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Abing, Lawrence David J.

Maestrado, Stevin A.

Uba, Jennifer C.

Jariolne, Elmar

Anacaya Kheben T.

October 02, 2022


This project entitled


Developed by:

Abing, Lawrence David

Maestrado, Stevin A.

Jariolne, Elmar

Uba, Jennifer C.

Anacaya, Kheben T.

After having been presented is hereby approved

By the following members of the panel

Panelist Panelist

Panelist Panelist

October 02, 2022


Project Context

The development of an online reservation system has stimulated the growth of restaurant
services. Many restaurants have replaced the manual procedures of handling the business
with an online restaurant reservation system. Online restaurant reservation system helps to
estimate demand from its customers in a more accurate way and therefore, improve sourcing
and staffing, and to manage profit more productively.
The system is anticipated to give solutions to restaurants that have an overwhelming surge of
customers and give customers assurance. A recent study by Letsa (2017) concluded that the
satisfaction of customers could be affected negatively if customers’ waiting time in the
restaurant is too long. A restaurant admin can manage our system and the customers will be
the intended users. This system will be purposely developed to list customers who will
inquire about a specific restaurant. This system will automatically show, queue, and make
time and which table the customer will be able to sit, eat, and leave in a fixed and
chronological order depending on whoever used the reservation system first. Service quality
is one of the critical factors that influence customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry
(Quang et al., 2018).
Moreover, the succeeding problem statement is the problem of the traditional method of
recording table reservations. Research conducted by Cunninghams EPOS Group (2018)
showed that there is a large number of restaurant owners and managers using pen and paper
diaries to record their table booking details.
According to the study results, the majority of restaurant personnel have numerous obstacles
while checking the availability of table reservations, locating the customer's reservation
record, and contacting the customer during the restaurant's busiest hour. To address this issue,
a restaurant reservation system can allow the restaurant admin to record the reservation
digitally, eliminating the need for a paper-based approach to documenting table reservations
(Quang et al., 2018).


The restaurant reservation system is a software solution that allows customers to book
a table and purchase food ahead of time. Customers can use a designated website to place
orders even before they set foot in a restaurant . And help customers guarantee their seats and
tables in the restaurant and avoid the hassle. The Restaurant Reservation System will let the
customers know in advance if our system has available sets at a particular time and date or
not. To reserve a table and pre-order food for the reservation, users will need to create an
account and log in to the system. In the end, customers would be able to pay their
reservations in an online payment gateway that is part of our system.

A restaurant reservation system saves restaurant personnel time that would otherwise
be spent manually receiving reservations and orders. It also aids in the prediction of future
workload (so you can prepare accordingly).


1. To create a web-based restaurant reservation system as a platform for restaurateurs

and customers to replace all old methods of handling reservations and table booking,
as well as to eradicate any problems that restaurateurs and customers may encounter.
2. Aimed to make a system that could help manage the time of a business enterprise to
have a smoother and more efficient way to decrease the workload of the employees
for faster transactions. This project system is specifically aimed and made for
restaurants as the project title suggests.


1. To ensure customers eat in Grahe Sidewalk Grill in Guanzon Street, Gingoog City.

2. A reservation system that can help Grahe Sidewalk Grill optimize restaurant seating

layouts so that they can accommodate more customers and give guests more accurate

wait times.

3. Restaurant reservation system allows potential customers in Grahe Sidewalk Grill to

self-book and pay through a website and keep the business running long after the

staff went home for the day.

4. To make table and food reservations in Grahe Sidewalk Grill online as well as

centralize traditional reservation channels like phone calls, emails, and social media

to simplify reservation management to improve service quality.


This system is focused on reservation which will accommodate reservations

and inquiries about Grahe Sidewalk Grill located in Guanzon Street, Gingoog City
from the customers as the project title suggests. The Restaurant Reservation System
will be web-based and will have table booking features that can be modified by the
customers to meet their desired table, time, date, and orders. This system can be
utilized and operated by 16 years old and above, both male and female and customers
who are 16+ can book a table.

This system is specifically developed for Grahe Sidewalk Grill to be in service

of handling tables and their reservations become computerized and efficient.
Reservations, orders, and inquiries outside of the specific restaurant are not included
in this system. This system is online and can be accessed 24/7 by customers who will
access the web system.


This chapter reviews the work of foreign researchers on literature and studies closely
related to the proposed study.

(Khaitan et al., 2021)

An Online Bus Management System (OBMS) is a mobile application that facilitates

travel and the online ticket purchase. A reservation system is an application that is utilized in
a bus transportation system for reservation of seats, canceling a seat reservation, and querying
client and bus information, as well as previous reservations. About several types of routes for
an immediate reservation. This software is designed for an online ticketing system that uses
data from its database, ticket booking, and bus tracking, and obtains the best price for clients
based on their ratings. It keeps track of the software’s goal of enhancing consumer
convenience and comfort. We have ensured that, despite the software performance, an
addition from our end is the use of e-mail to send tickets to customers after booking and
online payment, which eliminates the need for cash. The availability of an online reservation
system is a huge plus. It is gaining customers and establishing itself as a new trend. It's
another technique to improve the time-consuming and laborious manual ticketing system.

(AL.Housni et al., 2021)

Reserve your table: A mobile application for reservations in a restaurant. With

the increase in demand for restaurants during this period, the customer faces many problems
with how to book in a manual way As there are many difficulties facing such as not knowing
the location of the restaurant and being late in obtaining the order and the lack of organization
and arrangement in the provision of services and a large number of crowding in restaurants
and the lack of knowledge of the number of people present in the restaurant this makes it
easier for the Covid-19 virus to spread. According to their findings, 97% as it is clear that
people supported the idea of requesting reservations in restaurants because it helps them
reduce the time they need in booking. According to their results, 47% use restaurant
reservation apps. And 70% agree that the restaurant reservation application makes the work
of restaurants more flexible. Therefore, the restaurant reservation application will help
restaurants operate in less time and on a regular basis. They found that 64% of people
answered without saying that they find some difficulties in using the restaurant reservation
application, so this application is designed in a simple and easy way so that it helps all groups
use this application with ease. Their system is considered a system that serves customers and
workers in restaurants, where customers can, through the application, book restaurants with
ease and not waste time.

(Ong, J.K., 2021)

The restaurant reservation system mainly aims to develop a web-based system for a
restaurant owner to monitor and manage all the reservations made by customers as well as
their restaurant menu for customers to make orders for their reservations. Besides, customers
can make changes to their reservations and orders through the web-based system as well.
Web-based restaurant reservation was developed to aid restaurateurs to manage the incoming
reservation made by their customers without any paper-based approach. With this system,
restaurateurs could manage food pre-ordered by customers, restaurant menus, view reports,
and export reservation lists and reports. Furthermore, customers, also known as diners, could
make a reservation as well as modify and cancel the reservation with ease. Other than the
table booking feature, customers could also pre-order foods for the reservation and modify it
in an effective and time-saving way. All the functionalities and features in the system were
tested with the designed requirement-based test cases. All the test cases were executed and
passed. Therefore, all the functional and non-functional requirements were fulfilled and the
project objectives were achieved as well.




Processor (CPU) with 2 gigahertz (GHz) frequency or above

A minimum of 4 GB of RAM

A minimum of 5 GB of available space on the hard disk


Internet connection (at least 1.20Mbps)


Mouse or some other compatible pointing device


Visual Studio Code - is also commonly referred to as VS Code, is a source-code editor

made by Microsoft with the Electron Framework, for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features
include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets,
code refactoring, and embedded Git.

MySQL - the most world’s popular open-source database, enabling the cost-effective
delivery of reliable, high performance and scalable Web-based and embedded database
applications, including all five of the top five websites, MySQL, Workbench is a unified
visual tool for database architects and developers.

XAMPP - (X meaning “cross” platform, A for apache HTTP server, M for MySQL. P for
PHP, and P for Perl) is an open-source web server package that works on various platforms,
XAMPP was designed to help web page developers, programmers, and designers check and
review their work using their computers even without connection to the web or the internet.

HyperText Markup Language or HTML - is the standard markup language for

documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such
as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation
of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML. CSS is a cornerstone
technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.

PHP – it is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications.

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, which earlier stood for personal Home Pages. PHP

scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has a PHP installer. PHP is a web-

development secure, fast and reliable that offers lots more advantages to make it accessible to

a lot of people. It is to be given a thought as to what has made PHP programming as one of

the most common programming languages for the web industry.

JAVA SCRIPT – originally supported by Netscape navigator is the most popular web

scripting language today. It runs using a web-browser.

MICROSOFT WINDOWS – is a computer operating system (OS) developed by
Microsoft Corporation to run personal computers (PC’s). Featuring the first graphical user
interface (GUI) for IBM-compatible PC’s, the Windows OS soon dominated the PC market;
approximately 90 percent of PC’s run some version of Windows.


System Developers – are responsible for the system maintenance and are authorized to
update the system.

Customer - the customer can process their reservation.

Administrator – responsible for accepting reservations and overall management of the



Internet Connection with a minimum connection speed of 1.20 Mbps or higher.

Internet browser with the latest update (Chrome is recommended with the latest update).




Confirmation details

Customer details, requests, and



Results Figure 1: RESTAURANT

LEVEL 0 Customer details, requests, and


As is shown in Figure 1; if a customer makes a reservation all data inputs will be directed to

the system. Then the system forwards customer details, requests, and feedback to the owner

or admin. Then the owner or admin would confirm to the customer depending on the status of

the restaurant’s table and food status from the given reservation. And directly passed through

the system then the system will send the data to the customer.
System Analyst
Khaitan, S., Sisodia, S. and Jaiswal, S. (2021) ONLINEBUSRESERVATIONSYSTEM, View of
an online bus reservation system. Available at: (Accessed: October 2,

AL, Z.S.A.H.S., Agarwal, A., Naidu, V.R. and Reales, L., 2021. Reserve your table: A
mobile application for reservations in a restaurant. Journal of Student Research.

Ong, J.K., 2021. Restaurant Reservation System (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).

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