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LC1 (2)
What skills are necessary
for your job?

Time: 45 minutes


- Lecture slide: BE - Inter 1 - LC1 (2) - What skills are necessary for your job

- There are 5 videos for this lesson:

1. Slide 22:
2. Slide 27:
3. Slide 28:
4. Slide 29:
5. Slide 30:
- Flashcards
- Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:

- Speed: For each level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on the
student's English level. The higher level, the faster speed. Speed will also depend on
the students’ characteristics.
- Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class using the back-chaining technique.
- The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
- As students are adults, T should ask a lot of questions to enhance interaction and to
check S’s comprehension as long as giving examples, T may ask S to share their own
experience related to the lesson topic.
- If the student cannot answer, the teacher can ask guiding questions to help the S to
get to the answer.
- For students at low levels, T should explain the vocabulary/ grammar points/ answers
with simple sentences and examples.
For students at higher levels, T should ask S to explain their answers.

!!! Please make sure that the student tool mode is ON during class. For writing
activities, please ask the student to TYPE on the slide or in the chat box.

Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to
fill in the performance evaluation for the student via Kyna Teacher’s App or . This is compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be
noticed that the form should be filled in for each class within 24 hours.

(1 min)

1. Can you remind me of 5 words you can use to talk about our educational
→ S should say any 5 of these words:
1. graduated from
2. majored in
3. attended
4. obtained
5. retained continue to have (
6. master's degree
7. bachelor's degree
8. vocational school
9. certificate
10. Finance noun
11. Economics /sərˈtifəkət/
12. Business Administration
13. GPA

2. Can you tell me about your education background?

Think: How do you response?

Have you signed up for the

workshop this Friday? I
What? Where?
have! You need to be quick
When? Why?
or you will miss out!

(0.5 mins)

T says: In this lesson, we'll discover why attending workshops or training courses are

Fill in the blanks with given words.

training , soft skills , communication skills , office skills , professional skills , skill

1. …………………………….. /skɪl/ (n): an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have
practised it
2. …………………………….. /ˈtreɪ.nɪŋ/ (n): the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or
3. …………………………….. /prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl skɪls/ (n): the specialized abilities and knowledge needed for each
specific profession
4. …………………………….. /sɑːft skɪls/ (n): non-technical skills that relate to how you work. They are people's
abilities to communicate with each other and work well together note=written record of a meeting
5. …………………………….. /ˈɑː.fɪs skɪls/ (n): skills such as drafting minutes of meeting, diary management,
and administrative services 1. ˈmɪnət/
6. …………………………….. /kəˌmjuː.nəˈkeɪ.ʃən skɪls/: abilities you use when giving and receiving different
kinds of information 1. skill
2. training
3. professional skills
4. soft skills 5
5. office skills
(2 mins) 6. communication skills

T pre-teaches some words - says, let's go through some key vocabs that you need to know in
this lesson.
T asks S to fill in the blank from given words.
T asks: So do you agree that communication skills are also soft skills?
T says: In today's world, the ability to communicate effectively is essential. It is what enables
us to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said to us. Thus, they are
considered as soft skills as well.

Answer key:
1. skill
2. training
3. professional skills
4. soft skills
5. office skills
6. communication skills

T asks S to make sentences for 3/6 words.

1. Universities can't teach us all the skills we need for the workplace, that's why we need to
keep studying while working.
2. Companies offer on-the-job training for their new employees.

3. Nowadays, professional skills don't receive as much press as soft skills.
4. Office skills are important, but often admin staff do not receive enough training for
compensation to work more effectively.
6. Communication skills are the pre-requisite for being a successful manager.
1. least amount of waste and most economy.

Match the skills (1-6) with the right definitions (A-F) based on logic rather than thoughts
A. the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the

1. networking skills logical connection between ideas.

B. the ability to use your resources efficiently and effectively
2. teamwork skills C. the ability to meet and establish communication with people
who might be useful to know, especially in your job
3. leadership skills
D. use digital devices such as computers, scanners and printers,
4. digital skills communication applications, and networks to access and manage
5. critical thinking skills
E. the activity of working together in a group with other people,

6. organizational skills especially when this is successful

F. the quality or ability that makes a person a leader, or the
position of being a leader

(2 mins)

T says: I also want to introduce you to some of the other skills that are beneficial in today job
market. I want you to read and match the definitions with the right skill. Please say out loud as
you do the exercise.
S should say: I match #1 with C

T gives S 2 minutes to do the task and gives feedback.

T asks: Which skills do you think are important?

Answer key:
1. C
2. E
3. F
4. D
5. A
6. B

1. skill
New words
2. train
3. professional skills
4. soft skills
5. communication skills
6. office skills
7. networking skills
8. teamwork skills
9. leadership skills
10. digital skills
11. critical thinking skills
12. organizational skills

(1 min)

T goes through the pronunciation of the new vocab. Pay attention to word stress and word
endings. T asks the S to repeat each word twice
Activity 1:

Fill in each blank with a suitable word given in the box. There are two extra words you don't need to use.
In job descriptions, employers often ask for a combination of professional and soft
digital skills
skills. (1) ................... are related to specific technical knowledge and training while
(2) ..................... are personality traits such as leadership, communication or time soft skills
management. According to a research conducted by NBC University, there are three
essential skills that an employee should acquire in today's Fourth Industrial networking skills
Revolution. The first one is (3) ......................., which allows you to interact with people communication skills
effectively and let you make your presence felt by the people present in a discussion
or a meeting. (4) ........................ comes in second. These skills including anything from leadership skills
answering emails to uploading a document to a company’s Google drive are now
teamwork skills
essential skills in today’s labour market. The last useful skill in the list is (5)
......................... . With individuals sharing responsibility, a group as a whole can take professional skills
advantage of all of the collective talent, knowledge and experience of each team
member and thrive.
1. Professional skills
2. Soft skills
3. Communication skills 7
4. Digital skills
5. Teamwork skills
(2 mins)

T introduces the task: Now, let's do an exercise to practice words you have just learned. Read
the passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word given in the box. There are two extra
words you don't need to use.

T allows S to do the task in 1 minute.

T asks S to read aloud the answer and gives feedback.

Answer key:
1. Professional skills
2. Soft skills
3. Communication skills
4. Digital skills
5. Teamwork skills

Will vs be going to

1. Making decisions Bob, do you want me to put

your name down for the
Have you seen HR's email about the training session next month?
free training session this weekend?

No, let me see...Oh, sounds

really interesting. I _______ Funny you should ask! I am going to do
make time to join the session. that right after I finish sending this email.


Will 🡪 a decision at the moment of speaking Be going to 🡪 a decision before the moment
of speaking

(1 min)

T gives feedback and explains: Here, you can see that 'will' is used for making decisions at the
moment of speaking. For example, your colleague asks which drink you want and you respond
to his question immediately. In contrast, we use ‘going to’ to talk about decisions before the
moment of speaking. In other words, we are talking about plans here. Moving abroad, for
example, is a decision that you have been thinking about - planning for weeks or even months.

T gives a situation and ask S to made a decision. Imagine that I am a waiter at a restaurant
and you are a guest. Would you like wine or beer?

Now, let's inform me about a decision you have made before you talk to me. For example: Hi,
.... I am going to the hairdresser's this afternoon.

3. Making offers

I feel scared having to talk in

front of many people.

I'll look for a suitable

training course for you.

An offer

(0,5 mins)

T says: The last function that only 'will' have is making offers. We use ‘will’ to make offers to
help other people

T asks S to make an offer. For example: I'll look for a suitable training course for you.
Will vs be going to

Be + going to + infinitive verb

Will + infinitive verb

She is going to deliver a

Making decisions: I will make time to join the speech at today's training
session. session.

Do you think our company I am going to sign up for the

Making predictions: will open another training training session right after I
session this year? finish writing this email.

I will look for a suitable

Making offers: training course for you.


(0.5 mins)

T gives S some time to read through the formula and takes note if they wish.
Activity 2:

Rewrite the sentences based on given words.

1. 1.
A: The workshop is about networking skills. A: The workshop is about networking skills.
B: ( I/think/I/join/ workshop.) B: …………………………………………………………..

2. 2.
A. Hi, Jack. It seems that you're in a hurry. A. Hi, Jack. It seems that you're in a hurry.
B: ( I/attend/training session/ in 15 minutes.) B: …………………………………………………………..

3. 3.
A: I've decided to attend one of the workshops in our A: I've decided to attend one of the workshops in our
company to sharpen my communication skills. company to sharpen my communication skills.
B: ( Oh, have you? Which workshop/ you/ sign up for?) B: …………………………………………………………..


(0.5 mins)

T says: Let's do some activities to practice the structures we have just learned.
T introduces S to do the Activity 2: Read and unscramble the three sentences.
T gives S some time to do the task. T asks S to say aloud the answers. T gives correction and
helps S to correct grammar and pronunciation mistakes.

*Answer key
1. I think I will join this workshop.
2. I am going to attend a training session in 15 minutes.
3. Oh, have you? Which workshop are you going to sign up for?


(0.5 mins)

T asks S to read the two sentences. T asks:

● Which sentence is in past simple?
● Which sentence is in present perfect?
● Who is still teaching English now?
● Is Ben still teaching English now?


(0.5 mins)

T explains: Past simple is used to talk about something that is done/ finished whereas present
perfect is about unfinished actions that started in the past and continue to the present.

Ben used to teach English for 5 years but now it's unclear that he is still a teacher. Past simple
just gives us a piece of information about a specific action in the past. There is no information
related to the present in sentence A. On the contrary, sentence B is written in present perfect,
indicating that the act of teaching lasts from a point of time in the past up til present. Sally is
still a teacher.

Past simple vs Present perfect

Kate: When did you complete the course?
Bill: I completed the course last month.

Oliver: Are you free this Saturday?
Vivian: Yes, I am. I've completed the course. I am free every weekend now.


(0.5 mins)

T asks S to read the two conversations. T says: In these two examples, the underlined
sentences, the main verb is 'complete', which means 'finish'. Thus, in both cases, the actions
are done. So the difference in tenses is not about finished or unfinished actions.

T asks: What is the difference here?


(0.5 mins)

T explains: The difference is in the result. In conversation B, the action happened at an

unspecified time. The speaker/ writer wants to stress the result. To be specific, the result has
something to do with the present. Vivian has completed her course. This results in her having
no classes at the moment and she is free to hang out with Oliver.

Conversation A, on the other hand, doesn't imply that. Bill just simply told Kate about the
specific time he finished his course. Also, in this context, simple past is usually used with time
expressions (yesterday, an hour ago, last week, in 1995)

Training and skills development


(0.5 mins)

T asks S to listen to a conversation and write down the skills.

F: Have you signed up for the workshop this Friday? I have! You need to be quick or you will
miss out!
M: Oh, I'm not quite sure about it. Are you planning to go?
F: Yes, I am! I'm not confident with my communication skills, and I hope I can improve that
area after the course. The course is all about what I need: teamwork, networking, or even
leadership communication skills. I'm very excited about it, actually.
M: Oh, so I don't think that I am going to join this workshop. It's not quite what I need right
now. I mean, communication skills are necessary, but I need to focus on other professional
skills at the moment. I'm struggling to find a way to improve my office skills.
F: That's fair enough.
M: Please let me know if there's a workshop on productivity coming up.
F: I will!

Training and skills development

F: Have you signed up for the workshop this Friday? I

have! You need to be quick or you will miss out!
M: Oh, I'm not quite sure about it. Are you planning to go?
F: Yes, I am! I'm not confident with my communication
skills, and I hope I can improve that area after the course.
The course is all about what I need: teamwork, networking,
or even leadership communication skills. I'm very excited
about it, actually.
M: Oh, so I don't think that I am going to join this
workshop. It's not quite what I need right now. I mean,
communication skills are necessary, but I need to focus on
other professional skills at the moment. I'm struggling to
find a way to improve my office skills.
F: That's fair enough.
M: Please let me know if there's a workshop on office
productivity coming up.
F: I will! 17

(2 mins)

T shows the conversation and gives feedback.

Answer key:
communication, teamwork, networking, leadership and office skills


1. What skills are necessary for this job?

Sample answer:
I have been a sales representative since I graduated from university so
communication skills, networking skills and office skills are essential for me.
2. What skills have you developed?
3. How have you upgraded your soft skills?
4. What skills do you need to acquire in the future? How do you plan to
learn these skills?
5. Did your company offer any training program last year?
6. Did you attend any training program last year?


(5 mins)

T asks S several questions related to their work and signals S to use the vocabulary and
structures learnt in this lesson as much as possible. T and S do the first 1st one as

T gives S feedback if S:
- has included necessary and relevant vocabulary and structures.
- has successfully used the vocabulary learnt (at least 3 words)
- has successfully used the structures.
- made any other mistakes in grammar and pronunciation.

T helps S to correct these mistakes.

Sample answer:
2.What skills have you developed?
For the past few years, I have acquired and improved communication as well as networking
skills through my position.

3.How have you upgraded your soft skills?

Well. I have upgraded them on-the-job learning as well as by attending some online


4.What skills do you need to acquire in the future? How do you plan to learn these
I think I will need to sharpen my office and digital skills. You know, in today's world, these
skills are vital. I am going to sign up for some training courses.

5. Did your company offer any training program last year?

It did. There were two training courses, one about leadership skills and another about
teamwork skills.

6 Did you attend any training program last year?

I attended the leadership training program. It was really useful and I think it will help me to
achieve my target of becoming a sales manager
How to write the skills section in a resume


Sales skills

Is it correct? Digital skills

Communication skills

Teamwork skills


(0.5 mins)

T says: The skills section of your resume includes your abilities that are related to the jobs you
are applying for. In this section, you should list skills that are relevant to the position or career
field that you are interested in, such as computer skills, software skills, and/or language skills.

T asks S to read an example and see if it's a correct way to write the skills section.
T explains: This is not recommended. Some candidates wrongly list down their abilities as in
this example. There is a far better more effective way of doing it!

How to write the skills section in a resume Complete the following resume.


Sales: Exceeded my sales targets by at least 25% for six consecutive months

Digital skills:




(2 mins)

T explains:
Each entry of your CV skills section should ideally:
● Be constructed in meaningful and descriptive sentences
● Contain facts such as numbers, figures and statistics (if possible)
● Contain real-world examples
T gives S 2 minutes to think and complete the three skills in the resume.

T asks S to type the answer. T gives feedback

Sample answer:
Digital skills: Experienced in using Microsoft Office, Outlook and Lotus Notes. Use G-Suite on
a daily basis.
Advanced communication skills: Able to explain complex design systems to colleagues and
clients, and liaising effectively with a range of departments.
Teamwork: Led a team of 5 sales executive to exceed team's target by 50% for 12 months.

TOEIC Listening - Part 1

You will hear four statements about

a picture. When you hear the
statements, you must select the
one statement that best describes
what you see in the picture. The
statements will not be shown on
the screen and will be spoken only
one time.



(1 min)

T make transitions: In the last parts of this lesson, we will go through the four skills in the Toeic
exam. We'll start with the listening section.
T introduces S to do part 1. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check questions:
● How many statements are you going to hear?
● Can you see the statements on the screen?
● How many pictures are there?
T plays the audio and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer. T gives
corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key: Part 1: D

Part 1: M
A. The group will have a meeting soon.
B.The team is going to hold an online training session.
C. The members of the team worked on the paperwork overnight.
D. The group hasn't finished their discussion yet.

TOEIC Listening - Part 2
You will hear a question or a
statement about a picture.
You will be given three
responses spoken in English.
Select the best response to
the question or statement.
The question or statement
will not be shown on the
screen and will be spoken
only one time.



(1 min)

T introduces S to do part 2. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check questions:
● How many statements are you going to hear?
● Can you see the statements on the screen?
● How many times can you hear the statement?
T plays the audio and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer. T gives
corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key: Part 2: B

A is incorrect. A is not suitable in meaning.
C is incorrect.C is used to respond to a question about whether you have done an action.

Part 2:
Are you planning to go to the workshop this weekend?
A. Please let me know if there's a workshop on office productivity coming up.
B: Yes, I am! I think the course will help improve my teamwork skills.
C. I have!

TOEIC Listening - Part 3

You will hear a conversation between two people. You will be asked to answer two questions. When
you hear the conversation, you must select the best response to each question. The conversation
will not be shown on the screen and will be spoken only one time.

1. What are the speakers going to do?

A. They are going to attend a workshop about classroom management.
B. They are going to attend a workshop about planning lessons.
C. They are going to attend a workshop about using an online learning platform.

2. What does Kim offer to do?

A. She will help Lucia upgrade her skills.
B. She will join the online workshop with Lucia.
C. She will register Lucia's name for the online workshop.


(1 min)

T introduces S to do part 3. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check questions:
● How many people are talking in the audio?
● Can you see the conversation on the screen?
T plays the audio and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer. T gives
corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key:
Part 3:
1. C.
A and B are incorrect. They are just examples in Lucia's question.
2. C.
A and B are incorrect. They are just days when Lucia will be busy.

Part 3:
FM1: Hi, Kim. I'm looking for workshops about online teaching. Do you know any good one?
FM2: Funny you should ask, Lucia. I've just come across a Facebook post about an online
workshop of HGM Institute. It is aimed at school teachers across all subject areas and is open
to teachers from across the world.
FM1: Sounds great! But what is it about exactly? I mean whether it's about online classroom

management, planning lessons or assessment and evaluation skills?
FM2: Well. It focuses on how to use Udemy - an online learning platform and the tools on
FM1: Awesome. When will it take place?
FM2: It will be on Wednesday next week, 14:00 - 17:00 (GMT).
FM1: I'm busy on Monday and Tuesday but on Wednesday, I can make it. I guess I can make
it. Are you going to join it with me?
FM2: Sure. Upskilling is essential to me. I will register your name for you if you like.
FM1: Yes, thanks a lot, Kim.

1. What are the speaker going to do? (4 seconds)
2. What does Kim offer to do? (4 seconds)

up skills, level skills

TOEIC Listening - Part 4

You will hear a talk given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer two questions. When
you hear the talk, you must select the best response to each question. The talk will not be
shown on the screen and will be spoken only one time.

1. How many traits of a good leader are mentioned?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 5

2. Which trait is NOT mentioned?

A. Positivity
B. Confidence
C. Strong connection with team mates


(1 min)

T introduces S to do part 4. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check questions:
● How many people are talking in the audio?
● How many questions are there in this part?
T plays the audio and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer. T gives
corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key: Part 4

1. A (Support and get along with others + Confidence in oneself and others)
2. A (A good leader is able to instill the confidence in his employees and motivate them to be
positive and willing to work towards a common goal.)

Part 4: M
A good leader is a person who delivers great performance. I mean not only his but the entire
team’s as well. He basically allows himself to develop and let others grow as well. In order to
do so, he needs to create a bond with the team by getting to know his team mates well. Apart
from the connection with the team, confidence is an another important trait. Confidence in
yourself as well as the people you are working with will help achieve extraordinary results. A
good leader is able to instill the confidence in his employees and motivate them to be positive
and willing to work towards a common goal.

1. How many traits of a good leader are mentioned? (4 seconds)
2. Which trait are NOT mentioned? (4 seconds)
A word or a phrase is missing in each of the sentences below.
TOEIC Reading - Part 5
Select the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Allison ________ a few problems with your plan.

A. has find
B. have found
C. has found
D. has founded

2. _________ are all about being able to prioritize tasks, maximize efficiency, and maintain structure
throughout a workday.
A. Organizational skills
B. Networking skills
C. Communication skills
D. Digital skills


(1 min)

T make transitions: Let's move on to the reading section.

T introduces S to do part 5. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check questions:
● How many words are missing?
● How many questions are there?
T shows the questions one by one and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer.
T gives corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key:
Part 5:
1. C
A is incorrect. 'Find' is Infinitive. It does not follow has/have.
B is incorrect. We use 'has' after he/she/it
D is incorrect. 'Founded' is V3/ed of 'Found' - to bring something into existence, not V3/ed of
2. A
B, C and D are incorrect. They are not suitable in meaning.

1. every activies go with internet

TOEIC Reading - Part 6 Read the text below. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in
parts of the text. Select the best answers to complete the text.


1. A. is going to
Shield Advisors, Inc., is seeking a dedicated person with B. are going to
strong public-speaking skills for a full-time position. C. is going
Shield Advisors corporate (1) _________ organize training D. are going
courses on cyber security to large national institutions
2. A. training
and businesses worldwide. The successful candidate will B. trainer
be responsible for assisting with (2) _______ sessions C. train
throughout Latin America. At least two years of D. trained

experience as a corporate trainer in any field is favorable.

3. A. will
New employees at Shield Advisors (3) __________ entitled B. will be
; tiền thưởng thêm
to gratuity and 21 consecutive days annual leave each C. is going to be
year. Join us now! D. is going to

(1 min)

T introduces S to do part 6. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check
questions:How many words are missing?

T shows the questions one by one and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer.
T gives corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key:
Part 6:
1. A
B,C,D are grammatically incorrect.
2. A (collocation training sessions)
B,C and D are not suitable in meaning
3. B (an offer)
A,C,D are grammatically incorrect.
You will read a newspaper advertisement. The text has three
TOEIC Reading - Part 7
questions. Select the best answer for each question.
1. At 1:03 P.M., what does Ms. Kalama mean when she
Hi, Sue. I'm on the train headed to my training workshop writes: Absolutely!
in New York this afternoon. I'll have two speeches to
A. She is happy that Mr. Higa contacted her.
Koji Higa deliver at the workshop. I left the schedule on my desk
though. Can you help? 1:01 PM B. She is willing to assist Mr. Higa.
C. She is certain that Mr. Higa is correct.
Absolutely! D. She is leaving her meeting now.
1:03 PM
Sue Kalama
Great. Let me know once you've 2. Which position does Mr. Higa most likely have?
found it. 1:04 PM A. A new employee
Koji Higa
B. A trainer
OK, I have it.
1:08 PM C. A trainee
Sue Kalama
D. A hotel receptionist
Can you scan the schedule and attach it to an
e-mail? I’ll ask my hotel receptionist to help me
print it later so I'll have the workshop details for 3. What is Ms. Kalama most likely going to do next?
Koji Higa
the new employees. 1:09 PM A. She is going to ask a hotel receptionist for help.
No problem. B. She is going to deliver two speeches this afternoon.
1:11 PM
Sue Kalama C. She is going to find Mr. Higa's schedule.
Koji Higa
1:12 PM D. She is going to scan Mr. Higa's schedule and attach
it to an e-mail. 27

(2 mins)

T introduces S to do part 7. T asks S to read the instruction and asks concept check questions:
How many questions are there?

T shows the questions one by one and lets S do the task. T asks S to read aloud their answer.
T gives corrections and explains if needed.

Answer key:
Part 7
1. B
A,C,D are not suitable in meaning.
2. B
A,C,D are not suitable in meaning.
3. D
A, B are what Mr. Higa is going to do, not Ms. Kalama.
C is what she has done ( 1:08 P.M Sue Kalama : OK, I have it. What do you want with it?)
TOEIC Writing
Question: Many companies now requires employees to have an MBA to hold management
positions. What is your opinion about having to complete an MBA to become a manager?
Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Why do companies want candidates for manager positions to have MBAs?
• Evidence of ability in management
• Systematic, proven approach to management
• MBA schools are often networking hotspots → give learners the access to wider network

Why might employees NOT want to get an MBA?

• Time-consuming
• Costly
• Qualifications can always be replaced by equivalent working experience


(5 mins)

Part 3 of the TOEIC writing test will ask you to write an opinion essay on a supplied topic. The
topic does not require any specialized knowledge. You have 30 minutes to prepare, write, and
revise your essay. Your score on the essay is on a scale of 0 to 5 based on the clarity of your
argument, your English grammar and vocabulary, and the structure of your essay.

If S has done their homework: T asks S to submit their writing homework going to slide 35,
and guide S to copy & paste their work to the slide. T marks the homework and gives feedback
on repeated error or ideas that are off-topic.

The responses are scored on:

• degree of supported with reasons and/or examples (2.5 points)
• grammar (2.5 points)
• vocabulary (2.5 points)
• organization (2.5 points)

Note for Teacher: Slide 35 is the slide where St types in his/her writing.
T instructs St to click on the ‘T’ icon to add text.
Please note the difference between the 2 platforms in adding text:
- For BBB platform, words will be showed during the typing process.
- For WizIQ platform, words won’t be showed during the typing process. Once the student
finishes his/her writing, T can then correct it.

If S hasn't done their homework: T shows slide 36. T asks S to read the introduction, the
first body paragraph and conclusion. Then S will write the second body paragraph in slide 35.

Sample paragraph:
On the other hand, obtaining an MBA degree is appealing due to several reasons. Firstly, an
MBA degree is an evidence of ability in management. Employers seek applicants with
managerial ability and an MBA serves as a solid evidence of employees’ capacity. As a result,
those possessing an MBA may have a competitive edge in their career since more and more
businesses and firms prioritize candidates with an MBA degree in their recruitment process.
Secondly, MBA schools are often networking hotspots where learners can build rapport with
individuals that can help them with their future career path. For instance, when one is looking
for career guidance, industry insight, or internship leads, a classmate or a lecturer in their
network can lend them a helping hand effectively.

OPTIONAL Question: Many companies now requires employees to have an MBA to hold management positions.
What is your opinion about having to complete an MBA to become a manager? Provide reasons and
TOEIC Writing examples to support your opinion.
Read the sample essay and complete the second body paragraph.

In today’s knowledge-based economy, pursuing post-education is not as uncommon as it used to be. As a result, many businesses
nowadays has attached great importance to employees’ acquiring an MBA degree if they aspire to be promoted to high-ranking
positions. Although studying for an MBA has certain drawbacks, I would argue that it is more beneficial for employees.

On the one hand, there are several disadvantages facing undergraduates who strive for an MBA. To begin with, attending post
education is undoubtedly time consuming. An MBA program might take months or even several years to complete and this may affect
one's schedule, leaving many students, especially those who have a full time job with no time to destress or look after their family.
Not to mention, spending to pursue an MBA is debatable because knowledge and skills provided in an MBA program can also be
acquired and sharpened through practical working experience. Another factor inhibiting people from getting this degree is its
enormous cost. If postgraduate students are not able to acquire any grant and scholarship, they may struggle to pay for their tuition
fees as well as other related expenses such as textbooks, travelling and accommodation.
Body 2: Ideas: Why might employees NOT want to get an MBA?
• Time-consuming
• Costly
• Qualifications can always be replaced by equivalent working experience
All in all, even though aiming for an MBA degree may be expensive and time consuming, I am convinced that this achievement is
more advantageous because it offers learners lots of employment opportunities and valuable knowledge. 30

TOEIC Speaking

Twillingate Orientation Seminar

Venue: Twillingate Co., Central Office, Abbey Rd. Time: 10:00
10:00-10:30: Welcome the team - Max Miller, President
10:30- 11:30: Company overview - Ted Williams, Vice President
11:30- 12:30: Paperwork, contract details - Naomi Marshall, HR Director
12:30- 1:30: Lunch break (*)
1:30- 2:30: Tour of Head Office - groups of 5, various supervisors
2:30- 3:30: Introduction to On- the- Job Training - Stephen Waits, Personnel
3:30- 4: 00 Review of schedules for Day Two- Naomi Marshall, HR Director
* Trainees are free to use this time as they like. Cafeteria services will not be available due to renovations.

Question 1: Where is the orientation going to be held? and what time do I need to be there?
Question 2: Will I be able to get something to eat there?
Question 3: I am wondering which executives from Twillingate will be participating.

(3 mins)

T signals S to look at the Speaking checklist and says S should be mindful of these criteria
during speaking.
T gives S 30 seconds to read the information. T conducts the speaking practice with S. S has
15 seconds to answer questions 1 & 2, and 30 seconds to answer question 3.

After 30 seconds of preparation, T will start the speaking practice by saying question 1: Hello.
I wonder if you could help me. My name is ..........., and I am supposed to be attending the
Orientation seminar on Thursday. However, I haven't received the email from HR about what's
going to happen on the day. There are a couple of things that I want to make sure: Where is
the orientation going to be held? and what time do I need to be there?
T asks question 2: I know that the training takes the whole day. I was told that the company
has a cafeteria so Will I be able to get something to eat there?
T asks question 3: I am wondering which executives from Twillingate will be participating.

T gives S feedback if S:
- has successfully described the seminar's information
- has made any mistakes in grammar and pronunciation. T helps S to correct these if there is
*Sample answer:
1. It is going to be held at Twillingate company's central office at Abbey road at 10:00.
2. You are not able to do this because the cafeteria is being renovated.
3. Max Miller, the company's president, Ted Williams, the company's vice president and Naomi
Marshall, the company's HR director will be participating the seminar.

In this lesson, I have learnt

☐ vocabulary to talk about skills
☐ will and be + going to grammar structures
☐ past simple and present perfect

and I have also practiced

☐ four skills in a TOEIC test


(1 min)

T recaps:

1. Can you say 5 words to talk about skills:

→ S should say any 5 of these words:
1. skill
2. train
3. professional skills
4. soft skills
5. communication skills
6. office skills
7. networking skills
8. teamwork skills
9. leadership skills
10. digital skills
11. critical thinking skills
12. organizational skills

2. When you want to make offers to help other people, should you use 'will' or 'be going

Can you make a sentence to make offers?

3. What tense should you use to talk about a finished action with A RESULT in the
→ Present perfect
Can you make a sentence to talk about a finished action with A RESULT in the present?

Do speaking practice 1B

(1 min)

T assigns homework: Do Speaking Practice 1B.

T says goodbye.

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