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Food we get from plants
Children in previous chapter we have learnt about plants
and it’s different parts and in this chapter we will learn
about food which we get from plants.,.
❖ Highlights of the chapter
• Types of plants
• Edible parts of plants
• Plants products

➢ Types of plants
On the basis of the size and shape plants can be grouped
as trees ,shrubs, herbs, climbers or creepers

▪ Trees -Trees are big plants and have single, woody stem
called trunk for ex. Neem ,mango and banyan

▪ Shrubs-These plants are generally smaller than trees and

have many thin, woody stem near the ground .they
appear like bush ex. Rose, hibiscus and cotton plant.

▪ Herbs-These plants are generally smaller than shrubs and

have a single, non-woody stem. ex. Mint, coriander and
▪ Climbers-These plants have weak stems and need
support of walls, other plants and sticks to climb ex.
Grapevine, bean.

▪ Creepers-These plants have very weak stem and heavy

fruits due to which they grow along the ground ex.
Watermelon, strawberry.

➢ Edible parts of plants

Certain parts of plants are edible and are used as food

▪ Stems -stems Of some plants are swollen and juicy as they

store food for example plants such as sugarcane, potato
and ginger store food in them and are edible (things that
can be eaten).

▪ Roots-Roots of some plants are thick and fleshy as they

store food and are edible also ex. Carrot, radish,

▪ Leaves-plants store food in the form of starch in their

leaves we eat the leaves of some plants ex. Spinach,

▪ Flowers - The flowers of some plants store food and are

edible for example cauliflower and broccoli are some
flowers that we eat.

▪ Fruits- The fruits of some plants are edible for example
mango, orange, ,banana pear, and guava are fruits that
we eat.

▪ Seeds-Rice, wheat, barley, kidney bean are some seeds

that we eat. Seeds like rice, wheat, barley and maize are
called cereals. Seeds of wheat are used to make flour.
Cereals are also called food grains.

▪ Nuts- seeds of some fruits are eaten by us as nuts for

example cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts.

❖ Plant products
Some parts of plants are used to make different food items
such as tea , sugar and oil some plant products are -
• Tea leaves, coffee beans, cocoa beans and
sugarcane .People drink tea ,coffee, as beverages. is
used to make chocolates. Sugar cane is used to make
jaggery .

• Dried seeds, fruits ,roots and bark of some plants are

Used as spices which add flavours to our food For
example cumin, mustard’s seed are used as spices.

• Oils-seeds of mustard, sunflower and ground nuts are

used to make oil. some fruits such as coconut and olive
are also used to make oil.
• Medicines- Plants such as Tulsi , neem , mint and turmeric
are used to make medicine.

Q.1 Short question answers

a. Give two examples of fruits we eat.

Ans. Mango, grapes.

b. What types of stem do trees have?

Ans. Trees have a single and woody stem known as trunk.

c. What are oil seeds used for?

Ans. Oil seeds are used to make oil. For example-
mustard , sunflower, groundnuts etc.

d. How are the stems of shrubs different from the stems of

Ans. Shrubs have many thin, woody stem near the ground
while herbs have a single non-woody stem.

e. What are spices?

Ans. The dried seeds, roots, bark of certain parts called
spices. For example- cumin, turmeric etc.

Q.2 Long answer questions

a. Write a note of the edible parts mentioned below.

Ans. Roots- Roots of the plant such as the carrot, turnip,
radish and beetroot are thick and fleshy because food

prepared by the plant is stored in them. We eat these
roots as vegetable.

Flowers- The flowers of some plants store food and are

edible. Cauliflower and broccoli are some flowers that
we eat.

Seeds- The seeds of some plants are edible. Rice,

wheat, maize, barley, beans and chickpeas are
different types of seeds that we eat.

b. What are beverages? Which parts of plants are used to

make beverages?

Ans. Drinks other than the water are called beverages.

Tea and coffee are some common examples of
beverages. Leaves and seeds of the plants are used to
make beverages.

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