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San Luis National High School

Rosales, Pangasinan

3nd Quarter Examination

English 9
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________ Score: ______

Section: ____________________ Subject Teacher: __________________________

“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.” – Psalm 112:5
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

______1. It is the musical pattern of ups and down in speech.

a. Stress b. sound c. pitch d. intonation
______2. “I like your attitude.” What is the intonation of the sentence?
a. Rise b. partial fall c. fall d. rise-fall
______3. “at, ask, accent, attic, badge”. What is the vowel sound used in each word?
a. [a] b. [ᴂ] c. [e] d. [ƹ]
______4. “thin, thick, author, athlete”. How is the underlined letter produce?
a. [θ] b. [∂] c. [b] d. [t]
______5. Which of the ff. word doesn’t produce the [∂] sound?
a. They b. weather c. thus d. method
______6. Who is the author of the poem “The Telephone”?
a. Lucille Fletcher b. William Shakespeare c. Edward Field d. Michael Alvear
______7. Who is the writer of the radio-play “Sorry, Wrong Number”?
a. William Shakespeare b. Lucille Fletcher c. Edward Field d. Michael Alvear
______8. “Mrs. Stevenson is identified as a querulous and self-centred neurotic”. What does querulous mean?
a. Complaining b. authoritative c. upset d. overbearing
______9. Fletcher’s most notable play “Sorry, Wrong Number” has the theme of?
a. Thrillers b. betrayal c. romance d. comedy
______10. A dramatized and lively acoustic performance broadcast on a radio.
a. Drama play b. radio-play c. one-act play d. role play
______11. This is a play that takes place from beginning to end, in a single-act.
a. Drama play b. radio-play c. one-act play d. role play
______12. The oldest known fixed type of staging in the world, and it is thousands of years old.
a. Thrust stage b. In-the-round stage c. Traverse stage d. Proscenium stage
______13. “Henry was a lion on the battlefield.” The sentence is an example of what literary device?
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Personification d. Repetition
______14. “He is like a mouse in front of the teacher.” Which literary device is use in the sentence?
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Personification d. Repetition
______15. “The shirts costs an arm and a leg.” What does the underline word/phrase mean?
a. Body parts b. extremely expensive c. cheap d. body pain
______16. “The exam is a piece of cake.” What does the underline word mean?
a. small portion of a bread b. very easy c. sweet d. very hard
______17. Mercurio tell Romeo that his wound is a “scratch, scratch”? What figurative language is used?
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Hyperbole d. Personificaton
______18. “Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night.” Who says this line?
a. Romeo b. Tybalt c. Juliet d. Rosaline
______19. Its duty is to adhere to the principles of composing a play.
a. Dramatist b. scriptwriter c. composer d. playwright
______20. Which of the ff. is the structure within which theatrical performances are given?
a. Theater b. theatre c. both d. none
______21. You’ll get this if you’re auditioning for a movie or play.
a. Script b. scene c. lead role d. none
______22. To whom did the playwright based the main characters “Daisy and Hoke”?
a. To his mother and her bestfriend
b. To his wife and his son
c. To his grandmother and her driver
d. None of the above
______23. A conversational passage in a play used to advance the plot or develop the characters.
a. Monologue b. prologue c. dialogue d. narration
______24. The established way of working in drama and play are used to represent and organize dramatic ideas.
a. Pantomime b. narration c. improvisation d. dramatic convention
______25. It is a word ending in –ing that is formed from a verb and that functions as a noun.
a. Participle b. infinitives c. pronoun d. gerund
______26. Hoshi is good at dancing.
Minghao likes photographing nature.
Wonwoo really enjoys reading.
Jihoon is sitting between Seungcheol and Soonyoung.
The underlined words are used as a _____________.
a. Participle b. infinitives c. pronoun d. gerund
______27. “Exercising is good for our health.” The function of the underlined word in gerund is _______.
a. Subject b. subject complement c. direct object d. appositive
______28. Which of the following gerund functions as a subject complement.
a. Smoking causes bad breath.
b. Ren’s past time is writing.
c. Mingyu does boxing in the gym twice a week.
d. Inspite of missing the bus, we arrived on time.
______29. Which of the following uses a possessive pronoun?
a. Don’t take away the dictionary. It is not yours.
b. I hope to be able to meet everyone.
c. Neither of the stories was true.
d. The man who obtained the first prize is Josh.
______30. It has some features of the verb but it may be used as a verbal noun. It has “to” as the marker.
a. Participle b. infinitives c. gerund d. pronoun
______31. Which of the following infinitives functions as a subject?
Ex. To help people is a responsibility of every citizen.
a. I want to help him.
b. She said she heard the baby cry.
c. To learn a foreign language takes time.
d. A student’s main duty is to study.
______32. What infinitives can also be used as a gerund?
Ex. You must try to help him. / You must try helping him.
a. I don’t expect to find him here.
b. Jennie refused to come.
c. Andy failed to get the job.
d. To see is to believe.
______33. It modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence.
a. Participial phrase c. present participle
b. Past participle d. perfect participle
34-35 Give the simple past form and the past participle of the regular verb.
Simple Past Past Participle
Ex. Sing sang sung
Swim 34. _______ 35. _________

Directions: Guess the words hidden in the jumbled letters. Use the description as a clue.
______________36. C M L I A X (The most exciting and important part of a play)
______________37. L P A Y ( A dramatic performance)
______________38. D I L O G E U A (Words the characters say to each other)
______________39. G E S T T N I (Place where the story happened)
______________40. G T A E S (Platform on which the actors perform)

Directions: Read the selection carefully then answer the questions that follow by writing the letter of the correct answer
on the space provided.
Romeo and Juliet
Summary: Act 1, scene 1
Sampson and Gregory, two servants of the house of Capulet, stroll through the streets of Verona. With bawdy banter,
Sampson vents his hatred of the house of Montague. The two exchange punning remarks about physically conquering
Montague men and sexually conquering Montague women. Gregory sees two Montague servants approaching, and
discusses with Sampson the best way to provoke them into a fight without breaking the law. Sampson bites his thumb at
the Montagues—a highly insulting gesture. A verbal confrontation quickly escalates into a fight. Benvolio, a kinsman to
Montague, enters and draws his sword in an attempt to stop the confrontation. Tybalt, a kinsman to Capulet, sees
Benvolio’s drawn sword and draws his own. Benvolio explains that he is merely trying to keep the peace, but Tybalt
professes a hatred for peace as strong as his hatred for Montagues, and attacks. The brawl spreads. A group of citizens
bearing clubs attempts to restore the peace by beating down the combatants. Montague and Capulet enter, and only
their wives prevent them from attacking one another. Prince Escalus arrives and commands the fighting stop on penalty
of torture. The Capulets and Montagues throw down their weapons. The Prince declares the violence between the two
families has gone on for too long, and proclaims a death sentence upon anyone who disturbs the civil peace again. He
says that he will speak to Capulet and Montague more directly on this matter; Capulet exits with him, the brawlers
disperse, and Benvolio is left alone with his uncle and aunt, Montague and Lady Montague.
Benvolio describes to Montague how the brawl started. Lady Montague asks whether Benvolio has seen her son,
Romeo. Benvolio replies that he earlier saw Romeo pacing through a grove of sycamores outside the city; since Romeo
seemed troubled, Benvolio did not speak to him. Concerned about their son, the Montagues tell Benvolio that Romeo
has often been seen melancholy, walking alone among the sycamores. They add that they have tried to discover what
troubles him, but have had no success. Benvolio sees Romeo approaching, and promises to find out the reason for his
melancholy. The Montagues quickly depart.

Benvolio approaches his cousin. With a touch of sadness, Romeo tells Benvolio that he is in love with Rosaline, but that
she does not return his feelings and has in fact sworn to live a life of chastity. Benvolio counsels Romeo to forget her by
gazing on other beauties, but Romeo contends that the woman he loves is the most beautiful of all. Romeo departs,
assuring Benvolio that he cannot teach him to forget his love. Benvolio resolves to do just that.

______41. Which gesture starts the fight between the Montagues and the Capulets at the beginning of the play?
a. The finger b. Chin-flicking c. Thumb-biting d.Knuckle-cracking
______42. Why does Benvolio draw his sword in the street?
a. To stop the fight before it begins
b. To protect himself from Tybalt
c. To attack Samson and Gregory
d. To defend the Montagues' honor
______43. Which character claims to hate peace?
a. Paris b. Mercutio c. Samson d.Tybalt
______44. Who stops the street battle?
a. Benvolio b. Prince Escalus c. Capulet d. Lady Montague
______45. Why is Romeo so melancholy when the play begins?
a. He loves Rosaline but she doesn't love him.
b. He and Juliet are in love but cannot be together.
c. He feels guilty about missing the fight with the Capulets.
d. He knows he has hurt Juliet's feelings by killing Tybalt.

Directions: Arrange the summary of events according to their occurrence in the play “Sorry, Wrong Number”. Enter your
answer in the box.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

a. She accidentally overheard a conversation between two men planning a murder.

b. Desperate to prevent the crime, she began a series of calls to the operator, to the police, and others.
c. Mrs. Stevenson is an invalid confined to her bed and her only life line was the telephone.
d. One night, while she was waiting for her husband to return home, she picked up the phone and called his office.
e. Her conversation with Sgt. Duffy made her realize the description of the crime scene and victim.

“But thanks be to GOD! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
- 1 Corinthians 15:57

Prepared by: Checked by:


1. d 11. c 21. a 31. c 41. c
2. c 12. a 22. c 32. d 42. a
3. b 13. a 23. c 33. a 43. d
4. a 14. b 24. d 34. swam 44. b
5. d 15. b 25. d 35. swum 45. a
6. c 16. b 26. d 36. Climax 46. c
7. b 17. d 27. a 37. play 47. d
8. a 18. c 28. b 38. dialogue 48. a
9. a 19. d 29. a 39. setting 49. b
10. b 20. b 30. b 40. stage 50. e
San Luis National High School
Rosales, Pangasinan

3nd Quarter Examination

English 9
S.Y. 2019-2020

Answer’s Key:

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