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Unit Test – Unit 3

Listening Test A
Choose the correct answer.

1. What was the speaker doing last night?

A. ☐ Listening to music
B. ☐ Cooking a meal
C. ☐ Watching TV

2. What programme was on television?

D. ☐ A romantic comedy
E. ☐ A detective series
F. ☐ A quiz show

3. Where was the man walking?

G. ☐ In the park
H. ☐ Along the street
I. ☐ By the river

4. What were the children doing?

J. ☐ Playing with a dog
K. ☐ Cycling around the lake
L. ☐ Jogging

5. What was the programme like at the beginning?

M. ☐ Exciting
N. ☐ Funny
O. ☐ Boring

6. Who found a body in the lake?

P. ☐ The children
Q. ☐ A man
R. ☐ A dog

7. Where did the girl find a body?

S. ☐ In the lake
T. ☐ In the bushes
U. ☐ Under a car

8. What did the dog do?

V. ☐ It chased the police
W. ☐ It found the murderer
X. ☐ It ran into the lake

Project Fourth edition

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Answer Key
1. C. Watching TV
2. B. A detective series
3. A. In the park
4. B. Cycling around the lake
5. C. Boring
6. A. The children
7. C. Under a car
8. B. It found the murderer

Project Fourth edition

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Unit Test – Unit 3
Listening Test B
Complete the sentences.

1. The speaker was watching TV at __________ p.m.

2. The programme was called __________.

3. At one point the speaker wanted to __________ off.

4. There was a __________ on Channel 10.

5. People were walking and cycling in the __________.

6. A man’s dog found a __________ in the bushes.

7. The police __________ the wrong man.

8. The TV series is on every __________ at 8.30.

Answer Key
1. 9.00
2. The Murder Club
3. switch
4. concert
5. park
6. body
7. arrested
8. Tuesday

Project Fourth edition

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Unit Test – Unit 3
Audio script
Unit Test – Unit 3 Listening Test A and B

So, what were you doing at 9.00 last night? Were you doing your homework,
cooking a meal or maybe listening to some music? Well, I was watching the new
TV detective series on Channel 5 called The Murder Club. The beginning was
quite slow. A man was walking his dog through the park and some children were
cycling round the lake. There was also a young girl jogging along the path. The
sun was shining, everyone was happy. Quite honestly, it was a bit boring! I
thought – in ten seconds I’ll switch this off and watch the concert on Channel 10.
But I didn’t – and I’m very happy I didn’t.

Suddenly – wow! The kids on their bikes found a body in the lake, the man’s dog
found another body in the bushes and the girl found another body under her car!
Very exciting!

Of course, the police weren’t very clever and they arrested the wrong man and
at the end it was the man with the dog who found the murderer. But a brilliant
story and some excellent actors. Every Tuesday 8.30. Don’t miss the next one.

Project Fourth edition

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

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