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Reading as a Communication Process 3.

Adapted language – words or expression should relate to the

reader’ age, educational attainment, gender, ethnic origin and
Language as a code system used by humans to communicate, other personal factors
has certain qualities that can evoke effective and positive
reactions on man. Experts say that these characteristics of 4. Forceful – stimulating language that provides color, interest
language are also conducive to man’s reading recognition and and excitement
Example: After a few years of doom, this place has been a
1. Clarity – concrete rather than abstractions and generalization mecca for travelling souls.

Compare: Many students attended the student council meeting. 5. Vivid language – descriptive wording that stirs the senses of
Eight hundred college students attended Tuesday’s student the reader
council meeting.
Compare: I took a trip to the mountains I visited the snow-
2. Simplicity – expressed directly and to the point capped peaks of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, where I
stayed at a skiing resort.
Compare: Shall we partake of our repast? Shall we eat?

Components of Language


The study of speech structure within a language, including both the patterns of basic speech units and the accepted rules of
pronunciation, is known as phonology. The smallest units of sound that make up a language are called phonemes. For example, the word
“that” contains three phonemes the “th” represents one phoneme /th/, the “a” maps to the short a sound /ă/, and the “t” to its basic sound


Moving to the next level of language, we find the study of the smallest units of meaning, morphemes. Morphemes include base
words, such as “hat,” “dog,” or “love,” as well as affixes, such as “un-,” “re-,” the plural “s” or “es,” and the past tense “ed.” Knowledge
of the morphology of our language is critical to vocabulary development and reflects the smallest building blocks for comprehension.


The study of how individual words and their most basic meaningful units are combined to create sentences is known as syntax.
As words are grouped together when we communicate, we must follow the rules of grammar for our language, in other words, its syntax.
It is the knowledge of syntax that allows us to recognize that the following two sentences, while containing different word order and
levels of complexity, have the same meaning.

 The boy hit the ball.

 The ball was hit by the boy.

Syntax also allows us to accept “I went to the store” as a meaningful (grammatical) sentence while “To store went I” would not be
acceptable English.


Not only does the grammatical structure of our language provide the needed clues for understanding, we also have a wealth of
figurative language and rich description that adds color and nuance to our communication. Semantics refers to the ways in which a
language conveys meaning. It is our understanding of semantics that allows us to recognize that someone who is “green with envy” has
not changed hue, or that “having cold feet” has less to do with the appendage at the end of our legs and more to do with our anxiety about
a new experience. Because semantics moves beyond the literal meaning of words and is culture-dependent, this is among the most
difficult aspects of language for individuals who are not native speakers and even those who speak the same language but come from
different cultures and convey meaning using words in unique ways. Anyone who has attempted to converse with a teenager in his own
vernacular can appreciate the importance of sharing a semantic base for communicating clearly.


‘Pragmatics’ refers to the ways the members of the speech community achieve their goals using language. The way we speak to
our parents is not the same as the way we interact with a sibling, for example. The language used in a formal speech may bear little
resemblance to what we would hear at a lunch with five friends. The conversational style of day-to-day interactions is quite different
from the language used even when reading a storybook to a toddler. Knowing the difference and when to use which style is the essence
of pragmatics.

Characteristics of Language

1. Clarity – concrete language rather than abstractions

2. Simplicity – expressed directly and to the point
3. Adapted language- language that relates to the reader’s age, educational attainment, gender, ethnic origin, other personal factors
4. Forceful – stimulating language that provides color, interest, and excitement
5. Vivid language – language that is descriptive and stirs the imagination of the reader

Components of Language


The study of speech structure within a language, including both the patterns of basic speech units and the accepted rules of
pronunciation, is known as phonology. The smallest units of sound that make up a language are called phonemes. For example, the
word “that” contains three phonemes the “th” represents one phoneme /th/, the “a” maps to the short a sound /ă/, and the “t” to its
basic sound /t/.


Moving to the next level of language, we find the study of the smallest units of meaning, morphemes. Morphemes include base
words, such as “hat,” “dog,” or “love,” as well as affixes, such as “un-,” “re-,” the plural “s” or “es,” and the past tense “ed.”
Knowledge of the morphology of our language is critical to vocabulary development and reflects the smallest building blocks for


The study of how individual words and their most basic meaningful units are combined to create sentences is known as syntax. As
words are grouped together when we communicate, we must follow the rules of grammar for our language, in other words, its
syntax. It is the knowledge of syntax that allows us to recognize that the following two sentences, while containing different word
order and levels of complexity, have the same meaning.

• The boy hit the ball.

• The ball was hit by the boy.

Syntax also allows us to accept “I went to the store” as a meaningful (grammatical) sentence while “To store went I” would not be
acceptable English.


Not only does the grammatical structure of our language provide the needed clues for understanding, we also have a wealth of
figurative language and rich description that adds color and nuance to our communication. Semantics refers to the ways in which a
language conveys meaning. It is our understanding of semantics that allows us to recognize that someone who is “green with envy”
has not changed hue, or that “having cold feet” has less to do with the appendage at the end of our legs and more to do with our
anxiety about a new experience. Because semantics moves beyond the literal meaning of words and is culture-dependent, this is
among the most difficult aspects of language for individuals who are not native speakers and even those who speak the same
language but come from different cultures and convey meaning using words in unique ways. Anyone who has attempted to converse
with a teenager in his own vernacular can appreciate the importance of sharing a semantic base for communicating clearly.


‘Pragmatics’ refers to the ways the members of the speech community achieve their goals using language. The way we speak to our
parents is not the same as the way we interact with a sibling, for example. The language used in a formal speech may bear little
resemblance to what we would hear at a lunch with five friends. The conversational style of day-to-day interactions is quite different
from the language used even when reading a storybook to a toddler. Knowing the difference and when to use which style is the
essence of pragmatics.

Characteristics of Language

1. Clarity – concrete language rather than abstractions

2. Simplicity – expressed directly and to the point

3. Adapted language- language that relates to the reader’s age, educational attainment, gender, ethnic origin, other personal factors

4. Forceful – stimulating language that provides color, interest, and excitement

5. Vivid language – language that is descriptive and stirs the imagination of the reader

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