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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 595

Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2021)

Politeness Strategy in Speech Act of Giving Advice in

Nadin Ghaisani*, Nuria Haristiani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Speech act is a very important thing in Japanese communication and cannot be separated by the manners are applied in
society. Politeness is needed to create a good condition when we use speech act in communication. One of the speech
acts that needs to use politeness is speech act of giving advice. By using a descriptive qualitative method, this study
aims to show the types of speech act of giving advice in Japanese. The data are in the form of dialogues which use
speech act of giving advice from Japanese movies such as Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, Omoi Omoware Furi Furare, and
Haru Matsu Bokura. The data were analyzed based on the context and politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson
(1978). From this study, 36 data were obtained showing the use of speech act in giving advice in Japanese, specifically
9 bald on record strategy, 17 positive politeness strategy, 3 negative politeness strategy, and 7 off-record politeness
strategy. Based on these results, the most common politeness strategy found in these movies is positive politeness
strategy. Positive politeness strategy is widely used because of the habit of Japanese people who tend to avoid hurting
others’ feelings. From this study, it can be seen how politeness strategies are used by Japanese people when using speech
act of giving advice to the interlocutor, so we can understand how speech act of giving advice should be used in Japanese.

Keywords: Giving advice, Japanese, politeness strategy, speech act.

1. INTRODUCTION into three levels such as locutionary speech act,

illocutionary speech act, and perlocutionary speech act.
In communication, people need language as a tool for
communicating means, purposes, and messages to the Searle (1979, as cited in Yamaoka, 1999) divided the
interlocutor. According to Herniti (2010), language illocutionary speech act into 5 types such as assertive,
makes people into social beings because language is a directive, commissive, declaration, and expressive. The
tool for communicating means, purposes, messages, speech act is used in communication can’t be separated
ideas, desires, and feelings of the speaker to the by the manners are applied in society. Politeness in
interlocutor. Yoshimi (1992) states people’s thoughts and communication is needed to create a good condition
perceptions are strongly influenced by the words they between the speaker and interlocutor. Brown and
said. Language as a tool for communication reflects the Levinson (1987) explain the theory of politeness related
perceptions and thoughts of the speaker. to positive and negative faces. In interaction, the speech
participants must take care of each other’s faces so there
In Japanese, we need to notice the use of language is no threat to the face. Brown and Levinson (1987) call
that depends on the context. Mulyana (2005) explains the this threat as Face Threatening Act (FTA). To prevent the
context is the background situation of a conversation. In occurrence of FTA we can do some politeness strategies
Japanese, communication is influenced by several factors such as the bald on record strategy, positive politeness
such as age, position, gender, relationship, and others. In strategy, negative politeness strategy, and off-record
Japanese communication, speech act is a very important politeness strategy.
thing, so the speaker should notice who the interlocutor
is to determine what speech act will be used. Speech act Searle (1969, as cited in Al-Aadeli, 2013) defines
according to Chaer and Agustina (2010) is meanings and advice as “telling you what is best for you”. According to
actions that were delivered by a person in the Searle's classification, advice is included in the directive
communication process. Austin (1962, as cited in speech act. As a directive speech act, the speaker wants
Tomoyo, 2018) explains that speech act can be classified the other person to do something. Hinkel (1997, as cited

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 595

in Flor, 2003) stated that three types of strategies in the explains in detail the results of the analysis speech act of
use of speech act of giving advice, there are direct, giving advice in Japanese particularly the description of
conventionally indirect, and indirect strategies. the form and analysis the use of speech act of giving
advice that occurs in Japanese conversations.
Babaie and Shahrokhi (2015) conducted a study with
a compared speech act of giving advice by Iranian EFL
learners and English native speakers. These findings 2.2 Data Sources
indicate that Iranian EFL students haven’t been able to The data were speech act of giving advice in
use speech act of giving advice the same as native Japanese. They were obtained from Japanese movies
speakers concerning to social strength and social distance such as Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai (2017), Omoi Omoware
of the interlocutor. Babaie and Shahrokhi (2015) state Furi Furare (2020), and Haru Matsu Bokura (2018).
that native English speakers more often use speech act of
giving advice in indirect form, while Iranian EFL
2.3 Data Collection
students who have low proficiency level use speech act
of giving advice indirect form that is more familiar and The data in this study were collected by listening to
easier to giving advice. the conversations in movies that containing speech act of
Al-Aadeli (2013) conducted a study of speech act in giving advice. The data that have been collected were
giving advice by analyzing the strategies in using speech input into the data card and were classified according to
act of giving advice and classified the strategies by using source of the data were obtained.
classification of giving advice strategies according to
Flor’s theory. The speech act was obtained from three 2.4 Data Analysis
plays such as “Flowering Cherry”, “The Tiger and The
In data analysis, the author identified the use of
Horse”, dan “Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”. Al-
speech act of giving advice. Then, the data will be
Aadeli explained that in giving suggestions, indirect
classified based on politeness strategies by Brown and
strategies were widely used in the drama than direct
Levinson’s (1987) theory such as the bald on record
strategies. Meanwhile, in giving advice, direct strategy is
strategy, positive politeness strategy, negative politeness
more often used in the drama than indirect strategy.
strategy, and off-record politeness strategy. Through
Berger (2020) analyzed speech act of giving advice in these movies, the author can observe and directly analyze
Roman comedy through a pragmatic approach. This the use of speech act of giving advice in Japanese
speech act is classified based on the politeness strategies
of Brown and Levinson’s theory. Direct strategy (the bald 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
on record strategy) usually conveys a more binding
speech act, while the indirect strategy (off-record The data found in this study are 36 data. These data
strategy) sometimes produces assertive expression such were categorized into 4 politeness strategies that are
as the act of giving advice. Apart from the correlation, presented in Table 1. According to the table, the majority
illocutionary types such as politeness are the result of of politeness strategies in this data is positive politeness
rather complex interactions between social boundaries strategy with 17 data (47,2%) and the minority of
such as power relation, distance, and ranking of politeness strategies in this data is negative politeness
imposition with contextual such as verbal surrounding. strategy with 3 data (8,3%).
Although there are many studies which analyzed the Table 1. Politeness strategy in speech act of giving
speech act of giving advice, there is still little attention advice
has been given to the study which examined speech act
No Politeness Strategy Amount Percentage
of giving advice in Japanese. Therefore, the author wants 1 The Bald on Record 9 25%
to analyze the speech act of giving advice in Japanese Strategy
based on the need to understand the habits of Japanese 2 Positive Politeness 17 47,2%
people who don’t want to hurt other people when Strategy
delivering speech acts. To fill the gap in the previous 3 Negative Politeness 3 8,3%
study, the author wants to analyze different objects and Strategy
classify them based on the politeness strategies by Brown 4 Off-Record Politeness 7 19,5%
and Levinson’s (1987) theory. Strategy
Total 36 100%


2.1 Research Method

This study used a descriptive qualitative method. By
using descriptive qualitative method, the researcher

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 595

3.1 The Bald on Record Strategy imperative form in Japanese. Oshima (2014) explains yo
is one of the most frequent discourse particles that is used
(1) A:Mukiaun dakara Takahiro-kun ga ii yo. Supōtsu in declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exhortative
ban no sansho kukenmi ikemen kurasu inchōjyan. sentences. Speech act of giving advice in that
If you want to date, it’s better to be with Takahiro. He is conversation is included in the bald on record strategy
good at sports, an achiever, and a handsome chairman. because the statement said by the speaker is conveyed
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 20:50) directly to the interlocutor who has a close relationship
with the speaker. The speech act by using this politeness
In data 1 above, there was a rumor about Sakura was strategy causes the interlocutor to feel embarrassed and
dating Haruki. Hearing the rumor, one of Sakura’s surprised by the words said by the speaker. By using this
friends disagreed that Sakura was dating Haruki and strategy, the speaker does not need to make an effort to
advised Sakura to date Takahiro who is a handsome minimize the threat to the interlocutor or reduce the
chairman and good at sports. The conversation that impact of the occurrence of face threatening act (FTA).
occurs is informal conversation between close friends In this strategy, the speaker conveys his suggestions in
which is indicated by the use of informal form in the form of imperative sentences directly to the
Japanese sentences and occurs spontaneously in a short interlocutor. Hinkel (1997, as cited in Flor, 2003)
time. Sakura's friend advised dating Takahiro and gave classified the use of the imperative form in giving advice
the reasons why Sakura should follow the advice. The in the direct types. The advice was given directly is a
speech act in this conversation is included in the bald on transparent pragmatic expression shown by the use of
record strategy. In this strategy, the speaker directly positive imperative forms.
explained her purpose to the interlocutor. This strategy
will cause the interlocutor to feel embarrassed and 3.2 Positive Politeness Strategy
surprised by what the speaker was saying. In this
conversation, we can see the surprised reaction from (4) Haruki : Bunrui kōdoo oboetara ii dake dayo.
Sakura who denied her friend's words. Because is spoken You just need to remember the code of the
directly, this strategy is usually used by speakers and books, it's done.
interlocutors who know each other well and have good (Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 02:00)
On the first day Sakura was working in library, she
(2) Sakura : Kanojo wa tomokatte, tomodachi wa tsukuri nai. advised Haruki to tell her how to put the books correctly,
Not a girlfriend but try to find friends first. so she didn’t put the books in the wrong place. The
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 50:17) speech act of giving advice can be seen in the use of
sentence pattern ~tara ii which indicates giving advice in
Haruki explained that he didn’t intend to find or get a
Japanese. In this sentence, the speaker used informal
girlfriend because he didn’t have friends. Sakura advised
form which indicates that the relationship between the
Haruki not looking for a girlfriend but make a friend first.
two is close friend. At that time Haruki helped Sakura by
Because at that time Sakura and Haruki's relationship was
giving advice that Sakura just remember the code of the
close, Sakura no longer hesitated to directly convey her
books so she will not make mistakes in arranging the
purpose to Haruki. This is in following with the theory
books. The conversation is included in the positive
that was said by Brown and Levinson (1987) that
politeness strategy. This strategy is indicated by the
speakers will be easier to convey their suggestions to
attitude of the speaker showing optimism to the
people who are considered close. In the conversation, the
interlocutor. The use of yo in Japanese is an oral form
speaker used the informal form in Japanese sentences
used to express belief and emphasize something. The use
which shows there is no distance and status difference
of yo at the end of the sentence in the conversation
between the speaker and interlocutor. Speech act of
reinforces the use of positive politeness strategy and
giving advice in that conversation is included in the bald
sense of optimism was conveyed by the speaker. Oshima
on record strategy where the purpose of the speaker is
(2014) states yo was used to indicate that the utterance
conveyed clearly to the interlocutor. By using this
conveys information and influences what the interlocutor
strategy, the interlocutor can easily understand the
should do or be. In this strategy, the speaker gives
meaning of what the speaker was saying in conveying her
freedom to the interlocutor to agree or reject the advice.
This is also related to the statement said by Al-Aadeli
(3) Rui : Konna shika inakatte. jibun de iki yo. (2013) that there is no compulsion in giving advice
There’s only her there. You should find her by yourself. because the interlocutor is free to accept or reject the
(Haru Matsu Bokura Movie, 07:04) advice.
At that time Ryuuji asked Rui for help to call the girl (5) Haruki : Kekkou dayo. Kimi wa kimi no suki ni ikita
houga ii.
he liked but Rui called the wrong person. Rui was angry
You should enjoy your life.
because Ryuuji was embarrassed to find that girl by
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 09:03)
himself. Yo is used at the end of the sentence to indicate

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 595

Sakura and Haruki were walking together. Sakura talk to the interlocutor. The conversation is included in
asked Haruki to be her friend, but Haruki refused positive politeness strategy which is indicated by the
Sakura’s request and advised Sakura to enjoy life while actions of the speaker notices the attitudes of the
she was healthy. Speech act of giving advice is indicated interlocutor. By using this strategy, the speaker pays
by the use of sentence pattern ~ta houga ii which is used attention to everything related to the interlocutor. The
for giving advice in Japanese. In the utterance, the speaker expresses his concern by advice that the
speaker suggested the interlocutor finds other ways that interlocutor shouldn’t act like now. In a close
make her enjoy life. The speech act above is included in relationship, giving advice is done when the interlocutor
positive politeness strategy which is indicated by the is in trouble and the speaker is trying to help the
attitude of the speaker who notices the needs of the interlocutor to solve the problem. The speaker in the
interlocutor. The speaker shows his sympathy by conversation tries to convince the interlocutor that the
conveying advice that the speaker understands and knows problem will be solved if the interlocutor follows the
the needs of the interlocutor. The use of this strategy advice was given by her. Berger (2020) explains that in
gives the impression that the speaker has the same giving advice, a speaker must have a strong reason so the
feelings as the interlocutor. Hinkel (1997, as cited in Flor, interlocutor feels confident and believes that the advice
2003) classified the speech act of giving advice above will be useful for him.
into a conventionalized strategy type, which is indicated (8) Akari : Onaji manshon ni hito no koto. Koekakeba
by the use of sentence pattern ~ta houga ii which has the yokatta noni.
same meaning with “should” or “ought to” in English. In the same apartment? You should greet him.
(6) Haruki : Tsugi de saigo dane, kimi wa sukoshi mizu (Omoi Omoware Furi Furare, 03:30)
o nonda houga ii yo.
Next is the last. You should drink water.
One day, Yuna met someone who looks like the
prince in the book while took the elevator in her
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 41:28)
apartment. Akari advised Yuna to greet the guy because
After dinner, Sakura started to get drunk and talked if she just waited for the guy, their love will not start.
indistinctly. Haruki advised Sakura to drink water. The Akari told Yuna to be ready for falling in love by
speech act of giving advice can be seen in the use of confirming each other’s feelings and convince each
sentence pattern ~ta houga ii which is used for giving other. In this utterance, the speaker advised by asking the
advice in Japanese. The use of yo at the end of the interlocutor that she must be brave to greet the guy she
sentence aims to emphasize the declarative sentence. likes so that she can start her first love. The conversation
Oshima (2014) explains declarative sentence with yo has is included in positive politeness strategy which is
function to inform the interlocutor that the utterance is indicated by the attitude of the speaker who shows
relevant to what the interlocutor should and may do. The optimism to the interlocutor. By using this strategy, the
speaker advised the interlocutor to drink so that her
speaker expresses his belief and optimism that the
condition can be better after she was drunk. The speech
interlocutor will be able to succeed in getting what she
act above is included in positive politeness strategy
wants. This sense of optimism only comes from the
which is indicated by the attitude of the speaker who
notices the needs of the interlocutor. By using this speaker without being accompanied by a strong reason.
strategy, the speaker shows his concern by giving advice Therefore, the speaker gives the choice to the interlocutor
that the speaker understands what the interlocutor needs. to agree or reject the suggestion that has been given by
This strategy seeks to minimize the distance between the the speaker.
speaker and the interlocutor by showing concern and
friendship. Based on Hinkel's classification (1997, as 3.3 Negative Politeness Strategy
cited in Flor, 2003), the speech act of giving advice in the
(9) Asakura : Wakatta. Oretachi ga jyamanara kyori o oiteru.
sentence is included in the type of direct strategy which
Demo daiji ni shitai tomodachinara hontō no koto o itta
is indicated by the use of a declarative form. hō ga ii to omou yo.
(7) Sakura : Chigau yo. Kimi ga kichinto minna to
hanasanai kara dayo. Chanto hanaseba omoshiroi All right. We will stay away if we are disturbing you. But,
hito date kitto minna mo wakatte kureru yo. if you want to have a good friendship with her, I think you
should tell her everything.
Not. It's because you didn't speak properly. If you
talk, surely everyone will know that you are an (Haru Matsu Bokura, 22:00)
interesting person.
Mitsuki stayed away from Asakura and his friend
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 1:02:26)
because her new friend didn’t like when she was close to
Sakura’s friends thought Sakura didn’t go to school Asakura and his friends. Asakura advised Mitsuki that
because Haruki always follows her. Sakura explained she should tell everything if she wanted to have good
that it happened because Haruki never spoke properly. In friendship with her friend. The speech act of giving
this utterance, the speaker advised the interlocutor to advice can be seen in the use of sentence pattern ~ta
speak properly so the other people want to be friends and houga ii which is used to giving advice. In the utterance,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 595

the speaker used informal form because they know each At the library Sakura was talking without realized her
other well. In this sentence, the speaker added a sentence voice was too loud, so Haruki said Sakura’s voice was
pattern ~to omou at the end of the sentence to emphasize very loud. Haruki’s words indirectly giving advice to
that the advice is the result of conveying the contents of Sakura to lower her voice, so people who were in the
his thoughts to the interlocutor. The speaker intends to library were not disturbed. The speech act in the
give advice so that the interlocutor says everything to her conversation is included in off-record politeness strategy.
new friend. The conversation is categorized in negative In this strategy, the speaker doesn’t convey
politeness strategy because the speaker being pessimistic communication clearly and allows the interlocutor to
about Mitsuki's friendship. In negative politeness interpret what the speaker said. In this conversation,
strategy, which is indicated by pessimistic attitude, the Haruki did not give advice to Sakura clearly, so Sakura
speaker doesn’t want to be optimistic by assuming that had to understand the meaning of what Haruki said. In
the interlocutor will have good friendship with her friend. this conversation, the speaker expresses his opinion
Therefore, the speaker talked carefully to reduce the through what he hears to quip the interlocutor who often
threat of the interlocutor's face. speaks loudly at wrong times and disturbs other people.
The speaker does not directly advise the interlocutor to
(10) Rui :Sukoshi ki o tsuketa hō ga ī kamo ne. Osanai
tomodachi tte itte mo otokonan dakara. be silent but gives advice indirectly through insinuation.
By using this strategy, the speaker intends to take action
I think you should be careful with him. Even though he is threaten the interlocutor’s face, but he doesn’t want to be
your childhood friend, he is still a man.
(Haru Matsu Bokura, 1:17:35)
(12) Haruki : Ano sa hitotsu oshiete oite age, kitto
Rui asked Mitsuki about her dating with Kamiyama. yakunitatsu janai ka nā. Ano ko wa shitsukoi ningen wa
Mistuki said yesterday she and Kamiyama only saw kiraida sōda yo. Mae no kareshi ga sōdattarashī.
hanabi together. Rui and his friends felt Kamiyama liked I’ll tell you something. Maybe it can help you. She hates
people who always curbing her. It seems like her ex-
Mitsuki even though Mitsuki only thought Kamiyama
boyfriend looks like that.
was her childhood friend. Kyousuke advised Mitsuki to
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 55:42)
be careful with Kamiyama because even though
Kamiyama was childhood friend, he was still a man who Haruki just went out of Sakura's house he was
might hurt Mistuki's feelings. Speech act of giving advice suddenly hit by Sakura's ex-boyfriend. Sakura's ex-
can be seen in the sentence “sukoshi ki o tsuketa hō ga ī boyfriend is annoyed that he thought Haruki and Sakura
kamo ne” that indicated by the using of sentence pattern were dating. Haruki said that he and Sakura weren’t
dating and told him to stop curbing Sakura because
~ta houga ii that is used for giving advice in Japanese.
Sakura hated it so much. The speech act of giving advice
That speech act is included in negative politeness strategy
is included in off-record politeness strategy. The speech
because the speaker being pessimistic about the
act of giving advice was conveyed by Haruki indirectly.
relationship between Mitsuki and Kamiyama. By using
By using off-record politeness strategy, the speaker
this strategy, the speaker shows an attitude of uncertainty
advised the interlocutor by quipped the interlocutor who
about what the interlocutor was doing. This pessimistic often curbing Sakura. The speaker doesn’t specify to
attitude is followed by reasons why the speaker thinks whom the words are intended to hide the real meaning of
like that. The speaker didn't want to show his optimism the speaker. Therefore, the speaker let the interlocutor
by assuming that the interlocutor would have happy interpret by himself what the speaker was said.
relationship with Kamiyama.
The findings then suggest that the politeness strategy
In addition, in the conversation, negative politeness is used to maintain self-esteem, so the interlocutor feels
strategy is also marked by the attitude of the speaker appreciated when the speaker using speech acts. Brown
stating something as a general rule. In the sentence and Levinson (1987) explain that it cannot be said that a
“osanai tomodachitte itte mo otoko nandakara”, the politeness strategy will be better than other politeness
speaker stated in general that in his view all men can do strategies. The strategy will be said to be polite if it is
something that hurt women’s feelings. To reduce the used in the right context and situation. In giving advice,
threat to the interlocutor’s face, the speaker discussed a the speaker can’t force the interlocutor to be able to
common problem in general. The speaker was impossible follow the advice. Al-Aadeli (2013) also explains that
to say clearly that Kamiyama was probably a bad guy for there is no compulsion in giving advice because the
Mitsuki. interlocutor can accept or reject the advice because
purpose of the advice is to convey actions that can be
3.4 Off-Record Politeness Strategy helpful for the interlocutor.
In giving advice, the speaker needs to pay attention to
(11) Haruki : Koe o ōkī yo.
the use of speech strategies so the advice can be received
Your voice is so loud. well by the interlocutor. Although speech act of giving
(Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, 2:23)

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