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JEFF HARDIN received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of

California–Berkeley. He is Professor and Chair of the Zoology Department at the
University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he has been since 1991. He is also
Faculty Director of the Biology Core Curriculum, a four-semester honors biology
sequence for undergraduates at Wisconsin known for its teaching innovations.
Jeff ’s research focuses on how cells migrate and adhere to one another during
early embryonic development. Jeff ’s teaching is enhanced by his extensive use of
digital microscopy and his web-based teaching materials, which are used on
many campuses in the United States and in other countries. Jeff was a founding
member of the UW Teaching Academy, and has received several teaching awards, including a Lily
Teaching Fellowship, a National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award, and a Chancellor’s
Distinguished Teaching Award.

GREGORY BERTONI has been active in teaching, research, and scientific writing
for more than 30 years. He earned a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the
University of Wisconsin–Madison with Wayne Becker, where his research
investigated the effects of light quality and carbon dioxide concentration on
photorespiratory gene expression. While in Madison, he and Wayne helped to
develop a new course entitled “Ways of Knowing” designed to introduce entering
freshmen to the learning process. His published research includes studies in
bacterial pathogenesis, plant–microbe interactions, and plant gene expression.
Currently, Gregory is a Science Editor for The Plant Cell, a leading international
research journal in plant cell and molecular biology. For the past 12 years, Gregory has been teaching
biology, chemistry, and microbiology part-time at the community college level, and currently teaches at
Southern Maine Community College in South Portland, Maine. He is also a freelance scientific writer
who contributes to text- and web-based projects in biology, physics, and microbiology. His hobbies
include hiking, gardening, and growing certified organic seedlings for A Good Start, a small business
he and his wife Marianne Potter founded in 2003.

WAYNE M. BECKER taught cell biology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

for 30 years until his retirement. His interest in textbook writing grew out of notes,
outlines, and problem sets that he assembled for his students, culminating in Energy
and the Living Cell, a paperback text on bioenergetics published in 1977, and The
World of the Cell, the first edition of which appeared in 1986. All his degrees are in
biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, an orientation that is
Copyright © 2017. Pearson Education, Limited. All rights reserved.

readily discernible in his writing. His research interests were in plant molecular
biology, focused on the expression of genes that encode enzymes of the
photorespiratory pathway. Later in his career he focused on teaching, especially
students from underrepresented groups. His honors include a Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished
Teaching, Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellowships, and a Visiting Scholar Award from the Royal Society
of London. This text builds on his foundation, and is inspired by his legacy.

Hardin, Jeff, et al. Becker's World of the Cell, EBook, Global Edition, Pearson Education, Limited, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central, 3
Created from khu on 2022-02-27 16:43:34.

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