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Unit 2 Progress Test B

1 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of have to and the verbs in brackets.
Richard _______________________ (you / play) a musical instrument at your school?
Catherine Yes, we 2___________. I play the violin, but I 3_______________________ (learn) the piano too.
Richard My sister plays the piano. She’s not very good at it. We _______________________ (listen) to her every
day for an hour!
Catherine _______________________ (she / take) her music exam in the summer?
Richard No, she ___________. She’s not ready yet.

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.
1 When do you have lunch? At school? __________________________
2 He always is thirsty. __________________________
3 Why does Ana has to sit there? __________________________
4 Do he have to go to bed? __________________________
5 You not have to do the washing up. __________________________
6 She has to pay never. __________________________
7 He don’t have to work on Saturday. __________________________
8 Who that man? __________________________
9 How many often do you play sport? __________________________
10 I doesn’t have to share a desk. __________________________

Mark: ___ / 10

3 Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency below.

always hardly ever never usually

1 I __________________ wear my school uniform to school because we have to – it’s the rule.
2 My sister __________________ plays computer games. She hates them!
3 I __________________ go to the cinema. Only on my birthday!
4 Mr Banks __________________ teaches I.C.T., but we’ve got a different teacher today.

Mark: ___ / 4

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 2 Progress Test B

4 Choose the correct event to complete the sentences.
1 The school ___ is on this evening at 7 o’clock.
a play b sports day c trip
2 Watch your team play at this year’s ___!
a school camp b trip c sports day
3 This year the ___ is to a museum.
a school trip b school camp c concert
4 Listen to Year 10 sing in our ___!
a sports day b musical c school trip
5 Buy a ticket for tonight’s ___! Bring your friends!
a school camp b sports day c concert
6 This ___ meets every Wednesday at 4 o’clock.
a school trip b play c school club

Mark: ___ / 6

5 Match the descriptions with the adjectives below.

angry embarrassed excited sad tired worried

1 You have tickets for the One Direction concert! ____________________

2 I’m not feeling very happy. ____________________
3 There is a silly photo of you on Facebook. ____________________
4 Your brother always takes your bike. He never asks. ____________________
5 It is midnight and you want to sleep. ____________________
6 I don’t think my brother is OK in his new class. ____________________

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Complete the sentences with the words below.

at in midday on past quarter until up

1 The musical is ___________ Friday.

2 You have to wake ___________ early tomorrow.
3 Can you come at ___________ to seven?
4 The shop closes at half ___________ one.
5 The concert starts ___________ 8 o’clock.
6 You are usually tired ___________ the morning.
7 She is at work ___________ 6 p.m.
8 We eat at school at ___________.

Mark: ___ / 8

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 2 Progress Test B

Use of English
7 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

after at at during from in on should should to

Max Is it your birthday __________ the weekend?
Kim No, it’s Emily’s. My birthday’s the week after, 2__________ 6th August.
Max Oh, of course! __________ we call Emily and see what she wants to do?
4 5
Kim The plan is to go to the beach __________ the afternoon. She wants to do something __________ the
day, and not 6__________ night.
Max What time? I’m at my grandparents’ house on Emily’s birthday. I __________ call my grandma to ask when
I can leave.
Kim I think she wants to be there 8__________ two o’clock 9__________ eight o’clock. She wants to have a
volleyball match and then dinner 10__________ that.
Max Great! See you then!

Mark: ___ / 10

8  2 Listen to the radio news item about Prince George’s first day at school. Choose the correct
1 What is the year?
a 2015 b 2016 c 2017
2 Prince George goes to school in ____?
a Norwich b Norfolk c Sandringham
3 The children don’t have to ____ in Montessori schools.
a listen b learn c do tests
4 The children in George’s class start at the age of ____.
a three b six c two
5 What time is the school open until on Friday?
a one o’clock b 8.30 c three o’clock

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 2 Progress Test B

9 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Life ‘on the road’

Life isn’t always so amazing when you’re famous! Rock and pop bands usually travel for a lot
of the year. They go to different countries and don’t see their families for a long time. A lot of
famous singers agree that life ‘on the road’ isn’t very exciting. There is a strict routine and it is
often difficult.
Danny is a drummer for a UK band and he says that he is always tired. ‘Every day is the
same. I often don’t know what city I’m in!’ The band usually travel during the night and arrive
at a hotel in the morning. Sometimes they are travelling for up to ten hours. They can’t move,
or get out or do anything. They sleep during the day, then they get dressed and have dinner.
After that, they go to ‘work’! The concert normally starts at 9 p.m. They often play until
midnight. Then they leave the city to travel to the next city. They eat and sleep on the band’s
‘We have to play a lot of concerts, because people don’t buy CDs now. People download
music, but artists don’t get a lot of money from that. I enjoy the music, but I’m sad when I don’t
see my family. I hardly ever go to watch my children’s school plays. I can’t always watch them
at their sports days.’ But when Danny is at home, he can help them with their geography

1 Rock stars don’t have an easy work life. ___

2 Danny is a singer. ___
3 They always sleep in hotels. ___
4 They don’t have to play a lot of concerts – they don’t need the money. ___
5 Danny would like to go to more of his children’s school events. ___

Mark: ___ / 5

10 Write an announcement for the next school trip.
 Where is the trip to?
 Date, day and time.
 What is the purpose of the trip?
 Other information (tickets, contact name and number).
 Some imperatives to give instructions and make requests.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 2 Progress Test B

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