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(Original Signature of Member)

H. RES. ll

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States
should support the safe and responsible development of its energy re-
sources via drilling, in an effort to maintain a robust energy supply
chain that promotes national security, safeguards against energy scarcity,
and reduces energy poverty for all Americans.


Mr. KELLER submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
Committee on lllllllllllllll

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that
the United States should support the safe and respon-
sible development of its energy resources via drilling,
in an effort to maintain a robust energy supply chain
that promotes national security, safeguards against en-
ergy scarcity, and reduces energy poverty for all Ameri-

Whereas it is in the national security interests of the United

States to maintain a strong domestic energy supply;

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Whereas the timely delivery of affordable energy domestically
and internationally requires an advanced and robust do-
mestic energy supply chain;
Whereas energy workers and businesses require clear and
supportive Federal policy to adequately maintain and de-
velop the domestic energy supply chain to meet growing
energy needs;
Whereas the Biden administration has taken steps, through
executive action as well as in rhetoric, to limit American
drillers’ ability to develop the strategic oil and natural
gas resources of the United States;
Whereas all the $900,000,000 deposited annually into the
Land and Water Conservation Fund is derived from Fed-
eral oil and gas leasing;
Whereas, as of April 29, 2022, crude oil in the Strategic Pe-
troleum Reserve fell to 550,000,000 barrels, which is the
lowest level since August 2002;
Whereas recent technological advances in energy resource ex-
ploration, drilling, completion, and production have led to
unprecedented levels of efficiency and emissions reduc-
Whereas each oil and natural gas drilling rig in the United
States can facilitate the production of over 1,000,000
barrels of oil and between 5,000,000,000 and
10,000,000,000 cubic feet of natural gas in the first year
from the wells it drills over a 12-month period;
Whereas increased production and use of American natural
gas have helped the United States reduce its greenhouse
gas emissions by 22 percent from 2005 levels; and
Whereas the COVID–19 pandemic and ensuing economic
downturn have devastated the United States upstream
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energy sector, which now faces a crippling shortage with-
in its workforce: Now, therefore, be it
1 Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Rep-
2 resentatives that the United States should support,
3 through rhetoric and policy, the responsible development
4 of hydrocarbons via drilling, including by—
5 (1) repealing administrative precedent that lim-
6 its the exploration, drilling, and production of do-
7 mestic natural resources on Federal lands, both on-
8 shore and offshore;
9 (2) clearly defining to the public the relation-
10 ship drilling has to future production and delivery of
11 energy resources;
12 (3) incentivizing workforce development in the
13 United States’s domestic energy industry.

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