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Cumulative Test 6–9 B

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. More than one answer may be
1 What _______________________ (be) the name of the film last night?
2 I’m not hungry thanks. I _______________________ (just / eat).
3 I bet he _______________________ (not / ever / wear) those trousers – they’re bright red!
4 You _______________________ (not / give) me your email address yet.
5 I don’t think cars _______________________ (need) drivers in the future.
6 We _______________________ (already / have) breakfast.
7 She _______________________ (become) famous five years ago.
8 _______________________ (he / study) in France next year?
9 I _______________________ (not / can) connect to the network a few minutes ago.
10 _______________________ (they / bring) your book back yet?

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Seven sentences contain mistakes. Circle the mistakes and write the corrections. Tick () the correct
1 My cousin married Jenny ago a month. __________________________
2 They’re going to climbing this afternoon. __________________________
3 I’ve fallen off my bike yesterday. __________________________
4 I think not scientists will find life on other planets. __________________________
5 You been worried yesterday? __________________________
6 We didn’t see that film yet. __________________________
7 I’m going to finish my work first. __________________________
8 She’s already took her speaking exam. __________________________
9 I’ll see you after lunch. __________________________
10 He couldn’t play in the Olympics last year. __________________________

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

3 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 He loves writing, so he wants to be a politician / journalist.
2 I’m going to run in the shot put / relay tomorrow.
3 I need to wear a wetsuit / goggles for my eyes when I go swimming.
4 On our adventure holiday, we had to abseil / kayak down the mountain.
5 Leave your bike here in the hall / living room please – I don’t want you to take it right into the house.
6 I’ve put your clothes in the shelves / chest of drawers.

Mark: ___ / 6

4 Complete the sentences with the words below.

back basic click do have internet make play towards

1 You must ___________ on the red button to record.

2 There’s a very interesting discussion about bullying on this ___________ forum.
3 I don’t have time to ___________ basketball this week.
4 We have to wear white to ___________ judo.
5 It’s important to ___________ up your work regularly.
6 The islanders receive their ___________ supplies from a boat once a week.
7 Can we ___________ a conversation in Spanish?
8 I slowly moved ___________ the snake to get a better photo.
9 Did you ___________ any friends on the trip last week?

Mark: ___ / 9

5 Complete the sentences with animals and nature words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1 The l _ _ _ is the king of the jungle.
2 Humans are very similar to g _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
3 The tiger hit the other animal with its p _ _.
4 What a beautiful day! There’s not a c _ _ _ _ in the sky.
5 S _ _ _ _ _ is later in the summer, so the days are much longer.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

Use of English
6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets.
Use 2–4 words, including the words in brackets.
1 There’s a giraffe far away. (distance)
There’s a giraffe ______________________________________________.
2 Who is at the front of the photo? (foreground)
Who is that ______________________________________________?
3 Don’t forget to save your work. (back)
Don’t forget to ______________________________________________.
4 Enter your password, please. (type)
______________________________________________ your password, please.
5 Can I use my debit card? (pay)
Can I ______________________________________________?
6 Let’s go to a festival in the summer! (how)
______________________________________________ to a festival in the summer?
7 Let’s take our bikes. (cycling)
Let’s ______________________________________________.
8 There’s a lake in both photos. (show)
______________________________________________ a lake.
9 People are kayaking in the first photo and abseiling in the second photo. (whereas)
The first photo ______________________________________________ the second photo shows people abseiling.
10 I think he’s an actor. (say)
I ______________________________________________ that he’s an actor.

Mark: ___ / 10

7  11 Listen to three conversations. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
Conversation 1
1 The second step in the instructions is to install the app. ___
Conversation 2
2 He’s looking for a room in the halls of residence. ___
3 The rent in the flat he likes was £80 per person per month. ___
Conversation 3
4 She fell down fifty steps. ___
5 She didn’t break her arm. ___

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

8 Read the text. Match sentences A–E with gaps 1–5.

Olympic team goes hunting for the hunters

In 2013 a team of Brazilian sports people went to the Amazon rainforest. ___ They went to
search for young people with amazing sporting skills to take part in the 2016 Olympics in Rio
and to represent Brazil.
They found twelve young people who were impressive kayakers, and others who had fantastic
skills with a bow and arrow. One of these was a quiet teenager called Jardel Kambeba, from
the Kambeba tribe. His name in his native language means ‘bird hunter’. Normally he hunts
tropical river fish or birds that fly up to a hundred metres high in the sky. Sometimes he hunts
and kills crocodiles. ___
Jardel comes from a village called Tres Unidos, where he lives with sixty other Amazonian
Indians. The village is ninety minutes by boat from Manaus, the capital of Brazil’s Amazon
region, and is in the very centre of the rainforest. The summers are hot and dry and the
winters are wet and tropical. ___ They build their wooden homes high off the ground because
the river rises.
Everyone who was chosen to take part moved to Manaus to train for the Games in Rio de
Janeiro. ___ The teenagers had to change schools and have had to adapt to a very different
way of life. Up until now, they had only ever trained on the local beach back at home. ___
They have to train from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and then from 4 p.m. until sunset. The teenagers are
excited about representing Brazil at the Olympic Games. But most importantly, they want to
make their tribes back in the rainforest proud of them.

A The Olympic team from Brazil wanted to turn these traditional jungle skills into sporting skills.
B For many of the teenagers, going to Manaus was the first time they had ever left their communities.
C Now they are preparing for the Games with high-tech Olympic facilities.
D The villagers live close to the Rio Negro, which together with Rio Solimões forms the Amazon River.
E It is the world’s largest rainforest and home to about 400 Indian tribes.

Mark: ___ / 5

9 Write an informal letter to a friend about a problem you’ve had recently with social media (for example,
someone has posted an unkind comment on your Facebook page or uploaded an embarrassing photo,
etc.). Include the following:
 Use the correct layout for a letter (your address, the date, etc.).
 Use key phrases for giving news.
 Use past time expressions and sequencing expressions to explain the order of events (later, the next day, etc.).
 Include modifiers in your description of the problem.
 Use conjunctions (although, so, because, etc.).

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

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