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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IV/1 (Ganjil)
Hari, Tanggal : ………., … ...................2022
Waktu : 90 menit
1. Bacalah Do’a sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab
I. Berilah tanda (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar!
1. Look at the picture below!

Deni and friends are ...

A. borrowing books B. buying ball C. having lunch D. playing football
2. Look at the picture below!

Tina is...... a book in the library

A. borrowing B. writing C. reading D. watching

3. Look at the picture below!

Putri and Salma are............. in the pool

A. cleaning B. swimming C. playing marbles D. sleeping
4. Look at the picture below!

They are . . . in the classroom

A. studying math C. drawing flowers
B. buying snacks D. giving books
5. Look at the picture below!

Made is........his hands

A. talking B. walking C. washing D. cooking
6. Look at the picture below!
How many math books are there?
A. eighty seven C. ninety seven
B. eighty six D. ninety six
7 .Look at the picture below!

How many pencils are there?

A. sixty eight C. fifty eight
B. sixty nine D. fifty nine

8 .Look at the picture below!

What number is it?

A. seventy four B. seventy five C. eighty six D. eighty three

9. 45 + 35 = . . .
A. sixty B. eighty C. seventy D. ninety
10. seventy six minus eleven is . . . .
A. fifty four C. sixty five
B. fifty seven D sixty three
11. Look at the picture below!

Where is jojo?
A. he is in bathroom C. he is in dining room
B. he is in living room D. he is in bedroom

12. Look at the picture below!

Where are siti and family?

A. they are in kitchen C. they are in living room
B. they are in garage D. they are in dining room
13. Look at the picture below!

Where is the living room?

A. The living room is beside the kitchen
B. The living room is behind the bedroom
C. The living room is beside the dining room
D. The living room is behind the bathroom
14. Look at the picture below!

Look at the picture below!

How is the condition?
A. empty B. clean C. dirty D. big
15. Look at the picture below!

Beni ......... everyday

A. brush his teeth C. sings
B. take a bath D. having dinner
16. Look at the picture below!
Tiyas......... in the bedroom

A.sleeps C. writes
B. reads D. draws
17. Look at the picture below! the bathroom

A. reads a book C. doesn't read a book

B. take a bath D. doesn't take a bath
18 Look at the picture below!

Anton and family...........TV every day

A. read B. cook
C. study D. watch
19 .Look at the picture below!

Where is the pencil?

A. on book B. on chair C. on sofa D. on table

20 .Look at the picture below

What are in the living room?They are . . . .

A. sofa, bed, vase C. lamp, picture, clock
B. table, lamp, picture D. chair, vase, picture
21 . Look at the picture below!

There is...........betwen two bolsters

A. pillows C. blankets
B. dolls
D. mirrors

22. Look at the picture


There are .
A. glass and spoon C. fork and plate
B. spoon and fork D. plate and cup
23. Look at the picture below!

What are in the bathroom?

There are . . .
A. towel, dipper, bathub
B. towel, soap, tooth paste
C. dipper, soap, bathub
D. dipper, bathub, tooth paste
24. Look at the picture below!

There are . . .
A. soap and dipper C. shampoo and tooth paste
B. soap and towel D. shampoo and tooth brush
25. Look at the picture below!
Joshua is in the bedroom
He . . . .
A. can brush his teeth C. can fry fish
B. can do his homework D. can take a bath
26.. What is “seratus” in English….
A. One hundred C. Three hundred
B. Two hundred D Four hundred
27. 25 + 65 = ….
A. Sixty B. Eighty C. Seventy D. Ninety

Kadek is . . . . "Tari Rejang"
A. watching B. dancing C. borrowing D. buying
29.How many math books are there?

A. eighty seven B. eighty six C. ninety seven D. ninety six

30. Forty four plus fifty two is . . .
A. seventy nine B. eighty six C. ninety six D. one hundred

II. Jawablah Pertanyaan di Bawah ini dengan benar !

Write these sentences into english! (Artikan kedalam Bahasa inggris)
1.Ani sedan memasak
2. Doni tidur di kamar tidur
Write the numbers in english word! (Tuliskan dalam Bahasa Inggris)
3. (10)
4. (20)
Let's arrange the words!(Susun Huruf Menjadi Sebuah Kata)

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