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ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 1 Listen to the conversation. Tick 4 Complete the conversation with the words in
() the correct answers, a or b. the box.
1 How much is a bottle of water?
a £1.20 b £1.50 ’m ’m not Are ’re aren’t is Is
2 How much is the phone charger? isn’t
a £6.25 b £6.95
A: Hello. My name’s Alex. I 1 ’m from
3 What is the total cost?
a £9.95 b £9.25
B: Hi Alex. I’m Jack and this 2________ Stella.
4 How does the customer pay?
We3________ from England. 4________ you a
a by card b by cash
5 Where are the toilets?
A: No, I 5________. I’m a teacher. Are you on the
a 2nd floor b 3rdfloor
French course?
6 What time is it?
B: No, we6________. We’re on the Spanish course.
a 4.30 p.m. b 3.30 p.m. 7________ this the right room?
/5 A: No, it 8________. The Spanish course is in
2 Recording 2 Listen to the interview. Match 1–6 room 14.
to speakers a–e. Match one person twice. /7
1 from Paris d
5 Choose the correct alternatives.
2 works in a computer company ___
1 That / Those notebooks are £5.
3 doctor ___
2 The brown handbag is my / mine.
4 teacher ___
3 She / Her mother is a doctor.
5 three children ___
4 How much are that / those books?
6 Australian ___
5 They’ve got our / ours tickets.
a Richard 6 This / These earrings are gold.
b Leon 7 Your / Yours sunglasses are nice.
c Sophia 8 His / Hers brother is a student.
d Dana 9 They / Theirs have got nice bikes.
e Karen /8
6 Put the words in the correct order to make
3 Listen to Recording 2 again and write true (T) sentences and a question.
or false (F). 1 got / she / two / has / brothers
1 Dana has got two children. T She has got two brothers .
2 Dana has got two sisters. ___ 2 got / new printer / we / have / a
3 Dana’s sister’s name is Karen. ___ _______________________________________.
4 Sophia works in a hospital. ___ 3 you / any brothers / got / or sisters / have
5 Richard lives in Singapore. ___ _______________________________________?
6 Richard doesn’t like Australia. ___ 4 got / hasn’t / William / a phone charger
/5 _______________________________________.
5 they / a car / got / new / have
6 necklace / I / beautiful / a / got / have

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
Vocabulary Function
7 Choose the correct alternatives. 10 Complete the sentences with the words in
1 Debbie is from British / the UK. the box.
2 My aunt has got three children. They’re my
half in it o’clock past p.m. the
cousins / grandparents.
3 Simon's favourite food / hobby is reading. 1 What’s the time in Sao Paolo?
4 My father’s brother is my grandfather / uncle. 2 It’s a quarter ________ five.
6 My husband is Poland / Polish. 3 It’s ten thirty ________ the morning.
7 Jing is feeling happy / interested in today. 4 What time is ________ there?
8 We come from Argentina / Argentinian. 5 It’s four thirty ________.
9 Han is from Shanghai, in Chinese / China. 6 It’s eleven ________.
10 What’s your father’s / father name? 7 It’s ________ past twelve.
11 My teacher's favourite colour / actor is orange.
11 Match questions 1–10 to answers a–j.
8 Match pictures 1–6 to words a–f. 1 Would you like a bag? f
2 How much is that? ___
3 Can I pay by card? ___
4 Anything else? ___
5 How many pens would you like? ___
6 Have you got any stamps? ___
1 2 3 7 How much are these sandwiches?___
8 Where do I pay? ___
9 Where are the toilets? ___
10 Can I have a coffee, please? ___

a Sure. Anything else?

b Two, please.
c Yes, you can.
4 5 6
d They’re on the second floor.
e Sorry, we haven’t.
a camera _3_
f No, thank you.
b suitcase ___
g Over there.
c sunglasses ___
h That’s £3.50 please.
d clock ___
i Yes. A newspaper please.
e tennis racket ___
j They’re £2.50 each.
f umbrella ___
9 Complete the sentences with the words in the

earrings heavy light modern sofa


1 A phone charger is very useful .

2 We like our ________. It’s very comfortable.
3 She’s got lots of books in her handbag. It’s
4This new camera is great. It’s ________ so it’s
easy to use.
5My laptop isn’t heavy, it’s ________. I carry it in
my bag.
6 Gita’s ________ are gold.

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
Reading Writing
12 Read the posts and tick () the correct 14 Correct the mistakes. Rewrite the sentences.
answers, a or b. 1 My name is simon and I’m 32.
My name is Simon and I’m 32.
My favourite gift
2 I’m australian, but I live in England.
Selina ________________________________________
This is my camera. It’s Japanese. I love it! It’s 3 I work at the weekend and on mondays.
light and modern. I take it to parties and on ________________________________________
holiday. My brother likes cameras too, but he’s 4 My wife is a Doctor.
got an old one. ________________________________________
Ellen 5 she works in a hospital all week.
I haven’t got a computer, but look at my tablet! It ________________________________________
isn’t a modern one, but it’s very useful. I watch 6 We have two children
TV, read books and listen to music on it. It’s my ________________________________________
favourite gift ever. /5
Jake 15 Write an online message about yourself.
This is my skateboard. It’s from the US. It’s not Make notes about:
new, it’s five years old, but I like it a lot. I use it • your name and nationality
every day to go to school and visit my friends. • your town/city
• your family
• what you like and your hobbies
This cap is my favourite thing. It’s really
• your favourite object.
comfortable. I wear it all the time. My brother
wants one the same, but my mother doesn’t like it. Then write your message. Write 50–80 words.
I’ve got my grandmother’s earrings. I think Notes
they’re very beautiful. They’re old and heavy. I
wear them for parties and family birthdays. All ___________________________________
my friends love them.
1 Who says her favourite gift is light?
a Selina b Ellen ___________________________________
2 Whose favourite gift is comfortable?
a Tasha’s b William’s ___________________________________
3 Ellen’s tablet is …
a useful. b modern.
4 Whose earrings has Tasha got? ___________________________________
a her friend’s b her grandmother’s
5 Who hasn’t got a new camera? ___________________________________
a Selina b Selina’s brother
6 Selina takes her camera … ___________________________________
a to parties. b to work.
7 Who likes William’s cap?
a his mother b his brother ___________________________________
8 Jake uses his skateboard …
a every day. b at weekends. ___________________________________
13 Read the statements. Write true (T) or
false (F).
1 Selina’s camera is from China. F
2 Selina’s camera isn’t heavy. ___
3 Ellen’s got a modern computer. ___
4 Ellen does lots things on her tablet. ___
5 Jake’s got a new skateboard. ___
6 Jake’s skateboard is American. ___
7 William’s brother hasn’t got a cap like
William’s. ___
8 Tasha’s earrings are modern. ___
9 Tasha’s earrings aren’t light. ___

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ROADMAP™ A2 Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)



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