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Alamat: Jl. Tukad Pancoran Gg. IV No. 17 Panjer, Telp. (0361) 8464397
e-mail : [email protected]


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 25 Mei 2021
Kelas : I (satu)
Waktu : 09.15 – 10.45 Wita

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Tulislah identitas dan nama muatan/mata pelajaran pada lembar jawaban yang telah
2. Tuliskan semua jawaban di lembar jawaban!
3. Bacalah setiap butir soal dengan baik sebelum dijawab!
4. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal yang dianggap mudah!
5. Tanyakan kepada pengawas apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas!
6. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan lembar jawaban diserahkan kepada
------- SELAMAT BEKERJA -------

I. Please choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D!

1. Hello, my … is Maria.
a. old
b. girl
c. name

2. Hi, my name is Bagus. I am a ….

a. old
b. girl
c. boy
3. My name is Kevin. I am 7 years ….
a. old
b. girl
c. boy

4. X : Where are you from?

Y : I am … Denpasar
a. live
b. from
c. meet

5. X : Good morning Nisa

Y : Good … Budi
a. morning
b. afternoon
c. evening

6. That is a ….
a. classroom
b. school yard
c. library

7. This is the ….
a. classroom
b. school yard
c. school canteen

8. Students play at the ….

a. classroom
b. school yard
c. school canteen
9. X : Is this a classroom?
Y : No, It is not. It is ….
a. teacher’s Office
b. library
c. school yard

10. X : Is that a library?

Y : Yes, ….
a. it is not
b. that is
c. this is

11. This is ….

a. eye
b. hand
c. foot

12. That is ….
a. eye
b. hand
c. foot

13. That is ….
a. eye
b. hand
c. foot
14. I have two … (telinga)
a. hair
b. nose
c. ears

15. We use … to speak and eat food.

a. hair
b. nose
c. mouth

16. After Tuesday is ….

a. Monday
b. Wednesday
c. Friday

17. Before Saturday is …

a. Monday
b. Wednesday
c. Friday

18. Students don’t go to school on ….

a. Monday
b. Wednesday
c. Sunday

19. X : What day is it today?

Y : It is …. ( Kamis )
a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Saturday

20. X : What day is your birthday?

Y : It is on … ( Sabtu )
a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Saturday

II. Answer these questions with the correct answer! (Jawablah pertanyaan –
pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)

1. X : Nice to ………… you.

Y : Nice to meet you too.

2. The students study in the ……… (ruang kelas)

3. I use ……… (hidung) to smell

4. Today is Monday, yesterday was ………

5. Today is Friday, tomorrow is ………

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