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Chapter- 3

Jainism and Buddhism

I.Short Answer Questions

1. What are Angas? What is the subject matter of these Angas?

Ans- Whatever Lord Mahavira taught after gaining omniscience, was compiled by his
disciples in 12 parts called Angas. It deals with code and conduct which a Jain monk is
required to follow.
2. What are the Tripitikas? Name the three Tripitikas.
Ans. Tripitikas are the most important literary works of the Buddhists. The word ‘Tripitikas’
means ‘Three Baskets’ of Buddhist canon.

i) The Vinaya Pitaka ii)The Sutta Pitaka iii) The Abhidhamma Pitaka
3.State two important causes for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism.
Ans- i) Reaction against Ritualism
ii) Rigid Casts System

4. Who was Vardhamana Mahavira? Give the significance of the both parts of his name.
Ans - Mahavira was the twenty- fourth and the last of the tirthankaras. He made Jainism
popular and systematic. He is said to have been very brave and to have saved his colleagues
from dangers. For these deeds of bravery, he was called Mahavira. At the time of his birth, his
father’s kingdom was prosperous; so he was called Vardhamana.
5. List any four vows prescribed for the Jains.
Ans-The four Vows:
i) Ahimsa: non-violence.
ii) Asateya: not stealing
iii) Satya: not telling lie.

iv) Aparigraha: not possessing property.

6.What are known as the Triratnas?
Ans-The three jewels which every person should possess are known as Triratnas.
i) right faith ii) right knowledge, and iii) right conduct.
7.Give two causes for the spread of Jainism.
Ans- i) Local Dialect
ii) Royal Patronage

8.Name the two sects into which Jainism got divided.

i) Shvetambaras

ii) Digambaras
9.List any two reasons for Jainism having few followers.
Ans.i)Jainism preached rigid austerity.
ii)During the Gupta period and later years, Hinduism once again became the popular. Therefore,
Jainism remained restricted to a few pockets in the country.
10 .Who was Gautam Buddha? Where was he born?
Ans- Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He belonged to the Kshatriya clan of
Sakya. According to one legend he was born in 563 BC at Lumbini near Kapilavastu, in Nepal.

11.What are known as four Great Sights?

Ans- The sight of an old man, a sick man and a dead body made him think seriously of the
futility of worldly pleasure. He was consoled when he saw an ascetic in search of salvation.
These sights are known to be the ‘Four Great Sight’.
12.How did Buddha attain enlightenment?
Ans- After leaving home in search of Truth, Gautama wandered from place to place. Then he
sat under a Pipal tree at Bodh Gaya in meditation till he attained spiritual knowledge.
Ultimately, true light dawned on him in 537 B.C and he came to be known as the Buddha or
the ‘Enlightened one’
13.Give four Noble Truths of Buddhism.
Ans- Four Noble Truths:
i) The world is full of suffering.
ii) The suffering has a cause.
ii) Suffering is caused by human desires.

iv) Suffering can be removed by getting rid of desires.

14.Give four points of the Eightfold Path of Buddha.
Ans- i) Right action
ii) Right thought
iii) Right meditation

iv) Right belief

15.Give the meaning of Buddha and Tathagat.
Ans- Buddha means the Enlightened One and Tathagat means the founder of truth.
16.Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath. What is this event called? What the literal
meaning of the name of the event.
Ans.The event is known as ‘Dharmachakrapravartana’.The literal meaning of the name of the
event is ‘the turning of the wheel of sacred law’.
17.Name any two principles that governed the Sangha.
Ans- i) Membership
ii) Ten Comandments

18.What were the features of Buddhism that attracted people towards it?
Ans-Stress on Morality, Universal brotherhood, Ahimsa and no faith in rituals and sacrifices
are the features of Buddhism that attracted people towards It.
19.Give two differences between Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism.
Ans -

Hinayana Mahayana
1. They believe in original teaching of 1. They believe in heavenliness of
Buddha. Buddha.
2. They do not believe in idol worship. 2. They worship Buddha in the form of

20.Give two causes for the decline of Buddhism.

Ans-i) Split in Buddhism
ii) Corruption in Sangha.
II. Structured Questions
1. With reference to the source of information about Jainism and Buddhism, state the
significance of the following:
a) Angas

Mahavira teaching were composed in Ardha- Magadhi and later compiled into 12 books
called Angas.
b) Tripitikas

Tripitikas are the most important literary works of the Buddhists. The word ‘Tripitikas’ means
‘Three Baskets’ of Buddhist canon.
i) The Vinaya Pitaka ii)The Sutta Pitaka
iii) The Abhidhamma Pitaka
c. Jatakas
The Jatakas are an important part of Buddhist literature. They tell the tales of Buddha in his
previous lives. The Jatakas are among the oldest stories in human history, dating to the time
of Buddha.

2. With reference to Jainism and Buddhism, answer the following questions:

a)Give briefly the background of the socio-economic conditions in 6th century BC.
Ans. In the sixth century BC, the Aryan settlements expanded to the east, accompanied by
rapid socio-economic and political changes. Society, at some places had traits of tribal
political organisation while at some other places, kingdoms were on the rise.
b) What were the causes for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism?

Ans- Political situation, agriculture economy, corruption in religion, difficult language,

reaction against ritualism and rigid caste system were the cause for the rise of Jainism and
c) What caused the division of Jainism into two sects?

Ans-During the time when Bhadrabahu took Jainism to Karnataka, there arose difference
between him and Sthulabhadra, who was based in Magadha. In the first jain council held
around 300 BC, these difference came to the surface. As a result, Jains were divided into two
3. With reference to Jainism answer the following questions:

a) Who was Mahavira? Why was he called Jina?

Ans- Mahavira was the twenty- fourth and the last of the tirthankaras. He made Jainism
popular and systematic. He lived a life of supreme detachment from worldly ties and became
Jina, meaning the conqueror of the five sense.
b)State the five vows which a Jain householder has to take.

Ans- The five vows which a Jain householder has to take:

i) Ahimsa: non-violence.

ii) Asateya: not stealing

iii) Satya: not telling lie.
iv) Aparigraha: not possessing property.
v) Brahmacharya: practicing chastity.
c)State the Jains view on Karma and Salvation.
Jains view on Karma- The Jains believe in the Karma theory of Hinduism and that one
should be responsible for one’s own Karma or actions. Good deeds alone liberate a man from
the cycle of life and death.

Jains view on Salvation- Like the Hindus, Jains believe in Moksha (salvation) or freedom
from the cycle of births and rebirths.
4. With reference to Buddhism, answer the following questions:

a) Who was Gautam Buddha? How did he achieve enlightenment?

Ans. Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddism. After leaving his home in search of truth
Gautama wandered from place to place. He practiced server penance and led a life of
extreme austerity. Finally at the age of thirty-five Gautama attained enlightenment at Bodh
Gaya in Bihar.
b) What is Known as Dharmachakrapravartana?

Ans- After the enlightenment he delivered his first sermon at the Deer Park in Sarnath near
Varanasi. This event is known as Dharma Chakra Pravartan or the turning of the wheel of
sacred law.
c) How did Buddha have a large following?

Ans. Through his simple teaching , no faith in rituals and sacrifices and universal brotherhood
Buddha had a large following.
5. With reference to the Buddhism answer the following questions:

a.What is the Eight fold Path?

Ans. The way to nirvana, in Buddhism, or the path that leads to removal of suffering, is
known as the Eightfold Path or the middle path.
b.What was the impact of Buddhism on the socio- religious life of the people?
Ans. i) Buddhism provided a challenge to Hinduism.
ii) Buddhism fostered intellectual tradition and exposed the weakness of our society. The
weaker section of the society got an opportunity to have their say in matters of political and
social life.
c. What role did the Sangha play in the spread of Buddhism.
Ans- It was a monastic order established to spread Buddhism. Later the Sangha became
powerful institution. It helped to spread Buddhism far and wide.
6. With reference to the given picture, answer the following questions:

a) Identify the two preachers, whose images are given. Name the religions founded by them.
Ans- i) Gautam Buddha
Religion founded by him Buddhism
ii) Vardhamana Mahavira
Religion founded by him Jainism
b) Mention three main teachings of each the two religions founded by these preachers.

Buddhism –
i) Four Noble Truths

ii) Eightfold Path

iii) Attitude towards God

i)The Five Vows
ii)Nine Truth
c) Mention any two similarities and two dissimilarities between the two religions founded by

Similarities between Jainism and Dissimilarities between Jainism and

Buddhism Buddhism
i) Both did not accept the Vedas i) Buddhism was completely a new religion
ii) Both sought the attainment of salvation in 6th century BC.
(moksha) from the cycle of birth and death. Jainism had been founded long before
Mahavira. He was the last of its
ii) Buddhism followed a middle path.
Jainism believed in hard penance

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