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Harry Potter Movies


Linguistics is the study of language, namely how it functions and how it is used to put
together and make meaning when people use language to communicate with others. In
language we must learn because language is not an instinct but language as a communication
tool for humans, how people make words and make meanings to understand what people are
The language style in question is language that has been mixed with stylistic elements,
especially figurative language style or language style (Rahayu and Parmawati,
2020). (Febtrina, 2019) It is stated that when we learn about language, it is not only an
attempt at the basic aspects but how language context is usually used more in
communication. This means that language is automatically produced by humans to
communicate with everyone. Using language in communication is part of the study of
pragmatics. Pragmatics in what way? Namely language in the use of meaning speakers and
listeners interpretation according to context . Pragmatics also talks about the implications of
expression. According to (Siddiqui,        2018) pragmatics contracts not only with the
significance of the given sentence but also, so it is certainly with relatives what the hidden
meaning of the utterance is. In general, pragmatics is about studying what meaning refers to
the context in applied linguistics and as an aspect of social achievement and belief. Politeness
is respecting people as polite communication (Mahmud, 2019).  
 When people make conversations they use language to build communication, in this case
people must pay attention to the principle of politeness. The principle of politeness or
politeness is a speaker's strategy to maintain responsiveness to the listener and self-
image. People use politeness in their conversations or interactions to maintain social
interactions with people through good faces and language.      
(Lintah, 1983) as quoted in (Mansoor, 2018) The politeness principle states that everyone
should maximize expressions of polite beliefs, minimize expressions of disrespectful
beliefs. Face Threatening Act's (FTA's) is an act of facial expression by people to be polite in
conversation by saving action. (J & Tanto, 2018) Stating an FTA is an act of an utterance that
forces their resolve on the listener, and then may threaten in the listener's face. In addition,
(Brown & Levinson, 1987) as quoted in (Nuraeni & Wibowo, 2018) it is stated that there are
two kinds of FTA that can occur to speakers, there are 1) negative facial speech and 2) direct
speech damaging positive faces. In our daily conversation with other people, we always use
FTA to threaten our face and also our face saving act to show a good face in self-image. The
Face Saving Act (FSA) mentions preserving a good self-image (Angginie et al., 2019).  


A. Politeness

Politeness, in interacting, can be defined as a means used to show awareness of another

person's face (Yule, 1996, p. 60). Furthermore, he says that being polite means getting socially
distanced linguistic expressions as far as you get the recipient concerned. Face refers to the
respect that a person has for him or her in order to maintain self-respect in public or in private
situations. Yule defines face to mean one's self-image. It refers to the emotional and social sense
of self that everyone has and expects others to recognize (Yule, 1996, p. 60). Holmes (1955, p. 5)
defines politeness as “behavior that actively expresses positive concern for others, as well as
distance that does not impose the behavior”, while Brown and Levinson (1987, p. 1) argue that
politeness presupposes the potential for aggression due to exertion. to disarm it and allow
communication between potentially aggressive partners.By definition, it would be argued that
politeness is one of the basic social guidelines for human interactions that are well demonstrated
and considerate of others.          
According to Brown and Levinson, politeness strategies were developed to save the
listener's face because a certain act is responsible for damaging or threatening another person's
face otherwise known as “Face Threatening Actions (FTA). The illocutionary act has the
potential to damage the listener's face (for example, insulting someone, or expressing
disagreement with something) or the illocutionary act may have the potential to damage the
speaker's own face. 
(for example, if the speaker has to admit to ruining the work). In order to reduce the possibility
of damage to the listener's face or the speaker's own face, he or she can adopt certain strategies.  

B. Positive Politeness and Negative Politeness

In communicating with others, people use politeness for reflection and liking. Using
politeness strategies in everyday conversation can save the listener's face. There are two kinds of
politeness can be analyzed:  
1. Positive Politeness
(Wardaugh, 2006) as cited in (Kamsali, 2017) Stated different indications for moving to
complete harmony through gifts of friendship, use of greetings, and use of informal language: we
deal with others as friends and partners, don't force them, and equally absolutely no threat to
their faces.
2. Negative Politeness
(Yetty, 2018) Expresses the face of a simple right to space, personal preservation, right to non-
distraction, and also faces freedom of achievement, freedom for duty. Based on the explanation
above, positive politeness is a face to maintain relationships and conversational politeness, and
negative politeness is a face when speech is not polite.
conversation. In addition, when people use their own faces based on positive or negative
politeness in their politeness to whom and why they use that face. 
Face-Threatening Actions (FTA's)

According to (Cutting, 2008) as quoted in (Pramesti et al., 2019) people must go

and show facial responsiveness, public self-image, self-intelligence of the person we are talking
to in order to get into social relations. That is, Face Threatening Action is the face of speech and
the face of the listener in acting to save politeness in communicating and people may also
threaten the self-image on the face. In FTA there are two faces:    
1. Positive Face
(Nuraeni & Wibowo, 2018) What is meant by negative FTA are actions that are carried
out openly for the benefit of listeners through performances, the speech ensures that it will not be
separated from the listener's freedom of action, for example: ordering, asking, giving advice,
asking for an agreement, making promises , and praise.
2. Negative Face
(Nuraeni & Wibowo, 2018) Stating a positive FTA is an act that threatens the positive-
face need, this is indicated by speech that does not pay attention to the listener's feelings and
desires, for example: criticism, disagreement, rejection, disrespect, appearance of being vicious,
and taking news bad. That is, in a positive face there is a threat that involves the expression of a
negative judgment on the listener's positive face. But a negative face is an expression of the
listener's personal disinterest. 

C. Film

Movies are recommended to be watched by people, in this era most people watch movies
because they are like movies because movies are a medium that can make the audience
comfortable and then to forget boredom, depression, and spend time with family. According to
the actor from 'Jack Nicholsen', the reason why everyone likes to watch movies is that because
movies provide entertainment, inspire and hope, as well as distress, then movies also take
audiences to places they have never been, film couriers are a thing. the usual ones, regardless of
differences (Kurniasih et al., 2018). Not only to entertain, movies can also be a means for people
who watch as a medium to learn the language of the film, and practice with their language skills
in speaking, reading subtitles or faces in characters and expressions, listening to conversations,
and getting more vocabulary. .  
Therefore, in the explanation above, the writer tries to analyze the positive and negative faces in
the Harry Potter films. How actors and actresses use expression and intonation in conversation
and demonstrate the Face-threatening Act as well as the Face Rescue Act in dialogue. He means
we have to know the politeness strategy that governs it. This study focuses on analyzing positive
faces, negative faces on actors and actresses in the Harry Potter film.   


This research will find a qualitative descriptive method to see the dialogue of actors and
actresses in the Harry Potter film. Qualitative descriptions are measured precisely according to
order and seek information related to the use of techniques, media, methods, and processes
(Nunun, 1992) as quoted in (Apsari, 2018). The technique of this research is watching movies to
see negative and positive politeness in the characteristics of film actors and actresses. The
instrument in this study was observed by the author, because the subject in this study was a
film. This study analyzes the data in the interpretation of politeness used in the character of
actors and actresses. Data collected from Harry Potter Movies. The authors watched the Harry
Potter films in this study to find the politeness of the film, from dialogue based on scenes to
analyze the principles of politeness on the face of FTA, positive, and negative based on the
expressions of the actors and actresses. To find the data that the writer took from three scenes in
this film to analyze scene by scene in a random way.         


The results in this study will find politeness in dealing with character threats to Harry
Potter Film actors and actresses in dialogue (Jesus, 2020):
1. Negative Face
2. Positive Face
Scene 1
Petunia : “Wake up, Up (knock and sigh) Now!!”
Dudley : “Cousin, wake up! We are going to visit the zoo”   
Petunia : “Oh, it's her birthday!!”
Vernon : "Happy Birthday to my son"
Petunia : “Why don't you cook breakfast, and don't try to burn anything!”
Harry : "Yes, Aunt Petunia"
Petunia : “I just want everything to be well for my dudley special day” 
Vernon : “Hurry up, come on cousin! And bring me my coffee." 
Harry: "Yes, Uncle Vernon."
Dudley: "How many are there?"
Vernon: "I counted 36"
Dudley : “What? 36?!! But last year.. last year I got more and it was 37!!”  
Vernon : “Yeah, some of them are relatively a little bigger than last year”
Dudley: “I really don't care how big they are!”
Petunia : “Well, this is what we will do, when we go out we will buy
two new gifts for you! how is that pumpkin” 
Context : This scene is set at Harry Potter's house in the morning. Harry Potter is woken up by
his aunt in a bad way, and his cousin keeps bothering him by walking over the room. After that,
Harry made breakfast for Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley. They talked about Dudley's birthday and
made plans to go to the zoo.   
Analysis : Speech used by actors (Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley) almost all of them use negative
politeness when they talk to Harry. The speaker (Petunia) uses that strategy in this dialogue, “I
want everything to be perfect for me 
Dudley's special day” because the speaker tries to make a bad meaning for Harry.

Scene 2
Harry : "Let's make Harry's wish" (He blows)
Vernon: "Oh! Who is there?" 
Hagrid: “Oh sorry about that” (He puts the door down and comes back again)
Vernon : “I demand you get out now, sir! And then you break 
and come in!”
Petunia: "ohhhh"
Hagrid: "Dry, Dursley, you're great (the gun shoots)"
Petunia : “Ahhhh!”
Hagrid: (Looks at Dudley) “Thoughts, Harry. I haven't seen you, it's been too long since you
were just a baby, yet you're a little closer than I might have been 
expect. Especially in the middle!” 
Dudley: "I-I'm not Harry."
Harry: "I'm Harry."
Hagrid: “Oh, yes, it's you! Got one thing for you. Afraid I'll sit down  
it was at some point. I imagine that it will be styled just fine just identical. Ahh Bake yourself
(Give Harry a cake) Words and all Heh”  
Harry: "Thank you!" (Opens the cake, and it reads: Happy Birthday Harry) 
Hagrid: "That's not the raguler your young eleven years old, is it?"
Harry : (putting the cake) "Um sorry, who are you?"
Hagrid: “Rubeus Hagrid, I am the keeper of the keys, as well as the grounds at Hogwarts.
Of course, you will understand all about Hogwarts?”
Harry: "Sorry, I didn't know about that"
Hagrid : "No? Gosh Harry, you never surprise your mum and dad anywhere 
learned everything?”
Harry : "Wait, what are you studying?"
Hagrid: "You are a wizard, Harry."
Harry : “W-I am what?”
Harry: “Witch and one that makes sense, I bet. And once you massage one touch" 
Harry : “No, you have made a mistake. I can't..a witch. So I thought, I just...  
Harry. Only one Harry" 
Hagrid: “Well, just a Harry, have you ever built anything going on? Something you can't justify
once when you're angry with something or scared too? (Harry  
soften his expression)”
Dudley: (groaning)
Harry : "Dear Sir Potter. We have a tendency to be happy to tell you that you are only accepted
into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" 
Vernon: "Not going! We have a tendency to swear after we got her married ending the current
Harry : “You know?? You know that well and you didn't tell me?” 
Petunia: “Of course We have a tendency to find out. But could you not? I'm an amazing big
brother who he is. Oh, my mom and dad were there to be proud the day he got his letter. We
have magicians in this family. Isn't that? extraordinary? I used to be the only one imagining what
he was meant for, that was so weird! And finally he met a Potter, and you were born, also that I
know you have the same things as them, even just as weird, just...abnormal. After that, if you
ask, he's gone, and he makes himself explode! And that we get to land together with you."         
Harry: "Blown up? But you told me my parents died in a very auto accident!" 
Hagrid: “Automatic accident? What car accident killed James and Lily Potter?” 
Petunia : “We have to tell him one thing”
Hagrid: “This is cruelty! This is a scandal!” 
Vernon: "He's not leaving!"
Hagrid: "Oh, and I thought a great Muggle like you would stop him, was that you?"
Harry: "Muggles?"
Hagrid: “Non-magical people. This boy has lost his name since he was born! He is about the best
school of magic and magic in the world, and he will become  
under the best principal Hogwarts has ever seen: Albus Dumbledore."
Vernon: "I wouldn't pay a crazy old fool to teach him magic tricks!"
Hagrid: (picks up umbrella and points it at Vernon) "Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of
Dudley: Oh!
God! (family goes after Dudley) 
Harry: (laughs)
Hagrid: “Oh, um, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about it. Properly
speaking, I'm not allowed to try and do magic. ” 
Harry : (Nods) "Sure"
Hagrid: (checks the clock) “Oh, we're a little behind schedule. Better go, unless 
You'd rather stay, of course?"
Context: The day has changed, Harry is drawing a cake on the floor for himself to celebrate on
his birthday, but Hagrid comes by breaking down the door to give the cake and speak the truth
about Harry.
Analysis: Hagrid's greetings to Harry are always in a positive manner. But, Hagrid 
used in negative politeness when he is talking to other people. And Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley
always use negative politeness by these two. Harry used positive manners to all of them. Harry
always used positive politeness because he was trying to create a self-image for himself.   
In this study found the findings This can be seen if 100% of Petunia, Dudley, and Vernon always
use negative faces in their conversations with Harry and other people, and Harry 100% uses
positive faces in his conversations with anyone he meets, Hagrid uses 50 % positive face and
50% negative face it depends on who he is talking to, so Mrs Weasley uses 100% positive face to
her parents and also to Harry. Harry as the main character doesn't talk too much negative about
politeness. He just received a lot of faces in negative politeness from his uncle, aunt and
cousin. This suggests that Harry is using the dreaded Face Saving Act with face positive people
leaning on solidarity. And his uncle, aunt and cousin did FSA on Harry with negative faces    
lean on to appreciate them antagonist

After analyzing the data from the Harry Potter films, the writer makes a conclusion that
the politeness in this film is based on the characters, storyline, and climax needed in this
film. So, positive politeness is a lot, and negative politeness is also made  contradictory. In using
FTA politeness from the discussion above, it can be concluded as follows: 1) In the first scene, Petunia,
Dudley, and Vernon always use negative FTA faces for Harry, also Vernon uses negative faces towards
his parents, when they have any conversation what kind of conversation. about them using negative faces
in their dialogue 2) Then, the second Scene is Harry's birthday and he meets Hagrid, Harry looks scared
but he turns politely conversation using a positive face, also Hagrid to Harry.    

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Politeness Strategies On “Harry Potter And The Hal Blood Prince” Movie Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk……………
[email protected]
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