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Autodesk Customer Success Story RWS & UWWM-EDRC, WWW SBG, WET-IC,

L&T Construction - India

Chandrawal Water
WET-IC, L&T Construction - India
India Supply Project -
477 MLD Advanced

Water Treatment Plant

September 2022
Autodesk® AEC Collection, Autodesk® AutoCAD®,
Autodesk® Civil 3D®, Autodesk® Drive, Autodesk®
InfraWorks®, Autodesk® Navisworks®,
Autodesk® Revit®

“For the Chandrawal Water

Supply Project, we had less
than half the space typically
required for a plant with
this level of output. We
could only approach this
challenging infrastructure
design by using BIM.”
—  M. Balasubramani,
General Manager and Head of WSD
-EDRC, Water & Effluent Treatment –
IC L&T Construction - India

Image courtesy of L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment-IC

New Delhi is one of the largest and water supply and is considered a
most densely populated cities in the “water stressed zone” of New Delhi.
world. Providing clean and safe drinking
water is a monumental challenge— The Engineering Design & Research
as well as finding the space for the Center (EDRC) of L&T Construction faced
actual water treatment plant. site constraints from the very beginning
as it is an integration with an existing
The Chandrawal Water Supply Project 182 MLD water treatment plant and
- 477 MLD Advanced Water Treatment 36 MLD recycling plant. The current
Plant—an engineering, procurement, and plant serves 1.3 million people with a
construction (EPC) project awarded by conventional treatment system that could
the Delhi Jal Board—is a first of its kind not handle the toxic pollutants present
for ozonized disinfection in India at an in the raw water. The new treatment
output scale of 477 MLD (million liters plant will serve 2.3 million people with
per day). The L&T Construction, Water & continuous, uninterrupted water supply.
Effluent Treatment-IC team took on the
challenge of an EPC project along with

operation and maintenance for 15 years

in order to service the Chandrawal area,
which often experiences intermittent

Image courtesy of L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment-IC

Autodesk Customer Success Story RWS & UWWM-EDRC, WWW SBG, WET-IC,
L&T Construction - India

Also built within the limited space, the new Key Insights
administrative Centre Water Management
• With a tight timeline and budget,
Centre (CWMC) will completely control and
the team realized 20% time savings
monitor the entire water network, including
“Only with BIM, we were (approximately 4500 hours) and
all water treatment plants and connections
$300,000 USD with 3D BIM and
able to optimize the plant for New Delhi. concurrent design and engineering.
layout and engineering
to save time for all of the Solutions • 3D visualizations aided in seamless
deliverables and approval and easy approval from clients by
process.”” Due to the site and space constraints, it was
transparent communication.
extremely difficult to finalize the hydraulic
—  Arun Venkadesh, design and installations for the project.
• With Dynamo, the team can control the
Senior Engineering Manager It had to be matched with the existing
parametric models in Revit, resulting
- BIM and Digital 182 MLD units in order to maintain equal
in a larger number of iterations and
IC L&T Construction - India distribution to proposed or existing units.
options within a shorter period.
According to the team, they could only
—  Arun Krishna, achieve the new additions and increasing
Assistant Engineering
the capacity of the plant within the current
Manager – BIM, WSD-EDRC,
site by having the ability to view and see the
Water & Effluent Treatment –
3D models with BIM.
IC L&T Construction - India

But they aren’t stopping there with 3D

BIM. 4D BIM is being implemented for
planning and scheduling, 5D BIM for cost
monitoring during capital expenditures,
6D BIM for sustainability in the solar
power energy management, and 7D BIM
for operations and management.

To reach important sustainability goals

set by the owner, the plant will be built
with solar power generation. To create
this energy efficient system, solar path
analysis has been verified with the help
of Revit for optimum location of panels.
The use of the AEC Collection—including
Civil 3D, Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD,
and Dynamo—is boosting quality
construction and scheduling. Virtual
construction, clash detection, and AR/
VR reviews are completed before the
release of any engineering deliverables.

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