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clog: atascar, obstruir, tapar fountain pen: pluma herald: proctamar smudge: borrén, mancha stumple: tropezar ‘ownership: propiedad, posesién The Halt: tullidos (biblico) halt: detener, parar PROS AND CONS / ADV AND DISADV 150-180 w Discussion Essay Write an essay about the upsides and downsides of the COVID measures taken in your country: * Explain how they affect to the economy and businesses * Explain how they affect to the Spanish Population * Suggest improvements or changes in the current laws ey sn ey ops fever en TV rows rte cy compen ogeng w ebb le iene wonweynran tog ese yas ae ape ae eg ae et Gee ere caren Scene gage omer are eect imeresteg expenences ang meet new people, : (RRR co past rely TY ison cney way fr Soigbeercavsseetess CS aa saw nti ice lea Top Tips for writing a 2. Opn yr rr npr Fogasc ede cq eee ions an

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