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Lê Thị Hồng Anh

Date: 8/7/2021
Video presentation: Project Leilong: A study on the effectiveness of bargaining as a
marketing strategy

Main contents Personal opinion

I. Introduction
- Bargaining: negotiation between buyers and - Should have included a list of references at the
sellers to reach an agreeable price à increasing end of the presentation
trend - Due to the technical difficulty from the second
- Real life applications: Carousel, Facebook live presenter, I couldn’t hear you clearly
- Research question: “How does bargaining as a - Eye-catching slide. I love it!
marketing strategy on e-commerce platforms - It seems like when a person is presenting, some
affect consumer behavior?” others are not paying full attention
* Literature review
- Current literature: big-ticket items, physical - 2:30 If you are giving a literature review, I think
transactions you should place more evaluation and give the
- Project Leilong: small-ticket items, e-commerce resources/literature that you analyze
sector - Although the project mainly focuses on the
II. Project aim effect of bargaining on online shopping, I suggest
- Hypothesis: People who experience bargaining you including a brief description of bargaining in
in their purchases face higher transaction utility physical transactions
and smartshopper feelings, and hence the
likelihood of closing the deal increases -3:25 It is very considerable to insert the
+ Key term of hypothesis: transaction utility explanation of key terms from the hypothesis
(quoted price-bargained price); smartshopper - You should have clearly proposed the aim of
feelings (feeling satisfied when saving money the project
from being a “smart” shopper)
- What we tested for: - 4:10 You should provide a general description
+ ability to close deals, satisfaction levels, total of the people who participated in your survey.
revenue, repeated sales What’s the age range? What’s the percentage of
III. Research middle schoolers and high schoolers? Where do
- Sample size: 56 students à 28 they come from?
+ Group A: Fixed pricing group ($2) - You mentioned that the buyers use bargaining
+ Group B: Flexible pricing group ($7) strategies. What specifically are those? Does
- Choice of good: Mask chains (novel, different strategy affect the result of your
ambiguously priced) experiment?
- Method: presentation of the product à
presentation of the price à post-experiment - 5:14 The video of participants bargaining is
survey quite small and blurry so it is hard to see
- There was a slight error in slide control
IV. Conclusions
- Deals closed - In the conclusion, you haven’t confirmed (or
+ Group A: 25% rejected) the hypothesis and barely touched the
+ Group B: 92% key term in the hypothesis
- Average maximum price willing to pay - Also, the research question has not been
+ Group A: $1.71 answered
+ Group B: $3.45
- Total revenue: group B exceeds group A by
approximately $75
- Likelihood of repeated sales: group B > group A
- Satisfaction levels: group B > group A
* Caveat
- Not representative of all online shoppers
- Hard to maintain constant variables
- Absence of human interaction
* What does it mean to you
- Consumers: beware that prices can be easily
jacked, you might not be better off with bargained
- Firms: bargaining is effective in short term, but
in the long run their good has to be unique

Video presentation: How can we encourage young people to think spontaneously about
traditional food culture?

Main contents Personal opinion

- Target: food culture doesn’t require specialized
skills and the general public can participate - The recording of presenters sometimes obstructs
* Survey the slide
- Conducted in Singapore and Japan - Presenter seems to read the paper most of the
- Cultural difference: ethnic composition, history, time and not really confident with her
recognition of traditional foods, locality presentation
- image of traditional food: JP – historical, - You should insert a table of contents at the
beautiful, tasty >< SG – cheap, familiar beginning to give an overview of the
à JP – less interested, conversation is someone presentation.
else’s business >< SG – more interested,
spontaneous - 1:05 Creative example of a story between a
* Level of interest in traditional food student and a teacher. However, mentioning a
- JP not interested >< SG interested performing art when arguing against food culture
- JP not interested but want to save it à leave it to may seem unrelated
* Causes of Singapore students’ spontaneous - 3:00 participants from Singapore are mostly 17
attitude and those from Japan are mostly 16-18 (barely
- Multicultural society strengthens sense of anyone is from13-15), which may make the result
belonging unreliable
- Traditional food cultural is part of our identity - Also, is conducting surveys and interviews only
* Basis in two countries inclusive enough to reach any
- For those who are interested in the survey, conclusion?
people in SG feel closer to their communities
through traditional food culture and see it as a - I love the illustration images in the Summary
reflection of SG part!
* Summary
- intercultural exchange
+ less effective among people who aren’t aware of
their ethnicity and region
+ effective among people who are aware of their
ethnicity and region

Video presentation: The rise of renewable energy

Main contents Personal opinion

I. COVID-19 impacts on fossil fuels - There are some minor background noises
- Fossil fuels - Subtitles is included, which is very considerable
+ buried & fossilized remains of plants and animal - I love your introduction. It’s very interesting
in thousand years à carbon dioxide and profound
+ crude oil, coal, and natural gas - Your presentation slide is stunning, which
+ high carbon leads to climate change contains lots of illustration images
- Fossil fuel impacts
+ Pollution - Charts and graphs are included, which are very
+ waste informative
+ extreme weather - There are also several examples and references
+ greenhouse gas emissions which makes the presentation more illustrative
- COVID-19 impacts and reliable
+ Energy demand dropped
+ Electricity generation - 5:39 Nice example

II. Renewable energy - 6:28 When proposing about landfill gas, the
- Benefits team used a question to introduce new point. It is
+ Natural resources very creative
+ Unlimited
- Impacts - Should divide parts more logically
+ Clean energy à environmental
+ Job opportunities
+ Higher living standards
+ Higher living expectancies
- Low demand, but more renewable energy grew
in capacity during COVID-19
- Efforts
+ US: tax incentives = 40% increase
+ ASEAN: not enough

III. Innovation 1: Landfill gas

- Waste to energy
- Process
- Application in Singapore: no need
- Application in other countries: 5-10% of
electricity needs à other sources

IV. Innovation 2: Green gym plan

-Treadmills: mechanical energy for people’s
workout to electrical energy
- Restorable
- Calculation à enough to function (households,
- Survey (135 people): 70% willing to try à
- Encourage participation

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