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DOT HS 812 992 October 2020

Occupant Restraint Use

In 2019:
Results From the NOPUS
Controlled Intersection

This publication is distributed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, National High-

way Traffic Safety Administration, in the interest of information exchange. The opinions,
findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not
necessarily those of the Department of Transportation or the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration. The United States Government assumes no liability for its con-
tents or use thereof. If trade or manufacturers’ names or products are mentioned, it is be-
cause they are considered essential to the object of the publications and should not be
construed as an endorsement. The United States Government does not endorse products
or manufacturers.

Suggested APA Format Citation:

Enriquez, J. (2020, October). Occupant restraint use in 2019: Results from the NOPUS controlled
intersection study (Report No. DOT HS 812 992). National Highway Traffic Safety
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

DOT HS 812 992

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Occupant Restraint Use in 2019: Results From the NOPUS Controlled October 2020
Intersection Study 6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author 8. Performing Organization Report No.
Jacob Enriquez of the National Center for Statistics and Analysis
9. Performing Organization Name 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Mathematical Analysis Division,
National Center for Statistics and Analysis 11. Contract or Grant No.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE NHTSA Technical Report
Washington, DC 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
Bowhead Logistics Solutions LLC contributed to the production of this report.
This report presents results from the 2019 National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS) Controlled Inter-
section Study, the only nationwide probability-based occupant restraint use survey. NHTSA’s National Center for
Statistics and Analysis conducts this survey annually. The 2019 NOPUS found that seat belt use among male
occupants increased significantly from 87.7 percent in 2018 to 89.1 percent in 2019; however, seat belt use con-
tinued to be lower for males (89.1%) than females (92.7%). Seat belt use in rear seats (77.5%) continued to be
lower than that in front seats (90.7%). Restraint use for children from birth to 7 years old in 2019 was 91.3 percent,
not statistically different from 90.4 percent in 2018.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

seat belt use, child restraint use, observational sur- This document is available from the National Technical
vey, demographics, rear-seat seat belt use, occu- Information Service,
pant protection, NOPUS, controlled intersections,
car seat
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price

Unclassified Unclassified 33
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized


The percentages provided in this report are interpreted as the percentages of occupants during an average
daylight moment.
Vehicle occupants observed in the NOPUS survey are counted as “belted” if they appear to have a shoul-
der belt across the front of the body. NOPUS does not observe the use of lap belts because these restraints
cannot be reliably observed from the roadside.
The survey classifies a child as follows.
• Restrained in a rear-facing car seat if the child appears to be on a seat on top of the vehicle seat,
facing the rear of the vehicle, with harness straps across the front of the child.
• Restrained in a forward-facing car seat if the child appears to be on a seat on top of the vehicle
seat, facing the front of the vehicle, with harness straps across the front of the child.
• Restrained in a high-backed booster seat if the child appears to be on a seat on top of the vehicle
seat with a shoulder belt across the front of the child.
• Restrained in a seat belt or backless booster seat if there is a shoulder belt across the front of the
child but the observers cannot see if the child is in a seat on top of the vehicle seat.
• Restrained if the child is restrained by any of the above.
• The remaining children are classified as unrestrained. Note that in the survey there is no mention
of being “unrestrained” in, for example, a forward-facing car seat. NOPUS does not observe the
use of lap belts, and does not distinguish between seat belts and backless booster seats, because
these assessments cannot be reliable if observed from the roadside.
The racial categories “Black,” “White,” and “Members of other races” in NOPUS reflect subjective char-
acterizations by roadside observers regarding the race of vehicle occupants. Likewise, observers record
age groups (8 to 15 years old, 16 to 24 years old, 25 to 69 years old, and 70 and older) that best fit their
visual assessment of each observed occupant.
"Expressways" are defined as roadways with limited access, while "surface streets" are all other road-
A roadway is defined to have "fast traffic" during the observation period if the average speed of passenger
vehicles passing the observers exceeds 50 mph, with "medium-speed traffic" defined as 31 to 50 mph, and
"slow traffic" defined as 30 mph or slower.
A roadway is defined to have "heavy traffic" during the observation period if the average number of vehi-
cles on the roadway is greater than 5 per lane per mile, with "moderately dense traffic" defined as greater
than 1 but less than or equal to 5 vehicles per lane per mile, and "light traffic" as less than or equal to 1
vehicle per lane per mile. Please note that this traffic density breakdown was revised in the 2011 NOPUS
to better capture the traffic patterns.
The NOPUS sample design does not allow for State-by-State restraint use estimates; however, NOPUS
produces estimates by region, defined as follows.
Northeast: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, Vermont
Midwest: Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio,
South Dakota, Wisconsin

South: Alabama, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Vir-
West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon,
Utah, Washington, Wyoming


Definitions ii
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Demographic Results in Front Seats .................................................................................................... 3
Age 3
Gender .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Race 4
Presence of Passengers and Seat Belt Use ............................................................................................. 5

3. Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats.................................................................................................................... 8

Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats Versus in Front Seats ................................................................................. 8
State Laws and Rear-Seat Belt Use ........................................................................................................ 8

4. Child Restraint Use .............................................................................................................................. 11

Child Restraint Use Among All Children Under 8............................................................................... 11
Child Rear Seat Placement ................................................................................................................... 11
Child Restraint Use by Region ............................................................................................................. 12
Child Restraint Use by Time of Week ................................................................................................. 13
Child Restraint Use by Vehicle Type ................................................................................................... 14
Child Restraint Use by Driver Type and Belt Use Status..................................................................... 14

5. NOPUS Methodology........................................................................................................................... 22
Sample Design ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Estimation............................................................................................................................................. 24

6. References ............................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 1: Seat Belt Use by Age for Occupants 8 and Older in 2018 and 2019............................................. 3
Figure 2: Seat Belt Use by Age for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019 ...................................................... 3
Figure 3: Seat Belt Use by Gender for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019 ................................................. 4
Figure 4: Seat Belt Use by Race for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019 ..................................................... 4
Figure 5: Passenger Effect on Seat Belt Use for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019 .................................. 5
Figure 6: Seat Belt Use by Seating Position for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019 ................................... 8
Figure 7: Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats by State Law Type for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019 ............. 9
Figure 8: Child Restraint Use Among Children Under 8, 2010-2019 ........................................................ 11
Figure 9: Child Rear Seat Placement, 2010-2019 ....................................................................................... 12
Figure 10: Child Restraint Use by Region in 2018 and 2019 ..................................................................... 13
Figure 11: Child Restraint Use by Region, 2010-2019 ............................................................................... 13
Figure 12: Child Restraint Use by Time of Week in 2018 and 2019 .......................................................... 14
Figure 13: Child Restraint Use by Vehicle Type in 2018 and 2019 ........................................................... 14
Figure 14: Child Restraint Use by Driver Belt Status, 2010-2019 ............................................................. 15

Table 1: Passenger Vehicle Occupant Seat Belt Use in Front Seats by Demographic and Other
Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: States With Laws Requiring Seat Belts Be Used in All Seating Positions ..................................... 9
Table 3: Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats of Passenger Vehicles, by Major Characteristics ............................. 10
Table 4: States With Laws Requiring Children 5 and Younger to Be in Rear Seats* ................................ 12
Table 5: Child Restraint Use in Passenger Motor Vehicles, by Major Characteristics............................... 16
Table 6: The Percentage of Children Who Rode in Rear Seats, by Major Characteristics ......................... 18
Table 7: Child Restraint Use in Passenger Motor Vehicles, by Age and Other Characteristics ................. 20
Table 8: Sites, Vehicles, and Occupants in the 2019 NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study .................... 23

Executive Summary

NOPUS, the National Occupant Protection Use Survey, is the only nationwide probability-based survey
of seat belt use (for occupants 8 and older in both front and rear seats), motorcycle helmet use, child re-
straint use (for children under 8 years old), and driver electronic device use in the United States.
NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis conducts this survey annually. Two sub-surveys –
the Moving Traffic Survey and the Controlled Intersection Study – comprise the NOPUS.
In the Controlled Intersection Study, occupants of passenger vehicles are observed from the roadside at
intersections controlled by stop signs or stoplights. Only stopped vehicles are observed to allow ample
time to collect a variety of information required by the survey. NOPUS derives its estimates of seat belt
use in rear seats, child restraint use, driver electronic device use, and demographic characteristics of vehi-
cle occupants from the Controlled Intersection Study. Details about the NOPUS sample design are in Sec-
tion 5 of this report.
This report presents results of occupant restraint use from the 2019 NOPUS Controlled Intersection
Study. NHTSA will publish the driver electronic device use results in a separate research note. The fol-
lowing are the major findings from the 2019 NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study.
Front Seats Belt Use (Among Occupants 8 and Older):
• Overall front seat belt use in 2019 was 90.7 percent, not statistically different at the 0.05 level
from 89.6 percent in 2018.
• Seat belt use among male occupants increased significantly from 87.7 percent in 2018 to 89.1
percent in 2019; however, seat belt use continued to be lower for males (89.1%) than females
• Seat belt use among 25- to 69-year-olds increased significantly from 89.5 percent in 2018 to 91.0
percent in 2019. Seat belt use continued to be lower among 16- to 24-year-olds (87.6%) than
other age groups.
• Seat belt use continued to be lower among Black occupants (86.4%) than White occupants
(90.7%) and members of other races (94.1%).
Rear Seats Belt Use (Among Occupants 8 and Older):
• Seat belt use continued to be lower in rear seats (77.5%) than in front seats (90.7%).
• Seat belt use in rear seats continued to be higher in States with seat belt laws for all seating posi-
tions (84.0%) than in States with front-seat-only belt laws (68.0%).
Child Restraint Use (For Children From Birth to 7 Years Old):
• Restraint use for children from birth to 7 years old in 2019 was 91.3 percent, not statistically dif-
ferent from 90.4 percent in 2018.
• Rear seat placement among children driven by drivers between the ages of 16 and 24 years old
increased significantly from 95.3 percent in 2018 to 99.0 percent in 2019.
• Restraint use for children driven by belted drivers (92.9%) continued to be significantly higher
than for those driven by unbelted drivers (68.0%).

1. Introduction

NOPUS is the only nationwide probability-based survey of seat belt use (for occupants 8 and older in
both front and rear seats), motorcycle helmet use, child restraint use (for children under 8 years old), and
driver electronic device use in the United States. NCSA conducts the NOPUS annually. Two sub-surveys,
the Moving Traffic Survey and the Controlled Intersection Study, comprise the NOPUS.
In the Moving Traffic Survey, front-seat occupant shoulder belt use data and motorcyclist helmet use data
are collected either at the roadside or by data collectors in vehicles (on expressways). NOPUS estimates
of front-seat belt use and motorcycle helmet use are from the Moving Traffic Survey. The collective
front-seat belt use estimate (also known as NHTSA’s national seat belt estimate) is described in Seat Belt
Use in 2019 - Overall Results.
In contrast, the NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study data is collected at intersections controlled by stop
signs or stoplights, where vehicle occupants are observed from the roadside. Since the vehicles are sta-
tionary, data collectors have enough time to record occupants’ characteristics such as race, age, gender,
and seat belt use. NOPUS derives its estimates of rear-seat belt use, child restraint use, driver electronic
device use, and demographic characteristics of the vehicle occupants from the Controlled Intersection
Only motorcycles and passenger vehicles (passenger cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, and vans) are observed in
the NOPUS. The population of interest includes all 50 States, the District of Columbia, with the sample
observation sites consisting of Federal, State, and county highways, residential streets, and rural roads.
Data is collected only during daylight hours when light is adequate to observe seat belt use through the
vehicle windshield.
The 2019 NOPUS data collection was conducted from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the period from June 2 to
June 17, 2019. The 2019 NOPUS survey data is based on the results of 71,519 occupants observed in
52,268 vehicles at 1,615 data collection sites. Of those observed occupants, 2,921 were children under 8.
More details on the NOPUS sampling, data collection and estimation are discussed in Section 5: NOPUS
Please note that the terms “significant” and “statistically significant” are used interchangeably throughout
this report. “Significant” always means “statistically significant,” and the statistical significance level is
alpha=0.05. In tables below, the data with p-values that are less than 0.05 are formatted in boldface type.
The percentages provided in this report are interpreted as the percentage of occupants during an average
daylight moment.

2. Demographic Results in Front Seats

The national seat belt use estimate in 2019 was 90.7 percent; not a significant change from 89.6 percent in
2018 (NCSA, 2019). This section presents a demographic breakdown of the occupants who used seat
belts in 2019. Table 1 presents passenger vehicle occupant seat belt use in front seats by demographic and
other characteristics in 2018 and 2019. NOPUS demographics are highlighted below.

Seat belt use among 25- to 69-year-olds in front seats increased from 89.5 percent in 2018 to 91.0 percent
in 2019. Figure 1 and Table 1 show a comparison of the seat belt use rates from 2018 and 2019 across
these age groups.

100.0% 2018 2019

Seat Belt Use

92.4% 91.7%
91.3% 91.5% 91.0%
87.6% 87.6%

Age 8-15 Age 16-24 Age 25-69 Age 70 and Older

Figure 1: Seat Belt Use by Age for Occupants 8 and Older in 2018 and 2019

Figure 2 displays the trends of seat belt use for the four age groups over a 10-year period (2010-2019).
Seat belt use among 16- to 24-year-olds has been consistently lower than other age groups.


95% 91.9% 92.4% Age 8 to 15

90.7% 90.7%
88.3% 88.2% 87.8%
Seat Belt Use

90% 86.6% 87.0%

Age 16 to 24
85% 87.0% 87.6% 87.6%
86.3% 86.6%
80% 83.0% Age 25 to 69
79.3% 78.9%

70% Age 70 and

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Older

Figure 2: Seat Belt Use by Age for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019

Figure 3 shows the trends of seat belt use for male and female occupants over a period of 10 years (2010
to 2019). In 2019 seat belt use continued to be lower for males (89.1%) than females (92.7%). Seat belt
use among male occupants in front seats increased significantly from 87.7 percent in 2018 to 89.1 percent
in 2019.

95% 92.5% 91.8% 92.0% 92.7%
89.4% 90.7% Males
Seat Belt Use

87.9% 88.4%
88.2% 89.1%
85% 88.0% 87.7%
80% 83.9% 84.3%
82.6% 81.5%

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 3: Seat Belt Use by Gender for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019

In NOPUS, observed vehicle occupant race categories are Black, White, and members of other races. This
characterization is based on the visual assessment of the data collectors who observe vehicle occupants
from roadsides.
Figure 4 shows the trends of seat belt use among the three race categories over a period of 10 years (2010
to 2019). In 2019 seat belt use continued to be lower among Black occupants than White occupants and
members of other races. Furthermore, seat belt use for members of other races continued to be higher than
the other two race categories. There were no significant changes in seat belt use from 2018 to 2019 for
any of the occupant race categories.

94.0% 94.6% 94.1% White
94.4% 92.6%
95% 92.2% 92.6% 92.5%
91.5% 90.8%
Seat Belt Use

90% 87.0%
86.5% 90.0% 89.7% 90.7%
85% 86.2%
85.1% 84.0% 86.0% 85.5% 86.4%
80% 82.3%
75% 77.8% 80.4%
77.0% of Other
74.9% races
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 4: Seat Belt Use by Race for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019

Presence of Passengers and Seat Belt Use
Figure 5 shows that seat belt use continued to be lower for a driver driving alone (90.3%) than for a driver
driving with at least one passenger in the vehicle (92.4%). Among drivers who drove alone, seat belt use
increased significantly from 88.9 percent in 2018 to 90.3 percent in 2019.

92.8% 92.4% No
95% 90.4% 92.1% 92.2%
88.7% 90.0% Passenger
Seat Belt Use

90% 88.0% 87.0%

85% 89.5% 89.3% 88.9% At Least One
86.9% 88.3%
86.1% Passenger
84.5% 85.4%
80% 83.0%


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 5: Passenger Effect on Seat Belt Use for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019

Table 1: Passenger Vehicle Occupant Seat Belt Use in Front Seats by Demographic and Other
Occupant Group 1 2018 2019 2018 - 2019 Change
95% 95% Change in 95%
Belt Use 2 Confidence Belt Use2 Confidence Percent- Confidence
value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 age 4 Interval 5
All Occupants 89.6% (88.0, 91.1) 90.7% (89.2, 92.0) 1.1 (-0.2, 2.3) 0.09
Males 7
87.7% (85.7, 89.5) 89.1% (87.4, 90.6) 1.4 (0.1, 2.7) 0.04
Females6 92.0% (90.7, 93.1) 92.7% (91.3, 93.8) 0.7 (-0.7, 2.0) 0.31
Occupants by Age
8 to 15 91.3% (88.8, 93.3) 91.5% (87.8, 94.1) 0.2 (-3.1, 3.4) 0.92
16 to 24 87.6% (85.0, 89.8) 87.6% (84.6, 90.1) 0.0 (-3.3, 3.3) > 0.99
25 to 69 89.5% (87.9, 91.0) 91.0% (89.5, 92.3) 1.4 (0.2, 2.6) 0.03
70 and Older 92.4% (90.5, 94.0) 91.7% (89.6, 93.3) -0.8 (-2.9, 1.4) 0.46
Occupants by
White 89.7% (88.1, 91.2) 90.7% (89.1, 92.2) 1.0 (-0.4, 2.4) 0.14
Black 85.5% (80.0, 89.7) 86.4% (81.6, 90.1) 0.9 (-2.4, 4.2) 0.59
Members of Other
92.6% (91.2, 93.8) 94.1% (92.6, 95.4) 1.5 (-0.4, 3.4) 0.11
Drivers With
No Passengers 88.9% (87.1, 90.5) 90.3% (88.8, 91.6) 1.4 (0.1, 2.7) 0.04
At Least One
92.2% (90.5, 93.6) 92.4% (90.7, 93.9) 0.2 (-1.3, 1.7) 0.77
Drivers With
No Passengers 88.9% (87.1, 90.5) 90.3% (88.8, 91.6) 1.4 (0.1, 2.7) 0.04
Passengers All
91.2% (88.8, 93.2) 91.9% (87.4, 94.8) 0.6 (-3.2, 4.5) 0.73
Under 8
Passengers All 8
92.2% (90.4, 93.6) 92.3% (90.6, 93.7) 0.1 (-1.5, 1.6) 0.92
and Older
Some Passengers
Under 8 and Some 93.7% (91.1, 95.5) 95.4% (94.0, 96.5) 1.8 (-0.3, 3.9) 0.09
8 or Older
Drivers 16-24
No Passengers 86.9% (83.6, 89.7) 87.4% (84.6, 89.7) 0.5 (-3.0, 3.9) 0.79
Passengers All 16-24 90.1% (85.6, 93.4) 86.9% (81.6, 90.9) -3.2 (-10.1, 3.8) 0.36

Drivers and right-front passengers of passenger vehicles.
Use of shoulder belts observed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m
The Wilson confidence interval is used in the estimated percentages in the occupant group (e.g., occupants who are
male), which is in the form: {(2n_EFF p+t^2 ) ±t√((t^2+4n_EFF pq) )}/(2(n_EFF+t^2 )) , where p is the estimated
percentage of Belt Use, (n_EFF=n)⁄D_EFF is the effective sample size (where n is the sample size and D_EFF is
the design effect), t=t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df), is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom, and q=1-p.
For percentages, these endpoints are multiplied by 100.
The "Change in Percentage Points" column was computed using unrounded estimates and may not equal the differ-
ence between the rounded estimates displayed in the table.
The regular symmetric interval was used for the estimated change in percentage point, which is in the form:
p±t_((1-α/2) ) (df) √(v(p)), where p is the estimated change in percentage point, v(p) is its estimated variance, and
t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df) is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom.
A p-value of 0.05 or less indicates that there is a statistically significant difference (at the alpha=0.05 level) be-
tween the year-over-year estimates for the group in question; indicated with bold type
The age, gender, and racial classifications are based on the subjective assessments of roadside observers.

Occupant Group 1 2018 2019 2018 - 2019 Change
95% 95% Change in 95%
Belt Use 2 Confidence Belt Use2 Confidence Percent- Confidence
value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 age 4
Interval 5

At Least One
88.3% (81.0, 93.0) 88.5% (82.1, 92.8) 0.2 (-7.0, 7.5) 0.95
Passenger Not 16-24
Occupants 16-24
All Occupants Are
87.6% (84.7, 90.1) 86.8% (83.5, 89.6) -0.8 (-4.6, 3.0) 0.67
At Least One Occu-
87.7% (84.3, 90.4) 89.5% (85.8, 92.2) 1.8 (-2.6, 6.1) 0.41
pant Is Not 16-24

Source: NOPUS, 2018, 2019.

3. Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats

According to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 208, Occupant Crash Protection, except
for convertibles and open-body vehicles, all outboard designated seating positions shall be equipped with
integral lap and shoulder belts at every forward facing, outboard designated seating position. Using the
2019 vehicle registration data from the National Vehicle Population Profile (R. L. Polk & Co., n.a.),
NHTSA estimated that 96.2 percent of passenger vehicles on the road have shoulder belts in the rear out-
board seating positions. Of the 3.8 percent of vehicles that have only lap belts in the rear outboard seats,
all observed rear-seat vehicle occupants are counted by NOPUS as unbelted (not restrained with a shoul-
der belt), even if they are using lap belts. Consequently, NOPUS rear-seat shoulder belt use estimates re-
flect both the degree to which vehicle occupants use restraints and the availability of shoulder belts in
these seating positions. Please note that NOPUS only observes up to two passengers in the second row of
seats and none in the third row and beyond.
Table 3 presents results of seat belt use in rear seats of passenger vehicles in 2018 and 2019 as well as the
changes between the 2 years. Some major results are highlighted below.

Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats Versus in Front Seats

Figure 6 displays the front and rear seat belt use trends from 2010 to 2019. As in previous years, seat belt
use in 2019 was lower in rear seats (77.5%) than in front seats (90.7%).

90.1% 89.7% 89.6% 90.7% In Front Seats
86.1% 87.1% 86.7% 88.5%
85.1% 83.8%
Seat Belt Use

80% In Rear Seats

78.3% 76.1% 77.5%
74.4% 75.2% 72.9% 74.8% 75.4%

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 6: Seat Belt Use by Seating Position for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019

State Laws and Rear-Seat Belt Use

At the time the 2019 NOPUS survey was conducted, 29 States and the District of Columbia required all
vehicle occupants 18 and older to use seat belts when riding in rear seats (Highway Loss Data Institute,
2020). Alabama passed a law in 2019 requiring seat belts to be used in all seating positions, however, that
law did not go into effect until September 2019, after the NOPUS data has already been collected (Gore,
2019). Please note that rear-seat belt use laws are secondary in Idaho, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Vermont, and Wyoming. Secondary seat belt laws state
that a law enforcement officer may issue a ticket for not wearing a seat belt only when there is another
citable traffic infraction. New Hampshire is the only State that does not have mandatory seat belt laws for
adults 18 and older.

Table 2 is a list of States requiring seat belts be used in all seating positions.

Table 2: States With Laws Requiring Seat Belts Be Used in All Seating
Alaska California Delaware
District of Columbia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine
Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota
Mississippi Montana Nevada
New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina
Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina
Texas Utah Vermont
Washington Wisconsin Wyoming
States with laws in effect as of June 2019, requiring people 18 and older to use seat belts in all seating positions.
Also includes the District of Columbia. Source: Highway Loss Data Institute, 2020

Figure 7 shows the trends of rear-seat belt use among passengers in the States with or without laws re-
quiring belt use in all seating positions over the period 2010-2019. As in previous years, seat belt use in
rear seats in 2019 was higher in the States with laws requiring belt use in all seating positions (84.0%)
than in the States requiring belt use only in front seats (68.0%).

Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats

90% 83.8% 84.3%

79.3% 82.9% 82.9% 83.3% 83.9% 84.0% States Requiring
79.7% 81.0%
Belt Use in All
Seating Positions
70% 75.7%
69.1% 67.3% 68.7% States Requiring
67.2% 68.0%
60% 65.8% Belt Use Only in the
61.4% 62.7%
Front Seat
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 7: Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats by State Law Type for Occupants 8 and Older, 2010-2019

Similar to female occupants in front seats, seat belt use among female passengers in rear seats (78.9%)
was higher than the seat belt use among male passengers in rear seats (76.2%). Seat belt use continued to
be lower among Black occupants than White occupants and members of other races in both front and rear
seats. None of the year-to-year changes in seat belt use in rear seats were statistically significant.

Table 3: Seat Belt Use in Rear Seats of Passenger Vehicles, by Major Characteristics
2018 2019 2018 – 2019 Change

Passenger Group 1 95% 95% Change 95%

Belt Belt P-
Confidence Confidence in Per- Confidence
Use 2 Use2 value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 centage 4 Interval 5
All Passengers 76.1% (69.2, 81.8) 77.5% (71.2, 82.8) 1.4 (-3.5, 6.3) 0.56
Males 7 75.2% (69.4, 80.2) 76.2% (70.7, 80.9) 1.0 (-5.2, 7.1) 0.75
Females6 77.0% (68.0, 84.0) 78.9% (70.1, 85.7) 2.0 (-3.2, 7.1) 0.44
Passengers by Age
8 to 15 85.6% (81.8, 88.7) 83.9% (78.6, 88.1) -1.7 (-7.9, 4.6) 0.58
16 to 24 71.5% (61.0, 80.1) 75.1% (67.8, 81.2) 3.6 (-7.8, 14.9) 0.53
25 to 69 68.1% (58.4, 76.5) 71.1% (59.2, 80.7) 3.0 (-4.4, 10.5) 0.41
70 and Older 85.6% (76.2, 91.6) 85.0% (69.4, 93.4) -0.5 (-11.8, 10.7) 0.92
Passengers by Race6
White 79.9% (74.7, 84.2) 81.2% (77.8, 84.2) 1.3 (-3.7, 6.4) 0.59
Black 63.7% (48.3, 76.7) 65.0% (51.4, 76.4) 1.3 (-10.0, 12.5) 0.82
Members of Other
72.5% (59.5, 82.5) 73.5% (58.2, 84.6) 1.0 (-12.1, 14.1) 0.88
Passengers in States
With Laws Requiring
Belts Be Used
In All Seating
81.0% (75.0, 85.7) 84.0% (78.9, 88.1) 3.1 (-1.5, 7.7) 0.18
In Front Seats Only 68.7% (52.0, 81.7) 68.0% (54.8, 78.8) -0.8 (-11.9, 10.3) 0.89

Source: NOPUS, 2018, 2019.

Up to two passengers observed in the second row of seats in passenger vehicles.
Use of shoulder belts observed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Wilson confidence interval is used in the estimated percentages in the occupant group (e.g., occupants who are
male), which is in the form: {(2n_EFF p+t^2 ) ±t√((t^2+4n_EFF pq) )}/(2(n_EFF+t^2 )) , where p is the estimated
percentage of Belt Use, (n_EFF=n)⁄D_EFF is the effective sample size (where n is the sample size and D_EFF is
the design effect), t=t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df), is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom, and q=1-p.
For percentages, these endpoints are multiplied by 100.
The "Change in Percentage Points" column was computed using unrounded estimates and may not equal the differ-
ence between the rounded estimates displayed in the table.
The regular symmetric interval was used for the estimated change in percentage point, which is in the form:
p±t_((1-α/2) ) (df) √(v(p)), where p is the estimated change in percentage point, v(p) is its estimated variance, and
t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df) is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom.
A p-value of 0.05 or less indicates that there is a statistically significant difference (at the alpha=0.05 level) be-
tween the year-over-year estimates for the group in question, indicated with bold type.
The age, gender, and racial classifications are based on the subjective assessments of roadside observers.

4. Child Restraint Use

In 2019 NOPUS continued to collect roadside observational data on child restraint use for all children un-
der 8 years old. Detailed results of child restraint use are presented in Tables 5, 6, and 7. Table 5 presents
the results of child restraint use in passenger motor vehicles by major characteristics in 2018 and 2019 as
well as the changes between the two years. Table 6 presents results on child rear placement by major
characteristics in 2018 and 2019 as well as the changes between the two years. Table 7 divides the child
occupants into three age groups and reports restraint use by some other characteristics among these
groups. Some of the major results of child restraint use are discussed below.

Child Restraint Use Among All Children Under 8

Restraint use for children under 8 in 2019 is 91.3 percent, up from 90.4 percent in 2018. Figure 8 shows
the child restraint use trend since 2010.
100% 92.8%
91.4% 91.5% 90.9% 90.9% 90.4% 91.3%
Children Age < 8

88.9% 88.6% 89.8%

Restraint Use



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 8: Child Restraint Use Among Children Under 8, 2010-2019

Child Rear Seat Placement

Figure 9 shows the trends (for each age group) of rear seat placement of children under 8 from 2010 to
2019. The 2019 NOPUS found that 94.5 percent of children under 8 rode in rear seats of vehicles. In the
infant group (from birth to 12 months), 99.5 percent rode in rear seats. Nearly all (99.2%) of children 1 to
3 years old and 90.1 percent of 4- to 7-year-olds were in rear seats in 2019. Rear seat placement among
children driven by drivers 16 to 24 years old increased significantly from 95.3 percent in 2018 to 99.0
percent in 2019. Note that the child restraint use in rear seats increased to 92.2 percent in 2019 from 91.3
percent in 2018 (Table 5).

All Children
Percentage Who Were in the Rear

Age < 8
99.6% 98.7%
100% 98.5% 98.5%
99.2% 99.2%
98.3% Children
97.7% 97.6%
95% Age < 1

90% 91.6%
90.1% Children
89.6% 90.1%
88.6% 88.8% Age 1-3
88.4% 87.9%
85% 87.6%

80% Age 4-7
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 9: Child Rear Seat Placement, 2010-2019

At the time the 2019 survey was conducted, 10 States required children 5 and younger who weighed less
than 80 pounds and were less than 54 inches tall, to ride in the rear seats of vehicles. Table 4 lists the
States with child rear placement laws.

Table 4: States With Laws Requiring Children 5 and Younger to Be in Rear Seats*
California Georgia Maine
Nebraska New Jersey Rhode Island
South Carolina Tennessee Washington
* Among children less than 80 pounds and less than 54” tall. States with laws in effect as of June 27, 2019. In no
other States did such laws take effect during the period June 27, 2018, to June 27, 2019. In Delaware, children 11 and
younger and 65 inches or less must be in rear seats if passenger air bags are active. Source: Highway Loss Data
Institute, 2020

Child Restraint Use by Region

There were no significant changes in child restraint use from 2018 to 2019 in any of the regions, as shown
in Figure 10. Among all regions, the biggest change occurred in the Northeast. Child restraint use de-
creased from 90.3 percent in 2018 to 86.1 percent in 2019.

2018 2019
92.5% 93.7% 93.8%
Restraint Use by
Children Age < 8
90.3% 89.2%
90% 86.1%


Northeast Midwest South West

Figure 10: Child Restraint Use by Region in 2018 and 2019

Except for a few years, child restraint use in the west region has consistently exceeded that in the other
regions as shown in Figure 11.

97.3% 97.6%
93.7% 93.8%
92.6% 92.1%
Restraint Use among

93.2% 90.7%
Children Age < 8

85% 87.6%

81.8% 81.4%

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Northeast Midwest South West

Figure 11: Child Restraint Use by Region, 2010-2019

Child Restraint Use by Time of Week

There were no significant changes in child restraint use from 2018 to 2019 for any of the time of week
categories. Nevertheless, the largest change occurred in the weekday non-rush hours category where the
child restraint use increased from 86.9 percent in 2018 to 90.0 percent in 2019 (Figure 12).

2018 2019

90.1% 91.1% 90.8% 91.8% 92.9% 92.0%

80.0% 86.9% 90.0%
Restraint Use by
Children Age < 8




Weekdays Weekends Weekday Rush Hours Weekday Non-Rush

Figure 12: Child Restraint Use by Time of Week in 2018 and 2019

Child Restraint Use by Vehicle Type

As shown in Figure 13, restraint use for children traveling in passenger cars increased from 85.2 percent
in 2018 to 88.4 percent in 2019; this was not a statistically significant increase.
2018 2019

90.0% 94.5% 93.8%

Restraint Use by
Children Age < 8

88.4% 88.8%
85.2% 86.7%



Passenger Cars Vans & SUVs Pickup Trucks

Figure 13: Child Restraint Use by Vehicle Type in 2018 and 2019

Child Restraint Use by Driver Type and Belt Use Status

As shown in Figure 14, restraint use for children driven by belted drivers continued to be signifi-
cantly higher than for those driven by unbelted drivers.

91.7% 93.2% 92.3% 92.3% 92.9%
90% 94.1%
Restraint Use among

94.8% 91.6% Driven by a

Children Age < 8

Belted Driver
73.3% 71.9%
67.6% 68.2% 68.0% Driven by an
70% 67.3%
64.1% 65.0% Unbelted
69.7% Driver

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 14: Child Restraint Use by Driver Belt Status, 2010-2019

Table 5: Child Restraint Use in Passenger Motor Vehicles, by Major Characteristics
2018 2019 2018-2019 Change
Child Passenger 95% 95% Change in Confidence
Restraint Restraint
Group 1 Confidence Confidence Percentage in a Change P-value 6
Use 2 Use2
Interval 3 Interval3 Points 4 in Use 5
All Child Passengers
90.4% (87.6, 92.6) 91.3% (88.8, 93.3) 1.0 (-1.7, 3.6) 0.45
(From Birth to 7 Years)
Children Driven by
a Belted Driver 92.3% (89.4, 94.4) 92.9% (90.8, 94.6) 0.7 (-1.7, 3.1) 0.57
an Unbelted Driver 65.0% (54.6, 74.2) 68.0% (56.2, 77.9) 3.0 (-14.5, 20.6) 0.72
a Male Driver 88.7% (85.6, 91.2) 90.5% (87.4, 93.0) 1.8 (-2.3, 5.9) 0.37
a Female Driver 91.6% (88.1, 94.2) 91.8% (89.0, 94.0) 0.2 (-2.9, 3.4) 0.88
a Driver 16 to 24 91.3% (88.3, 93.6) 90.9% (82.1, 95.6) -0.4 (-7.9, 7.2) 0.92
a Driver 25 to 69 90.3% (87.2, 92.6) 91.4% (88.6, 93.6) 1.1 (-1.7, 4.0) 0.42
a Driver 70 and Older 91.3% (79.0, 96.7) 89.9% (67.8, 97.4) -1.5 (-18.9, 16.0) 0.87
a White Driver 92.8% (89.9, 94.9) 93.2% (90.6, 95.1) 0.4 (-2.2, 3.0) 0.75
a Black Driver 77.8% (68.4, 85.0) 82.3% (75.5, 87.5) 4.5 (-4.1, 13.0) 0.30
a Driver Who is a Member
89.4% (84.1, 93.0) 89.2% (84.2, 92.8) -0.1 (-6.2, 6.0) 0.96
of Other Races
Children in
Front Seats 75.5% (57.9, 87.4) 77.1% (62.1, 87.4) 1.6 (-17.0, 20.2) 0.86
Rear Seats 91.3% (89.1, 93.1) 92.2% (90.0, 93.9) 0.8 (-1.5, 3.1) 0.48
Child Passengers on
Expressways 93.3% (90.6, 95.3) 92.9% (90.2, 94.8) -0.5 (-4.1, 3.1) 0.79
Surface Streets 88.1% (83.5, 91.5) 90.3% (86.8, 92.9) 2.2 (-1.3, 5.6) 0.21
Child Passengers Traveling
Fast Traffic 92.1% (89.8, 93.9) 93.2% (90.9, 95.0) 1.1 (-1.8, 4.1) 0.44
Medium-Speed Traffic 88.4% (82.1, 92.7) 90.9% (86.5, 94.0) 2.4 (-3.5, 8.4) 0.40
Slow Traffic 89.5% (81.5, 94.3) 88.2% (82.7, 92.1) -1.4 (-6.5, 3.8) 0.59
Child Passengers in
Passenger Cars 85.2% (80.5, 88.9) 88.4% (84.0, 91.8) 3.3 (-0.7, 7.2) 0.10
Vans and SUVs 94.5% (92.3, 96.1) 93.8% (90.8, 95.9) -0.7 (-3.7, 2.4) 0.67
Pickup Trucks 88.8% (81.7, 93.4) 86.7% (78.3, 92.2) -2.1 (-11.9, 7.7) 0.66

Passengers under age 8 observed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the right-front seat or the second row of seats in passen-
ger vehicles that are stopped at a stop sign or stoplight. Age, gender, and racial classifications are based on the sub-
jective assessments of roadside observers.
Use of child car seats (forward- or rear-facing), booster seats, and seat belts.
The Wilson confidence interval is used in the estimated percentages in the occupant group (e.g., occupants who are
male), which is in the form: {(2n_EFF p+t^2 ) ±t√((t^2+4n_EFF pq) )}/(2(n_EFF+t^2 )) , where p is the estimated
percentage of Belt Use, (n_EFF=n)⁄D_EFF is the effective sample size (where n is the sample size and D_EFF is
the design effect), t=t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df), is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom, and q=1-p.
For percentages, these endpoints are multiplied by 100.
The "Change in Percentage Points" column was computed using unrounded estimates and may not equal the differ-
ence between the rounded estimates displayed in the table.
The regular symmetric interval was used for the estimated change in percentage point, which is in the form:
p±t_((1-α/2) ) (df) √(v(p)), where p is the estimated change in percentage point, v(p) is its estimated variance, and
t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df) is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom.
A p-value of 0.05 or less indicates that there is a statistically significant difference (at the alpha=0.05 level) be-
tween the year-over-year estimates for the group in question, indicated with bold type.

2018 2019 2018-2019 Change
Child Passenger 95% 95% Change in Confidence
Group 1 Restraint Restraint
Confidence Confidence Percentage in a Change P-value 6
Use 2 Use2
Interval 3 Interval3 Points 4 in Use 5
Child Passengers in the
Northeast 90.3% (76.7, 96.3) 86.1% (79.6, 90.8) -4.2 (-12.3, 3.9) 0.30
Midwest 88.8% (81.5, 93.4) 91.0% (85.6, 94.5) 2.3 (-2.7, 7.2) 0.36
South 89.2% (85.0, 92.3) 92.5% (88.8, 95.1) 3.3 (-1.1, 7.8) 0.14
West 93.7% (91.3, 95.5) 93.8% (91.1, 95.6) 0.1 (-2.5, 2.7) 0.95
Child Passengers in
Urban Areas 90.4% (87.0, 93.0) 91.1% (88.4, 93.2) 0.6 (-2.5, 3.8) 0.68
Rural Areas 90.1% (87.3, 92.4) 92.0% (87.3, 95.0) 1.9 (-2.5, 6.2) 0.39
Child Passengers Traveling
Weekdays 90.1% (87.0, 92.5) 91.1% (87.7, 93.6) 1.0 (-1.6, 3.6) 0.43
Rush Hours 92.9% (89.8, 95.1) 92.0% (88.4, 94.6) -0.9 (-4.4, 2.6) 0.61
Non-Rush Hours 86.9% (80.7, 91.3) 90.0% (84.2, 93.8) 3.1 (-0.9, 7.1) 0.13
Weekends 90.8% (85.9, 94.1) 91.8% (87.0, 94.9) 1.0 (-5.4, 7.4) 0.76

Source: NOPUS, 2018, 2019.

Table 6: The Percentage of Children Who Rode in Rear Seats, by Major Characteristics
2018 2019 2018-2019 Change
Percentage Percentage
Child Passenger Group 1 95% 95% Change in Confidence
Who Were Who Were P-
Confidence Confidence Percentage in a Change
in Rear in Rear value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 Points 4 in Use 5
Seat 2 Seat2
All Child Passengers (From Birth to
93.7% (92.0, 95.1) 94.5% (92.3, 96.1) 0.8 (-1.3, 2.9) 0.45
7 Years)
0 (Infants) 99.4% (98.0, 99.8) 99.5% (98.5, 99.8) 0.1 (-1.0, 1.1) 0.92
1-3 99.2% (98.4, 99.6) 99.2% (98.0, 99.7) 0.0 (-1.0, 1.0) 0.95
4-7 88.8% (85.7, 91.4) 90.1% (86.5, 92.8) 1.2 (-2.5, 5.0) 0.51
Child Passengers in States With6
Law Requiring Children From Birth
96.1% (94.0, 97.5) 94.1% (89.8, 96.6) -2.1 (-6.0, 1.9) 0.29
of 5 Years Be in Rear Seats
No Such Law 93.0% (90.2, 95.0) 94.6% (92.3, 96.3) 1.6 (-1.0, 4.3) 0.21
Children Driven by
a Belted Driver 94.1% (92.3, 95.5) 94.6% (92.3, 96.2) 0.5 (-1.6, 2.7) 0.61
an Unbelted Driver 89.4% (81.9, 94.0) 93.4% (87.1, 96.7) 4.0 (-3.8, 11.8) 0.30
a Male Driver 94.6% (92.7, 96.0) 95.2% (92.1, 97.1) 0.6 (-2.2, 3.5) 0.66
a Female Driver 93.1% (90.7, 94.9) 94.1% (91.5, 95.9) 1.0 (-1.8, 3.7) 0.48
a Driver 16 to 24 95.3% (93.0, 96.9) 99.0% (97.0, 99.6) 3.6 (1.5, 5.8) < 0.01
a Driver 25 to 69 93.6% (91.8, 95.1) 93.9% (91.5, 95.7) 0.3 (-2.1, 2.7) 0.80
a Driver 70 and Older 93.1% (85.2, 96.9) 97.6% (92.9, 99.2) 4.5 (-2.1, 11.0) 0.18
a White Driver 93.0% (90.5, 94.9) 94.4% (91.9, 96.1) 1.3 (-1.2, 3.9) 0.29
a Black Driver 94.3% (90.1, 96.7) 95.6% (90.8, 97.9) 1.3 (-3.9, 6.5) 0.61
a Driver Who is a Member of Other
96.4% (93.9, 97.9) 94.5% (89.9, 97.1) -1.9 (-5.8, 1.9) 0.32
Child Passengers on
Expressways 96.2% (93.2, 97.9) 97.3% (95.0, 98.6) 1.1 (-0.9, 3.2) 0.27
Surface Streets 91.9% (89.4, 93.8) 92.6% (89.8, 94.6) 0.7 (-2.4, 3.8) 0.64
Child Passengers Traveling in
Fast Traffic 95.3% (92.4, 97.1) 96.1% (93.3, 97.8) 0.9 (-2.1, 3.8) 0.55
Medium-Speed Traffic 93.0% (88.1, 96.0) 93.7% (90.9, 95.6) 0.7 (-4.0, 5.4) 0.77
Slow Traffic 92.0% (88.9, 94.3) 92.4% (89.3, 94.7) 0.4 (-3.2, 3.9) 0.83
Child Passengers in
Passenger Cars 93.8% (90.4, 96.1) 94.4% (90.7, 96.7) 0.6 (-3.3, 4.4) 0.76
Vans and SUVs 94.6% (92.7, 96.0) 95.8% (93.9, 97.1) 1.2 (-1.0, 3.4) 0.28
Pickup Trucks 87.6% (81.3, 91.9) 84.2% (74.9, 90.6) -3.3 (-12.3, 5.6) 0.45

Passengers under 8 observed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the right-front seat or the second row of seats in passenger
vehicles that are stopped at a stop sign or stoplight. Age, gender, and racial classifications are based on the subjec-
tive assessments of roadside observers.
The percentage of the child passenger group who were in the second row of seats at the time of observation.
The Wilson confidence interval is used in the estimated percentages in the occupant group (e.g., occupants who are
male), which is in the form: {(2n_EFF p+t^2 ) ±t√((t^2+4n_EFF pq) )}/(2(n_EFF+t^2 )) , where p is the estimated
percentage of Belt Use, (n_EFF=n)⁄D_EFF is the effective sample size (where n is the sample size and D_EFF is
the design effect), t=t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df), is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom, and q=1-p.
For percentages, these endpoints are multiplied by 100.
The "Change in Percentage Points" column was computed using unrounded estimates and may not equal the differ-
ence between the rounded estimates displayed in the table.
The regular symmetric interval was used for the estimated change in percentage point, which is in the form:
p±t_((1-α/2) ) (df) √(v(p)), where p is the estimated change in percentage point, v(p) is its estimated variance, and
t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df) is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom.
A p-value of 0.05 or less indicates that there is a statistically significant difference (at the alpha=0.05 level) be-
tween the year-over-year estimates for the group in question, indicated with bold type.

2018 2019 2018-2019 Change
Percentage Percentage
Child Passenger Group 1 95% 95% Change in Confidence
Who Were Who Were P-
Confidence Confidence Percentage in a Change
in Rear in Rear value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 Points 4 in Use 5
Seat 2 Seat2
Child Passengers in the
Northeast 96.8% (94.8, 98.1) 97.6% (95.9, 98.6) 0.8 (-1.7, 3.2) 0.53
Midwest 92.1% (85.4, 95.9) 93.3% (89.4, 95.9) 1.3 (-4.6, 7.2) 0.66
South 91.1% (87.6, 93.6) 93.9% (89.5, 96.6) 2.9 (-1.2, 7.0) 0.16
West 97.2% (95.8, 98.1) 94.3% (87.1, 97.6) -2.9 (-7.6, 1.9) 0.23
Child Passengers in
Urban Areas 94.2% (92.1, 95.8) 95.3% (93.3, 96.7) 1.1 (-1.1, 3.2) 0.32
Rural Areas 92.3% (88.2, 95.1) 92.6% (88.1, 95.5) 0.3 (-4.5, 5.1) 0.91
Child Passengers Traveling During
Weekdays 93.5% (91.3, 95.2) 94.2% (91.9, 95.8) 0.7 (-2.0, 3.4) 0.62
Rush Hours 93.6% (91.2, 95.4) 94.9% (91.7, 96.9) 1.3 (-1.8, 4.4) 0.38
Non-Rush Hours 93.4% (89.0, 96.1) 93.3% (90.8, 95.1) -0.1 (-4.3, 4.1) 0.95
Weekends 94.1% (91.2, 96.1) 95.2% (91.9, 97.2) 1.0 (-2.2, 4.3)

Child Passengers in a
Rear-Facing Car Seat 99.6% (98.3, 99.9) 99.6% (98.5, 99.9) 0.0 (-0.8, 0.8) 0.96
Forward-Facing Car Seat 98.5% (96.6, 99.4) 99.1% (97.2, 99.7) 0.6 (-1.1, 2.3) 0.50
High-Backed Booster Seat 99.3% (96.0, 99.9) 99.4% (96.5, 99.9) 0.2 (-1.7, 2.1) 0.87
Seat belt or Backless Booster Seat 89.1% (85.8, 91.8) 89.2% (84.5, 92.6) 0.0 (-4.5, 4.5) 0.99
No Restraint Observed 84.1% (72.4, 91.5) 85.5% (76.8, 91.4) 1.4 (-11.4, 14.2) 0.82

Source: NOPUS, 2018, 2019.

Table 7: Child Restraint Use in Passenger Motor Vehicles, by Age and Other Characteristics
2018 2019 2018-2019 Change
Child Passenger 95% 95% Change in Confidence in
Restraint Restraint P-
Group 1 Use 2
Confidence Percentage a Change in
value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 Points 4 Use 5
Infants (From Birth to 12 Months)
Infants Driven by
a Belted Driver 99.5% (98.3, 99.9) 98.5% (94.3, 99.6) -1.0 (-3.4, 1.4) 0.39
an Unbelted Driver 100.0% (100.0, 100.0) 100.0% (100.0, 100.0) 0.0 (0.0, 0.0) 1.00
a Male Driver 99.3% (95.8, 99.9) 99.7% (98.2, 100.0) 0.4 (-1.2, 1.9) 0.63
a Female Driver 99.7% (98.8, 99.9) 98.0% (91.8, 99.5) -1.7 (-5.1, 1.7) 0.32
Infants in
Passenger Cars 99.3% (95.8, 99.9) 96.4% (86.2, 99.1) -2.9 (-8.7, 2.8) 0.31
Vans and SUVs 99.8% (98.7, 100.0) 99.8% (98.9, 100.0) 0.0 (-0.6, 0.6) 0.90
Pickup Trucks NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Infants in the
Northeast 99.4% (97.1, 99.9) 100.0% (100.0, 100.0) 0.6 (-0.5, 1.6) 0.28
Midwest 100.0% (100.0, 100.0) 100.0% (100.0, 100.0) 0.0 (0.0, 0.0) 1.00
South 99.1% (95.5, 99.8) 97.1% (89.0, 99.3) -1.9 (-6.8, 2.9) 0.42
West 100.0% (100.0, 100.0) 99.4% (96.0, 99.9) -0.6 (-2.0, 0.7) 0.35
Infants in
Urban Areas 99.6% (98.1, 99.9) 98.2% (92.6, 99.6) -1.4 (-4.5, 1.7) 0.37
Rural Areas 99.5% (97.5, 99.9) 99.6% (97.7, 99.9) 0.1 (-1.1, 1.4) 0.84
Children 1 to 3
Children 1-3 Driven by
a Belted Driver 95.9% (93.1, 97.7) 96.3% (92.8, 98.1) 0.4 (-2.3, 3.1) 0.78
an Unbelted Driver 76.3% (62.7, 86.0) 72.5% (53.1, 86.0) -3.8 (-27.7, 20.1) 0.75
a Male Driver 92.3% (88.7, 94.8) 94.8% (89.1, 97.6) 2.5 (-2.7, 7.8) 0.33
a Female Driver 96.5% (93.1, 98.3) 95.1% (90.2, 97.6) -1.4 (-5.4, 2.6) 0.48
Children 1-3 in
Passenger Cars 92.1% (87.0, 95.3) 92.2% (83.1, 96.6) 0.1 (-8.1, 8.3) 0.98
Vans and SUVs 97.0% (94.5, 98.4) 97.1% (93.7, 98.7) 0.1 (-2.5, 2.8) 0.92
Pickup Trucks 93.8% (82.6, 98.0) 92.9% (77.9, 98.0) -0.9 (-12.8, 11.0) 0.88
Children 1-3 in the
Northeast 90.2% (76.8, 96.3) 93.1% (81.7, 97.6) 2.8 (-1.2, 6.9) 0.16
Midwest 95.0% (90.9, 97.3) 95.0% (80.6, 98.8) -0.1 (-10.4, 10.3) 0.99
South 94.7% (90.2, 97.2) 94.8% (87.1, 98.0) 0.1 (-5.7, 5.9) 0.97
West 97.4% (92.1, 99.2) 97.5% (96.4, 98.2) 0.0 (-3.6, 3.7) 0.98

Passengers under 8 observed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the right-front seat or the second row of seats in passenger
vehicles that are stopped at a stop sign or stoplight. Age, gender, and racial classifications are based on the subjec-
tive assessments of roadside observers.
Use of child car seats (forward- or rear-facing), booster seats, and seat belts.
The Wilson confidence interval is used in the estimated percentages in the occupant group (e.g., occupants who are
male), which is in the form: {(2n_EFF p+t^2 ) ±t√((t^2+4n_EFF pq) )}/(2(n_EFF+t^2 )) , where p is the estimated
percentage of Belt Use, (n_EFF=n)⁄D_EFF is the effective sample size (where n is the sample size and D_EFF is
the design effect), t=t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df), is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom, and q=1-p.
For percentages, these endpoints are multiplied by 100.
The "Change in Percentage Points" column was computed using unrounded estimates and may not equal the differ-
ence between the rounded estimates displayed in the table
The regular symmetric interval was used for the estimated change in percentage point, which is in the form:
p±t_((1-α/2) ) (df) √(v(p)), where p is the estimated change in percentage point, v(p) is its estimated variance, and
t_((1-α⁄2) ) (df) is a multiplier from the t-distribution with df degrees of freedom.
A p-value of 0.05 or less indicates that there is a statistically significant difference (at the alpha=0.05 level) be-
tween the year-over-year estimates for the group in question, indicated with bold type.

2018 2019 2018-2019 Change
Child Passenger 95% 95% Change in Confidence in
Restraint Restraint P-
Group 1 Use 2
Confidence Percentage a Change in
value 6
Interval 3 Interval3 Points 4 Use 5
Children 1-3 in
Urban Areas 95.0% (91.7, 97.0) 96.2% (92.7, 98.1) 1.2 (-1.8, 4.3) 0.41
Rural Areas 93.4% (87.6, 96.6) 92.1% (82.9, 96.6) -1.3 (-8.7, 6.1) 0.72
Children 4 to 7
Children 4-7 Driven by
a Belted Driver 87.9% (83.3, 91.4) 89.1% (85.9, 91.6) 1.1 (-3.4, 5.7) 0.61
an Unbelted Driver 48.7% (34.7, 62.9) 56.6% (43.9, 68.5) 7.9 (-15.1, 31.0) 0.49
a Male Driver 84.0% (78.4, 88.4) 86.1% (81.6, 89.6) 2.1 (-5.1, 9.2) 0.56
a Female Driver 86.0% (80.3, 90.2) 87.4% (82.6, 91.0) 1.4 (-4.9, 7.7) 0.65
Children 4-7 in
Passenger Cars 77.0% (68.6, 83.6) 83.8% (77.7, 88.6) 6.9 (-0.9, 14.6) 0.08
Vans and SUVs 91.2% (87.5, 93.9) 89.7% (85.1, 93.0) -1.5 (-6.8, 3.9) 0.58
Pickup Trucks 85.0% (74.7, 91.6) 80.2% (69.0, 88.1) -4.8 (-19.0, 9.4) 0.49
Children 4-7 in the
Northeast 86.1% (67.2, 94.9) 77.1% (67.1, 84.8) -9.0 (-23.2, 5.3) 0.21
Midwest 82.1% (67.3, 91.1) 86.2% (78.0, 91.6) 4.0 (-9.8, 17.9) 0.55
South 83.9% (77.4, 88.8) 89.2% (83.9, 93.0) 5.3 (-2.5, 13.1) 0.18
West 89.4% (85.4, 92.4) 90.6% (87.0, 93.3) 1.2 (-1.4, 3.9) 0.35
Children 4-7 in
Urban Areas 84.8% (78.8, 89.3) 85.7% (81.8, 89.0) 1.0 (-4.8, 6.8) 0.73
Rural Areas 86.0% (81.8, 89.3) 89.6% (83.5, 93.6) 3.6 (-3.3, 10.6) 0.29

NA: Data was not sufficient to produce a reliable estimate.

Source: NOPUS, 2018, 2019.

5. NOPUS Methodology

The NOPUS sample was redesigned in 2015 and that design has since been used to conduct the survey.
This section discusses the sample design, data collection, and estimation used in the 2019 NOPUS Con-
trolled Intersection Study. Data collection, estimation, and variance estimation for NOPUS are conducted
by Westat, Inc., under the direction of the NCSA under Federal contract number 693JJ918D000001.

Sample Design
The NOPUS uses a complex multistage probability sample, statistical data editing, imputation for un-
known values, and complex estimation procedures. The sample sites for the 2019 NOPUS were entirely
from the 2015 NOPUS sample redesign.
The redesigned NOPUS sample was selected using a stratified two-stage design. The first stage of selec-
tion was the individual county or set of adjacent counties, referred to as the primary sampling unit (PSU)
within the design framework. The PSUs were targeted for selection based on their measure of size
(MOS). A sample of 57 primary sampling units (PSUs) were selected from a frame of 1,588 PSUs.
The second stage of selection or secondary sampling unit (SSU), within the selected PSUs, is the road
segment. At the road segment level, the NOPUS data collectors are then positioned so that they can effi-
ciently observe seat belt use, motorcycle helmet use, and driver electronic device use.
The NOPUS sample frame of PSUs excluded Puerto Rico and the U.S. Territories. All other counties in
the United States were included in the sampling frame with the exception of 37 counties and three areas in
Alaska; these locations were excluded on the basis of low traffic volume measured in terms of vehicle
miles traveled (VMT) or because they were geographically isolated. The sample frame of SSUs excluded
segments along unnamed roads, cul-de-sacs, private roads, and a variety of other road types that have tra-
ditionally had very low traffic volume measured by VMT.
One PSU was sampled with certainty because of its large VMT, and the remaining PSUs were then
grouped into the eight major strata based on the four Census region (Northeast, Midwest, South, and
West) and two urbanicity classes (Urban and Rural).
A sample of 57 PSUs was selected using a Sequential Poisson method with probability approximately
proportional to the VMT as the MOS (Ohlsson, 1998). The new NOPUS sample was selected to maxim-
ize PSU overlap with the old sample, thus maintaining comparability of the estimates from the current
and previous samples. A SSU sample of road segments within each PSU is selected based upon the types
of roads and urban/rural status with specified sampling rates.
Table 8 shows the observed sample sizes of the 2019 NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study. A total of
71,519 occupants were observed in 52,268 vehicles at 1,615 data collection sites. Of these observed occu-
pants, 2,921 were children under 8. Please note that due to ineligibility, construction, danger in the area,
or road closure, observations could not be completed at some of the sampled observation sites.

Table 8: Sites, Vehicles, and Occupants in the 2019 NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study
Numbers of 2018 2019
Sites Observed 1,612 1,615 0.19%
Vehicles Observed 51,414 52,268 1.66%
Total Occupants 70,919 71,519 0.85%
Occupants 8 and Older 67,817 68,598 1.15%
In Front Seat 64,432 65,489 1.64%
In Rear Seat 3,385 3,109 -8.15%
Occupants Under 8 3,102 2,921 -5.83%
Children Under 1 464 413 -10.99%
Children 1 to 3 1,003 993 -1.00%
Children 4 to 7 1,635 1,515 -7.34%

Data Collection
The 2019 NOPUS data collection was conducted during the period from June 2 to June 17, 2019.
Data collection protocols remain largely the same in the redesigned NOPUS from 2015; however,
NHTSA made adjustments such as including government, emergency, and commercial vehicles, and
those carrying hazardous materials. Such vehicles are subject to seat belt laws in relevant jurisdictions and
should be observed.
In the NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study, trained data collectors observe restraint use of drivers and
other occupants of passenger vehicles (passenger cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, and vans) that have stopped
at a stop sign or stoplight during daylight hours from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Observations are made both on the
surface streets and at the ends of the expressway exit ramps (where there are controlled intersections).
Only stopped vehicles are observed based on the time required to collect the variety of information re-
quired by the survey, including subjective assessments of the vehicle occupant age and race. Observers
collect data on the driver, right-front passenger, and up to two passengers in the second row of seats. Ob-
servers do not interview vehicle occupants, allowing NOPUS to capture the uninfluenced behavior of the
The NOPUS Controlled Intersection Study is conducted annually following the NOPUS Moving Traffic
Survey and is usually scheduled for all surface streets and limited access highway ramps, where NOPUS
data from previous years indicates that a controlled intersection exists. If the data collectors arrive at an
assigned surface street site and the site is not controlled, they are instructed to search for an alternate data
collection site further along the same road segment. After the data collectors have located a controlled in-
tersection, they position themselves at the traffic signal or stop sign, facing the oncoming traffic from the
side of the road. The data collectors walk in the direction of the oncoming traffic, away from the intersec-
tion to make their observations. When the traffic light turns green or they finish observing all vehicles, the
data collectors return to the intersection to wait for the next traffic light cycle or next vehicle. They ob-
serve vehicles in the lane closest to their observational position, even if the closest lane is an exclusive
turn lane (which is often the case at the controlled intersections.) When possible and if visibility allows,

the data collectors also observe the other lanes of traffic. The data collectors are instructed to record the
first behavior of the driver in which they observe.

NOPUS estimates the proportion of occupants restrained in restraint type (R) among the occupants having
characteristic (C) using the formula,

i, j ,k
ijk Fijk CRijk
Restraint Use CR =
∑w ijk Fijk C ijk
i, j ,k
where wijk and Fijk , respectively, denote the base weight and the product of various weight adjustment
factors at the site k in the stratum j of the PSU i . CRijk stands for the number of observed occupants
having characteristic C and restrained in restraint type R and C ijk denotes the number of observed occu-
pants having characteristic C at the site k in the stratum j of the PSU i . For example, the seat belt use
by vehicle type is estimated using the above formula, where CRijk is the number of observed belted occu-
pants in certain type of vehicles (such as passenger cars, vans & SUVs, or pickup trucks) and C ijk is the
number of ALL (belted and unbelted) occupants observed in that type of vehicles at the site k in the stra-
tum j of the PSU i.
Prior to 2015 NHTSA’s NOPUS publications reported integer percentage values for seat belt use point
estimates. Along with updating the survey design, NHTSA has revised its NOPUS reporting format to be
consistent with statistical best practices across the Federal Government. The new reporting format pre-
sents percentage point estimates with one decimal place. Along with this change, 95 percent confidence
intervals and p-values accompany the point estimates.
In certain instances, NHTSA does not provide estimates. These are typically restraint use estimates whose
numerator is based on fewer than five persons observed, or whose denominator is based on fewer than 30
people observed. These are reported as “NA” in publications. Any related estimate (i.e., change in use and
confidence estimates) is not reported as well. The same criteria are used in reporting estimates from the

6. References

Gore, L. (2019, August). Alabama changes seat belt law: Starting Sept. 1, all people in vehicles must be
buckled up.
Highway Loss Data Institute. (2020, February). Seat belts (Web page). Insurance Institute for Highway
Safety. Available at
National Center for Statistics and Analysis. (2019, December). Seat belt use in 2019 – Overall results.
(Traffic Safety Facts Research Note. Report No. DOT HS 812 875). National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration. Available at
Ohlsson, E. (1998). Sequential Poisson sampling. Journal of Official Statistics, 14, 149-162.
R. L. Polk & Co. (n.a.). National vehicle population profile.

DOT HS 812 992
October 2020


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