Chapter-1 - Introduction To Data Mining

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Chapter-1 – Introduction to Data Mining

 What Is Data Mining?

Data mining (knowledge discovery from data) Extraction of interesting

(non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful) patterns or
knowledge from huge amount of data.

 Alternative names

 Knowledge discovery (mining) in databases (KDD), knowledge

extraction, data/pattern analysis, data archeology, data dredging,
information harvesting, business intelligence, etc.

 Watch out: Is everything “data mining”?

 Simple search and query processing

 (Deductive) expert system

Data Mining Tasks

 Prediction Methods– Use some variables to predict unknown or

future values of other variables.

 Description Methods– Find human-interpretable patterns that describe the describe the general property of data in the database.

Knowledge Discovery (KDD) Process

Steps of KDD:

1. Data cleaning (to remove noise and inconsistent data)

2. Data integration (where multiple data sources may be combined)1
3. Data selection (where data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the
4. Data transformation (where data are transformed or consolidated into forms
appropriate for mining by performing summary or aggregation operations, for
5. Data mining (an essential process where intelligent methods are applied in order
to extract data patterns)
6. Pattern evaluation (to identify the truly interesting patterns representing
knowledge based on some interestingness measures)
7. Knowledge presentation (where visualization and knowledge representation
techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the user)

Architecture: Typical Data Mining System

Database, data warehouse,WorldWideWeb, or other information repository:

This is one or a set of databases, data warehouses, spreadsheets, or other kinds of

information repositories. Data cleaning and data integration techniques may be
performed on the data.
Database or data warehouse server: The database or data warehouse server is
responsible for fetching the relevant data, based on the user’s data mining request.

Knowledge base: This is the domain knowledge that is used to guide the search or
evaluate the interestingness of resulting patterns. Such knowledge can include
concept hierarchies, used to organize attributes or attribute values into different
levels of abstraction. Knowledge such as user beliefs, which can be used to assess
a pattern’s interestingness based on its unexpectedness, may also be included.
Other examples of domain knowledge are additional interestingness constraints or
thresholds, and metadata (e.g., describing data from multiple heterogeneous

Data mining engine: This is essential to the data mining system and ideally
consists of a set of functional modules for tasks such as characterization,
association and correlation analysis, classification, prediction, cluster analysis,
outlier analysis, and evolution analysis.

Pattern evaluation module: This component typically employs interestingness

measures and interacts with the data mining modules so as to focus the
search toward interesting patterns. It may use interestingness thresholds to filter
out discovered patterns. Alternatively, the pattern evaluation module may be
integrated with the mining module, depending on the implementation of the data
mining method used.

User interface: This module communicates between users and the data mining
system, allowing the user to interact with the system by specifying a data mining
query or task, providing information to help focus the search, and performing
exploratory data mining based on the intermediate data mining results. In addition,
this component allows the user to browse database and data warehouse schemas or
data structures, evaluate mined patterns, and visualize the patterns in different

Architecture: Typical Data Mining System

Multi-Dimensional View of Data Mining

 Data to be mined

 Relational, data warehouse, transactional, stream, object-

oriented/relational, active, spatial, time-series, text, multi-media,
heterogeneous, legacy, WWW

 Knowledge to be mined

 Characterization, discrimination, association, classification,

clustering, trend/deviation, outlier analysis, etc.
 Multiple/integrated functions and mining at multiple levels

 Techniques utilized
 Database-oriented, data warehouse (OLAP), machine learning,
statistics, visualization, etc.

 Applications adapted

 Retail, telecommunication, banking, fraud analysis, bio-data mining,

stock market analysis, text mining, Web mining, etc.

Data Mining Functionalities

 Multidimensional concept description: Characterization and discrimination

 Generalize, summarize, and contrast data characteristics, e.g., dry vs.

wet regions

 Frequent patterns, association, correlation vs. causality

 Pattern that appears in data set frequently.

 Diaper  Beer [0.5%, 75%] (Correlation or causality?)

 Classification and prediction

 Construct models (functions) that describe and distinguish classes or

concepts for future prediction

 E.g., classify countries based on (climate), or classify cars

based on (gas mileage)

 Predict some unknown or missing numerical values

 Cluster analysis

 Class label is unknown: Group data to form new classes, e.g., cluster
houses to find distribution patterns
 Maximizing intra-class similarity & minimizing interclass similarity

 Outlier analysis

 Outlier: Data object that does not comply with the general behavior of
the data

 Noise or exception? Useful in fraud detection, rare events analysis

 Trend and evolution analysis

 Trend and deviation: e.g., regression analysis

 Sequential pattern mining: e.g., digital camera  large SD memory

 Periodicity analysis

 Similarity-based analysis

 Other pattern-directed or statistical analyses

Data Mining Task Primitives

A data mining task can be specified in the form of a data mining query, which is
input to the data mining system. A data mining query is defined in terms of data
mining task primitives. These primitives allow the user to interactively
communicate with the data mining system during discovery in order to direct
the mining process, or examine the findings from different angles or depths.

The data mining primitives specify the following:

 The set of task-relevant data to be mined

 The kind of knowledge to be mined.
 The background knowledge to be used in the discovery process.
 The interestingness measures and thresholds for pattern evaluation
 The expected representation for visualizing the discovered patterns
Major Issues in Data Mining

 Mining methodology

 Mining different kinds of knowledge from diverse data types, e.g.,

bio, stream, Web

 Performance: efficiency, effectiveness, and scalability

 Pattern evaluation: the interestingness problem

 Incorporation of background knowledge

 Handling noise and incomplete data

 Parallel, distributed and incremental mining methods

 Integration of the discovered knowledge with existing one: knowledge


 User interaction

 Data mining query languages and ad-hoc mining

 Expression and visualization of data mining results

 Interactive mining of knowledge at multiple levels of abstraction

 Applications and social impacts

 Domain-specific data mining & invisible data mining

 Protection of data security, integrity, and privacy

Data Preprocessing

Why Data Preprocessing? Data in the real world is dirty

 incomplete: lacking attribute values, lacking certain attributes of

interest, or containing only aggregate data

 e.g., occupation=“ ”
 noisy: containing errors or outliers

 e.g., Salary=“-10”

 inconsistent: containing discrepancies in codes or names

 e.g., Age=“42” Birthday=“03/07/1997”

 e.g., Was rating “1,2,3”, now rating “A, B, C”

 e.g., discrepancy between duplicate records

Why Is Data Preprocessing Important?

 No quality data, no quality mining results!

 Quality decisions must be based on quality data

 e.g., duplicate or missing data may cause incorrect or even

misleading statistics.

 Data warehouse needs consistent integration of quality data

 Data extraction, cleaning, and transformation comprises the majority of the

work of building a data warehouse

Major Tasks in Data Preprocessing

 Data cleaning

 Fill in missing values, smooth noisy data, identify or remove outliers,

and resolve inconsistencies

 Data integration

 Integration of multiple databases, data cubes, or files

 Data transformation

 Normalization and aggregation

 Data reduction

 Obtains reduced representation in volume but produces the same or

similar analytical results

 Data discretization

 Part of data reduction but with particular importance, especially for

numerical data
Integration of a Data Mining System with a Database or DataWarehouse

 No coupling:
No coupling means that a DM system will not utilize any function of a DB or DW
system. It may fetch data from a particular source (such as a file system), process
data using some data mining algorithms, and then store the mining results in
another file.

Without using a DB/DWsystem, a DM system may spend a substantial amount

of time finding, collecting, cleaning, and transforming data. In DB and/or
DWsystems, data tend to be well organized, indexed, cleaned, integrated, or
consolidated, so that finding the task-relevant, high-quality data becomes an easy

 Loose coupling:
Loose coupling means that a DM system will use some facilities of a
DB or DW system, fetching data from a data repository managed by these systems,
performing data mining, and then storing the mining results either in a file or in a
designated place in a database or data warehouse.

Loose coupling is better than no coupling because it can fetch any portion of data
stored in databases or data warehouses by using query processing, indexing, and
other system facilities.

 Semitight coupling:

Semitight coupling means that besides linking a DM system to a DB/DW system,

efficient implementations of a few essential data mining primitives (identified by
the analysis of frequently encountered data mining functions) can be provided in
the DB/DW system.
Tight coupling: Tight coupling means that a DM system is smoothly integrated
into the DB/DW system. This approach is highly desirable because it facilitates
efficient implementations of data mining functions, high system performance, and
an integrated information processing environment.

Data mining applications

 Advertising

 Bioinformatics

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

 Database Marketing

 Fraud Detection

 eCommerce

 Health Care

 Investment/Securities

 Manufacturing, Process Control

 Sports and Entertainment

 Telecommunications

 Web

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