USM-Biometric Administration Portal-ENG

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Biometric Management Portal

Biometric Management Portal

Document: USM-Biometric Administration Portal-ENG.pdf
Version: 11.20.B
Printed: 18.12.2020
© 2020 Spica International

Spica International
Pot k sejmiscu 33
1231 Ljubljana

Tel: +386 1 568 08 00

Fax: +386 1 568 08 88

E-mail: [email protected]
Contents I

Table of Contents

1 Biometric Administration Portal 1

1.1 Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 End-User
Software License Agreement 2
1.3 Technical
support 4

2 Configuring the system 5

2.1 Hardware
installation 6
2.1.1 Spica Zone Touch ..........................................................................................................................................................
configuration 7
2.1.2 Morpho Sigm a/Sigm..........................................................................................................................................................
a Lite configuration 8
2.1.3 L1 4G V-Flex/4G..........................................................................................................................................................
V-Flex Lite 9 4G V-Flex .........................................................................................................................................................
configuration 12
Identification ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Verification ......................................................................................................................................... 16 4G V-Flex .........................................................................................................................................................
Lite configuration 19
Identification ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Verification ......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Software
installation 28
2.2.1 Window s Features
configuration 29
2.2.2 Installation procedure
.......................................................................................................................................................... 34 Customizable
application parameters 40 Adding or removing
the application 41
2.3 Login................................................................................................................................... 42

3 Main views 43
3.1 Users................................................................................................................................... 44
3.1.1 User details .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
3.2 Templates
................................................................................................................................... 46
3.2.1 Supported tem..........................................................................................................................................................
plate types 47
3.2.2 Tem plate com..........................................................................................................................................................
patibility overview 49
3.3 Devices
................................................................................................................................... 51
3.3.1 Device details.......................................................................................................................................................... 52

4 Administrator's tasks 53
4.1 Managing
devices 53
4.1.1 Add a new device
m anually 53
4.1.2 Add a new device
w ith auto discovery 55
4.1.3 Edit device .......................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.2 Managing
templates 57
4.2.1 Tem plate enrollm
ent 57 Template enrollment
on Spica Zone Touch 57 Template enrollment
on Morpho Sigma/Sigma Lite 59 Template enrollment
on L1 4G/4G Lite 61

© 2020 Spica International

II Biometric Management Portal

4.2.2 Verify tem plate

.......................................................................................................................................................... 63 Verify template
on Spica Zone Touch 63 Verify template
on Morpho Sigma/Sigma Lite 65 Verify template
L1 4G/4G Lite 67
4.2.3 Copy tem plate.......................................................................................................................................................... 69
4.2.4 Upload all action
.......................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.2.5 Dow nload all action
.......................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.2.6 Delete all action
.......................................................................................................................................................... 72

© 2020 Spica International

Biometric Administration Portal 1

1 Biometric Administration Portal

1.1 Introduction
Biometric Administration Portal (BAP) is a web client responsible for the management of
fingerprints. The client offers enrolment and distribution of templates to L1 4G/4G Lite,
Morpho Sigma or Spica Zone Touch devices, which have IP connectivity.

Biom etric Adm inistration Portal

Important note: The use of biometric information is regulated in many countries. Before
implementing, please make sure you are familiar with biometric information regulations in
your country.

© 2020 Spica International

2 Biometric Management Portal

1.2 End-User Software License Agreement

Terms of License

This program and accompanying documentation (the software) are copyrighted material,
protected by national legislation and international agreements on protection of intellectual
property. Any unauthorized use or copying of this software is punishable by law. Users are
permitted to make copies of the software solely for backup purposes, and as a protection
against accidental loss or damage of the purchased copy.

By purchasing a copy of the software the user is granted the license to use the software
within the user's organization without time limitations. The user is obliged to comply to the
conditions related to the scope of the license as defined in the purchase documentation
(proposal/order/invoice) at the time of purchase. These conditions are including, but are not
limited to maximum number of users, number of clients, servers, number of administrators,
administrative workstations, computers, locations and similar. Any use beyond these
restrictions is not permitted.

Any use outside user's organization or any commercial exploitation of the software involving
third parties such as lending, renting or selling of the software is not permitted.

Special Terms

Users are obliged to actively protect the software against any unauthorized use or copying,
and prevent access to the software by the public or any third party. SPICA International does
not permit any modification of programs or accompanying documentation including any
modification of the program code or accompanying files.

Warranty Disclaimer

SPICA International has written the software and accompanying documentation with utmost
care and best effort to make it error free. Any eventual error, which would prevent or
significantly hamper the use of the software, should be immediately reported to SPICA
International. SPICA International will act upon such error report with priority and make every
effort to correct the error in the shortest possible time. However, the software is provided by
SPICA International »as-is«, and without any warranty, express or implied, direct or
consequential as to the usability or inability to use the software.

SPICA International does not provide any warranty as to the fitness of this software to any
particular purpose, and is not liable for any errors, known or unknown, of this software.
Cumulative liabilities of

SPICA International for any damage caused by this software will be limited to the purchase
price of this software.


SPICA International is not in any way responsible for data maintained with this software. The
user is entirely and solely responsible for data safekeeping, protection against loss and
protection of privacy of personal information.

Modifications of Software

SPICA International continually develops and improves its software products, which are
therefore subject to change without prior notice. SPICA International reserves the right to
freely modify its software products at any time without any prior or special notice and cannot

© 2020 Spica International

Biometric Administration Portal 3

provide any warranty as to the nature and scope of any particular change. SPICA
International also retains the right to stop further development of a particular product, or to
discontinue a product completely.

Modifications upon User Request

In order to meet and surpass the expectations of its users, SPICA International constantly
and systematically collects information about user demands and requirements. This
information plays crucial role in decisions on software product development. Upon user
request, SPICA International will provide information on the status of an individual request or
demand in the context of development planning for the standard products. This information
may include the planned time for the completion of a particular task, if any such time has
been established. Information provided in this way does not make SPICA International in any
way liable for the nature and scope of the actual implementation, licensing policy or time of
delivery. All such information is strictly informal and may change without any notice.

© 2020 Spica International

4 Biometric Management Portal

1.3 Technical support

Technical support and additional information:

Spica International
Pot k sejmiscu 33
1231 Ljubljana

Tel.: +386 1 568 08 00

Email: [email protected]

Further information is available at

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 5

2 Configuring the system

The following schema represents the basic module architecture:

Basic architecture

Important: Biometric devices must be connected to the Ethernet in order to be visible in

BAP module.

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6 Biometric Management Portal

2.1 Hardware installation

Supported devices

Spica Zone Touch (Firmware 1.20.a or newer).

Morpho Sigma/Sigma Lite with IP connectivity (Firmware 3.3.x or newer).
4G devices with IP connectivity (Firmware 4.6.x or newer).
4G Lite devices with IP connectivity (Firmware 4.4.x or newer).

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 7

2.1.1 Spica Zone Touch configuration

To perform the configuration you need to install Device Administration Portal module, connect
and power up a device. See Zone Touch user's manual for more details.

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8 Biometric Management Portal

2.1.2 Morpho Sigma/Sigma Lite configuration

To perform the configuration you need to install Device Administration Portal module, connect
and power up a device. See Device Administration Portal user's manual for more details.

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Configuring the system 9

2.1.3 L1 4G V-Flex/4G V-Flex Lite

Power supply

4G devices

Use an external power supply that provides a minimum of 1A at 12VDC PER DEVICE. The
power supply should be regulated, filtered, and dedicated to L-1 EAS products only. If sharing
power between devices, be sure that each device receives 1A (e.g. two devices would
require a 12VDC, 2A supply). For more information, see 4G Quick Start Guide.

Power Over Ethernet (PoE)

When the device is powered over Ethernet, an IEEE 802.3af compliant Active Midspan
Injector must be used. This injector is not supplied with Bioscrypt products.

4G Lite devices

Use an external power supply that provides a minimum of 1A at 12VDC PER DEVICE. The
power supply should be regulated, filtered, and dedicated to L-1 EAS products only. If sharing
power between devices, be sure that each device receives 1A (e.g. two devices would
require a 12VDC, 2A supply). For more information, see 4G Lite Quick Start Guide.

Power Over Ethernet (PoE) - (for 4G CR-Pass only)

When the device is powered over Ethernet, an IEEE 802.3af compliant Active Midspan
Injector must be used. This injector is not supplied with L-1 EAS products.

Important: Under powering may cause memory and data corruption; over powering may
cause hardware damage. Both of these situations will void the warranty.

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10 Biometric Management Portal

Data transfer over Wiegand protocol

When connected over Wiegand protocol, 4G device acts like an external reader in the
Time&Space system. The protocol itself is communicating in one direction and needs only two
wires for transferring ID number with a parity check.

Connecting 4G device with DOX controller

Table 1 shows wiring relations for connecting 4G device as an external reader on channel 1
(Reader 1) on the DOX controller. To connect to a different channel, adjust the block
parameters according to the DOX schema.

Table 1

In case when a 4G device does not have an internal reader you can connect an external
reader. Table 2 shows wiring relations for connecting an external HID reader to the 4G
device. For other readers please see respective installation manual.

Table 2

In previous situation when you have an external reader connected to the 4G device (Table 2)
in combination with a DOX controller, you can also connect reader signalization LEDs (Table
3). Now the user can see directly the on reader if the verification of the badge with fingerprint
was successful on the DOX level.

Table 3

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Configuring the system 11

Connecting 4G device with Zone Button Stand Alone (Z1B-TT) terminal

Table 4 shows wiring relations for connecting 4G device as an external reader on the Z1B-TT.
Make sure that Ground and Wiegand GND connectors are also connected!

Table 4

© 2020 Spica International

12 Biometric Management Portal 4G V-Flex configuration

To perform the configuration you need to install SecureAdmin software, connect and power
up a device. See SecureAdmin user's manual for more details. The following settings apply for
both modes (Identification, Verification).

Extended ID mode

In case when card numbers are 33-bits or greater, reader needs to be set to Extended ID
mode for enrolment and operation, because additional parity bits and facility/site codes are
included. This is done by settings Input Wiegand Format to appropriate format.

Go to Device Settings\Wiegand tab on the desired device, choose Predefined check box
under Set Wiegand Format To and select a proper Wiegand format in the drop-down list.
You can use predefined Generic 64 format or create and select a custom one.

Setting reader to Extended ID m ode

Important: If template is enrolled on a device which does not have extended id enabled,
then this template can only be uploaded to such devices. Upload to device with enabled
extended id is not possible.

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 13 Identification

To set the device in identification mode, do the following:

1. Go to Device Settings\Biometric tab on the desired device, check Identify in the Device
Mode section and select appropriate template type. Make sure that the Activate Auto Finger
Detection option is checked.

Identification m ode

© 2020 Spica International

14 Biometric Management Portal

2. Switch to Wiegand tab, select Custom Wiegand Settings and create a new custom format
which will support card numbers up to 32-bit (4294967295). Once the Wiegand format has
been created, it has to be uploaded to the reader. Click on Upload, select the previously
uploaded format from the drop down menu and click on Apply, Apply again and Close.

Custom Wiegand form at

Important: If card numbers in the system are greater than 32-bit than the reader must
be set to Extended ID mode.

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 15

3. To activate custom Wiegand format, select Wiegand Output Settings and select a proper
Wiegand format in the drop-down list under Identification Pass and Fail.

Wiegand Output settings

© 2020 Spica International

16 Biometric Management Portal Verification

To set the device in identification mode, do the following:

1. Go to Device Settings\Biometric tab on the desired device, check Verify in the Device
Mode section and select appropriate template type.

Verification m ode

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 17

2. Switch to Wiegand tab, select Custom Wiegand Settings and create a new custom format
which will support card numbers up to 32-bit (4294967295). Once the Wiegand format has
been created it has to be uploaded to the reader. Click on Upload, select the previously
uploaded format from the drop down menu and click on Apply, Apply again and Close.

Custom Wiegand form at

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18 Biometric Management Portal

3. To activate custom Wiegand format, select Wiegand Output Settings and select a proper
Wiegand format in the drop-down list under Identification Pass and Fail.

Wiegand Output settings

4. Set the reader to the Extended ID mode, which is needed for verification mode on 4G

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 19 4G V-Flex Lite configuration

To perform the configuration you need to install SecureAdmin Lite software, connect and
power up a device. See SecureAdmin Lite user's manual for more details. The following
settings apply for both modes (Identification, Verification).

Access rule settings

Go to Network\Access Control tab on the desired device, check Use Template Setting of
each user in the Access Rule section.

Access Rule setting

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20 Biometric Management Portal

Extended ID mode

In case when card numbers are 33-bits or greater, reader needs to be set to Extended ID
mode for enrolment and operation, because additional parity bits and facility/site codes are
included. This is done by settings Input Wiegand Format to appropriate format.

Go to Network\Wiegand tab on the desired device, choose Predefined check box under Set
Wiegand Format To and select a proper Wiegand format in the drop-down list. You can use
predefined Generic 64 format or create and select a custom one.

Setting reader to Extended ID m ode

Important: If template is enrolled on a device which does not have extended id enabled,
then this template can only be uploaded to such devices. Upload to device with enabled
extended id is not possible.

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 21 Identification

To set the device in identification mode, do the following:

1. Go to Network\Biometric tab on the desired device, check Identify in the Device Mode
section and select appropriate template type.

Identification m ode

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22 Biometric Management Portal

2. Switch to Wiegand tab, select Custom Wiegand Settings and create a new custom format
which will support card numbers up to 32-bit (4294967295). Once the Wiegand format has
been created it has to be uploaded to the reader. Click on Upload, select the previously
uploaded format from the drop down menu and click on Apply, Apply again and Close.

Custom Wiegand form at

Important: If card numbers in the system are greater than 32-bit than the reader must
be set to Extended ID mode.

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 23

3. To activate custom Wiegand format, select Wiegand Output Settings and select a proper
Wiegand format in the drop-down list under Identification Pass and Fail.

Wiegand Output settings

© 2020 Spica International

24 Biometric Management Portal Verification

To set the device in verification mode, do the following:

1. Go to Network\Biometric tab on the desired device, check Verify in the Device Mode
section and select appropriate template type.

Verification m ode

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 25

2. Switch to Wiegand tab, select Custom Wiegand Settings and create a new custom format
which will support card numbers up to 32-bit (4294967295). Once the Wiegand format has
been created it has to be uploaded to the reader. Click on Upload, select the previously
uploaded format from the drop down menu and click on Apply, Apply again and Close.

Custom Wiegand form at

Important: If card numbers in the system are greater than 32-bit than the reader must
be set to Extended ID mode.

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26 Biometric Management Portal

To activate custom Wiegand format, select Wiegand Output Settings and select a proper
Wiegand format in the drop-down list under Identification Pass and Fail.

Wiegand Output settings

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Configuring the system 27

3. Choose Custom check box under Set Wiegand Format To and select the 32-Bit format in
the drop-down list.

Input Wiegand settings

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28 Biometric Management Portal

2.2 Software installation

To install BAP application, start TSSetup.exe (MSSQL) or Setup.exe (Oracle), select BAP
service and follow the installation procedure.

Installation requirements

.Net Framework 4.5 or higher

Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 or higher

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Configuring the system 29

2.2.1 Windows Features configuration

The following IIS features are required for the BAP module:

Root IIS feature

IIS feature

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30 Biometric Management Portal

ASP and .NET Extensibility features

ASP features

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Configuring the system 31

x64 operation system and application pool

If having x64 bit OS set Enable 32-Bit Applications option to True for the used application
pool (e.g. DAP).

Enable 32-bit applications

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32 Biometric Management Portal

Active Directory authentication and Single Sing On (SSO)

To enable Active Directory authentication and Single Sing On (SSO) in the application, enable
Windows Authentication on the virtual directory and set NTLM provider to the first place.

Window s Authentication

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 33


Tip: Windows features list may variate according to a specific operating system.

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34 Biometric Management Portal

2.2.2 Installation procedure

The installation procedure consists the following steps:

1. Select the Next button to proceed with installation.

Welcom e screen

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Configuring the system 35

2. Accept the licence agreement to continue.

Licence agreem ent

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36 Biometric Management Portal

3. By default, the application will be installed as a virtual directory called BAP on Default Web
Site. Change the name of virtual directory or site if necessary. In this case, users will access
the application by entering address http://HostName/BAP into the web browser. Host Name
signifies the name or the IP address of the computer where IIS is running.

Installation as virtual directory

Important: Biometric Administration Portal must be installed as a virtual directory.

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 37

4. Select appropriate database type (Microsoft SQL Sever or Oracle).

Database type

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38 Biometric Management Portal

5. Confirm the installation parameters with Next button and start the installation process.

Confirm ation of installation param eters

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Configuring the system 39

6. Wait until the installation process is completed.

Installation com pleted

7. After the installation is completed, see Customizable application parameters chapter for
additional settings.

© 2020 Spica International

40 Biometric Management Portal Customizable application parameters


Server kind - <add key="ServerKind" value="mssql" /> - This parameter defines the
kind of database server which is used in the system.
Session time out - <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="30" /> - This
parameter defines the period after which the session expires in the application. By default
this parameter is set to 30 minutes.
Language - <globalization Culture="en-GB" culture="en-GB"/> - This parameter
defines the language of the web application. Currently the following languages are
supported: Arabic (ar), Bosnian (sr-Cyrl-BA), Bulgarian (bg), Croatian (hr), English (en-GB),
Finnish (fi), French (fr), German (de), Greek (el), Italian (it), Lithuanian (lt), Macedonian (mk),
Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Romanian (ro), Russian (ru), Slovenian (sl), Turkish (tr) and
Ukrainian (uk).


Error log - "<logger name="*" minlevel="Error" writeTo="logFile" />" - Uncomment

the following line in configuration file to enable error logging in the application. The user
running the application must have write permission in the installation directory. By default
this option is disabled.

© 2020 Spica International

Configuring the system 41 Adding or removing the application


To remove the existing module, got to Control Panel\Programs and Features and select the
Time&Space Biometric Administration Portal software and choose Uninstall.


To install a new version of the module, simply start and follow the installation procedure.

Tip: Current configuration files will be saved as ".old" type.

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42 Biometric Management Portal

2.3 Login
To access BAP, enter this address http://HostName into the web browser (Host Name
signifies the name or the IP address of the computer where BAP is installed). User account
needs Biometric Administration Portal Login permission to enter the application.

Login dialogue

Important: Currently only Time&Space standard authentication mode is supported in the


Note: Logging with a super user (e.g. TSSPICA) is not supported.

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 43

3 Main views
The application has three main views:

Users - view shows all users from the Time&Space system.

Templates - view shows all fingerprints stored in the Time&Space database.
Devices - view is used for management of devices that will be used in the application.

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44 Biometric Management Portal

3.1 Users
Users view shows the list of all users in the system according to user's permissions. To find a
particular user, use the filter section or search field. When the user is located, click on the
user's name to view user details.

The following actions are available on the view:

- Starts the procedure for uploading templates to desired devices.

- Starts the procedure for downloading templates from devices to database.

- Starts the procedure for deleting templates in database and/or from devices.
- Opens a new dialogue for enrolling a new template.

Users view

Note: Restrictions by Unit 1/Unit 2/Unit 3 or Organisational units are applied on this view.
This means that a user will see only users, he/she is entitled to see.

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Main views 45

3.1.1 User details

User details view shows detailed information about user's templates in the database.

The following actions are available on the view:

Enroll - Opens a new dialogue for enrolling a new template.

- Opens a new dialogue for updating the parameters of individual template in the
- Checks the suitability of individual template in the database.
- Uploads an individual template to a specific device.
- Opens a new dialogue for transferring a template to another badge.
- Deletes an individual template from the database.

User details

Note: Number of templates per user depends on the device type.

Warning: If you want to set a multiple authentication modes (e.g. fingerprint and card/
keypad) for one user on the same Sigma device, you need add an additional badge badge
and link each authentication with a different badge.

Warning: Authentication modes which can be set when uploading the template do not
apply to Spica Zone Touch device. The verification modes are set on the related reader
configuration in Device Administration Portal.

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46 Biometric Management Portal

3.2 Templates
Templates view shows the list of all fingerprints in the Time&Space database. Use the filter
section or search field to find appropriate data.

The following actions are available on the view:

- Starts the procedure for uploading templates to desired devices.

- Starts the procedure for downloading templates from devices to database.

- Starts the procedure for deleting templates in database and/or from devices.
- Opens a new dialogue for updating the parameters of individual template in the
- Checks the suitability of individual template in the database.
- Uploads an individual template to a specific device.
- Opens a new dialogue for transferring a template to another badge.
- Deletes an individual template from the database.

Tem plates view

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Main views 47

3.2.1 Supported template types

Spica Zone Touch

PK Lite (Native mode)

Morpho Sigma devices

There are three types of templates supported by Morpho product:

PK Lite (Native mode)

J Series legacy mode (Legacy Morpho mode)
L-1 Bioscrypt 4G Series (Legacy L1 mode)

Warning: Currently only PK Lite template type is supported on Morpho Simga in the

L1 4G/4G Lite devices

There are five types of templates supported by L-1 Identity Solutions products:

1:1 Template (.tem)

1:200 Searching Template (.mtm)
1:500 Searching Template (.tms)
User Record (.vur)
Biometric User Record (.bur)


A 348-byte template (*.tem) contains a unique ID, which is usually associated with a single
individual. If multiple enrolments for additional fingers of the same person are required, the
same ID is used but a unique index value (0-255) is assigned to each enrolment under that
ID. It is important to note that multiple indexes for the same ID are still considered individual
and separate templates.


A 1:200 searching template (*.mtm) contains the entire 1:1 template, which is 348 bytes,
with the addition of 2004 bytes of data needed for searching functionality, making the total
length of 1:200 searching template 2352 bytes. When the device mode is configured for
1:200 MTM, the device will have a maximum capacity of 200 templates.


1:500 searching template (*.tms) contains the entire 1:1 template, which is 348 bytes, with
the addition of 2140 bytes of data needed for searching functionality, making the total length
of this searching template 2488 bytes. When the device mode is configured for 1:500 TMS,
the device will have a maximum capacity of 500 templates.

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48 Biometric Management Portal


A User Record (*.vur) includes these elements:

Global data - This is information relevant to the entire record, such as user ID, name,
password, etc. Some fields are “required”while others are “optional.”The User ID field, for
example, is required.
Enrolment data - This is data pertaining only to a particular finger. It is a section of data
that contains compressed fingerprint information along with specific information relating to
that enrolment, such as which sensor was used, which finger was enrolled, the security
level for the finger, and the index. A User Record can contain more than one enrolled finger
when stored on the device.
User data - This is a user defined variable length block of data that can either be global or
enrolment specific. Data in this block is accessed all at once, rather than being divided into
separately named fields.


The Biometric User Record can be utilized on the 4G products for the following authentication

1:1 Verification (fingerprint devices)

1:10K Identification (fingerprint devices)
1:50K Identification (fingerprint devices)
1:5K Identification (4G Lite devices)

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Main views 49

3.2.2 Template compatibility overview

If combining old and new biometric readers in the one system or having different enrolment
software, make sure to check the template compatibility table to avoid further

Tem plate com patibility overview



- Supported.
1 – Supported if device is set to Extended ID mode.
- Not supported.

Badge length

Up to 9 digit = (1 - 999999999)
9 digit + < 32 bit = (1000000000 – 4294967295
32 bit + = (4294967295 - …)

Template type

3G - TMS - 1:500 Searching Template (.tms) aka Identification

3G - VUR - User Record (.vur) aka Verification
4G - BUR - 1:1 - aka Verification
4G - BUR - 1:10k - aka Identification


DOG20 MV1210 - DOG20 with OEM module MV1210

DOG20 MV1510 - DOG20 with OEM module MV1510
4G - V-Flex
4G Lite – V-Flex Lite

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50 Biometric Management Portal


TSM – Time&Space Manager + FES

BAP – Biometric Administration Portal
SA – SecureAdmin

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Main views 51

3.3 Devices
Devices view shows the list of all configured devices in the system with some basic

Name - Name of the device.

Type - Type of the device.
IP address - IP address of the device.
Template type - Template type mode which is currently active on device.

Tip: If you click the device's name, a new dialogue will appear showing device details.

There are also some actions available on the view:

- Opens the dialogue for manual adding of a new device.

- Scans the local network for connected devices and lists the results.
- Updates the parameters of selected device in database.
- Removes the selected device from the system.

Devices view

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52 Biometric Management Portal

3.3.1 Device details

Device details view offers extensive information about a specific device.

Device - Name of the device.

Status - If device is accessible, icon is displayed in Status column.
Device Type - Type of the device.
Firmware - Current firmware version on the device.
IP Address - IP address of the device.
MAC Address - MAC address of the device.
Template Type - Template type mode which is currently active on device.
Max. Templates - Maximum number of templates that can be stored on device.
Stored Templates - Number of templates currently stored on device.
Global Threshold - There are two global security levels, Verify and Identify. In case of Verify
mode, the lower security is used between the global verification security level and the
template security level.

Available actions on the view:

Edit - Opens a new dialogue for setting device's parameters.

Update - Updates the parameters of selected device in database.
Delete - Removes the selected device from the system.
View Device Templates - View templates that are currently stored on device.
Reboot - Reboot's the device immediately.

Device details

Note: Device users license cannot be directly related with the number of users in the
system, because the templates are connected with badges and not users. Thus if a user has
multiple badges (e.g. 3 badges) and all have permission for the same device, then this user
will need 3 user's licenses on this device.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 53

4 Administrator's tasks

4.1 Managing devices

4.1.1 Add a new device manually
To add a new device manually, go to Devices view and select Add action from the menu.

Devices view

A new dialogue, called Add device is opened. Enter the desired name and valid IP address of
the device and finish the procedure by selecting Add button. If you do not know the IP
address of you device, use Secure Admin to check the configuration parameters.

Adding a new device

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54 Biometric Management Portal

If the device is accessible (icon ), device details information is shown and stored into

Online device details

If the device is currently not accessible (icon ) detailed information is not shown, but the
device is still added to the system. When the device becomes available, you can update
device information with Update action from the Devices view.

Offline device details

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Administrator's tasks 55

4.1.2 Add a new device with auto discovery

To add a new device with auto discovery function, go to Devices view and select Discover
action from the menu.

Devices view

When action is completed, the results are displayed as a list of available devices. To add an
individual device select Add action or use Add All action to add all devices at once.

Results of auto discovery

Important: Device discovery action is working according to the method called multicast
IP. If a router or gateway, which is installed on the local network, is configured to pass
packets between two subnets, then devices will be visible. Otherwise it might happen that
search results will not display all installed devices. In this case you can use the procedure for
manual adding of devices.

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56 Biometric Management Portal

4.1.3 Edit device

On the Edit device dialogue you can update the Name and address (IP) of a specific device.

Edit device

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Administrator's tasks 57

4.2 Managing templates

4.2.1 Template enrollment Template enrollment on Spica Zone Touch
Go to Users view and select a user for which you want to perform the enrolment. A new
dialogue will be opened, called User details. Select Enroll to start enrolment process.

User details view

On the first step of enrolment process you need to select the following parameters:

Badge - Select the badge under which the template will be stored. The template is directly
connected to a specific badge, not a user.
Device - Select the device on which the enrolment will be performed.
Template index - Select template index (from 0 to 1). A user can have up to 2 templates.
Finger index - Select which finger will be used for enrolment. This information is useful for
verification or update actions.

Enrolm ent process

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58 Biometric Management Portal

Select Enroll and place your finger on the sensor. If enrolment is successful, template results
will be displayed and template is automatically saved to the database. To upload the enrolled
template to the specific device, choose a device from the combo and select Upload action. To
enroll additional finger, select Enroll another finger action.

Successful enrolm ent

Note: Storing template on card (TOC) is not supported in this version of application.

Warning: Authentication modes which can be set when uploading the templates do not
apply to Spica Zone Touch device. The verification modes are set on the related reader
configuration in Zone Administration Portal.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 59 Template enrollment on Morpho Sigma/Sigma Lite

Go to Users view and select a user for which you want to perform the enrolment. A new
dialogue will be opened, called User details. Select Enroll to start enrolment process.

User details view

On the first step of enrolment process you need to select the following parameters:

Badge - Select the badge under which the template will be stored. The template is directly
connected to a specific badge, not a user.
Device - Select the device on which the enrolment will be performed.
Template index - Select template index (from 0 to 1). A user can have up to 2 templates.
Finger index - Select which finger will be used for enrolment. This information is useful for
verification or update actions.

Enrolm ent process

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60 Biometric Management Portal

Select Enroll and place your finger on the sensor. If enrolment is successful, template results
will be displayed and template is automatically saved to the database. To upload the enrolled
template to the specific device, choose a device from the combo and select Upload action. To
enroll additional finger, select Enroll another finger action.

Successful enrolm ent

Note: Storing template on card (TOC) is not supported in this version of application.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 61 Template enrollment on L1 4G/4G Lite

Go to Users view and select a user for which you want to perform the enrolment. A new
dialogue will be opened, called User details. Select Enroll to start enrolment process.

User details view

On the first step of enrolment process you need to select the following parameters:

Badge - Select the badge under which the template will be stored. The template is directly
connected to a specific badge, not a user.
Device - Select the device on which the enrolment will be performed.
Template index - Select template index (from 0 to 3). A user can have up to 4 templates
per template type.
Finger index - Select which finger will be used for enrolment. This information is useful for
verification or update actions.
Security level - Select appropriate security level (0 - No security, any finger will pass; 1 -
Very high security; 2 - High security; 4 - Low security; 5 - Very low security; 6 - Password
only (fingerprint not required). In case of verification device mode, lower security is used
between the global verification security level and the template security level.
Card Serial Number - This information is obligatory if having 4G Lite devices in verification
mode. For other modes/devices this step can be skipped.
Card Type - Card type is automatically selected when card serial number is read from card.

Enrolm ent process

Important: Maximum badge number which can be used for template storage is
4294967295 if device is not in Extended ID mode.

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62 Biometric Management Portal

Select Enroll and place your finger on the sensor. If enrolment is successful, template results
will be displayed and template is automatically saved to the database. To upload the enrolled
template to the specific device, choose a device from the combo and select Upload action. To
enroll additional finger, select Enroll another finger action.

Successful enrolm ent

Note: Storing template on card (TOC) is not supported in this version of application.

If enrolment is unsuccessful, an enroll message will be shown with detailed information.

Unsuccessful enrolm ent

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Administrator's tasks 63

4.2.2 Verify template Verify template on Spica Zone Touch
Go to Users details or Templates view and select Verify action for the template you wish to

Users view

On the Verify dialogue, select the device where the verification will be performed. Finger
index value signalizes information to which finger template is related (0 - Left little finger, .... ,
9 - Right little finger).

Verify dialogue

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64 Biometric Management Portal

If the verification is successful, user will be informed with a message "Template verification

Successful verification

In case of unsuccessful verification, user is informed with a current and required score.

Unsuccessful verification

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 65 Verify template on Morpho Sigma/Sigma Lite

Go to Users details or Templates view and select Verify action for the template you wish to

Tem plates view

On the Verify dialogue, select the device where the verification will be performed. Finger
index value signalizes information to which finger template is related (0 - Left little finger, .... ,
9 - Right little finger).

Verify dialogue

Warning: Make sure that the device template mode matches the template type.

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66 Biometric Management Portal

If the verification is successful, user will be informed with a message "Template verification

Successful verification

In case of unsuccessful verification, user is informed with a current and required score.

Unsuccessful verification

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 67 Verify template L1 4G/4G Lite

Go to Users details or Templates view and select Verify action for the template you wish to

Tem plates view

On the Verify dialogue, select the device where the verification will be performed. Finger
index value signalizes information to which finger template is related (0 - Left little finger, .... ,
9 - Right little finger).

Verify dialogue

Warning: Make sure that the device template mode matches the template type.

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68 Biometric Management Portal

If the verification is successful, user will be informed with a message containing validation
score. The score indicates the similarity of the candidate and template from the database.

Successful verification

In case of unsuccessful verification, user is informed with a current and required score.

Unsuccessful verification

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Administrator's tasks 69

4.2.3 Copy template

Go to Users details or Templates view and select Copy action for the template you wish to

Users view

On the Copy dialogue, select destination badge to which template will be transferred and
start the procedure with Copy action.

Copy action

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70 Biometric Management Portal

4.2.4 Upload all action

Upload All action is accessible from the Users and Templates view and is used to distribute
several fingerprint templates to multiple devices. Select desired users in the left pane, called
Users and desired devices in the right pane, called Devices. To adjust the list of users and/or
devices, user the following actions:

for adding items to the list,

for removing specific item from the list,
for removing all items from the list.

In the Configuration section, an authentication type of the uploaded templates can be

adjusted for 4G or Sigma devices. Default value for 4G devices is based on the device type,
while Sigma devices have Card/Keypad + Fingerprint option preselected. Furthermore, the
templates can be filtered out by using Badges filter which contains badge tag values.

Upload all procedure

Warning: If you want to set a multiple authentication modes (e.g. fingerprint and card/
keypad) for one user on the same Sigma device, you need add an additional badge badge
and link each authentication with a different badge.

Warning: Authentication modes which can be set when uploading the templates do not
apply to Spica Zone Touch device. The verification modes are set on the related reader
configuration in Device Administration Portal.

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4.2.5 Download all action

Download all action is accessible from the Users and Templates view is used to download
several fingerprint templates from a specific device to database. Select the desired device
from the combo box and click Select button to retrieve the information about templates on
the device. To adjust the list of templates, use the following action:

for removing specific item from the list.

To finish download process click Download button.

Dow nload all procedure

Note: If option Overwrite template only if its quality is better is selected, only
templates with a better quality than existing ones will be save to database.

Note: This action is currently not supported on Spica Zone Touch device.

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72 Biometric Management Portal

4.2.6 Delete all action

Delete all action is accessible from the Users and Templates view and is used to delete
several fingerprint templates from multiple devices and database. Select the desired users in
the left pane, called Users and desired devices in the right pane, called Devices. To adjust
the list of users and/or devices, user the following actions:

for adding items to the list,

for removing specific item from the list,
for removing all items from the list.

Delete all procedure

Important: If option Also delete fingerprints from database is selected, fingerprints for
the selected users will be also deleted from database.

© 2020 Spica International

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