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II PU Biology practical viva question and answers

Percentage of Pollen Germination

1.What is pollen germination?
Pollen grains germinate when they absorb nutrients and water and grow a pollen tube
from the style to the ovary part through one of the germ pores.
2. What is a germ pore?
Germ pores are the regions in outer wall of pollen grain (exine) where sporopollenins are
absent. They give rise to pollen tube and release male gametes during fertilization.
3. Name the solution used to induce pollen germination.
Sucrose Solution (10%)
4. Which formula is used to calculate the germination of pollen germination?
% Pollen germination= No. of germinated pollen grains in a field of microscope (n) / No. of
pollen in a
field of microscope (N) X 100.

Pollen Tube Growth on Stigma

5. Name the parts of a pistil or carpel.
Stigma, Style, Ovary and Ovule.
6. Where does pollen germination occur in a flower?
Pollen grains germinate on Stigma.
7. Which stain is used to observe the growth of pollen tube?
Cotton Blue Stain.

Transverse Section of Ovary

8. What is a locule?
Locule is a small cavity or chamber within an ovary of a flower.
9. What is pentalocular ovary?
Ovary with 5 locules
10. What is placentation?
The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is called placentation.
11. What is axile placentation?
The placenta which is located at the centre and the ovules are attached to it.

Nuclear Staining
12. In what shape the cells of onion epidermal peel are appeared?
Rectangular shaped cells
13. How many nuclei are present in a cell of epidermal peel of onion?
One nucleus in each cell
14. Name the stain used for nuclear staining?
Acetocarmine stain

Mitosis using onion root tip

15. What is mitosis?
A type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number of
chromosomes as that of parent cell. It is also called as equational division.
16. Define karyokinesis.
Karyokinesis is the division of cell nucleus during mitosis.
17. Name the phases of Karyokinesis.
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase.
18. Define cytokinesis.
Cytokinesis is the division of cytoplasm of a parent cell into two daughter cells.
19. In which phase of karyokinesis, the sister chromatids are arranged in the equatorial
plane of spindle fibres?
During metaphase of karyokinesis
Determination of pH of water and soil sample
20. Which component of the soil or water sample determines the pH?
The number of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions present in the solution determines the
pH of that solution or sample.
21. What is the range of acidic pH, basic pH and the neutral pH?
Acidic pH- Below 7
Neutral pH- 7
Basic pH- Above 7

T.S. of Mammalian Testes

22.Name the different types of cells found in the mammalian testes.
Sertoli cells and Leydig (interstitial cells) cells.
23. In which part of the testis interstitial cells are present?
In Seminiferous tubules.
24. To which cells of the seminiferous tubules the spermatozoa are attached?
Attached to Sertoli cells for their nourishment.
25. Name the endocrine cells of testes which secrete testosterone.
Leydig cells.
26. What are Sertoli cells?
Sertoli cells are also called ‘nurse cells.’ It is the part of a seminiferous tubule and it helps
in the process of spermatogenesis.

T.S. of Mammalian Ovary

27. Name the different developmental stages of ovarian follicles.
Primordial follicle, Primary follicle, Secondary follicle, Tertiary follicle and Graffian
28. Name the cavity present in the Graffian follicle.
29. What is Corpus Albicans?
If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum is degenerated and is transformed into a
white scar called Corpus albicans.

V.S. of a Mammalian Blastula

30. Name the cavity present in the blastocyst?
31. What are cells of Rauber?
They are trophoblast cells that are in contact with the inner mass of blastocyst.
32. What is trophoblast?
Trophoblast are the cells that make up the outer layer of a blastocyst, which feeds the
embryo and eventually becomes a major part of the placenta.
33. Which component of the blastocyst develops into embryo proper?
The inner thickened cells in the wall of blastocyst develops into embryo.

V.S. of ovary showing female gametophyte

34. How many cells and nuclei are present in a typical female gametophyte of angiosperms?
The female gametophyte or embryo sac has 7 cells and 8 nuclei.
35. Name the two poles of an embryo sac.
Micropylar end and Chalazal end.
36. At which end of an embryo sac, egg apparatus is present?
Micropylar end.
37. Name the cell of an embryo sac that has two polar nuclei. ,
Central cell.

Disease causing organisms

38. Name the causative organism of amoebic dysentery.
Entamoeba histolytica.
39. Name the causative organism of malaria.
Plasmodium vivax.
40. Name the infective stage of plasmodium.
41. Name the causative organism of Ascariasis and Ringworm.
Ascariasis- Ascaris lumbricoids
Ringworm- Trichophyton rubrum

Hydric and Xeric adaptations in plants

42. Mention any one xeric adaptation in opuntia.
The leaves are modified into spines to reduce transpiration.
43. What is called buoyancy?
Buoyancy is the force that causes the object to float in a fluid.
44. Which tissue helps in buoyancy in aquatic plants?
Aerenchyma provides buoyancy to aquatic plants.

Hydric and Xeric adaptations in animals

45. Mention any one aquatic adaptation of fish/prawn/frog.
Fish: Gills help in respiration inside the water.
Prawn: The stream lined body helps in swimming.
Frog: Mucus glands are present in skin to keep the skin moist.
46. Mention any one xeric adaptation in camel/squirrel.
Camel: Fat stored in hump helps it to survive long periods without food and water.
Squirrel: Squirrels survive the heat through a sort of reverse hibernation called
Homologous and Analogous organs in plants and animals
47. What are homologous organs?
Homologous organs are the organs of different animals that have similar origin and
structure but differ in their functions.
48. Why are scale leaves of onion and spines of opuntia called homologous organs?
Scale leaves of onion and spines of opuntia are modified leaves but functionally different
from each other, so they are called homologous organs.
49. What are analogous organs?
The organs of different animals that have similar function but differ in their origin and
50. What is the function of rhizome and carrot?
The primary function of rhizome (ginger) and carrot is the storage of nutrients that makes
the plant to survive an unfavourable season.

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