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Exercises 7
7.1 Read the situations and complete the sentences using the present perfect. Choose from these
break disappear go up grow improve lose shrink stop

1 Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. Tom has lost his key.
2 Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is better. Her English
3 My bag was here, but it isn’t here any more. My bag
4 Lisa can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. Lisa
5 Last week the bus fare was £1.80. Now it is £2. The bus fare
6 Dan didn’t have a beard before. Now he has a beard. Dan
7 It was raining ten minutes ago. It isn’t raining now. It
8 I washed my sweater, and now it’s too small for me. My sweater

7.2 Put in been or gone.

1 My parents are on holiday. They’ve gone to Italy.
2 Hello! I’ve just to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things.
3 Tom has just out. He’ll be back in about an hour.
4 Alice isn’t here at the moment. I don’t know where she’s .
5 You’re very late. Where have you ?

7.3 Complete the sentences using the present perfect.

1 Sally is still here. She hasn’t gone (she / not / go) out.
2 I can’t find my bag. (you / see / it) anywhere?
3 I can’t log on to the website. (I / forget) my password.
4 I sent Joe an email this morning, but (he / not / reply).
5 Is the meeting still going on, or (it / finish)?
6 (the weather / change). It’s colder now.
7 (you / not / sign) the form. Could you sign it now, please?
8 Are your friends still here, or (they / go) home?
9 Paul doesn’t know what he’s going to do.
(he / not / decide / yet).
10 ‘Do you know where Julia is?’ ‘Yes, (I / just / see / her).’
11 ‘When is David going away?’ ‘ (he / already / go).’
12 a: (your course / start / yet)?
b: Not yet. It starts next week.

7.4 Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet.
1 After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, ‘Would you like something to eat?’
You say: No thank you. I’ve just had lunch . (have lunch)
2 Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, ‘Can I speak to Joe?’
You say: I’m afraid . (go out)
3 You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away.
You say: Wait a minute! . (not / finish)
4 You plan to eat at a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says,
‘Shall I phone to reserve a table?’ You say: No, . (do it)
5 You know that Lisa is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful.
You ask her: ? (find)
6 You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, ‘Where are you going
for your holiday?’ You say: . (not / decide)
7 Laura went out, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, ‘Is Laura still out?’
You say: No, . (come back)

Exercises 8
8.1 You ask people about things they have done. Write questions with ever.
1 (ride / horse?) Have you ever ridden a horse?
2 (be / California?) Have
3 (run / marathon?)
4 (speak / famous person?)
5 (most beautiful place / visit?) What’s

8.2 Complete B’s answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use these verbs:
be be eat happen have have meet play read see try


1 What’s Mark’s sister like? I’ve never met her.

I’ve no idea.
2 Is everything going well? Yes, we haven’t had any problems so far.
3 Are you hungry? Yes. I much today.
4 Can you play chess? Yes, but for ages.
5 Are you enjoying your holiday? Yes, it’s the best holiday for a long time.
6 What’s that book about? I don’t know. it.
7 Is Brussels an interesting place? I’ve no idea. there.
8 I hear your car broke down again Yes, it’s the second time
yesterday. this month.
9 Do you like caviar? I don’t know. it.
10 Mike was late for work again today. Again? He late every day this week.
11 Who’s that woman by the door? I don’t know. her before.

8.3 Write four sentences about yourself. Use I haven’t and choose from the boxes.
used a computer travelled by bus eaten any fruit
been to the cinema read a book lost anything today
this week
1 I haven’t used a computer today. recently
2 for ages
3 since …
4 this year

8.4 Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1 Jack is driving a car for the first time. He’s very nervous and not sure what to do.
It’s the first time he’s driven a car.
2 Some children at the zoo are looking at a giraffe. They’ve never seen one before.
It’s the first time a giraffe.
3 Sue is riding a horse. She doesn’t look very confident or comfortable.
She before.
4 Joe and Lisa are on holiday in Japan. They’ve been to Japan once before.
This is the second time .
5 Emily is staying at the Prince Hotel. She stayed there a few years ago.
It’s not the first this hotel.
6 Ben is playing tennis for the first time. He’s a complete beginner.


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