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# Twiwf

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1^' rimfiUa - J^aii f

s- S&fczZm consort Parvati

Original Translation By
i: < _ - -t . .,/*
^J&.y .r>.^ Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from

jay. D.N born in 1984 was brought up in

Translated In English

Bengaluru and has completed Master of Ey

Technology in Computer Science &" Engineering. A jay D.N

He started learning Astrology at the age of 18 Editor: Virendra Battu

under the guidance of his brother Sri Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes

D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under

the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam A Mission Saptariskis Initiative

Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and

other texts on Astrology. Being a student of

KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research

Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in

Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and

also practicing it till date. Currently he is

practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of An Introduction -

,Veda||Brahnia||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a

asic tenet of Hindu belief is that a
'renowned Astrologer and Author.
soul [consciousness] is invincible,
B but takes on a new birth after

death as a result of its unfulfilled mission m life or karma's. For western readers belonging
to different faith where the concept of rebirth/reincarnation is not supported, this treatise
may come as a shock, but there are ample references - albiet hidden where each religion
across the world has supported the theory of rebirth!

What is Karma? In the individual human mind are etched the impressions of the
multiplicity of deeds, desires and thoughts which go to make up a lifetime. Then, after
death, and due entirely to these attractions and the uncompleted associations, the soul is
forced to take another birth into the physical arena which it has so recently vacated. The
impressions of the past are projected forward to create the complex patterns of destiny in the
next life. Whatever is not used in the fabrication of one's life's destiny is held within the
mind for future use. And this great storehouse of unfulfilled mental entanglements and
accretions increases from life to life. Indian Mystics have called it Karma.

So as we Hindu's say - Kathni, Vichaar and Kami all are included in the storehouse we call as
KARMA!!! Whatever we do and whatever we think - whatever we say verbally such as cuss
words and abusive language - they are all etched in the storehouse known as KARMA!!!
Nothing escapes the manager who is responsible of noting down all that we do or what we
think - because it is the Mind itself that is the doer of these Karmas and then the author who
writes the ledger where all Karmas are written down!!! So he is both the doer and accuser for
all karma's!!!

Yours truly will now mention example from the epics to elaborate how Karma works or
manifests itself. We all know that during Treta Yuga, Lord Rama made an appearance.
While he was getting married to Devi Sita, Sita's dasi's or ladies in attendance envied her
and desired to or wished to have a similar husband. This was just a thought or a wish, but it
was enough to sow the seeds of future karma - this wish was fulfilled during Dwapar Yuga
when Lord Krishna made an appearance (Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are the reincarnations
of the same entity) - Lord Krishna married Gopi's - so many of them - these were actually
widowed, but Krishna married them to avoid the practice of sati or death by choice for a
widow!! Sita's bridesmaids came back as Gopi's and married the same entity reincarnated as
Lord Krishna!!

Another example how Karma is accounted - Lord Rama killed Bali [the monkey king] while
hiding behind some trees. The same Bali returned as a hunter and killed Lord Krishna in
Dwapar Yuga - the arrow was shot without knowing where and whom it may hit!! These are
well known examples!! If incarnations of Vishnu cannot be spared of their karma, how do
you think mortals can be spared?

So, thinking evil/ill of anyone, plotting revenge, sexually oriented thoughts, an d all other
thoughts/deeds/desires are seeds of future entanglements or ensnarement's!!
Karma Vipaak Samhita - as the name suggests, this treatise deals with the issue of
reincarnation or rebirth as a result of specific KARMA done in the past, from an
Astrological point of view by explaining Birth Nakshatra [Asterism] in current birth. A
word of caution here - not everyone likes to be reminded of his karma and there is no way
that a native can visit his past lives and judge or confirm what is being mentioned in the
treatise. So, while the treatise also offers methods whereby penance and austerities maybe
done to lessen the burden of past life karma, it offers knowledge to those who may not be
interested in these austerities. The treatise itself is a dialogue between Lord Shiva himself and
his consort Mata Parvati and essentially it answers the very question - if a native is born
with Moon in a particular Nakshatra pad - why not any other nakshatra pad? [Each
Asterism is divided into 4 parts in Vedic Astrology]. Yours truly's comments will appear in

Dear readers, let's begin a journey of self discovery and understanding the very existence or
the reasons of current birth -

Virendra Battu

a tmaoip a a/m

Chapter i

^ CrN -\

Contemplate on Lord Vishnu, the one who wears white dress, as beautiful as the moon, the one who

has four limbs [hands], the one who has everlasting smile and the one who can remove all obstacles f

' Lord Vislmu is compared liere witli Moon — although it is bright, it does not have a bright white color, it is somewhat smoky or
light grey in color. This is exactly why images ol Lord Vishnn and his incarnations Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are shown with
grey tones.
How to approach with a query?

^ ^FTR

rs r\ ♦ -n

Choose a Sunday, the one which is also a day when Sun is about to move from one sign to another,
next choose a suitable yoga and with due ceremonies preferable in Vyatipata or Vaidhriti yoga or in

dwelling of a Brahmin

"N "N fN -N
^ R^NcT: \\\ ||

In a temple or at a pilgrimage spot near a place where two holy rivers unite, or in your own home or at

a pious place3

r- m**'

wAv\\ HlhSclT ^TSHT -i\i\ II V

Any native, sex or creed, with a son or without a son, or a native troubled with illnesses - all are

JJR^T: m

^ It is a custom in Hindu tradition to clioose an appropriate time befitting tlie problem at band or tbe autboritij to wliicli one must
approacli. Tlie quester is requested to clioose a Sunday — tlie day of tlie Sun — wbo is responsible for life on eartli and asked to
clioose Vyatipata yoga — {Erect a lioroscope for tlie day in question - add tlie degrees of Sun and Moon and convert tliat into
minutes — divide tliis by 800 — if tlie result is between 16 and 18 — tliat is IT411 yoga is running — it is Vyatipata yoga} or Vaidliriti
yoga {Calculated as earlier yoga, but is tlie last yoga for tlie day}. Normally tliese yogas are not cliosen for any purpose, but for
addressing problems to God s tliey are cliosen to reflect tlie disaster reflected in tlie life of tlie quester. If tliis was not possible, tlie
quester is asked to be in tlie dwelling of a Bralimin wbo were always tliouglit to be living in frugal manner and involved witli
pious deeds!
^ Essentially it is tlie intent of tlie quester tliat matters, selection of an appropriate place and time is next to know details of one s
own karma
All of these should first take a hath with perfumed spices, roots and condiments such as Amla, Logh,
Cow dung, Til, Sarson, Soil from 7 places, Kapur, Khus and then Nagarmotha4

^ m jfrcf ^1

rs rs »\
II ?



Take an equal measure of all scented ingredients and with a diligent effort take a hath. Also conduct

oblations for the dear departed ancestors, God's and pay respects to the Sun5

Having completed all of the above formalities the questor must then make a solemn promise to accept
what ever maybe revealed by this treatise as the words from Lord Shiva himself - by saying the below
mentioned sloka

rs ♦rs Crs "v C

r ♦ > >
f: t^sn^i

The quester must do Angnyas, he must then cleanse his body and soul with Shodashupchar and then

conduct a Vaishvadeva Shraddhaf*

^ Aiiila= Indian goosebernj = Pliyllantlius emblica, Logli = Sijmploce Racemoza — tlie bark of tliis tree is used in Aijurved
medicines, Til = Sesame seeds, Sarson = Mustard seeds, Soil from 7 places = soil from seven places is collected sucli as liorse stable
+ elepliant stable + wliere cliariots are kept + desert + burrow of snakes + soil from ocean or beacli + soil near a temple of Vislmu,
Kapur = Camplior, Kims = Andropogon muricatus — a scented grass, and lastly Nagannotlia = scented grass Cijpems — please
note tliat all of tlie above liave natural scents and tbeij liave deep cleansing properties! Little amount of tliese ingredients are
taken and added to batli water. Tliis ritual batli was necessary to ensure tliat tlie quester will be able to sit tlirougli a long
discourse and ceremonies tliat may follow & bis aura is purified by tliis batliing process.
It is a Hindu tradition to begin all serious ceremonies by taking a ritual batli and tlien perform rituals to please ancestors, family
deities and tlien finally offerings to tlie Sun liimself — tlie offerings to Sun may include offering scented water, incense and tlien
finally a Sury a Namaskar — tliose wlio know yoga will know wliat tliis means.
® Angnyas is solemn promise to surrender bis pliysical self for deeds ordained by God and tliat lie liimself is just a slave of bis
karma s. Sliodasliupcliar — sixteen metliods of worsliip viz. Avalian = invitation for tlie deities, Aasan = once tlie deities arrive
tliey must be offered a seat, Adliary a = scented offering, Paady a = scented water witli wliidi feet of deities are waslied, Aadiman

^HMHM< sn^TSS^I^sH^ui ^ WfH fe^TTTRI

^w¥j wmm w%l ^ W^Wt I' ^ ii

The quester must now repeat the name of the deity while offering charity in the form of offering cows
capable of hearing calves or pregnant cows including fasting thereof, vessels for storing water. To

appease the Prajapati or Lord Brahma the questor must offer a sumptous feast to sixteen Brahmins7.
Having done this the questor must now how before the Guru or Acharya and say, "O Brahmin you
are horn with pious harma's and of a rare destiny, equivalent to Devta's who rule the land, O
Illustrious amongst Brahmins - use your wisdom and apprise me of my past harma's hoth good and

TO ^ TO^T^fqif^T^NKI

'O Benevolent one be gracious and with your divine wisdom inform my past life harma's." The
quester should how before his Guru and Acharya and appease him to gain favors

The questor may offer charity and feast to at least five or ten Brahmins. Then with their permission
and blessings proceed with atonements as mentioned in the treatise.

rinsing of moutli for ritual ceremonies, Madlmprk = offering lioneij, Snaan = bath, Vastrabliaran = offering clothing and
wrappings, Yagijopavit = offering sacred thread, Gandha = scented perfumenj items during ceremonies, Pushpa = scented
flowers, Deepa = offering lamp, Naivedija = oblation to the deity, Tambula = offering betel leaves and betel fruit, Parikrama =
circumambulate the deities and then Vandana = singing poems in praise of deities. Apparently this treatise is coined during s uch
time when deities were accessible and visible to all. In Kaliyuga when deities vanished from sight, their idols are worshipped
^ Here the Brahmin conducting the ceremony for the questor is equated with Lord Brahma himself. Apparently the reference is
for those Brahmins who do tons of penance and worship, lead a pious and frugal life. There are ample references in Hindu
Shastra s about who may be classified as a Brahmin? Brahmin is one who himself has had an audience with Lord Brahma himself,
the one whose abode is on the spiritual planes above Shiv Netra or the Third eye. However it is common for people to accept
someone who is bom into a Brahmin family!
c^lc^iUKMR ^ TTfMlIT8 I


Having offered garments and adornments, the quester must pray before his Guru or Acharya who is
considered as Lord Prajapati [Brahma] in human form, "O Prajapati, the one with austere vows, the
one who has knowledge ofVedas, please accept my prayers for begetting a son and accept my

^ ^TT ct II ? ? II

'O Vishnu, the one who is lotus eyed, you are one who sustains many universes, O Hrishikesha,
please accept my offerings and salutations"

^ ^ WTT^ro^: I


'O Rudra, the one who smears ashes, the one who wears serpents as yagyopavit0, please accept my
prayers and salutations."


God's in the svarga" loka, serpents in the patala loka and people in this mrityu loka all bow to
Bhaskara and contemplate upon him

*teWs1lfH % 3#fRTR WA^\

C-v >
rffWR ^ ^TR RR

® Tlie word maliabaalio lias anotlier meaning in Sanskrit wliicli referes to austere pennances and vows — not one but so many.
Salutations in Hindu includes touching tlie feet of Guru/Elderly. Tlie word maliabaalio lias anotlier meaning in Sanskrit wliicli
referes to austere pennances and vows — not one but so many.
® Pundrikaksli = an epithet for god Vishnu; the one who has lotus eyes. Hrishikesha = the one who bestows many happiness s.
Yagyopavit is the sacred thread worn by Brahmins.
= =
^ Brevity of proper terms in English is hinderance to convey the true meaning of this verse. Svarga Heaven?, Patal
Underworld? Mrityu loka = mortal world? Bhaskara = Sun
All yagna's , Agnihotra karma, Taking a holy dip at holy places, and contemplation of God's are all
dependent on Sun rise.

^fT^RT ^ || ^ ||

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Deva's and Devi's, Indra and then the Ascetics, Hermits, all three variety
of people all pray and worship the Sun as witness

^q JRiqfq: I

^TRT^ ^q^T%np^|| ^ ||

"O Bhaskara, you are the embodiment of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, you are the supreme Guru, you are
the fire, the creator of rains and then finally you are the embodiment of all"

qtroi qqrfr q^iHlRuirqj

^ ^ II ^ II

"The ascetic, the renunciate, and the celibate all pray to Bhaskara to remove all mental agonies and
calamities. O Bhaskara heed my prayers and do the needful to cleanse me of my sins"

qtoHT f quTRi ^ Tm\ ^nfyqi^M^i

^q ^ M^K^ii ^ 11

'O Bhaskara, the gracious one and the humblest amongst the humble - you honor all prayers and bless
all with bounties." The quester must propitiate Bhaskara to bless him.

qqt % £<MI<) MikKNil I

^ Yagna — fire ritual in liindu tradition, Agniliotra — oblations to sacrificial fire — readers can visit tliis link
littp:// to know more.
The questor must now offer a confession for all deeds that has heen commited now and during the
previous births in the following way, "I have been a sinner, a criticizer, murder of several Brahmins,
one who stole gold, an alcoholic given to alcohol and substance abuse, one who had physical relations
[sex] with the wives of Guru's and Acharya's."

TMI II Ro ||

"I have murdered many women and children, had physical relations with many Agamya women - and
many other similar sins I have committed"

r\ r\ r\ -n CrN C Crs

_£ CrN

"O benevolent and gracious one, I also admit sins which are unaccountable and indescribable. I now
seek refuge and countenance. O gracious grant me the knowledge for deliverance of my sins."

^ dld^hlfo^h fRT ^ IIRRII

"O gracious and knowledgeable one now please use your skills to erect a horary horoscope and consult
my natal horoscope to describe my past karma's"


'O knowledgeable Pundit I know it is proper to consult to my natal horoscope, transit and then horary
to reveal my past life karma."

^ Agamy a — a women with whom physical relations are not recommenclecl — mayhe temple attendents and pious ladies.

Having observed the quester and satisfied with his intentions, Mata Parvati the consort of Lord Shiva
- the one who lives in the Kailash Mountains, addresses the quester's desires to the Lord himself


Mata Parvati says, "O supreme Deva amongst the Devta's, Lord of the mortal world, the one who is
always gracious on a quester, kindly reveal the secrets of past life karma's for the benefit of mankind."

rs rsC

"In Kaliyuga, people are miserable with tons of sins, mortal attachments and attractions, in squalor
due to illnesses and many are without any progeny"

^|U|i ^ ^ II II

"People are of revolting looks, their children are infertile. O Lord apprise me of their karma"

^q qm qqi

cT^I qqt ^^TT: II Rt II

"O Lord I wish to know everything, knowing well that you know all there is to know about karma."
So says Mata Parvati. Having listened to her plea Lord Shiva was pleased.
•Ss > v tn r
^ ^m\\ ii

Knowing well that the moment was opportune, Lord Shiva smilingly revealed the secrets of past life
karma of all living heings in the three worlds

^ ^ ^qj R^NcT: I

wmm ^ II n

Lord Shiva says, "O Parvati Devi. Listen to what I have to say about karma's of mortal beings.
Whatever I will now reveal will be the complete knowledge and do not doubt it ever."

TT^fT: m I

^Wfal cTcft IIR? II

'O Devi, all those bom in mortal world do karma's, not only mortals do karma but devta's too pay for
their own karma's"

r\ -n -N
R^TO R R^l


'Karma's are of three kinds - Prarabdh, Sanchita and then Kriyamaana'

4 RRTt R ^RR11RR

'Prarabdh is the one which is visible right now and a mortal suffers the effects in current life. But I
will reveal the secrets of Sanchita Karma."

r\ TN -s -sr

rs V-n

"Beginning with Ashwin Nakshatra, all mortals are born under one Nakshatra or the other. It is

important to know the karma's14 under whose influence forces a native to be bom in a particular
quarter of these Nakshatra's"

^ Different types of karma s are explained below for western audience

m WTIS^fR: II ? II

End of Chapter i which included the elaborate ceremonies that needs to be done before doing any
pennance or austerities in Karma Vipaak Samhita

Chapter 2

arc R

Askwini Nakskatra Pkalam

I cT^T

rN rvC
TSdN^iUI W* ^ I ^ |R ||
A native bom in Ashwini Ist charana (Quarter), In his/her past life he/she was bom in
madhyadeesha in a Brahmin family | |i| | Devi, a person born in Ashwini 2nd charana in his last birth
was a Kshatriya without any doubt and reside towards east of Ayodhaya puri and will have no male

or female issue**.

■n -n rs

TTTO: I cT^T Nvdldlq^ldqidL^drH^: II


Listen Devi, Ashwini / charana native will be born in vyshya family, unhealthy, will be of
hutsita (lowest or Black) varna, will have dead children and an impotent. One born in Ashwini 4^
charana will be a shudra who always suffers from ill health and will give birth to dead children. This
native will be of shyamala varna, well built body and will suffer from Leprosy.

Destiny Karma [Prarabdli] - the events of life which are fixed at the time of hirth and which have to he undergone. They are the
effects, good and, of previous actions, thoughts and desires from previous lives. Destiny is etched or pre-programmed into the
complex fabric of our human mind and is outwardly expressed from there, over the course of a lifetime.
New Karma [Kriyamaan] - new actions and desires, performed or entertained in the present life, which become seeds or mental
impressions for the destiny of future lives.
Stored Karma [Sane hita] - in one lifetime, an individual may gather more new karma than can be paid off in just one future life.
Any balance of this 'unused' karma goes into storage'. Over the span of eons, this store of karma becomes a great weight upon the
soul, keeping it bound to the wheel of birth and death.
^ The verse says purvam meaning in his earlier birth — he will be debarred from having children.
rNr\ „

II ?

^ q# N^llc!)!^ %^\ ^^MTI cT^fT ^fl wffi ^fT IIR II

^*TRW ^fimm: ^ I cR^T m fe^ftS^t ^T: II ^

*\r<-\ rv -s
^rofi TO2: cT^f "WcT: I ^TT^ f^T ^T ^T ^?T: IIV

U IFT f RT ^ ^ 11 ^


Shiva Uvaacha | Lord Shiva says

The Varna's that has heen discussed are classified according to the karma (work) they do. Devi,
There was a Brahman who knew all Vedas and looked auspicious in his appearance and was good at
his deeds. \ |i| \He had a wife, her name was Vishalakshi and was a prostitute horn in a Kshatriya
family, Devi says that they had a child by name Narahari.\\2\\That Brahman was not doing any of his
daily deeds and was always suffering from ill health. There was another Brahman who was his friend;
he was wealthy and happy with his children. | IjI |His name was Lagna Sharma when he met him he
received him with great respect. 11411 The Brahman looking at Lagna Sharma's wealth became greedy
and killed him and his children and looted all his wealth. The money and gold was spent daily and 1/6th
part of that money was donated in favor of lord Vishnu in the banks of river Ganga and Yamuna
sangam to obtain his grace and blessingsj\s'6\\


r\ C
r\ -s rs -s -N v r\ ♦
R^TIvf: ^ ^ ^Rl cTR^TT R^TOR

^R%WR: R ^ ^ Wti fR| RIR II ?o ||

^ruft RRt RTRRR: R^TI cRR RRT R^I^^TT ^V+Rdl ^ RTII ? ?

rxC rs rs C rs ♦

"n r\ rs
Hence, time went by and his wife died and he too died because of evil effects of planets.\\y\\ Yama
Dharma sent his dutaas(one who brings message) or Guards and told to put him in Narak (Hell) and
punish him till he completes Seventy Thousand yugas in hen.||8|| After getting out of Narak he took
his birth as a fox in a forest and after experiencing all kinds of punishment for his past karmas he took
birth as an insect. | Ipl | Then he will take birth in a famous family living in a beautiful village of
Madhya desh where he will be devoid of childrenj |io| \Bom in a Gowda religion in a wealthy family
will always suffer from ill health, likes meat very much and his wife will be very greedy and she had a
name called Lokamati in her past life. \ |ii| \He got married to the same lady who was her wife in his
previous incarnation. In this incarnation she has irregular menses and will not be able to produce a
child.\\i2\\She will always suffer from fever, has broad eyes and will have troubles related to her
uterus 111311


rv v ♦ C rs C
WHT ^5 TO cR TTM ^^ ^

rv rs ♦ rs ♦ C

rs r-\ rv ♦ rv rN rN« C
[REiwim ^ ^

^ RTO ^1 ^ TO m^ II ^


"N "N "N


Parvati Devi bowed to Lord Shiva who is the param guru of all beings on earth and told II14II The
karma of beings is just your sleigh and how to know about the good and bad deeds of people in
advance?\I15I | Hei Parameswar please tell me everything in detail, asked Parvati. Shiva obliged and
told, It is because of the mental attitude the deeds are performed and these deeds are 0/3 types shub
karma (good), ashub karma (bad) and madhyam karma (mixed). Because of these they experience the
results as good or bad. | |i6| | One who does papa karma or bad deeds will suffer in Patala or in Narak
of similar type till he waves off all his bad karma and a person who has good deeds to his credit will be
happy in Swarga Loka (heaven) and one who has done madhyam karma will take birth in manushya
loka (earth) to experience the results of past karma. | I17I | Hei Devi, also the past karma can be
identified through the disease they suffer. A person suffering from (raja roga) incurable disease would
have killed a Brahman in his previous birth\ |i8| | and one who have killed an elderly person in his gotra
(linage) or has killed his guru will have no issues and one who does not perform puja to God will
suffer from pandu roga or Jaundice \ \ 1911
♦ v rs

^fl^I q: ^T ^ ^TTfT^T: I ^n^T^TT^lff ^ ^ ^R^ll R?

WHlHIRH f?T t: ^vd-HRI ^ ^T ^ IIRR II


"n v. v_r\




A person who has disrespected Vedas in his past life will only have female issues in this hirth. If one
would have killed women or Birds in his past life his wife will not live long she will die soon. | |2o| | Hei
Devi, if one has hilled his brother in the past life that person will always suffer from fever and a
person who has stolen musical instruments such as hells etc. will suffer from disease in handsj 12111 One
who has hilled his or her sister, because of this had deed that person will also suffer from
fever\I22I \And one who has cheated his friends or may have hilled children or Birds will give hirth to
dead children and will always he disease prone.II23IIA person who has tortured and hilled others or
destroyed that body or one who makes a pregnant women to abort, steals money and books will he horn
blindfolded in the present hirth, This is no doubt true. II24II And one who loots others cloths or land and
speaks bad about another person or disrespects others will take birth in poor family. \ I25I | A person who
hills a female of his/her gotra (linage) will suffer from chronic ailments like Leprosy etc. or if the
person has killed huffalo(s) he/she will suffer from shivering disease] \ 26] | One who has removed the
testicles of an Ox hy operating it with had intention or destroyed it will suffer from impotency and
venereal diseases. II27II







^ I WJII ^Vll

Mei Devi, one who has tortured his/her parents will suffer from Leprosy, if a person makes pleasure
with a women with whom one should not mate or unites with the wife of a valiant man ||28|| will suffer
from fever. Listen Devi, one who has killed cattle's in previous hirth will suffer from Leprosy (Sweta
Kust Rog)| I29I\one who sexually molests a women will always suffer from ill health and
poverty\ \^o\|A person who steals flowers or scents that are made of flower fragrance will have a face
which smells had and one who has stolen Ghee in his past hirth will suffer from Leprosy and after this
that person will take hirth as an insect | I31I \lf one has stolen fragrances made out of trees will take
hirth as a crow and if he/she destroys lakes or wells will suffer from Eczema (dadru rog)\ I32I \One
who kidnaps pilgrims will suffer from throat diseases. A person who distracts hirds like peacock when
it is singing or one who sets forest a hlazej \^\\will suffer from eye disease and also gets to suffer from
wounds in the nostrils which will rot due to formation of harmful germs. A person who rohs oil will
become an oil miller and one who steals jaggery will suffer from fever \ I3411

^ 1 f II ^ II

^ II

^qiqwOT fl11 11

^I 11 vo

rs "v "v
^ WW WJTT ^ ^ ^ Tim: IIV? II
If the person who loots Gold and silver, his/her children will he destroyed and one who kills his
servants whether male or female will suffer from ear diseases \ I35I\lf one will not pay the actual price
while buying a metal will suffer from pandu rog (jaundice) in his next incarnation and a person who
steals milk and curd will suffer from stomach related diseases \ \^6\\ A person who destroys the road or
path way where people and vehicles move or on who steals others cloths will have disease in his
shoulders and if Tortoise or hirds like Peacock, Cock or Hen are tortured that person will suffer
from\I37I | Vaata rog or windy disease, loses limb and will be an impotent for many more births to come.
A person who drinks alcohol, eats fish and meat, because of this karma \ \^8\\that person will become a
cobbler in his next incarnation. If a person steals food and water will have unhealthy teeth's. | I39I \lfa
person cheats a Brahman who is wealthy and prosperous by looting his money and house forcefully will
suffer from Mrigi Rog | I40I | Like this there are many types of diseases, If a person suffers from ill
health according to his past karma, then that past karma will he automatically cleansed or wavered


♦r\ ♦ r\ f\ "s

Iti srikarmavipaaka samkita Dwiteeyoodhyaayaha (jz

This Ends the 2nd Chapter of Karma Vipak Samhita

Chapter 3

♦ rv . r\ ♦ ♦ r\

Wm IRT % WFN dcMNId^^Rf^cT: IIR


rs ♦

^ fRT cRT ^R I RcWT

-n rs v
yj H-HI RRTRfHd'M fT^R5 ^FTORT RR: II ^3 ^TR || ^3 ^RR RR: || ^3 RRTR

rv C -v
RR: II ^3 IRRtRR RR: II ^3 R^RTR RR: || ^3 fRRR RR: || ^3 TORR JR: II ^3 T^RTR RR:


^3 TR^TRTR RR: II ^3 RR: II ^3 ^iteTR RR: II ^3

[:| RcRTR Rc^R ^R RcRR ^RRRT R^T II \

_£ rv
^RT ^TT ^I'JlR RR ^ RR^^ II ■||«ll





cTcft I cTcTT ^T ^T^RT cRT: II ?R II
Lorci Shiva tells-If the question is about the beings on prithvi loha i.e the Earth, then I am going to tell
the praayaschitta (performing Good deeds in the form ofpuja, jap, yagna, daana etc. to waver off bad
karma) or Atonement for their bad karma or deeds. | |i| | A person who has looted all the wealth of a
Brahman and killed him with his son(children) and forcefully enjoyed his wife in his previous birth
and has no issues in the present birth\I2I\should atone by chanting Gayathri mantra and Triyambak
mantra for 5Lac times each will be free from that karma or deed\\^\\ After this a statue of a Brahman
and a boy should be made out of 40 tole(a weight) gold and should perform puja according to Maha
dasa and Bhukti\I4I\Make a yagna kund which is square in shape and perform puja to the statue
| I5I jwith these mantras offer flowers chanting "Om Namo Ganaadhipataye namaha ||Om Indraya
Namaha || Om Agnaye Namaha \ \Om yamaaya Namaha || Om Nirarutaye Namaha || Om
Varunaaya Namaha 11 Om Kuberaya Namaha \ \ Om Kaalaaya Namaha 11 Om Shivaaya Namaha \ \
Om Brahmane Namaha \ \ Om Anantaaya Namaha 11 Om Garudavaahanaaya Namaha \ \ Om
Vishnave Namaha || OmJayaaya Namaha || Om Vijayaaya Namaha || Om Punyasheelaaya
Namaha \ \ Om Susheelaaya Namaha \ \ After offering puja to all deities and demons etc. the person
has to pray so that he/she will be relived from past lives karmas\|6|\The person should pray, Oh Lord,
Please accept all my puja and offerings and bless me with a child, because of my foolishness or blemish,
I may have done those deeds in my past lives]\y\ \ Please forgive me for all these and bless me. Perform
puja to Navagrahas, Digpaalakaas and Upagrahaas] |8|\praying them to cleanse off all bad karmas
(deeds) and bless you] (p) {Donate til (Sesame), Raw rice after performing 1/10th part Homa of the
mantra that has been chanted, and homa's 1/10th part is tarpam, and tarpons 1/10 part
maarjan] |io|\After this, person performing puja has to donate a cattle (10 cattle each with different
colors yields good results) and an Ox decorated with gold on its horns and beautiful cloths. \ |ii| \Then
arrange lunch for the Brahman's present over there, after their lunch donate gold and money to them

r\ ♦ rN V „ i "N "N rN ♦ Iv fN

rs C

rs -n ♦ rs
^ NH^Id II ?MI

Hei Devi, and donate the gold statue to which puja was performed to the Vaachak (person who
advised to do praayaschitta or to atonate). Lord Shiva tells, by performing atonement as said will
definitely be blessed with a chiici||i3|| and the person who has atoned need to follow Ekadashi vratha
and should always speak truth on Sapthami tithi which comes in conjunction with Sunday \ \ \ {14 \ \no
doubt his/her past bad karmas will be wavered and will be happy\\i^\\
Iti Srikarmavipaaka samhitaa Aswini nakshatr pratam charan praayaschittakathanam
naama Triteeyodhyaayaha II3II

This ends the 3rd Chapter of Karma Vipak Samhita containing Ist Pada of Ashwini

Chapter 4

ftR II ^ 5TM%tT I

_£ CrN
r: II ^ II

-s rv
Rl f: IIR II

^TOT: TTT^T ^R ^cT: II ^

"N ♦ fs
^TT'lcTt 3TR^ fRT ^ TO R H: 11V

cT^Rq#^RNRR^TTI ^rt^R II Ml


rs -n ♦ C ^ rs
^R cTPRT q^T: ^RTRcT cRT I qRlRTT Ml Ml

q^RT Rf cRT ^RRq f^RRR RRI qq q|Rq ^ m\ ^RR^TISqqRII d II


HRPR R^rff qfel cTRRRT cR: RRI ^RRI ^tRT H^RIdHIH.11 ^ ||

Lord Shiva thus speaks, now I will tell about the atonements to be done by the native born in Aswini
7ld Tld
2" quarter. A person bom in Aswini 2" charana or paada because of his past karmas | |i| | Will take
his birth in a city which is towards east of the Ayodhyaa Puri which is 4 Kosha (mile) far near
Sarayu river in a kshatriya family where one of the parent of the native will be of different
caste. | I2I\The native's name was Shweta Varma and was happy with his son and wife. One day his
Maternal Uncle with his son came to Shweta varma's house||3|| Shweta varma treated him with
warmth and presented many gifts in the form of gold and asked his uncle to stay in his house. | I4I |
Shweta varma had a wife; her name was Gunavati looking young and Gorgeous. Listen Devi, Uncle
and his son stayed for a month in Shweta varma's house and had all hind of luxuries, eat all hinds of
non-vegetarian food that they lihed.\\^\\One day after a month Shweta Varma hilled his Uncle with

his son and buried them from which he acquired Guru Shaap or curse of Guru^l |6| | Shweta varma
took all the wealth of his uncJeH/H and was enjoying it with his wife happily. Time passed by and
Shweta varma too died\\8\\After some time Shweta varma's wife too died in the remote forest in a
cave. Yama Dhuta's came and took them to Hell and tortured them severely for one Yuga ||io||

-s -n r\ ♦




^"JNIddi fRT W q^^TRf ^1 I fiq fRT II ^

TTRqt ^ qq^?T: I ^TftTfR: RqMT RTJR ?R: II ?vs

♦ ^ 'N "N

After being relived from Hell took birth as donkey and then as chameleon after this took birth as a
Human 2?eing||ii|| Devi, in his past life he had killed his Maternal Uncle with his son, because of this
bad karma, his lineage will be ruined in this birth.\\i2\\And his wife in the previous birth, was
suffering from ill health in the present birth because of bad deeds done in the past life and got married
to him in this birth too| I13I\and will Suffer from chronic cough and intermittent fever. I will tell you
the atonement to be performed to wave off this bad karmaj I14I\Listen Devi, Daily have to listen
Harivamsha Puran and should donate 10 cattle's to Brahmans. \ I15I \Make a golden statue of 15 Pala or
60 tola (in weight) and make a Homa Kunda which is round in shape and ask a person who is always
calm and peaceful to perform homa. | |i6|\Chant Gayatri mantra for 1 lac times and perform homa with
i/ioth part (i.e. 10,000 times) and offer lunch to the Brahman's present. Hi/HAnd donate bed to them.

Performing Puja to the Statue

It is important to note kere tkat Curse of Guru need only come from a direct Guru, kere it is done ky doing karma of
killing Maternal Uncle, as per tke text. " SA

^TTTRcTT II ^ II ^ ^IWf ^R: II #> ^TTT^T || $>

R^T: II ^ RWR || T^RT^f || ^ ^JJ || & RRTRcR R^T: II #>

m RIR ^ ^

wte^ii ^11

rs ♦ ♦
<R ^TT ^|U|c| 5MTTT RT ^ ^TTOil ^TT^RRRf cT^T ^R ^IRRT RcT: II Ro

cR: R^T^RTT ^RR f:|R? II

♦ N _iV "N ♦ Iv


To worship the statue huild a podium which is of 16 inches in length and square in shape decorated
with all hinds of flowers and fragrances. Place the statue on that to offer puja\\i8\\The mantras to he
chanted are as follows: Om Chakradharaaya namaha | Om Gadhaadharaaya Namaha \ Om
Shamginee Namaha | Om Garudaaya Namaha \ Om Vishnavee Namaha \ Om Shivaaya Namaha \
Om Brahmanee Namaha \ Om Prajaapataye Namaha \ Om Sarveeshvaraaya Namaha \ Om
Lakshmai Namaha | after this pray as - Om Devadeva mahadeva \ Hei Shankachakra Gadhaadhara |
Hei DharaniDhara | please relieve me from had karmas of my past lives HipH Then after finishing the
puja donate that statue Brahman present over there with some gold as dakshinaj\2o\ \After this,
thinking those Brahmans as Vyasa do circumamhulation and in the month of Maagha together with
the wife go to Prayaag and take a holy hath their in. \ |2i|\By doing this atonements no doubt the linage
will continue and also if a women is delivering dead children, she too will give hirth to children which
are healthy and | I22I |One who is suffering from health problems will he relived from ill health and he
happy II23II


Iti srikarmavipaaka samhitaayam Aswini nakshatra dwiteeya chara praayaschchitta

kathanam naama Chaturtoodhyaayaha

This ends the 4^ Chapter of Karma Vipak Samhita containing 2nd Pada of Ashwini

o (m Co ft/imiyetC..

a im a

^amdita - J^a U 2

consort Parvaii

Original Translation By
l-Jay .r>.^ Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from

jay. D.N bom in 1984 was brouglit up ir

Translated In English

Bengalum and lias completed Master of Ey

Technology in Computer Science & Engineering. A jay D.N

He started learning Astrology at the age of 18 Editor: Virendra Battu

under the guidance of his brother Sri Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes

D.N.Venkatesh who was his first gum. Then under

the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam A Mission Saptariskis Initiative

Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and

other texts on Astrology. Being a student of

KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research

Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in

Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and

also practicing it till date. Currently he is

practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of

Veda||Brahnia||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a

renowned Astrologer and Author.


Chapter 5

^fN^f cTcTI ^ ^TTWrTO: ^ II m

11Lord Shiv sajs] |

Listen Devi, I am now going to tell you about the atonements to be performed for the native born in
Aswini Nakshatra 3rd Paada (Quarter). | |i| |

H ^ 11

Aswini 3rd paada native in his previous birth was son of a king (Prince) who was staying in a
Beautiful city called Naaraayana Pura which is towards South of Ayodhya in the Eastern part (i.e
in South-East direction or Aagney Disha). \ I2I |


cT^f q# II3, II

He was very prompt in fulfilling his deeds, self-restraint and was giving utmost importance in
looking after the people in the city. Chola Simha was his name and his wife was Prabhavati. | I3I

rs ♦ r\ C rv rN?

11 v 11

Chola Simha had a friend who was a Brahmin and was not performing any of his daily rituals and
religious deeds. Once Chola Simha and his Brahmin friend went for hunting in the nearby
forest. | I4I |
TTT^f ^ WIN H ^ II

A wild beast came across and was killed by them. They took the killed animal and went deep into
the forest. Meanwhile, Devi, they fought for their rightful share in the animal meat. HjH

cTcT: ^ f^{\

Wl cT^f ^fT ^^ IK II

The Brahmin got furious and raged with anger and was killed in the dense forest. 116| |

"N ♦

cT^f W II ^

Chola Simhafelt sad with what had happened to his Brahmin friend and returned home distressed.

After coming home he performed Apara Karma1 (funeral rites) to his friend. H/H

ddl d^ld chlcri Md4! ^11

^Tflt KItWK^R II d II

Days passed by but Chola Simha was still heavy Hearted and with his wife went to Prayaag. On

an auspicious day of Makara Sankranti2 in Prayaag Chola Simha blissfully decided to cast out his
body and did the same together with his wife.\ |8| |


^ Tke religious rituals tkat kave to be perlormed alter tke deatk ol a person also called as Preta Karma .
^ Tke day wken tke Sun ingress Makara Raski or Zodiac sign Capricorn, Winter Solstice, wkick normally occurs in tke
montk ol January.
After death, in Sivarga loka both enjoyed all kinds of pleasures and comforts for 7 Yugas, after
that both took birth on this Earth and were blessed with richness and comforts. | I9I |

^ RRR tR II ? o I)

Hei Devi, because of his past life deed of killing a Brahmin he is issueless in this incarnation | |io



and because of Brahmahatyaa Dosha his wife will deliver dead children3. To be freed from all
these karmas and to beget children he has to perform following atonement. 111111

ff^T^RUl ^R RN^TR: RRII ^ II

Listen Parvati, Me will be freed from Brahmahatyaa Dosha by constructing reservoir, wells etc.
Then need to recite Harivamsha Purana\ |i2| |


^ II ^ II

and donate 10 cattle's decorated with gold ornaments and cloths. On requital, the couple begets
children and the lineage will continue, 111311

HI Rf ^R I

^ Tke kusLand killed a Brahmin hut even wile will suller and give hirtk to dead children, karmas are interconnected. -

they will he happy and will enjoy all comforts in their life without any doubt. His wife will be
freed from Kakavandya Dosha. | I14I |

rs -n-n r\
OTT\wm\ || ^

and also get relieved from diseases without any doubt. | I15I |

_Cr\ ♦rv

Iti Srikarmavipaaka samhitaa Aswini nakshatra triteeya charan praayaschittakathanam

naama Panchamodhyaayaha II3II

Thus ends the 5' Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Aswini 3rd Charan.

m II ^ II

Chapter 6

Progeny (Son) of 4 distinctive natures

Lord Shiv says

Listen Parvati, I will continue to tell about the returns that humans get to experience because of
their past life deeds whether it may be good or bad. | |i| |

tpi ^f^JT I RRWT: I

^ || R ||

People may beget distinctive children out of which some may be clever because of their past life
puny a harmas\ I2I |

WT: f: ^RTI

"n rv "v rs ♦ r\

Hei Devi, Only because of the good deeds of past life couple beget children who love and adore
them the most, look after them with care. II3II


they will be obedient to their parents and they obey all their orders and help them in their work and
after the death of parents son's will perform the last rites for them with utmost importance, | I4I |

RR ^R RRR ^ f| I

and will not eat anything without performing shraadha to their parents. Hei Parvati, now listen to
the details of how an enemy in the past life will he the son in the present Janma. | I5I |

Because of the past life deeds enemy of the previous hirth can also be born as son for a native in
this birth who always hates them (Parents), disobeys and opposes them.\\6\ \

Always does deeds which bring sorrow and distress to the parents. Hei Parvati, 3rd type of children
will be born to a native in connection with the debt or obligation will be as such, | l/l |

Hei Priye, one who is in debt to a person and has not requited it, the latter who has given the debt
will be the child of the former in the present birth without any doubt. ||8||

r\ ♦ "N

m mii^n

Listen Devi, a native begets a child one who will forcefully acquire the money of the native and
will waste it in gambling and on harlot. | I9I |

mi micT f mi


And the native will die because of this worry of losing his wealth due of the expenses made by his
son with no doubt\ |io| |

mwr Rmqimi

C rs
Hei Parvati, the fourth type of children will he horn in relation with friendship. If a person has
huried some one's money or gold and has not returned it, \ |ii| |

"N "N -N
^ cwr ii II

he/she will hecome the son in the present hirthfor the former because of this relation. Hei Shive,
that child will have love and care for the parents and kinsman. | |i2| |

Mrb<\k\ ^ fl^ll ^ II

The child will he trustworthy, virtuous, oheys and respects father very much, does deeds which
hring happiness to everyone at home. HijH

qq: qifit 1 ^qqi qq qq: mil ?VII

And when he attains teenage will he an apt hush and, happily enjoys life with wife and children,

inherit his father's wealth and finally after death acquires paraloha4. Hei Parvati, Obtaining wife
and children depends only upon the past life harmas of a native. \ I14I |

q^qnq q qfq q^qqqqfqiqi

_5l rv « r\
q^^TTF^qqiMqiiqqqqajii ?mi

Listen Devi, I will now continue with details of the past life of beings horn in Aswini 4
char ana. | I15I |

qqqramqr qfq wqr q^q^i

^ Its anotkei' world were a person goes alter deatk.

cT^T ml cj^chl cT^T II ^

Aswini 4th paada native was a Kshatriya in the previous hirth and stayed in a town called
Nandana with is located on the northern hank of river sarayu which is in Kosala (Ayodhaya)

^ RTR HI m II ?vs II

His name was Lakshaman, irreligious and was not interested in performing any of his daily
rituals. His wife Kalyani was auspicious in appearance and had eyes which were like lotus
flowers. 111711

nil M\

She was an unchaste woman, inebriate of her youth and always interested in other men. She used
to sell posh cloths and gold jewelry. | |i8| |

SSTR 3^01 T^:

Kalyani always used to transact more with Brahmin customers, days passed hy and once she got
into stealing a Brahmin's wealth. | I19I |


The Brahman was distressed and died worrying about that wealth. Her husband Lakshaman too
died as the days passed by\ \2o\ \
♦ "n ♦ rs

<~\ C TN

and for repentance got into a hell which was dreadful, he was tortured there for 60,000 years\ \ 21 \

Hei Devi, after getting out of that furious hell he took birth as an Ox, and then as a human. II22


Because of decent punishment in the hell he was cleansed with the bad karma of betraying his
friend. Hei Parvati, the past karma of betrayal, made his progeny die 112311

cTCR ^ rai^lii RV 11

and because of Kakavandya Dosha his wife was not able to deliver a child and was very anguish
with it. I will now let you know about the atonement to be done to beget children. \\24 \\

WR^lll II

Chanting Gayatri Mantra for 1 Lakh times cleanses the bad karma and then with some gold and
cloths as dakshina, a Kushmaanda (A kind of Pumpkin gourd with pumpkin ash in color) and
Coconut should be donated\I25I |

"N "N ♦ "N


standing in river Ganga. Then huild a homa kunda which is spherical in shape and perform

C r\.

♦ rs rs rs "n
5^1^ Wm\ II ^ II

After havan donate a Cow and its calf decorated with gold on its horns and with posh cloths as
said in shastras to his Guru or a Brahmin. | I27I |

♦ "N "N
^ fcT ^ ^ spwfrai

Mei Devi, with performing all these Kakavandya dosha will not obstruct the couple from getting
children and the lineage will continue, there is no doubt in this. ||28||

Crs i£N
WS^qR: II $

Thus ends the 6th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
s\^^ixu Nakshatra ^ ^^liaran#

j/fr QSe- CofKitmeff..


consort Parvati

Original Translation By

jay. D.
D.N born in 1984 was brought up ii Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from
Bengaluru and has completed Master of
Technology in Computer Science 5" Engineering.
He started learning Astrology at the age of 18 Translated In English
under the guidance of his brother Sri
D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under
the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam A jay D.N
Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
other texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research
Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in A Mission Saptariskis Initiative
Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and
also practicing it till date. Currently he is
practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of
Veda||Brahnia||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a
renowned Astrologer and Author.



Chapter 7

Karma Vipaaka (Ripening of actions done in former life/Birth) of Female Natives

^ ^ rN rx rs
#JTT ^ W WTR11 ?

Parvati asks, Hei Mahadeva, You are the Creator, Protector and Destroyer; I am keen on
knowing the fruits of good and had deeds experienced hy female natives, could you please shed light
on that. I III |


dlfluii ypi $ ^TcT <y<r<£d I dcfts^ sHdl^cH CRTH^IR II

Shiva speaks, Hei Parvati, Listen, I will tell you the past life deeds of female natives in a concise
manner. \ b 11

A woman in her past life who always kept detracting her Husband will not attain puberty because
of this papa karma. 11311

I isr ^pqwroii WRT wiivii

As atonement she has to donate a tree which is made out of 20 tole of silver and should be equal to
her thumb in its size to a Brahmin who knows vedas. | I4I |

cRT RR qrf RmKUITI RR ^cTT ^Rcfll Ml

Hei Devi, then she will definitely attain puberty. A female who is living happily with her husband
leaves him when he is in sleep and makes physical relation with a stranger\I5I |

Listen Parvati, because of this bad deed she will be a barren women, to be freed from this karma
she need to donate a tree made out of gold with flowers and fruits to a veda brahma\|6| |

c >

and should be obedient to her husband looking after him and fulfilling all his needs, then she can
beget children. | l/l |

Hei Parvati, If a female has betrayed her husband and be interested in having relation with other
men will beget only female issues. \ |8| |

q^q^R ^1 mm n ^ 11

To atone, she has to make a Shiva Ling out of silver which weighs 15 Pala which is equal to 45 tole
(1 tole = 11 gms), then she has to perform puja accordingly and donate it to a Brahmin who has
studied vedas. | I9I |

qq: q^qi^qqq^q^q^Ri TRRIqrct11 MI

Then she can deliver male child which looks beautiful. If a female is always indulged in
prostitution] |io| |

qq q^NMiiq qifM N^qid i qq: qqRqtq ^^KTWIII ? ? 11

will deliver only dead children, to he freed from this had karma she has to worship Gadaadhara i.e
lord Vishnu I In 11

and on the auspicious day when Sun is in the zodiac sign Capricorn (Winter Solstice or Makara
Sankraman) take hath in Prayag with the hushand and need to donate an ox which is decorated
with gold on it horns, the hoof with silver and the tail with precious Pearls | |i2| |

r\ ♦ *\ r\ ♦ rs -n r\± L
^TTI RTcT ^ ^ WMII ^

with dakshina (rewards) to a Brahmin who is learnt. Hei Devi, If a female has left his physically
disabled hushand and becomes a concubine, | I13I |

cR: f

because of this paapa karma she will suffer from penury and be barren in her next birth. To get rid
of this paapa karma should worship Kumaari (female child with less than 12 years of age) and
Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv should also he worshipped. || 141|

♦ rv rv -n -4? --r

Hei Parvati, she should continue worshipping accordingly till a year is completed and then donate
cloths to a Kumaari which completes the formalities of the puja. \ I15I |

sR I cT^T ^ ^ TRR: II ^ II

And on a Sunday start Surya vrath (penance), and saluting Sun God daily will definitely scorch
the paapa karma. | |i611

^R^TTTII ^11
If a female eats everything she likes without giving it to her husband, she will breath out bad odour
from her face (mouth). | \iy \ \

^^ II ^11

As atonement she has to donate Jaggery or raw sugar always with dakshina to a Brahmin which
cleanses the bad smell of her face\\i8\\

^ WcT cT^TT ^ ^5# II ^ II

If a female in her previous birth had killed her husband, she will be a widow in the present birth
without any doubt, to be freed from this karma she has to adore Tulasi (holy Basil plant). | I19I |

TTN ^ tSTT^ 5TTcT: ^IR OTTO^I R^f II Ro ||

In the chandramaana month of Kartika, Maagha and Vaishaka get up early in the morning and
take bath, should do Ekadashi vrat and chant dwaadashaakshara (Om Namo Bhagavate
Vaasudevaaya) mantra daily. | I20I |


Then she has to dedicate herself in adoring Vishnu in the form of her husband, by doing this her
paapa karma of killing husband will definitely be wasted. 112111

MN^di Rff Tj^qR ^ qq^i ^ TOffwkRiii RR II

If a female has forcefully made a pregnant women to abort will suffer from fever and a troubled
abdomen\I22I |

qq^;: | qqj qjpfl qi^uf qqi IIII

Hei Devi, she will also suffer from venereal diseases, anal diseases, piles etc., as atonement she has
to worship statue of a Brahmin coapZe||23||

^ ^ffrScT: I RVII

Hei Mahadevi, made out of silver weighing ten Nishka1 twice a day as per rituals and should look
after her husband with care and should obey him. \ I24I |

TTT^HT ^ cTcT:

Arrange a community Lunch for Brahmans and offer them cuisine's made out of ghee and raw
sugar and then do a "Go daan"(Donating cow with its calf) for that brahmans who earn their
daily meals from knowledge that they have. | I25I |

^1 cT^T ^ WRT ^ qt^RRII II

A wicked wife in her previous birth spoken wickedly on her husband will suffer from troubles in
her throat and Nose (dust infection), | I26I |

clld^cH ^ifq felt I ^RTR^RII II

Hei Devi, she will be troubled from Vaata Gulma (windy disorder in the belly, especially in
spleen), Sweta Puspa (a kind of white flowery patches on the skin) disease, to atone she has to
donate flowers made out of an alloy of Silver and Gold, | I27I |


and also a tree which weighs 7 Pala2 to a learnt Brahmin. If a wicked woman in her previous birth
has killed a girl because of grudge \ |28| |

1 Nislika — A weight equal to 108 Tole,

^ One Pala=3 Tole
she zui// suffer from leprosy in the present hirth and from penury in the successive incarnations,
Hei Parvati, to he freed from this paapa karma she has to worship Sun God and should follow the
religious ritual that a woman has to follow. | I29I |

C C r\

She should worship peepal tree accordingly on Saturdays of every month, by performing these
rituals her bad deeds of previous birth will he cleansed II30II

Hei Devi, if a woman in her previous hirth had always spoken wickedly to her in-laws (parents of
her husband) will suffer from Sweta Puspha disease3. II31II

^ Karma effect is naksliatra diaran based but can a broad meaning be brought out. Verses of Karma from ancient classics such as
Karma Vipak Samhita need to be decoded into astrological techniques in order to understand the effects of Karma, unfortunately
none of our elders have done this to set some parameters for us to follow. Thus we all are treading on unknown territory and this
would be the first attempt ever. At the same time even if we try to decode one shloka, the logic of decoding does not fit into other
verses. What follows below is an attempt to decode this shloka but this scribe requests modern astrologers not to follow this
practice of decoding shlokas for the sake of fame as its unshastriac to do so and only the highest Gurus should do it who are
spiritually advanced. The word Sweta Puspha/Sweta Kushta have given us a lot of struggle to understand it and after consulting
8 scholars we get varied opinions like leprosy, white patches of skin, venereal disease and so on. Lets for now for the sake of
example take as white patches of skin or broadly a skin disease.
Now TIT for a females chart is chart of husband and 2nt' from it is the family of the husband, that is the inlaws of the
female. Ones speech is SIT (note Jatakalankara says it is 5IT), so if one speaks against ones inlaws the SIT-SIT connection is made
and the bad karma is deposited in the SIT (too), at the same time one while ill speaking (Mer) is depositing the malefic energy of
Mer into the SIT. The karaka of this house is Saturn, ones speech karaka is Mercury, so there has to be some connection between
chronic roga (disease) karaka Saturn and Mercury who represents skin, thus the verse says that in the next birth the native would
get a skin disease (probably leprosy) and we all know that worship of Sun is best for removing skin disease as per our shastras and
also as per medical science (sun s rays ). Now come back to Saturn and Mercury, you would see that some connection has to be
there between 6IT, karaka Saturn and/or Mercury or Sun to create some form of skin disease or leprosy. Can this logic be
extended to present incarnation of male natives, probably?. Let s see some examples
1) Robert I, King of Scotland - Date: IS*1' July 12T4 Time: 23:36 LMT (-0:02) Place: Writtle, England - Lat: 51N 44, Lng: 00 E 26
RoddenRating: AA. DataSource: Quoted BC/BR SourceNotes: Martin Harvey Nativitas I quotes historic records: Ju ly 11 OS, 11:30
Biogiraplibj: Scottisli rcajaltij, the eighth Robert de Bruce, grandson of Robert de Brus the Competitor who had claimed the throne
through his mother, Isabell II. Robert the Bruce reigned from 1306 to 1329 and died on 6/07/1329 OS, Cardross, Scotland, possibhj
of leprosrj.
Aries Asc Bharani nak 2ncl charan, Now in his chart ljou would find 6H is ruled brj Mer s sign Virgo and has Saturn placed in it,
aspected bvj 8L Mars

2) Male Native — from personal records ^ August 3,1961 Time: 9:16:00 Place: Madras, India. He has white patches on his
skin. Virgo Asc (note Virgo Asc so focus will be 6IT as per previously published BSP rule), 6IT is ruled by Saturn s sign Aq
and Saturn is in SIT retro but aspecting by 7^ aspect Mercury and Sun. 8L once again aspects the 6IT as in previous case.
Readers should research further and send their feedback. — SA Editor

Hei Devi, as atonement she has to adore a statue of Sun god made out of Gold weighing 3 Pala and
donate it to a Brahmin who is well versed in vedas and should do Surya Vrata as per ritual for rest
of her life which relieves her from Sweta Puspha disease \ [3211

Crv i£N

Thus ends the J1 Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Karma Vipaaka of
Female Natives and Atonement's.


Chapter 8

Bharani Nakshatra Phalam


VRTjqj: yvfc ^te^ustsvRflR: I ^\\l I

Shiva Speaks, A native Born in Bharani 1st charan, in his previous birth was a Brahmin called
Neelakanta, was not doing any of his daily ritual stayed in a beautiful city called Kaakutsya. | |i|

r\ rv rvC

He had a Vaisya friend with whom he was dealing in business used to buy articles, there was an
old Brahmin woman in that city had neither husband nor son and was abandoned. | I2I |

cPRT R R^n^ ^1 ^ ^ ^ ^TRRIU II

Neelakanta once borrowed money from this old woman for the sake of business, days passed by but
Neelakanta did not repay the money that he had borrowed. | I3I |

^ ^^ I m IIVII

In course of time Neelakanta died, because of his deeds he got into the hell. | I4I |


Hei Parvati, after getting out of the Naraka (Hell) he took birth as a Snake, after being a snake
he took birth as a donkey. | I5I |

After some repentance in both this births, Hei Devi, He took birth as a human being in Madhya
Desha and was very rich but devoid of children. 11611

cTcTT ^ cT^T ^ fcT ^cTTII vs II

Hei Devi, after a long time a female child was born in relation with the deed that he had done of
not requiting the money (gold) that he had borrowed from that old woman in his previous
incarnation as man (the child that has born to him is the same woman4). | l/l |

cTcT: HI ^PScTT RRTfI RcR ^TcT ^ d II

As the days passed by the girl grew up and her parents had great affection towards her. 118| |

HI ^TTcTT ^Idimi^ ^:R^TI ^IKII

Most important point to understancl tlie karma of bad cliildren. - SA
She got married and attained widowhood in a short period of time which made her parents
anguished. Since his daughter was a widow his desire of getting a grandson too got diminished.
Now listen to the atonements,WyW

"N rN "N

Hei Parvati, to cleanse the had karma he has to chant Surya mantra for i Lakh5 times and should
worship lord Shiv made out of clay and chant triyambaka mantra6 ||io||

£|<H ^T 11?? II

After this perform havan with the help of learnt Brahmins and offer lunch to 100 Brahmins which
includes Paayasa (Khir, a kind of sweet pudding). | |ii| |

V „ ♦ V ♦V ♦ -N V

Then install wells, reservoirs and other kinds of water sources7, Hei Devi, by doing this his linage
will definitely continue. 111211

rN v N rN

If in case he fails to do all these, his lineage will not prosper. 13

Ctn i£N •

Thus ends the 8th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Bharani Nakshatra Ist Charan.

lLakli means 100,000.
® Tmjambakain ijajaamalie su^andim pusti vai'dlianam urvaarukamiva Lliandlianaan mrityoi' muksliiyamaamritaat
^ Very important clue for remedial astrology. ^ SA
Chapter 9

^ VRTRfT^ m | cRq II ? II

Lord Shiva says

Now I will tell you the details of karma done in the past incarnations of nativity of human
beings in Bharani 2nd Char an. | |i| |

-n "N rN "s v rs

Hei Devi, a Krosha far towards South of Ayodhya puri there is a beautiful town called Jaanaki,
their lived a Brahmin thief. | I2I |

C rN > v rs "v
R^NHid: ^11 H R^f q#R^fRR^niU

He had given his brahma karma (daily religious ritual) and always interested in harlot and
drinking liquor, His wife was a chaste woman. II3II


^ ^ RT^IRIRIR RR^R^I RR ^fenjl ^ II

She was very obedient to husband and was always engrossed in puja. Hei Parvati, once a helpless
Brahman who was hungry and weak came in search of food, the former characterless Brahman
saw him and spoke wickedly on him. | I5I |

"N rN "N ^ ♦
STRfRR: f?R=R ^ ^1 RcTT ^R?J^R5 Rq ^IRR.11 ^

® Kroslia was a measuremeiit used in India before tlie introduction of Imperial and metric measurements, 1 Kroslia — 3.6376
The helpless Brahman committed suicide. After a long time the wicked Brahman too died. ||6|

Because of virtue his wife went to Satya Loka. Hei Devi, her righteous deeds made him attain
Swarga Loka and stayed there for thousands of years. |\y\ \

C 'S'S
cTcT: ^TTcT

The virtues which made the wicked Brahman attained Swarga Loka started to languish and finally
he took birth as a human being, Hei Devi, because of the bad karma that he had done in the past he
is devoid of daughters in the present birth. 118| |

WfR ^ II ^

Because of his wicked behavior the poor Brahman committed suicide. Since he was drunk he now
suffers from Leprosy. 11911

♦ ♦ ♦

To be freed from this deeds, as atonements he has to chant Gayatri mula mantra for 1 Lakh
times 10

vv r\ r\ ♦

♦ v r\ rv "n
dT fTH^mi ^FTR^TT ^R^ll II

and do dashamsha (i/ioth Part, i.e 10,000) havan and offer lunch to 100 Brahmans. Hei Devi,
according to the law he has to donate a "Kapila Go (Cattle which is Brownish Black Color)"
decorated with gold\|ii| \to a learnt Brahman which makes him get progeny and free from
diseases. 111211
_Cr\ .tn ♦
ii ^

Thus ends the 9th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Bharani Nakshatra 2nd Charan.


Chapter 10


qcfTt ^pi qfcSHh&Wluii II ? II

Lord Shiva says

Hei Devi, There was a Vaishya in a city called Shiva Pura towards Aagneya direction of
Kaakutsya Nagara spread over an area of 2 Krosha. | |i| |

^Tl TW7 i^lK^II RII

He was rich and was a successful businessmen, used to sell Jaggery, Rice, Juices etc., | I2I |

Hei Parvati, Once he was walking on a street with an Ox carrying Jaggery on its back, the Ox
was unable to bear the weight. | I3I |


As they were moving, the Ox fell on the way and died because of the weight. The Vaishya was not
at all aware of the paapa karma that he had acquired. | I4I |
TTcf ^ R 5% wfcn ii M

As the days passed hy the Vaishya and his wife died in the hanks of Sarayu nadhi in Bilvamangala

Since their death happened in a sacred pilgrimage land because of its virtue both attained Swarga
Loka and enjoyed excellent results for 60,000 years. 11611

"N -v C "S -S . fN > fN

cTcT: ^^7 ^I?TT

Mei Parvati, the punya languished soon and both took birth in Avanti Nagara in Ujjain blessed
with richness. 11711

■n -n rs r\ C C -s r-\ . > "v "v rs r


And because of the influence of bad karma they took their birth in a place called Madhyadesh and
will not beget male issues or will abort. Hei Devi, |8| |

^ rs C

or she will deliver female children again and again. Mei Varaanane, and feels to he feverish
always. \\p\\

r\ C r\ ~n

To cleanse the bad karma, I will tell you the atonements to be performed. A beautiful statue of Ox
should be made out of 20 tole of Gold. | |io| |
srfcFTT ^hK^N Wtt II ? ?

Hei Devi, worship the Ox statue with Veda mantras of Shiva accordingly do the puja.\\ii

mR Wm TORT: || ^

Donate it to a scrupulous Brahman who is well versed in vedas and chant "Namah Shivaaya
mantra for i Lakh times. | |i2| |

*\ -n r\

Hei Devi, this gives him relief from disease without any doubt. ||i3

Cr\ ♦rv ♦

Thus ends the 9 Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Bharani Nakshatra 3 Charan.

3TO M5hK*rtS15TO \\n

Chapt er 11

*\ rs -n-n ♦ vrs r\ ^ rv
^ cT II ?

Lord Shiva Says

Hei Devi, I will now tell you the karma Vipaaka of Human Beings. Listen to it without doubting
"N "N rN
^ ^^ ^TOT: IIR

Towards North of Ayodhya 3 Krosha far, their lived a Brahmin called Loka Sharma. 2

11 ^

His wife was a beautiful and attractive in appearance, Leela was her name and she was famous
there in. Hei Varaanane, he was not interested in doing his daily rituals and like a hunter\I3I |


with his children he used to hunt different kinds of birds and eat them with his family.

^ cTRI RcTT R^f II ^ II

His wife was a wicked and wayward woman always interested in other men and had abandoned
all her religious deeds. | I5I |

^ ^Tl I ITCR cT^f I II ^ II

Hei Devi, as the days passed by, both got old and Loka Sharma died in the same town because of
Snake bite\ |6| |

<|STIRmRRnftl ^R^ mII^II

and his unchaste wife too died within few days. Hei Devi, both went to a dreadful hell because of
their bad deeds. | l/l |


Kumbipaaka was its name and was terrifying; they were inflicted with several kinds of
punishments in the hell for several thousands of years and took birth as swine \ |8| |


after taking birth as a swine took birth as cat then as a Grudhra (an Eagle). | I9I |
C ^ rN
^ ^51% II ?0

Hei Devi, because of the previous karmas he took birth as a human being on this Earth, w

WRf ^ vkkEii im II

His wife used to deliver dead children and is not able to beget a son too. She was always ill and
suffered from fever. | |ii| |


The effects of bad karma done in the previous incarnation has to be experienced in the present birth
and the karmas that we perform in the present birth will show its effects in the succeeding
births. 111211

♦ rs rs v
arcsttrt wnm wi^mmTTTTI n ^ n

Hei Parvati, I will tell the atonements now. Hei Devi, Vamsha (Santaana) Gopala mantra has to
be chanted for i lakh time| I13I |

^TftTfFT: TWTT m^ T^R^tT^II ?VII

and perform havanfor 1/10th part of it, then offer lunch to 100 Brahmans. The mantra is a sacred
Krishna mantra. 111411

V "N "N r\

By chanting this mantra the couple will definitely beget children (son). The Santana Gopaala
mantra is as follows - "Om Devakisuta Govinda Vaasudevajagathpathe\\i^\\

Dehime tanayam Krishna twaamaham sharanaagatam" (Hei Devakisuta, Hei Govinda, Hei
Jagathpathe, bless me with a son, Hei Krishna, I surrender myself to you). Parvati, Then he has to
make statues of the animals and birds with their young ones. | |i6| |
_5v 5l« -s-n r\ r -v
^^RTIRIW: W ^1^1 ^ m\m WTWlll ^ II

The statue of animals and its young ones should he made out of 5 Pala of Gold. Hei Varaanane,
Then 5 birds and its young ones with silver. \ \iy\ \

[: wm) II ^11

Then the statues has to he worshipped according to the law and offer prayers to Lord Shiva as he is
the creator of the Universe and assign responsibility for the people who are apt. ||i8||

♦ ♦ "N fN ♦
^ ^c|cb^|c|M|ch^: I ^ cTcTT II mi

Hei Devadeva (God of Gods), Hei Jagannatha (Protector of the World), Hei Sharanaagavatsala
(Saviour of the people), redeem me from all my had karmas of the preceding births. | I19I |

II Ro||

Then do puja to the Brahmans who are present over there. Hei Varaanane, along with Gold
donate chariot and horses\\2o\\

♦ rs v v,

"n rs r\

with all the statues worshipped to a learnt Brahman. Hei Parvati, then should install wells,
reservoirs etc. 21

Cr\ iTN ♦ ♦
f: II mi

By doing this they will he blessed with son, Hei Devi, also get relived from diseases and their son
will he long lived. \ I22I |

Thus ends the 9^ Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Bharani Nakshatra 4* Charan.
consort Parvati

Original Translation By

jat). D.N born in 1984 was brought up in Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from
Bengaluru and has completed Master of
Technology in Computer Science 5" Engineering.
He started learning Astrology at the age of 18 Translated In English
under the guidance of his brother Sri
D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under
the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam A jay D.N
Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
other texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research
Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in A Mission Saptariskis Initiative
Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and
also practicing it till date. Currently he is
practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of
Veda||Brahnia||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a
renowned Astrologer and Author.

Enla BiB

Chapter 12

Krittika Nakshatra Phalam

Lord Shiva Says,

_J\ > *\ rs
fW+NI ^RRTIWT cT^fTI ^IMNd ^ cR? ^ ^1^111 ? II

Mei Devi, I will now tell you the Purva Karma and its good and had results for Krittika
Nakshatra ist Char ana Nativity. \ |i| |

"n rs ^ r\ ^ ^

Mei Mahadevi, towards North-East of Kosalaa (Ayodhya) Puri there was a prince in a town
called Ghuda. I bl I

^q#^5T^fTI ^jiimi

His name was Ahi Sharma and was very rich, good looking, attractive and his charm was
resembling that of Manmatha. His wife was Kala (Shuba). HjH

^TTcT jpff IRT ^ ^TTRR ^ IIVII

He was always interested in hunting and used to hunt every day. One day he killed a female deer
which was pregnant and ate it day after day. | I4I |

^RT ^ ^ ?Rt I Hm\\4 *TRT cRTS^TO^II ^ ||

As the days passed by, he attained old age and still didn't have any compassion in him. In the
course of time Ahi Sharma died because of old age and wife too followed him.HjH

TR^R *[RRT: ^R ^1 ^ ^ ^T^RIK

By virtue of Ahi Sharma's wife both enjoyed Satya Lokafor i KalpaI.\\6\

-s "n rs "n r\ rs "n

f:l ^^TT^TcT^pTcTII^

As Punya depleted, took birth as Human beings. Hei Devi, both took their birth in virtuous
family. H/H

C rv
^ WM ^ IU

Because of the bad karma done in the previous birth the lady used to deliver dead children. 8

TT^fe51% II ^ ^TTRT II ^ II

The bad Karma of killing a conceived animal will make the couple issueless in this birth. So as
remedy I will now tell you the atonements to be done.\\g\\

"N "N ♦ V ♦ ♦
[: wm\ ^ II ?o

"Gayathri" mula mantra and "Jaatavedase" mantra has to be chanted for i Lakh times each and
then perform 1/10th (10,000) part havan then offer lunch to Brahmans. | |io| |

^ ^1 ^ cTcT: OTII U II

Worship the statue of a golden deer an animal with its little one made out of Gold accordingly. Hei
Priye, then do puja to "Kapilaa Go" (A Brown Cow). ||ii||

"N rv "N v "n . rs ♦ rx C


Donate it to a Brahmin who is learned and of a radiant personality. Make a devoted study of
Harivamsha Purana, Chandi Paat (Durga Sapthashathi Paaraayanam) by a Pandit (or by the
native himself) and offer puja to lord Shiva accordingly. 111211

Kalpa = 1 Daij (Dina Maana - From Sun rise to Sun set) for Lord Brabma. Reckoning of time is as follows.
1Y ear (H umaii) = 1 Devataa Din (Celestial Davj Time)
360Years (H umaii) = 1 Devataa Varslia (Celestial Year) or Divya Varslia.
12,000 Divya Varslia = 1 Cliatur Yu$a orMalia Yu$a (Krita Yuga, Tretliaa Yuga, Dwaapar Yuga, Kali Yuga)
IChaiur Yuga = 1 Devataa Yuga (Celestial Epoch — 43,20,000 Years lor Human 3eings)
71 Chatur Yuga — 1 Manvaiitar (A new epoch or an age of new transition)
14Manvaniar — 1 Kalpa orErahinajis day.
1 Kalpa — 432Crore Years for Human 3eings.
2Kalpa = ID ay (Sunrise to the next Sunrise)
qcf Wim ^ ^ II ^11

By doing this according to the Shastras the couple will definitely heget children especially sons and
in future she will not abort. | I13I |


Will get relived from diseases and all their desires will be fulfilled. II14I

^JcT II ^ II

Thus ends the 12th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Krittika
Nakshatra ist Charan.

^ 11 mi

Chapter 13


Lord Shiva Says,

vrs C C
^T: II ? II

Mei Parvati, A Virtuous human being because of the influence of his/her actions in the previous
birth will enjoy comforts and happiness in the present birth. ||i||

> £ rs
c^TT J|i^U|Ti^Tl^^l ^ cT^RTcF^^ WR.\\ R II

One who has done Go (Cattle) daan (donation), Suvarna (Gold) daan, donating elephant and so
on, Hei Maha Devi, will enjoy happiness and joy accordingly. \ I2I |

From birth the native will have a radiant personality, blessed with richness and will be of good
conduct. He/She will enjoy all kinds of comforts and pleasures with his/her family) (311

Hei Devi, will not fall ill and never experience sorrow. The native will he happy in the present
birth and gains name and fame, his/her happiness will always prosper. \ I4I |

♦ vtn -n rs v k rs v "s rs

Hei Parvati, now I will continue with the karmas of the previous births and its fruits for native of
Krittika Nakshatra 2nd Charana. IkN

Their lived a person in Kanyakubja desha2 called Indra Sharma. His wife was a wicked
quarrelsome woman called Rudramathi. 116| |

The Brahman used to teach Vedas and Shadangas3. There was a Kshatriya King in that region.

V ^ TN v rs rs

and he died. Indra Sharma was invited to the final rituals (after funeral rites) of the King and had
his lunch there. 118| I

♦ rs ♦ rs v

And accepted donations in the form of bed, an elephant and so on. Hei Priye, he possessed all
donations and enjoyed it for many days. | I9I |

"N N "N ^ V

Many years passed by and the Brahman died. He attained Yama Loka, then got into a dreadful
hell over there 111011

C ♦ ♦ -N ♦ -N ■NCrN* > ♦ -N

and was punished for his previous karmas for 1 Yuga. After getting out of Yama Loka he took
birth as an elephant, then as a wild animal after that as an insect. | |ii| |

^ Of a countrtj or of an ancient citij in tlie nortli of India, situated in tlie banks of tlie river Ganges.
^ Sikslia, Clilianda, Vrjakarana, Nirukta, Jrjotislia and Kalpa
cTcT: TO: I ^ RR^fRcT^T II ^ II

Finally because of the influence of his Purva Karma (previous actions) attained Manushyajanma
(took birth as a Human Being). Hei Devi, He will only have daughters and no sons.||i2||

-n rs "N rs rs rs "N ^ rs ♦
Hd^rHI WmK W\\%i RR^T: OTI ^ 5R^M II ^11

Or his wife will deliver male issues which are dead, and she will suffer from different kinds of
illness. Hei Priye, to be freed from these and to beget Sons I will now tell the atonements to be
done. | I13I |

♦ ♦ !\
TTRRfeSTRTR^ ^R%^ cRfT OTI fRR 15[^T^RTT^||

Hei Parvati, Gayathri mantra and Triyambaka mantra should be chanted for 1 lakh (100,000)
times each and perform 1/10th part havan of it and donate 1/6th part of his earnings. | {14 \ \

^RRRJ TT 31 R -$\m ^

Then donate cattle with 10 different colors to the Brahmans who are well versed in vedas and offer
lunch to 100 Brahmans. II15II

^RRRJ 3T 31 ^>Wd^ R 3TP3 3<

Hei Devi, by doing this the couple will beget sons and get relived from all diseases and the sins of
the previous births will be cleansed. ||i6||

_Cr\ «£n « rs
RTT 331^333^313: II II

Thus ends the 13th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Krittika
Nakshatra 2st Charan.
^ II ^ II

Chapter 14

Lord Shiva Says,

^1 ^TWR^4^%II ? II

Hei Devi, Now listen the details of Krittiha Nakshatra 3rd Charon. There lived a family in
Kanyakuhja in a town called Surya Pur a, | |i| |

> C rs

where Udyota Sharma was its member and Girija was his wife. Udyota Sharma always used to
teach Vedas and was tormented with penury. || 2II

r\_ ♦ r\ C -s ^
^HifaHidHi ma II ^ 11

His wife used to abuse him always, once at the time of Solar Eclipse an oil trader passed thereby.

■n > ♦ r\ rs -N . £ ♦ r\
cTcTT ^ TW7 ^ mi ^^W^fT^^fT^T^^TWTTlllVII

Hei Shive, the oil miller donated 1 Lakh gold coins to Udyota Sharma standing in river Ganga
during the course of eclipse. II4II

♦ "n rs

After accepting the Gold he took it home and enjoyed it with his family by spending it day after
day. ||5||

♦ ♦ r\ "n -N -N rs rs ■N

Hei Parvati, he left teaching Vedas and enjoyed pleasures for the rest of his life with that money.
He got too old and died at his home bed ridden. 116| |

^ ♦ rs rs rs rs "N V "NV v v rs
Hei Girije, he didn't donate even a single penny of Gold that he had accepted from that oil miller.
Because of this action he got into a hell which Dharma Raja ordered him to be. | l/l |

I'M ^ ^T: |

Hei Varaanane, together with his wife and son he was punished there for 1 Yuga and after
undergoing all the torture he took his birth as a Crow. ||8||

^ TTT^^ cTcTT TT?T: I

Then as a Fox and then took birth as a Human Being on this Earth since he had to be requited with
what he had done in the past. \ \g\ \

■n rv C

Hei Devi, Since he taught Vedas in his earlier birth, the virtue of this made him rich. 10

^T: ^ feTfaT ^ ^ OTT: ^ ^ ^ II U II

His wife and son too will die and he will get married to another woman, she will suffer from
different kinds of diseases and will be unhappy. \ |ii| |

_£ TN
^ TO TOOI: ^1^45 KB I ^IdcirHT f:||?RII

Hei Parvati, during his old age his son itself will act as his enemy or because of his bad deeds of
the earlier birth they will be issueless. | |i2| |

I will now tell you by virtue of which the diseases will be cured and Hei Devi, his wife will only
give birth to male issues. HijH


Jaatavedase mantra need to be chanted for 3 Lakh times by learned Brahmans and has to perform
havan using "Til (Sesamum)" as offerings. | I14I |
The Homa kunda should he Square in shape, then make a devoted study of "Harivamsha Purana"
hy a Pandit (or hy the native itself) and make "Bhoo Dan (to donate land to his Guru or a
Brahman)" and also donate a bed as per the shastras. | I15I |

^ ^ TPHRTT ^ f¥\WW II ^ II

By doing all these, the diseases will he definitely cured, the couple will heget Sons without any
doubt. | |i6| |

Thus ends the 14^ Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Krittika Nakshatra 3st Charan.

m 11 11

Chapter 15


Lord Shiva Says,

d^l TOW fg"^: II ? II

Towards Southern hank of the Narmada River in Kanyaakuhja there lived a Brahmin. The town
name was Mahishmathi and he was a supreme devotee of lord Vishnu. \ |i| |

^ rv rs ♦ >

The name of that Brahman was Yodha Sharma and his wife was Dhaanavi. Yodha Sharma was a
trader and used to buy and sell articles accordingly. | I2I |

Their lived another trader who was very rich and Yodha Sharma borrowed some money from him.
Days passed by, Yodha Sharma passed away but the money that he had borrowed was not
returned. II4II

MR^d II ^ II

Yodha Sharma being a Brahmin did not do what he had to (i.e. teaching Vedas, earning through it
etc.) and did what a Vyshya (One who earns by trading) did i.e. trading, because of this he got
into a hell called Rowrava. I k| I

r\» C r\ "n rs

Mei Devi, he was punished there in the hell in Naaga Lokafor 20,000 Years and took his birth as
an Ox and then as a pig. 11611

to 5FfRcT: ll^ll

He was requited for all the paapa harmas (Bad Actions) that he had done in his previous birth by
being born as an Ox and Swine. After this he attained Manushyajanma (took birth as a Human
Being) and was blessed with richness. H/H

Crx -srv -n

Hei Devi, in relation with the money that he had borrowed and not requited in his preceding birth,
the Vyshaya who has given the money as credit took birth as his son in the present birth and
started spending his money at will. 118| |

-N ♦ fN -N

on liquor and harlots. Hei Parvati, when he attained his youth | I9I |

^ ^ ^TTcfl I II ?o ||

his father was deeply distressed because of his death. After that his father because of his Purva
Karma became issueless and further he didn't beget any progeny. \ |io| |


Now I will tell you the atonements to cleanse his past karmas. He has to chant Gayathri mantra
for 1 Lakh times and install garden beside the main road | |ii| |
TORT: fqirrsm Itoto II ?R II

also construct wells, reservoirs and other hinds of water sources. Do havan as per the shastras.

♦ rN "S

Donate 5 Pala of Gold specially and cattle's with 10 different colors decorated with Gold and posh
cloths to a Brahman. HijH

Js V Ts rx TN
qq^RT^TRT^T Hlrfl ^^11

Then offer lunch for 100 Brahmans and donate Gold to his possible extent. By doing these he will
definitely be cured from diseases. II14II


Bank on my word, he will beget Sons without any doubt and his lineage will continue. || 151|

Cr\ .r\ ♦ rs
q^^TTS^Tiq: II

Thus ends the 1^ Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Krittika Nakshatra 4st Charan.

a. t ar 4 s In. i s.
mm ill

consort Parvati

Original Translation By

jay. D.N born in 1984 was brought up ir Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from
Bengalum and lias completed Master of
Teclmologij in Computer Science & Engineering.
He started learning Astrology at tlie age of 18 Translated In English
under tlie guidance of liis brotlier Sri
D.N.Venkatesli wlio was liis first guru. Tlien under
tlie guidance of Veda ||Bralinia|| Sri Tarkam A jay D.N
Krislina Sliastnj learnt Parasliara s liora sastra and Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
otlier texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Researcli
Institute) lias completed Jyotliislia Vacliaspati in A Mission Saptariskis Initiative
Naksliatra Jyotliislia and Sub Lord Tlieory and
also practicing it till date. Currently lie is
practicing Vedic Science under tlie guidance of
Veda||Bralinia||Sri Gunjur Prakasli Sliastri a
renowned Astrologer and Autlior.

3TO ^l^SVZIFT: m H

Chapter 16

Mahadev Says,

I will now tell you the details of the natives of Rohini Nahshatra Ist Charana born as human beings
on this Earth. I III I


Hei Devi, there was a Brahmin called Gopa in the Antarvedhi (a place which is situated between
Gang a and Yamuna river). | I2I |

^K*4ld: 1 Hit WT HI ^ ^ II

He was not at all virtuous and always interested in stealing and had accumulated lots of money by
theft. ||3||

WteRR HRM qft^RRI qq q|TTH v II

Hei Devi, He was unchaste and not at all interested in his wife. The days passed by and he died.

*n -n rv rv C
hi qiq wqq^

According to the instruction of Yamaraja he was put into a hell called Kardama where he was
punished and tortured for 60,000 Years. HjH

HWR1:*P qfq I cRl HTHl HIiqR HHHR R ^HRII ^ II

As he got out of the hell he took birth as a Hen and after that he attained Manushyajanma. 116|
"N "N ♦
^ I ^T: ^T: ^7 W TOIJI vs ||

He wi// suffer from Pandu Roga (Leucoderma) and he will not heget sons. In case he begets a son,
the son will die and daughter will be born and she will become a prostitute. | l/l |

*4? "N fN -s k ^ rs

Hei Parvati, listen to the atonements now, to be freed from the karmas he has to chant "Om
Namah Shivaaya" mantra for 1 Lakh (100,000) times. 118| |

rs rv rs -n v

Then make a Shiva langa each from Sesamum flour and Cow Dung and worship it devotedly.

fPR ^ ^ I ^ II ?o ||

Hei Devi, then perform havan and he has to donate 1/6th part of his wealth, and also donate some
Gold as dakshina (rewards) to a Brahmin to cleanse himself from the misdeeds of his past life.

Hei Devi, then he has to construct wells and gardens which will cure him from illness. ||ii|

-n-N rv "N ♦ rs C\ r\
^ fcRc^TT JI?RII

Hei Devi, then they will beget sons and his wife will not deliver dead children and his sons will be
long lived. | |i2| |

Ctn ♦rs ♦ "v rv ♦ "N "V


Thus ends the 16th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Rohini Nakshatra i81 Charan.
sra II l?«ll

Chapter 17

Lord Shiva Says,

*\ V r\ "N rs V "N ♦ ^ TN
5ja| T^T^I TJTTM ^ ^ ^ ^H W 1

Hei Devi, Listen to the details ofRohini Nakshatra 2nd charana nativity. Towards the Northern
banks of river Ganga there is a beautiful town called Vaimaanika, ||i||

ft wmi I cQtfMdl qtel ^ ^ q^t ^fT cWT IRII

Vaasudeva used to live in there and was very proficient in Vedas and had mastered it. His wife's
name was Leelaavati, attractive, beautiful and a very ritualistic woman. ||2||

W-NvIT ^ m I 31 saj || ^ ||

The beautiful woman was always interested in other men, was unchaste and had accumulated lots
of money through prostitution. HjH

She used to enjoy the money accumulated through her vile deeds with the husband. The Brahmin
and his wife died in the Ganga river. | I4I |

wUm ft ^q^qi: qfeHh cB: qqqq n ^

Since they died in Ganges, because of its virtue the couple attained Swarga Lokafor 60,000 years.
Hei Parvati, as their virtue languished they attained Mrityu Loka (took birth on Earth). HjH

*>r _rs rs
qq qmqiiWI qfq^qqT % ^iqq II $ II

Blessed with richness, was of charitable disposition and had many sons who eventually died

q^^fqfqqi^TTOT^^qq^iqqi qqsjfTRSJq^qq: q^TqqiMI

and also had many daughters and their case too was not different. He was troubled with different
kinds of diseases and had to spend lot of money for the cure. | l/l |

^ 3TTRT WIM fefTR | ^ WTT ^ ^I^ll £

To be freed from the misdeeds of their previous life I will now tell you the atonements to be done.
He has to chant (Triyambaka mantra' for 1 Lakh times. 118| |

C r\

^V-N ♦ -N

Make a clay statue of God (Shiva) and perform puja according to the shastras, then make a statue
of Shiva (Lingo) out 0/5 Palas of Gold and offer Dhupa, Deepa and Naivedhya while doing puja.

® ^fcT 5TfcRl^T,R ffRRRI ® R: ^fcf

^ ♦
Wim ^ R: WRT

TRRTll ^TT R R qjq ?o ||

The mantras to perform Puja is as follows:

Om Hraom Hrimjoom SaH Haraaya Namaha \
(Chanting this mantra Setup the Statue of Shiva on a Silver Plate)
Om Hraom Hrimjoom SaH Maheshwaraaya Namaha |
(Chanting this mantra bring Dhupa vessel forward)
Om Hraom Hrimjoom SaH PinaakadhRute Namaha \

(Chanting this mantra touch the Statue with the right hand and do Aavaahana)
After Aavaahana, chant the following mantra
Aavaahaye Mahaadevam Devadeva Sanaatanam \
Imam Pujaam GRuhaaNathwammama paapam vyapohatu ||
(H ei Mahadeva, Hei Sanaatana, please receive my puja and offerings by resting in this
Statue and redeem me from my misdeeds of the past.) | |io| |

fr#R: snRJUTT ^


Aavaalianam is tlie process of invoking a deity to rest in an image or a statue to receive worsliip.
^R: ^ RI^H ^ cTcT: ^ ^TR^T RcT: I RRTR

^T^fWT cRT: II ? ?

Om Hraom Hrimjoom SaHyam ram lam vam sham Shamsam ham kSham soham
Shankarasya sarveendriya vaangmanasChahshuH ShrothraGraaNaa ihaagathya iha jeevasthithi
suKham chiram thiShtathu swaahaa |

(Do "Praana Prathishta"2 with this mantra and then contemplate lord Shiva)
Om Hraom Hrimjoom SaHpashupathye NamaH |

(Offer Panchaamrutam3 bath to the Statue)

Om Hraom Hrimjoom SaH Shivaaya NamaH \
(Do puja with sandlewood paste and other holy substances)
Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaHMahaadevaaya NamaH |
(Do Visarjanam4)
Then donate Black colored Kapila Go (Cattle) with some Gold to Brahmans over there.

Cr\ -n
R^T^TT cTcT: NfMRdJI ^

Circumambulate the Brahmans thinking that they are lord Shiva and offer lunch to 100 Brahmans
as a sen doff. ||i2||

RRH ^fR ^^ ^111\ II

Hei Varaanane, then visit Prayaag and on an auspicious day of Makara Sankranti with his wife
take bath in the confluence of Gang a and Yamuna rivers and then practice Ekaadashi Vratha
thereafter. HijH


Hei Devi, by doing all these atonements the diseases will be cured and they will beget a son who
will be long lived. II14II


^ Praana Pratliislita is a process wliere tlie invoked deity will be installed in tlie statue to worsliip.
^ PanrTiaarwriitjiin It is a mixture of Go Ksliira (Cow Milk), Go Dliadlii (Cow Curd), Go Glirutlia (Cow Gliee), Madli u (Honey),
Sliarkara (Sugar).
^Visarjanam is allowing tlie invoked deity to go.
If they fail to atone accordingly they will not beget a son for their next 7 births. | I15I |

Thus ends the 17^ Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Rohini Nakshatra 2st Charan.

3TO are^ltSWT: 11 ?<£ II

Chapter 18

Lord Shiva Speaks,


Towards Northern banks of Gomathi River 2 Krosha far there is a town called Shankara Pura
where Vishnu Das used to live. He always used to stroll near the banks of the river. \ |i| |


His wife was beautiful in appearance but was harsh in her speech, unchaste and always showed
hatred towards her husband. | I2I |

Wfi ^ ^T^l R^f II ^ II

Hei Devi, she was careless towards her mother-in-law and Vishnu Das was devoted towards
righteousness and used to adore lord Shiva. HjH

I wm\ % wpz: 1 qwt ^ wfm: 11 v 11

He was a farmer and used to serve Brahmans, look after his parents with care, was soft spoken
and every one used to like the way he speaks. II4II

RRvFR tRTf I WT^ft SK ?RT ^ ^ ^ II Ml

Hei Devi, Once a Yogi came to the town and started begging in front of Vishnu Das house when
he had gone out. | I5I |

♦ Tii rs -n rs

Vishnu Das wife spoke wickedly on that Yogi and sent him without giving alms. ||6||

♦ -N "N
^ 11 VfT TR: ^ ^ II ^

Hei Devi, the days passed by and Vishnu Das died and since he was my devotee he attained
Yaksha Loka. 11?! I

^ wrhji d 11

He enjoyed all comforts in Yaksha Loka for 30,000 years. ||8|

-qm Jpi II ^ JRT fhR ^fTFTR II ^ II

Hei Bhaamini, since his wife was not looking after her mother-in-law properly and used to speak
harshly on her. Because of her vicious acts she got into a hell called Rowrav after death. \ \g\ \

^ fI I RIcTT 3 RRTSR^II ?o ||

After being punished in the hell she took her birth as a tigress, then as female fox and eventually as
a woman. 10



Hei Varaanane, she got married and because of past Karma Vipaaka she was a Vandhya (Barren
Woman)5 in her present birth. Hei Devi, she had many diseases and her life was sorrowful and
devoid of happiness. ||ii||

♦ v "N

^ Tliere is a metliodology here that is not known to astrologers, one can decode this shloka and find out how the karma is
travelling. Q9 % of the readers will ignore such a great work like Karma Vipak Samhita, hut only that 1 % will realize that there
is some hidden logic and that is to decipher how karma is travelling in the said chart into the next life chart.- SA Editor
Hei Devi, Now I will tell you the atonements she has to do to waste her past paapa karmas - In
the chaandramaana month Maagha she has to make her husband take bath with the hot water,
I Ml

^ "N
cm ii

bow respectfully to the mother-in-law and take her blessings daily. Till she attains 16 years she
should not eat bottle gourd. | M |

TTN M'M-Hdl RTcHT ^1^1 ^fR II U\\

Hei Devi, in the month of Maagha she and her husband after taking bath donate lamp according to
the shastras. IMH

Hei Parvati, after this donate a tree made out of 2 Palas of Gold with an altar base for the tree
made out of 10 Palas of Silver. IMI

"N "N ♦ ♦

Hei Devi, then install the tree made out of Gold on the silver altar base and worship lord Vishnu
bearing Shanku (Conchs), Chakra (Sudarshana Chakra), Gadha (Mace), Padma (Lotus). ||i6||

♦ "N "N ♦ "N ♦ -s "n^n rs rs r\

WW\ ^ RNW^TWlll ^ II

Hei Devi, Then worship the lord of all celestial beings Mahadeva bearing Vrishaba Dwaja (Flag
with the symbol of an Ox) as his symbol with all his Ganas, who is auspicious in appearance
accordingly. IMI

♦ -n rs ♦
:: RSTO: I ^

Then specially donate Cloths, Gold, armlets, ear-rings after the puja with the tree on the altar base
to a Brahman. 111811

-N-N *\ "NrNrN"^ N? -N rs rs rs "n

I: II ^11

Hei Varaanane, then arrange a religious lunch with cuisines like Kheer (Sweet Pudding), Modak
(Sweetmeat in general) etc., made out of different kinds of essence to 66 Brahmans. IMI
^Ti TIT wggms m 11 11

Mei Priye, Then donate a "Kapila Go" decorated with gold on its horns, hoofs with silver and
anklets and follow a religious observance on Sunday coinciding with Sapthami (yth lunar day).

^ WT ^CFT^d^liiH II

Then chant "Santaana Gopal" mantra for 1 Lakh times and do havanfor i/ioth part of it, then
Maarjan for 1/1011 part ofhavan and Tarpan for i/ioth part of Maarjan6. ||2i||

^^^ I ^ H^xld IIRR II

By doing all these atonements she will definitely beget sons and will not deliver female issues and
get cured from illness. | I22I |

CrN .rs ♦ •N rv

Thus ends the 18' Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Rohini Nakshatra 3st Charan.

^hl«lNRUS^rR: II II

Chapter 19

Lord Shiva Speaks,

v r\ "nv ♦ rs ♦ vrs

Hei Parvati, Now listen to the results of the Purva karma of the Rohini Nakshatra 4th charana
nativity. ||i

1 Jaap = Clianing the mantra =100,000 times

Havan = Oblation to Lord Agni i.e. l/lO^Part of Jaap = 10,000 times
Maarjan = A Ritualistic bath lor a deitij with water andPanchaamrutam i.e. 1/10^ Part ol Havan = 1000 times
Tarpan = Ollering Libation ol Cow Milk to the deitu i.e. I/IO^1 Part ol Maarjan = 100 times.
sp^TRT fer: I was: ^T^T: II R II

In the Antervedi (between river Ganga and Yamuna) their lived a Brahmin called Buddhi
Sharma, though a Purohit he was of wicked nature and always interested in eating food prepared
hy strangers. | I2I |


His wi/e too was always very much interested in other men and she was frail. Hei Priye, Buddhi
Sharma accumulated lots of wealth just hy receiving rewards hy doing Pourahitya. HjH


After some time he and his wife died, because of their past life deeds they attained a hell which
was dreadful. II4II


Hei Varaanane, they were punished severely in the hell for 1 Yuga after being freed from the hell
took birth as an Ox and then as a Donkey. | I5I |


Hei Parvati, now they took birth as Human Beings in Madhya Desha. Hei Devi, just because of
their bad karmas of the past they didn't beget a son and every time his wife used to deliver female
issues. I|6||

^ifft ^ R^THHI RTWR Hclt II ^ II

Hei Devi, Hei Varaanane, troubled by diseases, were not at all happy and to he relived from the
past karma now I will tell you the atonements. | l/l |

rNTs rN . >

Hei Priye, has to chant "Aakrushnena rajasaa" mantra according to the procedure for 1 Lakh time
and then perform Havan with Sesamum seeds, Cow Ghee and Honey 118| |


in a havan Kunda which is circular in shape and offer libation ofi/ioth part and Maarjan for i/ioth
part and then offer a community lunch to the Brahmans present there. HpH

c^MU|j m\ ^fT ^IIIO II

Then donate cattle of 10 colors and a Cattle made out of Jaggery and a bed to the Brahman. ||io|

rs ♦ ^ A rN
ji n ii

Mei Priye, then arrange a community lunch to 77 Brahmans who are well versed in Vedas and
humble in nature. I lul I

♦ "N "N

In the month of Maagha should go to Prayaaga and take a holy bath together with wife in the
confluence of Ganga and Yamuna rivers. By doing this they will definitely beget sons. | |i2| |

Also get cured from all diseases and the Vandhya Dosha of his wife will be relieved and she will
give birth to son who is longed lived and will not deliver neither dead children nor female issues.

Ctn «rs ♦ -n rs -n rN« "\


Thus ends the ip1*1 Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Rohini Nakshatra 4* Charan.

s t sl ar i sl'x i s &


Original Translation By
Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from

jay. D.N born in 1984 "was brought up in

Translated In English
Bengaluru and has completed Master of
Technology in Computer Science (jf Engineering. B
He started learning Astrology at the age of 18
Ajay D.N
under the guidance of his brother Sri
Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under
the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam
Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and
A Mission Saptariskis Initiative
other texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research
Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in
Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory'and
also practicing it till date. Currently he is
practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of
Veda 11 Brahma 11 Sri Gunjur Prakash Sliastri a
renowned Astrologer and Author.

Eil3 ■
SA Publisher:
This text has received few appreciations from our readers and it shows how many have understood the
depth of what is there in this text. An American wrote to us requesting us to quickly translate the
whole text and we felt happy that someone wants more of this and presumably understands the
greatness of this text. The need of the hour is for a pure astrologer to decode Karma Vipak Samhita, it
is not an ordinary text though it seems to be and will be discarded by 99% of the astrologers. Before
any manuscript/text is discarded one should think why would an ancient writer/rishi ever write such
a piece of knowledge, would he be having lesser intelligence than me, if one follows this criteria he
would never find any text useless, something that most young ones are finding these days. Astrologers
need to decode the nakshatra phalas vis-a-vis every chart that comes to them with respect to the same
nakshatra and same charana. The chart that shows the same indications will give the clue/direction in
decoding and understanding this great work and then the parihara (remedies) need to be performed,
tested if relief is obtained and then that astrologer needs to write a commentary on his decoding.


Chapter 20

Results of Mrigasirsha Nakshatra

Lord Shiva Speaks,

Mei Mahadevi, Hei Varaanane, Now listen to the details of the action performed in the previous
incarnation of Mrigashira Nakshatra ist charana Nativity.\\i\ \

"N "N "N "N V "N r\

^ c|<HcMcbl 13^: ^1

_£ > rv ♦ "N

In the beautiful city of Madhya Desha their lived a Brahmin who was performing Brahma Karma (the
daily religious ritual) and had perceived Vedanga. | I2I |

He used to teach all 4 Vedas in detail and so he was popularly known as Veda Sharma and his wife
was Susheela.lUW

"s rs ♦ rs

Hei Parvati, He used to earn his daily bread and butter by teaching Vedas. Veda Sharma had a friend
who was a Blacksmith. I LI I


Hei Devi, once the blacksmith friend kept 400 Tole of Gold in Veda Sharma's house.

<? rv £ *N

Hei Bhaamini, after some time the blacksmith passed away and the Gold kept by him was not at all
returned by Veda Sharma. 116| |

^ ♦ V rs ♦ "S ♦
^R fqRT Vfj^fTi tt$ ^ W ^ II ^

Hei Devi, He started spending the gold daily and enjoyed the life with his wife. As the years passed by
Brahman too passed away. | l/l |

Hei Devi, since he was a devotee of Lord Surya Naaraayana he attained Surya Loka and lived there
for 20,000 Years. \ |811
cTcT: ^ ^ TTTO: f: II ^ II

As his virtue acquired started to languish he took his birth in the Mrityu Loka as a Human Being and
was devoid of progeny and was blessed with richness. | I9I |

ft ^ ^ c5tl^R: ?O

Since he had enjoyed his life with the wealth that blacksmith had kept in his past birth, in this relation
the same blacksmith took birth as his son in the present incarnation. \ |io| |

c\rN«^\ *4? ♦ rN rv

He used to love and take care of his parents and suddenly passed away when he attained his youth. \ |ii

m mm i ^ ii ?R II

After his death no children were born to him and to cleanse his previous bad karma listen to the
atonements that I will tell now. 111211


Hei Parvati, he needs to chant Gayathri mantra for 1 Lac times and perform Durga puja and donate
cattle's with 10 colors and a piece of land to a Brahman. | I13I |

m Wl ^TTcT TOR ITOT: m 11 ? v

Hei Priye, to get relived from his bad karmas of the past life he has to perform "Gayaa Shraadha" (to
perform rituals on the day of a person's death anniversary in holy Pilgrimage Gayaa). | I14I |

tot mk TOT to! mm :| cET: ?MI

Then in the month of Maagha hy going to Prayaag and taking a dip in the holy river will cleanse all
his had karmas and beget sons who are Purnaayu i.e to live long\ I15I |

WJ\: m m ^TRT WT II ^

and all his diseases will he cured. 16

Cr\ ♦ cs ♦ r\»

Thus ends the 20 Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Mrigashira
Nakshatra ist Charan.

Chapter zi

Lord Shiva Says,

*\ r\ rs rs v

In a prosperous country called Kanya Kubja, in city called Nandanapura their lived a poor Brahman
called Bhodha Sharma.Hill

^RTI did ^TOIR

He was not at all working and used to always have his daily food receiving from others. His wife was

n 'n v ♦ rs
>3^R^I RcR cR cRTRTcT
From birth till death always had daily bread and butter given by others1. Because of this Karma (deed)
the couples went to hell. HjH

C TN rv > -n rs >

Mei Devi, after experiencing several years of Naraha Vaas (stay in hell) took birth as a Crow and
then as a Deer. I Ul I

^ r\ C Cr\

Hei Varaanane, because of the past life harmas then took birth as Sheep, then took birth as Human's
in Madhya Desha. \ I5I |

» « "N «
f:| qw mm ^ ^R f ?T

Was always ill and was master in Dancing and was issueless. Because he was always eating food
received from others and was not performing Shraaddha (rituals of death anniversary) for his elders
who are dead in his past birth. 116| |

3Rt mm R^: mm Fm 5R^fM m II ^ II

Because of this Sin his lineage got ruined. I will now tell you about the atonement that have to be done
from which all his bad karmas of the past life get wasted. | l/l |

-s ♦ rs ♦ rs v

Hei Shive, to be cleansed from the Karma, Gayathri mantra and Jaatavedase mantra should be
chanted for 2 lakh times and perform havanfor i/ioth part. | |S| |

1P amanna Bkojana

Mei Devi, then Tarpan and Marjan. Offer religious lunch top 100 Brahmans who are householder's
after performing Shraaddha. | I9I |

Cr\ _r\ ♦ "N ♦"N "N _^V ^

^ SM^TTcf

To heget male issues and to he freed from all diseases, he has to donate an Ox which is blackish blue in
color (Shyaama Varna) fully decorated to a Brahman. By doing these atonement's Vandhya Dosha
(not capable of Reproduce/deliver baby) will be cleansed and will beget male children. \ |io| |

Ctn «r\ rv« -s


Thus ends the 21th Chapter of Karma Vipadka Samhita containing Atonement's for Mrigashira
Nakshatra 2nd Charon.

m IIRR11

Chapter 22

Lord Shiva Says,

r rN TN

Mei Vishaalaakshi, on the Southern banks of river Narmada there was a city called Pureeka, where a
wealthy potter used to live. | |i| |

Hei Devi, he was earning lots of money just hy doing pottery work, his name was Karma Chandra and
Devika was his wife. | I2I |

♦ ♦ ♦

He used to prepare pots and earthen vessels daily. As the time passed hy Karma Chandra attained his

-N V V CN fN

Hei Devi, as he became old all his wealth vanished and suffered penury. To meet his family expenses
he borrowed some money from a money lender. | I4I |

Hei Shive, He used up all the 100 Gold coins that he had borrowed and one day his died and his wife
too passed away before him. \ I5I |

C « -n rs
[:| q?TTfq[ II $

Hei Mahaadevi, since their death happened near the Narmada river, hy virtue of which the couple
attained Swarga Loka. 116| |

_£ rs
cR: RR ^ RPR II ^

They enjoyed all comforts in the Swarga loka and as their puny a Karma languished they again took
birth on the Mrithyu Loka (Earth). | l/l |

*\ rs ♦ rsT rs
He took birth in a wealthy family and his wife in the previous birth got married to him in the present
birth too because of the deeds of the past life that they were part of. 118| |

^TcT^cT^T T^RI twf ^ II

Hei Shive, because of the debt (he had taken in previous birth), the money lender of the previous hirth
became his son in the present birth and was not listening to any one and was stubborn. | I9I |

^c!«ni ^^tj^II ?O H

He used to take money from his father daily and started wasting it on harlots and gambling. As the
days passed by all his wealth vanished. | |io| |

^T: ^I^PMcT: | T^rrf ^ I ^ II U II

Hei Devi, his son attained his youth and children were born to him but neither of them survived. After
this he didn't beget any issues. \ |ii| |

3R s-JOJ ^R^RRI ^ m II ^ II

Hei Priye, now listen to the atonements, Gayathri mantra and Triyambak mantra should be chanted
for 1 lac times each. | |i2| |

fKggtl 3 RWt RTORRI fR ^ ^TT^I cR: II ^ II

Hei Priye, build a Havan Kund which is triangular in shape on a high alter base by a person who is
professional in doing this and offer 1/10th part of havan and then do tarpanfor 1/10th part. \ \i^\ \

?Rr I fl?lH<RIHJ ^ fRT ^Klt 5IRFRIUVII

Then donate a cow brown in color with horns decorated with gold and posh cloths. By doing this, Hei
Varaanane, he will definitely beget sons. \ \ 14\ \

^ r\ v

"s -N v rs

RRRqill ?vs||

Hei Devi, then make the Statue of the Money Lender with 17 Palas of Gold and dress it with Posh
cloths and then with 60 Pals of Silver make a Winnowing Basket and donate it to a Brahman who is
well versed in Vedas\\ 15-1611 Hei Devi, by donating the above said Statue, the Karma of borrowing the
money in his previous birth will be released and will be cleansed from the debt of his previous birth and
will beget sons without fail. | I17I |

_Cr\ ♦ rv

Thus ends the 22th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Mrigashira
Nakshatra f1 Charan.


Chapter 23


Lord Shiva Speaks,

^iRlii RTT ^R ? II

Hei Devi, Now I will shed some light on past life Sanchita Karma of natives born under the
constellation Mrigashira 4th quarter. | |i| |
Tt RR7R %^R #Wlll R II

Hei Devi, towards South of Avanthi Puri with in a distance of 5 Kosha, there is a town called
Keshava Puri which is good. 11211

TOW ft ^T% sTTRRt ^RTT: I R^fRT II ^ II

Hei Deveshi, their lived a Brahman called Kishora Sharma who was master in Vedas hut he always
used to have food at the annual ceremony of the dead ancestors where Brahmins (Karthru) present
offerings to them (Pandit). | I3I |

TT^RR I R fRT R ^1^11VII

Hei Mahadevi, because of his want he had accumulated lots of wealth and was so greedy that he was
not spending even a single penny and not even for a religious purpose too. | I4I |

RR RR: RiH^RR RFf RR ^TR I MldMRd ^ ^l^dH.11 ^ II

And he had not given the share of money to his younger brother and he had a sum of 3 crores which he
kept for himself. | I5I |


His younger brother died asking for his legitimate share of wealth, then too Kishora Sharma did not
give the share. 116| |


As the years passed by Kishora Sharma too passed away and because of his bad deeds that he had
committed, he was put into the hell where he was severely tortured for 19 Yugas. H/H

Hei Devi, after experiencing the torture got out of the hell and took hirth as a Donkey and then as an
Ox and now he has taken birth as a Human Being. 118| |

Hei Varaanane, he took his birth in the Madhya Desha and he will not beget male children but only
female issues and perhaps the womb to will be useless.UpH

TTTO: I ^ ^ ^TCTCTf !

Hei Devi, because of the past life karmas (may be good or bad) done by Human Beings, they have to
experience the fruits of the karmas in this loka. | |io| |

^ "N *\ "N r\
^fT ^ RFR11 ??

Hei Devi, because being the reason for the death of his younger brother for not giving his legitimate
share, he will suffer from illness for doing this bad karma or Sin. | |ii| |

cTFT ! TOR: | ^ II

Hei Devi, now to get cleansed and get relived from his wicked deeds, I will tell the mantra, listen
carefully. He has to chant Gayathri mantra for i lakh times | |i2| |

^im ii

and value of money equal to the i/6£ part of his house should be used for charity. And then chant
Gayathri, Jaataveedha and Triyambak mantras II13II

/or 3 /afe/i times each and then donate cattle's of 10 different colors to a Brahman and then perform
Havan, Tarpan and Marjan accordingly. | I14I |

^ I RTpt ^ II

Hei Varaarohe, make a statue of Sun God with 5 palas of Gold and a statue of Moon God with 10
palas of Gold | I15I |

-?N ♦ -N "N V "N ^xTN

<M{-m m rstr ^ w{\\

Hei Devi, or make a statue of Moon with Silver and then perform pooja hy chanting Surya and
Chandra mantra according to the Shastras and then donate it to a Brahman.| |i6| |

•n rv r-\

WT^II ?vs||

The mantras are as follows "Om Hreem Maarthandaaya Swaahaa" This is Surya mantra. Hei Surya
Deva, Maha Bala, you are the sole power who destroy darkness. Hei Parameshwar please redeem me
from my past life Bad Karmas and Bless me. | I17I |

TTTTTR i ! RRItR ! =T ! ^FRR

Om Somaaya Swaahaa" This is Chandra mantra. Hei Somya Roopa, Hei Maha Deva, Hei mantra
Raja, Hei Dwijotthama, Hei Lord of all Medical Herbs, please relieve me from the sins of my past
lives and forgive my wicked acts. | |i8| |
cTcTSJ ^ II mi WJ\' wi


Then o^fer fooja to Brahmans and offer them religious lunch and give send off with hospitality. So if
he does all these ritual according to the rules, he will definitely heget progeny and he cured from all
diseases without any doubt. | I19-20I |

Ctn iTN ♦ C r\ rs N rs "s


Thus ends the zf Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for
Mrigashira Nakshatra 4^ Charan.

® CSi' Cotriitttteff.

tisliiss "t»"a 1 ij -c

K armaVipaaka

Santita- P art 7

Karma & Asterisms Explained

Discourse between Lord Sbiva bis consort


Original Translation By
Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from

Translated In English
it). D.N born in 1984 was brought up in
Bengaluru and has completed Master of
Ajay D.N
Technologtj in Computer Science & Engineering.
Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
He started learning Astrologt) at the age of 18
under the guidance of his brother Sri
D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under
A Mission Saptarisbis Initiative
the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam
Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and
other texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research
Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in
Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and
also practicing it till date. Currently he is
practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of
Veda 11 Brahma 11 Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a
renowned Astrologer and Author.

SA Publisher:
This text has received few appreciations from our readers and it shows how many have understood the
depth of what is there in this text. An American wrote to us requesting us to quickly translate the
whole text and we felt happy that someone wants more of this and presumably understands the
greatness of this text. After we published few chapters we realized that Shri K N Rao has also
mentioned this text in his books.

The need of the hour is for a pure astrologer to decode Karma Vipak Samhita, it is not an
ordinary text though it seems to be and will be discarded by 99% of the astrologers. Before any
manuscript/text is discarded one should think why would an ancient writer/rishi ever write such a
piece of knowledge, would he be having lesser intelligence than me, if one follows this criteria he would
never find any text useless, something that most young ones are finding these days. Astrologers need to
decode the nakshatra phalas vis-a-vis every chart that comes to them with respect to the same
nakshatra and same charana. The chart that shows the same indications will give the clue/direction in
decoding and understanding this great work and then the parihara (remedies) need to be performed,
tested if relief is obtained and then that astrologer needs to write a commentary on his decoding.

Chapter 24

Lord Shiva says,

3reRT: ^ ^1% ^ II ? II

Now I am going to tell you about the details of native of Ardra Nakshatra Ist Charan born because of
their Purva Karma on this Earth (Mrithyu Loka) | |i| |

rs C -s -s rN C -V

Hei Devi, in Avanti Puri there lived a Painter who was prompt in his agricultural work and fulfilling
his duties I hi I

^TcT clvfFT ^ ^ HTI MkHdl OTT cTT ^RRJI3, II

Hei Devi, his name was Kuhera and his wife was Leela, he abandoned his chaste wife because of some
reason. HjH

He had affair with the Brahman woman forsaking his chaste wife. II4II

♦ r\ ♦ v "S ^ fN "N „ rN v
^^^ ^mi ^II^

Hei Shive, the painter interred all his earnings in his agricultural land. | I5I

w wmfu 11 ^

And he gave some money in the form of charity in the confluence of river Ganga and Yamuna.
Eventually the couples passed away. ||6||

rs ♦ rs "n
^ ^5T Mldcldl I IcT: HISN m II ^

Hei Shive, Kuhera's legal wife Leela, since she was a chaste woman by virtue of it the couple attained
Swarga Loka and enjoyed comforts there for 2 lakh years. | l/l |

"N rs ^ rN "N ^N-N rN

^TTcT ? T^RI ^ R^TcTT II £ II

Hei Shive, as their Puny a Karma languished they took birth in a family which was wealthy and
famous in that city. 118| |

^TTcTT: ^ ^Bl f:

Many sons were born but no one survived, and was always suffering from fever and was disabled
eventually with one of his limb. HpH


Hei Devi, the sinful act of having an affair with the Brahman women in his past birth made his
children die in the present birth. | |io| |

♦ 'N'N rN

Hei Subhaga, now listen to the Atonement to be done, Maatha Gayathri is called as the Veda Maatha
and should chant her mantra for 10,000 times. | |ii| |
cT^^TT^R ^1 %^Rl MII ?R II

And then q^jfer i/ioth part as Havan, then Tarpan (with Seasemum seeds) and Marjan. Then donate
1/6th part of his earnings to a Brahman hole is well versed in Vedas. | |i2| |

<? TN

Then offer a religious lunch to the Brahman's present over there and after this, donate a cow which is
Goldish in color decorated with jewels and a posh cloths. | I13I |

♦ V ♦"N "N . "V rs rs


By doing this accordingly the person will definitely beget children and be freed from diseases. II14I

Cr\ itn ♦ -S\


Thus ends the 24 Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Ardhra
Nahshatra Ist Charon.


Chapter 25


Lord Shiva says,


Listen Devi, Hei Varaarohe, because of the cycle of life and death, birth and rebirth, human beings
will commit many sins which results in making them suffer in dreadful hells, listen to it. | |i| |

"N ^ > fN

In the city called Avantika towards the West gate, lived a Vaishya who was wealthy and promptly
fulfilling his daily duties. ||2||
^ ^NNKIS?^Tt NM^JI ^d^KII ^ II

Hei Devi, as the years passed hy he lost all his wealth in the middle of his age and attained Penury. To
fulfill his daily expenses he borrowed some gold from a Brahman. | I3I |


Mei Varaanane, the 20 Palas of gold that he had borrowed from the Brahman too got used up for the
family expenditure, and eventually the couple passed away. II4II


Hei Devi, since the death happened near to the River Narmada by virtue of which they attained
Swarga Loka and they enjoyed their in for 60,000 years. \ I5I |

^ ^R R%^|| cR: RR II ^ II

Mei Devi, as the daya passed by the Punya started to languish and both took birth on the earth as
human beings. 116| |

fTORRfl Wf ^WIrI R R ||^ ||

Because of the effects of the deeds of the past lives they were blessed with wealth, but neither children
nor health and the body too was lean. H/H

-s -s rs r\ _£ rs
^R R^T: ^TTS^RtT^ I

Hei Devi, the Brahman and from which he had borrowed the money took birth as his son in relation
with debt that had not repaid. 118| |

cTR^TR ^RT cj ^RT % Wl >R3J ^^RIKII

And his son spent the same amount of money (that his father had borrowed) and ultimately the son
passed away and he was devoid of children for the next 20 years. \ \g\ \

Cs ♦ ♦

Hei Devi, now listen to the Atonement's to be done to waiver off the past lives Karma's and its effects,
he has to donate i/8th part of his earnings to a Brahman. ||io||
c ^_Si_ "N rN ^ r > -N

Then this 5 Palas of gold make lotus flowers, and to he freed from the paapa Karma's of the past,
donate these flowers to a Brahmin well versed in Vedas. ||ii||

■n r

Mei Varaanane, Gayathri mantra should he chanted for one lakh times and perform i/ioth part of
Havan, Tarpan and Marjan accordingly. ||i2||

rs "n -n rs

Mei Devi, a cow with horns decorated with gold and legs with anklets and decorated with posh clothes
should he donated to a Brahman who is a master in Vedas. | I13I |


By doing all these, they will heget son (progeny) without any douht. | I14I |

m q^feftS^iq: IRVII

Thus ends the 25 h Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Ardhra Nakshatra
2nd Char an.


Chapter 26


Lord Shiva says,

-s rN . rN -N -N "N rN ♦
SR^Rt RRff RIRT RcT: R^RRRNRI mFm RIl^R R^5 RTR R ^11 ? II

Mei Mahaadevi, in the city of Avanthi, 2 Kosha far, towards Southeast a village called Mangai.||i|
TOW -mm -qddcMi: I ^ ^ ^fRT IIR II

There lived a Brahman who was a gambler and also there were many Brahmins nearby who were good
in their conduct. | I2I|

■n rs ♦ rs ♦ v rs v
dTR^f^RR d^dNI TTO: TtfJWl

Hei Devi, the gambler Brahmin was stealing and always drunk. He had affairs with unchaste woman
and also with harlots. 11?11

♦ -s r\ rs

Hei Devi, and he had accumulated money just by stealing and was not giving anything on charity.


Hei Devi, like this days passed by and after his death according to the instructions of the Yamaraja he
was put into the hell by the Yama Dhutaa's. \ I5I |

mm mmm frc^ mRm^i mm£ ^1^hu||kRt- ii ^ n

Hei Devi, he was tortured in the hell called Raurav for 70,000 years by insects which had needle face.
He was severely tormented in the hell. 116| |

d<cblh?Wldl d^TI N^I^I^IR ^ TOT ft ^ II vs II

Hei Devi, after experiencing all the torture according to his past karma's he came out of the hell and
took birth as a cat and then as a crow. | l/l |

Hei Varaarohe, after this he took birth as a human and suffered a lot.118| |
"s r\ "n'n rv C Crv "s rs rs
: I dFddR N^IBII^ RTR ^ dddd.ll ^
Because of his past karma Vipaaka his lineage ended, now listen to the Atonement's, Hei

j|w4Wiid^iwri wRfai ^ I ^ n ^ n

Gayathri mantra, Jaathavedase mantra, Triyamhakam Yajaamahe mantra should he chanted

accordingly and then Havan should he performed. | |io| |

. -N-N rN C rN "N *\ "N-N CN

ii ^ ii

To he cleansed from his past life Paapa Karma's he should chant (the ahove) mantras for three lakh
times and should worship Tulasi (holy hasil) plant as one of its own form of Lord Vishnu as described
in S has fras, 11 ii 11

v rs rs ^ ♦ A ^ rs ♦ "n "s rs

Hei Devi, then Cook different cuisines of rice and perform puja with Dhoop and Deep, and then offer
the rice items cooked and donate land as much as possible. | |i2| |

^^^II ^11

By atoning accordingly will cleanse all paapa Karma's and get relieved from diseases and also will
destroy the Vandhya Dosha and will beget male issues. \ I13I |

m dTR ^fpftS^R: IU VII

Thus ends the 26th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Ardhra
Nakshatra 3rd Charon.

Chapter 27


Lord Shiva says,

SfSJId: w^l d^ feRdd^ll ? II

Hei Shive, I will now tell you about the Ardhra 4 Charon nativity and the Paapa Karma's of their
past lives, listen. | |i| |

rN C ^ rv

In Avanti Puri lived a wealthy Shudra. He was a farmer and also used to trade. 2

_j\ r\ ♦ -s v v rs
^1 R5TO: II ^

He was trading sheep, goat and other animals and used to also eat its meat.

♦ rs fNTN _r\

Hey Vishaalaakshi, He used to sell sheep and goat at his residence. He also used to trade elephants,
horses, Gems, cloths etc. II4II

Hei Varaanane, One day their happened a solar eclipse, at the time of eclipse he together with his wife
gave away thousand cattle as charity HjH

r ♦ rs tn r

Hei Vishaalaakshi, standing in River Narmada which are decorated with gold and posh clothes. One
takes birth on the earth is just because of his past life deeds (Purvaarjita Karma) that he or she had
done. ||6||

3 cRT:

Hei Varaanane, The Shudra had borrowed some money (in the form of gold) from a blacksmith for his
business purpose, he didn't return the debt to the blacksmith. H/H

After few days the Shudra passed away. He was put into the hell for two lakh years 118| |

^ qter I 11 ^ 11

and made to suffer according to the bad deeds that he had committed. He then took birth on the earth as
a crow, Buffalo and as a Heron | I9I |
■\ -n rs -s rx -v .
^ fc5 i ll?o||

Hei Devi, after which he took birth as a human being. He had borrowed gold from the gold smith in
his past birth | |io| |

♦ -x rx
^tT W cR: I ^RT RRT II ?? II

Hei Devi, the Karma of the debt that he had not returned to the blacksmith in his past life, When he
attained his youth he started suffering from illness. | |ii| |

TTCut cR: |

half of his body suffered from Vaata disease that is paralysis and his son too died. He had two wives,
but was loving with only one because of the deeds done when born as human. | |i2| |

C rx
cRT: I ^^R^TR\\l\\\

Only because of those Karma's (deeds), beings take birth on the earth and need to experience the fruit
(maybe good or bad). | I13I |

r\ cn ^ v
I fRRRIWT ^ || ? v

Now to be freed from that wicked deed he had committed, the following Atonement should be done.
Gayathri mantra should be chanted for one lakh times and devoted study of Harivamsha Purana
should be made | I14I |


And should donate chariot, horses, cloths and also a village should be given away as charity. Then
should donate Seasemum and cattle to be cleansed from the Paapa Karma. II15II

CN ♦ V "nCN r\ v

And an Idol should be made of gold, and should be worshipped accordingly and perform puja and then
give away as charity. ||i6||

rxC ♦
Hey Devi, Prepare a Shiva Linga with clay or cow dung and worship it with Panchagavya, | I17I |

rNTN ^ -sr ♦ ^

Panchaamrith and with cow milk for three lakh times with the mantras of Veda and Shadanga. | |i8|


By doing this his illness that is paralysis will he cured without any doubt And the Vandhya Dosha too
will be cleansed and will beget progeny and \ \ig\ \

"n ♦ rs r\ r\

Issues being horn dead, will now live longer. 20

»cn « -5\

Thus ends the 27th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Ardhra
Nakshatra 4th Charan. ||2i||

OtHt'tl ((€(/..

^srw^v-cs^ai: »Gora

K armaVipaaka

Santita- P art 8

Karma & Asterisms Explained

Discourse between Lord Sbiva bis consort


Original Translation By
Pundit Shy am Sunderlal Tripathi from
jay. D.N bom in 1984 was brouglit up in
Bengalum and lias completed Master of
Technology in Computer Science Engineering.
Translated In English
He started learning Astrology at the age of 18
under the guidance of his brother Sri B
D.N.Venkatesh who was his first gum. Then under
Ajay D.N
the guidance of Veda || Brahma || Sri Tarkam
Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara s hora sastra and
other texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research
A Mission Saptariskis Initiative
Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in
Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and
also practicing it till date. Currently he is
practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of
Veda 11 Brahma 11 Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a
renowned Astrologer and Author.

SA Publisher:
This text has received few appreciations from our readers and it shows how many have understood the
depth of what is there in this text. An American wrote to us requesting us to quickly translate the
whole text and we felt happy that someone wants more of this and presumably understands the
greatness of this text. After we published few chapters we realized that Shri K N Rao has also
mentioned this text in his books.

The need of the hour is for a pure astrologer to decode Karma Vipak Samhita, it is not an
ordinary text though it seems to be and will be discarded by 99% of the astrologers. Before any
manuscript/text is discarded one should think why would an ancient writer/rishi ever write such a
piece of knowledge, would he be having lesser intelligence than me, if one follows this criteria he would
never find any text useless, something that most young ones are finding these days. Astrologers need to
decode the nakshatra phalas vis-a-vis every chart that comes to them with respect to the same
nakshatra and same charana. The chart that shows the same indications will give the clue/direction in
decoding and understanding this great work and then the parihara (remedies) need to be performed,
tested if relief is obtained and then that astrologer needs to write a commentary on his decoding.

Chapter 28

Lord Shiva Says,

^ TO? mi ^ 5-T^TT ^ qqtfScTT: II ?

Hei Priye, a person who steals others wealth will acquire illness from which he or she will suffer
miserably. \ |i| |

^ r\ -n r\

Hey Devi, who does not return the debt after borrowing will beget son who will be cruel in nature. 112
If a person has lost all his wealth and also suffering from defective Dhatu one can come to an opinion
that the person has put a woman to death, the fruit of which is being experienced (in this birth). | I3I |

♦ _^\ -N ♦ "N "N rs „ "V "N >

T^l^dl ^ ! ^flcT ^ ^IIHHH.1 mwm cTcTT ! RTtR WK CT^I IIVI

Hei Devi, towards north of Avanti Puri, 1 Koshafar there is a beautiful cifcjI^H

^flcT OTII ^

Called Vasantha Puri. There lived many people and there also lived a person called Nanda who used
to sell milh\ I5I |

rs -v . C

And his wife was famous by name Sundari. Hei Priye, both were of miser quality. |

m cTCR TT^RR ! I TcTSTcT ^11^

Hei Mahaa Devi, he had a Brahmin friend who was learned in Vedas and was living in Ujjaini and
was blessed with wealth. IMI

"N _^v ♦

He used to always have food of others, and when he attained his old age he left his village\ |8| |


And came to his friend who was in Vasantha Puri. He allowed him to stay in his house only because
he was his friend. 11911

qi^R5±RlcHld^ RRRfcRT ! I ^ II ^ II

Hei Devi, the Brahman friend looked after him with love and care for quite some time and the milk
sellers who was very happy when he saw his friend's wealth\|io| |

"N CN ♦

Dhatu Bhirma Roga - Defect in Sperms or Reduced Sperm Count.
JlrfliH II II

And he looted his wealth and made his home the hiding place for the wealth he had stolen. The
Brahman friend was very much agitated because of his stolen money and to forget his grief he left this
place and travelled to Kaashi, but he was not able to overcome his distress and the Brahman with much
pain breathed his last in Kaashi. \ I11-12I |

"S ^ -N rs -N „ V "S ♦
^ cTcTT ^ ^

Mei Maha Devi, the Shudra (person who looted the money) enjoyed his Brahman friend's wealth for
quite a long time and eventually he too passed away. \ I13I |

After the death, according to the instructions of Yamaraja, his Dhutaas sent him to the hell and he
suffered there for 60,000 years. | I14I |

TOOI! cTcT: II ^

Then he got out of the hell and attained Preetha (a spirit or ghost) Janma and suffered for 1000 years.
Then he took birth as an Owl near the banks of Koushiki River. | I15I |

V V "N v r\

Hey Devi, after which he attained Manushya Janma and took birth near the northern banks of Sarayu
River and with his wife in the Madhya Desha was blessed with abundant wealth and was serving his
king with much obedience. He too was born in Punarvasu Ist Charan. || 16-171|

rs ♦ ^ rs

Somewhere in his past birth he has given hundred cattle's as charity, by virtue of which he became a
monarch. 111811

Hei Devi, because he had looted his Brahman friends wealth he had to suffer from his son's death
which is the fruit of this bad Karma. | I19I |
^ 3TTRT ^ qRB ! |

Now I will tell you the atonement to he performed, listen to it Parvati, he has to spend i/8th part of his
wealth on charity. \ I2011

"N fN "S

And has to chant "Gayathri" mantra or "Jdathavedase" mantra or "YaH Phala" mantra for three
lakh times and should perform Havan for 1/10th part\ |2i| |

OTJT wm ^ IIRR ||

And then in the manner of 1/10th part should perform Tarpan and Maarjan and then make a devoted
study of Harivamsha Purana and then perform Durga Puja. | I22I |

r\ C »\ rv ♦ ^ ♦ rs N
I^MNHd^lNUI qnTO ^ W^l ^ ^ ^ ^R^ll II

After all this, worship Lord Shiva and then construct wells, tanks, reservoirs etc.,.\ I23I

♦ rs-s ♦
M<ld^ RV

Fill a Ash Pumpkin or a coconut with "Pancha Ratnas"Z and donate it in the midst of River Ganga and
on Saturday worship the Peepal tree, II24II

■n ^ _r\ ♦ -n -n ♦ *\ f\» ^C rs ^

With 17 Palas of gold make a statue and with 10 Palas of silver make an altar base having four
corners. II25II

"■n rN ♦ ^ "s ^ rs "s

qTcRT {^{-M ^1 q qmilR^ II

Mei Shive, the statue of a Brahman with his son made out of gold should be placed on the altar base
and worship it with utmost respect with the following mantras\I26I |

Pancha Ratnas - Diamond (Vajra), Blue Sapphire (Neela), Ruby (Maanakya or Padma Raaga
Mani), Pearl (Mukthaa Phala) and Coral (Pravaala)
II & II ^ ^Wl II #>

•iH ♦ II ^ ^TTl^T "iH ♦ II ^ II ^3 ^MIUW || ^3

■N rv rN -sr-^-N rN rv ♦ ♦ rv -v
c||^c|||^5TPTRWf: Wl ^T^ld^l dT ^ ddT IIII

Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya \ Om Brahmane NamaH \ Om Anantaaya NamaH \ Om

Purushaaya NamaH | Om Purushottamaaya NamaH | Om Shaargine NamaH | Om
Peetaambaraaya NamaH | Om Chakrapaanaye NamaH | Om Achyuthaaya NamaH | with w
mantras, that is Vaasudeva etc. worship the idol separately and donate the statue to the Brahman. 112711

^ SL
cTcT: WZim ^ II

To be redeemed from all the Paapa Karma's (sin) he has to worship Lord of Gods who has Couches,
Sudarshana Chakra, Mace in his hands and he is the Purushottama (Superior Person) that is Lord
Vishnu. 112811

qfarRt wmv wm ^ /^: /11 11

Hei Pitaambara (one who wears posh clothes), Hei Chaturbhuja (one who has 4 arms) you have Lotus
like eyes, Hei Vaasudeva Lord of the world, you uphold the Mother Earth and you are the Guru, Hei
Hare, 112911

m RN SFqdT WTO !l cTcftlT ^<1^ II ||

Hei Parameshwara, please forgive me for my sins done in the past lives and redeem me. After the

prayer a "Kapila Go"3 with gold on its horns should be donated \ \^o\ \

rN rs 2^ rN -N _£ >

And 10 cattle's each with different colors should be donated to a Brahman who is a master in Vedas
and then arrange a religious lunch to all the Brahman's present. | I31I |

rN ♦ ^ rN rN -n
cTcTT dd:l f ^ ytbri Nd^ld II II

After which should donate a piece of land to a learned Brahman which will definitely cleanse him from
past life sins. | I32I |

^ Kapila Go means Reddisk or Brown Cow

-n N rs „ ♦ ♦

Hei Devi, then he will heget son's and get cured from diseases and will not heget female issues and will
be cleansed from Vandhya Dosha. \ I33I |

_Cr\ «rN • r
ft II ||

Thus ends the 28 Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Punarvasu
Nakshatra ist Charon.


Chapter 29


Lord Shiva Says,

r r\ -s rv . >

Hei Devi, now I will tell you about what has been done in the past birth. Towards east of Avanti Puri
about 1 Kosha in area I lil I

> *4? "i Cr\


There was a village called Lakshman Puri. In here lived many Vaishnavas who were well versed in
Vedas and were doing Vaidic Karma's. | I2I |

f: ^Tl ^RR^R q#5RRRtlU

There also lived a Goldsmith called Damodar who was very prompt in his work and his wife name
was Prabhavathi. 11 ? 11


He was a devotee of Lord Vishnu very patient in behavior and used to serve Pious and Ascetic people
and his wife too followed him and was a chaste woman. | I4I |

♦ ♦ ♦ Cs
W^ cT^T cT^IS STTcTT 11H

The Goldsmith couple had two sons and they too were good and noble in their acts, and they looked
after his father with care and love, meanwhile there came a milkmaid to stay there. | I5I |

"N ♦

She had two sons and had many cows. But one of her son was a gambler and the other was a thief. 116| |

^ "N
^MIMd ^I ll^ll

Her thief son had stolen many cattle's and buffaloes and had kept them in one place, and the other son
had accumulated lots of money through gambling and had become very rich. | l/l |

fN ♦ v rs
^TTI i^mM\

Hei Mahaa Devi, the milkmaid and her sons used to have eatables made out of milk and where leading
their life with all kinds of comforts. One day the Goldsmith ||8||

Took her to his home, as the time passed by the village was infected with plague, fever etc. 9

Wt ^1

The milkmaid and her two sons too died because of the infection. Hei Devi, now the Goldsmith took all
her wealth 111011

^ ^ dNWyid^d^l WT

And enjoyed all comforts with her money and cattle's, buffaloes etc, that she had for rest of their life.

1 q# 11 ^

Hei Devi, as the age progresses death is inevitable. The Goldsmith died and his chaste wife too passed
away and they attained Swarga Loka.| I12I |
rs *4? ♦ 'N r\

They happily enjoyed in Swarga Lokafor 5000 years and as their Puny a started to languish they took
birth in Mrithyu Loka as human beings. HijH

V "N „ "N -N rs TN „ "N V ♦ "S

STTC cf^i zmrgq N^II^II^ ! II?VII

Hei Devi, from Ayodhya Puri 2 Kosha far, near the northern banks of Sarayu River in Dhehal village

rs ♦ rs ■n -N rs rs C
: W- W3W\' I ^ FRpqe: ^TT ^ W^: II ?MI

Prompt in his work and deeds, intelligent, skilled, was famous in his place and was a terror to the
enemies. ||i5|

rsT rs
fe^RI ^ ^R^IT^TT% ! # TRimil

Hey Vishaalaakshi, and the chaste wife of his previous birth again got married to him in the present
birth, because of the fruits of the pastjanma, he lost his vision and got blind. \\i6\\

2\ ♦ ♦ rs
^ M11 ?vs

Hei Devi, he had destroyed the eyesight of his son when he was a child because of which he has to
suffer blindness in both eye. | I17I |

„ 2s ■N "N "s rs
mm cT^-f ^ m sll^lN^I cR WR m WH ^

In his past birth he had used up the wealth of the milk maid to his enjoyments and comforts and didn't
even donate a part of it to the Brahman's, because of this Paapa Karma (sin) his son too died. ||i8||

R^RRRR: qTCR^-qR^f JpRJ !^fTS^p^5^ 11^

Hei Devi, the Paapa Karma related with respect to the friendship will make his son's and grand-
children's die, and the fruit of the Shubha and Paapa Karma should be experienced by the beings (on
Earth) in the present birth. II19II

g^R $#TR: ^RR?IT ! R^NcT: Rc^f R mm II Ro

Hei Devi, he always ate animals served Mleechhas and had friendship with them. 20
fTTTOT ^TR^TI ^ ! ^qraunRi^iK? II

Hei Devi, took birth in Mrithyu Loka, then too he continued his bad manner. I will now tell you the
atonement's to be done, listen. ||2i||


i/8£ part of his wealth should be given as charity and then chant Gayathri mantra, Jaatavedha
mantra, YaH phala mantra, Triyambaka mantra | I22I |


Vishnoraraatamasi mantra for five lakh times to get cleansed from the Paapa Karma's 23

> ♦ ■N'N rN rs rs £_
fFT ^ ! ^TT^T cTcTT
cit ^

And then Dashaamsha (1/10th) Havan, 1/10th part Tarpan, and i/ioth part Marjan. II24II


Hei Shive, and with the 18 Pala of gold make a statue of Vishnu which will be donated to the
Acharaya | I25I |

v rs ^ rv ♦ N'N rN v v v

Likewise with 18 Palas of silver make a statue of Shiva and worship with the following mantras | I26I |

C ♦ rN

"N „ "s
^ ! ^cT^T! ! I RF ^TT R FRRRII Rt II

Hei Garudadwaja, Devesha, Lord of all living and nonliving things, Hei Hare, Hei Vaasudeva, Hei
Jagannatha, redeem me from my paapa Karma's. Hei Nandikeshwar (Lord of Nandi), Bhutheesha,
Devasresta, Sureshwara, please accept my Puja and cleanse me from my past Paapa Karma's. | I27-28I |


rv r ^
IF^tedF FF: || VII ^ FWF FF: || ^ || ^)FRRFF:IKII fFRIF FF: 11* II & ^^TTFR
II £ II II ^ II $> TO II ?o II TR^R ^r ^<N<^ I^l

wm^ ii ii

wpwi: II TO R ^ IIII

Then worship Dasha Digpaalakaas4 with following mantras, Om Indraaya NamaH || Om Agnaye
NamaH || Om Yamaaya NamaH || Om Nirutaye NamaH ||

Om Varunaya NamaH 11 Om Vaayave NamaH 11 Om Kuheraaya NamaH 11 Om Ishaanaaya

NamaH 11 Om Brahmane NamaH 11 Om Ananthaaya NamaH 11 with Gandha, Puspha, Akshata
perform Puja to a "Kapila Go" decorated with gold on its horns. | I29I |


! ^JR!I ^ RT cfcN H^HI^ \\\0

Hei Devi, "Kapila Go" which destroys all kinds of sins should he worshipped with following mantra
"Om Namo Bhagavathyai Kaameshwaryai mama Paapam Vyapoohathu Swaahaa" and make players
as follows "Hei Kaamadhenu, Hei Sureshwari, Hei Kapila you are the mother of this world, forgive
me for all my sins done and help me to accomplish my work". | I30I |

_£ > rs r\ rv r\
TOS ^ ! dl^uiN I3M|<H-M I TTO^TR^ IIR?

Hey Devi, after doing the Puja donate the "Kapila Go" to a Brahman who is a devotee of Lord Shiva
and has Vihhuthi on his forehead believing that he is Lord Shiva (Shivaathmane) and also donate 10
cattle's of different colors and different kinds of Vessel. \ I31I |

^ to ! HI^ui wwm f: II II

Finally to wave off all the past life Paapa Karma's donate an Ox which is well decorated and should he
blue in color to a Brahman. | I32I |


10 deities who guard the directions, starting from East clockwise Indra, Agni, Yama, Niraruti,
Varuna, Vayu (Maruth), Kuhera, Ishana, Brahma (Bhumi) and Anantha (Aakaash).
And arrange a religious lunch for 400 Brahman's who are the Visage of Lord Shiva and Vishnu and
serve them with verity of cuisines including Kheer (a sweet pudding) | I33I |

After doing all these atonement's donate the statue to a Brahman, and have lunch with the relatives
and give send off to the Brahman's. | I34I |

WT ^ II ^

Before sending off give them Dakshina and after that make a devoted study of Harivamsha Purana
and worship Shiva Linga made out of clay | I35I |

_r\ ± r\ vv "N "N-N „ C

RWT ^ I ^ WtfSfFf II

Mei Varaanane, donating land to a Brahman has a great significance, hy doing this, previous lives


♦ C\ ♦
TTTT ^ I ^R^l II

Paapa Karma's will get destroyed at once. The words that I have told you now cannot go otherwise
and will be relieved by illness and sorrows | I37I |


And the lineage will grow without any doubt. | I38I |

Ctn .TN • r ^ *\ rN« >

him 11

Thus ends the 29th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Punarvasu
Nakshatra 2nd Charan.

3T«lfwssqre: \\\<>\\

Chapter 30
Lord Shiva Says,

<jqi*uPd«>wi I ^m\ m ! I ^TWT: ^Tll ? II

Mei Devi, in the city of Avanthika Puri there was a barber living and he was very much interested in
agriculture and was not doing his Barber job. | |i| |

q# ^ ^ 11 R II

Mei Maha Devi, his wife was an unchaste woman interested in other men and her name was Karkasha
Dhurdhara. Ibll

rs r-\ -n -n rv -s
f: I ^ Wim ^ "qPTcT: II ^

Mey Devi, one day a rich businessman (Vaishya) who had gold worth crores of rupees came to her.

f: I ^ ^ ^ I Id: II V

Mey Devi, after that the barber in the late-night chopped the head of that Vaishya with the sword.

♦ ♦ CN

And the barber took all the Vaishya's wealth and left that place and used up all the wealth and he
didn't spend a single penny as charity. \ I5I |

-n r\ „ r\ v rs "s ♦ r\
^ i HINCH ^iiiwi wm wfx mm R^RRII ^

Mey Devi, once the barber and his wife came to Prayaag in the lunar month of Maagha and the sun
was in the sign Capricorn, regularly for a month\|6| |

♦ r\ ♦ -n rs v ^ ♦ ♦ "N
TWT qR: ^imi R^R ^ ^cT cR ^T^TOTIII ^

Used to take bath daily before the sunrise and he donated a cattle and an Ox decorated with gold.

-n rs k r\ C "s "n rs „ "v "s rs •s

cRT q cTFT HINdi-M RR^ ^ R ^ \ TO T^\ IU
Then the barber passed away in a hilly place which was devoid of water ||8|

wpfetft ! ^Rl T%HT ^ II

As per the instructions ofYama Raja the Dhutaas took aim to a hell called "Kardama" and kept him
there for 60,000 years. \ \g\ \

rv C -n rs "n o Crx "s rN»

^ RI^Nr4 RcTT RcT: II ?o

Mei Devi, after getting out of the hell he took birth as a Tiger and then as a she Buffalo and eventually
as a human being. | |io| |

W RTcT: 'MMMvA ^5^: II ? ?

Since he was born in Punarvasu 3' Charana and in his pastjanma he had taken holy bath in Prayaag
before sunrise, by virtue of which he took his birth in a monarch (Noble) family. | |ii| |


Mei Varaanane, besides the northern banks of rivers Sarayu in Madhya Desha he was blessed with
wealth but was a thief. | |i2| |

R# cT^f ^d^rHT^dliidll qqfMRTII ^

And his wife was like a Vandhya (Barren) woman, because she used to deliver dead children or the
children used to die after birth, she always suffered from phlegmatic diseases and fever. \\ 13 \\

<? rs ^ C -s ^
mwi ^ RTiqcH RcT: ^cT: I cH r: II? VII

In his past birth when he was a Barber he had killed his friend, the sway of the Karma made him to
suffer from rigorous disease. | I14I |

-N rs "n -N rs rs -n rs
^TSN 1 ^TTIRT ^ ! ^PRT^R: || ^

Mei Devi, a son was born but he too didn't live long. I will now tell how to atone in a concise manner,
listen. 111511
Chant Gayathri mantra for five lakh times which destroys the past Paapa Karma's that has heen done

WT Rmnhhj rn wi wmfa 11 ^

And make a devoted study of Harivamsha Parana, Durga Sapthashathi and perform Shiva Archana
accordingly which will cleanse the Paapa Karma from its root. | I17I |

"■N "N ♦ _5v •*s k rs rs rx*£rN

^fFT ^ ^ MM

After this huild a Havan Kund and perform i/ioth part of Havan with Seasemum, clarified butter
(Ghee) etc. | |i8| |

rs ♦ -s rv . r

Hei Devi, make a statue of Vaishya with 25 Palas of gold |\ig

"N rs ♦ v N "N vrs ♦


Setup the statue on a clean copper plate and perform Puja with sandal paste, flowers etc. with the
following mantras ||2o||

V V "N "N


Hei Lord of all Gods with Couches, Sudarshana chakra, Mace, and protects people who pray for
protection, please pardon me from all my past lives Paapa Karma's (sin's) which I have done by being
ignorant or by mistake. | |2i| |

"FFRFF FF: II & FTR^R FF: II ^ ^FTT^FF FF: II & FF: II & tm FF: II ^

r\ r\ CrN
tFR FF: || ^ ^f^FTF FF: || ^ fFfelTF FF:

rs ♦ rs

Om Chakradharaaya NamaH \ Om Govindaaya NamaH \ Om Daamodaraaya NamaH \ Om

Krishnaaya NamaH | Om Hamsaaya NamaH | Om Paramahamsaaya NamaH | Om Achyutaaya
NamaH | Om Hrisheekeeshaaya NamaH | worship in all directions (8 direction) with these mantras
and donate the statue to a Brahman. 112211
♦ rs ♦ ■% r\ ^ rs •%
cTcTT TT <J)«jnu|T ^ \\\\

Hei Devi, and also donate five black colored cattle's to a householder Brahman. 112311

si\m^ ^ TOO! ! wnm\ irvi


Hei Varaanane, then arrange a religious lunch to the Brahman's according to one's ability.

By performing these atonement's he will soon beget son and will be relieved from Vandhya Dosha and
all kinds of illness. | I25I |

_Cr\ iTN ♦ C ♦ rN» "v

Thus ends the 30th Chapter of Karma Vipaaha Samhita containing Atonement's for Punarvasu
Nakshatra 3rd Charon.

||^? II

Chapter 31

Lord Shiva Says,

rs-N-NrN *\ -NrNrN-N C-N

mm ^m! 1

Hei Devi, towards west of Avanti Nagari, i Koshafar there lived a Ferry man in a village called
Nandan. \ |i| |

m mm *wr) W qf^^nr IR 11

There also lived a person by name Manohar who was rich and his wife was Mattha, very obedient to
her husband. I bl I

*\ V r\ „ fN ♦
Hei Devi, he sold fish and meat for his livelihood and had accumulated lots of money, hut never made
charity. \ \^\ \


Once at the time of lunar eclipse he with his wife donated hundred gold coins with an ox to a
Brahman. lUH


His wife died before him after which he too passed away. The Yama Dhutaas sent him to a dreadful
hell I k| I

_r\ vtn "N V V

WfM ! WTO Hi+llvl: ! JW5TTT^^IK

Hei Devi, as per the instructions of Yama Raja his suffered in the dreadful hell for 60,000 years and
took birth as a fox in a deep forest, 116| |


And then as a Crow and then took Manushya Janma. He was well-behaved and very devoted towards
God and used to visit harlots always. | l/l |

m\ ^Hd^xhT fTITOdl^ddMd: I TO TOTfTO TO^TT TO IUII

He was lovable and with the lean body, a good critic and the knowledgeable person and was devoid of
sons. His wife was fat, ugly and was a cruel nature Lady.\ |8| |


Hei Devi, he inherited his past lives qualities of eating fish and meat and his wife had problems with
menses and used to abort. | |o| |

rs ^.rs „ "N

Hei Devi, now listen to the atonement to be performed just by doing great will beget son's. 10

♦ rs ♦ rs
Accordingly make a devoted study of Harivamsha Purana thrice and chant Gayathri mantra for five
lakh times. | |ii| |

% ?TWil RpM R RWT ^TRT % II

Hey Devi, and perform i/ioth part Havan, Tarpan and Marjan in the manner of 1/10th part. ||i2||

<? rv -n . C r\ . -n rs .
cTcit ^TT cTcT: OTI RcRT! II mi

Hei Priye, after this donate a "Kapila go" and 10 cattle's of different colors each and then make a
statue of Surya Bhagavan with 10 Palas of gold. II13II

rv ♦ rs rN C C <~\

Decorate it with posh cloths and ornaments made out of gold and silver and worship it with the
following mantras 111411

♦ ♦ -n rs rs
W^' ^ R RTIcT: ^1^5? Wi ^ TT TcTTfRRf /II

And pray as "you are the one who lite up the world with brightness and you are worshipped by all
humans on Earth, you destroy the darkness and ignorance, please relive me by destroying all my past
lives Papa Karma's. | I15I |

?.$#*£lkRT:|| R. $*1R^RT:II ^^RIRTtll V. Gl^lcH^RT: II


^R^T^RTHI 1°. & RT: II ®

C rN ^ ♦
R^^R^TO: 11^

Om Shree Suryaaya NamaH \ Om Savitre NamaH \ Om Saakshine NamaH \ Om Trigunaathmane

NamaH \ Om Dwaadhashaathmane NamaH | Om Keyura Dhaarine NamaH | Om Teekshanaashu
Dhaasine NamaH | Om Kalaakaashtaadhirupine NamaH | Om Vishnuve NamaH | Om Brahmane
NamaH | Om Rudraya NamaH | Om Maarthaandaaya NamaH | perform Puja with these 12
mantras by offering flowers, Dhupa, Deepa, Naivedhya (an offering to a deity) and Thaambula
(Betel leaf, Betel nut etc.).||i6||


Donate the statue to a Brahman, and donate money and food grains to all servants and also to the
Brahman's present over there. | I17I |

r\ ♦ „ rs

Hei Varaanane, then donate horses, chariot, cloths, Variety of vessel, bedding et cetera without any
dissimulation and with self-will but not with stinginess. | |i8| |

♦ v ♦v rs r\ rs ♦ *\ ♦ ♦ ♦ C\

By doing all these atonement's they will definitely beget sons who are long-lived and the papa Karma's
done in the past lives will be cleansed from its root. \\ig\ \

mm nm toTOR^11

Hey Sureshwari, follow a religious observance or ceremony on the j lunar day coinciding with
Sunday which cleanses sins and relatives from diseases and also the fever too will be queued
forever. ||2o||

Cr\ .r\ ♦ C

Thus ends the 3/ Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement's for Punarvasu
Nakshatra 4* Charan.

CSJe' CoftftttKef/1.


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