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Chapter I


Background of the Study

In this era of advanced operating technologies, everyone uses high technology to

simplify tasks. Everyone is derived to new technologies and equipment as a result of

technological advancement. Certain barangay, though, seem to be lagging behind in

terms of catching up with modern advancements and this potential hasn't even been

fully realized. Most barangays maintain important documents and files for the barangay

as well as records of its residents using manual methods. Barangay might not fully

appreciate the advantages and limitations of modern computer technology. The majority

of the barangay's workers used paper, but the barangay's population is growing daily. In

the past, using paper was simple due to the lower population and simpler management
(, 2021)
of residents (Cañete, Fuellas, & Tina-an, ).

Barangay Kauran is one of the largest barangay in Maguindanao Del Sur with

roughly 9,000 residents. One of the major problems facing in barangay is difficult to

maintain, track, update, and retrieve personal information about residents. The

resident's records, papers, certificates, and other crucial data are not well organized.

Barangay officials are having trouble locating a document when a resident requests it

because documents are manually stored. The result was a waste of time and resources.

Duplicate data is challenging for the staff to organize. The office had to be expanded as

the amount of paper increased because filing cabinets needed more space to be kept.
The Barangay Management Information System (BMIS) makes it easier to

identify barangay needs that are important for planning nutrition and development,

implementing projects, monitoring their progress, and evaluating. BMIS helps local

government offices and other field staff report information more effectively. It also

makes it easier to assess the progress of implemented projects, which will be the basis

for reprogramming and/or updating development plans. Projects are designed with the

intended stakeholders in mind. The system serves as the barangay's data and

information system, providing precise, trustworthy, and simple-to-access data for

(Bidani Network Program, 2019)
situational analysis and program planning .

Given the evidence that shows the issue actually exists, a solution that can help

mitigate the negative effects of the circumstance is required. The Barangay Monitoring

and Management System is the solution to this issue. The admin and staff can monitor

and manage through a web application while on duty. The residents can monitor their

information to the kiosk by scanning their unique QR Code from the back of their

Barangay ID provided by the Barangay.

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

The general objective of the study is to develop a monitoring and management

system with data analytics for Barangay Kauran Ampatuan Maguindanao Del Sur to

track and control the data of residents and other activities in the barangay using the web


Specific Objectives

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Create a web application for barangay secretary:

1.1 Add, delete, update the data of the residents;

1.2 Regulate the income, activities and system's users; and

1.3 Print barangay documents.

2. Create a web application for barangay staff:

2.1 Manage the information of citizens; and

2.2 Print requested certificates.

3. Create a web application for residents:

3.1 Register or update their details to the admin and staff;

3.2 Request documents like barangay ID, clearance, permit, and

certification to the admin and staff; and

3.3 View their personal data in the kiosk by scanning their QR Code from

the barangay ID.

4. Create a system with data analytics.

4.1 Uses data exploratory data analytics to transform the data.

5. Evaluate the system in terms of:

5.1 Functionality

5.2 Acceptability

5.3 Security

Significance of the study

This study will contribute to developing a Barangay Monitoring and Management

System with Data Analytics of Kauran Ampatuan Maguindanao Del Sur, particularly
managing the files of documents and residents. The proposed system will have a
significant effect on both barangay residents and barangay employees who manage the

This study would be beneficial for the following:

To the Barangay Captain

The system would help the barangay captain to check easily all of the information
and records of his/her barangay residents.

To the Residents

The system would help the residents to request the copy of their profiles at any
time they choose, and lessen the time and effort in filling forms.

To the Officer/Staff

The system would help the officer/staff to facilitate barangay work and to provide
more services to all residents.
To the Researcher

The system would help researcher to enhance their potential in interacting with
the officials and they were able to determine their level of expertise in the disciplines of
information, technology, system analysis and design.

To the Future Researcher

The system would help future researcher would be used as a guide for future
development research.

Scope and Limitations

The study involves developing, designing a web-based system for the barangay

official or secretary that would be used as the monitoring and management system with

data analytics. Data analytics in BMMS convert information to graphical presentation

and display current details. Admin can have freedom to set a date what year she wants

to see in line graph to analyze the data. Through this web-based system, the barangay

admin or secretary would be able to determine the resident’s data, barangay income,

documents, barangay officials, and staff account. Barangay staff can handle the

residents’ data and barangay documents. The kiosk for residents is composed of QR

Code Scanner, residents’ information, and PIN code. The kiosk authorized the residents

to view their information by scanning the QR Code from the Barangay ID provided by

the barangay. The web application is compatible with Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge,

Mozilla Firefox and other web browser that supports with a Windows Operating System.

The web application can be accessible without internet connection.

The system used the MySQL database as a back-end. MySQL is one of the

safest and most reliable programs for applications involving a lot of data. This software

can produce useful results.

Atom software is used as coding software and the web application will be made

using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end while MySQL and PHP for the back-

end. Figma is used for the design of the web application.

This study will not cover all the barangay in the Philippines Barangay Kauran

Ampatuan Maguindanao Del Sur will be prioritized only. The respondents are residents

and employees of Barangay Kauran.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined as used in this study:

Documents - it typically refer to official records and paperwork associated with a

barangay may include certificates, permits, and etc.

Administrator - it means the one who has a control in the entire system as well as
they play a crucial role in ensuring the systems security,
functionality, and adherence to the specific needs of the barangay
in managing and organizing documents.

Kiosks - it refers to manned or unmanned, and unmanned kiosks can be

digital or non-digital.

QR Code - is refers to a barcode that can be read easily by a digital device and

stores information as a series of pixels in a square-shaped grid.

Resident - it means the person who lives within the respective barangay or
local community

Blotters - it refers

Database - it means a collection of information that is organized so that it can

easily be accessed, manages, and updated.

Manage - it means controlling and organizing the system by the admin.

Monitoring - it means the regular observation and recording of documents going

in and out of the barangay.

System - it refers to the usefulness of the system if its purpose and

performance have been reached.

Security - it means to measures implemented to protect the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of the stored information
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
Chapter III

This chapter presents the Project Development Methodology Description,

materials used in the Study, Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship
Diagram, Database Structure, File Structure, and Evaluation Methodology used to
accomplish this study.

Project Development Description

The Hardware requirements are explicitly enumerated in the tables below. These
are needed to provide for the completion of conducting study.

Table1. Hardware Requirements

Components Specifications
Processor Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3450
Memory Processor
Local Disk 1.10GHz 1.10 GHz, 64-bit
210 GB
Table 1 shows the Tabular hardware requirements used in the system. This
includes the minimum hardware parts of the computer to support development process
of the system.

Table2. Software Requirements

Components Specifications
Operating System Windows 7
Software Tools HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Xampp
Database Software My SQL

Table 2 shows the software requirements are the many software technologies
needed to build the software system. The operating system is windows 7, software tools
are the HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and the Xampp, the database software is MySql.
The equipment required to run the system and other applications is referred to as

Table 3. Budgetary Requirements

Description Quantity Unit Price Amount

A. Hardware
Wi-fi 1 pc 1,450.00 1,450.00
Jump Wires 1 set 88.00 88.00
Extension wire (for device) 8 m 150.00 1200.00
Laptop 1 pc 20,000.00 20,000.00
B. Software
Arduino IDE Version 1 Free Free
Microsoft Visual Basic 2021 1 Free Free
phpMyAdmin 1 Free Free
C. Supplies and Materials
Bond Paper 1 ream 220.00 220.00
Sub Total 29,958.00
Contingency (10%) 2,295.8
Grand Total 32,253.8
Table 3 shows an itemized summary of the expenditures for a given period along with
the total cost of items used during the period of the study. This includes the subtotal of
all items that are listed, the contingency cost, and the grand total to meet the budget

Project Duration
Barangay Monitoring and Management System with Data Analytics
Start Date: August - December 2023
Task: 26
Task 1. Background of the Study Task 14. Chapter 3 Final Draft
Task 2. Objectives Task 15. Development Phase Frontend

Task 3. Scope and Limitation of the Study Task 16. Development Phase Backend

Task 4. Significance of the Study Task 17. Project Development

Task 5. Chapter 1 Final Draft Task 18. System Execution

Task 6. Topic Outline Task 19. Project Description

Task 7. Review of Related Literature and Task 20. Project Capabilities and

Studies Limitation

Task 8. Conceptual Model Task 21. Project Test Result

Task 9. Operational Definition of Terms Task 22. Project Evaluation

Task 10. Chapter 2 Final Draft Task 23. Summary of Findings

Task 11. Project Design Task 24. Conclusion

Task 12. Project Development Task 25. Recommendations

Task 13. Operation and Testing Task 26. Final Defense

Figure 2.Project Duration

In Project Duration we start August and end December

Software Development Methodology

The researchers began by determining the problem and outlining the objectives. The
researchers came up with project title, as well as project objectives, scope and
timeliness. The researchers noticed and acknowledgement the issues arising
throughout the design and development of the proposed study, Barangay Kauran
Monitoring and Management System with Data Analytics.

Figure 3. Agile Methodology

Figure2. System Development Cycle

Context Diagram(CD)

Figure 4. Context Diagram of the System

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure6. Entity Relationship Diagram

Database Structure

Figure7. Database Structure used in the System

File Structure

Figure8. File Structure used in the system

Hardware Development Methodology

Perspective Plan

Construction Procedure

Block Diagram

Figure10. Block Diagram

Schematic Diagram

Figure 11. System Diagram

Figure 11 shows the system's structural design. System architecture consist of

different devices such as computer, printer and kiosk. Desktop and kiosk is

connected to server which store the personal data of the residents. Staff and

admin is authorized to add, update, and delete information to the system while

resident can see their personal data in the kiosk by scanning the unique QR

Evaluation Methodology

Research Design

This study employs the descriptive and experimental methods of research.

It describes the present system based on the impressions of the respondents.

Using the descriptive survey as a type of descriptive research is approprait in

knowing the extent to which the different conditions of the present setup of the

study. The experimental method in this study includes a hypothesis, a variable

that can be manipulated by the researcher, and the variables that be measured,

calculated, and compared.

Methods of Research

The descriptive survey and experimentation will be used to achieve the

purpose of the study. The descriptive method is concerned with the conditions

that exist, practices that prevail, beliefs and points of view attitudes that are

held, and processes that are going on as part of the status quo

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study consists of 5 residents and 5 officer/staff in

barangay Kauran Ampatuan Maguindanao Del Sur.

Data Gathering Procedure

These are the steps to be followed by the researchers in data gathering

regarding the design of the project titled ”Barangay Kauran Monitoring and

Management System with Data Analytics”.

1. Prepare a survey questionnaire and test case questionnaire.

2. Distribute the survey questionnaire and test case questionnaire.

3. Conduct the survey questionnaire and test case questionnaire.

4. Collect the survey questionnaire and test case questionnaire.

5. Organized the data based on the answered survey questionnaire and test

case questionnaire.

Data Gathering Instruments

This study used a survey questionnaire and test case questionnaire as its

main instrument gathering data. The researcher use this instrument because it is

the best way to know how function and effective the system itself is based on the

rating of the respondents.

Statistical Tools and Treatment of Data

The researchers would collect the evaluation forms from the participants

the results after evaluating Barangay Kauran Monitoring and management

System with Data Analytics. Based on the respondent’s responses, the data

were tabulated. To evaluate the functionality, security, acceptability of the

Chapter IV

Chapter IV
Results and Discussion

This part an introductory paragrapgh for the result and discussion

Results and Discussion

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