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Spouses Canuto and Oreta and Solid Homes (a business entity engaged in the business of selling
subdivision lots ) Inc entered into a contract to sell involving a parcel of land. Solid Homes Inc., then
mortgaged the property in favor of the STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE INC . ‘For Failure of SOLID to
comply with its mortgage obligations contract,( failure to pay the loan) STATE extrajudicially foreclosed
the mortgaged properties including the subject lot; the property was foreclosed. Here now comes the
spouses Canuto who filed a complaint with the HLURB for failure of Solid to execute an absolute deed of
sale despite full payment of the purchase price.

SOLID, by way of alternative defense, alleged that the obligations under the Contract to Sell has become
so difficult . . . the herein respondents be partially released from said obligation by substituting subject lot
with another suitable residential lot from another subdivision which respondents own/operates." Upon the
other hand, STATE, to which the subject lot was mortgaged, averred that unless SOLID pays the
redemption price it has "a right to hold on and not release the foreclosed properties."cralaw virtua1aw


The issue now is who has a better right over the subject property/ or subject parcel of land


STATE’s registered mortgage right over the property is inferior to that of respondents-spouses’
unregistered right. The unrecorded sale between respondents- spouses and SOLID is preferred for the
reason that if the original owner (SOLID, in this case) had parted with his ownership of the thing sold then
he no longer had ownership and free disposal of that thing so as to be able to mortgage it again. 4
Registration of the mortgage is of no moment since it is understood to be without prejudice to the better
right of third parties.

The petitioner STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE INC is an investment and financing corporation. We
presume it is experienced in its business


[G.R. No. 115548. March 5, 1996.]


AL., Respondents.
Padilla Law Office for Petitioner.

Graciano J. Tobias and Cesar Brillantes for Solid Homes, Inc. & Victorio V.

Felix O. Lodero, Jr. for Private Respondents.


INDICATES; EXCEPTION. — As a general rule, where there is nothing in the certificate
of title to indicate any cloud or vice in the ownership of the property, or any
encumbrance thereon, the purchaser is not required to explore further than what the
Torrens Title upon its face indicates in quest for any hidden defect or inchoate right that
may subsequently defeat his right thereto. This rule, however, admits of an exception
as where the purchaser or mortgagee, has knowledge of a defect or lack of title in his
vendor, or that he was aware of sufficient facts to induce a reasonably prudent man to
inquire into the status of the title of the property in litigation.


SELLING SUBDIVISION LOTS. — In this case, petitioner was well aware that it was
dealing with SOLID, a business entity engaged in the business of selling subdivision
lots. In fact, the OAALA found that "at the time the lot was mortgaged, respondent
State Investment House, Inc., [now petitioner] had been aware of the lot’s location and
that said lot formed part of Capital Park/Homes Subdivision." In Sunshine Finance and
Investment Corp. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, the Court, noting petitioner therein
to be a financing corporation, deviated from the general rule that a purchaser or
mortgagee of a land is not required to look further than what appears on the face of the
Torrens Title. The above-enunciated rule should apply in this case as petitioner admits
of being a financing institution. We take judicial notice of the uniform practice of
financing institutions to investigate, examine and assess the real property offered as
security for any loan application especially where, as in this case, the subject property
is a subdivision lot located at Quezon City, M.M. It is a settled rule that a purchaser or
mortgagee cannot close its eyes to facts which should put a reasonable man upon his
guard, and then claim that he acted in good faith under the belief that there was no
defect in the title of the vendor or mortgagor. Petitioner’s constructive knowledge of the
defect in the title of the subject property, or lack of such knowledge due to its
negligence, takes the place of registration of the rights of respondents-spouses.
Respondent court thus correctly ruled that petitioner was not a purchaser or mortgagee
in good faith; hence petitioner can not solely rely on what merely appears on the face
of the Torrens Title.


The factual background of the case, aptly summarized in the decision of the Office of
the President and cited by respondent Court of Appeals 1 in its assailed decision, and
which we have verified to be supported by the record is herein reproduced as follows:

"The uncontroverted facts of the case as recited in the decision of the Office of the
President are as follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

‘Records show that! on October 15, 1969, Contract to Sell No. 36 was executed by the
Spouses Canuto and Ma. Aranzazu Oreta, and the Solid Homes, Inc. (SOLID), involving
a parcel of land identified as Block No. 8, Lot No. 1, Phase I of the Capitol Park Homes
Subdivision, Quezon City, containing 511 square meters for a consideration of
1239,347.00. Upon signing of the contract, the spouses Oreta made payment
amounting to P7,869.40, with the agreement that the balance shall be payable in
monthly installments of P451.70, at 12% interest per annum.

‘On November 4, 1976, SOLID executed several real estate mortgage contracts in favor
of State Investment Homes, (sic) Inc. (STATE) over its subdivided parcels of land, one
of which is the subject lot covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 209642.

‘For Failure of SOLID to comply with its mortgage obligations contract, STATE
extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgaged properties including the subject lot on April 6,
1983, with the corresponding certificate of sale issued therefor to STATE annotated at
the back of the titles covering the said properties on October 13, 1983.

‘On June 23, 1984, SOLID thru a Memorandum of Agreement negotiated for the
deferment of consolidation of ownership over the foreclosed properties by committing
to redeem the properties from STATE.

‘On August 15, 1988, the spouses filed a complaint before the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board, HLRB, against the developer SOLID and STATE for failure on the part
of SOLID "to execute the necessary absolute deed of sale as well as to deliver title to
said property . . . in violation of the contract to sell . . .," despite full payment of the
purchase price as of January 7, 1981. In its Answer, SOLID, by way of alternative
defense, alleged that the obligations under the Contract to Sell has become so difficult .
. . the herein respondents be partially released from said obligation by substituting
subject lot with another suitable residential lot from another subdivision which
respondents own/operates." Upon the other hand, STATE, to which the subject lot was
mortgaged, averred that unless SOLID pays the redemption price of P125,1955.00,
(sic) it has "a right to hold on and not release the foreclosed properties." cralaw virtua1aw library

‘On May 23, 1989, the Office of Appeals, Adjudication and Legal Affairs (OAALA)
rendered a decision the decretal portion of which reads: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

‘1. Ordering respondent, State Investment House, Inc. to execute a Deed of

Conveyance of Lot 1, Block 8, in Capital Park Homes Subdivision in favor of
complainants and to deliver to the latter the corresponding certificate of title;
‘2. Ordering respondent, Solid Homes, Inc. to pay State Investment House, inc. that
portion of its loan which corresponds to the value of the lot as collateral;

‘3. Ordering respondent, Solid Homes, Inc. to pay to this Board the amount of Six
Thousand Pesos (P6,000.00) as administrative fine in accordance with Section 25 in
relation to Section 38 of P.D. 957.

"Both the STATE and SOLID appealed to the Board of Commissioners, HLRB, which
affirmed on June 5, 1990 the OAALA’s decision (Annex "C" of the Petition; ibid, p. 34).
Again, both STATE and SOLID appealed the decision of the Board of Commissioners,
HLRB, to the Office of the President which dismissed the twin appeals on February 26.

"Petitioner filed with the Supreme Court this petition for review of decision of the Office
of the President where it was docketed as G.R. No. 109364. However, in a resolution
dated May 13, 1993, the Supreme Court referred this case to this Court for proper
disposition. On the other hand, SOLID does not appear to have joined herein petitioner
in this petition for review." 2

[Emphasis added.]

In a decision dated May 19, 1994, respondent court sustained the judgment of the
Office of the President. Hence, this petition substantially anchored on these two alleged
errors, namely: (1) error in ruling that that private respondent spouses Oreta’s
unregistered rights over the subject property are superior to the registered mortgage
rights of petitioner State Investment House, Inc. (STATE); and (2) error in not applying
the settled rule that persons dealing with property covered by torrens certificate of title
are not required to go beyond what appears on the face of the title.

At the outset, we note that herein petitioner argues more extensively on the second
assigned issue, than on the first. In fact, petitioner admits the superior rights of
respondents-spouses Oreta over the subject property as it did not pray for the
nullification of the contract between respondents-spouses and SOLID, but instead asked
for the payment of the release value of the property in question, plus interest,
attorney’s fees and costs of suit against SOLID or, in case of the latter’s inability to pay,
against respondents-spouses before it can be required to release the title of the subject
property in favor of the respondent spouses. 3 And even if we were to pass upon the
first assigned error, we find respondent court’s ruling on the matter to be well-founded.
STATE’s registered mortgage right over the property is inferior to that of respondents-
spouses’ unregistered right. The unrecorded sale between respondents- spouses and
SOLID is preferred for the reason that if the original owner (SOLID, in this case) had
parted with his ownership of the thing sold then he no longer had ownership and free
disposal of that thing so as to be able to mortgage it again. 4 Registration of the
mortgage is of no moment since it is understood to be without prejudice to the better
right of third parties. 5

Anent the second issue, petitioner asserts that a purchaser or mortgagee of land/s
covered under the Torrens System "is not required to do more than rely upon the
certificate of title [for] it is enough that the purchaser or mortgagee] examines the
pertinent certificate of title [without] need [of] look[ing] beyond such title." 6
As a general rule, where there is nothing in the certificate of title to indicate any cloud
or vice in the ownership of the property or any encumbrance thereon, the purchaser is
not required to explore further than what the Torrens Title upon its face indicates in
quest for any hidden defect or inchoate right that may subsequently defeat his right
thereto. This rule however, admits of an exception as where the purchaser or
mortgagee, has knowledge of a defect or lack of title in his vendor, or that he was
aware of sufficient facts to induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire into the status
of the title of the property in litigation. 7 In this case, petitioner was well aware that it
was dealing with SOLID, a business entity engaged in the business of selling subdivision
lots. In fact, the OAALA found that "at the time the lot was mortgaged, respondent
State Investment House, Inc., [now petitioner] had been aware of the lot’s location and
that said lot formed part of Capital Park/Homes Subdivision." 8 In Sunshine Finance
and Investment Corp. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 9 the Court, noting petitioner
therein to be a financing corporation, deviated from the general rule that a purchaser or
mortgagee of a land is not required to look further than what appears on the face of the
Torrens Title.

"Nevertheless, we nave to deviate from the general rule because of the failure of the
petitioner in this case to take the necessary precautions to ascertain if there was any
flaw in the title of the Nolascos and to examine the condition of the property they
sought to mortgage. The petitioner is an investment and financing corporation. We
presume it is experienced in its business. Ascertainment of the status and condition of
properties offered to it as security for the loans it extends must be a standard and
indispensable part of its operations. Surely, it cannot simply rely on an examination of a
Torrens certificate to determine what the subject property looks like as its condition is
not apparent in the document. The land might be in a depressed area. There might be
squatters on it. It might be easily inundated. It might be an interior lot, without
convenient access. These and other similar factors determine the value of the property
and so should be of practical concern to the petitioner.

x          x           x

"Our conclusion might have been different if the mortgagee were an ordinary individual
or company without the expertise of the petitioner in the mortgage and sale of
registered land or if the land mortgaged were some distance from the mortgagee and
could not be conveniently inspected. But there were no such impediments in this case.
The facilities of the petitioner were not so limited as to prevent it from making a more
careful examination of the land to assure itself that there were no unauthorized persons
in possession." 10

[Emphasis supplied.]

The above-enunciated rule should apply in this case as petitioner admits of being a
financing institution. 11 We take judicial notice of the uniform practice of financing
institutions to investigate, examine and assess the real property offered as security for
any loan application especially where, as in this case, the subject property is a
subdivision lot located at Quezon City, M.M. It is a settled rule that a purchaser or
mortgagee cannot close its eyes to facts which should put a reasonable man upon his
guard, and then claim that he acted in good faith under the belief that there was no
defect in the title of the vendor or mortgagor. 12 Petitioner’s constructive knowledge of
the defect in the title of the subject property, or lack of such knowledge due to its
negligence, takes the place of registration of the rights of respondents-spouses.
Respondent court thus correctly ruled that petitioner was not a purchaser or mortgagee
in good faith; hence petitioner can not solely rely on what merely appears on the face
of the Torrens Title.

ACCORDINGLY, finding no reversible error in the assailed judgment, the same is hereby


Narvasa, C.J., Davide, Jr., Melo and Panganiban, JJ., concur.

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