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1. what is your understanding of rights?

A right is what a person possesses that other believe should not be taken away. It is a set of
rules that govern what a person is permitted to do or possess. A right differs from a privilege in that a
privilege must be acquired. Rights can be codified into laws for legal recourse.

2. What are the most important human rights?

The most important human rights are the right to free school education, low-cost healthcare,
free speech, and the freedom to vote are the most important rights for me. But All human rights are
valued equally. They are all reliant on one another. When one right is violated, it frequently leads
towards the violation of another. Human rights do not have a hierarchy. (hirarcke) They should all be
preserved as minimal criteria for living a dignified life.

3. Where do rights come from?

rights are based on the values of • Dignity • Justice • Respect • Equality

rights could also exist independently of legal enactment by being part of actual human moralities. All
human groups seem to have moralities in the sense of imperative norms of interpersonal behavior
backed by reasons and values. These moralities contain specific norms. For example, a prohibition
of the intentional murder of an innocent person. And specific values, for example, valuing human life.
If almost all human groups have moralities containing norms prohibiting murder, these norms could
partially constitute the human right to life

4. Why should we respect human right?

We wish to expand in a way that is inclusive: we believe that respecting human rights involves
recognizing the worth of each individual, safeguarding their dignity, safety, and health, providing fair
working conditions, and positive satisfaction. these factors.

5. Is right absolute? Why or why not?

rights are not absolute and might be limited in some circumstances. This does not imply that rights can
be restricted arbitrarily at the whim of legislators or bureaucrats. rights cannot be subjected to simple
majority rule demands if they are to be meaningful.

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