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Health Information System

”A computer structured to manage all records of health
care providers to make available information and PHARMACY INFORMATION SYSTEM
reports useful to healthcare personnel in doing their job Helps monitor the utilization of medicines
more efficiently.” in health institutions.
This also handles medication-related
HIS must deliver high quality patient care and complications and drug allergy information
better management of financial records. of patients.
It needs to be affordable, scalable, and centered RADIOLOGY INFORMATION SYSTEM
on the needs of patients and medical personnel
It should be adaptable to rapid technological Are capable of providing billing services
changes. and appointment scheduling aside from
reporting and database storage.
An effective HIS additionally provides benefits

Enhanced facts integrity Helps monitor the utilization of medicines

Reduced transcription errors in health institutions.
Reduced duplication of facts entries
This also handles medication-related
Optimized report turnaround times
complications and drug allergy information
HIS for Different Departments of patients.
Designed to assist nurses offer Selecting a Hospital Information System
enhanced patient care.
A good NIS can carry out a number of
functions and supply benefits together TOTAL COST OF •HIS should be available for
PACKAGE all sizes and budgets
with improving personnel schedules,
accurate patient charting and better
•The system is available on the internet
clinical data integration. and can be accessed anytime anywhere
WEB-BASED SYSTEM which also allows data sharing between

Aims to enhance the practice of •The vendor of the system should

IMPLEMENTATION provide ample training and
physicians AND SUPPORT assistance to the users upon
installing or upgrading of HIS
EMRs and EHRs are some programs
where PIS is deployed and extensively HIS Providers in the Philippines
used. BizBox
The goal of the company is to improve
work efficiency in health care institutions
Are capable of providing billing services through software systems, and to
and appointment scheduling aside from produce advanced solutions for better
reporting and database storage. patient care.

1 |Agustin, G. N. BMLS 1B

KCCI Medsys
Kaiser-dela Cruz Consulting, Inc.
specializes in application development for
hospitals, industrial clinics, and medical-
Instructions upon Discharge
related educational institutions in the discharge or transfer
Philippines. may include details
Comlogik services needed to be
Comlogik’s vision is to be a global administered after the
hospital stay to ensure
technology company that led the way in
the full recovery of the
developing innovative applications like patient.
online hospital services.
This means movement Transfer
HIS Function of the patient along
with the discharge
outside of the hospital
Clients are provided Help Desk premises at the
with information and instruction of any
guidelines associated authorized hospital
with company’s or personnel.
institution’s products
and services without Billing statements Billing
any hassle. show all records
pertaining to the
An employee Scheduling invoices, payments, and
scheduling software the current balance of a
helps save time and patient’s account.
makes employees
scheduling less The process of Contract Management
difficult. managing contract
creation, execution,
The HIS patient Patient Registration and analysis to
registration form maximize the
records the name, age, operational and
gender, marital status, financial performance
and other relevant of an organization
information regarding while reducing
the patient. financial risk.

Admissions counselor Admission HIS helps in accessing Package Deal Designer

gather preliminary information regarding
information of the package deals without
patient, offer vital going through the
information concerning hassle of paperwork.
the hospital stay, and
answer questions if
there are any.

2 |Agustin, G. N. BMLS 1B

Laboratory reporting registration, admissions, discharge and transfer

Displays elements with administrative or clerical procedures, billing, contract management and
information in addition to the information about the package deals.
specimen and the test itself.
Material management is primarily concerned
Radiology Reporting with the planning, identifying, purchasing,
It is an official medical document that provides
storing, receiving and distribution of materials.
the details of the requested radiology examination and
Its purpose is to guarantee that the right and
the procedure conducted by the radiologist.
sufficient materials are in the right location
Cardiology Reporting when needed.
This contains important medical information
Management reporting systems help in
based on the test results of the patient which are set
capturing the data sets that are needed for
against past medical records.
managers to run an effective enterprise.
Material Management System
Materials management is primarily concerned
with planning, identifying, purchasing, storing,
receiving and distributing materials. Its purpose
is to guarantee that the right and sufficient
materials are in the right location when needed.
Management reporting is platform for reporting
and controlling information valuable to the

Key Point to Remember

A hospital information system is fundamentally
a computer system that could manage all the
information to permit health care providers to
do their jobs efficiently.

HIS for different departments: Nursing

Information System, Physician Information
System, Radiology Information System and
Pharmacy Information System.

The following should be considered during the

selection of the HIS: Total cost of the package,
we based system and implementation and

The top 3 HIS providers in the Philippines are

Bizbox, Inc., KCCI Medsys and COMLOGIK.

The functions of HIS address the following

concerns: help desk, scheduling, patient
3 |Agustin, G. N. BMLS 1B

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