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Exercise 1
Choose the correct preposition in the following sentences.

1. I’ll see you (on / at) Tuesday.

2. I’ll see you (on / at) the airport.
3. Where are you going (with / for) Christmas?
4. I’ve just bought a new book (of / by / through) Ronald Giphart.
5. This is the narrowest house (in / of) London.
6. Why don’t you come and stay (with / by / at) us?
7. What would you like to drink (by / at / with) your meal?
8. I couldn’t leave (because of / through) the rain.
9. I don’t know him (by / through / at) name.
10. (Halfway in / Halfway through / Halfway) the year we ran out of money.

11. Please translate this (in / into / to) French.

12. If you don’t kiss me, you’ll turn (in / into) a frog!

13. The sights (of / from / in) London.

14. This is the voicemail (of / from / by) Peter Smith.

15. Open (from / of) Monday (to / till) Friday.

16. Yesterday I telephoned (with / to / at) the director of the company.

17. He lives (in / at) Madrid.

18. This train stoops (in / at) London.

19. Who did she get married (to / with)?

20. She’s doing research (at / on / by) the university.

21. John was (on / in / at) his room.

22. Prices have gone up (with / by) 10%.
23. (In / To / By) my opinion he’s an idiot.

24. Where are you going (on / for / with) holiday this year?
25. We’ve been living in Paris (since / from / for) two years.

26. We’ve been living in Barcelona (since / from / for) 2001.

27. Listen (to / at) me!

28. Look (to / at) me!

29. Welcome (in / at / to) London.
30. Please reply (by / with) e-mail.

Exercise 2
Fill in the correct preposition in the following sentences.

1. He’s _______ prison.

2. They’ve lived _______ New York for twenty years.
3. You have to change trains _______ Canterbury.
4. I’ve left my suitcase _______ the bus.
5. Turn right _______ the next traffic lights.
6. This film was made _______ Steven Spielberg.
7. You won’t get anywhere _______ doing that.
8. We bought it _______ Harrods.
9. Please translate this _______ Spanish.
10. They’re always getting _______ trouble.

11. The frog turned _______ a prince.

12. Tomorrow we’re going to see the sights _______ London.

13. He originally come _______ Madrid.

14. High season is _______ May _______ August.

15. We will shortly be landing _______ the airport.

16. They work _______ the university.

17. I’ll see you _______ the office.

18. There’s been an accident _______ the underground.

19. The lavatory is _______ the first floor.

20. She’s arriving _______ Tuesday.

21. She’s arriving _______ the afternoon.

22. She’s arriving _______ Tuesday afternoon.

23. She’s arriving _______ the afternoon of Tuesday 29 October.

24. It happened _______ night.

25. The train is never _______ time.

26. The car didn’t stop _______ time.

27. We’ve been living in London _______ five years.

28. We’ve been living in London _______ 2002.

29. We’ve had a car _______ we moved to London.

30. They’ve lived in Paris _______ the Second World War.

31. We worked in France _______ two months.

32. I’m _______ bed.

33. It’s halfway _______ the stairs.

34. They were looking _______ the view.

35. Listen _______ me!

36. Welcome _______ London.

37. Welcome _______ the University of Oxford.

38. The bus crashed _______ the lorry.

39. We’ll be _______ holiday next week.

40. We’re going _______ holiday next week.

41. Are you going to the party _______ bike or _______ foot?

42. Send it _______ e-mail.

43. You have to do it _______ hand.

44. Please write _______ pencil.

45. Congratulations _______ your new house!

46. I’d like to talk _______ you about it.

47. The house is full _______ dust.

48. The cake is filled _______ whipped cream.

49. Here is a list _______ names.

50. Please pay _______ credit card.

51. State _______ the art.

Exercise 3
Correct the following sentences (if necessary)

1. What are you doing with New Year? .....................................................

2. I’ll see you on Friday. ........................................................................
3. We’ll be away at Easter. .....................................................................
4. He isn’t very productive on Mondays. ...................................................
5. He isn’t very productive in the mornings. ..............................................
6. He isn’t very productive in Monday mornings. ........................................
7. Welcome to London. ..........................................................................
8. Welcome at Cambridge University. .......................................................
9. Halfway the stairs he tripped and fell. ..................................................
10. This is the voicemail from Peter Johnson. ..............................................
11. I’ve just seen a new film from Tarantino. ..............................................

12. Please pay by credit card. ..................................................................

13. This office is going to be converted in flats. ...........................................

14. Please writhe in English. ....................................................................

15. Please translate this in French. ............................................................

16. She’d been working here since five years. .............................................

17. Look at this! ....................................................................................

18. I’ll see you over an hour. ...................................................................

19. He replied with the fax. .....................................................................

20. That guy’s never in time! ...................................................................

21. The car stopped just on time. .............................................................

22. I’ve left my umbrella on the train. .......................................................

23. This is really state off the art. .............................................................

24. Let’s drive into the country. ................................................................

25. Things are different by us. ..................................................................

Exercise 4
In the following sentences, underline the prepositions, if any, as shown in these

This has been the warmest winter since 1940.

After her departure I have not been the same.

1. She will not be eligible, for she has not paid taxes here.
2. She will compete for the prize, since it represents her fondest dream.
3. We all agreed that no one but her can even be considered.
4. Alice began to shout for joy, but soon stopped because of her irritated
5. They have an eye for beauty, but whatever they choose to paint pleases no
one with any taste.
6. They followed closely after, but no matter how hard they tried, the thief got
7. I have not seen anything of him since.
8. After the ball was over, many a heart was broken.
9. He followed after her dutifully, wishing nothing else but her happiness.
10. For all we know, we may never meet again.

Exercise 1
1. on
2. at
3. for
4. by
5. in
6. with
7. with
8. because of
9. by
10. Halfway through
11. into
12. into
13. of
14. This is Peter Smith’s voicemail.
15. a) Open from Monday to Friday.
b) Open from Monday till Friday.
16. Yesterday I telephoned the director of the company.
17. in
18. at
19. to
20. at
21. in
22. by
23. In
24. on
25. for
26. since
27. to
28. at
29. to
30. by

Exercise 2
1. in
2. in
3. at
4. on
5. at
6. by
7. a) You won’t get anywhere by doing that.
b) You won’t get anywhere doing that.
8. at
9. into
10. into
11. into
12. of
13. from
14. a) High season is from May to August.
b) High season is from May till August.
15. at
16. at
17. at
18. on
19. on
20. on
21. in
22. on
23. on
24. at
25. on
26. in
27. for
28. since
29. since
30. since
31. for
32. in
33. a) It’s halfway up the stairs.
b) It’s halfway down the stairs.
34. at
35. to

36. to

37. to

38. into

39. on

40. on

41. by, on

42. by

43. by

44. with

45. on

46. to

47. of

48. with

49. of

50. with

51. of

Exercise 3
1. a) What are you doing at New Year?
b) What are you doing for New Year?
2. OK
3. a) OK
b) We’ll be away for Easter
4. OK
5. OK
6. He isn’t very productive on Monday mornings.
7. OK
8. Welcome to Cambridge University.
9. a) Halfway down the stairs he tripped and fell.
b) Halfway up the stairs he tripped and fell.
10. This is Peter Johnson’s voicemail.
11. I’ve just seen a new film by Tarantino.
12. OK
13. This office is going to be converted into flats.
14. OK
15. Please translate this into French.
16. She’d been working here for five years.
17. OK
18. I’ll see you in an hour.
19. He replied by fax.
20. That guy’s never on time!
21. The car stopped just in time.
22. OK
23. This is really state of the art.
24. OK
25. a) Things are different in our country.
b) Things are different at our place.
c) Things are different in our family.

Exercise 4
1. none - 2. for - 3. but - 4. for, because of - 5. for, with - 6. none - 7. of - 8. none - 9.
after, but - 10. For


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