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PROJECT 4 Unit 3

Name: .......................................
Score: ........./ 60
1 What is wrong with the body parts.
Ex.: My eyes are sore. She has got a flu./ She´s got a flu.

1 It´s .................................... . 4 He ………………a ……………….....…. .

2 It´s ............................... . 5 He ……………….…………………. .

3 He …………………… . 6 He …………………..……………………. .


2 Name parts of the body. 8

3 2
1 ……….……..…. 5 …………….………..
2 ………….…..…. 6 …..………………….
3 ……….……...… 7 ……………………..
4 …………………. 8 …………………....... /8

3 Fill in “who/ which”.

1 Sally is my friend ………….….. lives in the city centre.
2 This is the watch ……………….. my uncle gave me for my birthday.
3 My sister saw the film ……………. won the Academy Award.
4 Do you know the girl ………………. I was talking to? /4

4 Identify an illness according to the symptoms. /6

Ex.: I´ve got runny nose and I sneeze a lot. My eyes are sore and itchy. It´s a seasonal allergy.
1 My chest hurts a lot when I breathe and I cough a lot. It´s a………………………..
2 I´ve had high temperature for a few days. Now I have got a headache and there are itchy spots all over my
body. It´s a ……………………………..
3 I fell and my ankle has hurt since then. I can´t walk properly, but it´s not broken. It´s ……………………
4 I ´ve hurt my foot when I was playing football yesterday. My toe got bigger at night and I can´t put on a
shoe. It´s ……………………………..
5 I have lost an appetite, my throat is sore. I sneeze and cough a lot. I have vomited twice yesterday.
It´s a ………………………
6 I´ve got a terrible headache and high temperature. My muscles hurt and I´ve got chills. It´s a …………….
5 Give people an advice, what should they do. /4
Ex.: He should take some cough syrup.
a) b) c) d) a) …………………………………………………..
b) …………………………………………………..
c) …………………………………………………..
d) …………………………………………………..

6 Complete the dialogue at the doctor´s. D- doctor P- patient / 10

D: Hello. What ……………... I do for ……………... ?
1 2

P: ……. ..……….3 hurt my finger. It´s swollen.

D: How ……………..….…..………4 it?
P: I cut ………..5 on some glass.
D: Hmmm. You´ve got ……….6 infection in it. I´ll give you a ………………………7 for some tablets.
…………………8 one tablet three times a day.
P: Thank …………………9 .
D: And you need to put a …………..…….10 on it, too.
P: Thank you. Goodbye.

7 Use should/ shouldn´t or might/ might not. /4

Ex.: You shouldn´t eat so much chocolate it´s bad for your teeth.
1 Be careful with that knife. You ............................... cut your finger.
2 Teenagers ……..………………… avoid junk food, it´s not good for their body.
3 Don´t put on headphones when you cross the street. You ................................ hear a car coming.
4 You ………………….. eat so much junk food. It´s really unhealthy.

8 What body part is it?

a) A chair has got four of these. You have two. ………………………..

b) You usually lie down on this part of your body. ………………………..

c) This connects your head to your body. ……………………….

d) There are five of these on each foot. …………………………

e) You have 32 of these and you use them to eat. ……………………

f) You use this part of your mouth to taste things. ………………………

g) The part of your body you sit on. …………..…………

h) The part of your body between your eyebrows and hair. ………………….
i) The part of your body where the food you have eaten is processed (digested). …………………….
9 Read the text. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or doesn´t say (DS). /9

obese- obézny
ingredients – suroviny
poultry – hydina
grains – obilniny
flavour – príchuť
taste – chuť
the leanest cuts – najchudšie kúsky
replace – nahradiť

1 Americans think that people in their country eat unhealthily. ………………………..

2 Many Americans are fat because they eat the wrong foods. ………………………….
3 People are fat because they don´t eat enough vegetables. …………………………….
4 The average American eats 3, 700 calories per day. ………………………..
5 People all over the world eat bananas. ……………………………
6 Asian people don´t like the taste of meat. ……………………………..
7 They eat a lot of meat in Argentina. ………………………………….
8 Nuts are used a lot in Africa. ……………………………………
9 The French eat their food very quickly. ……………………………

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