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Aims and objectives of teaching History at secondary level

The aims and objectives of teaching history have undergone changes with the shift in the
philosophical thinking of the time and changes in the social and political practices. Education is
the process of bringing about desirable changes in the behavior of pupils. The idea of the
desirable changes has varied at different times in accordance with the dominant philosophical
creed of the society and prevalent social and political practices. Determination of aims and
objectives is necessary to point to the broad ideals and to enable us in selecting significant and
meaningful content, teaching methods and techniques.

Aims are a true compass to make our journey safe and secure in the pedagogical sea. They are
the crux and the key of the entire process of teaching and learning. The aims of teaching history
will have to be in consonance with the broader aims of education and the objectives, which
teachers should view while teaching the subject, have to be precise and definite. Aims refer to
general and long term goals whereas the Objectives indicate immediate, specific and attainable

General Aims of Teaching History

1. To promote self-understanding: History needs to be taught to promote selfunderstanding.

Everyone has a heritage which is uniquely his, a combination of racial, national, family and
individual traditions which are woven into his very being. Without enquiry into these historical
factors, man will remain a stranger to himself. Similarly in the absence of historical study,
groups and persons will fail to comprehend their own identity. Being a key subject, history
provides useful information necessary for understanding the common allusions in daily reading-
names, places, dates and events etc. Thus the knowledge of history is a part of the self-awareness
and realization of our environment.

2. To give proper conception of time, space and society: History gives a proper understanding
of the concept of time, space and society. It reveals the relationship of the present with the past,
the local with the distant and personal and national life with the lives and the cultures of men and
women in other countries, in time and space. History is a link uniting each of us as an individual
with a whole greater than ourselves.
3. To enable the pupils to assess the values and achievements of their own age: History
provides the youths the standards of reference against which they can measure the values and
achievements of their own age. This enables them to have an enlightened awareness of the
problems of modern communities, political, social and economic. 4. To teach tolerance: History
teaches tolerance- tolerance with different faiths, different loyalties, different cultures, different
ideas and ideals.

5. To develop right attitudes: Development of right attitudes is based on an appreciation of

things which are worth-while in life. Attitudes depend upon intellectual and emotional factors.
Scientific attitude is intellectual, like, judgment based on facts are unaffected by personal
feelings. The teacher has to help his pupils in building up the right attitudes. But before being
able to develop desirable attitudes among his pupils by his own example, he himself must exhibit
self-control, patient, sympathy and self-respect.

6. To foster national feelings: An important objective of teaching history is the emotional and
national integration of Indian people. Emotional integration is a feeling of oneness among the
people of different cultures, religions, castes and languages. It is the sharing of certain common
objectives, ideals and purposes and giving them high place over smaller and sectional loyalties.
History can play a very important role in realizing this aim.

7. To develop international understanding: The swift growth of means of communication

among various nations has hastened the exchange of ideas and dependence on each other on
various aspects of life. History is one subject that can promote international understanding in the
best possible way. It can destroy prejudices existing among nations; it can also overplay the
fundamental unity and interdependence among nations and underplay the sources of disunity.

8. To give training for handling controversial issues: Teaching history helps pupils to handle
controversial questions in a spirit that searches for truth-insists on free discussion and permits
compromise. It can expose the pupils to a vast knowledge which will enable them to tackle
controversial issues objectively.

9. To impart mental training: History can stimulate thought, judgement and discrimination and
create a scientific attitude in the adolescent as a counterbalance to his emotional instability. It
trains the pupils to be accurate in comprehension and expression.
10. To teach moral principles: History teacher is in an excellent position to inculcate moral
values in pupils’ mind. Life stories of great saints, heroes and reformers, like Shankracharya,
Buddha, Rama, Maharana Pratap, Guru Nanak, Swami Dayananda, Swami Vivekananda and
Mahatma Gandhi, etc. encourage pupils to be truthful, courageous, just and selfless.

11. To help resolve our contemporary social and individual problems: History helps in
resolving our contemporary social and individual problems and developing mature judgments on
immediate social issues, trends and prospects in the field of commerce, industry, international
affairs, regional politics and other aspects of the contemporary society.

12. To promote socialization among pupils: An important aim of history teaching is the
socialization of pupils in order to make them well informed and enlightened citizens, capable of
promoting common welfare. Socialization awakens a sense of developing confidence, courage
and happiness within oneself. It develops individual and social virtues of initiative,
thoughtfulness, righteousness, constructive thinking, critical judgment, justice, tolerance, co-
operation, fellow feeling and sacrifice etc.

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