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Name: ...................................................................................... Class: ........... Date: ...................

Unit 4 Test

1. Circle the correct word.

 Could you switch back / off the radio when you leave.
 Please take up / off your shoes.
 I can´t find my bus ticket. I hope I didn´t throw it off / away.
 Could you pick up / away that paper from the floor, please.
 Sam was looking for / away his brother.
MARK: ..........................

2. Tick ( ) the sentences that are correct and cross (x) the ones that are wrong. Correct the
ones that are wrong.

1. I put on a jumper. ___

2. I´m looking my friend´s dog after. ___
3. We waited the train for. ___
4. I gave the book back to Jenny. ___
5. The song is great. Listen it to. ___
MARK: ..........................

3. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in the box.

sit down look after look up turn down switch on look for

 You ____________________ the music when it´s too loud and you can´t sleep.
 You ____________________ a TV when you want to watch a programme.
 You ____________________ when you are tired of standing.
 You ____________________ something when you can´t find it.
 You ____________________ a new word in the dictionary.
 You ____________________ someone who is ill.
MARK: ..........................

4. Complete the correct preposition: at or on.

........ the Internet ........ TV

........ the cinema ......... school
........ a CD ........ the theatre
MARK: ..........................
5. Put the words in the correct order.

1 I do right it it all if tomorrow? Is _____________________________________________

2 think with help Do you the bag? you could me ________________________________
3 you get water? of glass a  Could me _________________________________________
4 window? mind the Would opening you ________________________________________

MARK: ..........................
6. Write the questions.

 ______________________________________________________________________?
I´m doing my English homework.
 ______________________________________________________________________?
Jan has won five competitions.
 ______________________________________________________________________?
They´ll be home by ten o´clock.
 ______________________________________________________________________?
She likes riding a bike.
 ______________________________________________________________________?
Yes, I opened the window.
MARK: ..........................
7. Write the names of the jobs.

 I drive lorries. – I´m a ____________________________

 I fly a plane. – I´m a _____________________________
 I type letters and answer the phone in an office. – I´m a ____________________________
 I repair electrical things. – I´m an _________________________
 I design buildings. – I´m an ____________________________
MARK: ..........................
8. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

looking after animals cleaning brushes building walls

making beds swimming

1 A nurse´s job involves ___________________________________________________ .

2 My uncle is really good at ______________________. He even took part in the Olympics.
3 A vet is interested in _____________________________________________________ .
4 A bricklayer needs to be good at ____________________________________________.
5 A hairdresser´s job involves _______________________________________________.

MARK: ..........................

TOTAL: ...............................................

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