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Life, Pre-Intermediate, Unit 6 Test

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. You can use the verbs more than once. There are
two extra words you do not need. There is an example at the beginning (0).
ban get go leave make play ride start take
0 It’s time to __get_______ ready for the party.
1 My sister can ___play_________ the violin by ear.
2 Some of these ancient stories ________get____ back hundreds of years.
3 The government wants to ________ban____ fireworks because they are dangerous. In future, they
won’t be allowed.
4 We should _____get_______ together soon and have dinner.
5 Now they’re married, do you think they’ll ___start_________ a family?
6 I’d like to ______go______ to university when I leave school.
7 I don’t remember when I first learned to _____ride______ a bicycle – when I was five or six, perhaps.
8 When did you _____get_______ married?
9 In the UK, young people often _____leave_______ home and find their own place to live when they
are eighteen or nineteen.
10 When did you ______get______ back from your trip to Paris?
(10 points)

2 Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) to complete the texts. There is an example at the beginning
(0) ____________ , when they are fifteen or sixteen, have to be responsible for the first time in their
lives. For example, they have to (1) ____________ a bank account, or get a driving (2) ____________ .
It’s a challenging time. By the time they are twenty-four or twenty-five and in their (3) ____________
twenties, young adults are expected to be (4) ____________ a career, earning a living and paying rent.
Of course, (5) ____________ people in their mid to (6) ____________ fifties have challenges of their
The festival was wonderful. There were people in amazing (7) ____________ : long gold dresses, for
example, with birds’ feathers all over them. Many wore (8) ____________ so you couldn’t see their
faces. And they travelled along the streets on (9) ____________ , moving platforms on lorries. Some of
them were so (10) ____________ that they carried twenty or thirty festival-goers, dancing and singing.
0 A Children B Teenagers C Adults D Elderly
1 A open B take C make D place
2 A allowance B book C pattern D licence
3 A early B mid C over D late
4 A opening B doing C starting D putting
5 A mid-term B middle-aged C late adults D elderly
6 A late B far C early D soon
7 A costumes B fireworks C drums D candles
8 A bands B masks C parades D covers
9 A parties B carriers C ceremonies D floats
10 A delicious B smart C enormous D miserable
(10 points)

3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Don’t worry about your driving test! I’m sure you’ll pass / you’re passing.
1 I won’t come / I’m not coming on Friday, sorry. I have an appointment at the dentist’s.
2 Are you feeling sleepy? OK, I’m going to / I’ll open the window.
3 Look at the traffic! We’re going to be / We’re being late for school.
4 Don’t leave your laptops in the classroom! Someone is going to steal / will steal them.
5 Good morning and welcome to Sackville College. In this talk I’m telling / I’m going to tell you about ...
6 I’m sorry. I forgot your drink. I’m going to go / I’ll go and get it now.
7 I don’t think he’ll / think he won’t go to the party.
8 ‘Are you going to the cinema tomorrow evening?’ ‘Yes, I am / will.’
9 I’ll play / I’m playing tennis on Friday at three, so I can’t come on the picnic.
10 I love Susie. I’m marrying / I’m going to marry her one day.
(10 points)
4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
When I was in my early twenties, I had to (0) ___choose____ (choose) between getting married and
going abroad (1) ____________ (work). My girlfriend wanted (2) ____________ (get) married, but I
enjoyed (3) ____________ (be) single and, in my opinion, it was important (4) ____________ (see) the
world before starting a family. ‘Let’s (5) ____________ (go) away together,’ I said. ‘We should (6)
____________ (make) some great memories, then we’ll be ready (7) ____________ (buy) a house.’ She
wasn’t interested in (8) ____________ (travel) but, in the end, she agreed (9) ____________ (wait) for
me for a year. Six months later, I was back home. It was difficult (10) ____________ (spend) so much
time away from her. Now, we’re married and we have three children.
(10 points)

The lessons I learned from travelling
Lesson 1: ___A________
Before I went travelling for the first time, I worried about it. I was frightened that something might go
wrong. I soon learned not to worry. Here are some other lessons I learned.
Lesson 2: ____________
One of the first things travel taught me is that things won’t always go according to plan: buses will break
down, flights will be delayed, and maps will occasionally be difficult to read. These problems made me
more patient and helped me accept that I can’t control most things. They also resulted in some exciting
adventures – the woman in Marrakech, for example, who, when I asked her for directions, invited me
into her home for coffee.
When we’re traveling, our most memorable experiences are usually the result of something we didn’t
plan. We should continue to think like this when we get home from our travels – when things don’t go
to plan, we should enjoy the adventure.
Lesson 3: ____________
Growing up in Virginia, I rarely met people who were very different from me. That changed when I
moved to London. I soon found myself at a dinner party where every guest came from a different
country. You can learn a lot from listening to people from different places.
When I began travelling beyond Europe, I experienced many different cultures. I celebrated the Hindu
festival Diwali in India and families in Turkey invited me to stay in their homes. Now, in my new
hometown of San Francisco, whenever I pass a mosque or a temple, I’m happy that I live in a
multicultural city.
Lesson 4: ____________
When I’m travelling, I have an open heart and mind. I smile at people I pass on the street and talk to
people on the bus. I ask their name and learn a bit of their story. Now that I’m home, I try to be as
friendly as I am when I’m travelling.
Earlier this year, a young Asian man asked me for directions. I decided to start a conversation with him. I
learned his name was Chien Yu, and that he was from Taiwan. He told me stories about growing up in
his grandmother’s home, and taught me how to say thank you in his native language. Even at home, we
can have experiences and meet people. Thinking like a traveller, when we’re at home, helps us
understand the world better.

5a Read the blog about lessons learned from travelling. Match the headings (A–F) to the lessons (2–4).
There are two headings you don’t need. There is an example at the beginning (1).
A Don’t be scared of travelling
B Be ready to talk to people you don’t know when you are in your home town
C Always be ready to change your itinerary during a journey
D Sometimes be careful when you are on buses, trains or planes.
E Be prepared to meet people who are different to you when you’re travelling
F Never be afraid of listening to other travellers’ advice.
(10 points)
5b Read the blog again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? If there isn’t enough information to say
if the sentences are true or false, write doesn’t say (DS). There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 The writer was never worried about travelling. __F_________
1 Travel experiences changed the writer. ____________
2 In Marrakech, the writer met a person who helped her with directions. ____________
3 The people the writer met in London were not the same as people in Virginia. ____________
4 The writer says that she has visited mosques in Bosnia, Turkey and the United States. ____________
5 The writer is trying to change the way she behaves with people when she’s in San Francisco.
6 Chien Yu told the writer where he was from in China. ____________
7 The writer told Chien Yu things about her life. ____________
(10 points)

6 [Track 104] Listen to five people talking about their wedding plans. Listen and match the sentences
to the correct speaker (A–E). There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 All the food at the wedding is Mexican. ____E_______
1 They’re getting married in a foreign country. ____________
2 A lot of people are going to their wedding. ____________
3 The bride and groom come from different countries. ____________
4 They aren’t going on holiday after the wedding. ____________
5 They aren’t organizing their own wedding. ____________
6 They’re going to wear bright colours at the wedding. ____________
7 They’re going to have live music. ____________
8 Somebody in their family is making the food. ____________
9 They’ll get married in the morning. ____________
10 They’re going to travel in an old vehicle. ____________
(10 points)
7 Follow the instructions below.
Write five sentences about an interesting event you attended. It could be a party, a wedding, a festival, a
sports event, etc. Include information about where you went, when and why, and what you saw and
(10 points)

8 Read the task below and give your presentation in class.
Prepare to describe a time when you learned to do something for the first time. Talk about how you
learned to do this thing, why, and how you felt about it.
(10 points)

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