. s
3.8 1000
 c / c spacing =  135 mm c/c

Reinforcement along shorter span:

Column strip:

M u  0.87 f y Ast [d  0.42 xu ]

1.5 127.5  106  0.87  415  Ast [140  0.42  0.48  140]
Ast  3768.9 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  33 No.s
 (12) 2
1.4 1000
 c/c spacing is =  42 mm c/c
Middle strip:

M u  0.87 f y Ast [d  0.42 xu ]

1.5  63.88  106  0.87  415  Ast [281  0.42  0.48  281]
Ast  1182 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  10 No.s
 (12) 2
2.8 1000
 c/c spacing is =  280 mm c/c

Design of flat slabs as per NZS: 3101


 A flat slab is reinforced concrete slab directly supporting on column (without any
support of beams).

 Flat slabs is divided into column strips & middle strips.

 Column strips is a design strip with a width on each side of a column centre line
equal to 0.25L1 or 0.25L2,whichever is less.

 A middle strip is a design strip bounded by 2 column strips.

 A panel is bounded by column, beams, or wall centre lines on all sides .


 There must a minimum 3 continuous spans in each directions.

 Panels shall be rectangular with a ratio of longer to shorter spans ,centre to

centre of supports ,not greater than 2.

 Successive span lengths, centre -to-centre of supports, in each direction shall not
differ by more than 1/3 of the longer spans.

 Columns may be offsets a maximum of 10% of the span (in direction o offset)
from either axis between centre lines of successive columns.

 All loads shall be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over entire
panels. the live loads shall not exceeds 2 times the dead load.


 First analysis the column strips & middle strips using 0.25L1/0.25l2.

 Drop panel is used to reduce the amount of negative moment reinforcement

over the column of the flat slab, the size of drop panel shall be 1/6 of the span
length measured from centre –to-centre of support in that direction.

 Estimate the depth of flat slabs from clauses 14.2.5 &
Assume fy=300MPA.

Fy(MPA) Exteriors panels Interior panels

300 Ln/36 Ln/40

400 Ln/32 Ln/35

 The absolute sum for the span shall be determined in a strip bounded laterally by
the center line of the panel on each side of centre of the supports.

 The absolute sum of positive and average negative moments in each direction at
the ultimate limit state shall be not less than:


Negative & positive design moments:

In an interior spans

 Negative moments—0.65
 Positive moments---0.35
In end spans

Exterior edge Slab with Slabs without beams between Exterior edge
unrestrained beams interior supports fully restrained
between all
supports Without edge With edge
beams beams

Interior – 0.75 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.65

Positive 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.50 0.35

Exterior – 0 0.16 0.26 0.30 0.65



 Design of cross section of member subjected to shear shall be based on


Where v´=shear force at that sec tion .

Vn=nominal shear strength of the section.
¢ =strength reduction factor.

 The nominal shear stress Vn shall not exceed 0.2fc,1.1 √fc or 9MPA.

 Spacing limits for shear reinforcements shall be:

 0.5d in non-prestressed member

 0.75 h in prestressed member

 600mm.

 Design of slab for two way action shall be based on


Where vn shall not be greater than Vc


βc=shorter side/long side of the concentrated load

 Design the interior panel of flat slabs 6.6 x 5.6 m in size for a super imposed l oad of
7.75 KN/m^2.provide two way reinforcement.

Design steps:-


L1=6.6m, L2=5.6m L2=6.6m, L1=5.6m

 Column strip  Column strip

0.25L2=1.4 m 0.25L1=1.4 m
≤0.25L1=1.65m Adopt 1.4m
 Middle strip  Middle strip

5.6-(1.4+1.4)=2.8m 6.6-(1.4+1.4)=3.8m

Drop dimensions :

Longer span Shorter span

Shall not be less than L/3=6.6/3 Shall not be less than L/3=5.6/3

2.2M 1.86M

Hence provide a drop size of 2.2x2.2m

Estimate the depth of flat slabs: -

From clauses 14.2.5 &

Fy(MPA) Exteriors panels Interior panels

300 Ln/36 Ln/40

400 Ln/32 Ln/35

Lets adopt fy=300Mpa

d=6600/36=183.3mm for exterior


taking effective depth 25mm

overall depth D=185+25=210mm

load calculations:-
nominal density of concrete (ρ=2400kg/m^3): -clauses

(Wd) dead load on slab 0.210*24=5.04kN/M^2

(WL)live load on slab =7.75kN/M^2


C he c k W l /W d<2

7.75/5.04=1.53<2 O.K

Total static moments for the spans: -

Mo=Wu l2Ln^2/8

Longer span


Shorter span


Distribution of bending moments across the panel width: -

Interior span
-ve moment=0.65
+ve moment=0.35

Column strip

-ve B.M at exterior span=0.75xMo

=271.4 KN-M

+ve B.M at interior span=0.63xMo

=245.64 KN-M

-ve B.M at interior span=0.6 5xMo

=253.4 KN-M

-1.0 -0.65 -271.4kN-m 253.4KN-m

+0.63 245.3kN-m

Middle strip

-ve B.M at exterior support =-0KN-M

+ve span BM =0.63*Mo=245.64KN -M

-ve span BM at interior support


Column strip

-ve B.M at exterior support =0.70xMo KN -M


+ve span BM interior support =0.52*Mo=171.6KN -M

-ve span BM at exterior support


Middle strip

-ve B.M at exterior support =0.65xMoKN -M

=214.5 KN_M
+ve span BM mid span =0.35*Mo=115KN -M

-ve span BM at interior support


Moments in column strips: -

Interior negative moments

L2/L1 0.5 1.0 2.0

(α L2/L1)=0 75 75 75

(α L2/L1)>0 90 75 45

Positive moments

L2/L1 0.5 1.0 2.0

(α L2/L1)=0 75 75 75

(α L2/L1)>0 90 75 45

Longer span:-

Column strip:-
-ve BM at exterior span=292.14KN-M
+ve BM at mid span =147.37KN -M
-ve BM at inerior span =189.8KN -M

Middle strip:-

-ve BM at exterior span=0 KN -M

+ve BM at mid span =147.37KN -M
-ve BM at inerior span =219KN -M

Shorter span:-

Column strip:-
-ve BM at exterior span=231.14KN -M
+ve BM at mid span =102.97KN-M
-ve BM at inerior span =64KN -M

Middle strip:-

-ve BM at exterior span=214.5 KN -M

+ve BM at mid span =69.3KN -M
-ve BM at inerior span =173.25KN -M

Check for shear develop in slab


Design of slab for two way action under clauses


Vn=nominal shear stress



Vn*= 607.5X10^3/9200*165

Vn*=0.399 N/mm^2


Vc=0.17(1+2βc) √fc

Βc=shorter side/long side

Vc=2.51 N/mm^2

Vn is not greater than Vc (safe)


Longer span

-ve exterior reinforcement


Reinforcement ratio ρ=√Fc/(4*Fy)



As=9477.6 mm^2

Use 12 mm dia bars =83nos

c/c spacing 17 mm

+ve steel

As=3946 mm^2
Use 12 mm dia bars 34 nos
c/c spacing 111mm

Shorter span

Column strip


Use 12 mm 60 nos
23 mm c/c spacing

Middle strip
As=2648 mm^2
c/c spacing 121mm



This Eurocode gives all structural design irrespective of the material of construction.
It establishes principles and requirements for safety, ser viceability and durability of
structures The Eurocode uses a statistical approach to determine realistic values for actions
that occur in combination with each other. Partial fa ctors for actions are given in this
Eurocode, whilst partial factors for materials are prescribed in their relevant Eurocode. It is
again divided into different codes based on the materials. In this
Eurocode2 gives the design of concrete structures.


1. Eurocode 2 is generally laid out to give advice on the basis of p henomena

(e.g. bending, shear etc) rather than by member types as in BS 8110
(e.g. beams, slabs, columns etc).

2. Design is based on characteristic cylinder strengths not cube strengths.

3. The Eurocode does not provide derived formulae (e.g. for bendi ng,
only the details of the stress block are expressed). This is the traditional European
approach, where the application of a Eurocode expected to be provided in a
textbook or similar publication.

4. Units for stress are mega pascals, MPa (1 MPa = 1 N/m m2).

5.Higher strengths of concrete are covered by Eurocode 2, up to

class C90/105. However, because the characteristics of higher
strength concrete are different, some Expressions in the Eurocode
are adjusted for classes above C50/60.

6. The partial factor for steel reinforcement is 1.15. However, the

characteristic yield strength of steel that meets the requirements
of BS 4449 will be 500 MPa; so overall the effect is negligible.
Eurocode 2 is applicable for ribbed reinforcement with characteristic
yield strengths of 400 to 600 MPa. There is no guidance on plain
bar or mild steel reinforcement in the Eurocode, but guidance is given in the background
paper to the UK National Annex10.

7. Minimum concrete cover is related to bond strength, durability and fire resistance. In
addition to the minimum cover an allowance for deviations due to variations in execution
(Construction) should be included. Eurocode 2 recommends that, for concrete cast against
formwork, this is taken as 10 mm, unless the construction is subject to a quality assurance
systemic which case it could be reduced to 5 mm or even 0 mm whereon -conforming
members are rejected (e.g. in a precast yard).
8. The punching shear checks are carried at 2 d from the face of the
column and for a rectangular column, the perimeter is rounded at
the corners.

Design of flat slabs as per EUROCODE 2

A procedure for carrying out the detailed design of flat slabs is given below.

1. Determine design life

2. Assess actions on the slab
3. Determine which combinatio ns of actions apply
4. Determine loading arrangements
5. Assess durability requirements and determine concrete strength
6. Check cover requirements for appropriate fire resistance period
7. Calculate min. cover for durability, fire and bond requirements
8. Analyse structure to obtain critical moments and shear forces
9. Design flexural reinforcement
10 . Check for deflection
11 .Check punching shear capacity
12 .Check spacing of bars

Determine design life

Based on structural design and their usage the values are given in table

Design life(years) Examples

10 Temporary structures
10-30 Replaceable structural parts
15-25 Agricultural and similar structures
50 Buildings and other common structures
120 Monumental buildings, bridges and other civil
engineering structures

Assess actions on the slab

The load arrangements for flat slabs met the following requirements

1. The ratio of the variable actions (Qk) to the permanent actions (Gk)
does not exceed 1.25.
2. The magnitude of the variable actions excluding partitions does not
exceed 5 kN/m 2.

Procedure for determining flexural reinforcement
Carry out analysis of slab to determine design moments( M)
(Where appropriate use coefficients from the below Table).

End support/slab connection First Interior Interior

Pinned continuous interior spans supports
End End End End
support span Support span

Moment 0 0.086Fl -0.04Fl 0.075Fl -0.086Fl 0.063Fl -0.063Fl

Where F is the total design ultimate load, l is the effective span

This analysis is only for concrete class<C5 0/60 only.

Determine K from the equation K=M /bd2fck

Determine K’ from the given Table or

K’ = 0.60 – 0.1822 – 0.21 where  ≤ 1.0
% redistribution d (redistribution ratio) K’
% redistribution (redistribution ratio) K’
0 1.00 0.205
5 0.95 0.193
10 0.90 0.180
15 0.85 0.166
20 0.80 0.151
0.75 0.136
If K< K’ , Provide compression reinforcement Otherwise
No compression reinforcement

Obtain lever arm z from the equation

z =d /2[1-3.53K] ≤ 0.95d
Calculate tension reinforcement required from As =M/fyd*z;

Check minimum reinforcement requirements

As,min = 0.26* fctm* bt* d/fyk
where fyk ≥ 25

Check maximum reinforcement requirements.

As,max = 0.04 Ac for tension or compression reinforcement outside lap locations .

Check for deflection
Eurocode 2 has two alternative meth ods of designing for deflection; either by limiting
span-to-depth ratio or by assessing the theoretical deflection using the Expressions given in
the Eurocode. In this we have to find using span to depth ratio.

Procedure for finding deflection

1. Determine basic l/d from below fig

2. Determine Factor 1 (F1)

For ribbed or waffle slabs
F1 = 1 – 0.1 ((bf/bw) – 1) ≥ 0.8
Where bf = flange breadth and bw= rib breadth
Otherwise F1 = 1.0
3. Determine Factor 2 (F2)
Where the slab span exceeds 7 m and it supports brittle partitions, F2 = 7/ leff
Otherwise F2 = 1.0
4. Determine Factor 3 (F3)
F3 = 310/ss
Where ss = Stress in reinforcement at serviceability limit state or ss may be assumed to be
310 MPa (i.e. F3 = 1.0)

Check As,prov ≤ 1.5 As,req’d

Is basic l/d * F1 * F2 *F3 ≥ Actual l/d if this condition is satisfied it is safe from deflection
otherwise we have to increase As,prov.

Punching shear

The design value of the punching shear force, VEd, will usually be the
support reaction at the ultimate limit state .
1. The maximum value of shear at the column face is not limited to 5 MPa, and depends on
the concrete strength used.
2. The control perimeters for rectangular columns in this have rounded corners.
3. Where shear reinforcement is required the procedure is simpler; the point at which no
shear reinforcement is required can be calculated directly and then used to determine the
extent of the area over which shear reinforcement is required.
4. It is assumed that the reinforcement will be in a radial arrangement. However, the
reinforcement can be laid on a grid provided the spacing rules are followed.

Procedure for determining the punching shear

1. Determine value of factor β from the below fig

2. Determine value of vEd,max design shear stress at face of column from

vEd,max = β VEd /(ui deff)
where ui is perimeter of column
deff = (dy + dz)/2 (dy and dzare the effective depths in orthogonal dire ctions)

Determine value of vRd,max from Table 1

Check vEd,max ≤ vRd,max if not redesign the slab.

Determine value of vEd, (design shear stress)

vEd,max = β VEd /(ui deff)
where u1 is length of control perimeter

Determine concrete punching shear ca pacity

(without shear reinforcement), vRD,c from where rl = (rly rlz)0.5
(rly, rlz are the reinforcement ratios in two orthogonal directions for fully bonded tension
steel, taken over a width equal to column width plus 3 d each side.)
Is vEd > vRd,c if it satisfies Punching shear reinforcement not required
Determine area of punching shear reinforcement per perimeter from:
Asw = (vEd – 0.75vRd,c)sr u1/(1.5 fywd,ef)
Where sr is the radial spacing of shear reinforcement

fywd,ef = 250 + 0.25 deff ≤ fywd

Determine the length of the outer perimeter where shear reinforcement not required from:
uout,ef = b VEd/(vRd,c d)

Check spacing of bars

Min area or reinforcement

1. The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement in the main direction

is As,min = 0.26 fctm bt d/fyk but not less than 0.0013 b d.
2. The minimum area of a link leg for vertical punching shear
reinforcement is1.5Asw,min /( ≥ 0.08fck½fyk.
which can be rearranged as Asw,min ≥ (
where sr = the spacing of the links in th e radial direction
st = the spacing of the links in the tangential direction
F can be obtained from Table 10

Max area of reinforcement

Outside lap locations, the maximum area of tension or compress

reinforcement should not exceed As,max = 0.4 Ac

Minimum spacing of reinforcement

The minimum spacing of bars should be the greater of:

Bar diameter
Aggregate size plus 5 mm
20 mm

Max spacing of main reinforcement

For slabs less than 200 mm thick the following maximum spacing rules apply:
1. for the principal reinforcement
3h but not more than 400 mm
2. for the secondary reinforcement:
3.5h but not more than 450 mm

The exception is in areas with concentrated loads or areas of maximum

moment where the following applies:
1. for the principal reinforcement
2h but not more than 250 mm
2. for the secondary reinforcement
3h but not more than 400 mm
Where h is the depth of the slab.

For slabs 200 mm thick or greater reference should be made to
Section 7.3.3 of the Eurocode.

Spacing of punching shear reinforcement

Where punching shear reinforcement is required the following rules

should be observed.
1. It should be provided between the face of the column and kdinside the outer perimeter
where shear reinforcement is no longer required. k is 1.5, unless the perimeter at which
reinforcement is no longer required is less than 3 d from the face of the column. In this
case the reinforcement should be placed in the zone 0.3 d to 1.5dfrom the face of the
2. There should be at least two perimeters of shear links.
3. The radial spacing of the links should not exceed 0.75 d
4. The tangential spacing of the links should not exceed 1.5 d within2d
of the column face.
5. The tangential spacing of the links should not exceed 2d for any other perimeter.
6. The distance between the face of the column and the nearest shear reinforcement
should be less than 0.5d

Numerical example:

Longer span = 6.6 m

Shorter span = 5.6 m
Live load =7.75 kN/m 2
Assume grade of concrete as C20/25 i.e f ck = 20 MPa
Where C20/25 the cylinder strength as 25 MPa, whereas C20/25 the cube strength as
20 MPa,

Depth of the slab from deflection criteria = span/21

(this is based on longer span)
Effective depth = 314 mm
This depth also satisfies the fire resistance accordind to euro code(REI 120).

Total depth = 314+15 = 350 mm(Based on the axis distance from code)
D = 350 mm

Load calculations

Dead load acting on the slab = 0.35 x 25 = 8.75 KN / m 2 = wd

Live load on slab = 7.75 KN / m 2 = wl
The design live load shall not exceed 1.25 times the design dead load.

Check: wl/wd = 0.0885 < 1.25 (safe)

Total design load = w d  w l  15.45 K N /m

Values of secant modulus of elasticity for C20/25 = 29 KN/mm 2

Moments calculations

For longer span

Calculate M = 503.118 KN -m
From this calculate K, K= M/bd2fck
= 0.0129
K’ = 0.60 – 0.182 – 0.21 where  ≤ 1.0

= 0.1975 < K
(ok ) safe
No compression reinforcement required

Calculation of Z
Z=d /2[1-3.53K]
= 298
≤ 0.95
OK (safe)
Punching shear calculations
For internal columns take β= 1.15

vEd,max = β VEd /(ui deff)

where ui is perimeter of column = 2000mm

column size is 500x500 mm


= 1.64 KN/mm 2

vRd,max=3.31( from code)

vEd,max ≤ vRd,max
OK (safe)

vEd,max = β VEd /(ui deff)

vEd = 1.16*896*10 3/(1200*314)

= 2.73

vRd,c= 0.75 from code

vEd > vRd,c


Area of punching shear reinforcement

Asw = (vEd – 0.75vRd,c)sr u1/(1.5 fywd,ef)

= 2334.4 mm 2

Min area or reinforcement

As, min = 0.26 fctm bt d/fyk

= 408.2 mm 2
< 0.0013*1000*314
= 424 mm2

Max area of reinforcement

As, max = 0.4 Ac

=2415.5 mm2
Minimum spacing of reinforcement

The minimum spacing of bars should be the greater of:

Bar diameter = 12 mm
Aggregate size plus 5 mm = 9.75 mm
20 mm
Min spacing = 20mm

Max spacing of main reinforcement

Use 12 mm  bars =  38 No.s
1.4 1000
 c/c spacing is =  36 mm c/c

Max spacing = 36 mm

In this no punching shear rein forcement so no spacing for that.

Design of flat slabs using ACI -318:

Drop of flat slabs:

Where a drop panel is used to reduce amount of negative moment reinforcement over the
column of a flat slab, size of drop panel shall be in accordance with the following:

Drop panel shall extend in each direction from centerline of support a di stance not less than
one-sixth the span length measured from center -to center of supports in that direction.

Projection of drop panel below the slab shall be at least one -quarter the slab thickness beyond
the drop.

In computing required slab reinforcem ent, thickness of drop panel below the slab shall not be
assumed greater than one-quarter the distance from edge of drop panel to edge of column or
column capital.

Thickness of the slab :

For slabs without interior beams spanning between the supports an d having a ratio of long to
short span not greater than 2, the minimum thickness shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Table below and shall not be less than the following values:

(a) Slabs without drop panels as ......................... 5 in.

(b) Slabs with drop panels as defined.................. 4 in.


Design strips

Column strip is a design strip with a width on each side of a column centerl ine equal to
0.25 l2 or
0.25 l1, whichever is less.

Middle strip is a design strip bounded by two column strips.

A panel is bounded by column, beam, or wall centerlines on all sides.

Column head

The upper supporting part of a column is enlarged to form the column head. The diameter or the
column head is made 0.20 to 0.25 of the span length.

Total factored static moment for a span

Total factored static moment for a span shall be determined in a strip bounded laterally by
centerline of panel on each side of centerline of supports.

Absolute sum of positive and average negative factored moments in each direction shall not be
less than.

w u l 2 l n2
M 0 
wu =load per unit area acting on the slab panel

ln =Clear span ln shall extend from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets, or walls.
Value of ln
shall not be less than 0.65 l1 . Circular or regular polygon shaped supports shall be
treated as square supports with the same area.

l2 =When the span adjacent and parallel to an edge is being considered, the distance from
to panel centerline shall be substituted for l2 .

In an interior span, total static moment M 0

shall be distributed as follows:

Negative factored moment .................................0.65

Positive factored moment ...................................0.35

In an end span, total factored static moment M 0
shall be distributed as follows:

Negative moment sections shall be designed to resist the larger of the two interior negative
factored moments determined for spans framing into a common support unless an a nalysis
is made to
distribute the unbalanced moment in accordance with stiff nesses of adjoining elements.

Edge beams or edges of slab shall be proportioned to resist in torsion their share of exterior
negative factored moments

Factored moments in middle strips:

That portion of negative and positive factored moments not resisted by column strips shall
proportionately assigned to corresponding half middle strips.

Each middle strip shall be proportioned to resist the sum of the moments assigned to its two
half middle strips.

A middle strip adjacent to and parallel with an edge supported by a wall shall be
proportioned to resist twice the moment assigned to the half middle strip corresponding to
the first row of interior supports.

Factored moments in column strips:

Column strips shall be proportioned to resist the following portions in percent of exterior
factored moments:

Column strips shall be proportioned to resist the following portions in percent of exterior
factored moments:

Modification of factored moment:

Modification of negative and positive factored moments by 10 percent shall be permitted

the total static moment for a panel in the direction considered is not less than that required

wu l2ln2
M0 

Shear provision(punching shear):

Two-way action where each of the critical sections to be investigated shall be located so that
its perimeter b0 is a minimum but need not approach closer than d / 2 to

(a) Edges or corners of columns, concentrated loads, or reaction areas, or

(b) Changes in slab thickness such as edges of capitals or drop panels.

Nominal shear strength of concrete:

for flat slabs Vc =nominal shear strength of concrete

Vc Shall be smallest of the following:

[Where  c is the ratio of long side to short side of the column, concentrated load or
reaction area
and where  s is 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns,20 for corner columns]

 4
(a) Vc   2   fc!b0d
 c 
 d 
(b) Vc   s  2  fc!b0d
 b0 

(c) V c  4 f c! b 0 d

Numerical example:

consider the slab to be designed with drop’s

Depth of the slab from deflection criteria =
(for yield stress f yi  60, 000 psi  415 N/mm 2 )

 Minimum depth of slab

 16.76 12 14.22 12 
 max  , 
 36 36 
 max  5.58 in , 4.74 in 
 5.58 6 in

6 in > 4 in (for slabs with drop panels)

Providing a slab of thickness 6 in or 152.4 mm .

Density of concrete = 150 lb / ft 3

Dead load on the slab =  (150)  75 psf  3.6 KN/m 2

Live load on the slab = 161.80 psf = 7.75 KN / m 2

Design load on the slab = (1.2 x 7.5 + 1.6 x 161.80)
= 348.88  350 psf
= 16. 765 KN / m 2
For short span direction, the total static design moment :
1 350
 M0    16.76  14.22 2  148.26 ft-kips=201.04 KNm
8 1000
This is distributed as follow s :

Negative design moment = 148.06 x 0.65 = 96.24 ft -kips = 130.50 KNm

Positive design moment = 148.06 x 0.35 = 51.891 ft -kips = 70.36 KNm

The column strip has a width of 2 x 2   7.11 ft  180.59 mm
l2 16.76
With   1.17 ; 1  0 (  no beams)
l1 14.22
Bending moment for column strip:

Negative moment for column strip = 75 % of total negative moment in the panel
= 0.75 x 96.24 = 72.18 ft-kips = 97.88 KNm

Positive moment for column strip = 60 % of total positive moment in the panel.
= 0.60 x 51.891 = 31.135 ft -kips = 42.21 KNm

static moment along longer direction

1 350
M0    16.76 2  14.22  174.75 ft-kips=237 KNm
8 1000

This is distributed as follows:

Negative design moment = 237 x 0. 65 = 154 ft-kips = 208.89 KNm

Positive design moment = 237 x 0.35 = 83.00 ft -kips = 113.22 KNm

The column strip has a width of 2   8.38 ft = 212.85 mm
l2 14.22
With   0.8484
l1 16.76

Bending moment for column strip

Negative moment for column strip = 75 % of total negative moment in the pannel
= 0.75 x 154.00 = 115.50 ft -kips = 157.66 KNm

Positive moment for column strip = 60 % of total positive moment in the panel.
= 0.60 x 83.00 = 49.8 ft-kips = 67.977 KNm

Bending moment for middle strip along shorter span

Negative moment for middle strip = 0.25 x 96.24

= 24.06 ft-kips
= 32.84 KNm

positive moment for middle strip = 0.40 x 51.891

= 20.7564 ft-kips
= 28.33 KNm

Bending moment for middle strip along longer span

Negative moment for middle strip = 0.25 x 154 = 38.5 ft -kip

= 52.55 KNm

Positive moment for middle strip = 0.40 x 83.00 = 33.2 ft -kips

= 45.318 KNm

Max moment (+ve or –ve ) along shorter span = 72.18 ft -kips

Max moment (+ve or –ve) along longer span = 115.50 ft -kips

 m ax = maximum permitted reinforcement ratio

M u   f y bd 2 (1  0.59 y! )
M u  [0.90  0.0206  60, 000  14.22(1  0.59  0.0206  )]
M u ,1 72.18
d12    1000  (2.43)2
12193.65 12193.65
 d1  2.43 in = 61.72 mm
M u ,2 115.50 1000
d2    3.07 in = 77.79 mm 78 mm
12193.65 12193.65
provide a slab of thickness 6 in.

Drop in flat slabs:

Span of panel in longer direction = 16.76 ft

length of drop panel

  16.76  2
 5.58 ft 5.60 ft 1.71 m

with half width on either side of th e centre line of support = 0.85 m

Thickness of drop = (6)  1.5 in = 38.1 mm

Check for punching shear:

Vu = factored shear, acting at distance d/2 from face of the support.

(assuming column of size 400 mm by 400 mm)

V u  350[(16.76  14.22)  (1.31  0.5)(1.31  0.5)

 350[238.32  1.81 2 ]  82265.365 lb  365.91 K N
f c! b0 d  4000  (4  21.72)  6  32968.64 lb
 c  1.17

The nominal stress of concrete will be smallest of the following :


 4
Vc   2   fc!b0d
 c 
 4 
 2   32968.64  178650.57 lb
 1.17 

 d 
Vc   s  2 fc!b0d
 b0 
 406 
  232968.64 157010.87 lb
 421.72 
Vc  4 f c! b 0 d
 4  32968.64= 131874.56 lb

 Vc  131874.56  Vu

section safe in punching shear  safe.


Depth=6 ft,Width=16.76 ft

Minimum area of steel required = 0.0018 x gross area of concrete

(for control of temperature & s hrinkage cracking)
= 0.0018  6 16.76=  0.1808 in 2
In 14.22 ft direction,  m i n  0 . 1 8 0 8  0 . 0 0 2 1 1
6  1 4 .2 2

0 .1 8 0 8
In 16.76 ft direction,  m in   0 .0 0 1 7
6  1 6 .7 6

 f  Mu Mu Mu
R   f y  1  0.588 !  psi or R   
 fc  bd 2
0.90  6 b b 324 

Calculation of area of steel: Along shorter span:

For negative moment in column strip:

Mu 72.18 10 3
R   150.933
b  324  14.76  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.0040

Area of reinforcement = 0.0040 x 14.76 x 6 x 12 = 4.250 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No.10, at a spacing of 3.5 in, 7 i n number

For positive moment in column strip :

Mu 31.135 10 3
R   65
b  324  14.76  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.0017

Area of reinforcement = 0.0017x 14.76 x 6 x 12 = 1.8066 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No. 8, at a spacing of 5 in, 4 in number

For negative moment in middle strip:

Mu 24.6 10 3
R   50.311
b  324  14.76  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.0013

Area of reinforcement = 0.0013x 14.76 x 6 x 12 = 1.38 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No. 6, at a spacing of 4 in, 3 in number

For positive moment in middle strip:

Mu 20.75 10 3
R   43.40
b  324  14.76  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.00075

Area of reinforcement = 0.00075x 14.76 x 6 x 12 = 0.79 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No. 4, at a spacing of 3 in, 4 in number

Calculation of area of steel: Along lon ger span:

For negative moment in column strip:

Mu 115.50 10 3
R   219.77
b  324  16.22  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.00375

Area of reinforcement = 0.00375 x 16.22 x 6 x 12 = 4.38 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No.11, at a spacing of 4 in, 8 in number

For positive moment in column strip :

Mu 49.8 10 3
R   94.76
b  324  16.22  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.00175

Area of reinforcement = 0.00175 x 16.22 x 6 x 12 = 2.04 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No. 7, at a spacing of 3.5 in, 3 in number

For negative moment in middle strip:

Mu 38.50 10 3
R   73.25
b  324  16.22  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.00125

Area of reinforcement = 0.00125x 16.22 x 6 x 12 = 1.4598 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No. 6, at a spacing of 4 in, 3 in number

For positive moment in middle strip:

Mu 33.20 10 3
R   63.17
b  324  16.22  32.4

Reinforcement ratio = 0.00115

Area of reinforcement = 0.00115x 16.22 x 6 x 12 = 1.34 in 2 / ft

Provide Bar No. 7, at a spacing of 5 in, 7 in number

Result: - codal comparisons (ACI,NZS,IS)

CODE IS-456 ACI-318 NZS 3101 Euro code

Shape of test specimen for Cube Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder

concrete strength (mm) 150x150x150 152.4x304.8 152.4x304.8 152.4x304.8

Grade of concrete(N/mm²) 20 20 30 20

Grade of steel (N/mm²) 415 413.7 420 500

Negative moment(KN-m) 188.5 208.89 292.14 192.6

Positive moments(KN-m) 90 113.22 147.37 135.5

Area of reinforcement(mm²) 4209 2829 2817 2415.5

Thickness of slab for 170 150 210 315

Serviceability criteria(mm)

Punching shear Safe Safe Safe Safe


 By comparing with different codes we concluded that ACI 318, NZS 3101& euro codes are
most effective in designing of flat slabs.

 As per Indian code we are using cube strength but in international standards cylindered
are used which gives higher strength than cube.

 Drops are important criteria in increasing the shear strength of the slab.

 Enhance resistance to punching failure at the junct ion of concrete slab & column.

 By incorporating heads in slab, we are increasing rigidity of slab.

 In the interior span, the total design moments (Mo) are same for IS, NZS, ACI.

 The negative moment’s section shall be designed to resist the larger of the two interior
negative design moments for the span framing into common supports.

 According to Indian standard (IS 456) for RCC code has recommended characteristic
strength of concrete as 20, 25, and 30 and above 30 for high strength concrete. For design
purpose strength of concrete is taken as 2/3 of actual strength this is to compensate the
difference between cube strength and actual strength of concrete in structure. After that
we apply factor of safety of 1.5. So in practice Indian standard actually us es 46% of total
concrete characteristic strength. While in International practice is to take 85% of total
strength achieved by test and then apply factor of safety which is same as Indian standard
so in actual they use 57% of total strength.

 Pre fabricated sections to be integrated into the design for ease of construction.


1. Indian standards 456,875.

2. ASI-318

3. NZS:3101

4. Euro code

5. Dr.pradeep kumar ramancharala

6. Reinforced concrete design –S.unnikrishna pillai, Devdas menon

7. R.C.C design ----- S.Ramamrutham


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