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Charles Darwin Web Quest Name: Taylor Wilson

Directions: Go to the webpages listed below and answer the following questions using the information
on those pages.

Link #1: Who Is Charles Darwin?

1. When and where was Charles Darwin born? What was his occupation and what is he known for?

Charles Robert Darwin was born February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, Shropshire
England. Charles Darwin was an evolution scientist who explained evolution
through a process of Natural Selection.

2. Briefly describe Darwin’s schooling and why he did not become a doctor like his father wanted.

Charles could not stand the sight of blood and so instead he started studying natural history. He then
was sent off to Christ's College in Cambridge to become a clergyman.

3. On what ship did Darwin famously embark to complete one of the most important scientific
expeditions of all time?

The voyage of HMS Beagle

4. What year did Darwin first propose the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection?

It wasn't until 1854 that he collaborated with Alfred Russel Wallace to jointly present the idea of
evolution and natural selection.

5. What was the name of his most famous book, when was it published, and why did he want it
published so quickly?

Darwin officially published his theories in On the Origin of the Species in 1859.

Link #2: People Who Influenced Charles Darwin

6. Who is Jean Baptiste Lamarck and what did he propose?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, pioneering French biologist who is best known for his idea that acquired
characters are inheritable, an idea known as Lamarckism, which is controverted by modern genetics
and evolutionary theory.

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7. What did Lamarck believe would happen to older, unused structures as new adaptations took over for

Adaptations occurred as new structures that would spontaneously appear, and if they weren't used they
would shrivel up and go away.

8. Who is Alfred Wallace? What is his importance to Darwin?

Alfred Wallace a British naturalist co-developed the theory of natural selection and evolution
with Charles Darwin, who is most often credited with the idea.

Link #3: Darwin’s Journey on the HMS Beagle


9. How long did it take the HMS Beagle to reach South America and how long did they stay there?

The HMS Beagle made it to South America in a few short months. They stayed there for more than three

10. Besides the finches, what other large animal did Darwin study while on the Galapagos Islands?

He also studied tortoises and fossils.

11. What year did Darwin return to England and who did he enlist to help him figure out the situation
with the finches’ beaks? (Name the man and his occupation) Describe the man’s reaction and what he
said about Darwin’s information.

Darwin returned to England in 1836. He enlisted in the help of John Gould, a celebrated ornithologist in
England. Gould was surprised to see the differences in the beaks of the birds and identified the 14
different specimens as actual different species - 12 of which were brand new species. He concluded they
were unique to the Galapagos Islands.

12. Relate why the finches had different beaks to evolution of the species. How did this new information
compare to Jean Baptiste Lamarck’s ideas?

These birds, although nearly identical in all other ways to mainland finches, had different beaks. Their
beaks had adapted to the type of food they ate in order to fill different niches on the Galapagos Islands.
Their isolation on the islands over long periods of time made them undergo speciation whereas Jean
Baptiste Lamarck claimed species spontaneously generated from nothingness.

13. What is the name of the book Darwin published about his trip to South America?

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Darwin wrote about his travels in the book The Voyage of the Beagle.

Link #4

14. Record condition #1

Individuals within a population differ

15. Record condition #2

The differences are at least in part passed from parent to offspring

16. Record condition #3

Some individuals are more successful at surviving and reproducing than others

17. Record condition #4

The successful individuals succeed because of variant traits they have inherited and will pass onto their

Link #5

*If there is time left, try playing a few rounds of “The Mating Game”!*

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