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ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 1 Listen to the conversation. Tick 4 Choose the correct alternatives.
() the correct answers, a or b. My mum is 1tall very / very tall and she’s got
1 When was Eva’s birthday? 2hair dark / dark hair. She 3young looks /

a last Saturday b last Sunday looks young. My dad has got 4eyes blue / blue eyes.
2 Who did Eva have breakfast with? My mum 5can to /can sing really well. She likes to
a her parents b her friend sing pop songs. My parents are a little unusual. My
3 What did she do after breakfast? mum drives because my dad 6can / can’t drive. But
a swam in the sea b visited her parents he can 7to cook / cook. We all love dad’s meals!
4 What did her family buy her? Mum hates cooking!
a earrings b new clothes /6
5 What did Eva’s friends give her?
a a ticket for a concert b some music 5 Complete the sentences with the past simple
form of the verbs in brackets.
6 Where did Eva and her family have dinner?
1 We stayed (stay) in a fantastic hotel in Italy.
a a pizza restaurant b a French restaurant
2 Last year I ________ (study) hard for my exams.
/5 3 A lot of people ________ (go) to the concert.
2 Recording 2 Listen to the conversation. What 4 The footballers ________ (be) amazing.
can Mani and Claire do? Write M or C. 5 Josie ________ (make) breakfast for all the family
1 speak Arabic M last Sunday.
2 speak French ___ 6 We ________ (drive) to the mountains yesterday.
3 cook well ___ /5
4 swim ___
5 drive a car ___ 6 Complete the conversations with the past
simple form of the verbs in brackets.
6 play the guitar ___
A: Hi, Natasha. Where 1 were (be) you
/5 yesterday?
3 Listen to Recording 2 again. Write true (T) or I 2____________ (not see) you at work.
false (F). B: I was sick so I stayed at home.
1 Claire’s first visit to Dubai was last year. F A: I’m sorry.
2 Claire liked Dubai a lot. ___
3 Their hotel was by the beach. ___ A: What 3________ you ________ (do) last
4 Mani enjoyed cooking on holiday. ___ Sunday, Malik?
5 They liked driving in the desert. ___ B: I 4____________ (wake up) late and then I
5____________ (meet) my friends for breakfast.
6 Claire bought some sunglasses. ___
We went shopping, but I 6____________ (not buy)
A: Why not? You love shopping.
B: There 7____________ (not be) anything nice in
the shops.

A: Last weekend I 8____________ (buy) a new

mobile phone. It’s great.
B: Can I see it?
A: Oh sorry! I 9____________ (bring) it to school
yesterday, but I 10____________ (leave) it at
home this morning.

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)
Vocabulary Function
7 Complete the sentences with the correct word. 10 Complete the conversations with the words
The first letter is given. in the box.
1 Freya’s got s h o r t hair.
2 They like to b_ _ _ cakes. I OK really sorry sure that’s you
3 I can c _ _ _ _ to ten in Arabic.
A: Could you help me with the washing up?
4 Nathan is quite t _ _ _. He’s nearly two metres.
B: 1 Sure , no problem.
5 Our teacher is y _ _ _ _. She’s 24.
6 The children like to c _ _ _ _ trees in the park. A: I’m 2________ sorry, I broke your mobile phone.
7 Emma can p _ _ _ the guitar. B: That’s 3________. It’s very old.
/6 A: Can you lend me your charger?
8 Choose the correct alternatives. B: Of course, 4________ can. Here you are.
1 This book is excellent / horrible. I think it’s your
A: I’m afraid I didn’t tidy the house.
kind of book.
B: 5________ fine.
2 We went to the new restaurant, but the food was
awful / great. We won’t go again. A: Can I borrow your umbrella?
3 Safia is a lovely / boring person. We like her a lot. B: Of course 6________ can.
4 Everything on our holiday was very good. It was
A: I’m 7________ that I’m late.
OK / perfect.
B: No problem.
5 The shop assistants here are nice / awful. They
always help the customers.
11 Tick () the correct responses, a or b.
6 I hated that TV programme. It was perfect /
1 Could you open the window?
a Of course I can. b That’s all right.
7 We like our history teacher. Her classes are
2 Can I borrow £10?
always interesting / terrible.
a I can’t, I’m sorry. b I’m sorry, I need it.
8 The mountains in Russia are horrible / amazing.
3 I’m sorry I’m late.
They’re really lovely to look at.
a That’s all right. b I’m afraid not.
/7 4 Can I sit here?
9 Complete the sentences with the prepositions a I’m sorry I can’t. b Sure, no problem.
in the box. 5 Could you lend me your phone?
a That’s all right. b Of course I can.
as at in inside next to outside to
6 Can I borrow your car?
a I’m sorry, I need it. b I’m sorry, I can’t.
1 My bedroom is _ next to _ the bathroom in our 7 Could you help me with my homework?
house. a I’m sorry, I need it. b Of course I can.
2 Let’s meet ________ 11 o’clock. 8 I’m afraid I didn’t do the laundry.
3 We’ve got a new table and chairs ________ the a No problem. b I’m afraid not.
house, in the garden. We can sit there in summer. 9 Can you drive me to the station?
4 Goran works ________ an engineer. He loves his a I’m afraid not. b Of course you can.
job. 10 Can you move your chair?
5 We meet up ________ our cousins in the summer a Sure, no problem. b That’s all right.
holidays. /9
6 ________ the evening, they like relaxing at home.
7 Lori moved ________ Madrid when she was
8 There is a cinema ________ the shopping centre.

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)
Reading Writing
12 Complete the article with sentences a–i. 14 Find and correct the mistakes with pronouns
in the sentences.
Then and now 1 My parents visit at weekends and my parents
When my parents were young, life in London was always bring some cake. __they__
very different to now. 1 d People usually lived 2 We went to the supermarket and we bought some
in houses. My mum and dad lived in a small house vegetables. ________
in east London. 2___ My mum needed to wash 3 Hakan took me to the cinema and he had a great
their clothes by hand. time together.________
4 Roberto and Sonia met at work. Roberto and
Working life was different then too. My dad
Sonia got married last year.________
worked in a furniture company and my mum was
5 I like music. Play the piano and guitar.________
a secretary. 3___ They worked from nine in the
morning until five in the afternoon. My dad 6 My mother she gave me a new bag.________
sometimes worked at the weekends to earn more /5
money. 4___ It was a cheap way to travel. Not 15 Write a story about when you met someone.
many people owned cars then. They were very Make notes about the points below. Then
expensive. 5___ write your story.
• when and where you met
There weren’t many shops at that time. 6___ There • why you were there
were no supermarkets back then. The first • other people there
supermarket opened in south London in 1951. • what you did
There weren’t many clothes shops either. 7___ • what you talked about
In their free time, my parents liked listening to Write 50–80 words.
music. 8___ They didn’t like playing sport, but my
dad liked to go to football matches. At that time, Notes
people didn’t travel to other countries for their ___________________________________
holidays. 9___
a My dad bought a car when he was 30 years old.
b She worked in an office. ___________________________________
c My mum made a lot of her clothes.
d There weren’t lots of flats like there are today. ___________________________________
e They didn’t have a TV or a washing machine.
f They often went to concerts.
g They usually went to stay with their families. ___________________________________
h Many people took the bus to work.
i My parents bought food from the market. ___________________________________
13 Complete the sentences with one word from
the text. ___________________________________
1 People in London didn’t live in _flats_ in the past.
2 The writer’s mother cleaned their ________. ___________________________________
3 The writer’s father had a job in a ________
4 The writer’s parents finished work at ________ ___________________________________
5 Not many people had ________ at that time.
6 In the 1950s a ________ opened in London.
7 The writer’s father liked watching ________
8 For holidays, people didn’t go to other________.

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ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)



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