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NORDCON – Manual

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Table of Contents

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NORDCON – Manual

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 About NORDCON .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 How to use NORDCON...................................................................................................................... 9
2 Graphic user interface .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Structure of the program interface ................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Main menu ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Category "File".................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Category "Edit" ................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 Category "Project" .............................................................................................................. 15
2.2.4 Category "Device" .............................................................................................................. 16
2.2.5 Category "View".................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.6 Category "Extras" ............................................................................................................... 18
2.2.7 Category "Help" .................................................................................................................. 19
2.3 Toolbars ........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 Standard ............................................................................................................................. 19
2.3.2 Device ................................................................................................................................ 20
2.3.3 Start .................................................................................................................................... 21
2.4 View "Project"................................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Structure of context menu .................................................................................................. 22
2.5 View "Messages" ............................................................................................................................. 24
2.6 View "Remote" ................................................................................................................................. 25
2.7 Docking and Undocking ................................................................................................................... 26
3 Communication ......................................................................................................................................... 32
3.1 USS.................................................................................................................................................. 32
3.1.1 General settings ................................................................................................................. 32
3.1.2 Bus scan ............................................................................................................................. 33
3.2 Ethernet ........................................................................................................................................... 34
3.2.1 General settings ................................................................................................................. 35
3.2.2 Scan ................................................................................................................................... 36
4 Parameterization ....................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 How to manipulate parameters ........................................................................................................ 38
4.2 Selective parameterisation ............................................................................................................... 39
4.3 Off-line Parameterisation ................................................................................................................. 39
4.4 Parameter Viewing ........................................................................................................................... 40
4.5 Comparison report ........................................................................................................................... 40
4.6 Parameter upload from device ......................................................................................................... 41
4.7 Parameter download to device ......................................................................................................... 42
5 Control ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Standard control ............................................................................................................................... 45
5.3 Detailed control ................................................................................................................................ 45
5.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 45
5.3.2 Control ................................................................................................................................ 46
5.3.3 Management of setting values and actual values ............................................................... 47
5.3.4 Formatting of Setpoint and/or actual value ......................................................................... 48
5.3.5 Status word......................................................................................................................... 48
5.3.6 Control word ....................................................................................................................... 49
6 Remote control .......................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Standard .......................................................................................................................................... 51
6.2 NORDAC SK 200 E ......................................................................................................................... 52
6.3 NORDAC SK 700/500/300 E ........................................................................................................... 53
6.4 NORDAC vector mc ......................................................................................................................... 55
6.5 NORDAC vector ct ........................................................................................................................... 56
7 Oscilloscope .............................................................................................................................................. 58
7.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 58

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7.2 Display ............................................................................................................................................. 58
7.3 Handling ........................................................................................................................................... 59
7.4 Measurement ................................................................................................................................... 61
7.5 Save and Print ................................................................................................................................. 61
8 Macro editor ............................................................................................................................................... 63
8.1 User interfaces and views ................................................................................................................ 63
8.1.1 Window "Variables" ............................................................................................................ 63
8.1.2 Properties window .............................................................................................................. 63
8.1.3 Log window......................................................................................................................... 66
8.2 Working with macros ........................................................................................................................ 66
8.2.1 Create a new macro ........................................................................................................... 66
8.2.2 Open a macro ..................................................................................................................... 66
8.2.3 Save a macro ..................................................................................................................... 67
8.2.4 Inserting instructions........................................................................................................... 67
8.2.5 Copying instructions ........................................................................................................... 67
8.2.6 Cutting instructions ............................................................................................................. 67
8.2.7 Delete from instruction........................................................................................................ 67
8.2.8 Search and replace ............................................................................................................ 67
8.2.9 Shift up instruction .............................................................................................................. 67
8.2.10 Shift down instruction ......................................................................................................... 67
8.2.11 Creating new instructions ................................................................................................... 68
8.3 Scheduler ......................................................................................................................................... 69
8.3.1 Start sequence ................................................................................................................... 69
8.3.2 Cancel a macro .................................................................................................................. 69
8.3.3 Execute next instruction ..................................................................................................... 69
9 USS Frame-Editor...................................................................................................................................... 70
9.1 Master (order) .................................................................................................................................. 71
9.2 Device (response) ............................................................................................................................ 72
10 PLC ............................................................................................................................................................. 74
10.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 74
10.1.1 Specification of the PLC ..................................................................................................... 74
10.1.2 PLC structure...................................................................................................................... 75 Memory 75 Image of the process 75 Program Task 76 Setpoint processing 76 Data processing via accumulator 76
10.1.3 Scope of functions .............................................................................................................. 77 Motion Control Lib 77 Electronic gear with Flying Saw 77 Visualisation 77 Process controller 77 CANopen communication 78
10.2 Creation of PLC programs ............................................................................................................... 78
10.2.1 Loading, saving and printing ............................................................................................... 78
10.2.2 Editor .................................................................................................................................. 78 Variables and FB declaration 79 Input window 80 Watch and Breakpoint display window 80 PLC message window 81
10.2.3 Transfer PLC program to device......................................................................................... 81
10.2.4 Debugging .......................................................................................................................... 82 Observation points (Watchpoints) 82 Holding points (Breakpoints) 82 Single Step 82
10.2.5 PLC configuration ............................................................................................................... 83
10.3 Function blocks ................................................................................................................................ 83
10.3.1 CANopen ............................................................................................................................ 83 Overview 84 FB_NMT 84 FB_PDOConfig 85 FB_PDOReceive 87 FB_PDOSend 89
10.3.2 Electronic gear unit with flying saw ..................................................................................... 91

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NORDCON – Manual Overview 91 FB_FlyingSaw 92 FB_Gearing 93
10.3.3 Motion Control .................................................................................................................... 94 MC_Control 95 MC_Control_MS 97 MC_Home 98 MC_Home (SK 5xxP) 99 MC_MoveAbsolute 101 MC_MoveAdditive 102 MC_MoveRelative 103 MC_MoveVelocity 103 MC_Power 105 MC_ReadActualPos 106 MC_ReadParameter 106 MC_ReadStatus 107 MC_Reset 108 MC_Stop 109 MC_WriteParameter_16 / MC_WriteParameter_32 109
10.3.4 Standard ........................................................................................................................... 110 CTD downward counter 110 CTU upward counter 111 CTUD upward and downward counter 112 R_TRIG and F_TRIG 113 RS Flip Flop 114 SR Flip Flop 115 TOF switch-off delay 115 TON switch-on delay 116 TP time pulse 117
10.3.5 Access to memory areas of the frequency inverter........................................................... 118 FB_ReadTrace 118 FB_WriteTrace 119
10.3.6 Visualisation with ParameterBox ...................................................................................... 121 Overview visualisation 121 FB_DINTToPBOX 121 FB_STRINGToPBOX 124
10.3.7 FB_Capture (Detection of rapid events) ........................................................................... 126
10.3.8 FB_DinCounter ................................................................................................................. 128
10.3.9 FB_FunctionCurve............................................................................................................ 129
10.3.10 FB_PIDT1 ......................................................................................................................... 130
10.3.11 FB_ResetPostion.............................................................................................................. 132
10.3.12 FB_Weigh ......................................................................................................................... 133
10.4 Operators ....................................................................................................................................... 134
10.4.1 Arithmetical operators....................................................................................................... 134 ABS 134 ADD and ADD( 135 DIV and DIV( 135 LIMIT 136 MAX 136 MIN 137 MOD and MOD( 137 MUL and MUL( 137 MUX 138 SUB and SUB( 138
10.4.2 Extended mathematical operators .................................................................................... 139 COS, ACOS, SIN, ASIN, TAN, ATAN 139 EXP 140 LN 140 LOG 141 SQRT 141
10.4.3 Bit operators ..................................................................................................................... 142 AND and AND( 142 ANDN and ANDN( 142 NOT 143 OR and OR( 144 ORN andORN( 144 ROL 145 ROR 145

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Table of Contents S and R 146 SHL 146 SHR 147 XOR and XOR( 147 XORN and XORN( 148
10.4.4 Loading and storage operators (AWL).............................................................................. 148 LD 149 LDN 149 ST 149 STN 150
10.4.5 Comparison operators ...................................................................................................... 150 EQ 150 GE 150 GT 151 LE 151 LT 152 NE 152
10.5 Processing values .......................................................................................................................... 153
10.5.1 Inputs and outputs ............................................................................................................ 153
10.5.2 PLC setpoint and actual values ........................................................................................ 160
10.5.3 Bus setpoints and actual values ....................................................................................... 164
10.5.4 ControlBox and ParameterBox ......................................................................................... 169
10.5.5 Information parameters .................................................................................................... 169
10.5.6 PLC errors ........................................................................................................................ 174
10.5.7 PLC parameters ............................................................................................................... 174
10.6 Languages ..................................................................................................................................... 176
10.6.1 Instruction list (AWL / IL) .................................................................................................. 176 General 176
10.6.2 Structured text (ST) .......................................................................................................... 179 Common 179 Procedure 181
10.7 Jumps ............................................................................................................................................ 184
10.7.1 JMP .................................................................................................................................. 184
10.7.2 JMPC................................................................................................................................ 184
10.7.3 JMPCN ............................................................................................................................. 184
10.8 Type conversion ............................................................................................................................. 185
10.8.1 BOOL_TO_BYTE ............................................................................................................. 185
10.8.2 BYTE_TO_BOOL ............................................................................................................. 185
10.8.3 BYTE_TO_INT ................................................................................................................. 185
10.8.4 DINT_TO_INT .................................................................................................................. 186
10.8.5 INT_TO_BYTE ................................................................................................................. 186
10.8.6 INT_TO_DINT .................................................................................................................. 187
10.9 PLC Error messages ...................................................................................................................... 187
11 Project Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 189
11.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 189
11.2 HMI ................................................................................................................................................ 190
11.3 Save and restore ............................................................................................................................ 190
11.4 Project Download ........................................................................................................................... 192
12 Firmware .................................................................................................................................................. 193
12.1 How to update the firmware ........................................................................................................... 193
12.2 Firmware update program .............................................................................................................. 195
12.3 Firmware update via system bus.................................................................................................... 198
13 Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 201
13.1 User interface ................................................................................................................................. 201
13.2 Device report.................................................................................................................................. 202
13.3 Control ........................................................................................................................................... 203
13.4 Project ............................................................................................................................................ 204
13.5 Directories ...................................................................................................................................... 205
13.6 Macro editor ................................................................................................................................... 206
13.7 Parameter ...................................................................................................................................... 207
13.8 PLC ................................................................................................................................................ 207
14 Messages ................................................................................................................................................. 208

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NORDCON – Manual
14.1 Errors and information.................................................................................................................... 208
15 NORD DRIVESYSTEMS ........................................................................................................................... 216
15.1 NORD DRIVESYSTEMS corporate history .................................................................................... 217
15.2 Frequency Inverters ....................................................................................................................... 219
15.2.1 SK 135E ........................................................................................................................... 219
15.2.2 SK 180E ........................................................................................................................... 220
15.2.3 SK 200E ........................................................................................................................... 220
15.2.4 SK 500E ........................................................................................................................... 222

8 BU 0000 en-0421
1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 About NORDCON

NORDCON is a PC program intended to 4 "Parameterization" and 5.1 "Overview" the inverters and
option modules produced by Getriebebau NORD.

With NORDCON, up to 31 frequency inverters can be controlled simultaneously via the integrated
RS485 interface. Communication with the frequency inverters is handled by the PC's serial interface.

To enable trial runs or system start-ups, the connected frequency inverters can be controlled via the
PC. The program also provides for continuous monitoring of the current status of the frequency
inverter while these activities are going on. Complete process sequences can be developed using

With NORDCON, you can perform, document, and save the parameter settings of a frequency inverter
which will be read out by the inverter or transmitted to it respectively. Parameter databases can be
created or manipulated off-line - i.e. without a frequency inverter being connected.

The program further provides for remote control of the connected frequency inverters. For the
frequency inverter to be remote-controlled the operating unit of the type in question is simulated on the
PC. This is a convenient way of operating devices which are either difficult to access or haven't got an
operating unit themselves.

8 "Macro editor"
6 "Remote control"

1.2 How to use NORDCON

Information Serial interface
For the parameterisation and controlling of the devices with NORDCON, your PC requires a serial interface.

1. Installation
Please start the installation program of NORDCON on the enclosed CD or load the installation
program from the Internet (""
overview.jsp""). Enter all necessary information and install NORDCON into the standard directory.

2. Connect
If the frequency inverter is equipped with an RS232 optional interface, it can be directly connected to
the PC with a serial 1-1 cable. In this case, only one frequency inverter can be connected. Each
NORD Frequency inverter frequency inverter features an integrated RS485 interface which can be
activated via the control terminals. This interface allows for configuration of a master/slave bus system
with up to 31 devices max. For NORDCON to be connected to such a bus, an RS232 - RS485
converter will be required.

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NORDCON – Manual

Information USS Settings

If several devices are operated simultaneously, make absolutely sure that a unique USS address is assigned to
each of the devices connected, and that all of them have the same 3.1.2 "Bus scan"setting (see also Operating
Instructions of the frequency inverter type involved).

In order to start NORDCON, you use the shortcut "NORDCON start" or "Start->Program->->Nord-

4. Setup of the communication module

In order to set the communication parameters, one must select the appropriate module in the project
view. Over the menu entry "Device-> Parameterise" the parameter dialogue of the module can be
opened. In the edit field "Port" must be inserted the correct COM port number. After that you have to
push the button "Apply". Additional settings are not necessary for the first application and the window
can be closed.

5. Bus scan
After the start of bus scan, all ready and connected devices are searched for. All found devices are
represented in the project tree and in the equipment overview. Subsequently, the first device in the list
is marked and the users can use all device-specific functions.

10 BU 0000 en-0421
1 Introduction

6. Work with the devices

The user can now select the device by clicking the device in the device overview or in the project tree.
Functions, like control or parametrises, are available in the popup menu of the project tree, the tool bar
or the main menu.
2.4 "View "Project""
2.3 "Toolbars"
5 "Control"
4 "Parameterization"

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NORDCON – Manual

2 Graphic user interface

2.1 Structure of the program interface

The main window consists of main menu, toolbars, work area, and the different views. In the work
area the different editor windows like parameter windows or macros are displayed. The windows can
be positioned freely or can be docked at the sides of the work area. In order to change the position of
a docked window, click on the header bar of the window and keep the mouse button pressed.
Subsequently, the new position can be specified with the pointer of mouse. A coloured rectangle
shows the current position and dock condition. After releasing the left mouse button, the actual action
is implemented. In addition, the user can dock or undock the window by clicking on the header bar.
The layout is stored when closing application and resumed with the restart.

The interface is divided into the following areas:

• 2.2 "Main menu"
• 2.3 "Toolbars"
• Working Area
• 2.4 "View "Project""
• 2.5 "View "Messages""
• 2.6 "View "Remote""

12 BU 0000 en-0421
2 Graphic user interface
2.2 Main menu
The main menu is the central place for all actions of application. All editor windows register their
window-specific actions there. The actions are divided in categories.

2.2.1 Category "File"

Name of action Shortcut Icon Description

New dataset The action opens the parameter window for a new device. The
user must select the desired device in a previous window.
New macro The action opens the macro editor with a new document. If the
macro window is already opened, the user can store the current

In the current version, only one macro window can be opened!
PLC program The action opens the PLC editor with an empty document. If a
PLC program is already opened, the user can store the current
Open Ctrl + O The action opens the file choice dialogue in order to open a
stored document. The user selects a document type with the file
filter, and selects the file afterwards. The following types are

• Parameter files (*.ndbx, *.db (V1.27))

• Scope files (*.scox, *.sco (V1.27))
• Macro files (*.ncmx, *.ncm (V1.27))
• PLC files (*.awlx, *.awl, *.nstx)
Save Ctrl + S The action stores the current document. The action is passed on
to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending
upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Save as... The action stores the current document with a new name. The
action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented
there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations
can be implemented.
Export Ctrl + E The action exports the data active editor windows into a file. The

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NORDCON – Manual
Name of action Shortcut Icon Description
action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented
there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations
can be implemented.
Reopen The action contains a submenu in which the opened last
documents are listed. History is limited to 5. When clicking on
one of the files, it is opened again.
Print Ctrl + P The action is passed on to the active editor window and
implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different
operations can be implemented. This action is deactivated if no
editor window is opened or the editor does not support the
Print preview... The action opens a print preview for the active editor. Depending
upon editor, the printing preview can be differently developed.
This action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the
editor does not support the action.
Exit The action closes application.

An action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.

2.2.2 Category "Edit"

Name of action Shortcut Icon Description

Undo Ctrl + Z The action undoes the last action. The action is passed on to
the active editor window and implemented there. Depending
upon the type of editor, different operations can be
Cut Ctrl + X The action cuts the selected object and copies it into the
clipboard. The action is passed on to the active control
member and implemented there. Depending upon the type of
editor, different operations can be implemented.
Copy Ctrl + C The action copies the selected object into the clipboard. The
action is passed on to the active control member and
implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor,
different operations can be implemented.

14 BU 0000 en-0421
2 Graphic user interface
Name of action Shortcut Icon Description
Paste Ctrl + V The action copies the contents of the clipboard to the selected
position. The action is passed on to the active control member
and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor,
different operations can be implemented.

The action is deactivated if the current control element does
not support this action or the contents of the clipboard cannot
be inserted.
Delete Ctrl + Del The action deletes the selected object. The action is passed
on to the active control and implemented there. Depending
upon the type of editor, different operations can be
Select all Ctrl + A The action selects all objects of the active control.
Replace... Ctrl + H The action searches for the indicated text and replaces these
then by other text. In a dialogue, the appropriate option can be
Up Ctrl + U The action shifts the selected object one position upward.
Down Ctrl + D The action entry shifts the selected object one position

An action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.

2.2.3 Category "Project"

Name of action Shortcut Icon Description

Send all from The action opens a file and sends the stored parameters to the
file… devices.
Save all to file… The action reads all parameters of devices and saves it in a file.

An action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.

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2.2.4 Category "Device"

Name of action Key Picture Description

Rename With the aid of this menu item the user can change the
name of the highlighted frequency inverter.
Connect F2 This menu item connects or disconnects the connection to
the highlighted frequency inverter.
Communication type/serial This menu item sets the communication module to "serial
USS USS". The device list is deleted if the communication type
is changed!
Communication This menu item sets the communication module to
type/Ethernet "Ethernet". The frequency inverter list is deleted if the
communication type is changed!
Parameter transfer from F3 This menu item starts the upload of parameters from the
device device to the PC.
Parameter transfer to device F4 This menu item starts the upload of parameters from the
PC to the device.
Transfer PLC program to This menu item transfers a saved PLC program to the
device selected frequency inverter.
Import motor parameters This function enables motor data to be imported from an
external source. If the user has selected a motor
parameter file (* csv) in the file selection dialogue, all of
the motors which this file contains are listed. Select a data
record from the list and confirm with OK. The parameters
will then be transferred to the selected frequency inverter.
If the parameter window is open, the values in the
parameter window are imported and not transferred to the
frequency inverter. Transfer of the parameters must be
carried out separately.
Update firmware This menu item starts the firmware upload program.
Control F6 This menu item opens the "Control" window of the
highlighted frequency inverter in the work area. If the
window has already been opened, it is brought into the
Remote control F8 This menu item opens the "Remote Control" window of

16 BU 0000 en-0421
2 Graphic user interface
Name of action Key Picture Description
the highlighted in the "View and Control" window. If the
window has already been opened, it is brought into the
Parameter setup F7 This menu item opens the "Parameters" window of the
highlighted frequency inverter in the work area. If the
window has already been opened, it is brought into the
Oscilloscope This menu item opens the "Oscilloscope" window of the
highlighted frequency inverter in the work area. If the
window has already been opened, it is brought into the
PLC This menu item opens the "PLC" window of the
highlighted frequency inverter in the work area. If the
window has already been opened, it is brought into the
Bus scan Ctrl + F5 This menu item performs a network scan for the selected
communication module.

During a network scan all inverters are removed from the
list of frequency inverters and all device-specific windows
are closed.

An action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.

2.2.5 Category "View"

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Name of action Shortcut Description

Layout -> Standard The action returns the standard layout for all views. The position of
the editor windows is not changed.

Layout -> Standard The action returns the standard application layout for all windows
all windows including the work area.

Device report The action closes or opens the device report.

2.4 "View "Project"" The action closes or opens the view "Project".

2.5 "View The action closes or opens the view "Messages".


2.6 "View "Remote"" The action closes or opens the view "Remote control".

Toolbar->Standard The action closes or opens the toolbar "Standard".

Toolbar->Device The action closes or opens the toolbar "Device".

Toolbar ->Start The action closes or opens the toolbar "Start".

Macro The action opens a submenu. In this submenu, all special actions
of the macro editor are listed. The state and the execution of the
actions managed by the active macro editor. If no window is active,
all actions are deactivated.

Oscilloscope The action opens a submenu. In this submenu, all special actions
of the oscilloscope are listed. The state and the execution of the
actions managed by the active oscilloscope. If no window is active,
all actions are deactivated.

An action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.

2.2.6 Category "Extras"

Name of action Shortcut Description

Communication The action opens a window to edit the communication settings from
settings the selected communication module.
Settings The action opens a window to edit the global settings of the program.
USS Frame- The action opens a the USS frame editor.

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2 Graphic user interface
2.2.7 Category "Help"

Name of action Shortcut Description

Help F1 The action opens online help and selects the register map
Index The action opens online help and selects the register map
About NORDCON The action opens a dialogue with the program information.

2.3 Toolbars
In the toolbars, the most common actions are available for fast access. By clicking the appropriate
symbol in the bar with the mouse, the desired action is specified.

2.3.1 Standard
Name of action Icon Description
New data set The action opens the parameter window for a new device. Before the user can
open the dialogue, the device must be selected.

New Macro The action opens the macro editor with an empty document. If a macro is
already open, the user can store the current document.

In the current version, only one macro window can be opened!

New PLC program The action opens the PLC editor with an empty document. If a program is
already opened, the user can store the current document.

Open The action opens the file dialog in order to open a stored document. The user
selects a document type with the file filter and select the file afterwards. The
following types are supported:

• Parameter dataset V1.27 (*.db)

• Parameter dataset (*.ndbx)
• Scope-File (*.sco)
• Scope-File V2.1 (*.scox)
• Macro (*.ncmx)
• Macro V1.27 (*.ncm)
• PLC Program (*.awlx)
Save The action stores the current document. The action is passed on to the active
editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor,
different operations can be implemented.

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Name of action Icon Description
Cut The action cuts the selected object and copies it into the clipboard. The action
is passed on to the active control element and implemented there. Depending
upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.

Copy The action copies the selected object into the clipboard. The action is passed
on to the active control element and implemented there. Depending upon the
type of editor, different operations can be implemented.

Paste The action copies contents of the clipboard to the selected position. The action
is passed on to the active control member and implemented there. Depending
upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.

The action is deactivated if the current control element does not support this
action or the contents of the clipboard cannot be inserted.
Delete The action deletes the selected object. The action is passed on to the active
control member and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor,
different operations can be implemented.

Up The action shifts the selected object a position upward.

Down The action shifts the selected object a position downward.

Preview The action opens a print preview for the active editor. Depending upon editor,
the printing preview can be differently developed. This action is deactivated if
no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.
Print The action prints the content from the active editor. This action is deactivated if
no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.

Fast print The action prints the content from the active editor without the print dialog. This
action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the editor does not
support the action.
Settings The action opens a window to edits the global settings of the program.

2.3.2 Device
Name of action Icon Description
Bus scan The action implements a network scan for the selected communication module.

With a network scan, all devices are removed from the device list and all
device-specific windows are closed!
Connect The action connects or disconnects the connection to the selected device.

Control The action opens the "Control" window of the selected device in the work area.
If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.

Remote The action opens the "Remote" window of the selected device. If the window
was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.

20 BU 0000 en-0421
2 Graphic user interface
Name of action Icon Description
Parameterise The action opens the "Parameter" window of the selected device in the work
area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.

Oscilloscope The action opens the "Oscilloscope" of the selected device in the work area. If
the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.

PLC The action opens the PLC editor of the selected device in the work area. If the
window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
Parameter transfer from The action uploads the parameters from the device to the PC.
Parameter transfer to The action downloads the parameters from the PC to the device.

2.3.3 Start
Name of action Shortcut Icon Description
PLC settings The action opens the settings of the PLC.
Compile Shift + F7 The action starts the translation of a PLC program.
Programming Shift F8 The action loads a PLC program to the Device.
Run F9 The action runs a PLC program or a macro. The action is passed
on to the active editor window and implemented there.
Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be
Cancel F11 The action terminates running a PLC program or macro. The
action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented
there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations
can be implemented.
Next F12 The action executes the next instruction. The action is passed on
to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending
upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Debug Shift + F5 The action runs the PLC program with the debug mode.

An action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.

2.4 View "Project"

In View "Project", all devices of the project are displayed in a tree structure. It can be closed or opened
with the main menu option "View->Project ". With the help of the mouse, you can navigate between
the individual devices. If the view is selected, you can additionally select a device with the arrow keys
"up" and "down". If the pointer of mouse is over a device entry, a reference about the type of device
and fieldbus address is indicated. After the selection of a device, the user can execute all actions with
the tool bar as well as the popup menu. If an action is shaded grey, the selected devices do not
support. The 2.4.1 "Structure of context menu"is opened by clicking the right mouse button in the view.

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Status of device
The connection to the device is online

The connection to the device is offline

2.4.1 Structure of context menu

The display shows the context menu of the project view. The menu always relates to the marked node
in the project tree.

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Name of action Key combination Description

New parameter set This menu item opens the parameter window for a new device.
The user must select the required device in a dialogue
New macro This menu item opens the macro editor with an empty
document. If the macro editor was already open, the user is
asked to save the current document.

Only 1 macro editor can be open in the current version!
New PLC program This menu item opens the PLC editor with an empty document.
If the window was already open, the user is given the opportunity
to save the current document.
Open CTRL + O This menu item opens the PLC editor with an empty document.
If the window was already open, the user is given the opportunity
to save the current document.
Save CTRL + S This menu item saves the current document. The action is
forwarded to the active editor window and carried out there.
Depending on the editor type, different operations can be carried
out there.
Save as .... This menu item saves the current document under a new name.
The action is forwarded to the active editor window and carried
out there. Depending on the editor type, different operations can
be carried out there.
Rename This action opens an input field for changing the device name.
Connect F2 This action connects or disconnects the connection to the
highlighted device.

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Name of action Key combination Description

Communication This menu item sets the communication module to "serial USS".
type/serial USS The device list is deleted if the communication type is changed!
Communication This menu item sets the communication module to "Ethernet".
type/Ethernet The device list is deleted if the communication type is changed!
Parameter upload from F3 This action starts the upload of parameters from the device to
frequency inverter the PC.
Parameter download to F4 This menu item starts the download of parameters from the PC
device to the device.
Update firmware This action starts the program for uploading the firmware.
Control F6 This action opens the "Control" window of the highlighted device
in the work area. If the window has already been opened, it is
brought into the foreground.
Remote control F8 This action opens the "Remote Control" window of the
highlighted device in the "View and Control" window. If the
window has already been opened, it is brought into the
Parameter setup F7 This action opens the "Parameter" window of the highlighted
device in the work area. If the window has already been opened,
it is brought into the foreground.
Oscilloscope This action opens the "Oscilloscope" window of the highlighted
device in the work area. If the window has already been opened,
it is brought into the foreground.
PLC This action opens the "PLC" window of the highlighted device in
the work area. If the window has already been opened, it is
brought into the foreground.
Bus scan CTRL + F5 This action triggers a new bus scan.

During a bus scan, all devices are removed from the device list
and all device-specific windows are closed!

2.5 View "Messages"

The view contains a list of all NORDCON messages. The entries are displayed by default as time
ascending. The order can be adjusted by clicking on a column header. Following filters are available
for filtering:

Filter Icon Description

Error When this filter is enabled, displays all errors. In addition, it shows the number of errors
in the caption of the button.

Warning When this filter is enabled, all warnings are displayed. The number of warnings is
displayed in the caption of the button.

Information When this filter is enabled, all information will be displayed. The number of information
items is displayed in the caption of the button.

System When this filter is enabled, all messages of the "System" category are displayed.

Communication When this filter is enabled, all messages of the "Communications" category are

PLC When this filter is enabled, all messages of the "PLC" category are displayed.

24 BU 0000 en-0421
2 Graphic user interface
Macro When this filter is enabled, displays all messages in the "Macro" category.

Parameter When this filter is enabled, displays all messages in the "Parameter" category.

The messages can be saved or deleted via the popup menu (right mouse button). These actions can
be carried out via the main menu ("Extras/Messages").

Name of action Description

Delete The action deletes the list.

Save The action stores the entries into a file.

2.6 View "Remote"

The view "remote" contains all windows of the function „2.6 "View "Remote""". The view opens
automatically when opening the first window and closes after closing the latest. The view can be
docked or undocked like all views to the work area. If the view was closed by the user, it can be
opened by the action "Remote" again. The new windows are always docked to the left side of the last
window. With the help of the mouse, it can be undocked or docked again. If the view is displayed for
the first time (View->Remote), all remote windows are automatically opened.

Information Remote
Windows of type "Remote" can be docked only into the view "Remote".

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2.7 Docking and Undocking
With the new design of NORDCON, the user has the possibility to adapt the layout of the window to
their own requirements. In principle, you can undock each view and editor window and position them
freely on the screen. For this, the user must press the left mouse button over the title border and move
the coloured rectangle to the desired position. After releasing the mouse button, the view or editor
windows remains in those positions as independent windows. With the editor windows, there is
additionally the possibility - with the popup menu, which opens when clicking with the right mouse
button on the title border to undock the windows. The docking functions are similar to the undocking
functions. The coloured rectangle indicates in each case the current docking position.

Type of window Rule

View of main window(e.g. Project, Logs, The views of the main window can be docked only to the left, right
Remote) and/or lower edge of the work area. Within these windows, there are
no rules and the user can select the position freely.

Editor window (e.g. Macro editor, The editor windows can only be docked into the work area. The
Parameter window, Oscilloscope) adjustment is fixed however on down and/or above, or as register

Views of the Macro editor The views of the macro editor can be docked only to the macro
window. The adjustment here is fixed on left, right or down. Within the
views, no rules are defined.

Views of the oscilloscope The views of the oscilloscope window can be docked only to the
oscilloscope window. The adjustment here is fixed on left, right or
down. Within the views no rules are defined.

"Remote" windows "Remote" windows can only be docked to the view "Remote". Here
the adjustment is fixed on left.

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Docking position left

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Docking position right

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Docking position down

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Docking position up

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2 Graphic user interface
Docking position tab

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3 Communication

In order to start a connection to a device, you must insert the appropriate communication module in
the project. After the installation, a USS communication module is configured. With the action
"Parameterise" the user can modify the parameters of the module.

3.1 USS

3.1.1 General settings

The user can assign a name for the communication module in the input field.

In the selection box, the user specifies the COM port of the PC to which the frequency inverter is

Telegram error
In the input field, the user specifies the number of permissible telegram errors. Telegram errors occur
if the content of the telegram is not correct, i.e. if the response does not correspond to the parameter
entry. Usually a response is given after 2 telegrams for each order. The number of permissible
telegram errors specifies how many attempts are permitted before an error message is displayed.

Bus error
In the input field, the user specifies the number of permissible bus errors. A bus error occurs if the
receipt or transmission telegram has an error. The incorrect telegrams are deleted. Here, the
permissible number of incorrect telegrams for which an error is generated can be set. The error
tolerance should be set to an appropriately higher value for environments in which there is

Stop all detected devices

If this option is enabled, after the device search the NORDCON sends a "Disable" command to each
of the devices which are detected. The device is stopped if it can be controlled via the bus (P509).

Automatic device search after program start

This option enables or disables the automatic search when the program is started. If this option is
enabled, a device search is started automatically when the NORDCON is started.

Simulate hardware
With this option, the user can enable or disable simulation of a connected piece of hardware.

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3 Communication

Information Changes
All changes only become effective after pressing the "Adopt" button. The currently valid settings can be restored
with the "Restore" button.

3.1.2 Bus scan

Baud rate
In the selection box, the user can choose the communication speed of the serial interface. The same
value must be chosen on the frequency inverter. When using multiple frequency inverters, the setting
must be identical on all connected devices. The baud rates over 115200 Bit/s are user specific baud
rates and not supported by all devices.

Information Connection problems

Older serial PC interfaces are sometimes not able to justify the accurate user specific baud rate. From this reason
no connection can be made to the device.

Bus-Scan with all baud rates

With the action, the user activates or deactivates the bus scan with all baud rates. If the baud rate of
the connected device is unknown, the search with all baud rates can find the right one to start

Starting baud rate

In the selection box, the user can define the baud rate for start of the baud rate search.

Starting address
In this field, the USS address can be defined, from where the search run of NORDCON starts to find
connected devices. All frequency inverters with lower address cannot be found by NORDCON.

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End address
In this field, the user can define the USS address for the ending of the search for connected devices.
All inverters with a higher address number cannot be found by NORDCON.

Stop all connected devices

With the action, the user can activate or deactivate the stopping (disable) of connected devices. When
this function is active, all enabled devices are stopped if the interface of the device is programmed to

Automatic device search after start of program

With this action the user can activate or deactivate the automatic device search after the start of the
program. When this function is active, NORDCON automatically starts the bus scan after the program
is started.

Information Changes
All changes only become effective after pressing the "Adopt" button. The currently valid settings can be restored
with the "Restore" button.

3.2 Ethernet

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3 Communication
3.2.1 General settings

In the edit field, the user can assign a name for the communication module.

In the combo box the user defines the kind of communication (PROFINET, EtherCAT or EthernetIP).

Stop all found devices

If this option is enabled, each detected device will be sent the "Disable" command after search,
provided that the device can be controlled via bus.

Automatic search at program start

If this option is enabled, the device search is initiated after the program start.

Information Changes
All changes only become effective after pressing the "Adopt" button. The currently valid settings can be restored
with the "Restore" button.

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3.2.2 Scan

Activate scan
The option defines whether the device search is enabled. If the search was activated, all IP addresses
are searched for devices from the start address to the end address. If the search is disabled in a bus
scan, the following configuration is used.

Starting address
In this edit box you have to insert the start address for the device search.

End address
In this edit box you have to insert the end address for the device search.

Add bus module

The button adds a new bus module in the device list.

Add device
The button adds a new device in the device list.

The button removes the highlighted entry in the list of devices.

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3 Communication
Value - bus module (Address):
In the column you have to enter the IP address of the bus module.

Value - device:
In the column you have to enter the slot on the device (see following table).

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8

System bus System bus System bus System bus System bus System bus System bus System bus
address 32 address 34 address 36 address 38 address 40 address 42 address 44 address 46
SK 5xxE
over TU3


Additional - device:
In this column, the user specifies the number of IO extensions.

Bus module Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4

SK TU3-EIP V1.2 SK 5xxE not available not available not available


SK CU4-EIP V1.2 SK 5xxE SK 5xxE SK 5xxE SK 5xxE

SK TU4-EIP V1.2 SK 2xxE SK 2xxE SK 2xxE SK 2xxE
SK CU4-PNT V1.2 SK 19xE SK 19xE SK 19xE SK 19xE
SK 18xE SK 18xE SK 18xE SK 18xE

Information Access rights

Please note that you need access rights for parameter changes or control via the bus module. To set it
accordingly please checks the data sheet of your field bus module.

Information Changes
All changes only become effective after pressing the "Adopt" button. The currently valid settings can be restored
with the "Restore" button.

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4 Parameterization

All parameters of the frequency inverter that can be changed can also be changed by NORDCON. All
of the parameters can be stored and retransmitted to the frequency inverter. Parameters which have
been read out can be printed out for documentation purposes.

4.1 How to manipulate parameters

The selected parameter is read out and the value transferred to the 'Current Setting' box.
Management of the parameters of a frequency inverter is ensured by databases. These databases
can be stored, printed out or manipulated again at a later date.

Information Menu "Parameterise"

The menu "Parameterise" is indicated only if a parameter window is marked.

NORDCON features two ways of parameter manipulation:

Action Place Description

New File -> New -> Dataset The current database is re-initialized, in other
words the current and the new settings are deleted.

Open File -> Open Any database that was saved can be reopened.

Save File -> Save The current database is saved with the current

Save as... File -> Save as... The current database is saved with a new name.

Print preview... File -> Print preview... The current parameter settings are printed out.

Read all parameters or Parameterise -> Read -> All All of the parameters of the frequency inverter are
Read all Parameter read out and entered into the database.

Read actual menu group Parameterise -> Read -> The parameters of the selected menu group are
Actual menu group read out and entered into the database.

Send new settings Parameterise -> Send -> All parameters for which a new value was entered
new Values in the 'New settings' box are transmitted to the
frequency inverter. A selection is possible as to
whether this operation is to be performed on all
parameters or only on those belonging to the
current menu group.

Send Factory settings Parameterise -> Send -> The settings transmitted will be the default settings
Reset values of all parameters or of the parameters of the
current menu group respectively

Selection Enable Parameterise -> Selection -> All of the parameters (or those included in the
Release current menu group respectively), are enabled.

Selection Disable Parameterise -> Selection -> None of the parameters (or of those belonging to
no Release the current menu group), are enabled.

Standard Button "Standard" The default value is allocated to the currently

selected parameter.

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4 Parameterization
Action Place Description

Send Button "Send" The value "new setting" of the current parameter is
transferred to the inverter

Read Button "Read" The selected parameter is read out and the value
transferred to the 'Current Setting' box.

With the Auto-read option the selected parameter is read out automatically.

4.2 Selective parameterisation

NORDCON allows for masking some parameters or other, a feature which may facilitate manipulation
or serve the purpose of restricting parameter readout or transmission to those which remain
unmasked, or in other words have been filtered out.

When a filter has been activated, all operations are executed only on those parameters which are displayed.

Before any parameter can be masked the enable command must be inactivated. This can be done
using the checkbox preceding the parameter, or via the 4.1 "How to manipulate parameters" menu.
The Filter box provides for the setting options mentioned below:

– Selection only Only the enabled parameters are displayed (i.e. where the check box preceding
the parameter was clicked once).

– No standard Only the parameters with a value that is different from the standard setting are

– Info parameters
– Yes Information parameters are displayed.
– No Information parameters are not displayed.
– Only Information parameters are displayed exclusively.

4.3 Off-line Parameterisation

Off-line parameterisation implies that a database is manipulated which is not allocated to any
frequency inverter connected.

Off-line parameterisation is started via the database menu in the main window.

Name Description

New A new database can be created. The new database is allocated to a frequency inverter type which is set
using a selection box.

Open Any database that was read into memory can be opened and manipulated.

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4.4 Parameter Viewing
Each parameter has a parameter name and a unique parameter number by which it can directly be
accessed. The parameters are divided into menu groups.

Each parameter has a parameter value and parameter characteristics:

When a parameter has been selected, values of all parameter sets, if it can be set differently in the
sets, are displayed.

4.5 Comparison report

The report shows the differences and similarities between two data records in a window. Basically,
only data records in one device family can be compared. The parameters are shown in the form of a
list. If two parameters differ, the line is marked with a grey bar. It is also checked whether a value
differs from the standard value. If this is the case, the value is displayed in red.

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4 Parameterization

Information Save dataset

After the report has been generated, the data record can no longer be saved! For this reason, it is advisable to
save the data record beforehand.

Online / Offline comparison

A device with NORDCON must be connected in order to perform the comparison. The parameter
window for the device must then be opened, and it is advisable to read out all parameters. The
parameter selection can be restricted even further using the filters. A report can then be generated
using the “Parameter Setup -> Comparison” menu item. After calling up the function, the user must
select a stored data record for the comparison. If the parameters which are read out are going to be
used as a back-up, the user must subsequently save the current data record. The report is then
generated and displayed.

The configuration of the open parameter set is used as the reference for the parameters and the standard values.
If a data record that does not correspond with the configuration of the device is selected, any parameters that are
not present are shown empty and marked as different.

Offline / Offline comparison

A saved or new data record must be opened in order to perform the comparison. The parameter
selection can be restricted even further using the filters. Then a report can be generated using the
“Parameter Setup -> Comparison” menu item. After calling up the function, the user must select a
stored data record for the comparison. The report is then generated and displayed.

The configuration of the open parameter set is used as the reference for the parameters and the standard values.
If a data record that does not correspond with the configuration of the device is selected, any parameters that are
not present are shown empty and marked as different.

4.6 Parameter upload from device

The “Parameter upload from device” function loads the parameters of a device onto the PC and then
saves the values in a parameter file. This action can be called up using the “Device” toolbar or via the
“Device/Parameter upload from device” menu item. After executing the function, the following window
opens and the upload of the parameters starts automatically. If communication errors occur during the
transfer, these are displayed in the message window. At the end of the transfer the user is requested
to enter a file name for the file. If the user confirms with “Save”, the parameters are saved.

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4.7 Parameter download to device

The “Parameter download to device” function opens a parameter file on the PC and transmits all
values to the device. The action can be called up using the “Device” toolbar or via the
“Device/Parameter download to device” menu item. After executing the function, the following window
and a file selection dialogue open. The user selects a parameter file in this dialogue and confirms with
“Open”. Then it is checked whether the parameter file is suitable for the selected device. If this is the
case, the download is started.

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5 Control

5.1 Overview
The program NORDCON can be used to control NORD Frequency inverter. To use this function the
inverter must be parametrised in the right way. Because of different settings of different inverter types
the user must check the manual to find the right settings. Before the inverter can be controlled the
Bus-scan must be done. After the scanning process has finished all connected inverter are displayed
in the main window. Now the inverter to be controlled can be chosen by mouse click. The window
„Control" can be opened via "Device/Control (F6)” in the main menu or via popup menu (right mouse

Now the control configuration of the inverter is read and checked with the standard setting
(setting/control/control configuration check). If the "Control" of inverter is limited or impossible there will
be a warning note on the screen.

In the window ”Control" there are two versions available:

5.2 "Standard control" The frequency inverter can be released and the setting value can be
increased or decreased. Direction change and error acknowledge is
possible, too.

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5 Control
5.3.1 "Overview" All controls can be used with the window.

5.2 Standard control

Using the Standard control the following functions are available:
• Enabling the frequency inverter
• Increase or decrease of the setting value
• Change of direction
• Error Acknowledge
To use this functionality, the inverter must be programmed for control via bus. You can find the
required parameter and settings in the manual available for each inverter type.

On the ”Standard" display only the first setting value and first actual value are displayed. The form of
value is fixed for each configuration. By pressing the button “Detail” you can switch to the extended
control function.

5.3 Detailed control

5.3.1 Overview
In the mode „Detailed control" some extra functions are available:
• 5.3.2 " Control "
• 5.3.3 "Management of setting values and actual values"
• Sending of broadcast telegram
• Choice of different parameter sets
• Automatic sending of control word and setting values

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5.3.2 Control
The control word is displayed as a hexadecimal value in the field „Control word". By entering a new
value (hexadecimal) the user can change the control word. For a bit-coded setting of control word the
user can open up a new editorial window by pressing the button "Control word edit". In this window the
control word is displayed in bits.

The status word is displayed as a hexadecimal in the screen „Status word". To display the status word
in the bit resolution the button „Bit orientated detail view" can be chosen. The status is displayed in the
status line of the status machine as clear text.

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5 Control

5.3.3 Management of setting values and actual values

For controlling the inverter the user can define up to 3 different setpoints and actual values (see user
manual). The setpoints and actual values are displayed according to the Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden. "Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden." (Button
„formatting setting value x"). The input of setpoins can be done in same way.

With the option „Setting/control/ parameter set individual management" the setting values and actual
values can be managed individually. So setting values can be set for each parameter set. With
activation of a parameter set its setting values are transmitted to the frequency inverter. This is
necessary because for each parameter set the setting values and actual values can be defined
individually. The active parameter set is marked with a star.

If the option „Setting/control/configuration automatically checked" was not activated, the user can
transmit the new configuration by pressing the button „Update".

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5.3.4 Formatting of Setpoint and/or actual value

Char Name Description

"%" 16 Bit standardised This standardisation transforms the setpoint/actual value to a 16 Bit
values standardised value. Standardisation means a scaling of value range and is
between -200% and 199% of a basic value (e.g. nominal frequency).

"16" 16 Bit not With this formatting the setpoint and actual value are transformed to 16 Bit
standardised value and transmitted to inverter and displayed without any scaling.

"B" DigInBits With this Formatting the setpoint and actual value are transformed to 8 Bit
value. The bit status is displayed individually in check boxes. In these check
boxes each bit of the setting value can be changed.

"L" 32 Bit Low-Word With this formatting the setpoint and actual value are taken as the low word
(16 Bit) of a 32 Bit word. If there is another setpoint or actual value
parametrised with formatting "32 Bit High-Word", then both values are
combined in the top display. The setting value can be given as a 32 Bit value.

"H" 32 Bit High-Word With this formatting the setpoint and actual value are taken as the high word
(16 Bit) of a 32 Bit word. (see "32 Bit Low-Word").

5.3.5 Status word

The present status word is displayed with each bit in the window „Status word". All bits are listed in a
table including bit number, name and status. According to bit value and function there is a coloured
LED shown.

Importance of LEDs:

LED Importance

The Bit is set and/or the inverter is enabled.

48 BU 0000 en-0421
5 Control
An error is active or an enable signal is missing.

The Bit is not set.

With the standard setting the status word is read in cycles and the changes are displayed in the
window. For deactivating the cyclic reading switch off the function „Automatic" in the menu (right
mouse click).

The window is docked left next to the „Control" window. If the window should be free on the desktop,
the user should choose the popup menu "Docking/no". To save space the window can be added as an
index card next to the index card “General". To do this the window must be moved (pressed left
mouse button) over the index card "General". After release of the button the window is shown as an
index card. With a double click (left mouse button) on the index card the user will get back to window

5.3.6 Control word

The present control word is displayed with each bit in the window „Control word". All bits are listed in a
table including bit number, name and status. According to bit value and function there is a coloured
LED shown. If inverter is programmed to USS control then the bits can be set by control buttons. Each
change of control word is sent immediately to the inverter (see „Automatic sending").

Importance of LEDs:

LED Importance

The Bit is set and/or the inverter is enabled.

An error is active or an enable signal is missing.

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The Bit is not set.

With the standard setting the control word is read in cycles and the changes are displayed in the
window. For deactivating the cyclic reading switch off the function „Automatic" in the menu (right
mouse click).

The window is docked left next to the „Control" window. If the window should be free on the desktop,
you should choose the popup menu "Docking/no". To save space the window can be added as an
index card next to the index card “General". To do this the window must be moved (pressed left
mouse button) over the index card "General". After release of the button the window is shown as an
index card. With a double click (left mouse button) on the index card the user will get back to window

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6 Remote control

6 Remote control

NORDCON can simulate the control unit of the relevant frequency inverter. For this, the frequency
inverter transfers the contents of its display to NORDCON. The key functions are simulated on the PC
and sent to the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter can only be controlled via the remote
control window, if it has not previously been enabled via the control terminals or via a serial interface
(P509 = 0 and P510 = 0). In addition, for this the parameter “PotentiometerBox Function” (P549) must
not be set to function {4} “Frequency addition” or function
{5} “Freq. subtraction”.

Information Timeout monitoring

NORD Frequency inverter can be controlled via the keyboard (enable, setpoint +/-, direction of rotation, etc.). In
this case the timeout monitoring is not enables, so that no further control is possible on interruption of the
connection between the PC and the frequency inverter.

6.1 Standard
The standard window for the function "Remote" is used for all Devices, if the option "13.1 "User
interface"" is not activated.

Name Icon Description

Enable Switching on the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter is now enabled with the set
jog frequency (P113). A preset minimum frequency (P104) must at least be provided.
Parameter >Interface< P509 and P510 must = 0.

Disable Switching off the frequency inverter. The output frequency is reduced to the absolute
minimum frequency (P505) and the frequency inverter shuts down.

Change dir The motor rotation direction changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the left" is
indicated by a minus sign.


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Name Icon Description

Take care when operating pumps. screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

Up Press key to increase the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number or
parameter value is increased.

Down Press the key to reduce the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number or
parameter value is reduced.

Enter Press "ENTER" to store an altered parameter value, or to switch between parameter
number or parameter value.

If a changed value is not to be stored, the key can be used to exit the parameter without
storing the change.

Change Dir + By simultaneously pressing the STOP key and the "Change direction key”, a quick stop
Stop can be initiated.

Enter + Start If the inverter is enabled via the "ON" key, the parameterisation mode can be reached by
pressing the ON and ENTER keys simultaneously.

All functions available with the operating unit (control box) of the frequency inverter can be performed.

6.2 NORDAC SK 200 E

The window for remote control of the frequency inverters of the NORDAC SK 200 E series looks like

Name Icon Description

Enable Switching on the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter is now enabled with the set
jog frequency (P113). A preset minimum frequency (P104) must at least be provided.
Parameter >Interface< P509 and P510 must = 0.

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6 Remote control
Name Icon Description

Disable Switching off the frequency inverter. The output frequency is reduced to the absolute
minimum frequency (P505) and the frequency inverter shuts down.

Change dir The motor rotation direction changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the left" is
indicated by a minus sign.

Take care when operating pumps. screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

Up Press key to increase the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number or
parameter value is increased.

Down Press the key to reduce the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number
or parameter value is reduced.

Enter Press "ENTER" to store an altered parameter value, or to switch between parameter
number or parameter value.

If a changed value is not to be stored, the key can be used to exit the parameter without
storing the change.

Change Dir + By simultaneously pressing the STOP key and the "Change direction key”, a quick stop
Stop can be initiated.

Enter + On If the inverter is enabled via the "ON" key, the parameterisation mode can be reached by
pressing the ON and ENTER keys simultaneously.

All functions available with the operating unit (control box) of the frequency inverter can be performed.

6.3 NORDAC SK 700/500/300 E

The window for remote control of the frequency inverters of the NORDAC SK 700/500/300 E series
looks like this:

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Name Icon Description

Enable Switching on the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter is now enabled with the set
jog frequency (P113). A preset minimum frequency (P104) must at least be provided.
Parameter >Interface< P509 and P510 must = 0.

Disable Switching off the frequency inverter. The output frequency is reduced to the absolute
minimum frequency (P505) and the frequency inverter shuts down.

Change dir The motor rotation direction changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the left" is
indicated by a minus sign.

Take care when operating pumps, screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

Up Press key to increase the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number or
parameter value is increased.

Down Press the key to reduce the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number
or parameter value is reduced.

Enter Press "ENTER" to store an altered parameter value, or to switch between parameter
number or parameter value.

If a changed value is not to be stored, the key can be used to exit the parameter without
storing the change.

Change Dir + By simultaneously pressing the STOP key and the "Change direction key”, a quick stop
Stop can be initiated.

Enter + On If the inverter is enabled via the "ON" key, the parameterisation mode can be reached by
pressing the ON and ENTER keys simultaneously.

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6 Remote control
All functions available with the operating unit (control box) of the frequency inverter can be performed.

6.4 NORDAC vector mc

The window for remote control of the frequency inverters of the NORDAC vector mc series looks like

Name Icon Description

Enable Switching on the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter is now enabled with the set
jog frequency (P113). A preset minimum frequency (P104) may at least be provided.
Parameter >Interface< P509 and P510 must = 0.

Disable Switching off the frequency inverter. The output frequency is reduced to the absolute
minimum frequency (P505) and the frequency inverter shuts down.

Change dir The motor rotation direction changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the left" is
indicated by a minus sign.

Take care when operating pumps, screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

Up Press key to increase the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number or
parameter value is increased.

Down Press the key to reduce the frequency. During parameterisation, the parameter number
or parameter value is reduced.

Enter Press "ENTER" to store an altered parameter value, or to switch between parameter
number or parameter value.

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Name Icon Description

If a changed value is not to be stored, the key can be used to exit the parameter without
storing the change.

Change Dir + By simultaneously pressing the STOP key and the "Change direction key” , an quick
Stop stop can be initiated.

Enter + On If the inverter is enabled via the "ON" key, the parameterisation mode can be reached by
pressing the ON and ENTER keys simultaneously.

All functions available with the operating unit (control box) of the frequency inverter can be performed.

6.5 NORDAC vector ct

The remote control window for the NORDAC vector ct series has the following appearance:

Name of action Pictu Description


Enable To switch on the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter is now enabled with the set
jog frequency (P113). A pre-set minimum frequency (P104) may at least be provided.
Parameter >Interface< P509 and P510 must = 0.

Switch off To switch on the frequency inverter. The frequency inverter is now enabled with the set
enable jog frequency (P113). A reset minimum frequency (P104) may at least be provided.
Parameter >Interface< P509 and P510 must = 0.

Change The direction of rotation of the motor changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the
direction of left" is indicated by a minus sign.
Take care when operating pumps, screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

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6 Remote control

Name of action Pictu Description


Increase The direction of rotation of the motor changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the
left" is indicated by a minus sign.

Take care when operating pumps, screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

Reduce The direction of rotation of the motor changes when this key is pressed. "Rotation to the
left" is indicated by a minus sign.

Take care when operating pumps, screw conveyors, ventilators, etc. Block the key with
parameter P540.

Confirm Press this key to store a changed parameter value, or to switch between the parameter
number and the parameter value.

If a changed value is not to be stored, the key can be used to exit from the parameter
without saving the change.

Rotation By simultaneously pressing the STOP key and the "Change direction key ", a quick stop
direction + can be initiated.
Switch off

Confirm + Simultaneously pressing the ON key and the "Confirm" key switches to the editing mode
enable for an enabled device.

All of the functions which are possible with the control unit (Control Box) can be carried out.

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7 Oscilloscope

7.1 Overview
The oscilloscope function integrated in NORDCON can show process data of an NORD Frequency
inverter as an arithmetic chart.

This option ist not available for serieses NORDAC vector ct and NORDAC vector mc!

The features of oscilloscope-function are:

• Monitoring of up to 4 channels
• Many different ways of triggering
• Scaling of each measurement
• Calculation of average values, effective value, etc.
• Save, print and export of measurement data

7.2 Display
The oscilloscope function can measure and display 4 channels max:

The following settings can be done:

Name Description

Auto Automatic scaling of all measured data

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7 Oscilloscope
Offset Selection of display detail (displacement of all data in x- or y-direction)

Zoom Display size (Zoom of all data)

With the right mouse button you can choose between the modes “Move” and “Measurement”,
if the mouse pointer is on the display. In “Move” mode you can choose the detail of display by
mouse pointer by pressing the left mouse button while moving over the display.

Auto scrolling With this option during a recording the time axis is scrolled automatically to the last point.

Resolution In this combination field the user can change the scaling of the time axis.

Comment Additional information field, where further information for the measurement series can be

Cursor Execution of measurement

7.3 Handling

Follow the next steps to execute a measurement:

1. Choice of channels

There is a popup menu to make the choice of the 4 channels. There is a colour referring to each
channel. Each channel can be switched on and off by checkboxes. The resolution and offset can be
chosen for each channel separately. When displaying the results of measurement, the values of the
vertical axis of each channel can be chosen and indicated.

Importance of measured value

Measured value Description

(=P[Number]) [Name] The value of this measuring function is updated in the time slot pattern by approx. 100
milliseconds and corresponds to the value indicated of the parameter.

[Name] The value of this measuring function is updated in a time slot pattern by approx. 100

(≈P[Number]) [Name] The value of this measuring function is updated in a time slot pattern by approx. 50

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(~P[Number]) [Name] The value of this measuring function is updated in a time slot pattern of approx. 250 µs.

2. Setting of trigger

The trigger starts the measurement. First choose the source of trigger. Trigger sources can be
measurement values, digital inputs, status of inverter, etc. The starting conditions are defined by
trigger level respectively trigger edge.

Information Trigger levels

The increments of the trigger levels are different depending on the trigger source. Therefore not every value can
be set. After starting a recording, the closest possible value is calculated and set.

Time between two measured values is set by sampling rate. Numbers of measured values and
sampling rate define the time of sampling. The Pre-trigger/Delay set the beginning of the
measurement in relation to the trigger event.

Information Measured values

The dynamic of measured values defines the best rate of sampling: fast changing values need a low sampling
rate. The number of measured values defines the time of sending the values from inverter to NORDCON.

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7 Oscilloscope
3. Sampling modes
The oscilloscope has 2 different modes. The user can choose between "Single" and "Roll" mode. The
"Single" mode is the standard mode. In this mode a recording starts with the current trigger settings.
The recording time depends on the oscilloscope memory of the device and amounts to max. 2000
seconds. The values are noted in the adjusted sampling rate.
The roll mode makes a recording over longer period. The noted values are transferred immediately to
the PC. Therefore the user cannot change the sampling rate. It depends on the speed of the

4. Starting of measurement
The Start-Button activates the measurement. The event of trigger is detected. When the event
appears a recording starts in the inverter. The transmission of data to NORDCONstarts in the same
moment. This can be cancelled by Stop. After transferring all data a new measurement can be started
or new settings can be made by pressing the “New” button.

7.4 Measurement
After recording the measurement completely, measurements on the results can be done using

There are two cursors available for this. The cursors can be moved by . The choice of cursor
is made by . To choose the mode “Move” and “Measurement” by right mouse button the
pointer has to be on display. In the measure mode the cursors can be set by left mouse button. The
values of the measured lines 1 and 2 are displayed on cursor 1 and cursor 2. Additionally the
calculations like average values are performed. Pressing on the “Calculation” button starts the shift of

7.5 Save and Print

The recorded series of measurements can be saved, exported or printed.

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Menu item "File"

Name Description

Open A stored measurement data file can be chosen and loaded. During loading there is a choice if only
the setting should be loaded or all data of measurement.

Save as The present measurement data and settings are saved with a new filename.

Export The data can be exported as graphic file or data table.

Print The lines of measurement are printed with present settings (colour of background: white).

Scope Offline
In Offline-mode (no inverter is connected) a saved measurement file can be loaded by menu item

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8 Macro editor

8 Macro editor

The macro editor is designed to create simple process sequences. The user interface provides a
facility for creating and adapting a macro using context menus, toolbars or tool windows. The
individual instructions can be moved within the view using Drag n Drop. The standard functions such
as saving and loading a macro are also integrated in the context menu. The macros are stored in the
standard format “XML”. The format of the preceding version can be imported using the “Open” menu
item, file type “Macro Files V1.26”.

8.1 User interfaces and views

As well as the editor window, other views are also needed for macro generator handling. These views
are available as tool windows. These windows can be docked and undocked at the edge of the main
window. All views can be displayed and closed using the “View” menu item in the pop-up menu.

8.1.1 Window "Variables"

The view „variables" can be opened and closed over the menu option „View->Macro->Variables ". It is
used for debugging. In this window after starting macros all variables and objects macros with current
rating are indicated. The expenditure of the value can be stopped in the view „Properties->Display

There are the following formatting:

• Decimal
• Hexadecimal
• Binary

8.1.2 Properties window

The “Property” view can be opened and closed via the “View -> Properties” menu item. All properties
of the current instruction are displayed in this window. Depending on the instruction, the number of
properties and the type thereof can change.

Name Description

Result You can change the object to which you would like to assign a new value with this property. Only
objects to which a new value can be assigned can be selected (e.g. control word, parameters or

Operand With this property the user can select the object that is to be used with an assignment or operation.

Operator This property defines the type of operation (e.g. Addition).

Comment The user can assign a comment to any instruction using this property.

Variables, control or status words, setpoints or actual values or parameters can be designated as
objects in the macro generator. Each of these objects has different parameters.

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Object Parameter Description

Variable Name The parameter defines the name of the variable or constant. All variables that
have already been used are displayed in the selection box. If you would like to
create a new variable, a name that has not yet been used must be entered. No
distinction is made between upper and lower case.

Display format This parameter defines the display format in the “Variables” view. One of the
following displays can be selected:

• Decimal
• Hexadecimal
• Binary

Constant Value The parameter defines the value of the constant.

Display format This parameter defines the display format in the “Variables” view. One of the
following displays can be selected:

• Decimal
• Hexadecimal
• Binary

Control Node number This parameter defines the USS node number of the required device.
Status word Note:
Since the current control word cannot be read out of the device, the control word
is set to 0 when the scheduler starts.

Display format This parameter defines the display format in the “Variables” view. One of the
following displays can be selected:

• Decimal
• Hexadecimal
• Binary

Setpoint and Node number This parameter defines the USS node number of the required device.
values Note:
Since the current setpoints cannot be read out of the device, the values are set to
0 when the scheduler starts.

Type This parameter defines the type of the value. The types listed in table “Setpoint
and actual value types” are available to the user.

Format This parameter defines the formatting of the setpoint and actual values. The
possible formats are shown in table “Setpoint and actual value formatting”.

Resolution This parameter defines the resolution of the setpoint and actual values. It is used
to format the instruction in the editor.

Display format This parameter defines the display format in the “Variables” view. One of the
following displays can be selected:

• Decimal
• Hexadecimal
• Binary

Parameter Node number This parameter defines the USS node number of the required device.

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Object Parameter Description

Parameter This value defines the number of the parameter (see “Device catalogue” view).

Sub-index This value defines the sub-index of the parameter.

Resolution This value defines the resolution of the setpoint and actual values. It is used to
format the instruction in the editor.

Data type This value defines the data type of the parameter. Only 2 data types are used in
the current devices (16-bit integer and 32-bit integer).

Display format This parameter defines the display format in the “Variables” view. One of the
following displays can be selected:

• Decimal
• Hexadecimal
• Binary

Setpoint and actual value types

Type Description

Value 1 (16-bit) The 1st, 2nd or 3rd setpoint or actual value should be used.

Value 12 (32-bit) The first and second setpoint or actual value should be used as a 32-bit value.

The device must be appropriately configured for this configuration (see “Setpoint or actual
value configuration”).

Value 13 (32-bit) The 1st and 3rd setpoint or actual value should be used as a 32-bit value.

The device must be appropriately configured for this configuration (see “Setpoint or actual
value formatting”).

Value 23 (32-bit) The 2nd and 3rd setpoint or actual value should be used as a 32-bit value.

The device must be appropriately configured for this configuration (see “Setpoint or actual
value formatting”).

Setpoint and actual value formatting

Formatting Description

Standardised This formatting interprets the setpoint or actual value as a 16 bit standardised value.
Standardisation means scaling of the value range and is between -200% and 199% of a basic
value (e.g. nominal frequency).

Not standardised In this formatting the setpoint or actual value is interpreted as a 16 bit value, which is
transferred to the device and displayed without scaling.

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Formatting Description

Low word (32-bit) This formatting defines that the first word is the low word and the 2nd value is the high word
value (32-bit). This value can only be selected for 32-bit types.

High word (32-bit) This formatting defines that the first word is the high word and the 2nd value is the low word
value (32-bit). This value can only be selected for 32-bit types.

Please ensure that the configuration of the devices corresponds with the settings.

8.1.3 Log window

All events in the sequence control are saved in a log. To display the log, you need to open the “Log”
view using the “View -> Log” menu item. The value is also a tool window and can be docked and
undocked at the edge of the main window. All log entries are shown in a sorted list in the window. In
this case, the last entry is at the beginning of the list.

Saving the log

The log can be saved using the “Save as...” menu item in the pop-up menu. A file selection dialogue
then opens, and the user must stipulate the name and path for storing the log file. If the user confirms
with “Save”, the current list is saved in the text file.

Deleting the log

The log can be deleted using the “Delete” menu item in the pop-up menu. All entries are then
irretrievably deleted.

Filtering the entries

The user can filter the log entries in accordance with the type of entry using the filter function. The
types of the entries to be entered in the log can be defined using the “Filter” menu item.

8.2 Working with macros

8.2.1 Create a new macro

A new document (macro) is generated by the menu option “New" in the context menu. Depending if
the document was previously opened, the macro editor offers to store of the old document. A new
document is generated if the user does not confirm with “Cancel". Only one document can be opened
at the same time in the current version.

8.2.2 Open a macro

Opening macros is implemented in the menu option “Open" or with the combination of keys “Ctrl+O".
Subsequently, a selection of files dialogue opens, in which the user can select the desired macro. If
the user would like to open a previous version of the macro, he must change the data type in the file
selection dialogue accordingly.

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8 Macro editor
8.2.3 Save a macro
Storing macros is implemented in the menu option “Save" or the combination of keys a “Ctrl+S". This
function is available however only for previously generated documents. For all new documents the
function must be implemented “Save as…".

The function is implemented in the menu option “Save as…". Subsequently, a selection of files
dialogue opens, in which the user must select the file name as well as the path. After confirmation with
“Save" the macro is stored. After the completion of the procedure the newly named macro indicated in
the title bar.

8.2.4 Inserting instructions

The “Insert” function is activated using the “Insert” menu item or key combination “Ctrl+V”. It inserts a
previously copied or cut instruction below the current position in the document. If no instruction has
been copied or cut beforehand, the menu item is deactivated. In the current version, each copied or
cut instruction can only be inserted once.

8.2.5 Copying instructions

The “Copy” function is activated using the “Copy” menu item or key combination “Ctrl+C”. It copies the
selected line into the clipboard of the generator. Only one line can be selected in the current version.
This means that only one instruction can be copied. The Block instruction is an exception. This can
only be copied in its entirety.

8.2.6 Cutting instructions

The “Cut” function is activated using the “Cut” menu item or key combination “Ctrl+X”. It copies the
selected instruction into the clipboard of the generator. When the cut instruction is inserted, the old
instruction is deleted from the document. The restriction that only one instruction can be cut also
applies to this function.

8.2.7 Delete from instruction

The function is implemented in the menu option “Delete" or the combination of keys “Ctrl + Del". It
deletes the marked instruction from the document.

8.2.8 Search and replace

The function “Search and replace" is implemented in the "Search and replace" menu or the
combination of keys “Ctrl+H" where the dialogue “Search and replace" opens. This allows the user to
insert the search and replacement vocabulary and start the change procedure.

8.2.9 Shift up instruction

The function is implemented in the menu option “Shift up". It shifts the marked instruction a line
upward. If the top line of document is marked no action is implemented. Shifting of instructions can
also be done by drag and drop with the mouse.

8.2.10 Shift down instruction

The function is implemented in the menu option “Down". It shifts the marked instruction one line
downwards. If the last line of the document is marked no action is implemented. Shifting instructions
can also be done by drag and drop with the mouse.

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8.2.11 Creating new instructions
New instructions are created using the “Functions” menu item in the context menu. The new
instructions are always inserted below the selected line. The user can then change the position of the
new instruction (see “Up” and “Down”).
The following functions are available to the user in this version:

Name Description
Assignment The instruction assigns a new value to a macro object. The new value can be read out of another
object, or the user defines a constant. By default, the line is inserted as shown in example 1. The
Parameter function can be adapted in the “Properties” view.

Device 00 Controlword = 047F hex // Assign value of 1151 to control word
Var1 = Device 00 Statusword // Assign value of status word to variable

Setpoints can only be assigned within a Block instruction.
Jump mark The instruction defines a jumping point in the macro. The user can jump to the location of the jump
mark using the “Goto” function. By default, the line is inserted as shown in example 1. The
Parameter function can be adapted in the “Properties” view. The name of the jumping point must
be changed, since duplicate names are not supported. The generator always jumps to the first
jump mark in the macro.

Label1: // Defines the “Label1” jump mark·

Start: // Defines the “Start” jump mark
Sleep The instruction generates a pause in the execution of the macro. The time is specified in units of
“ms”. By default, the line is inserted as shown in example 1. The time can be adapted in the
“Properties” view.

Sleep 1000 ms // Wait for 1s

Sleep 500 ms // Wait for 0.5s
Go to The instruction generates a jump in the macro. After executing the instruction, the generator
jumps to the line of the jump mark with the relevant name. If the generator does not find a jump
mark with the name, the line is ignored. If no jump mark has been defined in the macro yet, the
menu item is deactivated. The first jump mark is always entered by default. The name of the jump
mark can be adapted in the “Properties” view.

Goto Start // Go to jump mark “Start”
Condition The instruction generates a conditional jump in the macro. If the condition is true, the generator
jumps to the line of the jump mark with the relevant name. By default, the line is inserted as
shown in example 1. The parameters of the instruction can be adapted in the “Properties” view.

if Device 00 Controlword == 047F hex then // If the control word has a value of 1151
Goto Start // then go to jump mark “Start”
Block This instruction allows the user to execute several instructions in one instruction. These

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8 Macro editor
Name Description
assignments are restricted to the “Control word” and “Setpoints” objects. Depending on the
configuration of the device and the purpose of use, the user can choose between “Control value
with 1 setpoint”, “Control value with 2 setpoints” or “Control value with 3 setpoints”.

Block // Transmit control word and setpoint1 with 1 USS protocol
Device 00 Controlword = 1151 // Assign value of 1151 to control word
Device 00 Setpoint1 = 20.0 // Assign value of 20 to setpoint 1
Mathematical These instructions make it possible for the user to carry out simple mathematical and logical
and logical operations on objects. The newly-calculated value is then assigned to an object. The parameters
operations of the instruction can be adapted in the “Properties” view.

Var1 = Device 00 Control word + 047F hex // Addition·
Var1 = Device 00 Status word AND 047F hex // “And” operation

8.3 Scheduler
With this option activated (automatic mode) after starting the scheduler line for line processing occurs.
If it is deactivated (single step mode) (menu entry “Next" or combination of keys “F12 ") the user must
run each instruction manually.

With this option activated the macro is implemented in a continuous loop. This means that after doing
the last instruction the scheduler jumps back to the beginning of the macro.

8.3.1 Start sequence

The scheduler is started using the “Start” menu item or key combination “F9”. If automatic mode is
active, processing takes place line by line. In single-step mode, only the first line is executed after
starting. The user must call up the “Next” action for each subsequent line. The scheduler can only be
started again after the macro has been worked through or the user has aborted the run. The
parameters of the instructions cannot be edited whilst the scheduler is running.

8.3.2 Cancel a macro

The scheduler is terminated in the menu option “Cancel" or the combination of keys “F11 ".

8.3.3 Execute next instruction

This function can be found in the menu option “Next" or with the key “F12 ". It is available only in the
single step mode and instructs the scheduler to implement the next instruction in the macro. If the last
instruction was implemented, the scheduler is terminated automatically.

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9 USS Frame-Editor

The USS protocol defines an access procedure according to the Master/Slave principle for
communication via a serial bus. A sub-set of this also includes point-to-point connection. A master and
a maximum of 31 slaves can be connected to a bus. The individual slaves are accessed by the master
via an address character in the telegram. Direct exchange of messages between the individual slaves
is not possible. In semi-duplex mode communication is carried out using USS telegrams.

The USS Frame Editor was developed to generate and analyse USS telegrams. It is fully integrated in
the NORDCON user interface and is opened via the menu item "Extras/USS Frame-Editor". The editor
displays the master and slave telegram in several views. Via the tabs, the user can switch between
the 9.1 "Master (order)"and the 9.2 "Device (response)".

Object Description

Telegram type This object specifies the size and structure of the USS telegram. The frequency inverter
supports the following types:

Type Length (LGE) Description

PPO 0 12 Standard telegram with process data and 16 bit parameter


PPO 1 14 Extended parameter data telegram with 32 bit parameter

values and process data

PPO 2 18 Telegram with extended process data (main and two

auxiliary setpoint values) and 32 bit parameter value

PPO 3 6 Process data telegram with main setpoint value without

parameter data

PPO 4 10 Extended process data telegram with main and auxiliary

setpoint values without parameter data

PPO 6 16 Telegram with 5 setpoint/actual values

This telegram type is not supported by all frequency

Address This object contains the address of the frequency inverter which is accessed.

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9 USS Frame-Editor
Status word This object contains the status bit of the frequency inverter.

Control word This object contains the control bits (e.g. enable or Quick Stop).

Setpoint/actual The setpoint/actual values are 16 bit or 32 bit values. These represent different values (e.g.
value 1-5 frequency setpoint or position setpoint) depending on the parameterisation of the frequency

Format This object contains the format of the setpoint. The following formats are supported:

• 16 Bit standard value This formatting interprets the setpoint as a 16 bit

standardised value. Standardisation means scaling of the
value range and is between -200% and 199% of a basic
value (e.g. nominal frequency).
• 16 Bit non-standardised In this format the setpoint is interpreted as a 16 bit value,
which is transferred to the frequency inverter and displayed
without scaling.

Parameter order The object contains the parameter order. The following orders are defined:

• Request parameter value

• Change parameter value (16 bit)
• Change parameter value (32 bit)
• Request parameter value (array)
• Change parameter value (array 16 bit)
• Change parameter value (array 32 bit)
• Request the number of array elements
• Change parameter value (array double word) without writing to the EEPROM
• Change parameter value (array word) without writing to the EEPROM
• Change parameter value (double word) without writing to the EEPROM
• Change parameter value (word) without writing to the EEPROM

Parameter number This object contains the parameter number.

Index The object contains the parameter index.

Value This object contains the parameter value. Depending on the telegram type, this is a 16 or 32
bit value. The display of the value still depends on the resolution of the value.

Resolution This object contains the resolution of the parameter. If the resolution is changed, only the
display of the parameter value changes. Please refer to the frequency inverter instructions
for the resolution value.

Process value sequence 1,3,2 for SK700, SK300, Vector CT and VT

With this option, the sequence for the 2 and 3 process value can be changed for older frequency
inverters. This option only affects the telegram types PPO 2 and PPO 4. The sequence of the process
values is displayed in the table view.

5.3.5 "Status word"

5.3.6 "Control word"

9.1 Master (order)

This view is divided into several sections. In the upper section, the order telegram is displayed as a
tree structure. The individual components of the telegram are listed by subject in the tree structure. All
entries with a white background can be changed by the user. To do this, the entry must be highlighted

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with the mouse or the keyboard. A further click on the entry opens the input editor. The input editor
may differ, depending on the entry. For numerical values, the input editor can also be opened by
pressing a number key. The input for the new value is adopted and the input editor closed by pressing
the "Enter" key or by highlighting a new entry. If the value cannot be adopted, the old value remains in
use. If the input editor is a selection list, a new value is adopted by selecting an entry and the input
editor is closed. If a change is not to be adopted, the user must exit from the input editor by pressing
the "Esc" key. A description of each highlighted entry is displayed below the tree structure. In the lower
section, the order telegram is displayed byte-wise in a table. The highlighted cells correspond to the
entry which is highlighted in the tree structure.

Copy query
This action converts the order telegram into a hex coded byte string and copies the string to the
Windows clipboard.

9.2 Device (response)

This view is divided into several sections. In the lower section, the response telegram is displayed
byte-wise in a table. The user can change the response telegram in this table. All bytes except for
STX, LGE and BCC can be changed. The user selects a cell and enters a new value in the table. The
context menu of the table must be opened if the length and structure of the telegram is to be changed.
After this, a new telegram type is selected in the menu.

72 BU 0000 en-0421
9 USS Frame-Editor
The tree structure is updated after each change. The tree structure is only used to visualise the
components of the USS telegram and cannot be edited. An exception to this is the formatting of actual
values and the resolution of the parameter value. This information is not contained in the USS
telegram. The formatting must be changed according to the settings for the actual values. The
resolution must also be selected according to the parameter. Please refer to the instructions for the
particular frequency inverter to obtain the value.
The status word is displayed as a hexadecimal value in the tree structure. A further view is
implemented for visualisation of the individual bits. The status word must be highlighted to open the
view. A further click on the entry opens the input editor in write-protected mode. The user can then
open the view with the "..." button.

Enter response
This action opens an input dialogue for a response telegram. The user can enter the telegram as a hex-coded
byte string.

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10 PLC

10.1 General
The NORD frequency inverter series SK 180E/SK 190E, SK 2xxE, SK 2xxE-FDS, SK 300P, SK 520E
– SK 545E and SK 5xxP as well as the motor starter series SK 155E-FDS/SK 175E-FDS contains
logic processing which is similar to the current IEC61131-3 standard for memory programmable
control units (SPS / PLC). The reaction speed or computing power of this PLC is suitable to undertake
smaller tasks in the area of the inverter. Inverter inputs or information from a connected field bus can
be monitored, evaluated and further processed into appropriate setpoint values for the frequency
inverter. In combination with other NORD devices, visualisation of system statuses or the input of
special customer parameters is also possible. Therefore, within a limited range, there is a potential for
savings via the elimination of a previous external PC solution. AWL is supported as the programming
language. AWL is a machine-orientated, text-based programming language whose scope and
application is specified in IEC61131-3.

Programming and download into the devices are possible exclusively via the NORD software NORDCON.

10.1.1 Specification of the PLC

Function Specification

Standard Orientated to IEC61131-3

Language Instruction list (IL), structured text (ST)

Task A cyclic task, program call-up every 5 ms

Computer Approximately 200 IL commands per 1 ms


Program memory SK 5xxP, SK 520E … SK 190E / SK 180E SK 155E-FDS /

SK 545E, SK 2xxE, SK 175E-FDS
SK 2x0E-FDS, On, On+

8128 bytes for flags, 2032 bytes for flags, 2028 bytes for flags,
functions and the PLC functions and the PLC functions and the PLC
program program program

Max. possible number Approximately 2580 Approximately 660 Approximately 660

of commands commands commands commands

Note: This is an average value. Heavy use of flags, process data and functions
considerably reduces the possible number of lines; see Resources section.

Freely accessible CAN 20 (except for On/On+)


Supported devices SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE / SK 52xE from V3.0
SK 2xxE from V2.0

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10 PLC

Function Specification

SK 180E / SK 190E
SK 155E-FDS / SK 175E- FDS

10.1.2 PLC structure Memory
The PLC memory is divided into the program memory and the flag memory. In addition to the
variables, instances of function blocks are saved in the area of the flag memory. FB instance is a
memory area in which all internal input and output variables of function command are saved. Each
function command declaration requires a separate instance. The boundary between the program
memory and the flag memory is determined dynamically, depending on the size of the flag area.

Total memory 4032 Byte

Program memory Flag memory

Variables Instances of FBs

In the flag memory, two different classes of variables are stored in the variable section:
Memory variable for saving auxiliary information and statuses. Variables of this type are initialised
every time the PLC starts. The memory content is retained during the cyclic sequence of the PLC.
These are used to read and describe process data (inputs, outputs, setpoints, etc.) of the frequency
inverter. These values are regenerated with every PLC cycle. Image of the process

Several physical dimensions such as torque, speed, position, inputs, outputs etc. are available to the
device. These dimensions are divided into actual and setpoint values. They can be loaded into the
process image of the PLC and influenced by it. The required processes must be defined in the list of
variables under the class VAR_ACCESS. With each PLC cycle, all of the process data for the inverter
which is defined in the list of variables is newly read in. At the end of each PLC cycle the writable
process data are transferred back to the inverter, see following illustration.

Start of Read process Execute PLC Save process End of

   
cycle values program values cycle

Because of this sequence it is important to program a cyclic program sequence. Programming loops in
order to wait for a certain event (e.g. change of level at an input) does not produce the required result.
This behaviour is different in the case of function blocks which access process values. Here, the

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process value is read on call-up of the function block and the process values are written immediately
when the block is terminated.

If the Motion blocks MC_Power, MC_Reset, MC_MoveVelocity, MC_Move, MC_Home or MC_Stop are used, the
process values "PLC_Control_Word" and "PLC_Set_Val1" up to "PLC_Set_Val5" may not be used. Otherwise the
values in the list of variables would always overwrite the changes to the function block.. Program Task

Execution of the program in the PLC is carried out as a single task. The task is called up cyclically
every 5 ms and its maximum duration is 3 ms. If a longer program cannot be executed in this time, the
program is interrupted and continued in the next 5 ms task. Setpoint processing

The inverter has a variety of setpoint sources, which are ultimately linked via several parameters to
form a frequency inverter setpoint.

CAN / CANopen  P509 & P350    Setpoint

USS  P510[-01] P350=0

TU3_xxx  Cycle 1 ms P351

Lokal   

P350=1 

Cycle 5 ms    

If the PLC is activated (P350=1) preselection of setpoints from external sources (main setpoints) is
carried out via P509 and P510[-01] Via P351, a final decision is made as to which setpoints from the
PLC or values input via P509/P510[-01] are used. A mixture of both is also possible. No changes to
the auxiliary setpoints (P510[-02]) are associated with the PLC function. All auxiliary setpoint sources
and the PLC transfer their auxiliary setpoint to the frequency inverter with equal priority. Data processing via accumulator

The accumulator forms the central computing unit of the PLC. Almost all AWL commands only
function in association with the accumulator. The PLC has three accumulators. These are the 23 Bit
Accumulator 1 and Accumulator 2 and the AE in BOOL format. The AE is used for all boolean loading,
saving and comparison operations. If a boolean value is loaded, it is depicted in the AE Comparison
operations transfer their results to the AE and conditional jumps are triggered by the AE. Accumulator
1 and Accumulator 2 are used for all operands in the data format BYTE, INT and DINT. Accumulator 1
is the main accumulator and Accumulator 2 is only used for auxiliary functions. All loading and storage
operands are handled by Accumulator 1. All arithmetic operands save their results in Accumulator 1.
With each Load command, the contents of Accumulator 1 are moved to Accumulator 2. A subsequent

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10 PLC
operator can link the two accumulators together or evaluate them and save the result in Accumulator
1, which in the following will generally be referred to as the "accumulator".

10.1.3 Scope of functions

The PLC supports a wide range or operators, functions and standard function modules, which are
defined in IEC61131-3. There is a detailed description in the following sections. In addition, the
function blocks which are also supported are explained. Motion Control Lib

The Motion Control Lib is based on the PLCopen specification "Function blocks for motion control".
This mainly contains function blocks which are used to move the drive. In addition, function blocks for
reading and writing of parameters of the device are also provided. Electronic gear with Flying Saw

The frequency inverter is equipped with the functions Electronic gear unit (synchronous operation in
positioning mode) and Flying saw. Via these functions the inverter can follow another drive unit with
angular synchronism. As well as this, with the additional function Flying saw it is possible to
synchronize to the precise position of a moving drive unit. The operating mode Electronic gear unit
can be started and stopped at any time. This enables a combination of conventional position control
with its move commands and gear unit functions. For the gear function a NORDAC vector with internal
CAN bus is required on the master axis. Visualisation
Visualisation of the operating status and the parameterisation of the frequency inverter is possible with
the aid of a ControlBox or a ParameterBox. Alternatively, the CANopen Master functionality of the PLC
CAN bus panel can be used to display information.

The simplest version for visualisation is the ControlBox. The 4-digit display and the keyboard status
can be accessed via two process values. This enables simple HMI applications to be implemented
very quickly. P001 must be set to "PLC-ControlBox Value" so that the PLC can access the display. A
further special feature is that the parameter menu is no longer accessed via the arrow keys. Instead,
the "On" and "Enter" keys must be pressed simultaneously.

In visualisation mode, each of the 80 characters in the ParameterBox display (4 rows of 20 characters)
can be set via the PLC. It is possible to transfer both numbers and texts. In addition keyboard entries
on the ParameterBox can be processed by the PLC. This enables the implementation of more
complex HMI functions (display of actual values, change of window, transfer or setpoints etc.). Access
to the ParameterBox display is obtained via the function blocks in the PLC. Visualisation is via the
operating value display of the Parameter Box. The content of the operating value display is set via the
ParameterBox parameter P1003. This parameter can be found under the main menu item "Display".
P1003 must be set to the value "PLC display". After this, the operating value display can be selected
again by means of the right and left arrow keys. The display controlled by the PLC is then shown. This
setting remains in effect even after a further switch-on. Process controller

The process controller is a PID-T1 controller with a limited output size. With the aid of this function
module in the PLC it is possible to simply set up complex control functions, by means of which various

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processes, e.g. pressure regulation, can be implemented in a considerably more elegant manner than
with the commonly used two-point controllers. CANopen communication

In addition to the standard communication channels, the PLC provides further possibilities for
communication. Via the CAN bus interface of the frequency inverter, it can set up additional
communications with other devices. The protocol which is used for this is CANopen. Communications
are restricted to PDO data transfer and NMT commands. The standard CANopen inverter
communication via SDO, PDO1, PDO2 and Broadcast remains unaffected by this PLC function.

PDO (Process Data Objects)

Other frequency inverters can be controlled and monitored via PDO. However, it is also possible to
connect devices from other manufacturers to the PLC. These may be IO modules, CANopen
encoders, panels, etc. With this, the number of inputs/outputs of the frequency encoder can be
extended as far as is required; analog outputs would then be possible.

NMT (Network Management Objects)

All CANopen devices must be set to the CANopen bus state "Operational" by the bus master. PDO
communication is only possible in this bus state. If there is no bus master in the CANopen bus, this
must be performed by the PLC. The function module FB_NMT is available for this purpose.

10.2 Creation of PLC programs

Creation of the PLC programs is carried out exclusively via the PC program NORDCON. The PLC
editor is opened either via the menu item "File/New/PLC program" or via the symbol . This button is
only active if a device with PLC functionality forms the focus of the device overview.

10.2.1 Loading, saving and printing

The functions Load, Save and Print are carried out via the appropriate entries in the main menu or in
the symbol bars. When opening takes place, it is advisable to set the file type to "PLC Program"
(*.awlx) in the "Open" dialogue. With this, only files which can be read by the PLC editor are displayed.
If the PLC program which has been created is to be saved, the PLC Editor window must be active.
The PLC program is saved by actuating "Save" or "Save as". With the "Save as" operation, this can
also be detected from the entry of the file type (Program PLC (*.awlx)). The appropriate PLC window
must be active in order to print the PLC program. Printout is then started via "File/Print" or the
appropriate symbol.
PLC programs can also be saved as a backed-up PLC program. To do this, the user must set the file
type to “Backed-up AWL files” or “Backed up ST files” in the file selection dialogue. Then the PLC
program is saved in an encrypted (*.awls or *.nsts) and normal (*.awlx, *.nstx) version. The encrypted
PLC program can only be transmitted to the device (see 2.2.4 "Category "Device"").

10.2.2 Editor
The PLC Editor is divided into four different windows.

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10 PLC

The individual windows are described in more detail in the following sections. Variables and FB declaration

All the variables, process values and function blocks which are required by the program are declared
in this window.

Variables are created by setting the Class "VAR". The Name of the variable can be freely selected. In
the Type field, a selection between BOOL, BYTE, INT and DINT can be made. A starting initialisation
can be entered under Init-Value.

Process values
These are created by selecting the entry "VAR_ACCESS" under Class. The Name is not freely
selectable and the field Init-Value is barred for this type.

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Function modules
The entry "VAR" is selected under Class. The Name for the relevant instance of the function module
(FB) can be freely selected. The required FB is selected under Type. An Init-Value cannot be set for
function modules.
All menu items which relate to the variable window can be called up via the context menu. Via this,
entries can be added and deleted. Variables and process variables for monitoring (Watchdog function)
or debugging (Breakpoint) can be activated. Input window

The input window is used to enter the program and to display the AWL program. It is provided with the
following functions:

• Highlight syntax
• Bookmark
• Declaration of variables
• Debugging

Syntax Highlighting
If the command and the variable which is assigned to it are recognised by the Editor, the command is
displayed in blue and the variable in black. As long as this is not the case, the display is in thin black

As programs in the Editor may be of considerable length, it is possible to mark important points in the
program with the function Bookmark and to jump directly to these points. The cursor must be located
in the relevant line in order to mark it. Via the menu item "Switch bookmark" (right mouse button
menu) the line is marked with the required bookmark. The bookmark is accessed via the menu item
"Go to bookmark".

Declaring Variables
Via the Editor menu "Add Variable" (right mouse button) new variables can be declared using the

For the Debugging function, the positions of the breakpoints and watchpoints are specified in the
Editor. This can be done via the menu items "Switch breakpoint" (Breakpoints) and "Switch monitoring
point" (Watchpoints). The position of Breakpoints can also be specified by clicking on the left border of
the Editor window. Variables and process values which are to be read out from the frequency inverter
during debugging must be marked. This can be done in the Editor via the menu items "Debug
variable" and "Watch variable". For this, the relevant variable must be marked before the required
menu item is selected. Watch and Breakpoint display window

This window has two tabs, which are explained below.

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10 PLC
Holding points
This window displays all of the breakpoints and watchpoints which have been set. These can be
switched on and off via the checkboxes and deleted with the "Delete key". A corresponding menu can
be called up with the right mouse button.

Observation list
This displays all of the variables which have been selected for observation. The current content is
displayed in the Value column. The display format can be selected with the Display column. PLC message window

All PLC status and error messages are entered in this window. In case of a correctly translated
program the message "Translated without error" is displayed. The use of resources is shown on the
line below this. In case of errors in the PLC program, the message "Error X" is displayed. The number
of errors is shown in X. The following lines show the specific error message in the format:

[Line number]: Error description

10.2.3 Transfer PLC program to device

There are several ways to transfer a PLC program to the device.

Transfer PLC program directly:

1. Select device in the project tree

2. Open popup menu (press the right mouse button)

3. Execute function "Transfer PLC program to device"

4. Select file in the file selection dialogue and press "Open"

Transfer PLC program with PLC editor (offline):

1. Open PLC program (File->Open)

2. Connect PLC editor with a device (PLC->Connect)

3. Translate PLC program

4. Transfer PLC program to device

Transfer PLC program with PLC editor (online):

1. Select device in the project tree

2. Open PLC editor

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3. Open PLC program

4. Import the file into online view

5. Translate PLC program

6. Transfer PLC program to device

Information SK 1xxE-FDS – limited number of writing cycles

In the devices SK 155E-FDS / SK 175E-FDS flash is used as a storage medium. The number of write cycles of
Flash memory is very limited. By default, the program is loaded into the RAM. It can then be started and tested. If
the PLC is then restarted, the program must be re-loaded to the device to initialize the PLC variables. Should the
program be permanently stored in the device, you must execute the function "Transfer and store program to

10.2.4 Debugging
As programs only rarely function the very first time, the PLC provides several possibilities for finding
faults. These possibilities can be roughly divided into two categories, which are described in detail
below. Observation points (Watchpoints)

The simplest debugging variant is the Watchpoint function. This provides a rapid overview of the
behaviour of several variables. For this, an observation point is set at an arbitrary point in the program.
When the PLC processes this line, up to 5 values are saved and displayed in the observation list
(window "Observation List") The 5 values to be observed can be selected in the entry window or in the
variable window using the context menu.

In the current version, variables of functions cannot be added to the watch list! Holding points (Breakpoints)

Via holding points it is possible to deliberately stop the PLC program at a specific line of the program.
If the PLC runs into a Breakpoint, the AE, Accumulator 1 and Accumulator 2 are read out, as well as
all variables which have been selected via the menu item "Debug variables". Up to 5 Breakpoints can

be set in a PLC program. This function is started via the symbol. The program now runs
until a holding point is triggered. Further actuation of the symbol bar allows the program to continue
running until it reaches the next holding point. If the program is to continue running, the symbol is
actuated. Single Step

With this debugging method it is possible to execute the PLC program line for line. With each
individual step, all the selected variables are read out of the PLC of the device and displayed in the
"Observation list" window. The values to be observed can be selected in the input window or the
variable window by means of the right mouse button menu. The condition for debugging in single
steps is that at least one Breakpoint has been set before starting debugging. The debugging mode is

switched on by actuating the symbol. Only when the program has run into the first breakpoint,

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10 PLC

can the following lines be debugged via the symbol. Some command lines contain several
individual commands. Because of this, two or more individual steps may be processed before the step
indicator jumps forward in the entry window. The actual position is shown by a small arrow in the left

PLC Editor window. When the symbol is actuated, the program continues running until the next

holding point. If the program is to continue running, the symbol is actuated.

10.2.5 PLC configuration

The PLC configuration dialogue is opened via the symbol. Here, basic settings for the PLC can
be made, which are described in further detail below.

Cycle time monitoring

This function monitors the maximum processing time for a PLC cycle. With this, unintended
continuous program loops in the PLC program can be caught. Error E22.4 is triggered in the frequency
inverter if this time is exceeded.

Allow ParameterBox function module

If visualisation via the ParameterBox is to be performed in the PLC program, this option must be
enabled. Otherwise the corresponding function blocks generate a Compiler Error when the frequency
inverter is started.

Invalid control data

The PLC can evaluate control words which are received from the possible bus systems. However, the
control words can only get through if the bit "PZD valid" (Bit 10) is set. This option must be activated if
control words which are not compliant with the USS protocol are to be evaluated by the PLC. Bit 10 in
the first word is then no longer queried.

Do not pause the system time at holding point

The system time is paused during debugging if the PLC is in the holding point or in single step mode.
The system time forms the basis for all timers in the PLC. This function must be activated if the system
time is to continue running during debugging.

10.3 Function blocks

Function blocks are small programs, which can save their status values in internal variables. Because
of this, a separate instance must be created in the NORDCON variable list for each function block.
E.g. if a timer is to monitor 3 times in parallel, it must also be set up three times in the list of variables.

Information Detecting a signal edge

In order for the following function blocks to detect an edge at the input, it is necessary for the function call-up to be
carried out twice with different statuses at the input.

10.3.1 CANopen
The PLC can configure, monitor and transmit on PDO channels via function blocks. The PDO can
transmit or receive up to 8 bytes of process data via a PDO. Each of these PDOs is accessed via an

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individual address (COB-ID). Up to 20 PDOs can be configured in the PLC. For simpler operation, the
COB-ID is not entered directly. Instead, the device address and the PDO number are communicated
to the FB. The resulting COB-ID is determined on the basis of the Pre-Defined Connection Set (CiA
DS301). This results in the following possible COB-IDs for the PLC.

Transmit PDO Receive PDO


PDO1 200h + Device address PDO1 180h + Device address

PDO2 300h + Device address PDO2 280h + Device address

PDO3 400h + Device address PDO3 380h + Device address

PDO4 500h + Device address PDO4 480h + Device address

NORD Frequency inverter use PDO1 to communicate process data. PDO2 is only used for
setpoint/actual value 4 and 5. Overview

Function module Description

FB_PDOConfig PDO configuration

FB_PDOSend Transmit PDO

FB_PDOReceive Receive PDO

FB_NMT Enable and disable PDO FB_NMT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

After a Power UP all CAN participants are in the Pre-Operational bus state. In this state, they can
neither transmit nor receive a PDO. In order for the PLC to be able to communicate with other
participants on the CAN bus, these must be set to the Operational state. Usually, this is realised by the
bus master. If there is no bus master, this task can be taken over by the FB_NMT. The states of all
participants connected to the bus can be controlled via the inputs PRE, OPE or STOP. The inputs are
applied with a positive flank on EXECUTE. The function must be called until the output DONE or
ERROR has been set to 1.
If the ERROR is set to 1, there is either no 24 V supply to the RJ45 CAN socket of the inverter, or the
CAN driver of the inverter is in the status Bus off. With a negative flank on EXECUTE, all outputs are
reset to 0.

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10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Execute BOOL DONE NMT command is transmitted BOOL

PRE Set all participants to Pre- BOOL ERROR Error in FB BOOL

Operational state

OPE Set all participants to BOOL

Operational state

STOP Set all participants to Stopped BOOL

state FB_PDOConfig
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

The PDOs are configured with this FB. With an instance of this function, all of the required PDOs can
be configured. The FB must only be called up once for each PDO. Up to 20 PDOs can be set up. Each
PDO has its own parameterisation. The assignment of the PDOs in the other CANopen FBs is carried
out via the Messagebox number. The TARGETID represents the address of the device. With NORD
Frequency inverter, it is set in P515 or via DIP switches. The required Messagebox number is entered
under PDO (see Introduction). LENGTH specifies the transmission length of a PDO. The
transmission/reception direction is specified via DIR. The data is adopted with a positive flank on the
EXECUTE input. The DONE output can be queried immediately after the call-up of the FB. If DONE is
set to 1, the PDO channel has been configured. If ERROR = 1, there was a problem, whose precise
cause is stored in ERRORID. With a negative flank on EXECUTE, all outputs are reset to 0.

Transmit PDO Monitored PDO

PDO1 200h + Device address PDO1 180h + Device address

PDO2 300h + Device address PDO2 280h + Device address

PDO3 400h + Device address PDO3 380h + Device address

PDO4 500h + Device address PDO4 480h + Device address

PDO5 180h + Device address PDO5 200h + Device address

PDO6 280h + Device address PDO6 300h + Device address

PDO7 380h + Device address PDO7 400h + Device address

PDO8 480h + Device address PDO8 500h + Device address

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Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type


NUMBER Messagebox number BYTE ERROR Error in FB BOOL

Value range = 0 to 19

TARGETID Device address BYTE ERRORID Error code INT

Value range = 1 to 127


Value range = 1 to 4


Value range = 1 to 8

DIR Transmit or receive BOOL

Transmit = 1 / Receive = 0

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1800h Number value range exceeded

1801h TARGETID value range exceeded

1802h PDO value range exceeded

1803h LENGT value range exceeded

Information No dual use of the CAN ID

CAN IDs already used by the device may not be parameterised!
Relevant reception addresses:
• CAN ID = 0x180 + P515[-01] PDO1
• CAN ID = 0x180 + P515[-01]+1 CAN ID for absolute encoder
• CAN ID = 0x280 + P515[-01] PDO2

Relevant transmission addresses:

• CAN ID = 0x200 + P515[-01] PDO1
• CAN ID = 0x300 + P515[-01] PDO2

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Example in ST:
(* Configure PDO *)
Execute := TRUE,
(* Configure Messagebox 1 *)
Number := 1,
(* Set CAN node number *)
TargetID := 50,
(* Select PDO (Standard for PDO1 control word, setpoint1, setpoint2, setpoint3) *)
PDO := 1,
(* Specify length of data (Standard for PDO1 is 8 *)
LENGTH := 8,
(* Transmit *)
Dir := 1);


(* Configure PDO *)
Execute := TRUE,
(* Configure Messagebox 1 *)
Number := 2,
(* Set CAN node number *)
TargetID := 50,
(* Select PDO (Standard for PDO2 setpoint4, setpoint5 SK540E) *)
PDO := 2,
(* Specify length of data (Standard for PDO2 is 4 *)
LENGTH := 4,
(* Transmit *)
Dir := 1);


(* Configure PDO *)
Execute := TRUE,
(* Configure Messagebox 2 *)
Number := 2,
(* Set CAN node number *)
TargetID := 50,
(* Select PDO (Standard for PDO1 status word, actual value1, actual value2, actual
value3) *)
PDO := 1,
(* Specify length of data (Standard for PDO1 is 8 *)
LENGTH := 8,
(* Receive *)
Dir := 0); FB_PDOReceive
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

This FB monitors a previously configured PDO channel for incoming messages. Monitoring starts if the
ENABLE input is set to 1. After the function has been called up, the NEW output must be checked. If it
changes to 1, a new message has arrived. The NEW output is deleted with the next call-up of the
function. The data which have been received are shown in WORD1 to WORD4. The PDO channel can
be monitored for cyclical reception via TIME. If a value between 1 and 32767 ms is entered in TIME, a
message must be received during this period. Otherwise, the FB changes into the error state (ERROR
= 1). This function can be disabled with the value 0. The monitoring timer runs in steps of 5 ms. In
case of error, ERROR is set to 1. In this case, DONE is 0. The corresponding error code is then valid
in ERRORID. With a negative flank on ENABLE, DONE, ERROR and ERRORID are reset.

BU 0000 en-0421 87
NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Execute BOOL NEW New PDO received BOOL

NUMBER Messagebox number BYTE ERROR Error in FB BOOL

Value range = 0 to 19

TIME Watchdog function INT ERRORID Error code INT

Value range = 0 to 32767
0 = Disabled
1 to 32767 = Monitoring time

WORD1 Received data Word 1 INT

WORD2 Received data Word 2 INT

WORD3 Received data Word 3 INT

WORD4 Received data Word 4 INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1800h Number value range exceeded

1804h Selected box is not configured correctly

1805h No 24 V for bus driver or bus driver is in “Bus off” state

1807h Reception timeout (Watchdog function)

Information PLC cycle time

The PLC cycle is about 5 ms, i.e. with one call-up of the function in the PLC program, a CAN message can only
be read every 5 ms. Messages may be overwritten if several messages are transmitted in quick succession.

Example in ST:
IF bFirstTime THEN
(* Set device to Pre-Operational status *)
NMT(Execute := TRUE, OPE := TRUE);
IF not NMT.Done THEN

(* Configure PDO *)
Execute := TRUE,
(* Configure Messagebox 2 *)
Number := 2,
(* Set CAN node number *)
TargetID := 50,
(* Select PDO (Standard for PDO1 status word, actual value1, actual value2, actual
value3) *)
PDO := 1,
(* Specify length of data (Standard for PDO1 is 8 *)
Length := 8,
(* Receive *)
Dir := 0);

(* Read out status and actual values *)

PDOReceive(Enable := TRUE, Number := 2);
IF PDOReceive.New THEN

88 BU 0000 en-0421
10 PLC
State := PDOReceive.Word1;
Sollwert1 := PDOReceive.Word2;
Sollwert2 := PDOReceive.Word3;
Sollwert3 := PDOReceive.Word4;
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

With this FB, PDOs can be transmitted on a previously configured channel. These can be transmitted
once or cyclically. The data to be transmitted is entered in WORD1 to WORD4. PDOs can be
transmitted irrespective of the frequency inverter’s CANopen state. The previously configured PDO
channel is selected via NUMBER. The data to be transmitted is entered in WORD1 to WORD4. Single
(setting = 0) or cyclical transmission can be selected via CYCLE. The PDO is sent with a positive flank
on EXECUTE. If DONE = 1, all entries were correct and the PDO is transmitted. If ERROR = 1, there
was a problem. The precise cause is stored in ERRORID. All outputs are reset with a negative flank
on EXECUTE. The time base of the PLC is 5 ms; this also applies for the CYCLE input. Only
transmission cycles with a multiple of 5 ms can be implemented.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Execute BOOL DONE PDO transmitted = 1 BOOL

NUMBER Messagebox number BYTE ERROR Error in FB BOOL

Value range = 0 to 19

CYCLE Transmission cycle BYTE ERRORID Error code INT

Value range = 0 to 255
0 = Disabled
1 to 255 = Transmission cycle
in ms

WORD1 Transmission data Word 1 INT

WORD2 Transmission data Word 2 INT

WORD3 Transmission data Word 3 INT

WORD4 Transmission data Word 4 INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1800h Number value range exceeded

1804h Selected box is not configured correctly

1805h No 24 V for bus driver or bus driver is in “Bus off” state

BU 0000 en-0421 89
NORDCON – Manual
If DONE changes to 1, the message to be transmitted has been applied by the CAN module, but has
not yet been sent. The actual transmission runs in parallel in the background. If several messages are
now to be transmitted directly in sequence via an FB, it may be the case that the previous message
has not yet been transmitted upon the new call-up. This can be seen by the fact that neither the DONE
nor the ERROR signal have been set to 1 after the CAL call-up. The CAL call-up can be repeated
until one of the two signals changes to 1. If several different CAN IDs are to be written on via a single
FB, this is possible with a new configuration of the FB. However, this must not be done in the same
PLC cycle as the transmission. Otherwise, there is a danger that the message to be transmitted will be
deleted during configuration by the FB_PDOConfig.

Example in ST:
IF bFirstTime THEN
(* Set device to Pre-Operational status *)
NMT(Execute := TRUE, OPE := TRUE);
IF not NMT.Done THEN

(* Configure PDO*)
Execute := TRUE,
(*Configure Messagebox 1*)
Number := 1,
(* Set CAN node number *)
TargetID := 50,
(* Select PDO (Standard for PDO1 status word, actual value1, actual value2, actual
value3) *)
PDO := 1,
(*Specify length of data (Standard for PDO1 is 8*)
LENGTH := 8,
(* Transmit *)
Dir := 1);

IF not PDOConfig.Done THEN


(* Transmit PDO – Set Device control word to status “Ready to switch-on” *)

PDOSend(Execute := TRUE, Number := 1, Word1 := 1150, Word2 := 0, Word3 := 0, Word4 := 0);

PDOSend(Execute := FALSE);
bFirstTime := FALSE;

(* Has digital input 1 been set? *)
IF _5_State_digital_input.0 THEN
(*Transmit PDO – Set Device control word to status “Ready to switch-on” *)
PDOSend(Execute := TRUE, Number := 1, Word1 := 1150, Word2 := 0, Word3 := 0,
Word4 := 0);
State := 10;

(*Has digital input 2 been set? *)

IF _5_State_digital_input.1 THEN
(* Transmit PDO – Enable device with 50% max. frequency *)
PDOSend(Execute := TRUE, Number := 1, Word1 := 1151, Word2 := 16#2000, Word3 := 0,
Word4 := 0);
State := 10;

PDOSend(Execute := FALSE);
State := 0;

90 BU 0000 en-0421
10 PLC

10.3.2 Electronic gear unit with flying saw

For the electronic gear unit ("angularly synchronised operation") and the sub-function flying saw there
are two function blocks which enable control of these functions. In addition, various parameters must
be set for the correct execution of the two function blocks in the master and slave frequency inverters.
An example of this is shown in the following table (explained by the example of a SK 540E).

Master FI Slave FI

Parameter Settings Description Parameter Settings Description

P502[-01] 20 Setpoint frequency P509 10 * CANopen Broadcast *

according to freq. Ramp

P502[-02] 15 Actual position in incl. High P510[-01] 10 CANopen Broadcast


P502[-03] 10 Actual position in incl. Low P510[-02] 10 CANopen Broadcast


P503 3 CANopen P505 0 0,0 Hz

P505 0 0.0 Hz P515[-02] P515[-03]Master Broadcast Slave address

P514 5 250 kBaud (min. P546[-01] 4 Frequency addition

100 kBaud)

P515[-03] P515[-02] Broadcast master address P546[-02] 24 Setpoint pos. Incl. High
Slave Word

P546[-03] 23 Setpoint pos. Incl. Low


P600 1.2 Position control ON

Only for FB_Gearing

P553[-01] 21 Position setpoint pos. Low


P553[-02] 22 Position setpoint pos. High


* (P509) must not necessarily be set to {10} "CANopen Broadcast". However, in this case the Master (P502 [-01])
must be set to {21} "Actual frequency without slip".

Information Actual position – transmission format

The actual position of the master MUST be communicated in "Increments" (Inc) format. Overview

Function module Description

FB_Gearing FB for simple gear unit function

BU 0000 en-0421 91
NORDCON – Manual

FB_FlyingSaw FB for gear unit function with Flying Saw FB_FlyingSaw
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X On+ X X X

The flying saw function is an extension of the gear unit function. With the aid of this function it is
possible to precisely synchronise to a running drive unit. In contrast to FB_Gearing, synchronisation is
relative, i.e. the slave axis moves synchronously to the position of the master which applied at the start
of the “Flying Saw”. The synchronisation process is illustrated in the figure below.

1 Position of the initiator

2 Starting point of the slave
3 Distance of the initiator from the start position of
the slave frequency inverter
4 Acceleration
5 Synchronous mode for both drives

X Position
Y Speed

If the function is started, the slave frequency inverter accelerates to the speed of the master axis. The
acceleration ramp is specified via the ACCELERATION path. At low speeds, the ramp is flatter and at
high speeds, there is a steep ramp for the slave frequency inverter. The acceleration path is stated in
revolutions (1000 = 1.000 rev.) if P553 is specified as the setpoint position. If the setpoint position INC
is used for P553, the acceleration path is specified in increments.
If the initiator, with the distance saved in ACCELERATION, is set in front of the position of the slave
drive, the slave is precisely synchronised with the triggering position from the master drive.
The FB must be switched on via the ENABLE input. The function can be started either via the digital
input (P420[-xx]=64, Start flying saw) or via EXECUTE. The frequency inverter then accelerates to the
speed of the master axis. When synchronisation with the master axis is achieved, the DONE output is
switched to 1.
Via the STOP input or the digital input function P420[-xx] = 77, Flying saw stopped, the gear unit
function is switched off, the frequency inverter decelerates to 0 Hz and remains at a standstill. Via the
HOME input, the inverter is made to move to the absolute position 0. After termination of the HOME or
STOP command, the relevant allocated output is active. The gear unit function can be restarted by
reactivating EXECUTE or the digital input. With the digital input function (P420[-xx] = 63, Synchronous
mode off), the gear unit function can be stopped and then moved to the absolute position 0.
If the function is interrupted by the MC_Stop function, ABORT is set to 1. In case of error, ERROR is
set to 1 and the error code is set in ERRORID. These three outputs are reset if ENABLE is switched
to 0.

92 BU 0000 en-0421
10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL VALID Specified set point BOOL

frequency reached

EXECUTE Start of synchronisation BOOL DONEHOME Home run completed

STOP Stop synchronisation BOOL DONESTOP Stop command executed

HOME Moves to position 0 BOOL ABORT Command cancelled BOOL

ACCELERATION Acceleration path DINT ERROR Error in FB BOOL

(1 rev. = 1,000)

ERRORID Error code INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1200h Position control is not activated FB_Gearing
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X On+ X X X

Via function module FB_Gearing, the position and speed of the frequency inverter can be
synchronised to that of a master inverter. The slave which uses this function always follows the
movements of the master inverter.
Synchronisation is absolute, i.e. the positions of the slave and the master are always the same.

If the slave is switched to gear unit mode at a different position than the master, the slave moves with maximum
frequency to the master’s position.
If a gear ratio is specified, this also results in a new position when switched on again.

The position value to which synchronisation is carried out, as well as the speed, must be transmitted
via the Broadcast channel. The function is enabled via the ENABLE input. For this, the position control
and the output stage must be enabled. The output stage can be enabled, e.g. with the MC_Power
function. If ENABLE is set to 0, the frequency inverter decelerates to 0 Hz and remains at a standstill.
The inverter is now in position control mode again. If MC_Stop is activated, the frequency inverter
exits the gear unit mode and the ABORT output changes to 1. In case of errors in the FB, ERROR
changes to 1 and the error cause is indicated in ERRORID. By setting ENABLE to 0, ERROR,
ERRORID and ABORT can be reset.

BU 0000 en-0421 93
NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Synchronous mode active BOOL VALID Gear unit function is active BOOL

RELATIVE Relative mode (V2.1 and BOOL ABORT Command cancelled BOOL


ERRORID Error code INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1200h Position control is not activated

1201h The PLC set value position High is not parameterised

1202h The PLC set value position Low is not parameterised

10.3.3 Motion Control

The Motion Control Lib is based on the PLCopen specification "Function blocks for motion control". It
contains function blocks for controlling and moving a frequency inverter and provides access to its
parameters. Several settings must be made to the parameters of the device in order for the Motion
Blocks to function.

Function blocks Required settings

MC_MoveVelocity P350 = PLC active

P351 = Main setpoint comes from the PLC
P553 [-xx] = Setpoint frequency
P600 = Position control (positioning mode) is disabled

MC_MoveAbsolute P350 = PLC active

MC_MoveRelative P351 = Main setpoint comes from the PLC

P600 = Position control (positioning mode) is enabled
In P553 [-xx] ( PLC_Setpoints ) the setpoint position High Word must be parameterised
MC_Home In P553 [-xx] ( PLC_Setpoints ) the setpoint position Low Word must be parameterised
In P553 [-xx] ( PLC_Setpoints ) the setpoint frequency must be parameterised

MC_Power P350 = PLC active

P351 = Control word comes from the PLC


The PLC_Setpoints 1 to 5 and the PLC control word can also be described via process variables. However, if the
Motion Control FBs are used, no corresponding process variable may be declared in the table of variables, as
otherwise the outputs of the Motion Control FBs would be overwritten.

94 BU 0000 en-0421
10 PLC

Information Detecting a signal edge

In order for the following function blocks to detect an edge at the input, it is necessary for the function call-up to be
carried out twice with different statuses at the input.

Function blocks Description

MC_ReadParameter Reading access to parameters of the device

MC_WriteParameter Writing access to parameters of the device

MC_MoveVelocity Move command in speed mode

MC_MoveAbsolute Move command with specification of absolute position

MC_MoveRelative Move command with specification of relative position

MC_MoveAdditive Move command with additive specification of position

MC_Home Starts a home run

MC_Power Switches the motor voltage on or off

MC_ReadStatus Status of the device

MC_ReadActualPos Reads out the actual position

MC_Reset Error reset in the device

MC_Stop Stops all active movement commands MC_Control
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

This function block is used to control the FI and provides the option of producing the FI control word in
a form which is somewhat more detailed than is possible with MC_Power. The FI is controlled via the
refer to the following table.

Module inputs Frequency inverter behaviour



High Low Low Low The frequency inverter is switched on (enable right).

X High Low Low The frequency inverter is switched on (enable left).

Low Low Low Low The frequency inverter decelerates to 0 Hz (P103)

and then disconnects the motor from the voltage

BU 0000 en-0421 95
NORDCON – Manual

X X X High The frequency inverter is disconnected from the

voltage supply immediately and the motor runs to a
standstill without deceleration.

X X High Low The frequency inverter performs a Quick stop (P426)

and then disconnects the motor from the voltage

The active parameter set can be set via the input PARASET.
If the output is in STATUS = 1, the FI is switched on and the motor is supplied with power.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL STATUS Motor supplied with power BOOL

DISABLEVOLTA Disconnect voltage BOOL ERROR Error in FB BOOL


PARASET Active parameter set BYTE

Value range: 0 – 3

ENABLE_RIGHT Enable right (as for BOOL


ENABLE_LEFT Enable left (SK5xxP) BOOL

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1001h Stop function is active

1300h The FI is in a state where the selected function cannot be executed.

96 BU 0000 en-0421
10 PLC
Example in ST:
(* Device enabled with Dig3*)
Control.Enable := _5_State_digital_input.2;
(* Parameter sets are specified via Dig1 and Dig2. *)
Control.ParaSet := INT_TO_BYTE(_5_State_digital_input and 2#11);
(* Is the device enabled? *)
if Control.Status then
(* Is a different position to be moved to? *)
if SaveBit3 <> _5_State_digital_input.3 then
SaveBit3 := _5_State_digital_input.3;
if SaveBit3 then
Move.Position := 500000;
Move.Position := 0;

Move(Execute := False);

(* Move to position if the device is enabled. *)

Move(Execute := Control.Status); MC_Control_MS
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X

This FB is used to control the starter (MS).

Module inputs Frequency inverter behaviour



High Low Low Low MS is switched on, clockwise

Low High Low Low MS is switched on, counter-clockwise

High High Low Low MS is switched off

Low Low Low Low MS decelerates to 0 Hz (P103) and then

disconnects the motor from the voltage

X X X High MS is disconnected from the voltage

supply immediately and the motor runs
to a standstill without deceleration

BU 0000 en-0421 97
NORDCON – Manual

X X High Low MS performs a Quick stop (P426) and

then disconnects the motor from the
voltage supply.
(X = The level at the input is irrelevant)

If the output is STATUS = 1, the MS is switched on and the motor is supplied with power.
If OPENBRAKE is set to 1, the brake is opened.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE_RIGHT Enable right BOOL STATUS Motor supplied with power BOOL


DISABLEVOLTA Disconnect voltage BOOL ERRORID Error code INT



ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1001h Stop function is active

1300h MS is in an unexpected state MC_Home
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X

Causes the frequency inverter to start a reference point run if EXECUTE changes from 0 to 1 (flank).
The frequency inverter moves with the setpoint frequency which is set in VELOCITY. If the input with
the position reference signal (P420[-xx] =) becomes active, a change of direction of rotation occurs.
On the negative flank of the position reference signal the value in POSITION is adopted. The
frequency inverter then decelerates to 0 Hz and the DONE signal changes to 1. During the entire
HOME run the BUSY output is active. If the input MODE is set to True, the drive adopts the average
value of both positions during the reference point run (positive flank  negative flank) when the
reference point switch is passed over and sets this value as the reference point. The drive reverses
and therefore stops at the reference point which has been thus determined. The input POSITION
cannot be used.
If the process is cancelled (e.g. by another MC function module), COMMANDABORTED is set.
In case of error, ERROR is set to 1. In this case, DONE is 0. The corresponding error code is then
valid in ERRORID.

98 BU 0000 en-0421
10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL DONE Specified setpoint position reached BOOL

POSITION Setpoint position DINT COMMAND- Command cancelled BOOL

VELOCITY Setpoint frequency INT ERROR Error in FB BOOL

MODE See below BOOL ERRORID Error code INT

(V2.1 and higher)
BUSY Home run active BOOL

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1200h Position control is not activated

1201h The High position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

1202h The Low position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

1D00h Absolute encoders are not supported MC_Home (SK 5xxP)

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X On+

Causes the frequency inverter to start a reference point run if EXECUTE changes from 0 to 1 (flank).
The frequency inverter moves with the setpoint frequency which is set in VELOCITY. If the input with
the position reference signal (P420[-xx] =) becomes active, a change of direction of rotation occurs.
On the negative flank of the position reference signal the value in POSITION is adopted. The
frequency inverter then decelerates to 0 Hz and the DONE signal changes to 1. During the entire
HOME run the BUSY output is active.
If the process is cancelled (e.g. by another MC function module), COMMANDABORTED is set.
In case of error, ERROR is set to 1. In this case, DONE is 0. The corresponding error code is then
valid in ERRORID.

BU 0000 en-0421 99
NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL DONE Specified setpoint position reached BOOL

POSITION Setpoint position DINT COMMAND- Command cancelled BOOL

VELOCITY Setpoint frequency INT ERROR Error in FB BOOL

MODE See below BYTE ERRORID Error code INT

BUSY Home run active BOOL

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1200h Position control is not activated

1201h The High position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

1202h The Low position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

1D00h Absolute encoders are not supported

1D01h Value range from "Mode" input exceeded or undershot (P623)


Value Explanation

1..14 For reference point method see P623

15 Once the reference point has been reached, the drive reverses. When the reference point
switch is left (negative flank), this is adopted as the reference point.
The reference point is therefore typically in the side of the reference point switch on which the
reference point run started.
Note: If the reference point switch is passed over (switch too narrow, speed too high), this is
also taken as the reference point when leaving the reference point switch (negative flank).
The reference point is therefore not on the side of the reference point switch from which the
reference point run was started.
(P623 = [15] Nord method 1)

16 As for 15, however passing over the reference point switch does not result in adoption as the
reference point. A negative flank only results in adoption as the reference point after reversal
has been completed.
The reference point is therefore definitely on the side of the reference point switch from which
the reference point run was started.
(P623 = [16] Nord method 2)

17 If the reference point switch is passed over during the reference point run (positive flank 
negative flank) the drive adopts the average value of both positions and sets this as the
reference point. The drive reverses and therefore stops at the reference point which has been
thus determined. (P623 = [17] Nord method 3)

18..34 For reference point method see P623

100 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC MC_MoveAbsolute
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X On+ X X X

Writes a position and speed setpoint to the frequency inverter if EXECUTE changes from 0 to 1
(flank). The set point frequency VELOCITY is transferred according to the scaling explained in

MODE = False:
The setpoint position results from the value transferred into POSITION.
MODE = True:
The value transferred into POSITION corresponds to the index from parameter P613 increased by
1. The position stored in this parameter index corresponds to the setpoint position.
Mode = True; Position = 12
The FB moves to the position which is in the current parameter set of P613[-13].

If the inverter has reached the setpoint position, DONE is set to 1. DONE is deleted by resetting
EXECUTE. If EXECUTE is deleted before the target position is reached, DONE is set to 1 for one
cycle. During movement to the setpoint position, BUSY is active. If the process is cancelled (e.g. by
another MC function module), COMMANDABORTED is set. In case of error, ERROR is set to 1 and
the corresponding error code is set in ERRORID. In this case, DONE is 0. With a negative flank on
EXECUTE, all outputs are reset to 0.

BU 0000 en-0421 101

NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL DONE Specified setpoint position reached BOOL

POSITION Setpoint position DINT BUSY Setpoint position not reached BOOL

VELOCITY Setpoint frequency INT COMMAND- Command cancelled BOOL

MODE Mode Source Setpoint BOOL ERROR Error in FB BOOL

ERRORID Error code INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

0x1000 FI is not enabled

0x1200 Position control is not activated

0x1201 The High position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

0x1202 The Low position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

Example in ST:
(* The device is enabled if DIG1 = TRUE *)
Power(Enable := _5_State_digital_input.0);
IF Power.Status THEN
(* The device is enabled and moves to position 20000 with 50% max. frequency.
For this action, the motor requires an encoder, and position control must be enabled.
MoveAbs(Execute := _5_State_digital_input.1, Velocity := 16#2000, Position := 20000);
END_IF MC_MoveAdditive
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X On+ X X X

Except for the DISTANCE input, this corresponds in all points with MC_MoveAbsolute. The setpoint
position results from the addition of the actual setpoint position and the transferred DISTANCE.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL DONE Specified setpoint position reached BOOL

DISTANCE Setpoint position DINT COMMAND- Command cancelled BOOL

VELOCITY Setpoint frequency INT ERROR Error in FB BOOL

102 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
MODE Mode Source Setpoint BOOL ERRORID Error code INT

BUSY Setpoint position not reached BOOL

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1200h Position control is not activated

1201h The High position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

1202h The Low position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553) MC_MoveRelative
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X On+ X X X

Except for the DISTANCE input, this corresponds in all points with MC_MoveAbsolute. The setpoint
position results from the addition of the actual current position and the transferred DISTANCE.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL DONE Specified setpoint position reached BOOL

DISTANCE Setpoint position DINT COMMAND- Command cancelled BOOL

VELOCITY Setpoint frequency INT ERROR Error in FB BOOL

MODE Mode Source Setpoint BOOL ERRORID Error code INT


BUSY Setpoint position not reached BOOL

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1200h Position control is not activated

1201h The High position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553)

1202h The Low position is not entered in the PLC setpoint values (P553) MC_MoveVelocity
SK 5xxP SK 54xE SK 53xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS SK 180E SK 155E-FDS

BU 0000 en-0421 103

NORDCON – Manual
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

Sets the set point frequency for the frequency inverter if EXECUTE changes from 0 to 1 (flank). If the
frequency inverter has reached the set point frequency, INVELOCITY is set to 1. While the FI is
accelerating to the set point frequency, the BUSY output is active. If EXECUTE has already been set
to 0, INVELOCITY is set to 1 for only one cycle. If the process is cancelled (e.g. by another MC
function module), COMMANDABORTED is set.
With a negative flank on EXECUTE, all outputs are reset to 0.

VELOCITY is entered with scaling according to the following formula:

VELOCITY = (Set point frequency (Hz) × 0x4000) / P105


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL INVELOCIT Specified set point frequency BOOL

Y reached

VELOCITY Setpoint frequency INT BUSY Set point frequency not yet reached BOOL

COMMAND- Command cancelled BOOL


ERRORID Error code INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1000h FI is not enabled

1100h FI not in speed mode (position control enabled)

1101h No set point frequency parameterised (P553)

Example IL:
CAL Power
CAL Move

ST Power.Enable

(* Set 20 Hz (Max. 50 Hz) *)

MUL 16#4000
DIV 50

ST Move.Velocity

LD Power.Status
ST Move.Execute

104 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Example in ST:
(* Device ready for operation if DIG1 set *)
Power(Enable := _5_State_digital_input.0);
IF Power.Status THEN
(* Device enabled with 50% of max. frequency if DIG2 set *)
MoveVelocity(Execute := _5_State_digital_input.1, Velocity := 16#2000);
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

The output stage of the device can be switched on and off with this function. If the ENABLE input is
set to 1, the output stage is enabled. The prerequisite for this is that the device is in “Switch-on inhibit”
or “Ready to switch-on” state. If the device is in “Fault” or “Fault response active” state, the fault must
first be remedied and acknowledged. Only then, enabling can be carried out via this block. If the
device is in “Not ready to switch-on ” state, switch-on is not possible. In all cases, the FB goes into
error state and ENABLE must be set to 0 to acknowledge the fault.
If the ENABLE input is set to 0, the device is switched off. If this happens while the motor is running, it
is first decelerated to 0 Hz via the ramp set in P103.
The STATUS output is 1 if the output stage of the device is switched on; otherwise it is 0.
ERROR and ERRORID are reset if ENABLE is switched to 0.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL STATUS Motor supplied with power BOOL


ERRORID Error code INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1001h Stop function is active

1300h Device is not in the state “Ready to switch-on” or “Switch-on inhibit”

BU 0000 en-0421 105

NORDCON – Manual
Example in IL:
CAL Power
CAL Move

ST Power.Enable

(* Set 20 Hz (Max. 50 Hz) *)

MUL 16#4000
DIV 50

ST Move.Velocity

LD Power.Status
ST Move.Execute

Example in ST:
(* Enable power block *)
Power(Enable := TRUE);
IF Power.Status THEN
(* The device is ready to switch-on *)
END_IF MC_ReadActualPos
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X On+ X X X

Continually delivers the actual current position of the frequency inverter if ENABLE is set to 1. As
soon as there is a valid current position at the output, VALID is set to valid. In case of error, ERROR is
set to 1 and in this case, VALID is 0.
Position scaling: 1 motor revolution = 1000


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL VALID Output is valid BOOL


POSITION Actual current position of the FI DINT

Example in ST:
ReadActualPos(Enable := TRUE);
IF ReadActualPos.Valid THEN
Pos := ReadActualPos.Position;
END_IF MC_ReadParameter
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

106 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Reads out a parameter cyclically from the device as long as ENABLE is set to 1. The read parameter
is stored in Value and is valid if DONE is set to 1. For the duration of the reading process, the BUSY
output is set to 1. If ENABLE remains 1, the parameter is constantly read out cyclically. The
parameter number and index can be changed at any time when ENABLE is active. However, it is
difficult to identify when the new value is read out, as the DONE signal remains 1 for the whole time. In
this case, it is advisable to set the ENABLE signal to 0 for one cycle, as the DONE signal is then
reset. The parameter index results from the index in the documentation minus 1. For example, P700
Index 3 (“Reason FI blocked”) is queried via parameter index 2. In case of error, ERROR is set to 1. In
this case, DONE is 0 and the ERRORID contains the error code. If the ENABLE signal is set to 0, all
signals and the ERRORID are deleted.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL DONE Value is valid BOOL

PARAMETERNU Parameter number INT ERROR Reading process failed BOOL

PARAMETERIND Parameter index INT BUSY The process is not complete BOOL
ERRORID Error code INT

VALUE Read out parameter DINT

ERRORID Explanation

0 Invalid parameter number

3 Incorrect parameter index

4 No array

201 Invalid order element in the last order received

202 Internal response label cannot be depicted

Example in ST:
(* Motion module FB_ReadParameter *)
ReadParam(Enable := TRUE,Parameternumber := 102, ParameterIndex := 0);
IF ReadParam.Done THEN
Value := ReadParam.Value;
ReadParam(Enable := FALSE);
END_IF MC_ReadStatus
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

Reads out the status of the device. The status machine is orientated to the PLCopen specification
"Function blocks for motion control". The status is read out as long as ENABLE is set to 1.

BU 0000 en-0421 107

NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL VALID Output is valid BOOL


ERRORSTO The device has an error BOOL

DISABLED The output stage of the device is BOOL
switched off

STOPPING A Stop command is active BOOL

DISCRETEM One of the three positioning FBs is BOOL

OTION active

CONTINUO The MC_Velocity is active BOOL

HOMING The MC_Home is active BOOL

STANDSTIL The device has no active Move BOOL

L command. It is at a standstill with 0
rpm and the output stage switched

Example in ST:
ReadStatus(Enable := TRUE);
IF ReadStatus.Valid THEN
fError := ReadStatus.ErrorStop;
fDisable := ReadStatus.Disabled;
fStopping := ReadStatus.Stopping;
fInMotion := ReadStatus.DiscreteMotion;
fInVelocity := ReadStatus.ContinuousMotion;
fInHome := ReadStatus.Homing;
fStandStill := ReadStatus.StandStill;
end_if MC_Reset
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

Resets an error in the device (fault acknowledgement), on a rising flank from EXECUTE. In case of
error, ERROR is set to 1 and the cause of the fault is entered in ERRORID. With a negative flank on
EXECUTE all errors are reset.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Start BOOL DONE Device error reset BOOL


ERRORID Error code INT

108 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
BUSY Reset process is still active BOOL

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1001h Stop function is active

1700h An error reset could not be performed, because the cause of the error is still present.

Example in ST:
Reset(Execute := TRUE);
IF Reset.Done THEN
(* The error has been reset *)
Reset(Execute := FALSE);
ELSIF Reset.Error THEN
(* Reset could not be executed, as the cause of the error is still present *)
Reset(Execute := FALSE);
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

With a rising flank (0 to 1) the device is set to the state STANDINGSTILL. All motion functions which
are active are cancelled. The device brakes to 0 Hz and switches off the output stage. As long as the
Stop command is active (EXECUTE = 1), all other Motion FBs are blocked. The BUSY output
becomes active with the rising flank on EXECUTE and remains active until there is a falling flank on


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Start BOOL DONE Command has been executed BOOL

BUSY Command is active BOOL MC_WriteParameter_16 / MC_WriteParameter_32

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

Writes a 16/32 Bit parameter into the device if EXECUTE changes from 0 to 1 (flank). The parameter
has been written if DONE is set to 1. For the duration of the reading process, the BUSY output is set
to 1. In case of error, ERROR is set to 1 and the ERRORID contains the error code. The signals
DONE, ERROR, ERRORID remain set until EXECUTE changes back to 0. If the EXECUTE signal
changes to 0, the writing process is not cancelled. Only the DONE signal remains set for 1 PLC cycle.

BU 0000 en-0421 109

NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Enable BOOL DONE Value is valid BOOL

PARAMETERNU Parameter number INT BUSY The writing process is active BOOL
PARAMETERIND Parameter index INT ERROR Reading process failed BOOL
VALUE Value to be written INT ERRORID Error code INT

RAMONLY Saves the value only in BOOL

RAM (version V2.1 and

ERRORID Explanation

0 Invalid parameter number

1 Parameter value cannot be changed

2 Lower or upper value limit exceeded

3 Incorrect parameter index

4 No array

5 Invalid data type

6 Only resettable (only 0 may be written)

7 Description element cannot be changed

201 Invalid order element in the last order received

202 Internal response label cannot be depicted

Example in ST:
WriteParam16(Execute := TRUE, ParameterNumber := 102, ParameterIndex := 0, Value := 300);
IF WriteParam16.Done THEN
WriteParam16(Execute := FALSE);

10.3.4 Standard CTD downward counter

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

With a rising flank on CD the counter of the function block CV is reduced by one, as long as CV is
greater than -32768. If CV is less than or equal to 0, the output Q remains TRUE. Via LD the counter
CV can be set to the value saved in PV.

110 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

CD Counter input BOOL Q TRUE, if CV <= 0 BOOL

LD Load starting value BOOL CV Actual counter reading INT

PV Starting value INT

Example in IL:

Example in ST:
CTDInst(CD := VarBOOL1, LD := VarBOOL2, PV := VarINT1);
VarBOOL3 := CTDInst.Q;
VarINT2 := CTDInst.CV; CTU upward counter

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

With a rising flank on CU, the counter of the function block CV is increased by one. CV can be
counted up to the value 32767. As long as CV is greater than or equal to PV, output Q remains TRUE.
Via R the counter CV can be reset to zero.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

CU Counter input BOOL Q TRUE, if CV >= PV BOOL

BU 0000 en-0421 111

NORDCON – Manual

R Reset: counter reading BOOL CV Actual counter reading INT

PV Limit value INT

Example in IL:
CAL CTUInst(CU := VarBOOL1, R := VarBOOL2, PV := VarINT1)

Example in ST:
CTUInst(CU := VarBOOL1, R := VarBOOL2, PV := VarINT1);
VarBOOL3 := CTUInst.Q;
VarINT2 := CTUInst.CV; CTUD upward and downward counter

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

With a rising flank on CU the counter CV is increased by one, as long as CV is less than 32767. With
a rising flank on CD the counter of the function block CV is reduced by one, as long as CV is greater
than -32768. Via R the counter CV can be set to zero. Via LD the value saved in PV is copied to CV.
R has priority over LD, CU and CV. PV can be changed at any time, QU always relates to the value
which is currently set.

112 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

CU Counting upwards BOOL QU TRUE, if CV >= PV BOOL

CD Counting downwards BOOL QD TRUE, if CV <= 0 BOOL

R Reset: counter reading BOOL CV Actual counter reading INT

LD Load starting value BOOL

PV Starting value / Limit value INT

Example in IL:
LD VarBool4

Example in ST:
CTUDInst(CU:=VarBOOL1, R:=VarBOOL3, LD:=VarBOOL4, PV:=VarINT1);
VarBOOL5 := CTUDInst.QU;
VarBOOL5 := CTUDInst.QD;

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

Both functions are used for flank detection. If a flank is detected on CLK, Q is set to TRUE until the
next function call-up, after which it is reset to FALSE. Only with a new flank can Q become TRUE
again for a cycle.
• R_TRIG = rising flank
• F_TRIG = falling flank

BU 0000 en-0421 113

NORDCON – Manual

Function call-ups


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

CLK set BOOL Q Output BOOL

Example in IL:

Example in ST:
VarBOOL2 := RTRIGInst.Q;

The output of the function only changes if the function is called up. Because of this it is advisable to continually
call up the flank detection with the PLC cycle. RS Flip Flop

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

Bi-stable function: via S the output Q1 is set and via R1 it is deleted again. If R1 and S are both TRUE,
R1 is dominant.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

S set BOOL Q1 Output BOOL

114 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
R1 Reset BOOL

Example in IL:
ST RSInst.R1
LD RSInst.Q1

Example in ST:
RSInst(S:= VarBOOL1 , R1:=VarBOOL2);
VarBOOL3 := RSInst.Q1; SR Flip Flop

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

Bi-stable function; via S1 the output Q1 is set and via R it is deleted again. If R1 and S are both TRUE,
S1 is dominant.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

S1 set BOOL Q1 Output BOOL

R Reset BOOL

Example in IL:
ST SRInst.S1
LD SRInst.Q1

Example in ST:
SRInst(S1:= VarBOOL1 , R:=VarBOOL2);
VarBOOL3 := SRInst.Q1; TOF switch-off delay

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

BU 0000 en-0421 115

NORDCON – Manual
If IN = TRUE, then Q is set to TRUE. If IN changes to FALSE, the timer counts upwards. As long as
the timer is running (ET < PT) Q remains set to TRUE. If (ET = PT) the timer stops, Q becomes
FALSE. With a new rising flank on IN, the timer ET is reset to zero.
Here, literals can be used for simplified input, e.g.
• LD TIME#50s20ms = 50.020 seconds
• LD TIME#1d30m = 1 day and 30 minutes


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

IN Timer active BOOL Q TRUE ß (ET<PT) BOOL

PT Duration DINT ET Current timer reading DINT

Example in IL:
LD DINT#5000

Example in ST:
TOFInst(IN := VarBOOL1, PT:= T#5s);
VarBOOL2 := TOFInst.Q;

Information Timer ET
The time ET runs independently of a PLC cycle. Starting of the timer with IN and setting of the output Q are only
executed with the function call-up "CAL". The function call-up takes place within a PLC cycle. However, with PLC
programs which are longer than 5 ms this may result in the occurrence of jitter. TON switch-on delay

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

If IN = TRUE is set, the timer counts upwards. If ET = PT, Q is set to TRUE and the timer stops. Q
remains TRUE for as long as IN is also TRUE. With a new rising flank on IN the counter starts again
from zero. PT can be changed while the timer is running. The time period in PT is entered in
milliseconds. This enables a time delay between 5ms and 24.8 days. As the time base of the PLC is
5ms, the minimum time delay is also 5ms.
Here, literals can be used for simplified input, e.g.
• LD TIME#50s20ms = 50.020 seconds
• LD TIME#1d30m = 1 day and 30 minutes

116 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

IN Timer active BOOL Q TRUE ß (IN=TRUE & ET=PT) BOOL

PT Duration DINT ET Current timer reading DINT

Example in IL:
LD DINT#5000

Example in ST:
TONInst(IN := VarBOOL1, PT:= T#5s);
VarBOOL2 := TONInst.Q;

Information Timer ET
The time ET runs independently of a PLC cycle. Starting of the timer with IN and setting of the output Q are only
executed with the function call-up "CAL". The function call-up takes place within a PLC cycle. However, with PLC
programs which are longer than 5 ms this may result in the occurrence of jitter. TP time pulse

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

With a positive flank on IN the timer is started with the value 0. The timer runs up to the value which is
entered PT and then stops. This process cannot be interrupted! PT can be changed during counting.
The output Q is TRUE, as long as the timer ET is less than PT. If ET = PT and a rising flank is
detected on IN, the timer is started again at 0.
Here, literals can be used for simplified input, e.g.
• LD TIME#50s20ms = 50.020 seconds
• LD TIME#1d30m = 1 day and 30 minutes

BU 0000 en-0421 117

NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

IN Timer active BOOL Q TRUE ß (ET<PT) BOOL

PT Duration DINT ET Current timer reading DINT

Example in IL:
LD DINT#5000

Example in ST:
TPInst(IN := VarBOOL1, PT:= T#5s);
VarBOOL2 := TPInst.Q;

Information Timer ET
The time ET runs independently of a PLC cycle. Starting of the timer with IN and setting of the output Q are only
executed with the function call-up "CAL". The function call-up takes place within a PLC cycle. However, with PLC
programs which are longer than 5 ms this may result in the occurrence of jitter.

10.3.5 Access to memory areas of the frequency inverter

If the intermediate saving of large quantities of data, its transmission to or reception from other devices
is necessary, the modules FB_WriteTrace and FB_ReadTrace should be used. FB_ReadTrace
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X

The memory areas of the FI can be read out directly with the aid of this FB.
If the FB detects a positive flank on ENABLE, all parameters which are present on the input are
adopted. The memory address which is to be read out is indicated with STARTINDEX and MEMORY.
If the reading process is successful, the VALID output changes to 1 and the value which has been
read out is in VALUE.

118 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
If the FB is now called up several times and the ENABLE input remains at 1, with each call up the
memory address which is to be read out is increased by 1 and the content of the new memory address
is immediately copied to the output VALUE.
The current memory index for the next access can be read out under the output ACTINDEX. If the end
of the memory has been reached, the READY changes to 1 and the reading process is stopped.
Values can be read in INT or DINT format. For INT values, only the Low component is evaluated by
the VALUE output. Allocation is carried out via the SIZE input; a 0 stands for INT and a 1 for DINT

Allocation of the memory areas is carried out via the MEMORY input:
MEMORY = 1 to P613[0-251] corresponds to 504 INT or 252 DINT values
MEMORY = 0 to P900[0-247] up to P906[0-111] corresponds to 3200 INT or 1600 DINT values

The FB cannot be interrupted by other blocks

With a negative flank on ENABLE, all outputs are set to 0 and the function of the FB is terminated.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Execute BOOL VALID Reading process successful BOOL

SIZE Memory format BOOL READY The entire memory has been read BOOL

MEMORY Selection of memory BYTE ERROR the FB has an error BOOL


STARTINDEX Indicates the memory INT ERRORID Error code INT

cell to be written to

ACTINDEX Actual memory index, to which will INT

be read in the next cycle

VALUE Value read out DINT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1A00h STARTINDEX value range exceeded

1A01h MEMORY value range exceeded FB_WriteTrace
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X

Via this FB, individual values or large numbers of values can be intermediately saved in the FI. The
values are not permanently saved, i.e. the values are lost if the FI is restarted.

BU 0000 en-0421 119

NORDCON – Manual
If the FB detects a positive flank on ENABLE, all parameters with are present on the input are
adopted. The value in VALUE is written to the storage address indicated in STARTINDEX and
MEMORY. If the writing process is successful, the VALID output changes to 1.
If the FB is now called up several times and the ENABLE input remains at 1, then with each call up of
the FB the input VALUE is read and saved and the memory address is increased by 1. The current
memory index for the next access can be read out under the output ACTINDEX. If the end of the
memory is reached, the output FULL changes to 1 and the saving process is stopped. However, if the
input OVERWRITE is set to 1, the memory index is reset to the STARTINDEX and the values which
have been previously written are overwritten.
Values can be saved in INT or DINT format. For INT values, only the Low component is evaluated by
the VALUE input. Allocation is carried out via the SIZE input; a 0 stands for INT and a 1 for DINT

Allocation of the memory areas is carried out via the MEMORY input:
MEMORY = 1 to P613[0-251] corresponds to 504 INT or 252 DINT values
MEMORY = 0 to P900[0-247] up to P906[0-111] corresponds to 3200 INT or 1600 DINT values

The FB cannot be interrupted by other blocks

With a negative flank on ENABLE, all outputs are set to 0 and the function of the FB is terminated.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Execute BOOL VALID Writing process successful BOOL

SIZE Memory format BOOL FULL Entire memory is full BOOL

OVERWRITE Memory can be BOOL ERROR the FB has an error BOOL


MEMORY Selection of memory BYTE ERRORID Error code INT


STARTINDEX Indicates the memory INT ACTINDEX Actual memory index, to which DINT
cell to be written to saving will be carried out in the next

VALUE Value to be saved DINT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1A00h STARTINDEX value range exceeded

1A01h MEMORY value range exceeded

Please note: The memory area in the setting MEMORY = 0 is also used by the Scope function. Use of the Scope
function overwrites the saved values!

120 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
10.3.6 Visualisation with ParameterBox
In the ParameterBox, the entire display can be used for the display of information. For this, the
ParameterBox must be switched to visualisation mode. This is possible with the ParameterBox
(Parameter P1308) firmware version V4.3 or higher, and is carried out as follows:

• In the menu item "Display", set the parameter P1003 to "PLC Display"
• Switch to the operating value display with the left or right arrow key
• PLC display is now enabled in the ParameterBox and remains permanently enabled.

In the visualisation mode of the ParameterBox, the content of the display can be set with the two FBs
described below. However, before the item "Allow ParameterBox function modules" must be activated

in the PLC configuration dialogue (Button ). With the process value "Parameterbox_key_state",
the keyboard status of the box can also be queried. With this, input into the PLC program can be
implemented. The display structure and the keys to be read out for the ParameterBox can be seen in
the figure below.

1 First character (0,0  row = 0 , column = 0)

2 Last character (3,19  row = 3 , column = 19) Overview visualisation

Function module Description

FB_STRINGToPBox Copies a string into the P-Box

FB_DINTToPBox Copies a DINT value to the P-Box FB_DINTToPBOX
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

BU 0000 en-0421 121

NORDCON – Manual

This function module converts a DINT value into an ASCII string and copies this into the
ParameterBox. The output can be in decimal, binary or hexadecimal format; the selection is performed
via MODE. Via ROW and COLUMN the starting point of the string is set in the ParameterBox display.
The parameter LENGTH transfers the length of the string in characters. In decimal MODE the
parameter POINT positions a decimal point in the number which is to be displayed. In POINT it is
stated how many characters are to the right of the decimal point. With the setting 0 the POINT function
is disabled. If the number contains more characters than the length allows and no decimal point is set,
the overflow is indicated by the character "#". If there is a decimal point in the number, all numbers
behind the decimal point may be omitted if required. In hexadecimal and binary MODE the lowest
value bits are displayed if the set length is too short. As long as ENABLE is set to 1, all changes to the
inputs are adopted immediately. If VALID changes to 1, the string has been correctly transferred. In
case of error, ERROR is set to 1. In this case, VALID is 0. The corresponding error code is then valid
in ERRORID. With a negative flank on ENABLE, VALID, ERROR and ERRORID are reset.


Setting Number to be displayed P-Box display

Length = 5
12345 12345
Point = 0

Length = 5
-12345 #####
Point = 0

Length = 10
123456789 123456.789
Point = 3

Length = 8
123456789 123456.7
Point = 3

122 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Transfer of the string BOOL VALID String transferred BOOL

MODE Display format BYTE ERROR Error in FB BOOL

0 = Decimal
1 = Binary
2 = Hexadecimal
Value range = 0 to 2

ROW Line of the display BYTE ERRORID Error code INT

Value range = 0 to 3

COLUMN Column of the display BYTE

Value range = 0 to 19

POINT Position of decimal BYTE

Value range = 0 to 10
0 = Function is disabled

LENGTH Output length BYTE

Value range = 1 to 11

VALUE Number to be output DINT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1500h String overwrites the memory area of the P-Box array

1501h Value range exceeded at LINE input

1502h Value range exceeded at ROW input

1504h Value range exceeded at POINT input

1505h Value range exceeded at LENGTH input

1506h Value range exceeded at MODE input

BU 0000 en-0421 123

NORDCON – Manual
Example in ST:
(* Initialisation *)
if FirstTime then
StringToPBox.ROW := 1;
StringToPBox.Column := 16;
FirstTime := False;

(* Query actual position *)

ActPos(Enable := TRUE);
if ActPos.Valid then
(* Display position in the PBox displays (PBox P1003 = PLC display ) *)
DintToPBox.Value := ActPos.Position;
DintToPBox.Column := 9;
DintToPBox.LENGTH := 10;
DintToPBox(Enable := True);

(* Switch device on or off via DIG1 *)

Power(Enable := _5_State_digital_input.0);
if OldState <> Power.Status then
OldState := Power.Status;
(* Is device switched on? *)
if Power.Status then
StringToPBox(Enable := False, Text := TextOn);
StringToPBox(Enable := False, Text := TextOff);

StringToPBox(Enable := TRUE);
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

This function module copies a string (chain of characters) into the memory array of the ParameterBox.
Via ROW and COLUMN the starting point of the string is set in the ParameterBox display. The
parameter TEXT transfers the required string to the function module; the name of the string can be
obtained from the table of variables. As long as ENABLE is set to 1, all changes to the inputs are
adopted immediately. If the CLEAR input is set, the entire display content is overwritten with space
characters before the selected string is written. If VALID changes to 1, the string has been correctly
transferred. In case of error, ERROR is set to 1. In this case, VALID is 0. The corresponding error
code is then valid in ERRORID. With a negative flank on ENABLE, VALID, ERROR and ERRORID
are reset.

124 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Transfer of the string BOOL VALID String transferred BOOL

CLEAR Clear display BOOL ERROR Error in FB BOOL

ROW Line of the display BYTE ERRORID Error code INT

Value range = 0 to 3

COLUMN Column of the display BYTE

Value range = 0 to 19

TEXT Text to be displayed STRING

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1500h String overwrites the memory area of the P-Box array

1501h Value range exceeded at ROW input

1502h Value range exceeded at COLUMN input

1503h The selected string number does not exist

1506h The option "Allow ParameterBox function modules" is not activated in the PLC configuration.

Example in ST:
(* Initialisation *)
if FirstTime then
StringToPBox.ROW := 1;
StringToPBox.Column := 16;
FirstTime := False;

(* Query actual position *)

ActPos(Enable := TRUE);
if ActPos.Valid then
(* Display position in the PBox displays (PBox P1003 = PLC display ) *)
DintToPBox.Value := ActPos.Position;
DintToPBox.Column := 9;
DintToPBox.LENGTH := 10;
DintToPBox(Enable := True);

(* Switch device on or off via DIG1 *)

Power(Enable := _5_State_digital_input.0);
if OldState <> Power.Status then
OldState := Power.Status;
(* Is device switched on? *)
if Power.Status then
StringToPBox(Enable := False, Text := TextOn);
StringToPBox(Enable := False, Text := TextOff);

StringToPBox(Enable := TRUE);

BU 0000 en-0421 125

NORDCON – Manual
10.3.7 FB_Capture (Detection of rapid events)
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X

The cycle time of the PLC is 5ms. This cycle may be too long to detect very rapid external events. Via
FB Capture it is possible to capture certain physical values on flanks at the FI inputs. Monitoring of the
inputs is carried out in a 1ms cycle. The values which are saved can be read by the PLC later.
With a positive flank on EXECUTE all inputs are read in and the Capture function is enabled. The FI
input which is to be monitored is selected via the INPUT input. Via EDGE, the type of flank and the
behaviour of the module are selected.

EDGE = 0 With the first positive flank, the selected value is saved under OUTPUT1 and DONE1 is
set to 1. The next positive flank saves under OUTPUT2 and DONE2 is set to 1. The FB is
then disabled.
EDGE = 1 Behaviour as for EDGE = 0, with the difference that triggering is with the negative flank.
EDGE = 2 With the first positive flank, the selected value is saved under OUTPUT1 and DONE1 is
set to 1. The next negative flank saves under OUTPUT2 and DONE2 is set to 1. The FB
is then disabled.
EDGE = 3 Behaviour as for EDGE = 2, with the difference that triggering is first with the negative
and then with the positive flank.

If the input CONTINUOUS is set to 1, then only the settings 0 and 1 are relevant to EDGE. The FB
continues to run and always saves the last triggering event under OUTPUT1. DONE1 remains active
from the first event. DONE2 and OUTPUT2 are not used.
The BUSY output remains active until both Capture events (DONE1 and DONE2) have occurred.
The function of the module can be terminated at any time with a negative flank on EXECUTE. All
outputs retain their values. With a positive flank on EXECUTE first, all outputs are deleted and then
the function of the module is started.

126 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Execute BOOL DONE1 Value in OUTPUT1 valid BOOL

CONTINUOUS Single execution or BOOL DONE2 Value in OUT valid BOOL

continuous operation

INPUT SK54xE BYTE BUSY FB still waiting for a Capture event BOOL
Input to be monitored
0 = Input 1
7 = Input 8

SK52xE, SK53xE,
SK2xxE, SK2xx-EFDS
Input to be monitored
0 = Input 1
3 = Input 4

EDGE Triggering flank BYTE ERROR the FB has an error BOOL

SOURCE Value to be saved BYTE ERRORID Error code INT

0 = Position in rotations
1 = Actual frequency
2 = Torque

OUTPUT1 Value for 1st Capture event DINT

OUTPUT2 Value for 2nd Capture event DINT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1900h INPUT value range exceeded

1901h EDGE value range exceeded

1902h SOURCE value range exceeded

1903h More than two instances are active

Example in ST:
Power(ENABLE := TRUE);
Move(EXECUTE := TRUE, POSITION := Pos, VELOCITY := 16#2000);
(* The FB waits for a High signal on DIG1. When this is detected, the FB saves the actual
position. The value can be queried with the property "OUTPUT1". *)
Capture(EXECUTE := TRUE, INPUT := 0);

Pos := Capture.OUTPUT1;

BU 0000 en-0421 127

NORDCON – Manual

Several instances of this FB may exist in the PLC program. However, only two instances may be active at the
same time!

10.3.8 FB_DinCounter
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
X V1.1 and
Availability X X X X X

This FB is used to count pulses via the digital inputs. All flanks (Low - High and High - Low) are
counted. The minimum pulse width is 1 ms.
The FB is enabled via ENABLE. With the positive flanks, the inputs PV, UD, DIN and MODE are
adopted and all outputs are deleted.

UD defines the counting direction

• 0 = larger numbers
• 1 = smaller numbers
A counter value can be entered at PV. Depending on the setting of the MODE input this has different

• 0 = Overflow, the counter is operated as a continuous counter. It can overflow in both positive and
negative directions. When the function is started, CV = PV is set. In this Mode BUSY remains
always 1 and Q always 0.
• 1 = without overflow
– Counting forwards to CV starts at 0, BUSY = 1, and runs until CV=>PV. Then BUSY changes to
0 and Q to 1. The counting process stops.
– Counting backwards to CV starts at PV and runs until CV<= 0. During this time is BUSY = 1 and
changes to 0 when the end of the count is reached. In return, Q changes to 1.
– The restart of the counter is reached at the ENABLE input via a new flank.

DIN defines the measuring input. The number of inputs depends on the respective FI (max. 4).
• Input 1 =0
• Input 2 =1
• Input 3 =2
• Input 4 =3

128 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Enable BOOL Q Counting completed BOOL

UD Counting direction BOOL BUSY Counter runs BOOL

0 = larger numbers
1 = smaller numbers

PV Counter value INT ERROR the FB has an error BOOL


DIN Measuring input BYTE CV Counter value INT

CF Counting frequency (resolution of INT

0.1) 1)

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

0x1E00 Digital input is already used by other counter

0x1E01 Digital input does not exist

0x1E02 MODE value range exceeded

1) Measuring range 0,1 Hz to 1 kHz

10.3.9 FB_FunctionCurve
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

This function module produces a mapping control. Defined points can be communicated to the
function block, with which it emulates a function. The output then behaves according to the saved
map. Linear interpolation is carried out between the individual base points. The base point are defined
with X and Y values. The X values are always of the INT type, the Y values can either be of the INT or
the DINT type, depending on the size of the largest base point. More memory is required if DINT is
used. The base points are entered in the column "Init Value" in the variables window. If TRUE is
detected at the ENABLE input, on the basis of the input value INVALUE the corresponding output
value OUTVALUE is calculated. VALID = TRUE indicates that the output value OUTVALUE is valid.
As long as VALID is FALSE, the output OUTVALUE has the value 0. If the input value INVALUE
exceeds the upper or the lower end of the characteristic range, the first or the last output value of the
characteristic range remain until the INVALUE returns to within the area of the characteristic range. If
the characteristic range is exceeded or undershot, the appropriate output MINLIMIT or MAXLIMIT is
set to TRUE. ERROR becomes TRUE, if the abscissa values (X values) of the characteristic range do
not continuously increase or if no table is initialised. The appropriate error is output by ERRORID and
the starting value is 0. The error is reset if ENABLE = FALSE.

BU 0000 en-0421 129

NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Execute BOOL VALID Output value is valid BOOL

INVALUE Input value (x) INT ERROR Error in FB BOOL

ERRORID Error code INT

MAXLIMIT Maximum limit reached BOOL

MINLIMIT Minimum limit reached BOOL

OUTVALUE Output value (y) DINT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1400h Abscissa values (X values) of the characteristic range do not always increase

1401h No map initialised

10.3.10 FB_PIDT1
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

The P-I-DT1 is a freely parameterisable individual controller. If individual components or the P, I or

DT1 component are not required, their parameters are written as 0. The T1 component only functions
together with the D component. Therefore a PT1 controller cannot be parameterised. Due to internal
memory limitations, the control parameters are restricted to the following areas:

Permissible value range for control parameters

Parameters Value range Scaling Resulting value range

P (Kp) 0 – 32767 1/100 0.00 – 327.67

I (Ki) 0 – 10240 1/100 0.00 – 102.40

D (Kd) 0 – 32767 1/1000 0.000 – 32.767

T1 (ms) 0 – 32767 1/1000 0.000 – 32.767

Max. -32768 – 32767

Min. -32768 – 32767

The controller starts to calculate when ENABLE is set to TRUE. The control parameters are only
adopted with a rising flank fromENABLE. While ENABLE is TRUE, changes to the control parameters
have no effect. If ENABLE is set to FALSE, the output remains at its last value.
The output bit VALID is set, as long as the output value of Q is within the Min and Max limits and the
ENABLE input is TRUE.

130 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
ERROR is set as soon as an error occurs. The VALID bit is then FALSE and the cause of the fault can
be identified from the ERRORID (see table below).
If the RESET bit is set to TRUE, the content of the integrator and the differentiator are set to 0. If the
ENABLE input is FALSE, the OUTPUT output is also set to 0. If the ENABLE input is set to TRUE,
only the P component has an effect on the OUTPUT output.
If the output value OUTPUT is outside of the range of the maximum or minimum output values, the
corresponding bit MAXLIMIT or MINLIMIT is set and the VALID bit is set to FALSE.

If the entire program cannot be executed within a PLC cycle, the controller calculates the output value a second
time with the old scanning values. This ensures a constant scanning rate. Because of this it is essential that the
CAL command for the PIDT1 controller is executed in each PLC cycle and only at the end of the PLC program.

BU 0000 en-0421 131

NORDCON – Manual


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

ENABLE Execute BOOL VALID Output value is valid BOOL

RESET Reset outputs BOOL ERROR Error in FB BOOL

P P component (Kp) INT ERRORID Error code INT

I I component (Ki) INT MAXLIMIT Maximum limit reached BOOL

D D component (Kd) INT MINLIMIT Minimum limit reached BOOL

T1 T1 component in ms INT OUTPUT Output value INT

MAX Maximum output value INT

MIN Minimum output value INT


VALUE Actual value INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

1600h P component not within value range

1601h I component not within value range

1602h D component not within value range

1603h T1 component not within value range

10.3.11 FB_ResetPostion
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
V2.3 and V3.1 and On+ V2.1 and V1.2 and
Availability X X
above above above above

With a flank on the EXECUTE input, the current position (P601) is set to the value entered in Position.
If a position offset is entered in parameter P609, this offset is subtracted from the position.
With absolute encoders the current position can only be reset to 0. The value is not used in the


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type


Position Position DINT

132 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
10.3.12 FB_Weigh
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
V2.3 and V3.1 and X V2.1 and V1.2 and
Availability X X
above above above above

This module is used to determine the average torque during movement at a constant speed. From this
value, physical values, such as the weight which is being moved can be determined.
The FB is started via a positive flank on the EXECUTE input. With the flank, all inputs are adopted by
the FB. The FI moves with the speed which is set in SPEED. The measurement is started after the
elapse of the time which is set in STARTTIME. The duration of the measurement is defined under
MEASURETIME. The FI stops after the elapse of the measurement time. If the input REVERSE = 1,
the measurement process starts again, but with a negative speed. Otherwise the measurement is
complete, the output DONE changes to 1 and the measurement result is in VALUE.
As long as the measurement process is running, BUSY is active.
The scaling of the measurement result VALUE is 1 = 0.01% of the rated torque of the motor.
Call-up of another Motion FB stops the measurement function and the output ABORT changes to 1.
All outputs of the FB are reset with a new positive flank on EXECUTE.


Input Explanation Type Output Explanation Type

EXECUTE Execute BOOL DONE Measurement ended BOOL

REVERSE Change of rotation direction BOOL BUSY Measurement running BOOL

STARTTIME Time to start of INT ABORT Measurement aborted BOOL

measurement in ms

MEASURETIME Measurement time in ms INT ERROR the FB has an error BOOL

SPEED Measuring speed in % INT ERRORID Error code INT

(standardised to the
maximum frequency,
16#4000 corresponds to

VALUE Measurement result INT

ERRORID Explanation

0 No error

0x1000 FI not switched on

0x1101 Setpoint frequency not parameterised as a setpoint (P553)

0x1C00 STARTTIME value range exceeded

0x1C01 MEASURETIME value range exceeded

0x1C02 The tolerance of the measurement values with respect to each other is greater than 1/8

BU 0000 en-0421 133

NORDCON – Manual
Example in ST:
(* Enable device *)
Power(Enable := TRUE);
(* Is the device enabled? *)
if Power.Status then
(* Specify starting time 2000ms *)
Weigh.STARTTIME := 2000;
(* Specify measuring time 1000ms *)
Weigh.MEASURETIME := 1000;
(* Specify speed 25% of maximum speed *)
Weigh.SPEED := 16#1000;

Weigh(EXECUTE := Power.Status);
(* Was weighing completed? *)
if Weigh.done then
Value := Weigh.Value;

Only one instance of this FB is permissible in the PLC program!

10.4 Operators

10.4.1 Arithmetical operators

Some of the following operators may also contain further commands. These must be placed in brackets behind
the operator. It must be noted that a space must be included behind the opened bracket. The closing bracket
must be placed on a separate line of the program.
LD Var1
ADD( Var2
SUB Var3
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X

Forms the absolute value from the accumulator

Example in IL:
LD -10 (* Loads the value -10 *)
ABS (* Accumulator = 10 *)
ST Value1 (* Saves the value 10 in Value1 ab *)

Example in ST:
Value1 := ABS(-10); (* The result is 10 *)

134 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC ADD and ADD(
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Adds variables and constants together with the correct prefixes. The first value for addition is in the
AE/accumulator, the second is loaded with the ADD command or is inside the bracket. Several
variables or constants can be added to the ADD command. For bracket addition, the accumulator is
added to the result of the expression in brackets. Up to 6 bracket levels are possible. The values to be
added must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 10
ADD 204 (* Addition of two constants *)
ST Value
LD 170 (* Addition of a constant and 2 variables. *)
ADD Var1, Var2 (* 170dez + Var1 + Var2 *)
ST Value
LD Var1
ADD( Var2
SUB Var3 (* Var1 + ( Var2 - Var3 ) *)
ST Value

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 10 + 30; (* The result is 40 *)
Ergebnis := 10 + Var1 + Var2; DIV and DIV(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Divides the accumulator by the operands For divisions by zero, the maximum possible result is
entered into the accumulator, e.g. for a division with INT values, this is the value 0x7FFF or the value
0x8000 if the divisor is negative. For bracket division, the accumulator is divided by the result of the
expression in brackets. Up to 6 bracket levels are possible. The values to be divided must belong to
the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 10
DIV 3 (* Division of two constants *)
ST iValue (* The result is 9 *)
LD 170 (* Division of a constant and 2 variables. *)
DIV Var1, Var2 (* (170dez : Var1) : Var2 *)
ST Value
LD Var1 (* Divide Var1 by the content of the brackets *)
DIV( Var2

BU 0000 en-0421 135

NORDCON – Manual
SUB Var3
) (* Var1 : ( Var2 - Var3 ) *)
ST Value

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 30 / 10; (* The result is 3 *)
Ergebnis := 30 / Var1 / Var2; LIMIT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

The command limits the value in the accumulator to the transferred minimum and maximum values.
Values If this is exceeded, the maximum value is entered in the accumulator and if it is undershot, the
minimum value is entered. If the value lies between the limits, there is no effect.

Example in IL:
LD 10 (* Loads the value 10 into the accumulator *)
LIMIT 20, 30 (* The value is compared with the limits 20 and 30. *)
(* The value in the accumulator is smaller, the accumulator is overwritten with 20 *)
ST iValue (* Saves the value 20 in Value1 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := Limit(10, 20, 30); (* The result is 20 *) MAX
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

This value determines the maximum value of two variables or constants For this, the current value of
the accumulator is compared with the value transferred in the MAX command. After the command, the
larger of the two values is in the accumulator. Both values must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 100 (* Load 100 into the accumulator *)
MAX 200 (* Compare with the value 200 *)
ST iValue (* Save 200 in Value2 (because larger value) *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := Max(100, 200); (* The result is 200 *)

136 BU 0000 en-0421

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

This command determines the minimum value of two variables or constants. For this, the current value
of the accumulator is compared with the value transferred in the MIN command. After the command,
the smaller of the two values is in the accumulator. Both values must belong to the same type of

Example in IL:
LD 100 (* Load 100 into the accumulator *)
MIN 200 (* Compare with the value 200 *)
ST Value2 (* Save 100 in Value2 (because smaller value) *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := Min(100, 200); (* Save 100 in Value2 (because smaller value) *) MOD and MOD(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

The Accumulator is divided by one or more variables or constant and the remainder of the division is
the result in the accumulator. For the bracket Modulus, the accumulator is divided by the result of the
expression in the brackets and the modulus is formed from this. Up to 6 bracket levels are possible.

Example in IL:
LD 25 (* Load the dividend *)
MOD 20 (* Division 25/20 per modulus = 5 *)
ST Var1 (* Save result 5 in Var1 *)
LD 25 (* Load the dividend *)
MOD( Var1 (* Result = 25/(Var1 + 10) per modulus into the accumulator *)
ADD 10
ST Var3 (* Save result 10 in Var3 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 25 MOD 20; (* Save result 5 in Var1 *)
Ergebnis := 25 MOD (Var1 + 10); (* Result = 25/(Var1 + 10) per modulus into the accumulator *) MUL and MUL(

SK 5xxP SK 54xE SK 53xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS SK 180E SK 155E-FDS

BU 0000 en-0421 137

NORDCON – Manual
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Multiplication of the accumulator with one or more variables or constants. For bracket multiplication,
the accumulator is multiplied by the result of the expression in brackets. Up to 6 bracket levels are
possible. Both values must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 25 (* Load the multiplier *)
MUL Var1, Var2 (* 25 * Var1 * Var2 *)
ST Var2 (* Save result *)
LD 25 (* Load the multiplier *)
MUL( Var1 (* Result = 25*(Var1 + Var2) *)
ADD Var2
ST Var3 (* Save result as variable Var3 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 25 * Var1 * Var2;
Ergebnis := 25 * (Var1 + Var2); MUX
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Various constants or variables can be selected via an index, which is located in front of the command
in the accumulator. The first value is accessed via the Index 0. The selected value is loaded into the
accumulator. The number of values is only limited by the program memory.

Example in IL:
LD 1 (* Select the required element *)
MUX 10,20,30,40,Value1 (* MUX command with 4 constants and a variable *)
ST Value (* Save result = 20 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := Mux(1, 10, 20, 30, 40, Value1) (* Save result = 20 *) SUB and SUB(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

138 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Data type X X X

Subtracts the accumulator from one or more variables or constants. For bracket subtraction, the
accumulator is subtracted from the result of the expression in brackets. Up to 6 bracket levels are
possible. The values to be subtracted must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 10
SUB Var1 (* Result = 10 - Var1 *)
ST Ergebnis
LD 20
SUB Var1, Var2, 30 (* Result = 20 - Var1 - Var12 - 30 *)
ST Ergebnis
LD 20
SUB( 6 (* Substract 20 from the contents of the bracket *)
) (* Result = 20 - (6 AND 2) *)
ST Ergebnis (* Result = 18 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 10 - Value1;

10.4.2 Extended mathematical operators

The operators listed here require intensive computing. This may result in a considerably longer running time for
the PLC program. COS, ACOS, SIN, ASIN, TAN, ATAN

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X


Data type X

Calculation of the relevant mathematical function. The value to be calculated must be available in
minutes of arc. The scaling corresponds to 1 = 1000.

Conversion: Angle in radians = (Angle in degrees * PI / 180) * 1000 e.g. an angle of 90° is converted
as follows: 90° * 3,14 / 180) *1000 = 1571

Example in IL:
LD 1234
ST Ergebnis (* Result = 943 *)

BU 0000 en-0421 139

NORDCON – Manual

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := COS(1234); (* Result = 330 *)
Ergebnis := ACOS(330); (* Result = 1234 *)
Ergebnis := SIN(1234); (* Result = 943 *)
Ergebnis := ASIN(943); (* Result = 1231 *)
Ergebnis := TAN(999); (* Result = 1553 *)
Ergebnis := ATAN(1553); (* Result = 998 *) EXP
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X


Data type X

Forms the exponential function to the base of Euler's Number (2.718) from the Accumulator. Up to 3
places behind the decimal point may be stated, i.e. 1.002 must be entered as 1002.

Example in IL:
LD 1000
ST Ergebnis (* Result = 2718 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := EXP(1000); (* Result = 2718 *) LN
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X


Data type X

Logarithm to base e (2.718). Up to 3 places behind the decimal point may be stated, i.e. 1.000 must
be entered as 1000.

Example in IL:

140 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
LD 1234
ST Ergebnis

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := LN(1234); (* Result = 210 *) LOG
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X


Data type X

Forms the base 10 logarithm from the accumulator. Up to 3 places behind the decimal point may be
stated, i.e. 1.000 must be entered as 1000.

Example in IL:
LD 1234
ST Ergebnis (* Result = 91 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := LOG(1234); (* Result = 91 *) SQRT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X


Data type X

Forms the square root from the accumulator. Up to 3 places behind the decimal point may be stated,
i.e. 1.000 must be entered as 1000.

Example in IL:

BU 0000 en-0421 141

NORDCON – Manual
LD 1234
ST Ergebnis (* Result = 1110 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := SQRT(1234); (* Result = 1110 *)

10.4.3 Bit operators AND and AND(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X X

Bit-wise AND link of the AE/accumulator with one or two variables or constants. Bit-wise AND(...)
linking with the AE/accumulator and the AE/accumulator which was previously formed in the bracket.
Up to 6 bracket levels are possible. All values must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 170
AND 204 (* AND link between 2 constants *)
(* Accumulator = 136 (See example in the table) *)

LD 170 (* Link between a constant and 2 variables.*)

AND Var1, Var2 (* Accumulator = 170dec AND Var1 AND Var2 *)

LD Var1
AND ( Var2 (* AE/Accumulator = Var1 AND ( Var2 OR Var3 ) *)
OR Var3

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 170 AND 204; (* Result = 136dec *)

Var2 Var1 Result

0 0 0

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

Example: 170dec (1010 1010bin) AND 204dec (1100 1100bin) = (1000 1000bin) 136dec ANDN and ANDN(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

142 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC


Data type X X X X

Bit-wise AND linking of the AE/accumulator with a negated operand. Bit-wise AND (...) linking of the
AE/accumulator and the negated result of the bracket. Up to 6 bracket levels are possible. The values
to be linked must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:

LD 2#0000_1111
ANDN 2#0011_1010 (* ANDN link between 2 constants *)
(* Accu = 2#1111_0101 *)

LD 170 (* Link between a constant and 2 variables. *)

ANDN Var1, Var2 (* Accumulator = 170d ANDN Var1 ANDN Var2 *)

LD Var1
ANDN ( Var2 (* AE/Accumulator = Var1 ANDN ( Var2 OR Var3 ) *)
OR Var3

Var2 Var1 Result

0 0 1

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

Example: 170dec (1010 1010bin) AND 204dec (1100 1100bin) = (1000 1000bin) 136dec NOT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X X

Bit-wise negation of the accumulator.

Example in IL:
LD BYTE#10 (* Load the value 10dec into the ACCU in Byte format *)
NOT (* The value is resolved on the Bit level (0000 1010), *)
(* negated bit-wise (1111 0101) and then converted back *)
(* converted, result = 245dec *)
ST Var3 (* Save result as variable Var3 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := not BYTE#10; (* Result = 245dez *)

BU 0000 en-0421 143

NORDCON – Manual OR and OR(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X X

Bit-wise OR link of the AE/accumulator with one or two variables or constants. Bit-wise OR(...) linking
with the AE/accumulator and the AE/accumulator which was previously formed in the bracket. Up to 6
bracket levels are possible. All values must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 170
OR 204 (* OR link between 2 constants *)

LD 170 (* Link between a constant and 2 variables. *)

OR Var1, Var2 (* Accumulator = 170d OR Var1OR Var2 *)

LD Var1
OR ( Var2 (* AE/Accumulator = Var1 OR ( Var2 AND Var3 ) *)
AND Var3

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 170 or 204; (* Result = 238 *)

Var2 Var1 Result

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1 ORN andORN(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X X

Bit-wise OR linking of the AE/accumulator with a negated operand. Bit-wise OR (...) linking of the
AE/accumulator and the negated result of the bracket. Up to 6 bracket levels are possible. The values
to be linked must belong to the same type of variable.

144 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Example in IL:
LD 2#0000_1111
ORN 2#0011_1010 (* ORN link between 2 constants *)
(* Accumulator = 2#1100_0000 *)

LD 170 (* Link between a constant and 2 variables. *)

ORN Var1, Var2 (* Accumulator = 170d ORN Var1 ORN Var2 *)

LD Var1
ORN ( Var2 (* AE/Accumulator = Var1 ORN ( Var2 OR Var3 ) *)
OR Var3

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 2#0000_1111 ORN 2#0011_1010; (* Result = 2#1100_0000 *)

Var2 Var1 Result

0 0 1

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 0 ROL
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Bit-wise rotation of the accumulator to the left. The content of the accumulator is shifted n times to the
left, whereby the left bit is inserted again on the right.

Example in IL:
LD 175 (* Loads the value 1010_1111*)
ROL 2 (* Accumulator content is rotated 2x to the left *)
ST Value1 (* Saves the value 1011_1110 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := ROL(BYTE#175, 2); (* Result = 2#1011_1110 *)
Ergebnis := ROL(INT#175, 2); (* Result = 16#C02B *) ROR
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

BU 0000 en-0421 145

NORDCON – Manual
Data type X X X

Bit-wise rotation of the accumulator to the right. The content of the accumulator is shifted n times to
the right, whereby the right bit is inserted again on the left.

Example in IL:
LD 175 (* Loads the value 1010_1111*)
ROR 2 (* Accumulator content is rotated 2x to the right *)
ST Value1 (* Saves the value 1110_1011 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := ROR(BYTE#175, 2); (* Result = 2#1110_1011 *) S and R
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Sets and resets a boolean variable if the result of the previous link (the AE) was TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD TRUE (* Loads the AE with TRUE *)
S Var1 (* VAR1 is set to TRUE *)
R Var1 (* VAR1 is set to FALSE *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := TRUE;
Ergebnis := FALSE; SHL
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Bit-wise left shift of the accumulator. The content of the accumulator is shifted n times to the left and
the bits which are pushed out are lost.

Example in IL:
LD 175 (* Loads the value 1010_1111*)
SHL 2 (* Accumulator content is shifted 2x to the left *)

146 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
ST Value1 (* Saves the value 1011_1100 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := SHL(BYTE#175, 2); (* Result = 2#1011_1100 *)
Ergebnis := SHL(INT#175, 2); (* Result = 16#2BC *) SHR
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Bit-wise right shift of the accumulator. The content of the accumulator is shifted n times to the right
and the bits which are pushed out are lost.

Example in IL:
LD 175 (* Loads the value 1010_1111*)
SHR 2 (* Accumulator content is shifted 2x to the right *)
ST Value1 (* Saves the value 0010_1011 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := SHR(BYTE#175, 2); (* Result = 2#0010_1011 *) XOR and XOR(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X
Bit-wise "exclusive OR" link between the AE/accumulator and one or two variables or constants. The
first value is located in the AE/accumulator and the second is loaded with the command or is within the
brackets. The values to be linked must belong to the same type of variable.
Example in IL:
LD 2#0000_1111
XOR 2#0011_1010 (* XOR link between 2 constants *)
(* Accu = 2#0011_0101 *)

LD 170 (* Link between a constant and 2 variables. *)

XOR Var1, Var2 (* Accumulator = 170d XOR Var1 XOR Var2 *)

LD Var1
XOR ( Var2 (* AE/Accumulator = Var1 XOR ( Var2 OR Var3 ) *)
OR Var3

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 2#0000_1111 XOR 2#0011_1010; (* Result = 2#0011_0101 *)

BU 0000 en-0421 147

NORDCON – Manual

Var2 Var1 Result

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0 XORN and XORN(

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Bit-wise Exclusive OR linking of the AE/accumulator with a negated operand. Bit-wise Exclusive OR
(...) linking of the AE/accumulator and the negated result of the bracket. Up to 6 bracket levels are
possible. The values to be linked must belong to the same type of variable.

Example in IL:
LD 2#0000_1111
XORN 2#0011_1010 (* XORN link between 2 constants *)
(* Accu = 2#1100_1010 *)

LD 170 (* Link between a constant and 2 variables. *)

XORN Var1, Var2 (* Accumulator = 170d XORN Var1 XORN Var2 *)

LD Var1
XORN ( Var2 (* AE/Accumulator = Var1 XORN ( Var2 OR Var3 ) *)
OR Var3

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := 2#0000_1111 XORN 2#0011_1010; (* Result = 2#1100_1010 *)

Var2 Var1 Result

0 0 1

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

10.4.4 Loading and storage operators (AWL)

148 BU 0000 en-0421

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X X

Loads a constant or a variable into the AE or the accumulator.

Example in IL:
LD 10 (* Loads 10 as BYTE *)
LD -1000 (* Loads -1000 as INT *)
LD Value1 (* Loads the variable Value1 *) LDN
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Loads a negated boolean variable into the AE.

Example in IL:
LDN Value1 (* Value1 = TRUE at AE = FALSE *)
ST Value2 (* Save to Value2 = FALSE *) ST
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X X

Saves the content of the AE/accumulator to a variable. The variable to be saved must match the
previously loaded and processed data type.

Example in IL:
LD 100 (* Loads the value 1010_1111 *)
ST Value1 (* Accumulator content 100 is saved in Value1 *)

BU 0000 en-0421 149

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Saves the content of the AE to a variable and negates it. The variable to be saved must match the
previously loaded and processed data type.

Example in IL:
LD Value1 (* Value1 = TRUE at AE = TRUE *)
STN Value2 (* Save to Value2 = FALSE *)

10.4.5 Comparison operators EQ
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Compares the content of the accumulator with a variable or constant. If the values are equal, then AE
is set to TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD Value1 (* Value1 = 5 *)
EQ 10 (* AE = Is 5 equal to 10 ? *)
JMPC NextStep (* AE = FALSE - program does not jump *)
ST Value1

Example in ST:
(* Is value = 10 *)
if Value = 10 then
Value2 := 5;
end_if; GE
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


150 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Data type X X X

Compares the content of the accumulator with a variable or constant. If the value in the accumulator is
greater or equal to the variable or constant, then AE is set to TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD Value1 (* Value1 = 5*)
GE 10 (* Is 5 greater than or equal to 10? *)
JMPC NextStep (* AE = FALSE - program does not jump *)

ST Value1

Example in ST:
(* Is 5 greater than or equal to 10? *)
if Value >= 10 then
Value := Value - 1
end_if; GT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Compares the content of the accumulator with a variable or constant. If the value in the accumulator is
greater than the variable or constant, then AE is set to TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD Value1(* Value1 = 12 *)
GT 8 (* Is 12 greater than 8? *)
JMPC NextStep (* AE = TRUE - program jumps *)
ST Value1

Example in ST:
(* Is 12 greater than 8? *)
if Value > 8 then
Value := 0;
end_if; LE
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


BU 0000 en-0421 151

NORDCON – Manual
Data type X X X

Compares the content of the accumulator with a variable or constant. If the value in the Accumulator is
less than or equal to the variable or constant, then AE is set to TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD Value1 (* Value1 = 5*)
LE 10 (* Is 5 less than or equal to 10? *)
JMPC NextStep:
ST Value1

Example in ST:
(* Is Value less than or equal to 10?*)
if Value <= 10 then
Value := 11;
end_if; LT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

Compares the content of the accumulator with a variable or constant. If the value in the accumulator
is less than the variable or constant the AE is set to TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD Value1 (* Value1 = 12 *)
LT 8 (* Is 12 less than 8 ? *)
JMPC NextStep (* AE = FALSE - program does not jump *)
ST Value1

Example in ST:
(* Is Value less than 0? *)
if Value < 0 then
Value := 0;
end_if; NE
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X X X

152 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Compares the content of the accumulator with a variable or constant. If the value in the Accumulator is
not equal to the variable or constant, then AE is set to TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD Value1 (* Value1 = 5 *)
NE 10 (*Is 5 not equal to 10 ?*)
JMPC NextStep (* AE = TRUE - program jumps *)
ST Value1

Example in ST:
if Value <> 5 then
Value := 5;

10.5 Processing values

All analogue and digital inputs and outputs or bus setpoints and actual values can be read and
processed by the PLC or can be set by the PLC (if they are output values). Access to the individual
values is via the process values listed below. For all output values, the output (e.g. digital outputs or
PLC setpoint) must be programmed so that the PLC is the source of the event. All process data is
read in from the PLC by the device at the start of each cycle and is only written to the device at the
end of the program. The following table lists all of the values which can be directly accessed by the
PLC. All other process values must be accessed via the function blocks MC_ReadParameter or

10.5.1 Inputs and outputs

All process values which describe the I/O interface of the device are summarised here.

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_0_Set_digital_output Set digital outputs Bit 0: Mfr1 UINT R/W SK 5xxP

Bit 1: Mfr2 On/On+
Bit 2: DOUT 1
Bit 3: DOUT 2
Bit 4: DOUT 1 CU5-MLT
Bit 5: DOUT 2 CU5-MLT
Bit 6: DOUT 3 CU5-MLT
Bit 7: DOUT 4 CU5-MLT
Bit 8: dig. function AOUT
Bit 9: vacant
Bit 10: BusIO Bit0
Bit 11: BusIO Bit1
Bit 12: BusIO Bit2
Bit 13: BusIO Bit3
Bit 14: BusIO Bit4
Bit 15: BusIO Bit5

_0_Set_digital_output Set digital outputs Bit 0: Mfr1 UINT R/W SK 54xE

Bit 1: Mfr2
Bit 2: DOUT1
Bit 3: DOUT2

BU 0000 en-0421 153

NORDCON – Manual

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Bit 4: dig. function AOUT

Bit 5: DOUT3 (Din7)
Bit 6: Status word Bit 10
Bit 7: Status word Bit 13
Bit 8: BusIO Bit0
Bit 9: BusIO Bit1
Bit 10: BusIO Bit2
Bit 11: BusIO Bit3
Bit 12: BusIO Bit4
Bit 13: BusIO Bit5
Bit 14: BusIO Bit6
Bit 15: BusIO Bit7

_0_Set_digital_output Set digital outputs Bit 0: Mfr1 UINT R/W SK 52xE

Bit 1: Mfr2 SK 53xE
Bit 2: DOUT1
Bit 3: DOUT2
Bit 4: dig. function AOUT
Bit 5: vacant
Bit 6: Status word Bit 10
Bit 7: Status word Bit 13
Bit 8: BusIO Bit0
Bit 9: BusIO Bit1
Bit 10: BusIO Bit2
Bit 11: BusIO Bit3
Bit 12: BusIO Bit4
Bit 13: BusIO Bit5
Bit 14: BusIO Bit6
Bit 15: BusIO Bit7

_0_Set_digital_output Set digital outputs Bit 0: DOUT1 UINT R/W SK 2xxE

Bit 1: BusIO Bit0 SK 2xxE-FDS
Bit 2: BusIO Bit1
Bit 3: BusIO Bit2
Bit 4: BusIO Bit3
Bit 5: BusIO Bit4
Bit 6: BusIO Bit5
Bit 7: BusIO Bit6
Bit 8: BusIO Bit7
Bit 9: Bus PZD Bit 10
Bit 10: Bus PZD Bit 13
Bit 11: DOUT2

_0_Set_digital_output Set digital outputs Bit 0: DOUT1 UINT R/W SK 180E

Bit 1: DOUT2 SK 190E
Bit 2: BusIO Bit0
Bit 3: BusIO Bit1
Bit 4: BusIO Bit2
Bit 5: BusIO Bit3
Bit 6: BusIO Bit4
Bit 7: BusIO Bit5
Bit 8: BusIO Bit6
Bit 9: BusIO Bit7

154 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Bit 10: Bus PZD Bit 10

Bit 11: Bus PZD Bit 13

_0_Set_digital_output Set digital outputs Bit 0: DOUT1 UINT R/W SK 155E-FDS

Bit 1: DOUT2 SK 175E-FDS
Bit 3: DOUT_BUS1
Bit 4: DOUT_BUS2

_1_Set_analog_output Set FI analogue output 10.0V = 100 BYTE R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE

_2_Set_external_ Set analogue output 1. 10.0V = 100 BYTE R/W SK 5xxP

analog_out1 IOE SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_3_Set_external_ Set analogue output 2. 10.0V = 100 BYTE R/W SK 5xxP

analog_out2 IOE SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_4_State_digital_output Status of digital outputs Bit 0: Mfr1 INT R SK 5xxP

Bit 1: Mfr2 On/On+
Bit 2: DOUT 1
Bit 3: DOUT 2
Bit 4: DOUT 1 CU5-MLT
Bit 5: DOUT 2 CU5-MLT
Bit 6: DOUT 3 CU5-MLT
Bit 7: DOUT 4 CU5-MLT
Bit 8: dig. function AOUT
Bit 9: vacant
Bit 10: DOUT1 IOE1
Bit 11: DOUT2 IOE1
Bit 12: DOUT1 IOE2
Bit 13: DOUT2 IOE2
Bit 14: vacant
Bit 15: vacant

_4_State_digital_output Status of digital outputs Bit 0: Mfr1 INT R SK 54xE

Bit 1: Mfr2
Bit 2: DOUT1
Bit 3: DOUT2
Bit 4: dig. function AOUT
Bit 5: DOUT3 (Din7)

BU 0000 en-0421 155

NORDCON – Manual

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Bit 6: Status word Bit 8

Bit 7: Status word Bit 9
Bit 8: BusIO Bit0
Bit 9: BusIO Bit1
Bit 10: BusIO Bit2
Bit 11: BusIO Bit3
Bit 12: BusIO Bit4
Bit 13: BusIO Bit5
Bit 14: BusIO Bit6
Bit 15: BusIO Bit7

_4_State_digital_output Status of digital outputs P711 BYTE R SK 52xE

SK 53xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_4_State_digital_output Status of digital outputs Bit 0: DOUT1 BYTE R SK 155E-FDS

Bit 1: DOUT2 SK 175E-FDS
Bit 3: DOUT_BUS1
Bit 4: DOUT_BUS2

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 5xxP

Bit 1: DIN2 On/On+
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6
Bit 6: DIN1 CU5-MLT
Bit 7: DIN2 CU5-MLT
Bit 8: DIN3 CU5-MLT
Bit 9 DIN4 CU5-MLT
Bit 10 vacant
Bit 11 vacant
Bit 12: Digital function
Bit 8: Digital function

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 54xE

Bit 1: DIN2
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6
Bit 6: DIN7
Bit 7: Digital function
Bit 8: Digital function

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 52xE

156 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Bit 1: DIN2 SK 53xE

Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6
Bit 6: DIN7

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 2xxE

Bit 1: DIN2
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: vacant
Bit 5: Thermistor
Bit 6: vacant
Bit 7: vacant
Bit 8: DIN1 IOE 1
Bit 9: DIN2 IOE 1
Bit 10: DIN3 IOE 1
Bit 11: DIN4 IOE 1
Bit 12: DIN1 IOE 2
Bit 13: DIN2 IOE 2
Bit 14: DIN3 IOE 2
Bit 15: DIN4 IOE 2

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 180E

Bit 1: DIN2 SK 190E
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: AIN1
Bit 4: AIN2
Bit 5: Thermistor
Bit 6: vacant
Bit 7: vacant
Bit 8: DIN1 IOE 1
Bit 9: DIN2 IOE 1
Bit 10: DIN3 IOE 1
Bit 11: DIN4 IOE 1
Bit 12: DIN1 IOE 2
Bit 13: DIN2 IOE 2
Bit 14: DIN3 IOE 2
Bit 15: DIN4 IOE 2

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 155E-FDS

Bit 1: DIN2 SK 175E-FDS
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: TF (thermistor)
Bit 4: DIN-BUS1 (ASiI1)
Bit 5: DIN-BUS2 (ASiI2)
Bit 6: DIN-BUS3 (ASiI3)
Bit 7: DIN-BUS4 (ASiI4)
Bit 8: BDDI1 (ASIO3)
Bit 9: BDDI2 (ASIO4)
Bit 10: STO

BU 0000 en-0421 157

NORDCON – Manual

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_5_State_Digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 2xxE-FDS

Bit 1: DIN2
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6/AIN1
Bit 6: DIN7/AIN2
Bit 7: Thermistor
Bit 8: DIN1 IOE 1
Bit 9: DIN2 IOE 1
Bit 10: DIN3 IOE 1
Bit 11: DIN4 IOE 1
Bit 12: DIN1 IOE 2
Bit 13: DIN2 IOE 2
Bit 14: DIN3 IOE 2
Bit 15: DIN4 IOE 2

_6_Delay_digital_inputs Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 5xxP

according to P475 Bit 1: DIN2 SK 54xE
Bit 2: DIN3 On/On+
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6
Bit 6: DIN7
Bit 7: Digital function
Bit 8: Digital function

_6_Delay_digital_inputs Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 52xE

according to P475 Bit 1: DIN2 SK 53xE
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6
Bit 6: DIN7

_6_Delay_digital_inputs Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 2xxE

according to P475 Bit 1: DIN2 SK 180E
Bit 2: DIN3 SK 190E
Bit 3: AIN1
Bit 4: AIN2
Bit 5: Thermistor
Bit 6: vacant
Bit 7: vacant
Bit 8: DIN1 IOE 1
Bit 9: DIN2 IOE 1
Bit 10: DIN3 IOE 1
Bit 11: DIN4 IOE 1
Bit 12: DIN1 IOE 2
Bit 13: DIN2 IOE 2
Bit 14: DIN3 IOE 2
Bit 15: DIN4 IOE 2

158 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_6_Delay_digital_inputs Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 INT R SK 2xxE-FDS

according to P475 Bit 1: DIN2
Bit 2: DIN3
Bit 3: DIN4
Bit 4: DIN5
Bit 5: DIN6/AIN1
Bit 6: DIN7/AIN2
Bit 7: Thermistor
Bit 8: DIN1 IOE 1
Bit 9: DIN2 IOE 1
Bit 10: DIN3 IOE 1
Bit 11: DIN4 IOE 1
Bit 12: DIN1 IOE 2
Bit 13: DIN2 IOE 2
Bit 14: DIN3 IOE 2
Bit 15: DIN4 IOE 2

_7_Analog_input1 Value of analogue input 10.00V = 1000 INT R All

1 (AIN1)

_8_Analog_input2 Value of analogue input 10.00V = 1000 INT R All

2 (AIN2)

_9_Analog_input3 Value of analogue 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

function DIN2 SK 54xE

_10_Analog_input4 Value of analogue 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

function DIN3 SK 54xE

_11_External_analog_ Value of analogue input 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

input1 1 (1.IOE) SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_12_External_analog_ Value of analogue input 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

input2 2 (1.IOE) SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_13_External_analog_ Value of analogue input 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

input3 1 (2.IOE) SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_14_External_analog_ Value of analogue input 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

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NORDCON – Manual

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

input4 2 (2.IOE) SK 54xE

SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_15_State_analog_ Status of analogue 10.0V = 100 BYTE R SK 5xxP

output output SK 54xE

_16_State_ext_analog_ Status of analogue 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

out1 output (1. IOE) SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_17_State_ext_analog_ Status of analogue 10.00V = 1000 INT R SK 5xxP

out2 output (2. IOE) SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_18_Dip_switch_state DIP switch status Bit 0: DIP1 INT R SK 155E-FDS

Bit 1: DIP2 SK 175E-FDS
Bit 2: DIP3
Bit 3: DIP4
Bit 4: DIP_I1
Bit 5: DIP_I2
Bit 6: DIP_I3
Bit 7: DIP_I4

_19_State_digital_input Status of digital inputs Bit 0: DIN1 IOE 2 INT R SK 5xxP

_IOE (IOE) Bit 1: DIN2 IOE 2 On/On+
Bit 2: DIN3 IOE 2
Bit 3: DIN4 IOE 2
Bit 4: DIN1 IOE 1
Bit 5: DIN2 IOE 1
Bit 6: DIN3 IOE 1
Bit 7: DIN4 IOE 1

10.5.2 PLC setpoint and actual values

The process values listed here form the interface from the PLC to the device. The function of the PLC
setpoints is specified in (P553).

The process value PLC_control_word overwrites the function block MC_Power. The PLC setpoints overwrite the
function blocks MC_Move…. und MC_Home.

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_20_PLC_control_word PLC control word Corresponds to the USS INT R/W All

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device


_21_PLC_set_val1 PLC setpoint 1 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_22_PLC_set_val2 PLC setpoint 2 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_23_PLC_set_val3 PLC setpoint 3 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_24_PLC_set_val4 PLC setpoint 4 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE

_25_PLC_set_val5 PLC setpoint 5 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE

_26_PLC_additional PLC additional control Corresponds to the USS INT R/W SK 5xxP
_control_word1 word 1 profile SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

SK 190E

_27_PLC_additional PLC additional control Corresponds to the USS INT R/W SK 5xxP
_control_word2 word 2 profile SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_28_PLC_status_word PLC status word Corresponds to the USS INT R/W SK 5xxP
profile SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_29_PLC_act_val1 PLC actual value 1 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_30_PLC_act_val2 PLC actual value 2 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_31_PLC_act_val3 PLC actual value 3 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_32_PLC_act_val4 PLC actual value 4 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE

162 BU 0000 en-0421

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE

_33_PLC_act_val5 PLC actual value 5 100% = 4000h INT R/W SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE

_34_PLC_Busmaster_ Master function control Corresponds to the USS INT R/W SK 5xxP
Control_word word (bus master profile SK 54xE
function) via PLC SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_35_PLC_32Bit_set_ 32Bit PLC setpoint _ LONG R/W SK 5xxP

val1 - P553[1] = Low part of SK 54xE
the 32Bit value SK 53xE
- P553[2] = High part of SK 52xE
the 32Bit value SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_36_PLC_32Bit_act_ 32Bit PLC actual value _ LONG R/W SK 5xxP

val1 - PLC actual value 1 = SK 54xE
Low part of the 32Bit SK 53xE
value SK 52xE
- PLC 2 = High part of SK 2xxE
the 32Bit value
SK 180E
SK 190E

_37_PLC_status_bits Virtual status outputs of Bit 0: PLC-DOUT1 INT R/W SK 155E-FDS

the PLC Bit 1: PLC-DOUT2 SK 175E-FDS

_38_PLC_control_bits Virtual control outputs of Bit 0: PLC-DIN1 INT R/W SK 155E-FDS

the PLC Bit 1: PLC-DIN2 SK 175E-FDS
Bit 2: PLC-DIN3
Bit 3: PLC-DIN4
Bit 4: PLC-DIN5
Bit 5: PLC-DIN6
Bit 6: PLC-DIN7
Bit 7: PLC-DIN8

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_39_PLC_set_digital_ Outgoing PLC BusI/O Bit 0: BusIO Bit0 INT R/W SK 5xxP
output_bus data Bit 1: BusIO Bit1 On/On+
Bit 2: BusIO Bit2
Bit 3: BusIO Bit3
Bit 4: BusIO Bit4
Bit 5: BusIO Bit5
Bit 6: BusIO Bit6
Bit 7: BusIO Bit7
Bit 8: Flag 1
Bit 9: Flag 2
Bit 10: Status word Bit 11
Bit 11: Status word Bit 12

10.5.3 Bus setpoints and actual values

These process values reflect all setpoints and actual values which are transferred to the device via the
various bus systems.

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_40_Inverter_status FU status word Corresponds to the USS INT R All


_41_Inverter_act_val1 FU actual value 1 100% = 4000h INT R All

_42_Inverter_act_val2 FU actual value 2 100% = 4000h INT R All

_43_Inverter_act_val3 FU actual value 3 100% = 4000h INT R All

_44_Inverter_act_val4 FU actual value 4 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE

_45_Inverter_act_val5 FU actual value 5 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE

_46_Inverter_lead_val1 Broadcast Master 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

Function: Master value 1 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_47_Inverter_lead_val2 Broadcast Master 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

Function: Master value 2 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E

164 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

SK 190E

_48_Inverter_lead_val3 Broadcast Master 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

Function: Master value 3 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_49_Inverter_lead_val4 Broadcast Master 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

Function: Master value 4 SK 54xE

_50_Inverter_lead_val5 Broadcast Master 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

Function: Master value 5 SK 54xE

_51_Inverter_control_w Resulting bus control Corresponds to the USS ÎNT R SK 5xxP

ord word profile SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_52_Inverter_set_val1 Resulting main bus 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

setpoint 1 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_53_Inverter_set_val2 Resulting main bus 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

setpoint 2 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_54_Inverter_set_val3 Resulting main bus 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

setpoint 3 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

SK 180E
SK 190E

_55_Inverter_set_val4 Resulting main bus 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

setpoint 4 SK 54xE

_56_Inverter_set_val5 Resulting main bus 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

setpoint 5 SK 54xE

_57_Broadcast_set_val Broadcast Slave: 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

1 Auxiliary setpoint 1 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_58_Broadcast_set_val Broadcast Slave: 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

2 Auxiliary setpoint 2 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_59_Broadcast_set_val Broadcast Slave: 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

3 Auxiliary setpoint 3 SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_60_Broadcast_set_val Broadcast Slave: 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

4 Auxiliary setpoint 4 SK 54xE

_61_Broadcast_set_val Broadcast Slave: 100% = 4000h INT R SK 5xxP

5 Auxiliary setpoint 5 SK 54xE

_62_Inverter_32Bit_set Resulting 32Bit main - Low part in P546[1] LONG R SK 5xxP

_val1 setpoint 1 Bus - High part in P546[2] SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

166 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device


_63_Inverter_32Bit_act FI 32Bit actual value 1 - Low part in P543[1] LONG R SK 5xxP

_val1 - High part in P543[2] SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_64_Inverter_32Bit_lea 32Bit lead value 1 - Low part in P502[1] LONG R SK 5xxP

d_val1 - High part in P502[2] SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_65_Broadcast_32Bit_s 32Bit Broadcast Slave - Low part in P543[1] LONG R SK 5xxP

et_val1 auxiliary setpoint 1 - High part in P543[2] SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_66_BusIO_input_bits Incoming Bus I/O data - Bit0 – 7 = Bus I/O In Bit INT R SK 5xxP
0–7 SK 54xE
- Bit 8 = Flag 1 SK 53xE
- Bit 9 = Flag 2 SK 52xE
- Bit 10 = Bit8 of Bus SK 2xxE
control word
- Bit 11 = Bit9 of Bus
SK 180E
control word
SK 190E

_67_BusIO_output_bits Outgoing Bus I/O data Bit0 = Bus / AS-i Dig INT R SK 5xxP
Out1 SK 54xE
Bit1 = Bus / AS-i Dig On/On+
Bit2 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit3 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit4 = Bus / 1.IOE Dig
Bit5 = Bus / 1.IOE Dig
Bit6 = Bus / 2.IOE Dig
Bit7 = Bus / 2.IOE Dig
Bit8 = Bit 10 Bus status

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Bit9 = Bit 11 Bus status


_67_BusIO_output_bits Outgoing Bus I/O data Bit0 = Bus / AS-i Dig INT R SK 53xE
Out1 SK 52xE
Bit1 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit2 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit3 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit4 = AS-i Actuator 1
Bit5 = AS-i Actuator 2
Bit6 = Flag 1
Bit7 = Flag 2
Bit8 = Bit 10 Bus status
Bit9 = Bit 11 Bus status

_67_BusIO_output_bits Outgoing Bus I/O data Bit0 = Bus / AS-i Dig INT R SK 2xxE
Bit1 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit2 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit3 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit4 = Bus / IOE Dig
Bit5 = Bus / IOE Dig
Bit6 = Bus / 2nd IOE Dig
Bit7 = Bus / 2nd IOE Dig
Bit8 = Bit 10 Bus status
Bit9 = Bit 11 Bus status

_67_BusIO_output_bits Outgoing Bus I/O data Bit0 = Bus / AS-i Dig INT R SK 2xxE-FDS
Bit1 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit2 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit3 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit4 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit5 = Bus / AS-i Dig
Bit6 = Bus / 2nd IOE Dig
Bit7 = Bus / 2nd IOE Dig

168 BU 0000 en-0421

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Bit8 = Bit 10 Bus status
Bit9 = Bit 11 Bus status

10.5.4 ControlBox and ParameterBox

The ControlBox can be accessed via the process values listed here. This enables implementation of
simple HMI applications.

In order for the "key-states" to be displayed in the PLC, the ControlBox and ParameterBox must be in
PLC display mode. Otherwise only the value "0" is displayed

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_70_Set_controlbox_ ControlBox display value Display value = Bit 29 – DINT R/W All
show_val Bit 0
Decimal point = Bit 31 –
Bit 30

_71_Controlbox_key_ ControlBox keyboard Bit 0: ON BYTE R All

state status Bit 1: OFF
Bit 2: DIR
Bit 3: UP
Bit 4: DOWN
Bit 5: Enter

_72_Parameterbox_ ParameterBox keyboard Bit 0: ON BYTE R All

key_state status Bit 1: OFF
Bit 2: DIR
Bit 3: UP
Bit 4: DOWN
Bit 5: Enter
Bit 6: Right
Bit 7: Left

10.5.5 Information parameters

The main actual values of the device are listed here.

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_80_Current_fault Actual fault number Error 10.0= 100 BYTE R All

_81_Current_warning Actual warning Warning 10.0= 100 BYTE R All

_82_Current_reason_ Actual reason for the Problem 10.0= 100 BYTE R All
FI_blocked switch-on inhibit state

_83_Input_voltage Actual mains voltage 100 V = 100 INT R All

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_84_Current_frequenz Actual frequency 10Hz = 100 INT R All

_85_Current_set_ Actual setpoint frequency 10Hz = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

point_frequency1 from the setpoint source SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_86_Current_set_ Actual inverter set point 10Hz = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

point_frequency2 frequency SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_87_Current_set_ Actual set point 10Hz = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

point_frequency3 frequency after ramp SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_88_Current_Speed Actually calculated 100rpm= 100 INT R All


_89_Actual_current Actual output current 10.0A = 100 INT R All

_90_Actual_torque_ Actual torque current 10.0A = 100 INT R All


_91_Current_voltage Actual voltage 100V = 100 ÎNT R All

_92_Dc_link_voltage Actual link circuit voltage 100V = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_93_Actual_field_ Actual field current 10.0A = 100 INT R All


_94_Voltage_d Actual voltage 100V = 100 INT R All


170 BU 0000 en-0421

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_95_Voltage_q Actual voltage 100V = 100 INT R All


_96_Current_cos_phi Actual cos (phi) 0.80 = 80 BYTE R All

_97_Torque Actual torque 100% = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_98_Field Actual field 100% = 100 BYTE R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_99_Apparent_power Actual apparent power 1.00KW = 100 INT R All

_100_Mechanical_ Actual mechanical power 1.00KW = 100 INT R All


_101_Speed_encoder Actual measured speed 100rpm= 100 INT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE

_102_Usage_rate_ Actual usage rate of 100% = 100 INT R All

motor motor

_103_Usage_rate_ Actual usage rate of 100% = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

motor_I2t motor I2t SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_104_Usage_rate_ Actual brake resistor 100% = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

brake_resistor usage rate. SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_105_Head_sink_temp Actual heat sink 100°C = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

temperature SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_106_Inside_temp Actual internal 100°C = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

temperature SK 54xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_107_Motor_temp Actual motor 100°C = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

temperature SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_108_Actual_net_ Actual mains frequency 10Hz = 100 INT R SK 155E-FDS

frequency SK 175E-FDS

_109_Mains_phase_ Actual mains phase 0=CW, 1=CCW BYTE R SK 155E-FDS

sequence sequence SK 175E-FDS

_141_Pos_Sensor_Inc Position of incremental 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

encoder SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_142_Pos_Sensor_Abs Position of absolute 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

encoder SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_143_Pos_Sensor_Uni Position of universal 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

encoder SK 54xE

172 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_144_Pos_Sensor_HTL Position of HTL encoder 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE

_145_Actual_pos Actual position 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_146_Actual_ref_pos Actual setpoint position 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

SK 54xE
SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_147_Actual_pos_diff Position difference 0.001 rotation DINT R SK 5xxP

between setpoint and SK 54xE
actual value SK 53xE
SK 52xE
SK 2xxE
SK 180E
SK 190E

_150_Direct_dc_link_ Actual link circuit voltage 100V = 100 INT R SK 5xxP

voltage (unfiltered) On/On+

_151_Direct_torque_ Actual torque current ST: INT R SK 5xxP

current (unfiltered) Value := On/On+
nt) *
actor_InFu_B)) /

1A = 100

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NORDCON – Manual

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_152_Direct_field_ Actual field current IL: INT R SK 5xxP

current (unfiltered) LD On/On+
ST Num_InFu

MUL Num_InFu
ST Value

1A = 100

_153_Factor_InFu_B Factor for calculation of INT R SK 5xxP

the actual torque or field On/On+

10.5.6 PLC errors

The device errors E23.0 to E24.7 can be set from the PLC program via the User Error Flags.

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_110_ErrorFlags Generates user error in Bit 0: E 23.0 BYTE R/W all

device Bit 1: E 23.1
Bit 2: E 23.2
Bit 3: E 23.3
Bit 4: E 23.4
Bit 5: E 23.5
Bit 6: E 23.6
Bit 7: E 23.7

_111_ErrorFlags_ext Generates user error in Bit 0: E 24.0 BYTE R/W all

device Bit 1: E 24.1
Bit 2: E 24.2
Bit 3: E 24.3
Bit 4: E 24.4
Bit 5: E 24.5
Bit 6: E 24.6
Bit 7: E 24.7

10.5.7 PLC parameters

The PLC parameters P355, P356 and P360 can be directly accessed via this group of process data.

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_115_PLC_P355_1 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-01]

174 BU 0000 en-0421

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Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

_116_PLC_P355_2 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-02]

_117_PLC_P355_3 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-03]

_118_PLC_P355_4 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-04]

_119_PLC_P355_5 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-05]

_120_PLC_P355_6 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-06]

_121_PLC_P355_7 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-07]

_122_PLC_P355_8 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-08]

_123_PLC_P355_9 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-09]

_124_PLC_P355_10 PLC INT parameter - INT R all

P355 [-10]

_125_PLC_P356_1 PLC LONG parameter - DINT R all

P356 [-01]

_126_PLC_P356_2 PLC LONG parameter - DINT R all

P356 [-02]

_127_PLC_P356_3 PLC LONG parameter - DINT R all

P356 [-03]

_128_PLC_P356_4 PLC LONG parameter - DINT R all

P356 [-04]

_129_PLC_P356_5 PLC LONG parameter - DINT R all

P356 [-05]

_130_PLC_P360_1 PLC display parameter - DINT R/W all


_131_PLC_P360_2 PLC display parameter - DINT R/W all


_132_PLC_P360_3 PLC display parameter - DINT R/W all


_133_PLC_P360_4 PLC display parameter - DINT R/W all


_134_PLC_P360_5 PLC display parameter - DINT R/W all


_135_PLC_Scope_ PLC scope display value - INT R/W all

Int_1 1

_136_PLC_Scope_ PLC scope display value - INT R/W all

Int_2 2

_137_PLC_Scope_ PLC scope display value - INT R/W all

BU 0000 en-0421 175

NORDCON – Manual

Name Function Standardisation Type Access Device

Int_3 3

_138_PLC_Scope_ PLC scope display value - INT R/W all

Int_4 4

_139_PLC_Scope_ PLC scope display value - INT R/W all

Bool_1 5

_140_PLC_Scope_ PLC scope display value - INT R/W all

Bool_2 6

10.6 Languages

10.6.1 Instruction list (AWL / IL) General

Data types
The PLC supports the data types listed below.

Name Required memory Value range


BOOL 1 Bit 0 to 1

BYTE 1 Byte 0 to 255

INT 2 Byte -32768 to 32767

DINT 4 Byte -2147483648 to 2147483647

LABEL_ADDRE 2 Byte Jump marks


For greater clarity it is possible to enter constants for all data types in various display formats. The
following table gives an overview of all possible variants.

176 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC

Literal Example Number displayed in decimal

Bool FALSE 0


BOOL#0 0

BOOL#1 1

Dual (Base 2) 2#01011111 95

2#0011_0011 51

BYTE#2#00001111 15

BYTE#2#0001_1111 31

Oktal (Base 8) 8#0571 377

8#05_71 377

BYTE#8#10 8

BYTE#8#111 73

BYTE#8#1_11 73

Hexadecimal (Base 16) 16#FFFF -1

16#0001_FFFF 131071

INT#16#1000 4096

DINT#16#0010_2030 1056816

Integer (Base 10) 10 10

-10 -10

10_000 10000

INT#12 12

DINT#-100000 -100000

Time TIME#10s50ms 10.050 seconds

T#5s500ms 5.5 seconds

TIME#5.2s 5.2 seconds

TIME#5D10H15M 5days+10hours+15minutes

T#1D2H30M20S 1day+2hours+30minutes+20seconds

It is advisable to provide the sections of the program with comments in order to make the PLC
program understandable at a later date. In the application program these comments are marked by
starting with the character sequence "(*" and finishing with "*)" as shown in the following examples.


BU 0000 en-0421 177

NORDCON – Manual
(* Comment about a program block *)
LD 100 (* Comment after a command *)
ADD 20

Jump marks
With the aid of the operators JMP, JMPC or JMPCN whole sections of the program can be bypassed.
A jump mark is given as the target address. With the exception of diacritics and „ß“ it may contain all
letters, the numbers 0 to 9 and underscores; other characters are not permitted. The jump mark is
terminated with a colon. This may stand on its own. There may also be further commands after in the
same line after the jump mark.
Possible variants may appear as follows:

Jump mark:
LD 20

ADD 10

MainLoop: LD 1000

A further variant is the transfer of a jump mark as a variable. This variable must be defined as type
LABLE_ADDRESS in the variable table, then this can be loaded into the variable 'jump marks'. With
this, status machines can be created very simply, see below.

LD FirstTime
JMPC AfterFirstTime
(* The label address must be initialized at the beginning *)
LD Address_1
ST Address_Var
ST FirstTime

JMP Address_Var

LD Address_2
ST Address_Var
JMP Ende

LD Address_3
ST Address_Var
JMP Ende

LD Address_1
ST Address_Var


Function call-ups
The Editor supports one form of function call-ups. In the following version, the function CTD is called
up via the instance I_CTD. The results are saved in variables. The meaning of the functions used
below is described in further detail later in the manual.


178 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
LD 10000
LD LoadNewVar
ST ResultVar
ST CurrentCountVar

Bit-wise access to variables

A simplified form is possible for access to a bit from a variable or a process variable.

Command Description

LD Var1.0 Loads Bit 0 of Var1 into the AE

ST Var1.7 Stores the AE on Bit 7 of Var1

EQ Var1.4 Compares the AE with Bit 4 of Var1

10.6.2 Structured text (ST)

Structured text consists of a series of instruction, which are executed as in plain language
("IF..THEN..ELSE) or in loops (WHILE.. DO).

IF value < 7 THEN
WHILE value < 8 DO
value := value + 1;
END_IF; Common

Data types in ST
The PLC supports the data types listed below.

Name Memory required Value range

BOOL 1 Bit 0 to 1

BYTE 1 Byte 0 to 255

INT 2 Byte -32768 to 32767

DINT 4 Byte -2,147,483,648 to


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For numbers it is advisable to state the data type in order to create an efficient PLC program, e.g.:
VarInt := INT#-32768, VarDINT := DINT#-2147483648.

Assignment operator
On the left hand side of an assignment there is an operand (variable, address) to which the value of
an expression on the right hand side is assigned with the assignment operator "=".

Var1 := Var2 * 10;

After execution of this line, Var1 has ten times the value of Var2.

Call-up of function blocks in ST

A function block is called in ST by writing the name of the instance of the function block and then
assigning the values of the parameters in brackets. In the following example a timer is called up with
assignment of its parameters IN and PT Then the result variable Q is assigned to the variable A.
The result variable is accessed as in IL with the name of the function block, a following period and the
name of the variable.

Timer(IN := TRUE, PT := 300);
A := Timer.Q;

Evaluation of expressions
The evaluation of the expression is performed by processing the operators according to certain linking
rules. The operator with the strongest link is processed first and then the operator with the next
strongest link, etc. until all of the operators have been processed. Operators with links of the same
strength are processed from left to right.
The table below shows the ST operators in the order of the strength of their links:

Operation Symbol Link strength

Brackets (Expression) Strongest

Function call Function name

(parameter list)

Negated complement NOT


Multiply *
Divide /
Modulus MOD

Add +

180 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Subtract -

Compare <,>,<=,>= Light

Equality =
Inequality <> Procedure

The RETURN instruction can be used to jump to the end of the program, for example, depending on a

With the IF instruction, a condition can be tested and instructions carried out depending on this

IF <Boolean_Expression1> THEN
ELSIF <Boolean_Expression2> THEN
ELSIF <Boolean_Expression n> THEN
<ELSIF_Instruction n-1>

The part in the curly brackets {} is optional. If <Boolean_Expression1> is TRUE, then only the
<IF_Instructions> are executed and none of the other instructions.. Otherwise, starting with
<Boolean_Expression2>, the boolean expressions are evaluated in sequence until one of the
expressions is TRUE. Then, only the expressions following this boolean expression and before the
next ELSE or ELSIF are evaluated. If none of the boolean expressions is TRUE, only the
<ELSE_Instructions> are evaluated.

IF temp < 17 THEN
Bool1 := TRUE;
Bool2 := FALSE;

With the CASE instruction, several conditional instructions with the same condition variables can be
combined into a construct.

CASE <Var1> OF
<Value1>: <Instruction 1>
<Value2>: <Instruction 2>
<Value3, Value4, Value5: <Instruction 3>

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<Value6 .. Value10 : <Instruction 4>
<Value n>: <Instruction n>
ELSE <ELSE-Instruction>

A CASE instruction is processed according to the following pattern:

• If the variable in <Var1> has the value <Value i>, the instruction <Instruction i> is executed.
• If <Var 1> does not have any of the stated values, the <ELSE instruction> is executed.
• If the same instruction is to be executed for several values of the variable, these values can be
written separately in sequence, separated with commas as the condition of the common instruction.
• If the same instruction is to be executed for a range of values of the variable, the initial value and
the end value can be written separated by a colon as the condition for the common instruction.

1, 5:

FOR loop
Repetitive processes can be programmed with the FOR loop.


The part in the curly brackets {} is optional. The <Instructions> are executed as long as the counter
<INT-Var> is not larger than the <END_VALUE>. This is checked before the execution of the
<Instructions> so that the <Instructions> are never executed if the <INIT_VALUE> is larger than the
<END_VALUE>. Whenever the <Instructions> are executed, the <INIT-Var> is increased by a <Step
size>. The step size can have any integer value. If this is missing, it is set to 1. The loop must
terminate, as <INT_Var> is larger.

FOR Zaehler :=1 TO 5 BY 1 DO
Var1 := Var1 * 2;

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10 PLC
The REPEAT loop is different from the WHILE loop in that the termination condition is only tested after
the loop has been executed. As a result, the loop must be run through at least once, regardless of the
termination condition.

<Boolean Expression>

The <Instructions> are executed until the <Boolean Expression> is TRUE. If the <Boolean
Expression> is TRUE with the first evaluation, the <Instructions> are executed exactly once. If the
<Boolean Expression> is never TRUE, the <Instructions> will be executed endlessly, which will create
a runtime error.

The programmer must ensure that no endless loops are created by changing the condition in the instruction part
of the loop, for example a counter which counts upwards or downwards.

Var1 := Var1 * 2;
Count := Count - 1;
Count = 0

WHILE loop
The WHILE loop can be used in the same way as the FOR loop, with the difference that the
termination condition can be any boolean expression. This means that a condition is stated, which, if it
is true, will result in the execution of the loop.

WHILE <Boolean Expression> DO

The <Instructions> are executed repeatedly for as long as the <Boolean_Expression> is TRUE. If the
<Boolean_Expression> is FALSE in the first evaluation, the <Instructions> will never be executed. If
the <Boolean_Expression> is never FALSE, the <Instructions> will be repeated endlessly.

The programmer must ensure that no endless loops are created by changing the condition in the instruction part
of the loop, for example a counter which counts upwards or downwards.

WHILE Count <> 0 DO
Var1 := Var1*2;
Count := Count - 1;

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If the EXIT instruction occurs in a FOR, WHILE or REPEAT loop, the innermost loop will be
terminated, regardless of the termination condition.

10.7 Jumps

10.7.1 JMP
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

Unconditional jump to a jump mark.

Example AWL:
JMP NextStep (* Unconditional jump to NextStep *)

ST Value1

10.7.2 JMPC
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

Conditional jump to a jump point If AE = TRUE, the command JMPC jumps to the stated jump point.

Example AWL:
LD 10
JMPC NextStep (* AE = TRUE - program jumps *)

ST Value1

10.7.3 JMPCN
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X

Conditional jump to a jump point JMPCN jumps if the AE register = FALSE. Otherwise the program
continues with the next instruction.

Example AWL:
LD 10
JMPCN NextStep (* AE = TRUE - program does not jump *)

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10 PLC
ST Value1

10.8 Type conversion

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Converts the data type of the AE from BOOL to BYTE. If the AE is FALSE, the accumulator is
converted to 0. If the AE is TRUE, the accumulator is converted to 1.

Example in IL:
BOOL_TO_BYTE (* AE = 1 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := BOOL_TO_BYTE(TRUE); (* Result = 1 *)

SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Converts the data type from BYTE to BOOL. As long as BYTE is not equal to zero, this always gives
the conversion result TRUE.

Example in IL:
LD 10

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := BYTE_TO_BOOL(10); (* Result = TRUE *)

10.8.3 BYTE_TO_INT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X

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Data type X

Converts the data type from BYTE to INT. The BYTE is copied into the Low component of the INT and
the High component of INT is set to 0.

Example in IL:
LD 10
BYTE_TO_INT (* Accumulator = 10 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := BYTE_TO_INT(10); (* Result = 10 *)

10.8.4 DINT_TO_INT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Converts the data type from DINT to INT. The High component of the DINT value is not transferred.

Example in IL:
LD 200000
DINT_TO_INT (* Accumulator = 3392 *)

LD DINT# -5000
DINT_TO_INT (* Accumulator = -5000 *)

LD DINT# -50010
DINT_TO_INT (* Accumulator = 15526 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := DINT_TO_INT(200000); (* Result = 3392 *)
Ergebnis := DINT_TO_INT(-5000); (* Result = -5000 *)
Ergebnis := DINT_TO_INT(-50010); (* Result = 15526 *)

10.8.5 INT_TO_BYTE
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

186 BU 0000 en-0421

10 PLC
Converts the data type from INT to BYTE. Here, the High component of the INT value is not
transferred. Prefixes are lost as the BYTE type does not have prefixes.

Example in IL:
LD 16#5008
INT_TO_BYTE (* Accumulator = 8 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := INT_TO_BYTE(16#5008); (* Result = 8 *)

10.8.6 INT_TO_DINT
SK 53xE SK 180E SK 155E-FDS
SK 5xxP SK 54xE On/On+ SK 2xxE SK 2xxE-FDS
SK 52xE SK 190E SK 175E-FDS
Availability X X X X X X X X


Data type X

Converts the data type from INT to DINT. The INT is copied into the Low component of the DINT and
the High component of the DINT is set to 0.

Example in IL:
LD 10
INT_TO_DINT (* Accumulator = 10 *)

Example in ST:
Ergebnis := INT_TO_DINT(10); (* Result = 10 *)

10.9 PLC Error messages

Error messages cause the device to switch off, in order to prevent a device fault. With PLC error
messages execution by the PLC is stopped and the PLC goes into the status "PLC Error". With other
error messages the PLC continues operation. The PLC restarts automatically after the error has been

The PLC continues to operate with PLC User Fault 23.X and 24.X!

SimpleBox Fault
Text in the ParameterBox Cause
Group Details in
/ P701

E022 22.0 No PLC program The PLC has been started but there is no PLC program in
the device
- Load PLC program into the FI

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SimpleBox Fault
Text in the ParameterBox Cause
Group Details in
/ P701

22.1 PLC program is faulty The checksum check via the PLC program produced an
- Restart the device (Power ON) and try again
- Alternatively, reload PLC program

22.2 Incorrect jump address

Program error, behaviour as for Error 22.1

22.3 Stack overflow More than 6 bracket levels were opened during the run
time of the program
- Check the program for run time errors

22.4 Max. PLC cycles exceeded The stated maximum cycle time for the PLC program was
- Change the cycle time or check the program

22.5 Unknown command code A command code in the program cannot be executed
because it is not known.
- Program error, behaviour as for Error 22.1
- Version of the PLC and the NORDCON version do not

22.6 PLC write access

The program content has been changed while the PLC
program was running

22.9 PLC Error

The cause of the fault cannot be precisely determined
- Behaviour as in Error 22.1

E023/ 23.0 PLC User Fault 1 to 8

E024 to This error can be triggered by the PLC program in order to
23.7 externally indicate problems in the execution of the PLC
24.0 PLC User Fault 9 to 16 program. Triggered by writing the process variable
to "ErrorFlags".

188 BU 0000 en-0421

11 Project Mode

11 Project Mode

11.1 General
The project mode is an extension of the normal mode. As default, this is deactivated and must be
activated in the Settings. The mode allows the user to manage a project. Projects can be loaded and
saved. A project includes the frequency inverters with their data (parameters and PLC program), links
to external parameter files or PLC programs, as well as the layout of the application. With a new start
of NORDCON the last project which has been saved is always loaded. A new project is created if no
project can be found. The project mode was developed for the following application:

• 11.2 "HMI"
• 11.3 "Save and restore"

Category Name Description

File New project This action creates an empty project.

Open project... This action opens a file selection dialogue and the user must select a project
file (*.ncpx).

Save project This action opens a file selection dialogue and the user specifies a name for
the project file (*.ncpx). After this, the project is saved under this name.

Save all The action

Project Send all data This action sends all parameters and the PLC program to the devices.

Read all data The action loads all parameters from the devices and saves them in the project
file. In addition, the PLC program in the device is compared with that in the
project. If they are not identical a warning is displayed in the log.

Remove This action deletes the parameter for the selected device from the project.

Remove PLC The action deletes the PLC program for the selected device from the project.

Add PLC program This action adds a saved PLC program for the highlighted device.

Export This action exports the parameters for the selected device to a file.

Export PLC This action exports the PLC program for the selected device to a file.

PLC Save This action saves the PLC in the project file.

Save as ... This action opens a file selection dialogue and the user must select a file
name. After this, the PLC program is saved in a separate file.

Parameter Save This action saves the parameters in the project file.

Save as ... This action opens a file selection dialogue and the user must select a file
name. After this, the parameters are saved in a separate file.

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11.2 HMI
The project mode is ideally suitable for good visualisation. The user connects the PC to the system
and starts the device search (Bus scan Ctrl. F5). After the device search is complete, the user can
place the required display elements for the device in the work area, e.g. parameter window,
oscilloscope or control window. After this, the project must be saved. After the project has been
opened, the devices and the layout are restored. This enables the user to always work with the same
user interface.

When a project is loaded, it is not checked whether the devices which are contained in the project are actually
connected. Communication errors may result if other devices are connected to the bus. Please take care that you
always use the same device for the communication connection if you use the system bus.

11.3 Save and restore

The project mode can also be used to save and restore parameters and PLC programs. The list of
devices used can be further restricted after a device search (bus scan). By deactivating the device in
the device overview, a device can be excluded from saving and restoring.
The procedure may take several minutes, as depending on the particular system, the device list may
contain several devices. The progress of the action is displayed in a separate window. NORDCON
cannot be used during this process.

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11 Project Mode

When a project is loaded, it is not checked whether the devices which are contained in the project are actually
connected. Communication errors may result if other devices are connected to the bus. Please take care that you
always use the same device for the communication connection if you use the system bus.

After a device search (bus scan) the action "Read all Data" reads the parameters of all of the devices
which are found. The parameters must first be saved in NORDCON and then saved manually in the
project file (Save All). Three options are available to users for the action "Read all Data". These
options can be activated or deactivated in the settings dialogue.

Option Description
Delete all data records on If this option is activated, the data records for all of the devices which are included in
cancellation the project are deleted when the function "Read all Data" is cancelled. Otherwise, not
all parameters will be read out and the data in the project file is incomplete.
Delete incomplete data If this option is enabled, the data record for a device is deleted if an error occurs during
records the function "Read all Data".
Delete data records from If this option is enabled, the data record for a device is deleted if there is no
devices not ready for communication with the device during execution of the function "Read all Data".

PLC programs cannot be read out in the current version of NORDCON. Because of this, the programs
of the device and the project file are compared during the action "Read all Data". If they are not
identical, a warning is given in NORDCON. This action is skipped if no PLC program is saved for a
If device parameters are saved in the project file, this is indicated with a special device symbol in the
project structure. The same applies for the PLC program. However, the existence of the device symbol
does not provide any information with regard to the current status and completeness of the data. After
readout, the parameters can be edited with the parameter editor. The user selects a device in the
project tree and opens the parameter editor (Parameterise F7). The parameters can be read or
deleted in the editor. The action "Save" saves the parameters for the selected device in the project
and also saves the project on the hard drive. If the parameter is to be saved in a separate file, the
action "Save as" must be executed.

If errors occur during "Read all Data", these are noted in the log and the backup is continued. All of the
parameters which are noted in the log are not saved in the project file. We recommend that the fault is remedied
and a new backup carried out for the device.

This function can be executed after opening the project via the main menu. For this, the parameters
which are saved in the project file are sent to the devices. As standard, all parameters are always sent
to the devices. However, in most cases this is not advisable and only takes up time. To reduce the
number of parameters, the user must enable the option "Only transfer enabled parameters" and
enable the required parameters in the parameter editor.
In the second step, the PLC programs which are saved in the project are loaded, translated and also
sent to the device. As in normal mode, the PLC program for a device is edited with the PLC editor.
When the editor is opened, the PLC program is automatically loaded from the project file. After editing,

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the program can be saved again in the project file with the action "Save". If the PLC program is to be
saved in a separate file in this mode, the action "Save as" must be executed.

If errors occur during the process, this is noted in the log and the process is continued All of the parameters which
are noted in the log could not be saved in the device. The same applies for the PLC programs. We recommend
that the fault is remedied and the action restarted.

11.4 Project Download

The automated project download enables downloading of parameters and PLC programs to one or
more devices via a batch file. The result of the transfer is saved in a log file and can be subsequently
evaluated. The parameters and PLC programs must be previously saved in a project. For this, the
project mode must be activated in NORDCON. After the device search, all devices which are found
are displayed in the project tree. Each selected device parameter and/or a PLC program can now be

PLC programs can only be allocated to devices with PLC functionality!

To enable a faster download of the project, only the required parameters may be transferred. For this,
only a value for these parameters can be assigned in the parameter editor.
To configure the project download, a batch file is saved in the installation directory of NORDCON. This
file must be copied and adapted accordingly. The following transfer parameters exist for the function:

Transfer parameter Description

AUTODOWNLOAD=[project file] This transfer parameter activates the project download. The path to the
project file must be entered after the "equal" sign.

CONNECTIONSTRING=[ID=1, This transfer parameter specified the communication parameters. If this
PORTNR=[COMx (x=serial port parameter is not transferred, the settings from the project are used.
number)], BAUDRATE=[baud rate]]
(Optional) Example:
AUTOLOG=[log file] This transfer parameter specifies the path for the log file. A log file is not
created if this parameter is not transferred.

192 BU 0000 en-0421

12 Firmware

12 Firmware

12.1 How to update the firmware

The following input steps must be performed:

2.Carry out a device search

3.Highlight the required device in the project tree

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4.Start the firmware update program via the menu item "Device -> Update firmware"

5.Click on Connect

6.Carefully read the warning information and confirm with the "I accept" button

7.Select a firmware file with the aid of the "..." button

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12 Firmware
8.Select the firmware file and confirm with "Open"

9.Start the firmware transfer with the "Start" button

The firmware can only be updated if the device has the address 0 and the baud rate is set to 38400 bits/s.

Restart the device if the firmware transfer is interrupted or is not carried out correctly. If the device is not
subsequently found in a bus scan, the firmware updated program (FirmwareUpd.exe) can also be started
manually. The program is located in the main directory NORDCON.

12.2 Firmware update program

1. Settings

No. Description

1 In the selection box, the user specifies the COM port of the PC to which the frequency inverter is
connected. If the program was called up via NORDCON this parameter does not need to be set.

2 For some USB to RS232 converters, this setting may enable more stable communication. Only select
this setting if you have problems with the connection.

3 The "Connect" button creates a connection to the connected device. If a device was found, the LED (4)
illuminates green and the firmware download window opens.

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No. Description

4 The LED indicates the connection status.

Grey - Connection not yet established.
Green - The program is connected to a device.
Red - No device found.

5 This option activates the update of the firmware via the system bus.

6 This selection box specifies the transfer speed between the PC and the connected device.

7 This selection box specifies the mapped USS address of the device.

2. Frequency inverter data

No. Description

1 This field indicates whether the frequency inverter which is connected supports firmware updates. If this
is not the case, the LED next to the field lights up red.

2 This field displays the frequency inverter family of the connected device. If a device cannot be detected,
the LED next to the field is red, and a firmware update is not possible.

3 This field displays the version number of the connected frequency inverter.

4 This field displays the status of the connected frequency inverter. If the frequency inverter is enabled,
the LED next to the field is red and a firmware update is not possible.

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12 Firmware
3. Select firmware update file

No. Description

1 This field shows the status of the currently loaded firmware. The LED next to the field is red if the
firmware file cannot be loaded or the firmware does not match the connected device. A firmware update
is not possible.

2 This field shows the version information for the currently loaded firmware.

3 This field shows the frequency inverter family which is supported by the currently loaded firmware.

4 Clicking the "..." button opens a file selection dialogue. The user can select a firmware file in the
window. The file is adopted by clicking "Open" and is then saved in the program configuration file.

4. Update firmware

No. Description

1 The "Start" button must be pressed to start the firmware update. The selected firmware cannot be
loaded to the device if the button is not active.

2 An update which has been started is cancelled by pressing the "Cancel" button. Cancellation is only
possible during the initialisation phase.

3 The download window cannot be closed during an update. Before or after a download, the user can
cancel the update by pressing the "Close" button.

4 The progress display shows the progress of the update and the current status.

5 After the update, the result is displayed in the "Summary" field.

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12.3 Firmware update via system bus

The system bus is a bus which has been developed by NORD on the basis of a CAN bus. The bus is
available for all SK2xxE and SK5xxE frequency inverters with an internal CAN interface, as well as for
various additional modules. Up to four frequency inverters, each with 2 additional modules and a
CANopen encoder, as well as a bus module can be connected simultaneously, so that in the
maximum configuration 17 devices are connected to the system bus. The protocol used for the system
bus corresponds to CANopen. The CAN addresses for the individual inverters have a fixed allocation
in the system bus and cannot be changed.

198 BU 0000 en-0421

12 Firmware

All NORD modules connected to the system bus can be visualised and parameterised via a participant
with an RS232/RS485 interface using NORDCON. For this, the communication queries are tunnelled
via NORDCON or the device which is connected to the firmware update program. The following
mapping procedure is used for tunnelling the queries.

USS address Module

0 The address must be set in the module which is connected to NORDCON.

1 Frequency inverter 1 (CAN ID: 32)

2 Frequency inverter 2 (CAN ID: 34)

3 Frequency inverter 3 (CAN ID: 36)

4 Frequency inverter 4 (CAN ID: 38)

10 Additional module 1 for frequency inverter 1 (I/O Extension)

11 Additional module 1 for frequency inverter 2 (I/O Extension)

12 Additional module 1 for frequency inverter 3 (I/O Extension)

13 Additional module 1 for frequency inverter 4 (I/O Extension)

19 Frequency inverter with aborted firmware update

20 Additional module 2 for frequency inverter 1 (I/O Extension)

21 Additional module 2 for frequency inverter 2 (I/O Extension)

22 Additional module 2 for frequency inverter 3 (I/O Extension)

23 Additional module 2 for frequency inverter 4 (I/O Extension)

30 Bus module

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The following devices support tunnelling of firmware updates:

Device Version

SK 1xxE All

SK 2xxE V1.3 and above

SK 5xxE V2.0 and above

SK 540E V2.0 and above

SK TU4-DEV V1.4 and above

SK TU4-CAO V2.2 and above

SK TU4-PBR V1.2 and above



SK TU4-IOE V1.2 and above


The following devices support firmware updates via the system bus:

Device Version

SK 1xxE All

SK 540E V2.0 and above

SK TU4-DEV, SK CU4-DEV V1.4 and above

SK TU4-CAO, SK CU4-CAO V2.2 and above

SK TU4-PBR, SK CU4-PBR V1.2 and above



SK TU4-IOE, SK CU4-IOE V1.2 and above


200 BU 0000 en-0421

13 Settings

13 Settings

The user can change the current program settings with the menu option "Extras->Settings". The attitudes are
divided into the following categories:

13.1 User interface

In this category the user can change the settings of the user interface. The following options are

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With this option the user can choose the language for the interface.

Use other language for parameter setting

With choice of this option the user can choose a different language for the parameter names in the
dialog "Parameterisation" in the choice box "Parameter language".

Parameter language
With this option the user can choose a different language for the parameter name in the dialog
“Parameterisation". This choice is activated by the option "Use other language for parameter setting".

Save window setting

By activation of this option the window settings like position and size is stored and re-activated after
opening again.

Use device-specific remote windows

If this option is activated, for each type of device special remote windows are produced. Otherwise the
standard window is used.

13.2 Device report

In the category the user can change the settings of the window "Device overview".

202 BU 0000 en-0421

13 Settings

Border width
With the parameter the user can change the border width of the device display. A value can be set
between 0 and 10 pixels. More largely or if smaller value is registered, the largest or smallest value is
used automatically.

Optimal number of columns

If this option is selected then the application calculates the optimal number of columns.

Number of columns
With this parameter the user specifies a firm number of columns. The value can be set between 1 and
10. If a larger or smaller value is registered, the largest or smallest value used automatically.


This parameter can be only changed, if the option "optimal number of columns" was
not selected.

Recover info parameters

If this option is selected, the adjusted info parameters of the device are stored and restored with a bus
scan or a restart of application.

13.3 Control
In the category 5 "Control" the user can change the settings of the “Control" window.

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NORDCON – Manual

Manage parameter sets individually

By activation of the option the setting values and actual values are managed individually in the
”Control" window.

Evaluate control configuration

The option activated or deactivates the control configuration. With this function being active some
functions are released or blocked after checking the configuration. Additionally the names of the
parameterised setting value functions or actual value functions are displayed in the window in clear

Read configuration automatically

The option activates or deactivates the automatic checking of the configuration. With this function
activated the control configuration is checked again after focusing of the window.


The function "Evaluate control configuration" is not available in all devices!

13.4 Project
In this heading, the user can specify the path for the project file. Settings such as the interface which is
used, bus scan settings, device names, etc. are saved in this file. Old settings can be reloaded by
selecting an existing file.

204 BU 0000 en-0421

13 Settings

Activate project mode

The project mode can be enabled or disabled with this option. In project mode, the user can freely
parameterise the type and number of devices on the bus. The device parameters and the settings for
the application are saved in a project file.

Only transfer enabled parameters

If this option is enabled, only parameters which have been enabled by the user are sent to the device
with the function "Send all Data". As standard, all parameters are always enabled. Enabling of the
parameters can be changed in the parameter editor.

Delete all data records on cancellation

If this option is activated, the data records for all of the devices which are included in the project are
deleted when the function "Read all Data" is cancelled.

Delete incomplete data records

If this option is enabled, the data record for a device is deleted if an error occurs during the function
"Read all Data".

Delete data records from devices not ready for communication

If this option is enabled, the data record for a device is deleted if there is no communication with the
device during execution of the function "Read all Data".

13.5 Directories
In this heading the directories in which the parameter databases, configuration files, macro files and
internal databases are located can be set. In order to change one of the paths, the required directory
must be highlighted in the list. A new path can be selected by clicking on the "Change" button. The
standard directory for each category can be entered with the aid of the "Standard" button.

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Customer files
All customer-specific files, e.g. macros or parameter files are saved in this directory.

Internal databases
These databases are required for the internal execution of the program. The parameter structure for
the particular frequency inverter families is saved in these databases.

13.6 Macro editor

In the category you can choose settings of 8 "Macro editor" .

206 BU 0000 en-0421

13 Settings
Macro execution step by step
The option activates or deactivates the macro execution step by step. With this option being activated
each macro step must be activated separately (cycle/start).

Open last macro

The option activates or deactivates the function to load the last opened macro.

13.7 Parameter
In the category you can choose settings of the 4 "Parameterization".

Read parameter automatically after selection

The option activates or deactivates the automatic reading of a parameter after selecting.

Show also the value with text parameter

The option activates or deactivates the display of numerical value with a text parameter.

13.8 PLC
Delete old log entries before compiling
Is this option enabled, the old log entries are deleted before compiling.

Jump to current breakpoint (debug mode)

Is this option enabled, the line of the current breakpoint is moved into the visual range.

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14 Messages

14.1 Errors and information

A text and an error code are displayed for all errors and information
The process messages have the following meanings:

No. Description

100 Impermissible parameter number

101 Parameter valued cannot be changed

102 Parameter limits exceeded

103 Impermissible sub-index

104 No array parameter

105 Description cannot be changed

106 No description available

107 Reception timeout

108 Transmission timeout

109 Received data incorrect

110 Order label unknown

150 Reception timeout gateway

153 Device password protection (P4) is active

154 Safety password protection (P497) is active

155 Order label unknown (gateway)

156 Response label unknown

157 Reception timeout

158 Transmission timeout

159 Reception buffer has faulty data

160 Response and order differ

200 Error when opening the serial interface!

201 Error when closing the serial interface!

202 First close the previous interface!

203 Interface not open!

204 Communication module settings could not be set. Check whether the present baud rate is supported.

205 Buffer error!

208 BU 0000 en-0421

14 Messages

No. Description

206 Time out setting error!

207 No communication possible!

208 Internal object error!

210 Error writing the file!

211 Telegram cannot be generated!

212 No high resolution timer found!

213 No device found!

214 Only 16 bit setpoint possible!

215 FI is in operation. Close window?

216 Firmware can only be updated if the device has the address 0!

217 Program to update the firmware cannot be started! Please re-install NORDCON to remedy the problem.

218 Please enter a communication module!

219 Do you want to import the file in the online view?

220 No device can be added at this point!

221 More than 1 device found on the bus. An update may cause problems. Do you wish to continue?

222 Control data will be inconsistent if macros and control windows are used simultaneously. Please close all
control windows or the macro editor.

223 Transfer cannot be started because the parameter editor is open! Please close the editor and re-start the

224 Online help cannot be found! Please re-install NORDCON to remedy the problem.

225 Device cannot be disconnected because at least one window for the device is open.

226 File cannot be opened. Unknown file format.

227 File cannot be read!

228 Unknown file format!

229 File has been changed by the user!

230 Action cannot be executed because the device is not connected!

231 The settings have been changed. Do you wish to save the changes?

232 Your computer does not support the display of Chinese characters. Display errors may occur!

233 Value cannot be changed to an INT 16!

234 The present version of the device does not support firmware updates via the system bus!

235 The present version of the technology unit does not support firmware updates via the system bus!

236 The device at address 0 does not support firmware updates via the system bus!

237 PLC not registered! Please contact Support (+49 (0)180 500 61 84).

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No. Description

238 Incorrect registration code! Please contact Support (+49 (0)180 500 61 84).

239 Firmware download can only be executed with a baud rate of 38400 baud!

240 Report cannot be printed because no printer is installed!

241 File cannot be found on your system!

242 The current version of the TU3 technology units does not support firmware updates!

243 No further devices can be added!

244 Project has changed! Do you wish to save the project?

245 Connection to device %s cannot be established!

246 No PLC program found for device %s!

247 No Parameter found for device %s!

248 Project transfer aborted by user!

249 At least one error has occurred during the project transfer!

250 At least one warning has occurred during the project transfer!

251 Invalid IP address entered!

252 No further devices can be added!

253 File corrupt or has been tampered with!

254 Firmware update not possible via "TCP in USS" mode!

255 The change requires a bus scan! Do you wish to adopt the changes?

256 Project file cannot be found!

257 Please enter a bus extension unit!

258 Not all of the settings could be transferred to the selected bus extension unit? Do you wish to continue?

259 An error has occurred during the writing process!

260 PLC program for device %s is not correct!

261 No project file has been created! Do you want to save the project now?

262 Entered IP address in use!

263 Directory cannot be found!

264 The text cannot be converted into a byte array!

265 The USS telegram is not correct!

266 The PLC program can only be loaded to the device!

267 Do you wish to overwrite the existing PLC program?

268 The PLC program is secured and can only be loaded to the device!

269 Communication type changed. All devices have been deleted from the list! Do you wish to continue?

270 The Midas.dll is too old. The DLL was overwritten by another application with an older version. Delete the

210 BU 0000 en-0421

14 Messages

No. Description

DLL and re-install NORDCON.

271 Midas.dll is not installed. The DLL was deleted by another application. Please reinstall NORDCON.

300 The path for the internal database must be corrected!

301 Incorrect path for the internal database. NORDCON will now be ended

302 Error when opening the databases!

303 Incompatible FI type in the database!

304 Different FI type in the database!

305 Save current database?

306 Database cannot be opened!

307 Incorrect path!

308 Database cannot be saved!

309 Read out all parameters immediately?

310 Please update NORDCON! Correct parameterisation is not guaranteed.

311 Printer not installed correctly!

312 Only 1 parameter window is permitted at a time. Display opened window?

313 The parameter window must be closed in order to end the program!

314 The parameter window must be closed in order to execute the bus scan!

315 A parameter comparison can only be saved as a PDF.

316 The parameter has not been permanently saved in the device. Do you still wish to exit?

317 Start address must not be greater than the end address!

318 Not all i parameters are current. Please execute "Read all".

319 Not all changed values have been transferred!

320 Not all i parameters are selected. Please change the filter!

321 NORDCON does not work correctly. Please reinstall NORDCON!

322 Parameter cannot be found!

323 The parameter value cannot be converted.

327 Not all i parameters are known.

328 CRC for I Parameter cannot be calculated!

400 File cannot be loaded because the file version is unknown!

401 File cannot be loaded because the file format is unknown!

402 File has been changed by the user!

403 Error when opening the file!

405 No macro file!

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No. Description

406 Macro list empty!

407 Macro list executed!

408 Jump target not found!

409 Function cannot be executed because the scheduler has been started.

410 Do you wish to save the changes to the macro?

411 File has been changed by the user! Do you wish to open the file?

500 Only load settings?

501 Are the device types different? Do you wish to open the file?

502 File cannot be opened because the version of the file format is unknown!

503 File cannot be opened because the file format is unknown!

504 File has been changed by the user! Do you wish to open the file?

600 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: the control word (P509) is not
configured for USS!

601 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: setpoint source 1 (P510.0) is not
configured for USS!

602 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: setpoint source 2 (P510.1) is not
configured for USS!

603 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: the control word (P509) and
setpoint source 1 (P510.0) are not configured for USS!

604 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: the control word (P509) and
setpoint source 2 (P510.1) are not configured for USS!

605 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: setpoint source 1 (P510.0) and 2
(P510.1) are not configured for USS!

606 Control of the device is restricted or not possible for the following reason: the control word (P509) and
setpoint source 1 (P510.0) and 2 (P510.1) are not configured for USS!

700 Action cannot be executed because the connection to the device is interrupted!

701 Action cannot be executed because access is barred!

800 Action "Transfer parameters" successfully completed.

801 Errors have occurred during the action "Transfer parameters"!

802 Action "Transfer parameters" has been cancelled by the user!

803 Errors have occurred during the action "Transfer parameters"! Do you wish to save?

804 Action "Transfer parameters" has been cancelled by the user! Do you wish to save?

805 Differences have been detected! Do you wish to view the report?

806 Creation of the report cancelled by the user!

807 Connection to the device will now be re-established! Do you wish to continue?

808 A parameter is not available!

212 BU 0000 en-0421

14 Messages

No. Description

809 Parameter limit exceeded!

810 Parameter limit undershot!

811 Error during import of motor data!

900 Only a maximum of 5 variables can be entered in the observation list!

901 File must be saved before it can be converted. Do you wish to create a new file?

902 File cannot be opened because the file format is unknown!

903 File cannot be read!

904 File has been changed by the user! Do you wish to open the file?

905 Function not yet implemented!

906 PLC program must be saved before programming!

907 The PLC program has been changed! Do you wish to save?

908 The settings have changed! Do you wish to save?

909 PLC format 1.0 is not supported.

910 The PLC program could not be saved!

1100 All data records have been deleted (cancellation by user)!

1101 An incomplete data record for the device has been deleted!

1102 An incomplete data record for the device has been saved!

1103 The data record for a device which is not ready for communication has been deleted.

1104 No parameters have been saved for the device.

1105 Factory settings cannot be loaded!

1106 The parameter number cannot be read (line [x])!

1107 The index cannot be read (line [x])!

1108 The parameter set number cannot be read (line [x])!

1109 Line [x] cannot be read!

1110 The file contains no parameters

1200 Terminal assignment is incompatible on the target device.

Digital functions for up to eight digital inputs can be configured in the source device. Without an
expansion module the target device has six digital inputs. Please check whether the functions
in digital inputs 7/8 can be implemented on other inputs and adjust P420 and P475 accordingly.

The input assignment for connecting an HTL rotary encoder is different on the target device
(DI2/3 -> DI3/4). Please adjust the hardware connection of the HTL encoder and the

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No. Description

parameterisation of the digital inputs 3 and 4 in P420 accordingly.

1201 Evacuation run is not supported by the target device.

The “Evacuation mode” function is not supported by the target device. Please contact the
customer support.

1202 Pulse frequency below the minimum value permissible for the target device.

A pulse frequency below 4 kHz was set in the source device. The value for the target device is
outside the permissible range. Please adjust the pulse frequency in P504 accordingly.

1203 USS baud rate is not available on the target device.

A baud rate of 230400 baud or 460800 baud was selected in the source device. These settings
are not supported by the target device. Please adjust P511 accordingly.

1204 ProfiBus is not available on the target device.

1205 InterBus is not available on the target device.

1206 DeviceNet is not available on the target device.

1207 Automatic conversion of reserved parameter values is not supported.

You have entered a parameter value that was previously without function. The value now
corresponds to a function in the target device. The values of the corresponding function remain
in the factory setting during conversion in the target device.

1208 Maximum position outside the permissible value range in the target device.

For rotary axes / turntable applications, a negative overrun point could be set in the target
device via P615 (for TTL encoder) or P620 (for HTL encoder). The configuration for such
applications with negative position value range is different on the target device. The overrun
point can now be set in the target device for a TTL encoder in P620[1] and for a HTL encoder in
P620[2] in a range from 0 to 50000 rev. Please adjust parameters P615 and P620 according to
your application.

214 BU 0000 en-0421

14 Messages

No. Description

1209 Analogue function of digital input 2 and 3 must be configured manually in the target device.

Evaluation of pulsed digital signals (analogue function of digital input) can only be carried out in
the target device at digital input 3. Please configure the options 81 or 82 in P420[3] for this. The
analogue function can then be set in P400[9].

1210 Manual configuration of the Hiperface encoder via parameter P301[3] required in the target device.

1211 Monitoring of a fourth option module is not supported by the target device.

1212 Manual configuration for the CANopen encoder is not supported by the target device.

The manual configuration of the CANopen encoder is not supported by the target device.
Please check whether an automatic configuration (P604 = 3) is possible.

1213 Internal: Rule unknown ([X])

1214 Converter error

1215 New parameter list cannot be generated.

1216 No suitable converter available.

1217 The parameter list cannot be loaded.

1218 Not all required parameters are set.

1219 No suitable device could be found! The standard device has been used.

1220 Connection of the temperature sensor via dedicated PTC thermistor input on the target device is

1221 Conversion with the device version less than [x] is to be checked separately!

The conversion is designed for the devices SK5xxE from version 3.2 and SK540E from version
2.4. Older versions are not fully supported and must be checked separately. The functionality of
the conversion may be limited because not all required parameters are available in older

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NORD on the road to success

NORD was founded in 1965 and now has net sales of approximately 460 million Euro. Our successful
climb to the elite list of gearmotor manufacturers is due to our strategy to listen to and work closely
with our customers. Together with the help of our customers we have created optimal drive solutions
and have had solid growth as a company as well.

Global Knowledge and Local Support

NORD gear is represented in over 60 countries in the world. With more than 3,100 employees to
ensure minimum short lead times and fast customer service, you can expect to receive your drive and
have your questions answered regardless of your geographic location.

Putting Everything in Motion

With our powerful drive solutions, we put even the “Goliaths” of this world into motion: huge cranes in
harbor facilities, retractable roofs sports stadiums, luggage conveyor belts in airports and ski lifts. No
matter what your application is, NORD is sure to put it into motion

Motoring Ahead
Our products embody an innovative combination between compact mechanics and intelligent
electronics. We market and produce a complete product line of mechanical and electronic drive
components including, quality gear reducers, motors, frequency inverters, servo controllers and
decentralized drive technology.

Moving Together

216 BU 0000 en-0421

Our high quality and service standards result from our customer focus. We develop precise fitting,
innovative drive solutions based on customer input. Together, NORD and our customers are building
long term successful business relationship.

15.1 NORD DRIVESYSTEMS corporate history

Ever since NORD was founded in 1965, all companies of the group have adhered to the common strategy of
satisfying the demands of our customers.

1977 Construction of a modern gear production factory

1979 Establishment of worldwide subsidiaries and the expansion of assembly centres
1980 NORD's UNICASE™ "leak-proof" housing design introduced
1983 Construction of NORD's first motor manufacturing facility
1985 Construction of NORD's first frequency inverter manufacturing facility
1992 Machining factory for castings & steel components built.

1997 Construction of motor manufacturing plant in Italy

1998 New assembly plant in France
2000 New assembly plants in Great Britain and Austria
2001 New assembly plant in China
2002 Additional new assembly plant in China
2003 Construction of an assembly plant in Russia
2004 Construction of a new motor plant in Italy
2005 40 years of Nord Gear
Opening of the high-rack storage system in Bargteheide, Germany

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NORDCON – Manual
Construction of a new assembly centre in China.
2006 New production plant for electronic products opened in Aurich, Germany
2007 Construction of new assembly plants in India and Czech Republic
2008 Expansion Getriebebau NORD, Bargteheide
- Construction of a parking garage

2009 Expansion at Getriebebau NORD, Bargteheide

- Construction of a next high rack storage
- Construction of an assembly centre for industrial gear units
2011 NORD DRIVESYSTEMS celebrates the inauguration of the fourth construction stage of the production
facility in Gadebusch and the 25th anniversary of NORD GEAR Ltd in Brampton, Canada.
In China, NORD celebrates the opening of a second factory in Tianjin, about 100 km south-east of
Beijing, while on the fifth continent, the NORD Australian subsidiary is opening in Darwin.
2012 At present NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is represented by 35 subsidiaries throughout the world. The NORD
sales and service network is supplemented by sales and service partners in more than 60 countries.
With a highly motivated team of employees and a complete range of technologically excellent and high
quality drive technology products, the company is ideally equipped to face the challenges of the future.
2013 New construction of a further production facility in Souzhou
2014 Modernisation of the service area and the painting plant at the headquarters in Bargteheide

2015 50th company anniversary

Construction of a new office building

218 BU 0000 en-0421


15.2 Frequency Inverters

15.2.1 SK 135E

Performance: 0.25 .... 7.5 kW

SK 135E – Decentralised motor starter

Many applications, including those in the field of material handling require electronic starting and
stopping of the drive units. NORD has developed the new, innovative motor starter SK 135E for this.
Due to its versatility, not only motor starting functions, but also gentle starting or reversing mode are
possible.Extensive monitoring functions e.g. protect against overheating. Thanks to the I2t triggering
characteristic, a motor protection switch is not required. The integrated mains filter of the motor starter
SK 135E (with motor-mounting) meets the very highest EMC requirements.

Features and Characteristics

• Gentle start function
• Reversing function
• Motor or wall-mounting
• IP55, (optional IP66)
• Power range: 3~ 200 240V from 0.25 kW to 4.0 kW 3~ 380, 500V from 0.25 kW to 7.5 kW
• Control and connection of an electromechanical brake
• Integrated mains filter (EMC Class C1 / C2)
• 2 digital inputs
• 2 digital outputs

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• Temperature sensor input (TF+/TF-)
• RS232 interface via RJ12 plug
• Optional ATEX Zone 22 3D (in preparation)

Please find further details for the motor starter SK 135E here

15.2.2 SK 180E

Performance: 0.25 .... 2.2 kW

SK 180E - economical decentralised frequency inverter

The SK 180E is the answer for all applications in the lower power range, where the main task is speed
control. Tried-and-tested NORD know-how is used, so that the proven sensorless current vector
control ensures an optimum voltage/frequency ratio at all times. The SK 180E achieves significant
advantages for EMC classification. Because of this, a motor-mounted frequency inverter with an
integrated mains filter can even be used in a residential environment (Class C1).

15.2.3 SK 200E

NEW - The SK 200E for distributed control versatility 0.33 - 30 hp

220 BU 0000 en-0421


After many years of experience with motor-mounted AC Vector drives, with the release of the SK 200E
NORD has now introduced a new series of devices which enable a wide range of decentralised drive
technology solutions. These robust, reliable and economic systems are suitable for extensive use in
plant applications such as conveying and are specially optimised for price sensitive market segments.
Similar to the SK 500E panel mount series, an application-oriented performance level is available
which offers the same high quality functionality. Expected features of decentralised components such
as robust design, integration of plug connectors, rapid replacement and decentralised modules for
communication and I/O signals ensure reliable integration of distributed drive units at the field level.

Scope of supply - SK 200E:

• 1~ 115 V 0.25 – 0.75 kW
1~ 230 V 0.25 – 1.1 kW
1~ 230 V 0.25 – 4.0 kW
3~ 480 V 0.55 – 7.5 kW
• Wall-mounted version
• Decentralized modules (also with gateway functionality)

IP55 protection class as standard. Optional:

• Size 1 - 3: IP66 (components with "C" = coated)
• Size 4: Component with "C" = coated, with retention of protection class IP55
• Size 1 - 3: ATEX Zone 22, 3D or harsh ambient conditions

SK 205E Basic Unit

• High quality control process through sensorless current vector control (ISD)
• External 24DCV control card supply
• 4 control inputs, which can be parameterised to various digital functions
• Externally visible status LEDs (signal state of control inputs) externally adjustable setpoint
• Plug-in memory storage module (EEPROM)
• Automatic motor parameter identification
• Four parameter sets, switchable online
• Incremental encoder evaluation (HTL)
• Regenerative, 4 quadrant generator 4Q operation possible by means of optional braking
• PID controller and process controller
• RS 232 & RS485 (RJ12 connector) diagnostic interface
Motor potentiometer function

SK 215E
• Basic equipment – as SK 205E (see above)
• Safety function “Safe stop” as per EN 954-1 (EN13849) up to max. Category 4, Stop category
0 and 1.

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SK 225E
• Basic equipment – as SK 205E (see above)
• ASi interface on board

SK 235E
• Basic equipment – as SK 205E (see above)
• Safety function “Safe stop” as per EN 954-1 (EN13849) up to max. Category 4, Stop category
0 and 1.
• ASi interface on board

15.2.4 SK 500E

Performance: 0.25 .... 2.2 kW

1/3 AC 200 ... 240 V
3.0 .... 18.5 kW
3 AC 200 ... 240 V 0.55 .... 90 kW
3 AC 380 ... 480 V 0.25 .... 160kW
Output frequency: 0 ... 400 Hz
Manuals SK 5xxE
SK 54xE

222 BU 0000 en-0421

Key word index

Key word index

A Firmware update via system bus ................ 199

About NORDCON ............................................ 9 First steps ....................................................... 9


Back up parameters ......................................41 Help ............................................................... 19

Bus error ........................................................32 HMI...................................................... 189, 190

Bus scan ........................................................20 How to update the firmware ........................ 194

How to use NORDCON .................................. 9
Cancel............................................................ 21
Communication ............................................202 Import ............................................................ 13

Comparison report .........................................40 Inserting instructions ..................................... 67

Connect .............................................16, 20, 78 Interface and views ....................................... 12

Control .................... 9, 16, 44, 45, 78, 202, 204 Introduction ..................................................... 9

Copy .............................................................. 14 L
Copying instructions ......................................67 Language .............................................. 51, 202
Creating new instructions ..............................68 load ............................................................... 61
Cut ................................................................. 14 Log ................................................................ 17
Cutting instructions ........................................67 Log window ................................................... 66
Delete ............................................................ 14 Macro ................................................ 9, 63, 207
Detailed control ........................................45, 46 Macro editor ........................................ 202, 207
Device ......................................................16, 78 Macro generator................................ 9, 63, 207
Device ............................................................ 20 Main menu .................................. 12, 13, 16, 78
Device report .......................................202, 203 Master (USS Anfrage)................................... 70
Directories............................................202, 206 Measurement ................................................ 61
Docking ..........................................................26 Measurement ................................................ 59
Down.............................................................. 14 Menu ............................... 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19
Edit................................................................. 14 Name............................................................. 32
Error ............................................................. 209 New ............................................................... 13
Exit ................................................................. 13 NORD corporate history.............................. 218
export ............................................................. 61 NORDCON ..................................................... 9
Export ............................................................ 13 Notes ........................................................... 209
Extras............................................................. 18 O
F Open ............................................................. 13
File ................................................................. 13 Oszilloskop ........................................ 58, 59, 61
Filter ............................................................... 39 Oszilloskop display ....................................... 58
Firmware update program ...........................196 Oszilloskop Drucken ..................................... 61

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NORDCON – Manual
P CTUD....................................................... 112
Parameter ............................... 39, 40, 202, 208 Data processing via accumulator .............. 76
Parameter comparison ..................................40 Data types ............................................... 176
Parameter download .....................................42 Data types in ST ...................................... 179
Parameter language ..............................51, 202 Debugging ................................................. 82
Parameter Off-line .........................................39 DINT_TO_INT ......................................... 186
Parameter setup ......................................16, 78 DIV........................................................... 135
Parameter transfer from device ...............16, 78 DIV( ......................................................... 135
Parameter transfer to device ...................16, 78 Editor ......................................................... 78
Parameter upload from device ......................41 Electronic gear unit with flying saw ........... 91
Paste.............................................................. 14 Electronic gear with Flying Saw ................ 77
PLC ........................................................74, 208 EQ ........................................................... 150
ABS ..........................................................134 Error messages ....................................... 187
ACOS .......................................................139 Errors ....................................................... 174
ADD..........................................................135 Evaluation of expressions ....................... 180
ADD( ........................................................135 Exit........................................................... 184
AND..........................................................142 EXP ......................................................... 140
AND( ........................................................142 Extended mathematical operators .......... 139
ANDN .......................................................142 F_TRIG .................................................... 113
ANDN( ......................................................142 FB_ FunctionCurve ................................. 129
Arithmetical operators ..............................134 FB_ PIDT1 ............................................... 130
ASIN .........................................................139 FB_ ResetPostion ................................... 132
Assignment operator ................................180 FB_Capture ............................................. 126
ATAN........................................................139 FB_DinCounter........................................ 128
Bit operators .............................................142 FB_DINTToPBOX ................................... 121
Bit-wise access to variables .....................179 FB_FlyingSaw ........................................... 92
BOOL_TO_BYTE .....................................185 FB_Gearing ............................................... 93
Bus setpoints and actual values ..............164 FB_NMT .................................................... 84
BYTE_TO_BOOL .....................................185 FB_PDOConfig .......................................... 85
BYTE_TO_INT .........................................185 FB_PDOReceive ....................................... 87
Call-up of function blocks in ST ...............180 FB_PDOSend ............................................ 89
CANopen communication ..........................78 FB_ReadTrace ........................................ 118
CASE .......................................................181 FB_STRINGToPBOX .............................. 124
Comments ................................................177 FB_Weigh ................................................ 133
Comparisation operators..........................150 FB_WriteTrace ........................................ 119
configuration ..............................................83 FOR loop ................................................. 182
ControlBox .................................................77 Function blocks ......................................... 83
ControlBox and ParameterBox ................169 Function call-ups ..................................... 178
COS .........................................................139 GE ........................................................... 150
CTD ..........................................................110 GT............................................................ 151
CTU ..........................................................111 Holding points ............................................ 82

224 BU 0000 en-0421

Key word index
IF . ............................................................ 181 Memory ..................................................... 75
Image of the process .................................75 Messages window ..................................... 81
Information parameters ............................169 MIN .......................................................... 137
Input window ..............................................80 MOD ........................................................ 137
Inputs and outputs ...................................153 MOD( ....................................................... 137
Instruction list (AWL / IL) ..........................176 Motion Control Lib ..................................... 77
INT_TO_BYTE .........................................186 MUL ......................................................... 137
INT_TO_DINT ..........................................187 MUL( ........................................................ 137
JMP ..........................................................184 MUX......................................................... 138
JMPC .......................................................184 NE............................................................ 152
JMPCN .....................................................184 NOT ......................................................... 143
Jump marks .............................................178 Observation points .................................... 82
Jumps.......................................................184 Operators ................................................ 134
Languages ...............................................176 OR ........................................................... 144
LD............................................................. 149 OR( .......................................................... 144
LDN ..........................................................149 ORN......................................................... 144
LE ............................................................. 151 ORN( ....................................................... 144
LIMIT ........................................................136 Overview visualisation ............................. 121
Literal .......................................................176 ParameterBox ........................................... 77
LN............................................................. 140 Parameters .............................................. 174
Loading and storage operators ................148 Process controller...................................... 77
loading, saving and printing .......................78 Processing values ................................... 153
LOG..........................................................141 Program Task ............................................ 76
LT ............................................................. 152 R . ............................................................ 146
MAX .........................................................136 R_TRIG ................................................... 113
MC_ MoveAbsolute ..................................101 REPEAT loop .......................................... 183
MC_ WriteParameter_16 .........................109 Return ...................................................... 181
MC_ WriteParameter_32 .........................109 ROL ......................................................... 145
MC_Control ................................................95 ROR......................................................... 145
MC_Control_MS ........................................97 RS Flip Flop ............................................. 114
MC_Home ..................................................98 S . ............................................................ 146
SK5xxP ...................................................99 Scope of functions ..................................... 77
MC_MoveAdditive ....................................102 Setpoint and actual values ...................... 160
MC_MoveRelative ....................................103 Setpoint processing ................................... 76
MC_MoveVelocity ....................................103 SHL.......................................................... 146
MC_Power ...............................................105 SHR ......................................................... 147
MC_ReadActualPos .................................106 SIN........................................................... 139
MC_ReadParameter ................................106 Single Step ................................................ 82
MC_ReadStatus .......................................107 Specification .............................................. 74
MC_Reset ................................................108 SQRT ...................................................... 141
MC_Stop ..................................................109 SR Flip Flop ............................................. 115

BU 0000 en-0421 225

NORDCON – Manual
ST............................................................. 149 Rename .................................................. 16, 78
Standard function blocks..........................110 Restore parameters ...................................... 42
STN ..........................................................150 S
Structured text (ST) ..................................179 Save .............................................................. 13
SUB ..........................................................138 Save and restore................................. 189, 191
SUB(.........................................................138 Save as ......................................................... 13
TAN ..........................................................139 Select all ....................................................... 14
TOF ..........................................................115 Settings ................................... 18, 51, 202, 205
TON..........................................................116 Simulate hardware ........................................ 32
TP............................................................. 117 Standard ....................................................... 19
Transfer PLC program to device ................81 Start............................................................... 21
Type conversion .......................................185 Start sequence .............................................. 69
Variables and FB declaration .....................79 Stop ............................................................... 21
Visualisation ...............................................77
Visualisation with ParameterBox .............121
Telegram error .............................................. 32
Watch- and Breakpoint display window .....80
Toolbar ........................................ 17, 19, 20, 21
WHILE loop ..............................................183
Toolbars ............................................ 11, 12, 19
XOR .........................................................147
XOR( ........................................................147
Undo.............................................................. 14
XORN .......................................................148
Undocking ..................................................... 26
Up.................................................................. 14
Port ................................................................ 32
USS Anfrage ........................................... 70, 71
print ................................................................ 61
USS Antwort ........................................... 70, 72
Print ............................................................... 13
Project................... 11, 12, 17, 18, 21, 202, 205 V

Project file ....................................................205 View ............................................ 12, 17, 18, 25

Properties window .........................................63 Viewing ......................................................... 40


Remote ..............................................12, 18, 25 Window variables .......................................... 63

Remote control ........................................16, 78

226 BU 0000 en-0421

Key word index

BU 0000 en-0421 227

6070002 / 0421

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