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School ID. 409817


Name: _______________________________Grade / Section: ___________ Date: ________

Multiple Choice:
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Our staple food here in the Philippines is ____________.
a. rice c. cereal
b. oatmeal d. corn
2. It is a land of verdant plains and lush vegetation ideal for animal feeds.
a. india c. pakistan
b. china d. philippines
3. Is derived from the Latin word ager………….its mean soil and cultural means cultivation. Simply we
can say cultivation of soil.
a. forestry c. agriculture
b. crops d. agriscience
4. It is derived from Greek word agro—field Nomo’s –manage—so development and management of crop
and soil sciences to produce abundant high quality food and fibers in a protected environment.
a. agronomics c. agrinomy
b. agronomy d. agriculture
5. Students who study agronomy are called____________.
a. agriculturist c. farmers
b. agronomist d. agronomistcultivators
6. It deals with other vital farming concerns, such as the application of fertilizer, insecticides (see Pest
Control), and fungicides, soil makeup, analysis of agricultural products, and nutritional needs of farm
a. Modern agriculture
b. Agricultural chemistry
c. Modern agriculturist
d. Agricultural farming
7. It is a method of soilless gardening in which plants are grown in chemical nutrient solutions, may help
meet the need for greater food production as the world’s population increases.
a. genetics c. agriculturist
b. hydroponics d. agriculture chemistry
8. It is general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period.
a. climate
b. weather
c. socioeconomic
d. soil
9. It provides water, nutrients and also oxygen for root respiration.
a. season
b. weather
c. soil
d. climate
10. Means excess of salt.
a. salty
b. salinity
c. sodicity
d. irrigation
11. They may be single cell, rope cells or thallus.
a. Thallophyta c. Pteriodiophyta
b. Bryophyte d. Spermatophyte
12. They are small green plants. They grow on wet places. Roots are not true called rhizoids. Stem and
leaves are present. Have no agronomic importance e.g. mosses, liverworth, hornworth.
a. Thallophyta c. Pteriodiophyta
b. Bryophyte d. Spermatophyte

13. They don’t have flower and seeds but reproduce by spores. They don’t have agronomic importance
except as ornamentals. They have vascular bundles so called vascular plants.
a. Thallophyta c. Pteriodiophyta
b. Bryophyte d. Spermatophyte
14. They are highly developed plants. They have leaves, stems, roots as well as having flowers. All have
agronomic importance.
a. Gymnosperm c. spermatophyte
b. Angiosperm d. Pteriodiophyta
15. In which seeds are not covered e.g. pine.
a. Gymnosperm c. spermatophyte
b. Angiosperm d. Pteriodiophyta

16. In which seeds are covered in ovary.

a. Gymnosperm c. Angiosperm
b. spermatophyte d. Pteriodiophyta
17. Is group of similar plants within a particular species that is distinguished by one or more than one
character and given a name.
a. variety c. groups
b. species d. class
18. Group of plants that normally breed among themselves and have many characters common or a group
of living organism consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or of interbreeding.
a. classifications c. groups
b. family d. Species
19. When wheat, maize or other coarse grasses are harvested and cured for animal feed.
a. Fodder crops c. Fiber crops
b. Silage crops d. Sugar crops
20. Partially fermented and succulent.
a. Sugar crops c. silage crops
b. Fiber crops d. fodder crops
21. They are green and succulent not cured (dried) directly feed to animals.
a. Silage crops c. fodder crops
b. Fiber crops d. soilage crops
22. These crops which are grown for their fiber for example textiles, rugs, ropes, kenaf.
a. Fiber crops c. oil seed crops
b. Silage crops d. sugar crops
23. Which is a sweet essence is extracted from these crops e.g. sugar cane, sugar beet, and sweet
a. Fiber crops c. oil seed crops
b. Silage crops d. sugar crops

24. These are crops which are grown for purpose of extracting oil from their edible seeds. E.g. mustard,
rape, ground nut, soybean, canola.
a. Fiber crops c. oil seed crops
b. Silage crops d. sugar crops

25. Which are grown for their edible seeds. They belong to family leguminous. E.g. chickpea, pea, bean,
and lentils?
a. Soilage crops c. sugar crops
b. Rotter crops d. pulses or grain legumes
26. These are vegetables crops grown for underground parts for example rhizopus-garlic root-radish and
carrot Tuber-potato Bulb-onion.
a. Tuber roots c. grains
b. Cereals d. root and tuber crops
27. Which of the following have narcotic value, have medicinal value, e.g Poppy, tobacco, tea, coffee.
a. cereals c. narcotic or drug crops
b. Grains d. pulses or grain legumes
28. What crops grown for edible leaves e.g. lettuce, grown for edible shoot e.g. okra, asparagus, grown for
edible flower e.g. cauliflower, grown for edible fruit e.g. tomato?
a. Vegetables or garden crops c. Condiment crops
b. Vegetable crops d. Green manure crops
29. These are crops like coriander, chili and mint.
a. Condiment crops c. Silage or haylage crops
b. Green manure crops d. Soilage crops or green feed or zero grazing
30. Which is growing one crops again and again in a particular area?
a. Cropping c. Multiple cropping
b. Monocropping d. Intercropping
31. What is growing two or more than two crops on the same piece of land per year?
a. Monocropping c. multiple cropping
b. Mixed cropping d. Sequential cropping
32. Which is growing two or more than two crops simultaneously at the same time with proper row to row
management or distance. E.g. sugarcane plus sugar beet?
a. Monocropping c. Intercropping
b. Intercropping d. mixed cropping
33. Which is growing two or more than two crops at the same time in which row to row distance is not
a. intercropping c. mixed cropping
b. Sequential cropping d. Double cropping
34. Which is growing two or more than two crops in sequence on the same length per year?
a. Mixed cropping c. intercropping
b. Double cropping d. Sequential cropping
35. What is a process by which plants take in and utilize food substances?
a. Crop nutrition c. assimilation
b. Ingestion d. digestion
36. When these inorganic substance are being converted into organic form?
a. Digestion c. ingestion
b. Assimilation d. crop nutrition
37. Which is most important in all over the world Cell division and cell enlargement Important for
vegetative growth, present in enzymes and proteins, it is important for the protoplasm formation?
a. Hydrogen c. nitrogen
b. oxygen d. Phosphorous
38. Which is very important for enzymes activation, it helps the plant in uptake of water, it increases
resistance to drought, it increases qualities of seed, food and other product of crops?
a. Potassium c. phosphorous
b. Nitrogen d. hydrogen
39. It is a fertilizer which contain only one essential nutrient is known as _______.
a. Straight or simple fertilizers c. Compound fertilizer
b. Complete fertilizer d. Complex fertilizer
40. A fertilizer which contain more than one essential nutrients is called ________
a. Straight or simple fertilizers c. Compound fertilizer
b. Complete fertilizer d. Complex fertilizer

41. It is a fertilizer which contains all the three major nutrients?

a. Complete fertilizer c. straight or simple fertilizer
b. Compound fertilizer d. complex fertilizer
42. In the methods of fertilizer application, it is the fertilizer which is applied to crops in sowing time?
a. Basal dose c. standing crops
b. Broadcasting d. band application
43. A methods of fertilizer application which on the surface of soil uniformly by hand or by a machine?
a. Broadcasting c. Standing crops
b. Side dressing d. top dressing
44. Which is an application of fertilizer along the rows by drill or hand hoe machine?
a. Side dressing c. top dressing
b. Basal dose d. band application
45. When fertilizers are used by hands or air crafts.
a. Basal dose c. liquid fertilizers
b. Standing crops d. top dressing
46. Which of the following is an injection of fertilizer to the field or soil by special planters?
a. Standing crops c. direct application
b. Band application d. fertigation
47. Which is an application of fertilizers along with irrigated water?
a. Fertigation c. basal dose
b. Top dressing d. broadcasting
48. Which is also called puddling, tillage operation in standing water in order to produce an impervious
layre, this layer reduces percolation and leaching fertilizers?
a. Wet tillage c. Mulch tillage
b. Contour tillage d. Blind tillage
49. Which of the following is the feature of plant or crops which has survival value under existing climatic
conditions or habitat, and such features allow the crops to fully utilize the nutrients water, light etc for
optimum growth?
a. Acclimation c. Production technology
b. Adaptation d. Choice of crops
50. The partially decomposed organic material used in gardening to improve soil and enhance plant
growth, it improves the movement of water, dissolved nutrients, and oxygen through the soil, making
it easier for plant roots to absorb these vital substances.
a. Fertilizer c. compost
b. Organic soil d. tillage

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