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Meerkat Unit Study and Lapbook Lessons
Scientific Classification:
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Herpestidae
Genus: Suricata
Species: suricatta

 Complete Scientific Classification Flap Book

What is a Meerkat?
The name comes from the Dutch language and means “lake cat.” These interesting
creatures live in southern Africa in the Kalahari Desert.

A meerkat, also known as a suricat, stands about 12-24 inches tall. It weighs 1 to 2
pounds and lives up to 13 years.

 Complete Meerkats on the Map Matchbook

Meerkat Anatomy

Meerkats are built for life in the desert.

The black around the eyes help protect from the glare of the sunlight. The black
works like natural sunglasses.

A meerkat has strong curved claws that are almost one-inch long. These claws help
the meerkat dig burrows and hunt for food.

The meerkat uses its tail to balance when standing upright.

The meerkat has small black, crescent-shaped ears that can close when digging to
keep the sand out.

They have short parallel stripes across their backs extending from the base of the
tail to the shoulders. The patterns of stripes are unique to each meerkat.
The underside of the meerkat has no markings, but the belly has a patch which is
only sparsely covered with hair and shows the black skin underneath. The meerkat
uses this area to absorb heat while standing on its rear legs, usually early in the
morning after cold desert nights.

 Complete What Makes Me a Meerkat? Flap Book

Meet the Family:

A group of meerkats living together is called a gang or a mob and the mob can get
as big as fifty meerkats, but usually they average twenty. Sometimes the meerkat
shares its burrows with the yellow mongoose and ground squirrels. Meerkats also
like to socialize. They share food, groom each other, snuggle, compete in foot
races or a wrestling match. Meerkat babies, or pups, are born in litters of 1-5. And
a female meerkat can have four litters per year. Pups stay protected in the
burrows, but start to venture out at 3 weeks.

 Complete The Mob File Folder

I’m Hungry:
The most interesting thing on a meerkats menu is venomous snakes and scorpions.
They are immune to the venom--even the venom of cobras.

Meerkats also eat insects, snails, spiders, plants, rodents, birds, eggs, and lizards.
Sometimes, a meerkat will eat a small bird. Meerkats get most of their water from
the plants they eat.

 Complete Meerkat Menu Simple Fold

Meerkat Chores:
The mob will share chores: guard, babysitter, and teacher.

GUARD: While the rest of the mob searches for food or plays, the guard will climb
to the top of a rock and look out for their safety. This meerkat stands up on its hind
legs, balances with its tail and watches for attacks from the ground and the air.

If a predator is spotted, the meerkats will make barking, peeping or whistling

sounds. The guard has one alarm for ground attacks and another for air. When the
alarm sounds, the meerkats race to safety--usually a hole. Each meerkat will
usually stand guard for about an hour before another meerkat takes over. The
guards are on the look-out for jackals and birds of prey (such as eagles and
falcons). Are meerkats tasty? I don’t know, but you could ask one of their
predators. The predators that hunt meerkats are jackals, eagles, and falcons.
Meerkats also have to guard their young from cobras.

 Complete Meerkat Predators Simple Fold

BABYSITTER: This meerkat watches and protects the pups. The babysitter on duty
will also help move the pups if the mob needs to move to a different area.

TEACHER: A teacher can be a babysitter or the pups’ mom. The pups will learn how
to communicate, how to hunt poisonous scorpions and snakes, and how to forage
for other food. The teacher brings them food. This way, the pups learn what they
are supposed to eat.

When learning how to kill a scorpion, the teacher will remove the scorpion’s tail.
The pup will still have to deal with the scorpion’s claws, but not the stinger in its

 Complete Meerkat Occupations Window Book

Do meerkats make good pets?

No. Unfortunately, meerkats cannot be housebroken nor can they curb the natural
ability to dig. Some people have tried to make them pets, only to find that their
meerkat has burrowed through the living room wall.
Meerkat Relatives:

Meerkats have a large family, including many types of mongoose.

Species Where Do I Live? What Do I Eat? Other

Dwarf Mongoose Africa Mainly insects.

Banded Across sub- Mainly insects. Nomadic.

Mongoose Saharan Africa,
from Gambia to
Ethiopia and to
South Africa.
Indian Grey Southern India Small mammals They are known
Mongoose such as rats, as for killing
In forests and in well as eggs and poisonous
fields. a variety of snakes.
insects, including
scorpions. Endangered.
Liberian Liberia Earthworms and
Mongoose other insects.

Malagasy Throughout the Mainly Nocturnal and

Mongoose lowland swamp earthworms and solitary.
and rainforest small vertebrates
Also known as areas of such as mice. Endangered.
the falanouc. northwestern
and eastern
Marsh Mongoose Throughout sub- Crabs, snails and
Saharan Africa frogs.

 Complete Family Photo Album

Additional Research and Lessons:
Check out other books from your local library or visit websites to learn more about
 Complete Meerkat Facts Book
 Complete the Meerkat Diagram
 Read Meerkat Mail and complete the Postcards Home

Materials and information on this website may be used for your own personal and
school use. Material may not be used for resale. © Homeschool Share
Cut shapes out. Stack together and staple. Write one meerkat fact on each page.
Cut out book. Fold in thirds. Paste cover on front, if desired. Paste pictures (next page) in their
proper places.

Dwarf Mongoose Banded Mongoose Indian Grey Mongoose

Africa Gambia, Ethiopia, South Africa Southern India

Liberian Mongoose Malagasy Mongoose Marsh Mongoose

Liberia Madagascar sub-Saharan Africa
Pictures are in the following order (left to right; top to bottom):
Dwarf Mongoose, Banded Mongoose, Indian Grey Mongoose, Liberian Mongoose, Malagasy
Mongoose, and Marsh Mongoose.

Pictures of Banded Mongoose and Indian Grey compliments ~ used with permission

Picture of Liberian Grey and Marsh Mongoose compliments ~ used with permission
Use this graphic for coloring or for a meerkat diagram.
Cut book out as one piece. Fold
matchbook style. Color the places in
Africa where one would find
meerkats. Paste inside the
Window book with 4 windows.
Indicates valley

Indicates moun-
tain fold.

Before cutting, use a

pencil to lightly label/
number the pages ac-
cording to the num-
bers in the margin.
Later you can erase
these marks.

Cut on solid
lines; fold on
dotted lines.


tain fold.




Follow instructions on each page to construct
the book. Color, cut, and paste images in
appropriate places (in the windows). Use
lined areas to write about each meerkat
Cut book out on solid lines; fold on dotted lines. Cut out
“The Mob” piece and paste to the tab on the file folder.
Fill file folder with information your student learns from
“Meet the Family” or with other information she learns


about groups of meerkats.

Cut book out as one piece. Fold in half. Open. Fold bottom strip up (fold on the dotted lines) to form a pocket on
the inside of the book. Use small dots of glue on the edges (if you use too much, the pockets will be too small).
Cut out postcards. Pretend you are Sunny and write some more postcards home.
Store postcards in pocketbook.
Cut out book as one piece. Fold left side in. Fold right side in. Open book.
Cut on dotted lines to form five flaps. Refold book.
Cut book out as one piece. Fold in half. Paste pictures or write menu
inside book (other pictures found in predators file).
Cut book out as one piece. Fold top under. Fold bottom under. Open book. Cut on solid black lines to form four flaps.
Refold so that the cover is on the front.
Cut out the animals. Separate them in to two stacks — predators and prey. Glue the predators in to the book on this
page. Glue the others (including eggs) inside the Meerkat Menu book.

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