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Unit 2 Progress Test A

1 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of have to and the verbs in brackets.
Lily Do we use our smartphones for our homework?

Jack Yes, we do. We take photos of different trees and upload them to the class website.
Lily Great! Will I write a description too?

Jack Yes. It should be 100 words. And we would share our work online.

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.
1 You not have to wait for us! You did not have to wait for us!

2 We doesn’t have to wear a school uniform on Friday. We don’t have to wear a school uniform on Friday.
3 Adam have to take his exam again in the summer. Adam has to take his exam again in the summer.

4 Does she has to phone you? Does she have to phone you?
5 When often do you have to do P.E.? When often do you have to do P.E.?

6 I’m tired never. I'm never tired.

7 He has to goes early. He has to go early.

8 She argues always. She always argues.

9 How much students are in your class? How many students are in your class?

10 Who your best friend? Who is your best friend?

Mark: ___ / 10

3 Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency below.

always never sometimes usually

1 I remember to hand in my homework every week. I never forget.

2 I sometimes borrow my sister’s clothes, but not often.

3 We always arrive at school at 9 a.m. We are hardly ever late.

4 He speaks English very well. I usually understand him.

Mark: ___ / 4

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 2 Progress Test A

4 Choose the correct event to complete the sentences.
1 Watch the school – it’s all in English!
a trip b club c play

2 Come to our ___ and hear us sing! a musical b sports day c school trip

3 Bring your friends to the ___ and listen to Mozart, Bach and Vivaldi! a play b school camp c concert
4 Don’t forget to bring warm clothes on the ___! a school camp b school club c concert

5 Join the new ___ and learn a new skill! a school trip b play c school club
6 You don’t have to be good at running to enjoy the ___! a school camp b sports day c trip

Mark: ___ / 6

5 Match the descriptions with the adjectives below.

angry embarrassed excited sad tired worried

1 Your sister always reads your private text messages. angry

2 You want to go to bed early. tired

3 You have to talk in front of the class and you don’t like it. worried
4 The new Star Wars movie is out! excited

5 You aren’t happy today. sad

6 I’m not very good at maths, and the maths exam is next week. embarrassed

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Complete the sentences with the words below.

at in midday on past quarter until up

1 We always have P.E. in the afternoon.

2 Call me tonight at 6 p.m.

3 We get up late on the school camp.

4 The concert is past Saturday.

5 He isn’t home at the moment. He is in Berlin on the weekend.

6 The play starts at quarter to five.

7 We have lunch at midday.

8 Geography finishes at half two until.

Mark: ___ / 8

Use of English
7 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

after before during from in on should shouldn’t to until

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 2 Progress Test A

Helen Is it your birthday on Friday?
Claire No, it’s Maryam’s birthday. We should have a party!
Helen Well, we can’t do anything during the day because we’re at school. Does she want a party in the
Claire Yes, she wants to do something after school.
Helen What time? I’m at my tennis club until seven o’clock.
Claire She has basketball from six to eight o’clock, so we probably shouldn’t meet before eight thirty.

Helen OK. Call me before you go and we can walk there together.

Claire Good idea! See you later!

Mark: ___ / 10

8  2 Listen to the radio news item about Prince George’s first day at school. Choose the correct
1 How old was Prince George in January 2016?
a two b six c four
2 What is the date? a 5th January b 6th January c 16th
3 How many Montessori schools are there in Britain? a seventeen
hundred b seventy c seven hundred
4 The children in George’s part of the school are aged two to ___.
a sixteen b six c eight
5 What time does the school open in the morning?
a 8.30 b 8 o’clock c 8.15

Mark: ___ / 5

9 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Life ‘on the road’

Life isn’t always so amazing when you’re famous! Rock and pop bands usually travel for a lot
of the year. They go to different countries and don’t see their families for a long time. A lot of
famous singers agree that life ‘on the road’ isn’t very exciting. There is a strict routine and it is
often difficult.
Danny is a drummer for a UK band and he says that he is always tired. ‘Every day is the
same. I often don’t know what city I’m in!’ The band usually travel during the night and arrive
at a hotel in the morning. Sometimes they are travelling for up to ten hours. They can’t move,
or get out or do anything. They sleep during the day, then they get dressed and have dinner.
After that, they go to ‘work’! The concert normally starts at 9 p.m. They often play until
midnight. Then they leave the city to travel to the next city. They eat and sleep on the band’s

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 2 Progress Test A

‘We have to play a lot of concerts, because people don’t buy CDs now. People download
music, but artists don’t get a lot of money from that. I enjoy the music, but I’m sad when I don’t
see my family. I hardly ever go to watch my children’s school plays. I can’t always watch them
at their sports days.’ But when Danny is at home, he can help them with their geography

1 A lot of famous singers find touring difficult. T

2 The band normally travel during the day before a concert. F

3 Concerts usually finish at 9 p.m. F

4 They spend a lot of time on the band’s bus. T

5 Danny likes to help his children with their history homework. F

Mark: ___ / 5

10 Write an announcement for the next school trip.
• Where is the trip to?
• Date, day and time.
• What is the purpose of the trip?
• Other information (tickets, contact name and number).
• Some imperatives to give instructions and make requests.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 2 Progress Test A

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