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Divine Alchemy & the Mysteries of Egypt 2018


Do you want to learn how to use your Egyptian Tarot Deck? Here are some helpful tips:
1. Keep It Simple
You don’t need to learn complex esoteric systems for reading these cards. Instead make a
commitment to yourself to keep it simple. Stick to simple meanings, simple spreads, and simple
techniques. You’ll find your confidence grows immensely when you keep it simple.
2. Create a Personal Connection with the Cards
Instead of trying to learn everything possible about the Egyptian deities or locations pictured on
the cards, focus on your intuitive connection with the cards. Start relating to them on a personal
level. What cards do you gravitate towards? What energies do they illicit in you? What card
represents how you feel today? What card represents your best friend or family members?
Make it personal!
3. Use the Simple 1-3 Card Spread
Instead of using a 10-card spread (commonly called a Celtic Cross Tarot spread), use simple 1-3
card Tarot spreads. Allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by how much insight you gain from
even just a 1-card reading. If you want to build upon a 1-card reading, here are some suggested
3-card layouts: (a) past, present, future, (b) you, your path, your potential, (c) you, relationship,
partner, (d) situation, action, outcome AND/OR (e) idea, process, aspiration.
4. Draw a Tarot Card a Day
The best way to learn Tarot and to create a personal connection with your Egyptian Deck is to
draw a card a day. Ask the Tarot each day, “What energy do I need to focus on today? Then
use that card as a springboard to proactively manifest that energy throughout your day. Or ask,
“What might I experience today?” At the end of the day, match up what happened throughout
the day and what you know of the Tarot card that you drew. If you can’t find a connection
through your own intuiting, you might choose to jump online to learn more about the chosen
Egyptian deity, location or archetype. Over time, your bank of personal knowledge, experiences
and connections with the Tarot will grow.
5. Read the Picture in the Card
One of the easiest ways to understand what a Tarot card means is to look at the picture. What’s
happening? Why is it that’s happening? Make up a story about what you see pictured? What is
the story that wants to be told? Then relate it back to what you are experiencing. What can the
story in the card tell you about your life right now? What new lessons can you learn? The best
thing about this technique is that you don’t have to memorize meanings! You can simply go
with what you see in the picture and the story you intuit each time.
6. Tune into Your Intuition
I know for many that this can be easier said than done. Beginners struggle with knowing how
and when to tune into their intuition. My advice? Put down the books, stop googling for more
information, and simply take in the energy in front of you just as we did when we entered each
Egyptian Temple. It doesn’t matter if you connect with a different meaning of the card from the
trip Egyptologist/archaeologist, your facilitators, or online resources. What you are doing is
connecting with your intuitive read of the card—which is often a more powerful way than just
regurgitating literal/book meanings.

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Divine Alchemy & the Mysteries of Egypt 2018

7. Read Tarot for Yourself

Ignore anyone who says you can’t read Tarot for yourself. It is such a powerful tool for personal
development and self-discovery. So, make use of it. Make time each day to pull a card or do a
short reading for yourself. YOU are your best client. Have fun!
8. Find a Study Buddy
Everyone has a different perspective of the Tarot cards. So, if you’re open to learning even
more about this Egyptian deck, find a study buddy and practice reaching the cards together.
Contact your roommate or new friend from the trip to draw cards for each other. Then share
your diverse perspectives as you support each other’s growth.
9. Learn 2-3 Keywords for Each Card
Using these cards should be enjoyable and enlightening, not a source of frustration. Take it
slowly. Start out by learning 2-3 keynotes for each card. You can refer to the attached reference
sheet as a starting place. If you want a deeper dive, write a bit about each card and its story as
you pull them.
10. Forget the Rules
If you already have a Tarot deck, allow yourself to let go of all the previously learned rules of
Tarot. Allow your new #1 rule to be, there are NO RULES! How would you like to use your
cards? Do you want to add more pictures to the deck from your Egypt trip? What are the
moments that were sacred and special to you? What are your associated meanings to those
11. Find Out What the Tarot Means to You
One of the most valuable exercises that you can do before using your Egyptian Tarot Deck is to
ask yourself the question, “How does Tarot work?” By reflecting on this question and coming up
with your own answer, you’ll have a much better sense of what Tarot means to you and how
you can use this tool in the very best way. The answer is going to differ for every person. You
may see the Tarot as a predictive tool, a coaching tool, or as a fun way to impress your friends.
Once you have YOUR answer, write it out, say it out loud, or post it. In other words, get clear
about what it means to you personally, because that’s what matters most.
12. Use the Tarot Mindfully
One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make when reading for themselves is that they ask
the same question over and over, hoping to get a different answer each time. Or they do a
reading when they’re highly emotional or too shut down to receive truthful insight. Instead, use
your Egyptian Tarot Deck Mindfully. Give yourself enough time and space to truly accept the
wisdom offered. Draw on the cards when you have an open heart and mind. This can be done by
using the Illumined Heart-Mind Breath* prior to pulling cards. (*Remember, start at the heart in
a state of gratitude, breathing in and activating the heart. Then, breathe out that gratitude to
the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Become a connection between Heaven and Earth, just like
the Pyramids. Next, inhale the love and light of Divine Mother and Divine Father back to you.
Allow it to overflow the heart. The overflow at the heart then creates a bridge to higher mind.
Now as you exhale, breathe out through the diamond that extends from 3rd eye to heart. Each
consecutive breath activates and energizes the Illumined Heart-Mind.)

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Divine Alchemy & the Mysteries of Egypt 2018

Egyptian Card Keynotes

The 3 Pyramids at Giza (Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu):
• Portals between Heaven and Earth that teach us how to build our consciousness & foundation
The Sphinx:
• Divine Messenger who helps us remember our star seed origins
• Earth altar who teaches us how to build inner and outer altars
• Door Opener who teaches how to walk between worlds and how to surrender
• Enlightened Heart who offers us new perspectives and the path of the initiate
Anubis & Thoth:
• Anubis--Initiate (Thoth’s protégé) who teaches loyalty & dedication to the path
• Thoth--Wisdom Keeper (Teacher of Alchemy) who offers initiation & illumination
• Creator god that offers dismemberment, letting go of heaviness assumed from ancestors
• Fertility god at the potter’s wheel who rebuilds our bodies & offers the blessing of health
Satis: (Consort of Khnum)
• Goddess of war & the hunt who offers physical protection for our bodies
Anket: (Daughter or Khnumb & Satis)
• “Nourisher of the Fields” goddess who offers physical nourishment for our bodies.
Elephantine Island:
• Island which looks like a little heard of elephants and offers a very grounded energy
• Location that holds the energy of a holy Triad-Khnumb, Satis & Anket-& the Ark of the covenant
• “Mother to the Initiate on the path” who reveals the hidden secrets when the initiate is ready
• Veiled sister of Isis who teaches us to enter the dark void within to bring insight & vision
• Grandmother, wise old crone, who brings all the elements together in preparation for alchemy
• Vulture goddess who soars above watching for the perfect moment for transformation
• Mother and Sacred Midwife who in every moment of death and rebirth holds us
• Great alchemist who knows the mysteries of life, how to take us apart & put us back together
• Crocodile god associated with fertility & rebirth who offers strength & fortitude
• Primal nature whose aggressive power assures our survival in youth & through evolution
Horus & Sobek: (Kom Ombo’s energies represent duality, the light and the darkness)
• Horus - falcon god represents Light and Spirit
• Sobek - crocodile god represents the limitations of the incarnate form & our egoic nature
• The battle between ego & Spirit offers the journey of maturity, growth & alchemical union
• Lioness goddess, with the feminine face of the Sun, who offers the gift of Fierce Compassion
• “Mighty One” who uses her fiery heart to bring purification, strengthening & tempering

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Divine Alchemy & the Mysteries of Egypt 2018

Egyptian Card Keynotes (continued)

Khepera or Kheperi:
• Guardian of the transformation process who represents the cycles of change in our lives
• Scarab god who filters energy from universe giving us only that which we are ready to take
Temple of Horus at Edfu:
• Location of where the battle took place between Horus & his uncle Seth (light over darkness)
• An invitation to step into our personal power aligned with our Divine purpose
Horus, Osiris & Isis (Holy Triad):
• Holy Egyptian triad that represents the Light of our Becoming, Divine Child & Diamond Soul
The Eye of Horus:
• Powerful symbol of protection and healing that allows us to see beyond illusion
• Goddess of love & beauty, music & dance, motherhood & joy who offers the gift of Fierce Grace
• Cosmic cow who offers us sustenance & digests the light and dark offering higher love & wisdom
Bast or Bastet:
• Sister of Sekhmet who helps humans appreciate desire and creation
• Mystic cat who teaches us how to create from a place of holy longing verses fear
Hathor, Bastet & Sekhmet (Holy Triune):
Holy Egyptian triune of ancient goddess energy that offers:
• acceptance of self & others through fierce grace, access to higher love & wisdom (Hathor),
• assistance with a hunger to create and teaches us how to bring things forth in a sacred way
• reminds us of our Divine purpose and teaches us how to use our voice with fierce compassion.
Raising of the Djed Pillar at the Temple of Seti, Abydos:
• Cosmic axis linking Heaven & Earth that allows the initiate to build the light body
• Ladder of consciousness that re-polarizes/realigns chakras, activates pineal, & opens crown
The Living Statue of Sekhmet at Karnak Temple:
• Living Statue of Sekhmet, that retains the KA (Spirit) that was infused into it over 3500 years
ago, offers us the power, fire & ferocity to push through any obstacle and activation of throat
• Consort of Sekhmet who helps us find and use our voices to create
• Creator god who teaches us how to manifest with heart-felt thoughts and use of the voice
• Son of Sekhmet & Ptah, known as the “Lotus Born” & depicted with a lotus on top of his head,
offers us the fragrance of life & the sweetness of our dream seeds once manifested
Mary, Jesus & Joseph (Holy Family):
• Coptic Holy Family that represents the Light of our Becoming, the Divine Child within
• Cave that the Holy Family used to hide from King Herod can represent our Light hidden within
The Pantheon:
• The gods & goddesses offer us the guide of our choice to the ancient mysteries of Egypt
• The Egyptian neteru offer us activation, initiation, and all the attributes of the divine

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