Choose The Correct Answers

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A. Choose the correct answers.

1. A: Hi, haven’t we met before?

B: ... .
a. I will. I’m Rosa
b. You too. He’s John
c. Same to you. I’m Fredy
d. They’re fine
e. Yes, I believe we have. I’m Mirra

2. Hey, what’s new?

a. He’s a doctor
b. I like to exercise
c. Nothing much
d. I have three brothers
e. She works at City Bank

3. What does your father do for a living?

a. There are five people in my family
b. They live in Tokyo
c. He’s an architect
d. She turned in June
e. I have three brother

4. What does your mother do?

a. He’s a dentist
b. Nothing much
c. She works at City Bank
d. She works quickly
e. She like to exercise

5. Look at these pictures. ... . is the big one.

a. My
b. Mine
c. Her
d. Our
e. Their

6. My flowers are dying. ... . are lovely.

a. Mine
b. Your
c. Yours
d. Our
e. Their

7. I like horses. But horses don’t like ... .?

a. I
b. Me
c. You
d. It
e. Them

8. ... . teacher is very friendly.

a. Mine
b. They
c. You
d. Their
e. He
Answer the question numbers 9 and 10 based on the following text.

Hi! My name is Ana Maria Cavazos. I was born on June 9 th, 1968 in Reynosa, Mexico. My
father, Johnny Cavazos, was originally from Victoria, Texas. But his family moved to Mexico
around 1915.

9. Where do they live?

a. They live in Victoria
b. They leave in Texas
c. They live in Mexico
d. They do not live in Mexico
e. They are live in Texas

10. What is her name?

a. She was Ana Maria Cavazos
b. Her name is Ana Maria C.
c. His name is Johnny Cavazos
d. His name is Ana Maria
e. She names Ana Maria C.

Dialogue for numbers 11 and 12.

Desi : Andi, you look great today! I love your new hair style.
Andi : Thankyou very much, Desi. You look great too.
Desi : Thanks, Andi. By the way, how was your test? Have you god the result?
Andi : Yes, I’ve got it. You know what? I have passed for the final test. I’m so happy right
Desi : That’s great. Congratulations! How’s the score?
Andi : Thanks God. I got the highest score for the test.
Desi : Wow, that’s amazing. I know you are very smart, Andi. Well done!
Andi : Thanks for your compliment, Desi. You are so kind.
Desi : Nevermind Andi. It’s my pleasure.

11. The underlined words expresses ... .

a. Compliment
b. Regret
c. Unconcern
d. Sympaty
e. Concern

12. The italicized sentence expresses ... .

a. Compliment
b. Responding to compliment
c. Congratulation
d. Responding to congratulating
e. Complaint

13. Alex : Congratulations for your promotion, Robert.

Robert : Thanks Alex.
The underlined words expresses ... .
a. Sympaty
b. Attention
c. Congratulation
d. Sadness
e. Happiness

14. Yahya : That’s a very cute sweater.

Vita : ... .
a. It’s no trouble at all
b. Thankyou for saying so
c. With my pleasure
d. Very well, thanks
e. That would be nice

15. Marcella : ... .

Virga : Really? That’s wonderful!
a. My lovely kitten died last night.
b. My little sister killed my hamster.
c. My horse has been sick for three days.
d. My dog won a swimming contest yesterday.
e. My rabbit was hit by a car this morning.

The greeting card is for questions 16 and 17.

You have worked hard and

your success has finally paid off

Congratulations on your promotion!

16. Who has received a promotion?

a. You
b. The writer
c. The writer’s boss
d. The addressee
e. The sender

17. Why is the addressee promoted?

a. He/she has worked hard and achieved a success.
b. He/she has paid all what he/she owned.
c. He/she is a workaholic.
d. He/she congratulates a successful hard worker.
e. You made him/her work hard and successed.

18. I ... . him since last week.

a. Saw
b. Have seen
c. Have not seen
d. Did not saw
e. Has not been seeing

19. I know that man. We have ... . before.

a. Crossed
b. Fought
c. Been friend
d. Met
e. Saw

20. The exhibition ... . since Monday. I will end at Saturday.

a. Has been went on
b. Has been going on
c. Went on
d. Has went on
e. Goes on

21. “ I would like to catch a return flight on the 28th .”

The closest meaning to the word”catch” is ... .
a. Pay
b. Have
c. Get
d. Percieve
e. Reach

22. The sentence that has the same meaning with

“I’m fling to Helsinki, Finland” is ... .
a. I want to fly to Helsinki, Finland.
b. I like to fly to Helsinki, Finland.
c. I’d prefer to fly to Helsinki, Finland.
d. I’m going to fly to Helsinki, Finland.
e. I’d like to fly to Helsinki, Finland.

23. The more informal way to say “ I would like to request a vegetarian meal” is ... .
a. I am going to request a vegetarian meal.
b. I want a vegetarian meal.
c. I will request a vegetarian meal.
d. I like to request a vegetarian meal.
e. I want to request a vegetarian meal.

24. I am studying medicine, ... .

a. I will be a doctor
b. I would like to be a doctor
c. I am going to be a doctor
d. I prefer to be a doctor
e. I would like a doctor

25. Woman : I’ve just heard that my PhD proposal’s been accepted! I’m going to start my
research next year.
Man : How exciting!
a. How long is it going to take?
b. How long will it take?
c. How long would it going to take?
d. How long would it take?
e. How long is it to take?

26. If you drink the whole bottle of medicine, ... .

a. it is going to effect you very badly
b. it is going to make you sick
c. t is going to make you full
d. it is going to make you better quickly
e. you must by some more

27. Alan : Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?
Bob : Good idea. I ... . bring my famous lasagna.
a. will
b. am going to
c. would like to
d. will like to
e. want to

28. Dona : I am going to have a special party tonight.

Tiyar : Really?
Dona : Could you join it? I am very happy if you can.
The underlined sentence expresses ... .
a. Giving intention
b. Giving attention
c. Sympathy
d. Compliment
e. Invitation

29. Retta ... . be a professional singer when she grows up.

a. am going to
b. are going to
c. is going to
d. was going to
e. were going to

30. “We ... . to buy a ticket, please”.

a. am going like
b. were going like
c. would going
d. would like
e. would like going

This text is for question number 31-34.

Take a trip back in time and explore the history of Palembang by stepping into the Sultan
Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum (SMB II). Not only is the museum rich in its collections, but
the building itself is also important historical legacy, as it is a monument of the presperousgolden
age of the Palembang Sultanate.

Located on the riverbank of the Musi, the museum exhibits various collections ranging from
archeology, ethnography, biology, and arts to especially numismatics, the study or collection of
currencies. Here, you can also find many historical remnants from photo collections of the
Kedukan Bukit period, ancient statues of Buddha and Ganesha Amarawati, as well as various
other artifac, including those from the Sriwijaya era. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II was the ruler
of Palembang from 1803 to 1821. This museum, bearing his name, was once the palace of the
Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. Originally called Keraton Kuto Kecik or Keraton Kuto Lamo,
this building, along with the Palembang Grand Mosque, was built during the era of Sultan
Mahmud Badaruddin Jayo Wikramo or SMB I. Distinct from other buildings of the same era that
mainly use wood, this palace was built of brick.

As a site that was involved in so many historical events, the Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II
Museum provides displays that elaborate on various eras in history. As day turns into night, aim
your camera to face the overall front view of the museum and wait for all of the lights to shine.
When they do, check your camera’s screen and see what splendor you’ve captured.

The Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Museum is a prefect place to explore the history of
Palembang. From the age of Sriwijaya, to the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate, to the Dutch
colonial era, and to the Japanese occupation to the early era of Indonesia’s independence; all are
presented in its 368 collections. The architecture itself is unique as it is a combination of Dutch
colonial and native Palembang Palace styles.

To go to Palembang, take a flight to Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II International Airport. The

airport is accessible from many countries, including Malaysia, Siangapore, China, and Thailand.
The distance between the airport and the museum is about 6 km. From the airport, take a taxi or
rent a car.

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