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AutoCAD 2022 Instructor Chapter 13 Questions

True (T) or False (F)

1. ___ The primary function of a layout is to prepare model geometry for plotting.

2. ___ Model space is used to create 3D drawings, whereas layouts are used to create 2D
“layout” drawings.

3. ___ A viewport in paper space is a window into model space.

4. ___ Both paper space viewports and model space viewports are created using the
Vports command.

5. ___ When plotting a layout, the Plot Scale that you select in the Page Setup or Plot
dialog boxes should almost always be 1:1.

6. ___ In each model space viewport you can control the scale and the area of the model
geometry displayed, but all viewports display the same layers.

7. ___ Title blocks, notes, and other annotation (usually not including dimensions)
should be created in paperspace.

8. ___ When you activate a Layout tab for the first time, AutoCAD automatically sets up
the size of the layout (Limits) for the default plot device, paper size, and

9. ___ Floating viewports in a layout created with the Vports command are objects that
can be Erased, Moved, Stretched, Copied, Scaled, or Arrayed.

10. ___ If you have a Layout tab active and paper space viewports created, using the
Mspace and Pspace commands accomplishes the same action as selecting the
MODEL or PAPER on the Status bar.
Multiple Choice (circle the correct letter)

1. Assume you have just completed your model space geometry, you activate a Layout tab
for the first time in the drawing, and the screen shows only a “blank sheet.” In order to
see your model geometry in the layout, you must ____.
a. use VPORTS
b. use MODEL
d. toggle MODEL/PAPER on the Status bar

2. Assume a Layout tab is active and the cursor is in paper space. You can place the cursor
inside an existing viewport (in model space) by all of the following methods except ____.
a. select the MODEL/PAPER toggle from the Status bar
b. double-click inside the viewport
c. type Mspace at the command line
d. select Viewports from the View pull-down menu

3. If a Layout tab is active and you use Vpmax, ____ is activated inside the viewport and the
____ is removed from around the screen.
a. paper space, paper space area
b. model space, paper space area
c. paper space, model space area
d. model space, model space area

4. If you have one viewport displaying an architectural drawing and you want to plot the
layout so the entire plan plots at 1/4"=1', you set the plot scale by ____.
a. entering 1/4"=1' in the Plot dialog box
b. entering 1:1 in the Plot dialog box
c. setting the Viewport scale to 1/4"=1' and entering 1:1 in the Plot dialog box
d. setting the Viewport scale to 1:1 and entering 1/4"=1' in the Plot dialog box

5. Setting the PSLTSCALE to 0 accomplishes all of the following actions except ____.
a. non-continuous line scaling appears the same for Layout tabs, viewports, and the
Model tab
b. linetype scaling for the entire drawing (Layout tabs and the Model tab) is
controlled exclusively by LTSCALE
c. linetype scaling is automatically changed relative to the viewport scale; therefore,
the linetypes in Layout tabs can appear differently (relative to the model
geometry) than they do in the Model tab
d. keeps the linetype scale the same relative to the model geometry, regardless of the
viewport scale

6. The Layoutwizard allows you to create and set up a layout ____.

a. but you cannot create viewports
b. but you cannot define the print/plot device
c. but you cannot insert a titleblock
d. including viewports, viewport scale, titleblock, and selecting the plot/print device

7. The Layout Wizard command allows you to create a new layout by ____.
a. choosing a print or plot device
b. selecting the type and number of viewports to set up
c. determining the Viewport Scale
d. all of the above

8. You can import a user-defined page setup from another drawing into the current drawing
using the ____ command.
a. Vports
b. Psetupin
c. Layoutwizard
d. Pcinwizard

9. If you want to delete a paper space viewport (created with Vports), use the ____
a. Vports
b. Vpclip
c. Erase
d. Layout

10. In order to correctly plot a drawing at 1/2"= 1" using a paper space layout, you should
a. create the geometry in model space 1/2 size and plot the layout at 1:1
b. create the geometry in model space full size and plot the layout at 1:2
c. create the geometry in model space full size, set the viewport scale to 1:2, and
plot the layout at 1:1
d. create the geometry in model space full size, set the viewport scale to 1:2, and
plot the model space at 1:1

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